(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Jno Loudenback 1.17
CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstown Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: John Loudenback
JOHN LOUDENBACK, Justice of the Peace; P. O. Millerstown; born in Conco rd Township, Champaign County, Feb. 7, 18'34, and raised to farm life in t he pioneer days ; his education was acquired in the log-hut schools. In 18 44, he entered life for himself, and Oct. 9, 1845, married Martha A. Jenki ns, continuing farm pursuits until his location in Millerstown (1859). Whi le a resident of Concord Township, h6 was elected to the office of Justic e, and, when two-thirds of the term had expired, he moved to his present l ocation. He has a residence second to none in the village, with good surro unding improvements. In March, 1856, he entered in the first land purcha se (in Logan County), since which several changes have taken place. He n ow owns 148 acres in Champaign County, and land in Allen Co., Ind ; th is he has mostly procured by his own exertions. Since a resident of Miller stown, he has held his present office four terms ; he is a man of chari ty and public spirit. Mr. Loudenback has for a number of years been a memb er of the I. O. O. F., Odd Fellows' Beneficiary y Association and an acti ve member of the Universalist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Loudenback have rais ed two children to maturity-Samuel Compton and Mary J. Jenkins.
[XI6620] Name from lot records, no visible marker as of June 2010
[XI6621] Name in lot records, no visible marker as of June 2010
[HI6624] (Research):MARTIN LOUDENBACK, farmer; P. O. Westville; was born on the farm whe re he resides Jan. 18, 1827. He is a son of David Loudenback, who is menti oned in the sketch of Emanuel Loudenback. He has until quite recently own ed 85 acres of the homestead farm. On the 31st of May, 1880, he sold his l and to his brother, David, but will remain on the farm some time. Ju ne 4, 1850, he married Malinda McCoy, a daughter of John McCoy. She was bo rn in Virginia in 1821, and died Nov. 13, 1869; the mother of six childre n, three of whom preceded her. The survivors are Josephine, born May 8, 18 55; Hamilton L., July 4, 1860; and Franklin, Aug. 31, 1864. On the 13 th of July, 1870, he married Mary J. Toomire ; she was born in Urbana Au g. 18, 1844, a daughter of William and Rebecca Toomire, both natives of Vi rginia. She was born Aug. 19, 1817; and he Aug. 25, 1814. Martin and Ma ry J. Loudenback are the parents of five children. Of these four are sti ll living, viz., Sallie A., born March 16, 1873; Charles T., May 5, 187 5; Claude M., Dec. 5, 1876; and Susan R., Feb. 2, 1878.
[HI6625] (Research):Champ Co Deaths CCGS Newsletter Fall 1989 Malinda Loudenback died 11/15/1869 in Concord Twp age 47y5m28d born VA, ma rried, d/o John McCoy and Sarah Ray
�i�Champaign Democrat �/i�March 24, 1910
Mrs. Noah Flotz passed away at her home four miles south of Sidney Saturday evening about eight o'clock. She had been ill for some time and her death was not unexpected. The deceased formerly lived in Concord township where she was well known but later went to Shelby county to make her home. The funeral was held Tues-day morning at ten-thirty from the Concord church and interment will be made in Concord cemetery. (Source CCGS News Spring 2010 Pg 40)
Name : Josephine Foltz Titles : Death date : 19 Mar 1910 Death place : Orange Twp, Shelby, Ohio Birth date : 08 May 1855 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 54 years 10 months 11 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : 22 Mar 1910 Burial place : , Campaign, Cemetery name : Concord Spouse name : Father name : Martin Loudenback Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Melinda Mccoy Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1927358 Digital GS number : 4021001 Image number : 2588 Certificate number : fn 17499 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
[HI6627] (Research):Name : Hamilton Lafayette Loudenback Titles : Death date : 11 Nov 1937 Death place : Sidney, Shelby, Ohio Birth date : 04 Jul 1861 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Age at death : 76 years 4 months 7 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : American Street address : Occupation : Contractor Residence : Burial date : 13 Nov 1937 Burial place : Cemetery name : Cedar Point Cem. Spouse name : Lulu Loudenback Father name : Martin Loudenback Father titles : Father birth place : Champaign Co., Ohio Mother name : Melinda Mccoy Mother titles : Mother birth place : Ohio GSU film number : 2023540 Digital GS number : 4121758 Image number : 3006 Certificate number : fn 71639 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1870 Census names Sarah Jane
1910 Census Champaign Co, Mad River living with son in law Noah Loudenback, widowed, age 65 5/2
CCGS Newsletter Mar 2006 Vol 22 No 1 pg24 Quadrennial Appraisement 1910 Mad River Twp, Champaign Co, OH Assessor F O Conrad, County Auditor C E Russell Taxes payable until Dec 1911 Mary J Loudenback Lot 45 Value of Land $40 Value of Land and Buildings $ 190
Name : Mary Jane Loudenback Titles : Death date : 27 Feb 1924 Death place : Madriver Twp., Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 18 Aug 1844 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Urbana, Ohio Age at death : 79 years 6 months 9 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Housewife Residence : Burial date : 01 Mar 1924 Burial place : Cemetery name : Concord Cemetery Spouse name : Martin Loudenback Father name : William Toomire Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Rebecca Dersches Mother titles : Mother birth place : Va. Informant-Thos James Wilson, Westville, OH GSU film number : 1992490 Digital GS number : 4000604 Image number : 1538 Certificate number : fn 6915 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):1910 Champaign Co, OH Census Charles F Loudenback
Age: 33 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0011
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0093
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Lottie A 31 Ohio Daughter Josephine W NR Ohio Daughter Susie L NR Ohio Mother-in-law Mary E Ward 57 Ohio
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg209 7 Jan 1863 Daniel Loudenback gdn of George E Loudenback 4yr Oct 1862; heir of Jose ph Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Loudenback & Isaac Loudenback
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg685
(Research):Record Book 24, Page 576 � Filed 31 May 1853 � Petition Parker Bryan vs Allen Loudenback et al The heirs of Levi Bryan deceased were: Rachel Bryan, widow; John H. Brya n; John I. Bryan; Jesse Bryan; Folly Bryan and Eliza Jane Bryan. John H. B ryan was the guardian of Rachel Bryan, widow of Levi. Parker Bryan purchas ed part of the south�east quarter of Section 5 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad Ri ver Township) from the heirs and Allen Loudenback owned the adjoining lan d. Parker needed a free title.
Champaign County, Ohio GUARDIANSHIP and INDENTURES 1805-1858, CCGS March 1 993 abstracted by Pat Stickley. Inclding Vol 2 thru 1867. pg 467 Aug 3 18 53 Allen Loudenback, gdn of Martin L Rohrer, Abraham P Rohrer, Mary Ann Ro hrer, Christian Rorher, minor heirs of Mary Rorher late of Lancaster, PA d ec'd. Surities James C Smith, Joseph Wiley ( His sisters children)
Champign Co Will Abstracts Book E Pg 13 Allen Loudenback, Mad River Twp, died 2/6/1882, probated 10 Feb 1882 Heirs widow Amanda Loudenback; Lewis C Loudenback-son-Urbana; A P Loudenba ck-son-Urbana; William Loudenback-son-Alquina, IN; Elve Loudenback-grdau-U rbana; Martha Coffman (wife of E A)-dau-Urbana; Mary Snyder-dau-Urbana;Isa bell Ward-dau-Logan Co, Lewsiton,OH; Minnie Brubaker-grdau-Lewiston, Log an Co, OH; excluding ch of Jonas Louderback-son-dec'd (no names); whom I m ade advancement. Farm to be sold and proceeds divided between grdau Minn ie Brubaker $6000; dau Martha Coffman $400; balance divided among re st of heirs. Son-In-Law E A Coffman executor. Witness David Loudenback, Wi lliam Baker. Signed 8/26/1881
ALLEN LOUDENBACK, farmer; P. O. Urbana. The gentleman of whom we wri te is not only one of the prominent men, but also one of the first childr en born in the county. He was born Aug. 11, 1813, in a cabin, at a time wh en there were a number of Indians living in this vicinity. The last of t he Miami tribe left in 1821 or 1823. Daring their stay they were quite pea ceable, and were engaged in the manufacture of baskets, etc. Allen frequen tly made visits to their wigwams, and can now point out the places where t heir lodges stood. He was personally acquainted with all the Kentons, Pene s, Powells, Hallers, McGrews. McShenys, Mullans and Baggs. These men we re the first settlers of this township, and numerous descendants of so me of these families still remain. The Mad River Valley was a favorite hun ting ground of the Indians, and they left with much reluctance. Squirre ls and deer were very numerous, and the squirrels were especially destruct ive to corn. Mr. Loudenback killed the last wild deer ever seen in Champai gn Co. in the fall of 1837. The farm now owned by him was entered by Arno ld Custar, one of the first men coming here. Every part of it was cover ed with woods, and now it seems almost incredible to believe that the fiel ds covered with waving grain were the home of the savage and the wild dee r. His father, Daniel Loudenback was a native of Shenandoah Co., Va., a nd was married in 1812 to Mary Pence, a representative of one of the fir st families. They had four children-our subject, Jonas Loudenback, Elizabe th and Sarah who died in 1874. Allen Loudenback was married, in 1837, to E lizabeth Kiblinger, of Clark Co. They had eleven children, six of whom a re living Martha, Louis, Abram, Mary, Isabel and William (twins). Daniel L oudenback died May 3,1876. His widow makes her home with her son Allen, a nd has now reached the ripe old age of 89 years. The wife of Allen di ed on June 3, 1874. Allen was two years Township Trustee, and has the abil ity to fill official positions, but refuses to have any further busine ss in that capacity. His first vote was polled for Van Buren, and he has v oted the Democratic ticket ever since.
[HI6645] (Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 170
(Research):Son Samuels, obit names siblings Mrs Martha Benton, Mrs Susie Sarver, Jam es Neal, Mrs Jane Zimmerman and Mrs Stephen Greathouse.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 328
(Research):Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg367
Dayton Daily News � February 23, 1931
Abraham P Loudenback --- Funeral Services for Abraham P. Loudenba ck of Urbana who died
in St. Elizabeth hospital Saturday night were conducted Sund ay at 2:30 p.m. at the Humphries
funeral parlors, Urbana. Interment was in that city. He is surviv ed by three sons, Paul of
Dayton and Clifford and Arthur of Urbana. MCC-OGS V ol. 26, Issue 3
[HI6654] (Research):Champaign Newspaper pg 158 says Jacob died 6/4/1867 age 65 Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 324
[DI6654] Wife obit says he died June 1867
(Research):Children are mentioned in guardainship bonds of Champaign Co, OH as min or heirs of Mary Rohrer, dec'd late of Lancaster, PA.
From the �Bellefontaine Republican�, Bellefontaine, Ohio 01 May 1874 On Apr 1st at the residence of her son Martin L. Rohr er in Pleasant Twp., Mrs. Sarah Rohrer Snyder aged 59 years 5 months 23 da ys.
From- Ellen Logan Martin [email protected] By 1863, when she remarried, her own children were grown, and Sarah we nt to Virginia to help with the young SNIDER children who had lost their m other. Note that Sarah's #2 husband was 12 years her junior -- it had to h ave been a marriage of convenience. I have letters that Sarah wrote to Ma ry Ann going on about how homesick she was and the travail of rearing you ng children again, etc. Sarah did return to Ohio and was living with h er son near DeGraff when she died. Yes, James was related to the SNYDE Rs in Champaign Co., n doubt how they met.
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg 206 29 Dec 1862 Daniel Blose gdn of Christian Rohrer 18y 6 Nov 1862; heirs of Daniel Rohrer, dec'd. Surities Jacob Seitz, Daniel Snyder Record book 26 pg 355 filed 2 May 1856 Petition to Partition Sarah Rohrer et al vs Martin L Rohrer Daniel Rohrer died in 1847 seized of several parcels of land which provid ed a mill race for his saw mill across Mad River in Section 5 Twp 4 Ran ge 11 (Mad River). His main holdings appeared to be in Section 36 Twp5 ran ge 11 (Urbana) and Section 6 Twp 4 Range 11 (Mad River) Daniel's widow w as Sarah Rohrer and his children were: Martin Rohrer, Abraham P Rohrer; Mary Ann Rohrer wife of James Irving Blose; and Christian Rohrer
Dates taken from Bible owned by Mrs Ellen Logan Mattin , Bible published a d sold by Morgan & Sanxay 1833, published in CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991
(Research):1870 Household had son David and Carrie born July 1869, probably a grandch ild
Will namesGrandchildren Earl Smith, E L Smith, Willard Smith, Ssie Stale y, Harold and Ruth Mauk in childrens home, children of James Mauk.
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg685
(Research):1910 Champaign 0011 David Loudenback Husband W 65 Ohio 02170026 0020 Son Edg ar C 35, Ohio Son Walter D 30, Ohio Daughter-in-law Dasy 27, Ohio Son Wilber 25, Ohio Gr andson Donal A 09, Ohio
1920 Census has Donald A, grandson, age 18
Record Book 24, Page 494- Filed 4 May 1852- Petition for Partition Washing ton Loudenback & Harrison Loudenback vs Mary Loudenback et al Reuben Loudenback died in 1838, owning the south-west quarter of Secti on 23 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township). Reuben's heirs: Mary Loude nback, widow; Mahala Loudenback, wife of Wesley Gearhart; Ardena Loudenbac k; Harrison Loudenback; Washington Loudenback; Sarah Loudenback, wife of C hristopher McMorran; Delila Loudenback, deceased wife of Isaac Zimmerma n, left heirs: George Zimmerman & Mary Ann Zimmerman; Susannah Loudenbac k; Jackson Loudenback: Perrv Loudenback.
(Research):1850 Census lists two sons with same name of Jackson. I suspect one was na med James.
Record book 26 pg398-402 Filed 21 Nov 1856 Partition Washington Loudenback vs Perry Loudenback & others Mary Loudenback died intestate owning 28 acres and 32 or 53/100 acres in S ection 22 Twp 4 Range 11 (Mad River). Mary's heirs: Washington Loudenbac k; Harrison Loudenback; Mahal Gearhardt; Ardena Loudenback; Susan Loudenba ck; Sarah McMorran; Jackson Loudenback and Perry Loudenback, all of whom o wned 1/9 each of the undivided land. Mary Ann Zimmerman and George W Zimme rman, wards of Isaac Zimmerman of Champaign Co owned 1/18 each os an undiv ided 1/9 of the land.
Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
[HI6669] (Research):Parentage not known. Living in 1850 next to Abimeliah Darnall. May have be en a child of him a a first wife, as he did not marry Nancy until 1829.
(Research):1880 Champaign Co, OH name is Susan
Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
Record Book 24, Page 494- Filed 4 May 1852- Petition for Partition Washing ton Loudenback & Harrison Loudenback vs Mary Loudenback et al Reuben Loudenback died in 1838, owning the south-west quarter of Secti on 23 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Township). Reuben's heirs: Mary Loude nback, widow; Mahala Loudenback, wife of Wesley Gearhart; Ardena Loudenbac k; Harrison Loudenback; Washington Loudenback; Sarah Loudenback, wife of C hristopher McMorran; Delila Loudenback, deceased wife of Isaac Zimmerma n, left heirs: George Zimmerman & Mary Ann Zimmerman; Susannah Loudenbac k; Jackson Loudenback: Perrv Loudenback.
Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg533
[HI6672] (Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
Source: Prather & Stickley, "Book of Wiant Biographies," 1969, p. 71 A number of Virginia Wiants, Susan's relatives, were involved in the wa r. She had visited them before her marriage, and their welfare was of de ep concern to her. During the conflict, Champaign County Wiants of conscri ption age hired substitutes, and none of the McMorrans affiliated with t he Wiants served as soldiers in that war. When Virginia relatives wrote to St. Paris asking if work could be made av ailable for some of their former slaves, the MeMorrans responded, and f or many years employed them and helped them find housing and jobs. After Christian's death in 1884, Susan continued to live at the homeste ad with her son, John. One of the colored ladies who helped in their ho me was Amanda Carey, whose forebears had lived on the Wiant place at Pleas ant Retreat in Virginia. She spent certain days there baking, cooking a nd cleaning. Lucien Carey helped on the farm, probably as a part-time work er, for his family lived in town. During John McMorran's funeral in 191 5, Lucien stood by the hitching post in the barn yard and wept inconsolabl y. Although he was invited inside, he declined. He still is remembered f or the colts he broke, among them one for John Schooler who was Sidna (Wia nt) McMorran�s son-in-law, and another for Charles Adam Wiant. The latte r, named Lady, was the driving horse that raced trains and was driven by N eva (Wiant) DeWeese through four years of high school in St. Paris. Rafe Bossel, another of the colored men from Virgina, is said to have stay ed the night with the small Jones children after their father died in a tr ain crossing accident and their mother, Mary (McMorran) Jones, narrowly es caped. Yet another head of a Negro family who came to St. Paris during t he Civil War was Dennis Harris. All of these families have since moved els ewhere.
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Jackson Loudenback
St Paris Precinct Toll Book Nov 2 1880 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 pg 33 Jackson Loudenback
Name : Jackson Loudenback Titles : Death date : 30 Jul 1919 Death place : St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 09 Mar 1834 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 85-4-21 Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : f Occupation : Retired House Painter Burial date : 01 Aug 1919 Cemetery name : Evergreen Spouse name : Rosa E. Biggs Loudenback Father name : Reuben Loudenback Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Mary Wiant Mother birth place : Virginia Informant-Mrs Rosa E Loudenback GSU film number : 1984698 Digital GS number : 4021956 Image number : 923 Certificate number : fn 41696 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Biography, Champaign Co, Oh, Beers 1881, Pg 796
PERRY LOUDENBACK, farmer; P. O. Westville; is a son o� Reuben and Mary Lou denback. He was born_ in Mad River Township, Champaign Co., Ohio, Ju ne 6, 1837, and was raised on a farm on Nettle Creek, and has always follo wed agricultural pursuits. He also engages in stock-raising, and buys a nd sells. In 1864, he purchased 81 acres of land in Concord Township, a nd located on it the following March. This was a very wild piece of lan d, but, by his indomitable energy, he has made a very comfortable home, wi th good buildings, and has his farm under excellent cultivation. On the 17 th of July, 1860, he married Elizabeth J. Zimmerman, who was born in Mad R iver Township July 24, 1843. She is a daughter of George and Sarah Zimmerm an, and a grand-daughter of George and Barbara Zimmerman, who were very ea rly settlers here. Barbara is still living on Nettle Creek, and is in h er 97th year. She was a very stout and hardy woman. She assisted her husba nd in clearing up the farm, and used to chop her side of a tree sooner th an he could cut his side. She has also swung the sledge in the smithy f or her husband, and has helped to make swords for the war of 1812. Geor ge and Sarah Zimmerman are still living, as well as all of their children- Elizabeth J., Clarissa A., Sylvester B., John W. and Hampo Washington. M r. and Mrs. Loudenback are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and a re the parents of one child, Antrum Wait, born May 16, 1862.
Record book 26 pg398-402 Filed 21 Nov 1856 Partition Washington Loudenback vs Perry Loudenback & others Mary Loudenback died intestate owning 28 acres and 32 or 53/100 acres in S ection 22 Twp 4 Range 11 (Mad River). Mary's heirs: Washington Loudenbac k; Harrison Loudenback; Mahal Gearhardt; Ardena Loudenback; Susan Loudenba ck; Sarah McMorran; Jackson Loudenback and Perry Loudenback, all of whom o wned 1/9 each of the undivided land. Mary Ann Zimmerman and George W Zimme rman, wards of Isaac Zimmerman of Champaign Co owned 1/18 each os an undiv ided 1/9 of the land.
Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg263 16 Apr 1839 Mary Loudenback (the ir mother) Gdn of Harrison Loudenback 16yr; Sarah Loudenback 13 yr; Washin gton Loudenback 11yr; Ardina Loudenback 9yr; Susanna loudenback 7yr; Jacks on Loudenback 5yr; Perry Loudenback 2 yr Children and Minor heirs of Reub en Loudenback, dec'd. Surities John Wyant and Adma Wyant.
Urbana Citizen, Concord Items 2/6/1879 A few days ago Perry Loudenback lifted himself clear up out of his old hou se in the hollow to his new house on the hill top, where he is ever gl ad to see his many friends. Perry always had a peculiar tact of attendi ng to his own business, and is one of the few men who can not be bought f or a trifle. (CCGS Vol 20# 1 pg 25) Jan 2004
(Research):1850 Census ages 34 and 38 1860 Census ages 40 and 40
Champaign Co, Guardianship Book pg 499 Aug 29, 1854 Jacob Loudenback Gen of Joseph Allen loudenback 10 yr (Spet 24, 1853); Mar tha Ann loudenback 9 yr (Nov 19, 1853); Rebecca Ellen loudenback 8 yr Ju ne 24, 1853; Louisa Catherine loudenback 4 yr Feb 18, 1854; mary Elizabe th Loudenback 2 r Dec 25, 1853; Eve Arabel Loudenback 1 yr Aug 26, 1854; m inor heirs of Noah Loudenback Late of Champ Co. Surities Joseph Loudenbac k, Jackson Pence
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Book pg 499 Aug 29, 1854 Jacob Loudenback Gen of Joseph Allen loudenback 10 yr (Spet 24, 1853); Mar tha Ann loudenback 9 yr (Nov 19, 1853); Rebecca Ellen loudenback 8 yr Ju ne 24, 1853; Louisa Catherine loudenback 4 yr Feb 18, 1854; mary Elizabe th Loudenback 2 r Dec 25, 1853; Eve Arabel Loudenback 1 yr Aug 26, 1854; m inor heirs of Noah Loudenback Late of Champ Co. Surities Joseph Loudenbac k, Jackson Pence
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 203
[HI6680] (Research):Will Book K pg553 John Loudenback Jackson Twp died 2/5/1906 probated 2/10/ 1906 Heirs-Isabell C Loudenback, widow; Eva C Kelly, dau, Jackson Twp/ All re al estate and personal to executor to be held in trust for benefit and u se of wife Isabell C Loudenback her natural life; at her decease to be he ld in trust for use and benefit of Eva C Kelly her natural life and at h er decease to her ch. Miles C Beaty, Exec. Wit: Simon Beaty, Perry F Appl e. Will signed (x) 1/16/1899
[HI6681] (Research):Niece of Zipporha Frank
[HI6682] (Research):David bates was the admin of mothers will. But David and Catherine were n ot found in the 1900 Census
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship Records Book 1 1805-1858 pg176 8/18/1828 Willi am Darnell gdn of Jane Kelly 7y, Rebecca Ann Kelly 2 yr heirs of Sampson K elly. Surity Andrew Davis
St Paris Dispatch Sept 5, 1889 Sarah Jane Kelly was born in Jackson Twp on June 24, 1820. She was md to N oah Loudenback Nov 2, 1839, they had ten children. After the death of h er husband which occured April 15, 1853, she md Christian Funkhouser. S he died Sept 1, 1889, aged 60y,2m,7d. Funeral Monday, by Rev W R Thomas, b uried at Hills Cemetery
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 203
Springfield News Sun, Monday, July 10, 2000
Dorothy L EVILSIZOR, 88, formerly of Springfield, died Sunday , July 9, 20 0, in the Dorothy Love Retirement Center, Sidney, OH. She was born November 6, 1911 in Springfield, the daughter of Harry e and Ida J (French) Woodard. Dorothy was a homemaker most of her life and was a member of the Terre Haute United Methodist Church. Her survivors include her son and his wife, Ted and Kristy Evilsizor of DeGraff, Ohio; three grandchildren, Amanda Meyers of Minister, Ohio; Alyssa and Andrew Evilsizor of Sidney, Ohio; three sisters, Anna B Kissell and Marjorie E Burke, both of Springfield, and Helen M McIntyre of Coral Gables, Fla; two brothers, Bud Woodard of Whittier, California; and William Woodard of Springfield; numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack A in November of 1999; and a sister, Bernice DeMint. Her body was entrusted to the Woods Allgier Funeral Home where friends may call Wednesday from
5-8 p. m. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in the funeral home with the Rev Paul R Jones officiating. Interment will follow in Ferncliff C emetery. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Dorothy Love Life C are Fund, 3003 West Cisco Road, Sidney, OH 45365
[XI6699] EVILSIZOR �tab�DOROTHY �tab�L. �tab�1/0/0 �tab�ROSS CO., OH �tab�7/9/2000 �tab�7/13/2000 �tab�Sec U �tab�Lot 231 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4
Name: �tab�Ira Ethen Hickman
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�06 Dec 1874
Birthplace: �tab�Madison Twp., Scioto, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�F. M. Hickman
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Wells
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C04007-7
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�292703
Reference Number: �tab�v 0 p 268
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Ira E Hickman
Name: �tab�Ira E Hickman
Birth Date: �tab�1875
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�1 Apr 1958
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Springfield
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�23830
Age at Death: �tab�83
Certifier: �tab�Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Name: �tab�Chloe Christina Hickman
Death Date: �tab�08 Jun 1953
Death Place: �tab�Urbana Twp, Champaign, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�11 Sep 1874
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Scioto Co. Ohio
Death Age: �tab�78 years 8 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Informant Floyd Hickman
Father's Name: �tab�Soloman Shoemaker
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Rosetta Rockwell
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246546
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109466
[HI6706] (Research):Name: Ned Gray SSN: 277-03-2065 Last Residence: 45369 South Vienna, Clark, Ohio, United States of Amer ica Born: 23 Dec 1906 Died: Jul 1977 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Name: �tab�Russel Glen Idle
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�AUGLAIZE, OHIO
Birth Date: �tab�11 Nov 1902
Birthplace: �tab�Clay Twp.
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Geo. W. Idle
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Ella Bailey
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00035-8
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0963053
Reference Number: �tab�P125 Rn1
Name: �tab�Nancy M. Wagner
Death Date: �tab�27 Jan 1911
Death Place: �tab�Moorefield Twp, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�30 Oct 1842
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�68 years 2 months 27 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�29 Jan 1911
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Maple Grove
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Geo Engle
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�W Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Roberts
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�W Virginia
Film Number: �tab�1952770
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021041
Image Number: �tab�774
Name: �tab�William G. Hoisington
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�25 Jan 1870
Birthplace: �tab�, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John G. Hoisington
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Hoisington
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�I10449-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295232
Reference Number: �tab�28-29
[HI6723] (Research):William's Springfield (Clark County, Ohio) City Directory 1941 705 Reakirt Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio: The Williams Directory Co., Marilene L stenographer Oliver F E Co. r 915 W Mulberry
Name: �tab�Marilee L Evilsizor
Birth Date: �tab�12 May 1921
Birth Place: �tab�Clark
State File Number: �tab�1921044111
Additional Information: �tab�Rebert
e: �tab�Marilene L Bussen
[Toadie Evilsizor]
[Marilene Bussen]
Birth Date: �tab�12 May 1921
Age at Death: �tab�86
Death Date: �tab�16 Feb 2008
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Spouse: �tab�Joseph
Parents: �tab�HAROLD and BERTHA
Newspaper Information: �tab�Newspaper: Springfield News-Sun; Newspaper Date: 17 Feb 2008; Newspaper Page: 11 Column: 2;
Social Security Death Index
about Marilene L. Bussen
Name: �tab�Marilene L. Bussen
SSN: �tab�283-14-1240
Last Residence: �tab�45506 Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Born: �tab�12 May 1921
Died: �tab�16 Feb 2008
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (Before 1951)
(Research):Springfield News-Sun Saturday November 25, 1989 Alice B Evilsizor,88, of 210 Maiden Lane, died at 1:20 a.m. Friday, Novemb er 24, 1989, in Mercy Medical Center after one week serious illness. She w as born November 1 1901 in Worthington, Ohio, the daughter of George F a nd Glendora (Bishop) Tuller. She was a retired cafeteria worker from Sprin gfield North High School. She was a member of the Central Christian Churc h, Home City, Chapter 258 Order of the Eastern Star, the Order of the Amar anth,, the Fraternal order of Eagles Aerie No 397, and the Union Club. S he is survived by her husband, Harold R of Springfield; several nieces a nd nephews. Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Littleton funer al home with the Rev Joe W Aspley, Jr officiating. Friends may call one ho ur prior to services in the funeral home. Burial in Glen Haven Memorial Ga rdens.
1910 Census George W Rapp
Age: 43 State: OH
Color: W Enumeration District: 0057
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0130
County: Clark, Springfield City
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Glendora 37 Ohio Stepson George Tuller 16 Ohio Stepson Frank 11 Ohio Stepdaugther Allice 09 Ohio Daughter Clarite A Rapp 02 Ohio Son George F NR Ohio
(Research):Gentis, Frank
Age: 47 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 5B
State: Ohio ED: 7
County: Champaign Image: 138
Township: Jackson Carrie 46 Grace 23 Helen 21
GENTIS FRANK County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: // Volume Number: 7252 Certificate Number: 3812
(Research):Gentis, Tulley
Age: 45 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1354
Race: White Page: 2B
State: Ohio ED: 93
County: Clark Image: 836
Township: Springfield Nannie, wife age 14 (probably 44)
(Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Clifford Gentis age 16 attended 1898-1901
1920 Census names aunt Sarah M Snapp age 76 b VA
Gentis, Clifford
Age: 37 Year: 1920
Birthplace: Ohio Roll: T625_1353
Race: White Page: 2A
State: Ohio ED: 10
County: Champaign Image: 195
Township: Mad River
[HI6733] (Research):Bull School No 2, Mad River, Twp 1898 records from Everett Snapp abstract ed by Norma Leisure published in CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 V ol 14 # 3 pg 54 Teachers from 1898 through 1900 school years was John Leonard, 1900-1904 w as Ada Belden. In Jan of 1903 several children were out with whooping coug h. Ernest Gentis age 13 attended 1898-1901
(Research):1880 Census Place Orange, Ionia, Michigan
Family History Library Film 1254584 NA Film Number T9-0584 Pa ge Number 236A Edward SOAPER Self M Male W 67 CT Farm Labor A. Mary SOAPER Wife M Female W 49 NY Keeping Hou se NY NY Minnie SOAPER Dau S Female W 10 MI At Home CT NY
(Research):1880 Census Place Springfield, Clarke, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254999
NA Film Number T9-0999 Page Number 203C Charles M. WHITE Self M Male W 61 ENG Farmer ENG E Annie WHITE Wife M Female W 61 ENG Keeping House ENG E NG Henry C. WHITE Son S Male W 16 OH At School ENG ENG
Clark Co, Marriage Record White, Henry Bradley, Amanda 10/21/1884 195
WHITE HENRY C County Name: CLARK Date of Death: 12/1/1926 Volume Number: 5212 Certificate Number: 72431
Name �tab�William Alfred Niece
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�10 Nov 1915
Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Wendell Earl Niece
Father's Birthplace �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Father's Age �tab�22y
Mother's Name �tab�Mary Estella Evilsizor
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Mother's Age �tab�18y
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04079-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�530182
Reference Number �tab�v 5 p 5,6,7
[HI6759] (Research):NIECE, Betty Jane 86, of Urbana and formerly of St. Paris passed away Wedn esday, April 12, 2006 in Mercy Memorial Hospital, Urbana. She was born Ju ly 13, 1919 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Frederick Joseph and Mar ie Elaine (Clifton) Schneider. Betty was an avid bowler and held the Hi gh Series of 723 at Coral Lanes in St. Paris. She was a member of the Ladi es Auxiliary Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7645 and a member of the Knigh ts of Pythias Sisters Red Star Temple 397. Survivors include one son and d aughter-in-law, Wendell and Jackie Niece of Urbana; two sisters and one br other-in-law, Nancy Palmer of Springfield and Patty and Bob Bowen of Sprin gfield; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Karl and Alma Schneider of Tex as and Don and Jennie Schneider of Springfield; four grandchildren, Debb ie Massengill, Fred, Eric, Kyle Niece; five great grandchildren and numero us nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husban d, William Alfred Niece in 1981; one sister, Dorothy Doley; four brother s, Bill, Jack, Bob and Sonny Jean Schneider. A graveside service will be h eld Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 11a.m. in the Evergreen Cemetery, St. Pari s, Ohio. Arrangements are being handled by the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOM E. You may express condolences to the family at www.littletonandrue.com Published in the Springfield News-Sun from 4/18/2006 - 4/20/2006.
[HI6764] (Research):Name: William W. Meyers SSN: 289-12-2838 Last Residence: 43072 Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio, United States of A merica Born: 15 Jul 1921 Died: 3 Mar 1999 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
[BI6765] Baker Funeral Home record of birth 9/23/1923
[HI6787] (Research):Name: Marquerite N Fink Gender: Female Date of Death: 27 September 1993 Birth Date: 07 May 1950 Volume: 29568 Certificate: 078982 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 292481300 Father's Surname: Crawford Time of Death: 3:01 AM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/ER-Outpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: Yes Mother's Surname: Evilsizor Race: White Birth Place: Springfield, Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 43
Social Security Death Index about Mark McDonald
Name: �tab�Mark McDonald
SSN: �tab�301-50-6662
Born: �tab�17 May 1952
Died: �tab�Jan 1987
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Ohio (1967)
[NI6803] Son of WIlliam Fordham b 1816 and Sarah b 1825
[HI6803] (Research):Lived in: Lyons Township, Ionia County, Michigan 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 717 Book: 1 Page: 198 Fordann, John 3/1860, 40, hh, MI ENG ENG Hannah, wife, 2/1867, 33, M1y 6/5 Mertie Evilsizer Maude Evilsizer Bennie Evilsizer Floyd Evilsizer
Roy R. Bartle, 73, retired Warner Gear employee, died Wednesday at the home of his son, David C. Bartle, Cowan. He retired eight years ago.
He is survived by two other sons, John W., Selma, and Kirby Bartle, Daleville; two daughters, Mrs. Max Evilsizer, Muncie, and Mrs. Ray R. Raines, Montpelier; a brother, Arthur, and two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy White, Indianapolis, and Mrs. Esther Hickey, California; and 13 grandchildren.
Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Meeks Mortuary with Rev. Robert A. Barkley, of the Cowan Church of the Nazarene officiating. Burial will be in Tomlinson Cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. The casket will not be opended.
Name: �tab�Roy Bartle
SSN: �tab�307-05-9588
Last Residence: �tab�
BORN: �tab�4 Dec 1891
Died: �tab�Jan 1965
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Indiana (Before 1951)
Name: �tab�Roy Raymond Bartle
Birth Date: �tab�4 Dec 1891
Birth Place: �tab�USA
Death Date: �tab�20 Jan 1965
Death Place: �tab�Delaware County, Indiana, USA
Cemetery: �tab�Tomlinson Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�Y
Father: �tab�William K Bartle
Children: �tab�John W. Bartle
URL: �tab�http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-
Dau of Jeremiah Hanna and Joanna McGhee
Gr dau of Albert McGhee
Great Grd of Ambrose McGhee
[HI6814] (Research):From Marion Kelliher: Lucy had 3 daughters born around 1900.
(Research):Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Dec 9, 1950
A Practical Nurse for many Years
Miss Eliza Miller of Braymer Dieds at 86
Miss Eliza Braymer, 86, for more than fifty years, a resident of Braymer and nearby area, died at 12:30 Thursday morning at the home of her nephew, Dr John Woolsey In Hamilton. Miss Miller who had been a practical nurse until a few years ago, had been ill for some time. She was born in Ray County, the daughter of Thomas and Evilsizer Miller. )sic) There are no immediate relatives but a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Sunday in the Methodist Church in Braymer. Burial will be in Tinneys Grove in Ray County. The body will lie in state at the Michaels Funeral Home in Braymer until the funeral hour.
[HI6818] (Research):From John Amery to Marion Kelliher: Albert Burress was a preacher and arch eologist. Never married.
Death Cert
Albert Hoy Burress
Died Buchanan Co, St Joseph MO 4/8/1945 in Meth Hosp
res, Amity, MO, male single, born 2/9/1875 Ray Co, MO aged 70y1m29d
Retired minister, son of Thompson N Burress of New York and Mary Evilsizer of Penn.
Informant R N Burress, 2246 N E Lurual St, Minn, MN
Removeal 4/10/1945 to Amity MO
COD chronic myocardiac
Name: �tab�Hefflebaun Or Hefflebann
Gender: �tab�Unknown
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�Feb 1873
Death Place: �tab�Union T.P., Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Union T.P.
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�D.P. Hefflebaun
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Fannie Colwell
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�P 38 # 200
Name: �tab�Samuel Sivets
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�02 May 1900
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1877
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Eli Sivets
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Mary Sivets
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Julia M. Willey
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�22
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1878
Spouse's Father: �tab�Isarel Willey
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rebecca Legge
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�v 18 p 300
Film Number: �tab�465395
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4254626
Image Number: �tab�464
Name: �tab�Julia Maude Temple
Gender: �tab�Female
Burial Date: �tab�26 Jun 1944
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�23 Jun 1944
Death Place: �tab�Delaware, Delaware, Ohio
Age: �tab�66
Birth Date: �tab�12 Oct 1877
Birthplace: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�Willis Temple
Father's Name: �tab�Isaiah B. Willey
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Rebecca Legg
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07561-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�1983899
Reference Number: �tab�89
[HI6825] (Research):CA Death records have been checked 1940-1997 and found no record of death.
Name: �tab�Harvey Clinkenbeard
SSN: �tab�494-12-8786
Last Residence: �tab�64126 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri,
Born: �tab�27 Jul 1888
Died: �tab�Jun 1969
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)
[HI6838] (Research):MUMFORD CHARLES A County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 4/13/1935 Volume Number: 7806 Certificate Number: 25761
[HI6840] (Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records 10/11/1838 pg 259 George Kizer gdn of S arah Ann Lung 13yr; Margaret Lung 11yr; John Lung 10 yr; Mary Lung 9 yr; M elvina Lung 7yr, Drucilla Lung 4 yr; George Lung 2y children and minor hei rs of George Lung dec'd. Surities Daniel Snider, John Hupp
[NI6842] Dau of James N Thompson and Sarah H Maxwell
Name: �tab�Chas. M. Neese
Gender: �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date: �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place: �tab�
Birth Date: �tab�13 Jul 1901
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Death Date: �tab�
Name Note: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Father's Name: �tab�Chas. M. Neese
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Father's Age: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Nellie Harshbarger
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Age: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�C00802-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�466658
Reference Number: �tab�p 337, Line 22
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Charles M Neese
Name: �tab�Charles M Neese
Birth Date: �tab�1901
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Kettering
Residence County: �tab�Montgomery
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Nov 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�Kettering Medical Center
City of Death: �tab�Kettering
County of Death: �tab�Montgomery
Certificate: �tab�086261
Age at Death: �tab�84
Certifier: �tab�Coroner
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�275-07-3437
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Engineering, architectural, and surveying services
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Designers
Census Tract: �tab�0208
Name: �tab�Merle Deal
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�25 Feb 1925
Event Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Age: �tab�21
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�3-23-1903 Urbana, OH
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Ambrose Deal
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Lucy Douglas
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Irene Tamplin
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�10-4-1904, W Manchester, OH
Spouse's Father: �tab�M.W. Tamplin
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Mary Bruss
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�V.15, P.404, N.32409
Film Number: �tab�550156
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016855
Image Number: �tab�214
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Merle E Deal
Name: �tab�Merle E Deal
Birth Date: �tab�1903
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Miami
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�18 Jun 1984
Hospital of Death: �tab�Piqua Mem Med Center - Closed
City of Death: �tab�Piqua
County of Death: �tab�Miami
Certificate: �tab�045904
Age at Death: �tab�81
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Social Security Number: �tab�281-09-1693
Marital Status: �tab�Married
(Research):Prob son of William C Wells 1910 Barton Co, Laura Twp next door age 81b KY
Death cert says son of J Wells and mother unknown.
Is married with wife living at time of death
Lived in Washington Co, IL in 1870 just 3 farms from Elizabeth Evilsizer (HH#23)
HH#26 James Wells 44 IL
Ann, 52 TN
John 15, IL
Henry 10 IL
Isaac Stricklin, 2 IL
Millie Wells, 15, Il Servant
William Crabtree, 42, blacksmith IL
(Research):Centennial Biographical History of Champ Co, OH pg397
Another newspaper say he died 8/2/1872. He was not found in the 1870 cens us of Illniois, so I would believe the earlier date of 1868
Father: Johann Paul TRITT b: 07 Dec 1752 in Lower Windsor Twp, York, Penns ylvania Mother: Mary Elizabeth BECKER b: 14 Feb 1756 in Lower Windsor Twp, York, P ennsylvania
Siblings Peter TRITT b: 1775 in Lower Windsor Twp, York, Pennsylvania Elizabeth TRITT b: Abt 1777 in Lower Windsor Twp, York, Pennsylvania Christian TRITT b: Abt 1781 in Lower Windsor Twp, York, Pennsylvania Mary Ann TRITT b: 28 Feb 1783 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland John TRITT b: Abt 1785 in Petersburg Dist, Dorchester, Maryland Edward TRITT b: 1787 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland Susanna TRITT b: 1790 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland Sarah TRITT b: Abt 1792 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland Harriet TRITT b: 05 Apr 1795 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland Baker TRITT b: Abt 1798 in Petersville Dist, Frederick, Maryland
[HI6854] (Research):d/o Daniel Arnold
(Research):1880 Census Place Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Family History Library Fi lm 1254998
NA Film Number T9-0998 Page Number 427B
Perry MIDDLETON Self M Male W 25 OH Lawyer OH ---
Zeppa MIDDLETON Wife M Female W 24 OH Keeping Hou se VA VA
Lucy E. MIDDLETON Dau S Female W 2 OH OH OH
Arthur MIDDLETON Other M Male W 24 OH Lawy
Alice MIDDLETON Wife M Female W 19 OH OH OH
[HI6857] (Research):Name: Dorothea R. Eudy SSN: 552-03-1317 Last Residence: 95351 Modesto, Stanislaus, California, United States of A merica Born: 28 Dec 1902 Died: Jan 1992 State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951 )
(Research):m. 28 JUL 1861
d. Rice Lake, Barron County, Wisconsin Note: She married Thomas Jefferson Shroufe, son of George
Shroufe and Isabel Grimes.
Death Cert Stoddard Co, Dexter, MO
Clara Etta Durham
Died 1/10/1948, res Dexter, lived 68 years
Hosekeeper, married Frank Durham age 69 born 7/4/1866 80y6m6d
Father David Evansizer
Mother not known
Informant Frank Durham, Dexter MO
Burial Dongola Cem 1/11/1948
COD Cerebral hemorrage due to hypertension.
(Research):No further record beyond marriage. Not found in later census records.
Children not located exept George a hired hand in IA
[HI6862] (Research):1880 Census Osage Co, Ks, Valley Brook Twp enumerated with E W Russell, ad opted daughter
[HI6863] (Research):Parentage not proven but locatio of family and Emory middle initial was T in 1880, and living with his sisters son (Charles Scowden) in 1910 suggests the connection to this family
[HI6865] (Research):1880 Osage Co, KS Census, Valley Brook Twp enumerated with Elijah Woodall, as servant
[HI6867] (Research):Emporia Gazette, December 12, 1938, Pg 2, Col 2 Mrs Jennie Foster Found Dead in Home Mrs Jennie Foster, who lived at 714 Merchant was found dead at her home ab out 8:15 Sunday night by Miss T Hartmen, a roomer at the Foster home. M rs Foster was found sitting in front of her dressing table and apparent ly had been preparing for bed when she was stricken. She was attired in ni ght clothing and indications were that death came suddenly. Mrs Foster h ad been suffering from attacks of indigestion for the past month, relativ es said, but her condition had not been considered critical. She had suffe red a slight attack Sunday morning, but had been feeling well in the after noon. Cornoer Ted McDaniel was called and said that the death was caus ed by a heart attack induced by acute indigestion. To Emporia in 1918 Mrs Jennie Foster was born at Lamar Missouri, December 27, 1865. Her maid en name was Jennie Evilsizer. She was married to John C Foster in 18 86 in Butler Co, MO where Mr Foster died. In 1918 she moved to Emporia. M rs Foster is survived by two sons, Guy Foster, 1010 West and Glen L Foste r, San Francisco, Calif, and three sisters, Mrs H R Clinkenbeard, Nevad a, MO; Mrs Ida Mae Reese, Los Angeles, Calif, and Mrs J E HEnderson, De Be que, Colo. Funeral services will be Wednesday morning at 9:30 at the Sutt on Kinzer Funeral Home. Mrs Jack Grisham, reader from the First Chur ch of Christ Scientist, of which Mrs Foster was a member, will have char ge of the service. The body will be taken to Butler, Mo for burial. The re will be services at the grave only in Butler.
[DI6867] Emporia Gazette, December 12, 1938, Pg 2, Col 2 Mrs Jennie Foster Found Dead in Home Mrs Jennie Foster, who lived at 714 Merchant was found dead at her home about 8:15 Sunday night by Miss T Hartmen, a roomer at the Foster home. M rs Foster was found sitting in front of her dressing table and apparently had been preparing for bed when she was stricken. She was attired in night clothing and indications were that death came suddenly. Mrs Foster had been suffering from attacks of indigestion for the past month, relatives said, but her condition had not been considered critical. She had suffered a slight attack Sunday morning, but had been feeling well in the after noon. Cornoer Ted McDaniel was called and said that the death was caused by a heart attack induced by acute indigestion. To Emporia in 1918 Mrs Jennie Foster was born at Lamar Missouri, December 27, 1865. Her maid en name was Jennie Evilsizer. She was married to John C Foster in 1886 in Butler Co, MO where Mr Foster died. In 1918 she moved to Emporia. Mrs Foster is survived by two sons, Guy Foster, 1010 West and Glen L Foster, San Francisco, Calif, and three sisters, Mrs H R Clinkenbeard, Nevada, MO; Mrs Ida Mae Reese, Los Angeles, Calif, and Mrs J E HEnderson, De Be que, Colo. Funeral services will be Wednesday morning at 9:30 at the Sutt on Kinzer Funeral Home. Mrs Jack Grisham, reader from the First Church of Christ Scientist, of which Mrs Foster was a member, will have char ge of the service. The body will be taken to Butler, Mo for burial. There will be services at the grave only in Butler.
Index of Patents Year 1919 pg 160
John W Evilsizer, Iantha, Missouri
Mortising Machine Pat#1305289 June 8 V263 pg 8
Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune Dec 30, 1950
Rites Tomorrow for Retired Teacher
Miss Perlina Amery Died Here Wednesday.
Funeral services for Miss Perlina Amery, 67, a retired school teacher at Braymer and Norborne, who died Wednesday at the Chillicothe hospital will be held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Baptist Church at Norborne. The Rev Harold Renfrown, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in the Evergreen Cemetery at Braymer, under direction of the Michael funeral home. The body will lie in state at the funeral home until noon Sunday. Miss Amery retired three years ago. She taught school twenty-five years at Norborne and before that was at Braymer. She was a member of the Baptist church in Norborne. She was born in Carroll County, the daughter of John and Anna Evilsizer Amery. She is survived by three brothers, John Amery and William R Amery both of Braymer, and Joe Amery, Excelsior Springs, and one sister Mrs Bessie Robinson, Braymer
Death Cert
Perlina Amery died 12/27/1950 Livingston Co, Chillicothe MO
Res Carroll Co, Norborns, MO . Died in Chillicothe Hospital, patient 2 days
female white schoolteacher, born 1/22/1883 Carroll Co, MO
Age 67 never married
Father John Amery
Mother Anna Evilsizer
Informant John Amery, Bryamer, MO
COD chronic myocariditis
Buried 12/31/1950 Evergreen Cemetery, Braymer, MO
[HI6876] (Research):Kansas City Times 7/12/1968 Braymer- John H Amery, 83, died here yesterday, apparently of a heart atta ck at the home of a niece. He was born in Carroll County, Missouri and liv ed in Braymer most of his life. Mr Amery was a former mayor of Braymer. Be fore he retired he was a farmer. Mr Amery also owned a general store. Surv iving are his wife, Mrs Helen Amery of the home, a son, Samuel J Amery, Br aymer, a grandchild and a great grandchild. Services will be held at 2 o'c lock Sunday at the Braymer Baptist Church, burial in Evergreen Cemetery, B raymer.
[HI6877] (Research):Kansas City Times 7/12/1968 Joe S Amery, 80, Excelsior Springs, died yesterday at Excelsior Springs ho spital. He was born in Carrol County, Missouri, and lived in Excelsior Spr ings about 26 years. Before he retired, Mr Amery was a farmer. He was a me mber of the Excelsior Springs Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, Joe S A mery, Jr, Wilmington, Del, a daughter, Mrs Beverly Anderson, 10323 Belinde r, Leawood, four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. (Son of John Ame ry and nancy Ann Evilsizer) A later newspaper listed Joe's funeral servi ce Excelsior Springs at 2 o'clock Monday at the Prichard chapel, Excelsi or Springs, burial in Crown Hill Cemetery there. His brother John upon hea ring that his brother Joe had died, went to tell his niece and died whi le crying in her arms.
(Research):Not mentioned in sister Perlina obit dated 12/30/1950
Obit names a sister Bessie Robinson who could be this lady, as Fannie appears in all census, and no Bessie is ever found in census records.
Calif Death Index
Name: �tab�Lena G Wilkins
Social Security #: �tab�550202352
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�28 Mar 1889
Birthplace: �tab�Kansas
Death Date: �tab�7 Feb 1961
Death Place: �tab�Santa Clara
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Evilsizer
Butler Weekly Times, Butler, MO Jan 22, 1903
Committed Suicide
J C Foster Shoots a Bullet Through His Head
Was Carrier on Rural Route
J C Foster, mail carrier of Rural Route No 8, and son in law of J H Evilsizer, took his life by firing a bullet from a pistil into his brain, Thursday morning of last week. The deed was committed in the rear of his home near the Mo Pacific Depot, this city, and happened between the hours of 4 and half past 5 o'clock. A servant girl who was assisting in the breakfast meal, in emptying a pan of ashes in the back yard first discovered the body. Returning to the house she reported a man lying in the yard. Mr Evilsizer, who chanced to be stopping at the house overnight, wnet out to investigate the matter and found the body to be that of his son in law, Foster. The Fosters run a lunch counter in the front room of their dwelling and there chanced to be ayoung man at the counter taking a cup of coffee. The two returned to where Foster lay and an investigation in the bright moonlight revealed a bullet hole in the right temple. They went to the depot to telephone Coronor Renick but were not successful. Dr Lyle, who was at the depot to take the early train to Kansas City, accompanied Mr Evilsizer and the young man to where the body lay and assistedin carrying in into the house. The body lay about 25 feet from the kitchen door the head to the west. His cap was at his feet and a small pistol of 32 caliber was under his right leg. Foster left the house at 4:10 o'clock, said Mr Evilsizer, supposedly for the barn to feed his horses, and his dead body was discovered a little after 5. The report of the pistol was not heard by anyone in the house. Foster had had no trouble with his family, said Mr Evilsizer and we cannot account for this rash act. He was a notionate fellow and did not care to stick to any one thing long at a time. We assisted him to secure the mail contract, but he had tired og this and a short time ago resigned, but had not been released. Dr Renick, coroner, heald an inquest over the body Tuesday afternoon and the jury, composed ofg the following named gentlemen; Stewart Athceson, G G Miller, T E Hawley, T Hulen, J H Sisson and W H Hupp rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death from a gunshot wound to his right temple inflicted by himself or by some unknown person. Sat morning at 9 o'clock a post mortem examination was held be Drs Renick and Lockwood and a bullet of 32 caliber was removed from the brain. Deceased was 45 years of age and leaves wife and two little sons. He was a member of the Woodmen in which lodge he held $2,000 insurance. The funeral took place Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, conducted by Elder Williamson of the Christian Church, assisted by the lodge of which he was a member. The body was interred in Oak Hill Cemetery
Married first
�i�name:�u�M.W. Vankirk �/u� �tab��tab�
event:Marriage 10/17/1906�tab��tab�
event place (standardized):Logan, Ohio, United States �tab��tab�
event place (other):�tab��tab�
age:30 on July 15, 1906, laborer, never married�tab��tab�
estimated birth year:1876 �tab��tab�
birth date:�tab��tab�
birthplace:, Logan, Ohio �tab��tab�
father:�u�J.L. Vankirk �/u� �tab��tab�
father's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
mother:�u�Sarah J. Means �/u� �tab��tab�
mother's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
spouse:Fanny Cost �tab��tab�
spouse's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
spouse's age:25 on 9/1/1906, never married�tab��tab�
spouse's estimated birth year:1881 �tab��tab�
spouse's birthplace:, Logan, Ohio �tab��tab�
spouse's father:�u�J.M. Cost �/u� �tab��tab�
spouse's father's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
spouse's mother:�u�Rhoda Mccalls �/u� �tab��tab�
spouse's mother's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
reference number:cn 30 (application) �tab��tab�
film number:534840 �tab��tab�
digital folder number:004016822 �tab��tab�
image number:00340 �tab��tab�
�b�Citing this Record �/b�"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch�/i� (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8SG-HKZ : accessed 12 Nov 2012), M.W. Vankirk and Fanny Cost, 1906; citing reference cn 30 (application), FHL microfilm 534840.
�u��b�Hamilton Daily News Journal�/u�
Wednesday, October 08, 1952, Hamilton, Ohio
�/b�BELLEFONTAINE, OH from a kerosene heating Mrs �b�Frances Blue�/b�, 70, died Tuesday of Died Tuesday of suffocation in her home in nearby Quincy where she lived alone, Fire Chief William Hasbrook said flames from a kerosene heating stove set fire to draperies in her home in near- Blue's bedroom.
�i�name:Frances Blue�tab��tab�
event:Death �tab��tab�
event date:06 Oct 1952 �tab��tab�
event place:Logan Co, Quincy, OH�tab��tab�
residence:Quincy, OH�tab��tab�
street address:�tab��tab�
gender:Female �tab��tab�
death age:70y10m26d �tab��tab�
marital status:Widow�tab��tab�
race:White �tab��tab�
birth date:10 Nov 1881 �tab��tab�
birthplace:Quincy, Ohio RFD1�tab��tab�
estimated birth year:1882 �tab��tab�
burial date:10/9/1952�tab��tab�
burial place:Quincy�tab��tab�
father:�u�John M. Cost �/u� �tab��tab�
father's birthplace:�tab��tab�
mother:�u�Rhoda Ann Mccalla �/u� �tab��tab�
mother's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
mother's birthplace:�tab��tab�
Informant Mrs Charles F Royer COD- Accidental burns 1,2,3 degree, face, neck, head, shoulders, �tab��tab�
Death within minutes spouse's titles & terms:�tab��tab�
reference number:certificate �tab��tab�
film number:2246393 �tab��tab�
digital folder number:4109438 �tab��tab�
image number:03181 �tab��tab�
�b�Citing this Record �/b�"Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch�/i� (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X6TM-LB7 : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Frances Blue Or Bleve, 1952; citing reference certificate, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
[NI6886] Living in San Francisco CA at time of mothers death in 1938, but not able to locate him in 1940 census or in CA death records.
(Research): Joplin Globe (Joplin, Missouri) > 1945 > May > 25 Freeman Hospital Notes Mrs W T Evilsizer of Miami was admitted yesterday as a surgical patient
Joplin Globe (Joplin, Missouri) > 1945 > June > 13 Freeman Hospital Notes Mrs W T Evilsizer of Miami a surgical patient since May 24th was dismiss ed Monday
Publication Date: February 27, 1997 Source: Tulsa World Page: A2 Subjects: Region: Oklahoma Obituary Oeta Marie Evilsizer, 89, former owner of New Way Laundry, died Wednesda y. Graveside services 2 p.m. Friday, GAR Cemetery. Cooper-Althouse
Joblin Globe 11/13/1955 Announcment has been made of the engagement of Miss Barbara Hannebohn, d au of L A Hannebohn of San Jose Calif and Mrs W T Evilsizer, 920 W 19th St reet, to Robert E Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs Wayne Anderson of Miami. T he wedding has been planned for Dec 27th in the First Christian Chur ch in Miami. The ceremony will be read by the Rev Russell Martin
We always knew her by the name of Marie; no one ever called her Oeta. Sharon Evilsizer Durels
Date:8/30/2000 12:09:16 PM Mountain Daylight Time From:[email protected] (Suzanne Lampl) To:[email protected] Hello! Oeta Marie was my "Aunt Marie" - she was the sister of my matern al grandmother, Pearl Florence Haselip Ham! I know that she and Wesley h ad no children, but I am searching all kinds of traces for clues into my f amily history. I was wondering if you had any more info for her. I kn ow her full name was Lena Oeta Marie Haselip Hannebohn? Evilsizer - "oet a" is a Cherokee word for flower. I have some info on her parents and sib lings if you are interested, but I am still looking for more. I think th at she and Hannebohn? had one child, but I don't know for sure. Please let me kn ow if you have any other info and I would also like to ask if I could a dd Wesley's family info to my World Tree. It should be up and runni ng in about a week and I am adding info constantly. Would love to share s ome info! I don't know if we would be related, but I have some wonderf ul memories of Wesley. They are hidden back in my mind - I was just a litt le girl, but he was a wonderful man! We went to visit her and Wesley in M iami a few times. I remember their house and his round face and warm smil e. I was very young and they were in their 70's. They were both full of energy and very kind.
Thomas Haselip and his siblings were abalone by their parents at a young a ge. They were raised by their Choctaw Grandmother Haselip? He didn't ha ve shoes until he was 15 or 16 and killed rabbits and birds with stones f or food. He was a self taught barn dancin' style fiddle player and bui lt two houses in Miami, OK that might still be standing. Oeta Marie taug ht him to write his own name when she was an adult - before then he just m ade an X for his signature!
Suzanne Lampl
Name �tab�Robert Everet Henderson
Death Date �tab�1947
Death Place �tab�Clifton, Greenlee, Arizona
Gender �tab�Male
Race �tab�white
Age �tab�47y11m23d
Birth Date 11/20/1899 �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Nevada, MO
Marital Status �tab�not known
Spouse's Name �tab�
Occ- Railroad brakeman
Father's Name �tab�John E. Henderson
Father's Birthplace �tab� not known
Mother's Name �tab�Myrtle Evilsicer
Mother's Birthplace not known�tab�
OD, suicide, drinking poison at the public hotel, Greenlee Co, Clifton, AZcarbolic acid in throat and stomach due to drinking�tab�
Street Address �tab�
Place of Residence �tab�
Cemetery �tab�Clifton AZ
Burial Place �tab�Clifton AZ
Burial Date �tab�11/30/1947
Film Number �tab�2114736
Digital Folder Number �tab�4203643
Image Number �tab�694
Reference Number
(Research):Death Cert names spouse mary Ellen Miller
Informant Elizabeth Woolsey, Hamilton, MO
Occ: Vetenary
Father N C Woolsey, born TN
Mother Elizabeth Goodman born OH
Social Security Death Index
about Sarah S. Chandler
Name: �tab�Sarah S. Chandler
SSN: �tab�496-05-7019
Last Residence: �tab�53005 Brookfield, Waukesha, Wisconsin,
Born: �tab�9 Sep 1900
Died: �tab�27 Dec 1989
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Missouri (Before 1951)
California Death Index, 1940-1997
about Claire Ellen Pates
Name: �tab�Claire Ellen Pates
[Claire Ellen Stoner]
Social Security #: �tab�570266025
Sex: �tab�FEMALE
Birth Date: �tab�21 Sep 1899
Birthplace: �tab�Missouri
Death Date: �tab�29 Jan 1987
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Evilsizer
Father's Surname: �tab�Stoner
(Research):Death cert informant Florence G Curtiss
Address 1817 East 75th St
Widow of Carl Gebert
Parents- not known
[HI6907] (Research):Evelyn Rae Evilsizer, was born in Kansas City, Missouri, Jan 4,1914. Prob ably because of four-pound birthweight, she was severely handicapped (cere bral palsy). She and Mother lived with Jim and me from 1990 until 1998 a nd, at Mother's death (at nearly 98!) Evelyn moved to the care of my sist er Jean who, by then, was widowed. Evelyn became too disabled for home ca re and I brought her to an Albuquerque nursing home, where she died, Janua ry 20, 1999.
Has a stone
Forest Hill Cemetery, Kansas City, Jackson Co
(Research):Edwina Jean Evilsizer Collins was born in Hugo, CO, Jan. 13, 1919, when my parents were living on a ranch. Jean took a post-graduate year in high school, but college was out of the question in those depression yea s. She married Horace Porter Collins in 1941 and had three children: Karen Patricia Collins Ben-Ari, b. Jan. 16, 1943, in Kansas City, MO. Karen was an exchange student in Israel, converted and married an Iraqi Jew and has two sons, one living in Israel.
Jean's next child was Cynthia Ruth Collins Smith, b. April 19, 1957, in Indianapolis, IN. Lives in Virginia; no children. Jean's third child is Robert Roy Collins, b. Aug. 24, 1960, in Anaheim, CA. He adopted his wife 's son by a previous marriage and they have a daughter and another son. He's a computer whiz in Silicon Valley. by Marion Kelliher
(Research):Craig Collins
(Research):Name: Elwood E. Green SSN: 293-03-9585 Last Residence: 44621 Dennison, Tuscarawas, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 30 Dec 1903 Died: 5 Jun 1993 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Ebilsizer, Hoyt
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lewis Lower
Name: �tab�Maggert
(Research):William's tombstone is now too faint to be read, but one reference book st ates the tombstone once read he died at the age of 10 years, 10 month, a nd 29 days.
Groom's Name: �tab�Walter Burby
Groom's Name: �tab�Evan Raymond Burba
Name: �tab�Marth Isabelle Lee
(Research):St Paris Dispatch, March 24, 1910 The illness of Mrs Barbara Loudenback, aged 84 years, terminated with h er death Saturday. Death occured at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs Ver ne Evilsizor, south of town with whom she resided. She married David Loude nback. The husband and daughter preceded her in death. Funeral services we re held at the Methodist Church in Terre Haute, Monday, Rev Hart conductin g. Interment in Terre Haute Cemetery.
(Research):Name: Daniel D Evensizer Birth Year: 1924 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Washington State: Oregon County or City: Jackson Enlistment Date: 8 Jun 1943 Enlistment State: Oregon Enlistment City: Portland Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Athletic Instructor (Athletic director. ) or Skier Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 32 Weight: 346
Social Security Death Index
(Research):Kathryn J. Skevington- sister of Lucy The funeral for Kathryn J. Skevington will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in the H ull & Hull Chapel, Grants Pass. Pastor Richard Kelso will officiate. Priva te interment will be in the Eagle Point National Cemetery. Mrs. Skevington, 67, of Rogue River, died Monday (July 20, 1998) at Thr ee Rivers Community Hospital, Grants Pass. Memorial contributions may be m ade to Rogue Valley Community Church, P.O. Box 640, Rogue River, OR 9753 7. She was born Kathryn Thompson on May 14, 1931, in San Bernardino, Calif . On April 17, 1951, in Quartzsite, Ariz., she married Charles D. "Dick" Ske vington, who survives. They moved to Rogue River in 1980 from Mount Rainie r, Wash. Mrs. Skevington attended Rogue Valley Community Church and enjoy ed gardening, growing flowers, sewing and reading the Bible every day. Survivors, in addition to her husband, include two daughters, Sandra Hutch ens, Colorado Springs, Colo., and Julie Clark, Elbe, Wash.; a son, Richar d, Tacoma, Wash.; a sister, Lucy Evensizer, Wimer; and eight grandchildre n. Arrangements: Hull & Hull Funeral Directors, Grants Pass.
Name: �tab�Lucille Kriss Evensizer
Published in Herald And News on May 28, 2015 (Oregon)
Name: �tab�Thomas R Evensizer
Name: �tab�Thomas Ryan Evensizer
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Dec 2007 Vol22 No4 Pg120 Class Number 5, Concord ME Sunday School Class Roll 1916 Raymond Shultz
(Research):1930 Franklin Co, Columbus, OH Ara L Waymer Columbus, Franklin, OH abt 1880 Ohio White Head Effie S Waymer Columbus, Franklin, OH abt 1880 Wife
Name: �tab�Asa Lewis Waymer
Name: �tab� Claude Herbert Bowers
Name: �tab�William I Runkle
Son of George Franklin Smith and Lucinda Gibson
Name: �tab�George Manuel Smith
Daughter of Asa Aaron Arnn 1843-1914 and Martha Davenport
(Research):Denver Post, Tuesday, August 31, 1999 POLICE KILL MAN WIELDING KNIFE AT FIRE SCENE Denver Police shot and killed a man armed with a knife in his fire-gutt ed apartment early Denver police Friday morning after they said he lung ed at them with the knife. Steven Craig Evilsizer, 35, was dead on arrival at Denver Health Medical C enter just before 6 a.m., police said. The incident started with a 3 a. m. fire in Evil-sizer's apartment at Baker Tower, 330 Acorns St. Firefight ers evacuated the third, fourth and fifth floors of the building and put o ut the fire in apartment 411 before it spread. Arson investigators determi ned that the fire started in Evilsizer's bed, Denver Fire Depart-ment spok eswoman Lenell Gallegos said. Evilsizer was not in the apartment when fire -fighters arrived. But as investigators were leaving the building, a resi dent told them he was in a building stairwell. When an investigator we nt to talk with him, Ev-ilsizer acted "suspicious" and "paranoid," Galleg os said. Evilsizer then bolted from the stairwell and tried to get back in to his apartment, which had been sealed, officials said. Evilsizer ran in to a neighbor's unit and grabbed a knife, Gallegos said. He then climb ed across the balcony to get back into his apartment. Meanwhile, investiga tors had called police. When police arrives, firefighters knocked down t he door to Evilsizer's apartment. Three officers and two fire investigato rs pleaded with Evilsizer to put down the knife, but he wouldn't, said L t. Frank Conner, Denver Police spokesman. In an attempt to get Evilsiz er to comply, one office sprayed him with pepper spray. "It had the opposi te effect" Conner said. "It enraged him and he lunged at them with the kni fe." All three policemen, Karl Roller, James Lucero and Dean Walker, open ed fire. The arson investigators, who were armed did not fire. The shooti ng is being investigated by the homicide unti, which will turn over its fi ndings to the district attorney's office. Conner could not say how many ti mes the three officers opened fire, but a fourth-floor resident who ask ed not to be identified said he heard at least ten shots. "There were a l ot of shots," he said, "and I knew he was dead." Evilsizer had been arrest ed in Denver on drug violations in June and July. He had a Denver arrest r ecord dating back to 1985. Several residents of the 11 story building call ed 911, Gallegos said. Most residents were apparently awakened by either t he building's fire alarm or neighbors. "I heard people screaming "FIRE" ," said resident Katie McEntire.
Name: �tab�Edwin Lee Evensizer
23118 �tab�FOSTER �tab�ANNA �tab�A. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�HIGHLAND CO., O. �tab�11/25/1940 �tab�11/27/1940 �tab�P �tab�Lot 53 �tab�Sublot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 2
(Research):Mack and Anna had the following children:
name: �tab�Mcdonald Foster
23119 �tab�FOSTER �tab�MACK �tab�D. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab��tab�12/19/1916 �tab�12/21/1916 �tab�P �tab�Lot 53 �tab�Sublot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 4
(Research):Death Index for Calif names mothers maiden name as "Lukas". Census recor ds show mother as Ester, so she may have had a different last name.
Name: �tab�Elizebeth Dear
(Research):Poss Joseph Q Beekmen 9/6/1891 - 9/3/1940 buried Spring Grove Sec 5 death cert says son of Henry Beekman and Nannie Wills, found 1900 Census Pike Co, OH. Later married Gladys Knight
Name �tab�Joseph Beekman
(Research):[email protected] - no response from 3 email messages
(Research):Descendants of Emerson went by the name EVELSIZER They were provided by Matthew Wayne Evelsizer [email protected]
Instrument: 194111260000005 �tab�Volume Page: D37 185
(Research):The inventor of the cardboard egg carton.
(Research):Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 Name: George Evilsizer Census Date: 1 Jan 1925 Residence County: Linn Residence State: Iowa Locality: Cedar Rapids Prec inct 14 Birth Location: Iowa Marital Status: Single Gender: Male Estimated birth year: abt 1916 Race: White Relation to Head of House: Son Mother: Albie Kubat Mother's Estimated Birth Year: abt 1892 Mother's Birth Location: Iowa Father: Frank Evilsizer Father's Estimated Birth Year: abt 1889 Father's Birth Location: Iowa Marriage Location: IA City IA Line: 2 Roll: IA1925_1809
Name: �tab�Marion M. Demory
Name: Marion M Demory Gender: Male Date of Death: 15 October 1971 Volume: 20622 Certificate: 072460 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 66 Years
Name: �tab�Maud M. Demory
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harry R Demory
(Research):Name: ALEXAND L DEMORY Gender: Male Date of Death: February 10, 1958 Volume: 15307 Certificate: 08373 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: Urbana, Champaign County Race: White Residence: Urbana, Champaign County Age: 71
(Research):Category WW1 Draft Registration Date of Birth Date of Death Age 25 Street City Portland County Jay TWP State IN Submitted by: Source: Notes: WW I - Draft 1917 Cummins, William R.
(Research):Teachers Term Report Johnson Twp Dist # 10 Winter Term 9/15/1884-2/28/18 85 (From CCGS Newsletter Summer 1992 pg 59) Albert Buck age 7
Albert Buck
(Research):Dad was married to my mother in 1955, I believe. John, Rodger, a nd I belong to that marriage. Dad died Sept. 28, 1988. My grandparen ts on dad's side are John and Rosetta Reagan from Fentress Co (James town, TN). John's parents were Joel and Lucy Catherine, Joel's fath er was Peter Reagan Jr.(b1779) and nancy Cauthon, and his father w as Peter Reagan Sr.I do know that my grandfather John had brothers n amed Jim Blaine, "Ike", and "Hop". That is about all I do know. If y ou can help fill in any gaps please e-mail me back. [email protected] (Graham_Mary_E)
Son of Johann Lanz and Mary Elizabeth Deuser Lanz, who were both born in Germany.
dau of Joseph Arthur Donnelly and ALice Schmouse
(Research):Family info from Carole Ingraham [email protected]
name: �tab�Elizabeth Kohlrieser
(Research):Ancestry at www.gencircles.com
(Research):Champaign County Genealogy Society Newsetter Winter 2006 Vol 22 No 4 pg 11 4 Enumerated of all Unmarried Youth between 5 and 18 years of age , Cable, C hampaign Co, Ohio 1923 Argus Swisher, age 16 grade 12 child of Perry Swisher
Name: Hugh Perry Swisher
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Harvey M Dillon
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Helen Maxine Dillon
Social Security Death Index about Franklin O. Ferg
(Research):Name: John Barrett SSN: 512-38-9118 Last Residence: 66522 Oneida, Nemaha, Kansas, United States of America Born: 23 Nov 1906 Died: Dec 1972 State (Year) SSN issued: Kansas (1955 )
(Research):Source of marriage info: LDS Ancestral File No NLM6-V6 Allen Donald Tallman [email protected]
(Research):U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record Name: Dallas D Ebelsheiser Birth Year: 1924 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Iowa State: Iowa County or City: Keokuk Enlistment Date: 17 Jul 1943 Enlistment State: Iowa Enlistment City: Camp Dodge Herrold Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade: Private Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emerge ncy, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherw ise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 4 years of high school Civil Occupation: Student Codes 0x, 2x, 4x and 6x as pertain to students w ill be converted, for machine records purposes, to the code number 992. Marital Status: Single, without dependents Height: 00 Weight: 000
(Research):Family info from CD 17 Tree 922
(Research):Parents of Ludwig found on WFT Vol 52 Tree 1217
Name: �tab� Louis A Loos
Name: �tab� Louis A Loos
(Research):Source of this family [email protected]
Name: �tab� Lena Bertha Loos
Dau of Charles William Grimes and Emma Ranthy Ferguson
name: �tab�Charles W Tonkinson
(Research):1920 next door to Ben H Lower age 30, but Ben born in Ohio, wife Elizabe th 27
(Research):In the 1920 Wapello Co, IA Census, marys brother John was living with th is family, age 69 born in IA
(Research):I believe this to be Stella L in 1930 Adams Co, Hastings, NE, single, lodg ing, IA IA IA, lodging
(Research):Shelton later married Miss Sally Ann Mantlo (see Mantlo family info). Sal ly Ann Mantlo was the stepdaughter of Ellen E. Evilcizer Mantlo, who w as a half-sister to Shelton. Miss Annie, as everyone called her, was mu ch younger than Shelton. She was a very kind woman, doing things for ever yone who had a need. Shelton always carried candy in his pockets and a ll the children knew just where to find it.
Name �tab�Sallie Annie Evilciger
Descendants provided by Terri Lynn Taylor Houston. Her data scanned to file.
(Research):Not located in 1940 census
Name: �tab� Susie I Taylor
(Research): The Jefferson Bee Jefferson Iowa 16 June 1953 Graveside Services for Steven Evelsizer Graveside services were held for Steven Evelsizer infant son of Jerry a nd Mary Ann Evelsizer on June 11 at 4 o'clock. at the Greenbrier Cemeter y. He paased away June 10 at Jefferson. Rev Ellsworth L Woods pastor of t he Central Christian Church of Jefferson Officiated. Survivors are his par ents , Maternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs Ralph Rice of Bagley ; paternal g randmother Mrs Mabel Evelsizer of jefferson, and one brother Dennis
Death cert not found in LDS site
(Research):Brenda L. Ebelsheiser, 37, of Casa Grande, Arizona, died at Casa Grande Regional Medical Center.She was born to Ronald W. and Vivki Ebelsheiser. She graduated from St. Edmond High School in Fort Dodge, Iowa. She was a member of Victory Baptist Church and managed Tierra Palmas Apartments for seven years. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa.Survivers include her parents Ronald W. and Vicki of Casa Grande, Arizona; a daughter Amberly of Casa Grande; a sister Krista Lynn Keesling of Casa Grande; and grandparents, Robert Spilman of Hedrick, Iowa, Eunice Gackle of Casa Grande, and Mary and Dean Ebersheiser of Hedrick, Iowa.Funeral services were held at The Gardens Chapel of J. Warren Funeral Services, Cole & Maud in Coolidge, Arizona.
52776 �tab�HEISTAND �tab�JOHN �tab�C. �tab�00/00/0000 �tab�CLARK CO., O �tab�09/01/1926 �tab�09/01/1926 �tab�K �tab�Lot 37 �tab�SubLot 0 �tab�Row 0 �tab�Space 2
(Research):Name: Pauline Reed Gender: Female Date of Death: 08 November 1993 Birth Date: 18 December 1903 Volume: 29581 Certificate: 082217 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 236208359 Father's Surname: Evilsizer Time of Death: 1:20 PM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Mother's Surname: Lowe Race: White Birth Place: West Virginia Residence: Ohio Age: 89
Name: Pauline Reed
(Research):Possbily Mildred Pugh who died 10/13/1925 Wheeling WV
Name �tab�Mildred Virginia Evilsizer
(Research):Name: George E Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Roane Stat e: West Virginia Birthplace: West Virginia Birth Date: 8 Nov 1889 Race: Caucasi an Roll: 1992962 WWI Draft Reg Card June 5 1917 George E Evilsizer , Spencer, WV Age 27 born Nov 8 1889 Roane Co, WV Farmer, married, tall, slender, blue eys, light hair
G E Eilsizer born 11/3/1889 Roane Co, Birth register. 1st child born to Samuel and Leona Wine Evilsizer. Samuel 25 Leona 18
(Research):Name: Hermon Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Roane State: West Virginia Birthplace: West Virginia;United States of Ame rica Birth Date: 16 Sep 1895 Race: White Roll: 1992962 WWI Draft Reg Card Sept 12 1918 Herman Evilsizer, Spencer, WV Age 21 born Sept 16 1895 in Spencer, WV Farmer employed by father Married, wife, Med height, slender, Blue eyes, Lt Brn Hair
(Research):EVILSIZER, Lily Rose (ANDERSON); 75; Midland MI; Midland D-N; 2004-9-13; c idis
Funeral services for Mrs. Nora M. Evilsizer, wife of Herman Evilsizer, 1221 Murdoch avenue, will take place Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Franklin funeral home, Mrs. Evilsizer died Monday evening at 7 o'clock at St. Joseph's hospital at the age of 45.
(Research):Name: Florence Lucille Evilsizer Sex: Death Date: 04 Dec 1936 Death Place: Roane, West Virginia- City Hospital Age at Death: 50y 7m 29d Burial Place: Roane Co, WV Burial Date: 12/6/1936 Cemetery: Spencer Cemetery Funeral Home: Birth Date: 4/5/1886 Birth Place: Roane Co, WV Marital Status: Spouse: Occupation: Teacher and housekeeper Address: Residence: Spencer Rt #1 Mother: Margaret Hoff Mother's Birth Place: Roane Co, WV Father: J. O. Boggs Father's Birth Place: Gilmer Co, WV Informant: George Evilsizer COD; Heart failed during an abdominal operation to remove _____?
Name �tab�Florence Lucille Evilsizer
(Research):Appears in 1920 Census age 20, but not in 1910 Census. Named as son, possible stepson
(Medical):Family worries contributed to suicide
Name: �tab�Fred Evilsizer
(Research):I suggest this is Mary:
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007
(Research):Bible records show born Sept 8 and Champaign birth records say Sept 19
Name �tab�Fannie E. Evilsizer
(Research):Tombstone photos in file
(Research):VERA G. ANDREWS 85, of Springfield passed away July 17, 2004 in Communi ty Hospital. She was born December 23, 1918 in North Hampton, Ohio the dau ghter of Earl and Stella (Ballentine) Wones. Mrs. Andrews was a memb er of First Christian Church. She retired from Possum School with ov er 30 years in food service. She is survived by her son and daughter-in- l aw, Larry and Carol Andrews of Loudon, Tennessee; daughter and son-in-la w, Pat and Larry Heckathorne of Pinellas Park, Florida; sister, Nona Pfeif fer of Springfield; nine grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren. She was pr eceded in death by her parents; daughter, Peggy Curtner; three sisters, Ru by, Edna, and Ione. Visitation will be Thursday from 10-11 a.m. in First C hristian Church. The funeral service will be Thursday at 11 a.m. in the ch urch with Craig Grammer officiating. Her body will then be cremated with i nterment in Myers Cemetery at the family�s convenience. The family is bei ng served by the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. Memorial contribut ions may be made to First Christian Church. First published in SNS on Jul 20 2004
(Research):Name: Katherine Hutchins SSN: 275-18-2641 Last Residence: 43227 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States of Ameri ca Born: 26 Sep 1912 Died: Jun 1983 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
(Research):Name: Mildred G Wolcott Gender: Female Date of Death: 18 December 1997 Birth Date: 15 April 1919 Volume: 31333 Certificate: 094058 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 269166093 Father's Surname: Geron Time of Death: 3:30 AM Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Hospital/Inpatient Years of Schooling: 12 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Otstot Race: White Birth Place: Clark County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 78
(Research):CCGS News Dec 1998 Chart by Philip A Little
(Research):CCGS News Dec 1998 pg 123 Military Record of Private Lewis Luther Little as Derived From Federal Mil itary and Pension Records.
(Research):Father: Abraham Blue - conjecture Mother: Elizabeth Quick b: ABT. 1748
(Research):STEPHENSON (JENKINS), MARTHA ELLEN 94, of Springfield, departed this ear th for heaven on July 30, 2004 at 6:13 p.m. in Heartland of Springfield. S he was born in Thackery, Ohio, March 15, 1910 to Julia (Shell) and Juds on Jenkins. Survivors include her identical twin sons, Ronnie and Jerry (R ita Scaggs) Stephenson, of Springfield; and former daughter-in-law, Jan (P arker) Stephenson; five granddaughters, Traci Haerr, Jennifer Stephenso n, Sheri (Chris) Morris, Lori (Ron) Rice, and Michelle (Brett Halk) Stephe nson, all of Springfield; nine great grandchildren, Michael, Heather, Scot t, Travis, Parker, Mackenzie, Amberly, Andrew, and William; one great-gre at granddaughter, Madison. Also three sisters, Norma Dean Coleman, Thel ma Hildebrand, both of Florida and Barbara (Tony) Arci of Troy, Ohio and m any nieces and nephews. Martha was a beloved mother and grandmother and wi ll be sadly missed by her family. Martha retired from Thomas Stationary, a nd the Mueller Residential Center. She was preceded in death by her belov ed husband of 30 years, William; sister, Lois Young; brother, Harold Jenki ns and her parents. Viewing will be held from 12 noon to the time of servi ce. Services will be Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 2 p.m. at JACKSON LYT LE & WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME on North Limestone by Dr. Wendell E. Hakala. First published in SNS on Aug 01 2004
(Research):Father: Jonathan Tullis b: ABT. 1755 in New Jersey Mother: Nancy Dark b: 31 May 1769 in Berkeley Co., VA
(Research):John served in Co. B, 32nd OVI, in the Civil War
Name: �tab�John C. Tullis
(Research):Record Book 10 _pg 260 Filed 4 Feb 1828 Petition for Dower Joseph Longfellow and wife, Martha vs James Cavendaugh and others Martha, before her marriage to Joseph Longfellow, was the widow of Jose ph Crow. Joseph Crow died owning the south-east quarter of Section 13 T wp 4 Range 13 (Harrison) which land he held by patent dated 8 Dec 1818. Ja mes Cavendaugh was the guardian of the minor childre; Ezekiel Crow, Susann ah Crow, James Crow, Thomas Denton Crow and nathaniel Crow. The appraiser s: Job Goslee, William Wilson and Joseph Hewlings, set off 35 acres includ ing the house for the dower.
(Research):Record Book 10 _pg 260 Filed 4 Feb 1828 Petition for Dower Joseph Longfellow and wife, Martha vs James Cavendaugh and others Martha, before her marriage to Joseph Longfellow, was the widow of Jose ph Crow. Joseph Crow died owning the south-east quarter of Section 13 T wp 4 Range 13 (Harrison) which land he held by patent dated 8 Dec 1818. Ja mes Cavendaugh was the guardian of the minor childre; Ezekiel Crow, Susann ah Crow, James Crow, Thomas Denton Crow and nathaniel Crow. The appraiser s: Job Goslee, William Wilson and Joseph Hewlings, set off 35 acres includ ing the house for the dower.
(Research): Henry's son David went with his in-laws, the Ruffners, to Fairfield Count y, Oh. They were among the followers of Martin Kauffman Jr. who split wi th the Baptist Church at Mill Creek and formed a new congregation at Pleas ant Run in Fairfield County.
(Research):Isaac and his family moved to Champaign Co OH in 1811, then followed his b rother John to Bartholomew Co; by 1821 (when a daughter was born); dee ds in Shenandoah Co (where none could be found for Isaac), Champaign Co a nd Bartholomew Co are inconclusive as to the dates of Isaac's various move s, but an obituary for a daughter, Lydia (Goble), states she was bo rn in IN in 1821, when she was 10 years old she went with her paren ts to IL where she lived for five years, then went to IA, where she marri ed David Goble; Isaac was in Will Co IL by about 1831 before moving to Was hington Co about 1835; he lived for some time at the site of the present c ity of Joliet in Will Co, where his daughter Ann was the bride in the fir st marriage there, apparently on 4 July 1835; after Isaac's death, his s on Samuel moved to Henderson Co IL, where his descendants were the last re presentatives of this Pence family to live in that county
(Research):�b�41 (GEORGE) FREDERICK PENCE was born 20 Nov 1752 and baaptized 25 Dec
(Research):Shenandoah Co, VA Tax List 5 in her family in 1785, was the widow of Jacob2 Pence. She apparently w as a part of the household of her son Daniel in 1783
(Research):Shenandoah Co, VA Tax List 7 in his family in 1783 but not on the 1785 list (probably listed under h is mother, above). He also was a son of Jacob2, as listed in his mother 's will. Those enumerated with him in 1783 likely were his mother and h is siblings, as he was not married until 1789.
(Research):Beers History pg 678 JACOB PENCE, farmer; P. O. Urbana. Jacob Pence, Sr., was married to Miss M aria Coffman, in Shenandoah Co., Va., and came to the farm where our subje ct now lives, in 1805. This was afterward entered by him, and considerab ly improved. He built the first cabin near Mad River, and had many Indi an neighbors. Jacob, Jr., had for playmates the young Indians, with wh om he frequently went hunting. Life was of the free and easy sort, money w as scarce, and so was food. The Indians made a great many baskets of ash w ood, which was considered legal tender for anything to eat. Corn was frequ ently sold for 6 1/4 cents per bushel, on nine months' time. Money was alm ost impossible to get, and the pioneers had to help each other raise the ir cabins, cut and roll their logs, and assist in many other things. The I ndians were friendly, but if when visiting the settlers they saw anythi ng they wanted, they would give a grunt or two, quietly appropriate it, a nd walk away. Perhaps in a few days the Indian would come walking in wi th a fine piece of venison, which would be deposited with the same ki nd of a grant. The children of Jacob and Maria were nine in number, only t wo of whom are now living; our subject and his sister, Ann Albin, who liv es in Tremont, Clark Co. The most wonderful thing connected with the Pen ce family was, that the parents of Jacob, Sr., Henry and Mary Pence, had s eventeen children, all of whom lived to adult age, and all but two ca me to this county. Jacob, Sr., died in June, 1828, and his wife in Februar y, 1815. The rand was left to the four children, which was afterward purch ased by Jacob, Jr. He was married to Miss Sarah Dugan Sept. 15, 1833. Th ey were parents of two sons and nine daughters. The sons, John and Clay, e nlisted during the war of the rebellion, and their lives were both offer ed at their country's shrine. They never again saw their loved home, and t he sad hearts of the parents can never feel at ease when thinking of the ir untimely end. Six of the daughters are married. and live in Ohio. Mr. P ence is a very prosperous farmer, and has a splendid home-like place, wi th a model housekeeper for a wife. He is cue of the quiet. unassuming me n, who think deeply and act correctly. The children living are named Dia ry A., Elizabeth J., Eliza A., Sarah J., Nancy M., Maggie, Emma, Ida and L ucinda.
(Research):John Pence and Elizabeth Donavan were appointed guardians of Tabitha Pence, David Pence, John Pence..Champaign Co OH, 1816, Case #27 Wm. Runkel was appointed guardian of Tabitha Pence 15 June 1825, also David Pence, John Pence... Case # 150, #156,# 206
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book C Pg 154 Joseph Pence probated 13 Aug 1855 Wife Magdaline Pence, Sons Joseph and Alexander Pence; daus Mariah Flemi ng (w/o George) of Logan Co, IL; Eliza Newell, Matilda Bell and Jane Penc e. Children of dau Rebecca Newell dec'd (Sarah, Jane and Isabell Newell ). Joseph Pence, executor. Witness Joseph C Brand, Benjamin K Crabill. Sig ned 22 Mar 1855
(Research):PENCE, BENJAMIN - [No date or paper, but probably Columbus, Bartholomew Co ., IN: Another Old Pioneer Gone] Benjamin PENCE, a resident of German town ship, died Feb. 8, 1875, at 3 o'clock P.M., at the age of 87 years, 9 mont hs and 13 days. He was born in Shanandore county, Va., April 25, 1787, a nd moved to Ohio in 1805, and married Catharine Steenbarger, April 8, 181 1. In 1820 he moved to Indiana, and settled in German township where he re mained until his death. He was the father of eight children - four sons a nd four daughters, all of whom grew to maturity and had families, and b ut two of them have as yet died. His wife died March 15, 1843, since whi ch he has remained single. He professed religion in his 24th year and rema ined Methodist for a short time, then joined the Missionary Baptists and r emained with them during the balance of his life. He lived a devoted chris tian and never had any trouble with his neighbors or others. He serv ed in the war 1812 and was honorably discharged at its close. He had forty -five grandchildren, and thirty great, and one great-great-grandchild, a ll of whom are professors of religion. He had six sisters and eleven broth ers, and was the last of this large family. Before he died he said the lig ht was fading from him; it was getting dark, but he could see his way clea rly to the realms of bliss, and that he would not take a thousand worlds f or his hope in Christ.
Dau of John Koontz and Elizabeth baker
(Research):103. See Shen. Co. DB X, 150 (deed dated __ day of ___ 1815 (sic), record ed 8 Oct. 1816), where Henry and Eve Pence, of Champaign Co., transfer la nd and mention her father, Daniel Snyder, and the names of her siblings. T he will of Daniel Snyder Senior, written 17 Nov. 1812 and filed 11 May 182 9, mentions his wife Elizabeth, sons Martin, Daniel and John; daughters Ka therine Kibler, Eve Pence and Elizabeth Kibler (WB P, 103, as cited in Ame lia C. Gilreath, Shenandoah County, Virginia, Abstracts of Wills, 1772-18 50 [Nokesville, Va.: Published by the author, 1980], 207). In a deed fil ed 17 June 1815, Daniel and Barbara conveyed their one-fifth portion of so me of Daniel, Sr.'s land to his brother John. (Shen. Co. DB W, 319, as cie ted in Gilreath, Shenandoah County, Virginia, Deed Books W and X, 1815-181 7, Abstracted [Nokesville, Va.: published by the author, 1994], 52.)
(Research):From Richard Pence 3/2009
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 208
(Research):Moved to Harper Co, Anthony, KS at age 59
(Research):EARLY SETTLERS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS VOL ! Pat Stickl ey and June Kiser-Pg81-83 The name Steinberger or Steinbarger signifies "man of stony hill or mounta in." The family originated in the Troyal of Austria. The earliest reco rd is of one Duke John Frederick of Austria, born about 1700. This Duke Jo hn Frederick had a son John Frederick born about 1725 or 1730 who, havi ng married against his father's wishes, booked passage for himself and bri de to America in 1750. They landed in Baltimore and it is said that on th at very day they landed, a son was born to the couple. This son, their fir st-born, was Chistened John Steinberger, and since the name John was us ed many times in later generations, I will title him John I. The early records in Virginia show the family as living in Page County, Vi rginia. The census of 1785 lists ten members in John Frederick's famil y, which would indicate eight children. According to the settlement of h is estate the father died in 1806 and it is judged from the articles dispo sed of at the estate sale he was a farmer and sawmill operator. The son John 1, who is fountain head of all Champaign County Steinberger s, served as a trooper in the Virginia calvary throughout the Revolutio n. Many stories have been handed down about his war experience. One told is that when on guard duty he always sat on a wagon tongue so th at if he fell asleep he would be awakened when he hit the ground; anoth er that he stole vegetables from a Tory garden while a Negro guard napp ed against a rail fence with a loaded shotgun in his lap. His war reco rd is available if any prospective DAR wishes to obtain it. After the war John I with his wife who was Elizabeth Norman, and all his c hildren came to Ohio in 1804. He was then about fifty years of age. They settled on the headwaters of Nettle Creek, southeast of the villa ge of Nfillerstown. Arriving here with nothing but his family and few household effects, th ey went through the usual hardship of pioneer life and wound up with a fa rm of 240 acres by 1820. Then, not being entirely satisfied with his far m, he conceived the idea of selling out and moving to Indiana. The follow ing children went with him: Henry bom in 1786 and who had married Polly Bo zzell in Champaign county; Frederick bom in 1791 and married to Rebecca Wi ser- Reuben who married Marie Huffinan and a daughter Catherine who had ma rried Benjamin Prince in Champaign county. Two others, Gideon and George Steinberger went further west to Iowa. Howe ver, George who had married Iva Lockhard, remained in Champaign county unt il 1857 and some of his children did not leave this county. That left thr ee children, John II, David and Elizabeth together with George, who remain ed until 1857, who chose to stay in Champaign county. John Steinberger I died soon after going to Indiana. His remains are buri ed at old Union Cemetery, Bartholemew county, Indiana. He was buried in h is Continental uniform. After the family left for Indiana, John II, David and their brother Geor ge S. all settled in the fertile soil of Mad River valley south of Westvil le. Here the brothers John and George with the help of some of their chil dren bought the Abram Shockey sawmill and distillery. A few years later t hey built the now well-known Steinberger miff on State Route 55. The o ld mill has lately been very much in the news of both the Urbana and Sprin gfield papers. For more than a century it has been a historical landma rk and is one of the last of the old grist mills which were built before 1 850. After building the flour mill, a new sawmill and distillery were al so constructed across the road from the Steinberger mill. In 1857 Geor ge S. sold his interest to brother David. The brothers did all the carpen ter work of building the mill and constructing the Steinberger house near by where Charles Blose now lives. The mills were kept in continuous opera tion by the family until about 19 1 0 when the dredging of Mad River ruin ed the mill race. It must have been a financial success for both Jo hn 11 and David became very wealthy. Charles Blose, a grandson of Davi d, still has in his possession the old up-and-down saw that was used in t he first sawmill. lEs daughter Marguerite had two linen bed sheets that we re spun and woven by her great-grand-mother from flax that was raised on t he Steinberger land well over a century ago. These three brothers left many descendants in Champaign and Logan countie s. John II had a family of sixteen children, David, married twice, father ed fifteen and George had several but not all remained here. John II, b om 1776, married Elizabeth, or Sarah Pence in 1821. died in 1832. Dav id then married Lucy Gaines. Seven children were bom to the first wife a nd eight to the second one. It will be noted that the records show that b oth John 11 and David married women whose maiden names were Elisabeth Penc e. This can be explained. The Pences were about as numerous as the Stein bergers. John and his wife were about twenty-four years older that Dav id and his Elizabeth. The two women could have been cousins or aunt and n iece of one another. Since the third generation of Steinbergers in the county number nearly for ty it is interesting to note who some of them married. Three childr en of John II and one of David's married in the Crabill family. The Crabi lls were a pioneer family also from Virginia who located in Mad River town ship and also in Clark county soon after 1800. Angeline Steinberger marri ed Benjamin Crabill in 1833; John III son of John 11 married Susan Crabi ll in 1840; Dicey Ann Steinberger married John Crabill in 1848. These we re all brothers and sisters. John III, a son of David by his second wi fe married Elizabeth Crabill in 1865, and they were the parents of Cora St einberger, who lives on the home farm. Another case that almost equals the Crabflls was the Lockhard family, w ho located in pioneer days where State Route 55 crosses the Valley Pik e. One of George Steinberger's sons, name of Elias married Nancy Lockhar d. Marriage records show that another Steinberger married Emily Lockha rd and Elizabeth Steinberger married William Lockhard in 1833. Other Steinbergers who married into well known pioneer families are as fol lows: Isaac married Maria Ward in 1832, Willis married Maria Anderson in 1 835, Stephen married Lucinda Smith 1836, Gideon married Mahala Kenton in 1 837, another Gideon married Martha Printz in 1884, George S. married Eliza beth Funk, (this was the tree man's family), Alfred married Margaret Mye rs in 1843, Elizabeth married Dr. Samuel Chance, 1859, Angeline married Wi lson, Caroline married John Blose in 1857, Louisa married Alexander Pen ce in 1842, Mary A. married Jacob Seitz in 1846, Festus married Sarah Wia nt in 1866. There are numerous others, too many to name them all. The ma rriage records show by actual count there were sixty-five Steinbergers w ho secured marriage licenses in the first fifty years after they came to C hampaign county.
(Research):Poss the John Stewart who married Mary Johnson 7/22/1813 Champaign Co, OH
(Research):My name is Barb Rowles and I am hoping you can provide me with some inform ation, or even just a clue would do........ It appears a Barbara Penc e, wife of a David Pence, is buried on the Norman-Berry farm. It has alwa ys (for the past 40 years at least) been the family's history that Barba ra was buried in Pleasant Township, Fairfield County, Ohio. Another res earcher and I now believe this history is wrong. It is known that David Pe nce did indeed have relatives in Champaign County and that he indeed liv ed there in 1840. Do you have personal knowledge of this cemetery; a nd if so, do you have a tombstone transcription or anything for Barbara Ru ffner Pence who is buried there? [email protected]
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book D P 75 Magdalena Pence probated 7/8/1872 Grandau Clara Ella pence (d/o Joseph) all property of every kind. If she d ies before 18 years of age, all divided between her brothers and sister s. Witness N Z Anderson, William M Marshall, John H Kronk. Signed 2/7/1867
(Research):From Donovan [email protected]
(Research):Family researcher Mary Alice (Cowhick) Tuxhorn Tuxy2 @aol.com
Father: Thomas Wilhelm NAUMAN b: 1749 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania c: 18 Feb 1752 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Research):Father: Conrad Elscheit Aleshite b: PROB. BEF 1727 in Prussia Mother: Maria Catharina Goessel
(Research):1850 Census names Milton 20 M OH Margaret 18 F OH Elizabeth 10 F OH
(Research):William Runkle was a tanner and an early and long-time judge in Champaign County. After 1840 he went to Morgan County, IL, and settled on a far m, and from there to another farm in McDonough County, following his child ren to both places.
Urbana Citizen & Gazette Oct 10 1867
(Research):Year: 1930; Census Place: Brown, Miami, Ohio; Roll: 1849; Page: ; Enumeration District: 4; Image: 33.0. Simeon Maggert, head, rent $5, 28 md 23 OH OH OH Mabel, wife,25 md 20 Betty, dau, 6 Vivian Maggert, dau,5y3m (4/24/1930)
(Research):Urbana Daily Citizen, Page A-2, Tuesday, February 6, 2001 Candace J Moore, 46, of Urbana, passed away Monday, Feb 5, 2001, in Mer cy Memorial Hospital. She was born May 7, 1954 in urbana, Ohio, the dauth er of Calvin and Jean (Eviilsizor) Rowland, Sr. She was an active memb er of El Shaddai Community Church of God, where she served as treasurer a nd song leader. She was employed by Orbis for 27 years. Survivors inclu de her husband, Timothy Moore, one son, Ryan Douglas Moore, of Urbana, thr ee sisters, Sue and Roger Gladman, Nan and Abe Lowe, and Kathy and Joe And erson, all of urbana; two step-sisters Kathy Sampson and Mary jane Bette r, both of Michigan; tow brothers nd sisters-in-law, Calvin and Vivian Row land and Phillip and Kimberly Rowland, all of Urbana, her mother and fathe r-in-law, Virgie and Eugene Canterbury, of Urbana; two brothers and sister s-in-law, Tim adn Sherry Horn of Cable, and Mike and Kay Wade of Springfie ld; several nieces and nephews; special friend, Jerry Robinson, of Michiga n, and a host of friends. A gathering of family and friends will be held f rom 2-4 and 6-8 pm Wednesday in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Urban a. Funeral Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in the El Shaddai Com munity Church of God with Pastor Calvin Rowland officiating. Burial wi ll be in Oak Dale Cemetery. memorial contributions may be made to El Shadd ai Community Church of God, 2815 Clark Road, Urbana, in care of Tim Moore, 858 S Walnut Street, Urbana.
(Research):Timothy R. Litreal March 16, 1961 - July 01, 2001
LITREAL�tab�VICTORIA�tab�A�tab�Logan County�tab�Bellefontaine�tab�1984-01-16�tab�STOKES�tab�39437�tab�004593
(Research):Probably living with son John in 1840 female age 80-90
(Research):she was married to a Venis previously) in Champaign Co; called
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SW 1/4 Jan 1 1823 David & Barbary Pence to Isaac Koontz, N 1/2 BkF Pg321 SW 1/4 Jan 1 1823 David & Barbary Pence to Jonas Pence, S 1/2 BkF Pg 323 NE 1/4 Jan 1 1823 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to David Pence N1 /2 Bk f Pg 270 NE 1/4 Jan 1 1823 David Pence and Barbary Pence to Isaac Koontz N 1 /2 Bk F pg 321 NE 1/4 Jan 30 1839 David Pence to Solomon Pence, 4 acres N 1/2 BkP Pg269 NE 1/4 Apr 28 1846 David Pence Jr to David Pence Sr 75 acres N 1 /2 Bk S pg 569 NE 1/4 April 3 1851 David Pence Sr to Lemuel Pence, 75 acres, N 1 /2 Bk W pg 229
Dau of Jacob and Magdaline
Name: �tab�Guy Ed Whitman
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book B Pg 145 Frederick Pence, probated 1 Jan 1836 Wife (no name) all movable property and 1/3 household property; 2/3 househ old property to daughter (no name); son Martin. I have given to all oth er sons and sons-in-law all I intend and they shall never trouble each oth er for more. John Whitmore indebted to me for 1 horse and $35 to be pa id to my four daughters. Son-In-law Wesley Arrowsmith executor. Witness Da vid Berry, William Fuson. Will signed 8 Mar 1832
(Research):Beers Champaing Co, History Pg 714 for family Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography pg 184
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Jacob Pence S 1/2 Jan 1 18 23 Bk F Pg262 NW 1/4 Jacob Pence to Henry Pence, N 1/2 of S 1/2 Dec 28 1853 BkY Pg418
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. NE 1/4 Quitclaim from Sarah Pence to Simon W Pence, 13.33 acres, N 1/2 F eb 14 1889 Bk 69 Pg 378 NE 1/4 Quitclaim from Simon W Pence to Sarah Pence, 13.33 acres N 1/2 O ct 5 1891 Bk 73 Pg 622 NE 1/4 Sarah Pence to S W Pence and Allen C Pence, life estate to Andr ew J Pence, N 1/2 Oct 18 1892 Bk 73 Pg 623
(Research):1850 Census household next door was Eli Pence age 75
(Research):Another source from Champaign County indicates Adam and John were so ns of David Wiant of Albermarle Co and Page Co VA.
(Research):1850 Champaign Co Census names her Susan
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Daniel Freeze, N 1/2 Jan 1 18 23 BkF Pg 341 NW 1/4 Daniel Freeze to Saul Batdorf, N 1/2 Apr 4 1839 Bk P Pg 531
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Isaac Pence S1/4 Jan 1 18 23 Bk F pg 302 NE 1/4 Jacob and Deborah Koontz of Fayette Co, IN to Isaac Pence, N 1/2 10 /5/1825 Bk G pg 165 SW 1/4 Jacob abd Deborah Koontz of Fayette Co, IN to Isaac Pence, N 1/2 O ct 5 1825 BkG Pg165 SW 1/4 Isaac Pence and Catherine Pence to Reuben Hunt, 8 acres of NW corn er N 1/2 Dec 15 1826 BkG Pg419 SW 1/4 Isaac Pence and Catherine Pence to Mason Nicholas, 5 acres of NW co rner N 1/2 Dec 15 1826 BkG Pg494 SW 1/4 Reuben and Mary Hunt to Isaac Pence, 13 acres of the NW corner N 1 /2 Jan 3 1828 BkH Pg 193 NE 1/4 Isaac Pence & Catherine Pence to Reuben Hunt, 8 ac of the NW corn er Dec 15 1828 BkGpg419 SE 1/4 May 12 1832 Peter and Eliz Overbarger to Isaac Pence, 31 acr es in NE corner Bk K pg 53 NE 1/4 Isaac Pence to Emanuel Pence, 9 acres part of NE 1/4, N 1/2 of SW 1 /4 and 31 acres part of SE 1/4 June 22 1850 Bk V pg 385 SE 1/4 June 22 1850 Isaac Pence to Emanuel Pence, 31 ac of SE 1/4 and N 1 /2 of SW 1/4 Bk V Pg 385 SW 1/4 June 22 1850 Isaac Pence to Emanuel Pence, N 1/2 and 31 acr es of SE 1/4 and 9 acres of NE 1/4 BkV Pg385 NE 1/4 Lemuel Pence to Isaac Pence, 5 acres, N 1/2 July 1 18 54 Bk 31 pg 471 NE 1/4 Lemuel Pence to Isaac Pence, 27.75 acres , N 1/2 Nov 29, 18 59 Bk 31 pg 470 NE 1/4 Emanuel Pence to Isaac Pence Sr, 9 acres of N 1/4 of NE 1/4 a nd 31 acres part of SE 1/4 Feb 14 1860 Bk 31 pg469 SE 1/4 Emanuel Pence to Isaac Pence Sr, 31 ac of SE 1/4 and 9 ac of NE 1 /4 Feb 14 1860 Bk31 Pg 469 SE 1/4 Feb 14 1860 Emanuel Pence to Isaac Pence Sr, 9 ac of N 1/2 of NE 1 /4 &31 ac of SE 1/4 Bk31Pg469 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence to Isaac Pence, N 1/4 of NW 1/4 except 3.29 acres N ov 30 1869 Bk43 Pg529 NW 1/4 Executor of Isaac Pence to Jonathan Schumm, N 1/2 except 3.29 ac Ju ne 22 1870 Bk42 Pg 485
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SE 1/4 Nov 14 1884 James E Pence to Martha Pence, 20 acres on north si de of 69.25 acres, Bk 63 Pg 396 SE 1/4 Feb 22 1892 Martha Pence to May Pence, 20 acres on north side of 69 .25 acres Bk 73 pg 137
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 received 8/30/1831 Martin Pence, diss by letter 2/24/1838
(Research):Champaign Co Guardainships 8/25/1815 MB 3-86/92 Henry Pence gdn of Polly Maggert 14 yrs; Benjamin Maggert 10 yrs; Lucy Mag gert 11 yrs, heirs of Benjamin Maggert, dec'd. Surity, Joseph Pence
(Research):Champaign Co Guardainships 8/25/1815 MB 3-86/92 Henry Pence gdn of Polly Maggert 14 yrs; Benjamin Maggert 10 yrs; Lucy Mag gert 11 yrs, heirs of Benjamin Maggert, dec'd. Surity, Joseph Pence
Groom's Name: �tab�George A. Haas
Name: �tab�Albert G. Hunt
Name: �tab�Nellie Hunt
(Research):On 26 Apr 1848 she filed suit against Adam for alimony; Elizabeth probab ly married a second time, to John Hower 14 Feb 1856 in Champaign Co; sh e, as Elizabeth Burocker, was living in the household of John Hower in 186 0.
Son of Michael and Eve Buroker
(Research):The Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameron in that part of G reat Britain called Scotland Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virgini a, To all to whom this present writing shall come sends Greeting, Know y e' that for good causes for & in consideration of the composition to me pa id & for the annual rent therein after so served. I have given granted & c onfirmed & by these presents for me my heirs & assigns do give grant & con firm unto Daniel Porucker of Dunmore County a certain tract of waste & ung ranted land on both sides of the Great Hawksbill in the said county, bound ed as by a survey thereof made by Richard Rigg. Beginning at 2 white oa ks & a Spanish oak on the south side of the Hawksbill corner to Michael Co mer & Michael Porucker, then with Comer's lines No. 35� : E': one hundr ed poles to a pine & a red oak, then west thirty eight poles to a larger w hite oak at the place where the corner pine should have stood, then No. 3 8� : W' one hundred & eight jpoles to 3 pines & 2 Hiccories in Michael Com er's ald supposed to be at or very near a corner of his 155 acres tra ct & said to be a corner to his 195 acres tract, then with a line of the s ame to So. 2� : E': one hundred & sixty poles to 2 pines corner thereto, t hen leaving it So. 32� :E' one hundred & twenty six poles to 2 Chestnut oa ks & a red oak on the No:side of the Piney Mountain then So: 60� :E': o ne hundred & fifty five poles to 2 red oaks & a white oak sapling in Jo hn Crum's line, then with his line No:29� : E': Ninety two poles & cross 'd the Great Hawksbill & the course continues fifty eight poles to a Chest nut a red oak & a black oak Crum's corner in Porucker's line, then alo ng it crossing the Hawksbill No. 78� : W' two hundred & thirty two pol es to the beginning containing two hundred and six acres, + together wi th all rights members & appurtenances thereunto belonging Royal Mines exce pted and a full third part of all lead copper tin coals iron mine & iron o re that shall be found thereon, to have and to hold the said 206 acr es of land together with all rights profits & benefits to the same belongi ng or in anywise appertaining except before excepted, to him the said Dani el Porucker his heirs & assigns forever, he the said Daniel Porucker his h eirs & assigns therefore yielding & paying to me my heirs or assig ns or to my certain attorney or attorneys agent or agents or to the certa in attorney or attorneys of my heirs or assigns proprietor's of the said N orthern Neck yearly & every year on the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archa ngel the fee rent of one shilling sterling money for every fifty acr es of land hereby granted & so proportionably for a greater or lesser quan tity. Provided that if the said Daniel Porucker his heirs & assigns sha ll not pay the said reserved annual rent as aforesaid so that the sa me or any part thereof shall be behind & unpaid by the space of two who le years after the same shall become due if legally demanded that th en it shall & may be lawful for me my heirs of assigns proprietors as afor esaid my or their certain attorney or attornies agent or agents into the a bove granted premises to reenter & hold the same so as if this grant had n ever passed. Given at my office in Frederick County under my hand and sea l. Dated the first day of July 1777.
(Research):Champaign Co, Court of Common Pleas Record book 10, Pg 245-Filed June 1828 Petition for Partition Lewis Pence, guardain of George Pence and Savilla Pence vs Peter Pence and Catherine George Pence and Saville pence are hei9rs of Jacob Pence who died in 18 24 owning the southeast quarter of section 31 township 4 range 12 (Conco rd Twp) except for 20 acres and 70 poles which were sold be Isaac Pen ce to John Norman. Jacob Pence purchased the land from Isaac and Susann ah Pence on 7 Feb 1823. Jacob's widow, Catherine Pence has since remarri ed Peter Pence. The appraisers were David Smith, John Arrowsmith and Dav id markley. Catherine Pence received 50 acres for a dower and Lewis Penc e, as guardian, got possession of the rest of the land to use for the chil dren.
(Research):Remarried to a Peter Pence of Fairfield Co OH 3 Feb 1825 in Champaign County; this latter couple sold land to Absalom Pence in 1834.
(Research):He died before the 1850 census, when she is found as the head of a househo ld in Wabash Co near her son Lewis.
(Research):Family researcher [email protected]
(Research):They moved to IN from Champaign Co OH in 1847 or 1848 and settled in Si ms Twp, where they remained the rest of their lives.
(Research): I am trying to help Nancy Corder Halvorson trace the parents of Reuben Co rder who married Amanda Shockey. Have you ever hear who his parents wer e? Richard Pence's Martin Pence married Elizabeth Corder in 1812 and s he was probably a sister to Reuben's father by what I can gather from t he records. Nancy is turning over every stone in every state and I belie ve that she got so far afield that I could not follow her. Therefore, I h ave begun with the Virginia records and working my way north. I am about ready to contact Flossie and see if she has run across the surname in Cla rk County. There had to be a family in the area. A Carder married in 18 19 and another one in 1823 in Clark County, plus I have one Martha Cord er marring David Wilson in 1824 Champaign Co. Then Reuben married about 1 839 and probably a sister married within a few years in Champaign County. The 18 20 Ohio census index does not list any Carder/Corder; Garder/Gorder or Kar der/Korder. The name may have been translated "Carter" in the censu s. I went back to the 1820 Champaign census film this weekend to s ee if I could find anything that might look like Corder, but could not see anything. Denise Moore 2/27/2001
(Research):Record Book 10, Page 311 - Filed 21 November 1828 Lewis Pence Vs George Steinbarger Administrator of Henry Pence, deceased On 1 July 1826 H enry Pence became indebted to Lewis Pence for $100 for work, labor and dil igence of said Lewis Pence before that time. Also, on that date, Henry w as further indebted for another $100 for goods and equipment purchased fr om Lewis. George Steinbarger denies that Henry incurred.the deb t. On 25 October 1828 in the court of David Markley, Justice of the Peac e, Lewis Pence recovered a judgment from George Steinbarger, Administrato r, in the amount of $35.22and costs of $3.80'-4. George Steinbarger fil ed an appeal against the case. On 6 April 1829 the case went before a jur y: Frederick Baker, Ferrill Baker,Abram Baker, Alexander Beaty, Joseph McC lain, John Scott, William Ward,AndrewStaley, David Lung, Benjamin Kite, R obert J. Swam(?) & William Patrick.The jury found that Henry Pence did n ot in his lifetime contract with Lewis Pence for the amount specified. Th erefore, Lewis Pence, by his attorney, Daniel S. Bell, asks for a new tri al because (1) the verdict was not according to law, (2) the verdict was c ontrary to evidence, (3) the plaintiff has discovered new and material evi dence. However, within the same court term Lewis Pence withdrew his charg es for a new trial. The court decreed that Pence recover nothing from Ste inbarger, however, Steinberger was to recover from Pence the costs of defe nding himself
(Research):Remarried to Walter Evan Lockard on 17 Oct 1830 in Champaign Co
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardainship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 356 13 June 1848 Amelia B lose 17yr; james Irwin Blose 13yr, minor heirs of John Blose, dec'd. Surit ies Lewis Blose, Daniel Blose
(Research):1. Public Records of Champaign County, Ohio, Chancery Records of the Cou rt of Common Pleas, Record Books 1 Through 23, Volume 1, by Pat Stickley a nd Denise Kay Moore, Published by The Champaign County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 680, Urbana, OH 43078-068 0, 1998
(Research):Champaign County Ohio Land Deed Indices, Johnson Township by Denise Kay Ma han Moore and Pat Stickley CCGS January 2006 Sec 12 Twp 3 R 11 SE1/4 6/17/1873 D W Todd , Guradian of Sarah Magge rt to Jacob Pence, 1/8 of 65 acres, E 1.2
Dau of Phillip and Elizabeth Prince
Name: �tab�Herman E. Woods
Name: �tab�Mary Grace Dalaney
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles Julius Luther
(Research):Record book 26 pg 378 Case heard 6 Mar 1857; newspaper publication of 17 Feb 1857-Petition for Dower and partition Daniel Buroker and wife vs Elizabeth Jenkins and others Edwin Jenkins died seized of 80 acres located in the west half of the SE 1 /4 of Sec 16 Twp 3 Range 11 (Jackson twp). Elizabeth jenkins was Edwin's widow, and the following were his children: Mary Jenkins wife of Daniel Buroker; David Jenkins; Isaac Jenkins; Anna Jenkins wife of Ephraim Lippincot t; Eli Jenkins; Sarah Jenkins wife of David Buroker; Louisa jenkins wife of Samuel Slusser; Phoebe Jenkins wife of Thomas Calvert; William Jenkins and Joseph Jenkins.
(Research):Champaign Co, Gen Society Newsletter Apr/May/Jun 1999 pg48 Immigrants to Warsaw, Wayne Township and Kosciusko County, Indiana, From C hampaign County, Ohio
(Research):PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 13, Pages 395-400- Filed 27 April 1833 Paul Lung vs George Millice & wife et al In 1824 John Lung of Champaign County died owning the south-west quarter of Section 32 Township 4 Range 12 (Concord Tp.), worth $600 as 30 acres of the land was improved. John Lung's heirs: Susannah Lung, widow (married circa 1830, George Millice of Champaign County); Paul Lung; Noah Lung (about 20 years); David Lung; Philip Lung and John Lung. Susannah was t he guardian of the minors: David about 17; Philip about 14 and John about 13. For the purpose of the suit, Frederick Ambrose was appointed guardian ad litem.
(Research):George Millice appears in the 1820, 1830 and 1840 census with another geor ge (2) in the 1840 census. However there appears in the guardian boo ks pg 268 6/12/1839 George Hupp, gdn of Mary Millice age 16, dau and min or heir of George Millice dec'd. Surities Benjamin Richart, Icabod Wagle y. So it is not known which George was deceased by 1839, as both we re in 1840 Census. This George appears in the 1850 Census Goshen, OH pg 2 34 age 60 b VA wife Susannah age 55 b VA. My theory is that it was his fir st wife who died in 1824, thus his remarriage in 1830 and the guardiansh ip of his youngest daughter Mary born in 1822 to be cared for by his elde st daughter Margaret and husband George W Hupp.
(Research):PENCE MINERVA C County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 8/13/1934 Volume Number: 7582 Certificate Number: 41443
(Research):I believe barbara to be about ten years older, as her son John was bo rn in 1804
(Research):CONCORD NOTES CCGS News Spring 1993 from Urbana Gazette Nov 23 1882 Daniel Pence married Polly Bacome on the farm adjoining us to the west. S he is said to have had a very peculiar temperament, always taking a promin ent part in the duties of the farm.
(Research):died before 1840, when his children were listed in a record relating to t he settlement of their grandfather's estate; married Rachael _____ (possib ly Harshbarger, per IGI) about 1826 (she died 6 Nov 1876, age 69, at the S helby County, Ohio, Infirmary), no record of marriage found; probably mov ed to Shelby County, Ohio, where his children were married. Four childre n, all listed as minors in an 1840 court record relating to his father's estate in Champaign County, Ohio:
(Research):Probably Harbarger
(Research):Newspaper article dated 12/20/1883 in obit books of Denise K Mahan Moore Poysell & Offenbacker removed Eva, mother of Barney Pence from the David K ite farm and reinterred at the Spring Grove Cemetery. The remains had be en buried 62 years and were still in good condition. They also removed t wo children for Gabriel and Rebecca Norman, to the same place; also one ch ild for John Norman. They also removed a large monument standing 22 fe et high for Mrs Susan Norman from her farm to the Spring Run Cemetery; al so removed the father and mother and sister of Lemuel Norman and two child ren of Lemuel Norman and Susan Norman. They have another monument and a fa mily to remove for Mr Weller, in the same neighborhood. The Spring Run cem etery has only been opened since last spring and has already began to lo ok like they were going to have a very fine place of it soon. It is very n icely located about half way between St Paris and Millerstown. Poysell a nd Offenbacker have two very nice monuments sold to go in the same cemeter y. One for Gabriel Norman, to sot $625 and a nice cottage monument for Har rison Bodey.
(Research):Eileen VanTilburgh �u�[email protected] �/u� 4/1/2009
(Research):Married Sarah Dosh, possibly in Champaign Co OH but no record has been fou nd; went to Carroll Co IN before 1840, when he is listed in the census the re; in 1850 he is found in Carrollton Twp, Carroll Co with no wife and h is children; In 1860 he was also in Carroll Co with wife, Mary A., age 5 2, and no children.
Name: �tab�Durward D. Hough
They had no children. I have no clue when they divorced but she apprarently returned to Sarah Miller and Michael married # 4 about 1886 probably in Indiana
Name : Sarah MILLER
(Research):They probably went to Carroll Co IN before 1840 with her brother Peter a nd his wife Sarah Dosh, where Magdalene possibly died before 7 July 183 7, for on that date a Frederich Dosch married Elizabeth Burkholder in Carr oll Co; possibly as his second wife; Frederick Dosh, nor no others named D osh or Dosch, was not located in the 1850 census of Carroll Co; however, G eorge and Henry Dosch were in Carroll Co in 1860 and they are possible chi ldren.
(Research):This entire family dissapears after 1860 including wife and all childre n. Even searched other states.
(Research):PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 8, Page 458 - 19 August 1822 Benjamin Comegies & John Comegies Vs Jacob Miller & Elizabeth, his wife & Elizabeth Thomas In 1821 Benjamin Comegies and John Comegies of the City of Baltimore obtai ned a judgment against James Thomas for $1226 debt, $12.26 damages and $12 .14 costs and the judgment was made libel on the cattle and one horse, b ut no chattels or lands of said James Thomas. The stock was sold und er a venditioni exponas and produced only $100 against the debt. There w as no personal or real estate subject to be leived upon the residue. Jam es Thomas recently died leaving a widow, Elizabeth and a daughter, Elizabe th, wife of Jacob Miller. James Thomas held the west half of Section 18 T ownship 4 Range 12 (Harrison Tp.) by certificate as the land was not pa id in full. However, before he died, James Thomas, in an effort to defra ud the complainants, turned over the land to his son-in-law, Miller. Th ey further complain that Miller also received other personal propert y. On 19 December 1823 Jacob Miller answers that there was no personal es tate subject to be levied by execution to satisfy the residue of the judgm ent and that he received no personal property from James Thomas. As to t he land, Thomas had only paid one payment, $160. On 22 August 1822 Thom as assigned the land to Miller, but Miller paid .him for it. Since Mill er received the land from Thomas he had sold it to John Sample and he beli eved that he had a right to do so. Miller also said that James Thomas he ld considerable personal property, which is in the hands of the widow, a nd that there was one other heir of Thomas, one Sarah Evans of Virgini a. Jacob Miller was left as trustee for the purpose of paying the bills a nd the providing the support of Thomas' widow. Soon after Thomas died t he complainants levied an execution on the principal part of the person al property and sold the same at a sheriff's sale. Since this time Mill er believes that he has been freed of the responsibility as truste e. On 12 December 1822 Elizabeth Miller answered the summons and said th at she knew nothing of any judgment against James Thomas by the complainan ts. She knew of a judgment, but not the parties involved. A supplement b ill made by the complainants made Sarah Evans a defendant and John Samp le of Pennsylvania (purchased the land) and Samuel McCord, brother-in-l aw of John Sample defendants. They further asked for an injunction again st McCord for transferringthe certificate for the land to Sampl e. On 25 October 1823 Samuel McCordgave his deposition and related that he purchased the land f rom Benjamin Doolittle (who must have purchased from Jacob Miller) for h is brother-in-law, John Sample. Three payments for the land have been mad e. John Thomas, Sarah Evans and Elizabeth Thomas failed to answer the sum mons and the bill was taken as confessed. The court decreed on 18 March 1 825 that the sum and interest due on the land was $489.34 and the land w as worth $900. That the certificate for for the land to John Sample was f raudulent and ordered the sheriff to sell the land. On 10 June 1825 the l and was appraised at $536.40 and it was determined that $514.40 was yet d ue for the land to the US Government. The land was purchased by James Coo ley for $357.60 and Miller must make a deed of transfer to Cooley. The de ed to John Sample was made void; the bill against Elizabeth Thomas was dis missed and the other defendants must pay the court costs, $67.95, within t hirty days. There was a notice by the defendants that they would appe al to the Supreme Court. [Who paid the remaining bill, $514.40, to the Gov ernment and received the patent Jacob Miller or James Cooley?]
(Research):CCGS, Book III, August 2002 by Dorothy Shaffer, Champaign Co, Ohio St Par is Newspaper Abstracts Jan 1900-1916, pg42. 1/24/1902
(Research):d.o John Morris and Grace Kinney
Died at home in Millerstown, mother of 3 dau, 2 survive
(Research):Came to America with other members of his family on the ship Phoenix in 17 49; died before 25 May 1779 in Shenandoah Co VA, when his oldest son, Joh n, sold some of his land; the full name of his wife is unknown, although s he is identified on a deed record as Barbara in 1767; a 1794 Shenando ah Co marriage bond gives the parents of a Susannah Pence as "Ludwig and M inerva" (see Susannah below), so it is possible he had a second wife, b ut this seems unlikely; the earliest record found of him after his arriv al in America is when he purchased 49 acres of land from Rudolph Mau ck in Frederick Co VA on 26 Aug 1754; he and his wife Barbara sold this tr act to Caspar Taylor 2 Jun 1767, after having received a grant of 440 acr es from Lord Fairfax on 7 Nov. 1757; since no will or estate record c an be found for Lewis or his wife or wives, and the church register whi ch may have contained information on his family is lost, the names of h is children may never be accurately identified; only his oldest son John c an be documented;
(Research):Described in deeds as the "oldest son and heir" of Lewis Pence in Shenando ah Co, the first of which was recorded on 29 May 1779; no dates of death h ave been found for either John or Elizabeth, but they can be inferred fr om census, deed and marriage records; moved to Clark Co (then Champaign County) in 1805, possibly with some of the Kiblinger family; he and his sons Pe ter and Abraham are there in the 1820 census of present-day German T wp in Clark Co; John Pence and wife Elizabeth sold 60 acres to Daniel Kibl inger, probably their son-in-law, on 19 Jul 1814; John Pentz (no wife ment ioned, indicating her probable prior death) then sold the remaining 50-13/ 100 acres to Martin Baker on 23 Oct 1827 and his name disappears from t he tax land records. The 1826 tax roll for Clark Co shows him with 50 acr es in the north part of the southeast quarter of Sec. 9, German Twp, a nd he is listed with the same 50 acres in 1827. In 1828 there is no list a nd in 1829 he is listed for 50 acres, but this is crossed out with the not ation transferred to Martin Baker. This John Pence likely was the John Jun r. who served in Captain Michael Reader s company in the Revolution, altho ugh there is no ready indication of why he was called Junr.
(Research):LEWIS PENCE is a possible son; some Champaign Co OH Pence descendants s ay that the Lewis Pence who went there in 1820 was the son of Lewis, but t his Lewis was almost certainly the son of Jacob, it is possible, but unlik ely, that both Lewis and Jacob had a son named Lewis and both these men h ad wives named Barbara - if so, the records concerning them are indistingu ishable.
(Research):Described as a daughter of "Ludwig and Mirvin" (Minerva?) in a marriage bo nd for her and Benjamin Maggart on 2 May 1794 in Shenandoah Co VA; no oth er reference to a Minerva has been found and despite this bond, it can amp ly be easily shown by records in both Shenandoah Co and Champaign Co OH th at the Susannah Pence who married Benjamin Maggart was the daughter of Hen ry Pence
(Research):Possibly a daughter; a Barbara Pence who married Adam Kibler is consider ed by some Kibler descendants to be the daughter of Lewis, Barbara, daught er of Jacob, for a discussion of the possibility she was the one who marri ed Adam Kibler).
(Research):Possible daughter; a Margaret Pence, otherwise unidentified, is said by Ki blinger descendants to have been the wife of Jacob Kiblinger and the daugh ter of Lewis Pence; this couple probably married in Shenandoah Co VA and t hen went to Clark Co OH about 1805; however, if the Margaret Pence who mar ried Jacob Kiblinger was the daughter of Lewis Pence, one is confronted wi th the unlikely prospect of there being three first-cousin marriages betwe en her Kiblinger children and the children of her brother, John Pence
(Research):She is called daughter of John in her marriage bond; she may have died n ot long after her marriage, as a George Boswell married Milly Robins on 25 May 1800 in Madison Co VA, and the record appears on the same pa ge as the marriage of Abraham Pence, to Jemima Robinson; the speculati on is that this was George Boswell s second marriage and that George s old est daughter, Barbara, was either the daughter of his first wife, Barba ra Pence, or named for her; this Barbara Boswell married Artemus Sco tt 28 Nov 1819 in Champaign Co OH, where George and his two brothers, Ezek iel and Henry, were by 1810; George died by 1822, when William Runkle ga ve bond as the administrator of his estate; his brothers moved to Bartholo mew Co IN by 1824, as did his widow Milly and some of her children, thou gh she later returned to Champaign Co to live with other of her childre n; in Bartholomew County, the name became Bozell and this family became cl osely associated with the Pence family; there were several Bozell-Pence ma rriages, including two sons of Ezekiel who married daughters of Benjamin P ence
(Research):Recorder's Office Springfield, Clark County, Ohio June 20, 1989 Deed: Volume K Pages 629 - 630
(Research):(although a record made by a grandson in 1910 gives her maiden name was Lo gan; she was age 70 in the household of John Fisher in the 1850 census.
(Research):Was probably the daughter of John Pence, as he appears to have been the on ly Pence in the Champaign-Clark area of OH that early whose children are n ot all identified; she was born probably about 1780 in VA and married Jo hn Rector 4 Oct 1810 in Champaign Co OH (he may have been the John Rect or who was born about 1763, probably in PA, the son of Daniel Rector and N ancy Ann Oldham; if so, he was an uncle to the wife of Joseph Pence, s on of Henry Pence (No. 63); no further record has been found for this fami ly
(Research):Researcher Cordell Kiblinger [email protected]
(Research):Per Richard Pence Web Page Miss Carson says that Eve was the daughter of Jacob Kiblinger and Margar et Pence, who is unidentified. She was thought by Miss Carson to have be en a daughter of Jacob2 and his wife, Barbara, but she was not mention ed in Barbara's will, which names all of the other known children.
(Research):Her will, dated 12 Feb 1851 and filed 28 Sep 1855, she left everythi ng to her son-in-law, Jacob Baker (husband of her deceased daughter, Ruth ); she was the daughter of Andrew Davis; she remarried to Sampson Kell ey 1 Sep 1818 in Champaign Co); in April of 1818 Andrew Davis and Zephani ah Luse were named guardians of Ruth Pence, daughter of Jacob. will dated 12 Feb 1851, filed 28 Sept 1855 Champaign Co., left a ll of her property to son-in-law, Jacob Baker; m. 17 July 1810 Champ aign Co. , Jacob Pence (who had died prior April 818--Guardiansh ip Bond of Ruth Pence, daughter of Jacob, as ward of Andrew Dav is & Zephaniah Luse (Bond Book 1, Page 72). Ruth Pence was therefo re a granddaughter of Andrew, not a niece); m. #2, 1 Sept 1818 Champ aign Co., Sampson Kelly (who died circa 1828 - Guardianship bonds f or his children - Bond Book 1, Pages 176, 178 and 180)
(Research):Jacob Kiblinger traveled back and forth to OH from Shenandoah Co several t imes from 1801 to 1805, when he assisted his father and several other Kibl ingers and Pences to Champaign Co; in 1805 he purchased 80 acres from t he government and later an additional 108 acres in German Twp, Clark Co; a bout 1808, he built a saw and hemp mill located on Mad River in German T wp and operated it until about 1820, when Adam and Daniel Kiblinger (and I ra Paige) built a grist mill at the same point on Mad River 10 Jan 181 1. He served in Capt. Joseph Vance s Rifleman Company from Clark Co in t he War of 1812.
(Research):List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 5 in Urbana Twp 11-25-1832 Michael Kite - 5
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book E Pg 173 David Steinberger, Mad River Twp, died 4/3/1883, probated 4/23/1883 Heirs Lucy Steinberger-widow-dower in all property and 1/2 of home farm; L ouisa M Pence-dau-Urbana the farm she lives on; Mary A Seitz-dau-Springfie ld 1/3 of farm in Mad River Twp and farm in Clark Co; George S Steinberger -son-Bowlusville 2/3 of farm he lives on in Clark Co; Caroline Blose-dau-T remont 1/2 farm I live on where mill located; Amanda Frye-dau-Urbana fa rm in Urbana Twp; John F Steinberger-son-Urbana farm he lives on; Elizabe th Chance-dau-Urbana house and lot she lives on in Urbana; Gideon Steinber ger-son-Urbana farm in Mad River Twp. Gideon Steinberger administrator. Wi tness John Taylor, John S Leedom. Signed 7/19/1882
(Research):Death date not accurate. obits of children born after this date veri fy he was the father. Son Joseph, obit says both his parents passed aw ay at age 17, so probably he died 1844
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book C Pg 78 Shadrack Northcutt, ptobated 1 Feb 1853 Wife Ruth. Heirs, Lydia baker; Elizabeth Owens if living (if dec'd nothi ng to her children); Margaret Kizer dec'd (her son Perry Kizer but no ne to Michale Kizer son's); son Runyon's heirs (John, Emily and Edmon Nort hcutt) ; son Willis Northcutt; dau Angeline Miller; dau Harriett Neese h as had her share and son Joseph Northcutt has had his share. Son Jeptha No rthcutt, executor. Witness, Daniel Stewart, Harrison Stoutemeir. Sign ed 11 Jul 1850
Dau of Daniel Runyon and Ann Lenox
(Research):Champaign County Guardianship pg87 2/24/1860 Jacob Pence, gdn of Jose ph T Northcutt, 18 yr 23 Aug 1859; heir of Lucinda Northcutt, dec'd. Surit ies Elias Stover and William Patrick
Inscription: Wife of Jacob Pence -- Aged 75y, 5m, 4d
Groom's Name: �tab�Leo G. Barmann
Groom's Name: �tab�Charles H. Baker
(Research):Mother of Gen Snyder of Mad River Twp
(Research):CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters Charles Rector
(Research):From primary and secondary sources, it does look like she was the daught er of Luke Chapman of Hampshire Co., (W)VA. However, Larry Weaver's resea rch seemed to lean towards George Chapman of Berkeley County as her father as well as the father of Wm Chapm an who m. Hannah Smith. Since both families were living close to each oth er in ChampCo during the first half of the 19th Century, it does seem logi cal that they were siblings. Then again, they could have been cousins (9/30/2005 from Nancy Corder Halvorson [email protected])
(Research):KIBLINGER -- THE SPRINGFIELD (Ohio) WEEKLY REPUBLIC, Thursday, August 2 3, 1894 PIONEER GONE Death of John KIBLINGER, of Near Eagle City, German Township, A Man Kno wn Throughout The County for His Open-Handed Hospitality John KIBLINGER, of of the pioneer citizens of this county, and for yea rs a prominent and active member of the Clark County Board of Agricultur e, died August 17, 1894, at his residence near Eagle City, German townshi p. Deceased was born September 11, 1816, on the farm on which he died a nd within a stone's throw of where he died...He was reared amid the stirri ng scenes and incidents of pioneer life and his stories of those wild o ld days were extremely interesting. Game at that time was abundant, and M r. KIBLINGER for years reveled in a sportsman's paradise and shot deer, wi ld pigeons, turkeys and other game by the wholesale. One thrilling incide nt he was fond of relating and that was the fact that his father hid h im in the decayed stump of a tree one whole night while the Indians from N orthern Ohio passing down the river, camped near the KIBLINGER cabin and m ade the night hideous with their yells. Mr. KIBLINGER'S first wife was Mi ss M. J. PENCE, who he married February 23, 1837. Two children survive th is union, Mrs. Eva WYRICK of this city and Mrs. Jacob HATZOG living at t he home place. He was married the second time to Mrs. Elizabeth RIEGEL Dec ember 12, 1847. Three children survive this union, viz: Mrs. Cooper LUDLO W, Mrs. Charles MYERS and Sylvanus KIBLINGER, all of whom live in this cit y. Mr. KIBLINGER was one of the originators of the Clark County fair and h as been a director for years. He was held in highest esteem by all who kn ew him and was noted far and wide for his kindness of heart and open hospi tality. At the time of his death he was a member of the Baptist church. T he funeral services will be held at the residence Sunday afternoon at 3 o' clock.
(Research):Possible granddaughter because of birth dates
(Research):Beers Histoey pg 681 ABRAHAM C. POWELL, farmer ; P. O. Urbana. We have given in the sketch of Philander h. Powell a brief notice of his father's life and early settlement in this county. Being now far advanced in years, he has retired from active business, and is passing the remainder of his days in quietness at the home of his son, whose name heads this sketch. His boyhood was passed on the farm, and his education was obtained at the common schools. The other children have been spoken of in connection with Philander R. Powell's biography. Abraham, Jr., was wedded to Miss Elizabeth A. Goodrich May 8, 1861. She was a native of Virginia. Her parents, James Goodrich a nd Elizabeth Ogle, were married Jan. 26, 1815. He was born in 1782; she in 1792. James was a soldier during the war of 1812, and endured great hardships during his term of service. He was under command of Gen. Harrison at Ft. Meigs, and his accouterments are still in possession of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Powell are parents of two children-William Osborne and Albert Goodrich. Albert has a great liking for the farm, and will, no d oubt, follow in the footsteps of his father. William was killed by accident in his 11th year. The farm that was settled upon first by his father, in 1808, is now the property of our subject. He was in the battle in which Tecumseh was killed, being near him when he fell. His home is made happy and pleasant by his children, who do all for his comfort that is possible. Our old pioneers are nearly all gone, but we are pleased to still take by the hand a few who have done so much to make this beautiful country what it is. Abram Powell, Jr., was born Nov. 4, 1830; his wife, Elizabe th A. Goodrich, Dec. 29, 1833.
Name: A.C. Powell
(Research):Does not appear in the 1870 Census
(Research):They were living in Logan Co IL in 1850; Mary Fleming, age 61 (she shou ld have been about age 70), possibly her, was living with her brother Alex ander's first wife, Louisa M. Pence, in Urbana Twp in 1880, along with a D avid Fleming, age 11, possibly a grandson.
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg 190 11 Oct 1862 Michael Wagner gdn of John H Newell 19y 21 Aug 1862; heir of John Newel l. Surities Joseph Pence & W D Knight
(Research):No death date or burial place has been found for Eliza;
(Research):The 1850 census, during which he was living in Mad River Twp with his thr ee children, indicates he was born about 1811 in VA); the family was in Lo gan Co IL in 1840; Addison Newell cannot be located in Champaign Co cens us records after 1850, but his daughter Isabelle died unmarried in 1875 a nd is buried in Pence Cemetery.
(Research):Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 608 Feb 24 1858 Geor ge W Deaton gdn of Van S Deaton 10yr on Aug 1857; Lydia Deaton 9yr; Emo ry G Deaton 7yr; Emily Deaton 5yr; William D Deaton 3 yr minor heirs of na than Deaton dec'd. Surities John Richeson, Samuel Deaton
Name: �tab�Wm. Dyke Deaton
(Research):Beers pg 709 ISAAC BULL, farmer; P. O. Urbana. Mr. Bull has lived in this township duri ng the last quarter of a century, and of course, in his acquaintanceship w ith the old settlers, can relate many personal reminiscences of events hap pening during the early settlement of this county. Many of the people livi ng here are natives of Virginia, in which State Mr. Bull was born, in Rock ingham County, July 14, 1818. His father was a soldier in the war of 181 2. He left Virginia in 1855 and moved to Franklin Co., Ind.; here both him self and wife died. Isaac came to Urbana in 1853, and in 1859 he was marri ed to Miss Mary Hess, by whom he had two sons and one daughter -Benjamin F ., Elmore H. and Elizabeth A. Benjamin went to Virginia City, Idaho, in 18 64, in company with twenty-four men from Springfield, Ohio ; all return ed except three, and all are living except Benjamin, who died in Helena Ci ty, Sept. 11, 1878. He had accumulated quite a fortune. Elmore is now in D enver, Col., and Elizabeth ' married E. F. Fleming ; they reside in Chicag o. Mrs. Bull died Jan. 19, 1855, and Mr. Bull was married to Miss Jane, da ughter of Joseph Pence, Oct. 1, 1868. They have two children-Joseph T. a nd Charles E. L. They reside on a part of the estate of Joseph Pence, s ix miles southwest of Urbana. Mr. Bull is a practical farmer and an energe tic business man. Joseph is attending Buchtel College, and intends graduat ing at that institution. Isaac is a stanch Democrat and never misses an el ection; he has been for nine consecutive years Assessor of this townshi p, and has for many years been a prominent auctioneer in the county, a nd is a dealer in stock. There are 236 acres all under fence, which brin gs in a nice income. The farm is a splendid one in the Mad River Valley, a nd is managed entirely by Mr. Bull. He is a genial gentleman, and we are u nder obligations to him for favors. Since his coming, there have been chan ges in every family between Fremont and Westville, by reason of death, cha nge of residence or other causes.
(Research):Record Book 31, Page 129- Filed 11 August 1863- Petition of Attachment Jos eph Pence vs Alexander Pence Since 23 October 1859 Alexander had been indebted to Joseph Pence. At t he time of the suit several notes were due and Joseph was asking for a tot al of $625.26 and placed an attachment against Alexander's land. Alexand er Pence was the owner of the north-east quarter and 40 acres off the ea st side in the north-west quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Range 11 (Urba na Township). The court appraised the 200 acres at $55.00 an acre. Alexand er did not appear in court but he signed an acknowledgement of the su it on 18 August 1863 in Lincoln County, Illinois.
(Research):Louisa and the three sons by his first marriage were living in Urbana T wp in 1870, as was Alexander and his second wife, Sarah, and their childre n; Sarah Pence, age 38, was in Urbana town in 1880 with her four childr en and in 1900 in Urbana with her daughter, Etta, and John Sparks; in 191 0, Sarah H., 69, was living with John Parks along with her daughter Etta a nd sons Robert and John, children of her son Reuben; the latter two were l iving with John Parks in Urbana in 1920.
(Research):PENCE SARAH County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 7/4/1917 Volume Number: 2312 Certificate Number: 43828
(Research):1860 household has a Jonathan Sifers age 4m Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 289
(Research):I suspect death date in Cemetery is in error, as Nancy appeared in the 18 70 Census with Jacob. Birth date fits with census date. Also in the 1860 C ensus Beers History of Clark Co, cited death date as 11/17/1869. It would seem t he tombstone record is the acurate one. Parents owned a large plantation in Shendoah Co, VA
(Research):Record Book 31, Page 129- Filed 11 August 1863- Petition of Attachment Joseph Pence vs Alexander Pence Since 23 October 1859 Alexander had been indebted to Joseph Pence. At t he time of the suit several notes were due and Joseph was asking for a tot al of $625.26 and placed an attachment against Alexander's land. Alexand er Pence was the owner of the north-east quarter and 40 acres off the ea st side in the north-west quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Range 11 (Urba na Township). The court appraised the 200 acres at $55.00 an acre. Alexand er did not appear in court but he signed an acknowledgement of the su it on 18 August 1863 in Lincoln County, Illinois.
(Research):Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book A Pg 51 Samuel Pence, probated 2-20-1815 Wife Elizabeth Pence, children Tabitha, David L and John Pence (minors). W ife Elizabeth Pence and my brother Joseph Pence executors. Witness, John N awman, Henry Bentz.Pence, Abraham Bentz/Pence, Isaac Myers. Will signed 2- 20-1815
(Research):No record of Tabitha can be found in Champaign Co after she, her husband and her brother David Pence and his wife Nancy deeded land to Levi Bryan on 13 Sep 1833; it is believed Tabitha died about 1835 or 1836 and that John Morris remarried to Elizabeth (Brunstetter) Wallace 2 Feb 1838 in Clark Co OH; Elizabeth Brunstetter had first married William Wallace 19 Dec 1830 in Clark Co; John Morris, age 39, with wife Elizabeth, age 40, can be found in the 1850 census of Mad River Twp, Champaign Co, with a family consisting of Joseph Morris, age 15, Thomas Wallis, age 12, and Mary A. Morris, age 7; presumably Joseph is the son of John and Tabitha .
(Research):Obit date Jan 1894. Mt Calvary transcription needs to be checked, it sa ys 1897
(Research):The following are the children of John Morris and Grace: Husband: John MORRIS Died ca 1839 Wife: Grace KINNEY
(Research):The family moved to Logan Co IL about 1835 and appears in the 1840, 1850 and 1860 census records there, indicating the move to OR came after 1860.
(Research):Died in 1828 or 1829 in Fairfield Co OH; married Francis Pebler (Pevler, n ow Bibler) 15 Apr 1783 in Shenandoah Co VA by the Rev. Anderson Moffit t, an associate of Elder John Koontz at the Mill Creek Baptist Church (Fra ncis was born in 1768, probably in Lancaster Co PA, the son of Johann Fran tz Bibler and Albertina Charlotha Kroh); Francis and Mary were among tho se who joined the members of the Mill Creek Church in then-Shenandoah Co w ho went to Fairfield Co about 1805; a deed in Scott Co KY, involving the c hildren of her father, Adam Pence, was signed by Mary Pebler of Fairfie ld Co and her signature was witnessed there.
(Research):Apparently died before the 1850 census in Boone Co KY; married John Shav er 19 Jul 1784 in Shenandoah Co VA (he was born about 1745 in Bavaria, Ger many, and died before May of 1851 in Boone Co [having been listed as age 1 05 in the 1850 census} when his will was filed); John's will, written in 1 831, leaves everything to his wife with the previso that upon her death ev erything is to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among his childre n, named in the will (also named are the children of a deceased daughter ). In accordance with the will, his estate was auctioned, bringing near ly $8,000, the bulk from the sale of "one Negro woman & 2 children," who b rought $950, and his real estate, which was sold for $5,875, indicati ng he was a large land owner.
(Research):Died in 1858 in Ralls Co MO; married Hankerson Adam Utterback (Waterbac k) about 1791 (he was born about 1770 in Culpeper Co VA and died in 18 31 in Ralls Co, the son of Joseph Utterback); they settled in Boo ne Co KY before 1810 and went to MO in 1820 and settled near Cincinna ti in Ralls Co.
(Research):Died in 1857 in Clay Co MO (will dated 7 Nov 1855, proved 25 June 1857); m arried Elizabeth (Betsey) Bellows (Bellis, Baylis, etc.) about 1798, proba bly in Shenandoah Co (Henry Bellis mentions his daughter Betsey, wife of A dam Pence, in his will in Scott Co KY in 1807 and Mary Bellows mentions h er daughter Elizabeth Pence in her will in nearby Fayette Co KY in 183 3, a Henry Bellows, with a wife named Mary, lived in the Hawksbill area a nd is mentioned in several deeds involving the Pences, but it is not kno wn if they were the parents of Elizabeth); Adam and his family went to Cl ay Co from Scott Co in 1826.
(Research):Died between first of 1832 and 11 Jun 1832 [will filed] in Shenandoah Co V A; married Anna Maria (Mary Ann) Miller about 1773 [daughter of Jacob a nd Elizabeth Miller, she was about 87 in 1850]; will of George Philip Pen tz was written - day of --- 1832 and filed in Shenandoah Co on 11 Jun 183 2. In it he mentions "my beloved wife Mary Pentz," his three sons, Phili p, John and Jacob, his four daughters, Elizabeth, wife of John Crage [Crai g]; Mary, wife of Peter Crage; Molly, wife of John Zerfas; Sally, wi fe of John Dellinger. His youngest son Jacob Pentz gets the "old plantati on bought of John Nees," his older sons each half of "the new plantation ." His wife Mary and his son-in-law John Crage were named executors, but M ary refused to serve. George Philip Pence made his mark. In addition to t he seven listed in the will there was a daughter, Catherine, who apparent ly died before the will without issue; her birth, along with Elizabeth' s, is recorded to George Philiep and Anna Maria Bentz in the records of t he Old Pine Church near Forestville in Shenandoah Co (see Arthur Pierson K elley, 200 Years in the Shenandoah Valley (Stephens City, VA: 1973], p 52 ).
(Research):Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900). 9-28-1888 John Pence was born in Shenandoah Co, VA in Dec 1798. He ca me to Champaign County in 1837, died in Huntington Co, IN Sept 6 188 8. Mr Pence was the father of Jacob, Aaron and George Pence of Jackson T wp and one daughter a Mrs ROBERTS. He reached the unusual age of 90yrs 8 mo and 18days. His wife preceded him in her demise some ten years ago.
(Research):Catherine given as mother on death records of sons Gideon and Samuel, Eliz abeth given as mother on death records of sons John and Sylvanus, but latt er buried with Philip and Gideon at Raders Church; Catherine listed in 18 50 census, so perhaps her name was Catherine Elizabeth).
(Research):Tombstone But he is dead, no no he lives, His happy spirit free To heaven above and there receives the long expected prize.
(Research):St paris, may 7, 1886 Mrs Susan Pence, was born on the 8th of June 1829, and died May 3, 1886, aged 56y10m25d. She was the d/o John and Mary BLUE. In 1869, she was united in marriage to David SNAPP, they moved to marion, Indiana, he died while there. She returned home to jackson Twp, Ch Cp, Oh and md jacob PENCE 7 yrs ago. She leaves 2 brothers and 3 sisters
(Research):John Blue - Pvt Capt. Phillip Kiser's Company
Champaign Co. death records indicate that he died in 1870. This error tends to discredit the MD birthplace given in the same record. John and Mary are buried at the Mt. Zion Baptist Cemetery, south of St. Paris OH. His stone indicates he died 27 Nov 1871, confirming the error in the county death records. He signed a deed in 1870.
(Research):1860 Champaign Co, Johnson, OH pg 243 580/580 ROBERTS, Jno S 30 OH Mary A 28 VA G P 14 OH (male) S S 10 OH (male) Amos 7 OH Anna 63 OH Edward 23 VA Amos 21 OH Barbara 26 OH Eli 8 OH
Burial permit # 82 Dist 73, Johnson Twp, Undertaker Fromme and Nixon
(Research):Aug 5, 1887, St Paris Dispatch Mrs Nancy Painter, mother-in-law of George pence died very suddenly of par alysis Friday. Funeral service at the M E Church by Rev William Lippencot t. Interred in Spring Grove Cemetery
(Research):1880 Census in household were Elijah painter age 22, nephew and Eliza Pain ter age 13 niece.
PENCE, Sarah F. Death date: 11/18/1933, Champaign County
(Research):Nellie Buracker, b. Aug. 15, 1827. Sponsor Christina Becker. [Eleanor] From The Record of Hawksbill Church 1788-1850 Page County, VA:
(Research):a license was issued for Ruanne and Isaac Painter 13 Dec 1851 in Champai gn Co, but apparently she did not marry him.
(Research):Name: Erma L Coverstone Gender: 2 Date of Death: 22 July 1979 Birth Date: 13 October 1889 Volume: 23724 Certificate: 049647 Autopsy: Yes - Used for certification Social Security Number: 291307854 Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic Origin: British, Scotch-Irish, Welsh, Scottish Place of Death: Bellefontaine, Logan County Certifier: Physician Race: White Birth Place: Ohio Residence: , Logan County Age: 89 Years
(Research):Probably the one who was in Clark Co in 1880 (age 37, wife Sarah and child ren; also 1900 (born - Aug 1834, with wife Mary R. and son Henry A.) and 1 910 (age 71 and living with Charles W. Welty, his son-in-law).
Tombstone 1840-1915
�b�married (1) Catherine Lucas 24 Mar 1836 in Logan County, Illinois (she was born 26 Sep 1821, died 8 Mar 1857, buried in Reed Cemetery, the daughter of Joseph Lucas and Sarah Price),�/b�
(Research):Name: Nellie Pence Gender: Female Date of Death: 22 April 1975 Volume: 22046 Certificate: 024189 Autopsy: No Autopsy Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 87 Years
(Research):Terre Haute High School Alumni 1917-1942 from CCGS Newsletter Spring 19 98 pg 56 1934-Mary Pence
(Research):Chancery Records Champaign Co Court of Common Pleas. Record book 10 pg 320 Filed 6 April 1829 Partition of Dower Polly Comer vs Heirs of Joseph Comer Joseph Comer died last year leaving widow, Polly Comer and children Willia m, Elizabeth, Margaret and Joseph Comer, all minors.
(Research):1850 Champaign Co, OH Census pg 356a
(Research):Champ Co Guardianship & Indentures Vol 1 pg 355 5 April 1848 Isaac Penc e, gdn of Rebecca pence 9 yr (12 Apr 1848); William Pence 10yr (23 Feb 184 8), Didama Flowers, minor heirs of john Flowers dec'd. Surities Isaac Amm on Wesley Pence
(Research): married (1) Gertha Elnora Pence (see 429123) 29 Nov 1906 Champaign Count y, (2) Lillian (Stottlemeyer) Pond about 1950 (she was born in 1883, di ed in 1973, buried Evergreen Cemetery, Johnson Twp, Champaign County); th ey were in Champaign County in 1910 and 1920 (Mad River Twp), her paret ns were living with them in 1920. Children
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardianship Indentures Vol 1 pg 426 4 April 1852 Amos Pen ce gdn of Marietta Pence, minor heir of John Thomas Dec'd. Surities Dani el Pence, Eli Pence
(Research):1910 Census shows Anderson Smith age 15, non relative, boarding with th is family
(Research):Name : Elizabeth Ann Apple Death date : 29 Jan 1914 Death place : Jackson Township, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 08 May 1839 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 74 years 8 months 21 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : 1/31/1914 Burial place : Cemetery name : Spring Grove Spouse name : Father name : Jacob Londenback Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Sarah Kesler Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1953824 Digital GS number : 4021273 Image number : 691 Certificate number : fn 592 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):Name : Mary Jane Neher Death date : 12 Mar 1912 Death place : Saint Paris, Champaign Co., Ohio Birth date : 30 Nov 1833 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Licking Co., Ohio Age at death : 78 years 3 months 12 days Gender : Female Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Occupation : Housewife Burial date : 14 Mar 1912 Cemetery name : Evergreen Cemetery Father name : Samuel Grove Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Mary Myers Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1953233 Digital GS number : 4021177 Image number : 2261 Certificate number : fn 13098 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
21-6-22 Row 17
(Research):Spring Grove Cemetery, dates not readable, "Infants of B & J"
(Research):1900 census of 0 children is incorrect. 0 living would be correct
(Research):PG 87JULIAN FRY
(Research):Cemetery record says son of Eugene F and M E, but dates cant be correc t, as mother died 1886
Joseph L. Stienbarger
(Research):Never married. Died in a RR accident. He was a member of Co C 75th OVI 12/25/1862 Urbana City Gazette, Champaign Co OH
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris located in Sec 18) 16 Apr 1854 M Frank to D A Death, road, 40 feet wide Bk Z Pg12 Lot# 1 5/8/1877 M L Frank to David Kite, 19.5 feet front Bk 51 Pg159 Lot# 1 5/24/1879 Martin L Frank to David Kite, 18.5 feet front Bk53 Pg602 Lot# 1 5/24/1879 David Kite to Samuel Bowersock, 18.5 feet front Bk 54 Pg1 45 Lot#1 4/30/1887 James Bechtel to David Kite, 30 feet south end Bk67Pg124 Lot#1 3/13/1889 Peter Berry to David L and D E Kite, 35.5 feet front Bk70P g292 Lot#1 1/12/1900 David L and D E Kite to H M Beckwith, 35.5 ft front Bk83pg 157 Lot#1 7/25/1900 Quitclaim from David Kite to H M Beckwith, 1/3 north wa ll of brick building Bk85Pg34 Lot#1 8/13/1912 Certificate, David Kite, deceased, to Sarah Jane Kite, pa rt of lot Bk93 Pg491
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 1/20/1846 Sarah Jane Frank/Kite, died 9/19/1913
Name: �tab�Ora Elmer Kite
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SW 1/4 Jan 23 1832 Joans and Eliz. Pence to Reinard Snapp, S 1 /2 Bk J Pg 414 SW 1/4 Jun 29 1839 Reinard Snapp to Daniel Schnepp, S 1/2 BkQ Pg7
Has stone in Spring Grove Cemetery, Champaign Co, OH but buried in Penn
(Research):Buried at the Friedenburgh Lutheran Reformed Church, Friedenburgh, Wayne T wp, Schuykill Co, PA
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 24 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Section 5/5/1832 Reinhart Schnepp to Solomon Schnepp BkKPg59 11/21/1842 Solomon Snapp to George Klapp, 58 acres west end BkRPg187 11/21/1842 Solomon Schnepp to John Grove, 98 acres in eastern portion BkRP g258
(Research):Two children died in infancy
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 29 Jun 1839 Rynard & Elizabeth Schnepp to Jacob Batdorf, 10 acres off W 1 /2 Bk Q Pg34
(Research):CCGS Newsletter Sept 1998 pg 96 Road Tax assessed on Chattels in Johnson T wp, Champaign Co, Ohio for the year 1876 Daniel Snapp .32
(Research):1749 ship "Two Brothers" age 16 alone
(Research):Record Book 36, Pages 19\emdash 24 \emdash Filed 30 March 1872 \emdash Petition John Liddy & Sarah Liddy, his wife vs John Maggert [NOTE: Each time papers were filed with this case there appears to be conf licting informationj On 30 March 1872 John & Sarah Liddy were claiming that there was $600 due for board & clothing for Mary Elizabeth Maggert and Rebecca Maggert (who was later called Reuben), minor children of John Maggert. This amount is due for the time prior to Sarahs marriage to John Liddy; a three year period until the date of 15 August 1870. In the first set of papers filed there was also $300 asked for the maintenance of Sarah, plus a $50 charge for filing the suit. John Maggert was a resident of Indiana or Illinois. An attachment also called for repayment of $242 due for the support of Mary Elizabeth only from 15 August 1870 to 27 March 187 2, plus $50 probably cost for filing the suit. \emdash By 1 April 1872, Suit Num ber 3702 was filed asking for the undivided 1/8 of 65 acres from east half of south\emdash east quarter of Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 (Johnson Tp. ), which was patent to Abraham Maggert and now occupied by Michael Magger t. The suit asked that the land be sold to repay John & Sarah Liddy. The land was appraised at $550.00. On one set of papers the court ordered the plaintiff to recover $115 and costs. On 21 June 1872 the court found to recover $225.00 plus costs from John Maggert and the land was ordered to be sold by the sheriff.
(Research):Not known if this family 1910 Wood Co, Portage, OH
Name �tab�Jessie P. Jerralds
Name �tab�William J. Borders
(Research):EDMINSON JAMES L County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 6/21/1921 Volume Number: 3598 Certificate Number: 31538
name: �tab�James L Edminson
(Research):Jack E. Maggart, 88, of Urbana, passed away Saturday, October 28, 20 06 in Heartland of Beavercreek. He was born May 2, 1918 in Springfield, the son of the late Arthur and Myr tle (Little) Maggart.He married Dorothy Hess on September 9, 1941 in Kings creek, whom preceded him January of 1999.Mr. Maggart served his count ry in the United States Navy during WWII. He was a member of the Urbana Un ited Methodist Church and Harmony Lodge #8 F. & A.M.Jack is survived by h is son, Douglas (Donna) Maggart of Beavercreek; his grandchildren, Melis sa (Tony) Nestor, Stacey and Kyle, all of Beavercreek; his brother, Carl M aggart of Urbana; as well as several nieces and nephews.He was preced ed in death by his parents, his wife and a brother Leo.Funeral services wi ll be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 in VERNON FUNER AL HOME, Urbana, with Pastor Mike Stewart officiating.
Name: �tab�Ida M. Cheney
(Research):Marriage 1 Ella UNKNOWN b: ABT 1855 in IN Children Maud SWISHER b: ABT 1878 in IN Mabel SWISHER b: ABT 1880 in IN
(Research):PG 16LOUIE J RUNXLE PROBATED 6 MAY 1902 WAYNE TWP MINGO [DIED 28 DEC 1901 ) Heirs-Darius T Runkle-husband; Nellie V Runkle-dau 10 yr�Mingo. At my death I wish that my husband Darius T Runkle, my mother Sarah J John son and my dau Nellie V Runkle remain together in our present home as lo ng as my mother or husband lives. To dau Nellie V Runkle all my personal p roperty and real estate, farm of 60 acres near Cable, left me by my fath er Jonathan Johnson, subject to my mother�s dower; the house I live in Min go. The above be subject to management of control of my husband Darius T R unkle until Nellie V reaches age of 20 years; husband Darius Runkle guardi an of Nellie V Runkle. Husband Darius T Runkle executor Witness:Eliza J Hollingsworth Bertha Leewill signed 18 Dec 1901
(Research):Barbara was only 2 1/2 years old when her father, Daniel Eshelmann, di ed of tuberculosis. There was no aid to dependent children or social secu rity in 1889 so Barbara's mother, Carrie Eshelmann, took in laundry to t ry and earn some money. Barbara was eventually fostered out to another fa mily, the Ginnovin's, and she performed on the stage in vaudeville with th em. She had a lovely singing voice and her granddaughter, Lois Huffman, r emembers that most of her songs were sweet but sad. Barbara's favorite so ng was "You Are My Sunshine." Her father had an older sister, Barbara, w ho married Joseph H. Brown, a blacksmith born in 1844, and lived in New Ca rlisle. They had three children Delmont born in 1869, Ada born in 1870 a nd Broox born in 1873. Broox died of tuberculosis on April 27, 1894 at t he age of 20. Barbara, Joseph's wife, died about 6 weeks later on Ju ne 5, 1894 at the age of 45 from tuberculosis and finally, Ada Brown Kissi nger died on May 17, 1896 at the age of 25 from tuberculosis. Joseph Bro wn was devastated. He eventually married Susan Davee who was born in 18 60 and they took in young Barbara Eshelmann and raised her as their chil d. Barbara never lived with her natural mother again and throughout her l ife she looked upon Uncle Joe and Aunt Sue as her parents. Delmont Brow n, Joseph's oldest child born in 1869, died in 1904 at the age of 35 of tu berculosis. Joseph Brown died in 1913. Barbara's 3 daughters were born in New Carlisle but the 1910 census sho ws Barbara, her husband and family living in Wayne Township, Montgomery Co ., Ohio on Osborn Road in a rented house. Her husband, Charles, was a fa rm laborer. The 1920 U S Federal Census has Barbara, Charles, and their d aughters living in Bath Township in Green County, Ohio near Osborn on Osbo rn and Fairfield Roads. They were renting a farm and Charles was a farme r. Barbara's granddaughter, Lois Huffman, remembers going to visit her grandp arents when they lived at 601 Columbia Street in Springfield, Ohio. It w as across the street from an elementary school and Lois thought it was t he greatest house in the world until she was older and then recalled th at her grandparents bedroom in the front room was really the formal parl or and didn't have a closet. The refrigerator sat in the dining room beca use there wasn't an electrical outlet for it in the kitchen (there was sti ll an old fashioned wooden ice box). There was a cherry tree and a gra pe arbor in the back yard and Barbara always had a garden with vegetabl es and beautiful zinnias and other flowers. Barbara and Charles finally b ought a chicken farm on New Carlisle Pike outside of Springfield in 194 6. They owned the farm jointly with their oldest grandchild, Virginia Huf fman and her husband, Doyle Conley. This was not a good arrangement becau se Charles was very tight with money and Virginia and Doyle moved out of t he house shortly before Barbara's death. Barbara complained of shortne ss of breath and she was unable to keep food in her stomach. She we nt to a medical clinic in Xenia and they couldn't discover anything. An a utopsy revealed that she had a tumor the size of a basketball pressi ng on her heart, lungs and stomach. Barbara was only 5 feet 1 inch tall and in her later years she weighed ov er 200 pounds. She was a fabulous cook and could sew and quilt. Barba ra loved to fish, play cards and dance. She often said that if she outliv ed Charles she would fish all day, play cards all night and dance away t he weekend. Barbara never attended church as an adult but she was stri ct about honoring the sabbath and she read her Bible on a daily basis. (S tory from Lois Bechtold [email protected])
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Lelan S Middleton
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007 about Frank B Ray
Name: �tab�Jesse E Ray
Name: �tab�Jesse E. Ray
(Research):Name : Amanda M. Frye Titles : Death date : 27 Mar 1928 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 12 Aug 1852 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champ Co., Ohio Age at death : 75 years 7 months 15 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 132 W. Ward St. Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Urbana, Ohio Cemetery name : Spouse name : William T. Frye Father name : David Steinberger Father titles : Father birth place : Ohio Mother name : Lucy Gaines Mother titles : Mother birth place : Va. GSU film number : 1991204 Digital GS number : 4022085 Image number : 1372 Certificate number : fn 13710 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Maggie Glenn
�b�married William John Carson 24 Feb 1881 Champaign County (he was born 9 Apr 1851 in Ross County, Ohio, died 24 Jan 1946 in Urbana Twp, Champaign County, the son of William Carson and Martha Bradford); parents of Beatrice Carson, who compiled many of the records involving the Pences of Champaign County.�/b�
Name: �tab�Ida Carson
(Research):Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper), pg154 Mar 7 1884 Minute book 41 pg 47 Etta Pence vs Harry Pence for bastardy-jury found him guilty.
Sent by Karen Heber 10/2014
(Research):HOWARD Juanita M. (Shumaker) Howard, 91, of West Liberty, died Wednesda y, March 23, 1999 in Green Hills Center. She was born July 5, 1907 in We st Liberty, Oh., the daughter of William and Nellie (Lapp) Shumaker. She w as a member of Brookwood Presbyterian Church of Columbus, where she serv ed as Deacon, Past President of Columbus African Violet Society, Jud ge at International African Violet Society, and President of Alpha Chi Ome ga Mothers Club at Ohio State University. Survivors include 1 daughter, Be tty Joy Beatty of Springfield; 2 sisters, Ruth Miller of Springfield and M ary Evilsizor of Bellefontaine; 2 grandchildren, Timothy Hecht of San Fran cisco, Calif. and David Hecht of Albuquerque, N.M.; 2 great-grandchildre n, Elizabeth and Eric Hecht of Washington, D.C. She was preceded in dea th by her husband Lee E. Howard in 1961, 1 son-in-law Benjamin Beatty, a b rother William A. Shumaker and a grandson James Hecht. A public gatheri ng of family and friends will be held Saturday from 10-11 a.m. in the LITT LETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, Highland Chapel, West Liberty. Funeral ceremo ny will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. Dr. John Cheetham offici ating. Burial will be in Glen Rest Memorial Estate, Reynoldsburg, Oh. Cont ributions may be made to the Green Hills Center, West Liberty, Oh. 4553
(Research):Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 9/9/1837 John Wiant, died 5/5/1862
(Research):Jacob was born in Clinton Co., Ohio, Nov. 10, 1809; is a son of Arbaham a nd Mary (Curl) Yeazel, natives of Virginia, but became early settlers of C linton Co., Ohio, where they resided till January, 1810,
(Research):Champaign Co, Guardian Book Pg 619 14 Jun 1858 Mary Snapp gdn of William F ranklin Snapp 8 yr ( May 6 1858) Mary Ellen Snapp 4 yr (Aug 4 1857); Eliza beth Florence Sanpp 3 yr ( Mar 11 1858); Charles C Snapp 2 yr ( May 24, 18 58) minor heirs of Rinehart Snapp dec'd. Surities Peter Prince, Aaron Penc e
(Research):Mr. John Wesley Pence, a former citizen of this township, died at his resi dence in Urbana, on Thursday last, and was buried at Myrtle Tree on Saturd ay. His age was about 35 years. November 8, 1877
Concord News November 14, 1878
(Research):CCGS Newsletter June 1998 Pg 66 POLL BOOK, Millerstoen Precincts, Johnson Township, Champaign County Novem ber 4, 1890 Judges: Solomon Snapp, John O Jenkins and David McMorran Clerk s: S D Corwin and G E Huntoon. Names of Electors: Elliott Pence
(Research):Enlisted as a Private on 04 August 1862 at the age of 44 Enlisted in Company E, 45th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 19 August 1862. Died Company E, 45th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 03 February 1863 in Lexingt on, KY
(Research):Name: HATTIE L BEATY Gender: Female Date of Death: March 24, 1967 Volume: 18779 Certificate: 16214 Marital Status: Widowed Place of Death: , Champaign County Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 84
(Research):1930 Census has Helen L, daughter in law age 18 in household. Not kn ow if wife of Harold or wife of Simon.
(Research):1880 Census Place:Goshen, Champaign, Ohio Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 21 5A Ezra BLUESelfMMW41OHOcc:Farm HandFa: ---Mo: OH Dora BLUEWifeFMW34OHFa: OHMo: OH Sarah R. BLUEDauFSW7OHFa: OHMo: OH Elnora B. BLUEDauFSW4OHFa: OHMo: OH John S. BLUESonMSW1OHFa: OHMo: OH Oliver S. BLUESonMSW11OHFa: OHMo: OH
Name: �tab�Ezra Blue
(Research):Champaign Co Guardianship Records Book 1 1805-1858 pg78 6/3/1818 Otho Johns(t)on, gdn of John Johnston 13yr; Ellen Johnston 11yr; Lydia Joh nson 8 yr; Barnet Johnston 6 yr; Joseph Johnston 4yr heirs of Barnet Johns ton dec.d Surity William Johnston
(Research):Home in 1860: Riley, Putnam, Ohio Post Office: Pendleton Household Members: Name Age Robt A Lease 28 Eliza Lease 26 Andrew W Lease 2 Phebe H Lease 1
(Research):pg44 2/17/1860 Md 26th ult by the same, (Rev John Ebert) Samuel Canull of St Paris and Mi ss Mary Jane PENCE of St Paris, OH
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SW 1/4 Dec 7 1852 Emanuel Pence to Jacob Pence Jr, S 1/2 of N 1 /2 Bk X Pg 313 SW 1/4 Aug 15 1860 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, N 1/2 of N 1/2 of SW 1 /4 Bk 32 Pg162 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence and Eliza Ann Pence, his wife, Henry Pence and Eliz. P ence to Jacob Pence, N 1/2 of S 1/2; S 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 and 10 acr es on south side Oct 14 1865 Bk 36 Pg 527 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 30 acres on north side of S 1/2 A ug 5 1869 Bk 42 Pg 4 SE 1/4 Oct 16 1869 John Offenbacker to Jacob Pence, 48.75 acres Bk 42 Pg 3 SE 1/4 Apr 15 1870 Jacob Pence to John Offenbacker, 48.75 acres Bk 42 Pg32 5
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SW 1/4 Dec 7 1852 Emanuel Pence to Andrew Pence, N 1/2 of N 1/2 Bk X Pg31 4 NW 1/4 John Garringer to Andrew Pence, undivided half of N 1/2 of NW 1/4 e xcept 3.29 acres Nov 11 1856 Bk 2 Pg 360 SW 1/4 Aug 15 1860 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, N 1/2 of N 1/2 of SW 1 /4 Bk 32 Pg162 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence and Eliza Ann Pence, his wife, Henry Pence and Eliz. P ence to Jacob Pence, N 1/2 of S 1/2; S 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 and 10 acr es on south side Oct 14 1865 Bk 36 Pg 527 NW 1/4 Henry Pence to Andrew Pence, 30 acres on north side of S 1/2 O ct 14 1865 Bk 36 Pg528 NE 1/4 Lemuel Pence to Andrew Pence, N 1/2 of NE 1/4 except 32.75 ac, N 1 /2 Nov 25 1868 Bk 40 Pg 430 NE 1/4 Andrew Pence to Lemuel Pence, N 1/2 of NE 1/4 except 32.75 ac, N 1 /2 Aug 10 1869 Bk41pg 413 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 30 acres on north side of S 1/2 A ug 5 1869 Bk 42 Pg 4 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence to Isaac Pence, N 1/4 of NW 1/4 except 3.29 acres N ov 30 1869 Bk43 Pg529 NE 1/4 Sarah Pence to S W Pence and Allen C Pence, life estate to Andr ew J Pence, N 1/2 Oct 18 1892 Bk 73 Pg 623 NW 1/4 Quitclaim from Andrew Pence etal to George W Verdier, 42.5 ac S 1 /2 Sep 2 1893 Bk 75Pg 228
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NW 1/4 Jacob Pence to Henry Pence, N 1/2 of S 1/2 Dec 28 1853 BkY Pg418 NW 1/4 Andrew Pence and Eliza Ann Pence, his wife, Henry Pence and Eliz. P ence to Jacob Pence, N 1/2 of S 1/2; S 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 and 10 acr es on south side Oct 14 1865 Bk 36 Pg 527 NW 1/4 Henry Pence to Andrew Pence, 30 acres on north side of S 1/2 O ct 14 1865 Bk 36 Pg528
(Research):Parentage not proven, but living in household of Jacob and his last wi fe in 1850 Champaign Co, OH Census
(Research):Biography, CD 450, Pg 1039 GEORGE S. STEINBARGER one of Moorefield Township Is prominent citizens a nd large farmers, owning 206 acres of valuable land, Was born in Urbana To wnship, Champaign County, Ohio, August 10, 1830, and is a son of David a nd Elizabeth (Pence) Steinbarger. The Stein-barger family came from Germa ny to America and settled in Virginia, in the person of the great-grandfat her of George S.Steinbarger. David Steinbarger was born in Virginia in 1800, and was a son of John Stei n-barger, who was also a native of Virginia and was the founder of the fam ily in Ohio. David Steinbarger was five years old when his parents settl ed near Millers-town, Champaign County, Ohio, the father securing a fa rm on Nettle Creek He remained on that farm -until 1819, when he remov ed to Taylorrville, about thirty miles south of Indianapolis, Indiana, wh er e he secured a very valuable farm in the bottom land along the White Ri ver. On that farm John Steinbarger died, his son) David, subsequently lea ving Indiana and returning to Champaign County, Ohio, where he became a le ading citizen and successful f armer of Urbana Township. In Champaign Cou nty, David Stein-barger was married to Elizabeth Pence, who was born in th at county and was a daughter of John Pence. The Pence family was al so of German extraction, and John Pence was born in Virginia. After the d eath of his first wife, David Stein-barger was married to Lucy Gains a nd he was the father of fifteen children. George S. Steinbarger was reared in Urbana Township and attended the distr ict schools. He assisted on the home farm until he was twenty years of ag e, when he went into the mill and distillery business with his father a nd thus continued for ten years. In 1862 he moved to Springfield, whe re he lived for three years, during which period he was engaged in a whole sale liquor business, after which he removed to a farm south of Springfiel d, just north of the Spring Grove Park. On this farm Mr. Steinbarger resi ded until 1876, when he settled on his present farm, where he carries on g eneral agriculture and raises Shorthorn cattle. He has made many improvem ents on his property, completely remodeling the house and erecting farm bu ildings. He has a very valuable property in which he takes justifiable pr ide. On March 11, 1856, Mr. Steinbarger was married to Barbara Elizabeth Fun k, who was born in Pennsylvania and who is a daughter of John Funk. She w as six months old when her parents brought her to Ohio. She was rear ed in Clark Coun-ty and was married in Springfield.-- Their three living c hildren are: David R.; Mary Elizabeth, who is the widow of A. D. Holman, a nd, has one child, John Roy; and John Brutis, who was married (first) to C lara Benedict and (secondly) to Lou Peters. A child survives from both ma rriages, both wives being deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Steinbarger have three d eceased children-an infant; James Edward, who died, aged nineteen month s; and George Christy, who died aged twenty-two years.
(Research):Springfield Sun Mar 24, 1901 Mrs Charles V Blose and Mrs ......Blose and Mrs Grant Karg of Dibert, M rs Frank Blose and Mrs Charles Collins were the guests of Mrs John H Blo se and family at a carpet rag sewing last Thursday
(Research):Name : Elizabeth S. Chance Titles : Death date : 09 Jun 1929 Death place : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 28 Jun 1840 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Urbana, Ohio Age at death : 88 years 11 months 11 days Gender : Female Marital status : Widowed Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 419 N. Wain Occupation : At Home Residence : Urbana, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 11 Jun 1929 Burial place : Urbana, O. Cemetery name : Spouse name : Saul Chance Father name : David Steinberger Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Lucy Gaines Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1991874 Digital GS number : 4022269 Image number : 1776 Certificate number : fn 39252 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
(Research):John F Steinberger
Name: Mary A. Pence Rose
Inscription: Aged 61y, 3m, 12d
Newspaper Abstract
Inscription: Son of J & S Pence -- Aged 24y, 8m, 19d
(Research):The Saint Paris News-Dispatch November 2, 1916 Real estate transfers filed in the county recorder's office on Saturday: Jerome C GIVEN, Nora Given and Sarah J Given transferred property in Urba na to William M SIDDERS and Robert R Sidders; price $1.
�b�married Harris Herbert Redmond 19 Oct 1865 at the home of
(Research):The Springfield Daily News, Springfield, OH, Friday, February 5, 193 7, P. 24, c. 3. Thomas T. Pence, 89, died Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in his home at 245 Montgom ery Ave., following an illness of about one year. Mr. Pence had been a res ident of Springfield for 18 years. He was a member of the Story-Hypes Memo rial Methodist Episcopal Church. Survivors are two sons, Charles T. and Wi lbur Pence, both of Springfield, and two daughters, Mrs. Ella Willia ms of Urbana and Miss Edith Pence of Battle Creek, Mich. The body was remo ved to the Herr and Fox Funeral Home and will be returned to the residen ce Friday at 3 p.m. where it will remain until Sunday noon when it wi ll be taken to Kings Creek where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Buri al will be in the Kings Creek Cemetery."
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SE 1/4 Dec 21 1880 Marg E Ebert to Jason P Kite, 24 acres in SW corn er of SE 1/4 Bk 56 Pg 107 SE 1/4 Oct 28 1895 Charles W Kite and wife to Jason P Kite, 1.5 acres, Bk7 8Pg73 SE 1/4 Jan 2 1897 Jason P Kite to John E Kite, 1.5 acres, Bk79Pg473
(Research):name shown as Keplinger in bio Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical His tory of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publis hing Co, 1902), pg367
Concord Items, August 2, 1877 Mr Lewis Loudenback, near the Arrowsmith Mill, has erected a large commodi us farm house with all modern improvements, at a cost of about $3,000.
St Paris Newspaper Abstract
(Research):Son of Switzerland natives
(Research):Champaign Co, Will Abstracts book C Pg 5 Daniel Snider probated 3 Mar 1849 Wife Barbary. Son Daniel; daughters Elizabeth (wife of Elias Stover) and S usan (wife of Jonas Loudenback) and heris of daughter Sarah Talbot, dec' d. David Loudenback, admistrator. Witness, G W Minnich, David Loudenbac k. Signed 22 Nov 1847
(Research):Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) 02 Oct 1865 John Perrin to B F Golden, 21.9 acres Bk36Pg405
(Research):Springfield Sun Nov 5, 1904 Joseph LOUDENBACK, brother of Mrs Ira OWENS died last Monday at the advanc ed age of 62 years. The interment was in the Hill Cemetery, near Thacker y. Last Wednesday morning.
(Research):Jan 21, 1909 While waiting on the doorstep of a neighbor's home, as he had gone for a p hysician, Mrs Ira OWENS, and aged resident of Tremont City died shortly af ter 2 o'clock Thursday morning. Mrs OWENS was suddenly taken ill during t he night and her husband, being infirm he was unable to render her any ai d. Arising from her bed about 2 o'clock, Mrs OWENS went to the home of Cli nton GARD, next door to her home, aroused him and asked that he go for a p hysician. He wanted to help her inside, but she said she could hardly g et her breath and that if he would get her a pillow she would wait on t he doorstep while he went for a doctor. Mr GARD set out to the later's hom e, but a short distance away, but when they returned they found Mrs OWE NS had died. Coroner Howard AUSTIN was called and rendered a verdict of de ath from heart trouble. Her husband, nine children and three sisters survi ve Mrs OWENS. The children, Hamilton, Charles, John and Edward and Mrs Ma ud Traupwater of Springfield; Mrs Murray ZERKLE, Mrs Sarah NEFF, Leodias O WENS of Tremont City; Mrs Lissie DEAR of Glen Echo. The sisters are Mrs Re becca BARLOW of Tremont City and Mrs Mary LAUDERBACH and Mrs George KESSLO R, of St Paris. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon f rom the Tremont Reformed church, the services to be in charge of Rev F W H OFFMAN.
(Research):Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 203
Burial record, no stone located Dec 2007
(Research):Name: LEE E HOWARD Gender: Male Date of Death: October 29, 1961 Volume: 16669 Certificate: 70606 Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Columbus, Franklin County Race: White Residence: Bexley, Franklin County Age: 63
(Research):Gene Dear unearthed a document showing a John Diare and a Rebecca Henry we re married 29 Sep. 1831 in Ohio Co., in what is now West Virgini a. "I do hereby Certify that I Solemnized Marriage between John Diare & Rebecca Henry on the 29th of Sept 1831--William Lambdin" The above found in the Ohio County, West Virginia, Marriage Book N o. 2, P. 36.
(Research):One form sent by Mrs. Baird 08-03-88 shows an Elizabeth J. Lemon who marri ed Fountain Dear on the 7th of September, 1853. (Found by Flossie H ulsizer:) Book 3, Clark County marriage records for 1853, page 46 7: "State of Ohio Clark County, SS: John Dear being duly sworn says th at Elizabeth J. Lemon is more than eighteen years of age; & t hat she resides in this county. He also consents that his son Founta in Dear may be intermarried with the said Elizabeth. John Dear X his ma rk. Sworn & subscribed before me, Sept. 21st, 1853. Attest: J.S. Halsey S aml M. Wheeling, D. Ctk. Fountain Dear jr. died before the ma rriage was solemnized." (This was John Dear's son, not the elder Fountain, John's brother.)
(Research):1930 German Twp, Clark county, Ohio line 3 page 4A 71/74 Enumerated Apr il 18, 1930 by Alvah Circle Frank W. Evilsizor, Owned home valued at $5000, owned a radio, age 55, a ge 26 at first marriage, farmer, Veteran/No, he and parents born Ohio Mable, wife, age 50, age 21 at first marriage, she and parents born Ohio DEAR, Warder, brother in law, age 58, divorced, age 22 at first marriag e, farm laborer, Veteran/No, born Indiana, parents born Ohio
(Research):Beers History of Clark co, OH Martin L. BOOSINGER, farmer; P.O. Bowlusville; was born in Lancas-ter Co ., Penn., Aug. 8, 1829; is a son of Henry and Catharine (Spickler) Boosing er, he a native of the Canton of Basil, Switzerland, and emigrating to Ame rica in 1817. She was a native of Pennsylvania. They were married in Penns ylvania, and lived there until 1837, when they removed to Ohio, locati ng in Clark Co., where he resided until 1872; thence removed to Logan Co ., Ill., where he still resides, now about 78 years of age. Of an iss ue of five children four now survive - Martin L., Henry, John S. and Augus tus. Mr. Boosinger has always been an athletic, hard-working man, and no w, at his advanced age, is quite robust and healthy. Is naturally quite gi fted as an artist, as a portrait-painter and a sculptor; although never ha ving served any apprenticeship, or taken any lessons in the art, yet he wo uld, doubtless, have excelled in fine arts had his financial circumstanc es permitted him to have made it a study. He has always been a man of gre at integrity of character, whose word could always be relied upon, a nd an active Christian worker, a member of the M. E. Church, and one w ho is respected and stands in high esteem by all who know him best. His wi fe died in 1849. He mar-ried for his second wife Nancy Downing, with wh om he is now living in Illinois. Our subject lived with his father until a bout 20 years of age, or till the death of his mother. Was married in Octo ber, 1854, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of John and Rebecca (Henry) Dea r, he a native of Virginia and she of Ohio; issue nine children, sir now l iving-Mary C., John Franklin, Ella R., Annie E., Arthur H, and Laura Ma y. Mr. Boosinger has always lived in this county, with the exception of th ree years spent in Illinois. Has been located upon his present farm abo ut fifteen years. Always made farming his business. Has never held or soug ht office, but is a stanch Democrat in principle, but believes in the be st men being elected to office, and that we should always adhere to the wi shes of the people as expressed by their popular vote.
(Research):Henry BOOSINGER, apiarist and sorghum manufacturer, Bowlusville; born in L ancaster Co., Penn., Oct. 9, 1831. Is a son of Henry and Catharine Boosing er, whose history appears in full in sketch of Martin L. Boosinger, in th is work. Our subject was raised to farm labor, and always followed that oc cupation till about seven years ago, when he entered extensively into b ee culture, and also into the gardening business; these he has followed wi th good success. In the fall of 1879, he bought a cane mill and built a fu r-nace, and arranged full machinery for the manufacture of sorghum molasse s, which business he is now carrying on extensively; and in this busines s, as well as an apiarist, he seems to be successful, evidently understand ing the principles of the business which is always so necessary to the su re road to success. He was married, Oct.16, 1854, to Miss Lucy Ann, daught er of John and Rebecca (Henry) Dear, he a native of Virginia, and she of O hio. They were parents of nine children; four now survive - Eliza Jane, Lu cy Ann, Mary Harriet and John Simeon. Mr. Boosinger and wife have had an i ssue of thirteen children; ten now survive - John Henry, Samuel Augustu s, Charles Marion, William Ellsworth, Addie Louisa, Joseph Ezra, Thomas Le e, Mary Elizabeth, Emma Dora and Walter Forest. Mr. Boosinger has never he ld office except that of School Director, which office he now holds. His b usiness demands all his attention, and he is one of those energetic men w ho attends strictly to his business, and as such is prosperous, and has t he confidence of his community. Beers History of Clark County
Groom's Name: �tab�Forrest L Carney
(Research):Name : Cora E. Dear Death date : 24 May 1951 Death place : Jefferson Twp, Montgomery, Ohio, United States Birth date : 29 Oct 1872 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Clark County, Ohio Age at death : 78 years 6 months 25 days Gender : Female Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : Samuel Todd Father titles : Father birth place : Mother name : Clara Robison Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2372803 Digital GS number : 4109371 Image number : 03061 Certificate number : 33362 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�David Lucien Taylor
(Research):Name: Roland S. Barton SSN: 489-22-9735 Last Residence: 65301 Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri, United States of Amer ica Born: 11 Sep 1914 Died: 13 Feb 1998 State (Year) SSN issued: Missouri (Before 1951 )
(Research):There is a William Nesbit died 3/6/1883 age 29y7m10 days buried in the Net tle Creek Cemetery. This family relocated to IL, so not sure if this is t he right person.
(Research):NESBITT, BENJAMIN F md JEMIGAN, LIZZIE 05/31/1875 00B /0093 00003766 CHRISTIAN Co, IL
(Research):Prob son of jacob Judy b 9/1822 in Ohio, located in neighborhood 1900 cens us Champaign Co, L
(Research):Name: Roderick J Nicholas Gender: Male Date of Death: 25 June 1998 Birth Date: 28 April 1923 Volume: 31583 Certificate: 048911 Autopsy: No Social Security Number: 280321072 Father's Surname: Nicholas Time of Death: 4:47 PM Marital Status: Married Hispanic Origin: Non Hispanic Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 11 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Method of Disposition: Burial Mother's Surname: Evilsizor Race: White Birth Place: Champaign County, Ohio Residence: Ohio Age: 75
Age: 26 Year: 1930
Birthplace: Colorado Roll: T626_136
Race: White Page: 12B
State: California ED: 103
County: Los Angeles Image: 0387
Township: Los Angeles , Carmona Ave
Relationship: Roomer Violet Oleary 24 Wallace B Oleary 3 6/12 Beverly J Oleary 2 10/12 Merril H Landman 45 Hoyt Ebilsizer 26 CO MO NE, roomer Sporting Goods Salesman md 23 Pansey Ebilsizer 21 md 17 roomer, CO CO CO, Dept store cashier
Los Angeles Times (1886-Current File) Los Angeles, California 3 Jul 19 43 William H Evilsizer Funeral services for William Hoyt Evilsizer , 40, purchasing agent for Loc kheed Aircraft Corp who died Tuesday will be conducted today 2: pm at Pier ce Bros Chapel, 720 W Washington Blvd with interment following in Inglewo od Park Cemetery. He leaves his widow, Mrs Pansy Evilsizer of 2837 Santa A nita Blvd, Alta Dena, CA and 2 children, Hoyt and Billie
Name: �tab�Lewis Lower
Birth Date: �tab�1884
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Champaign
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Aug 1972
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mercy Memorial Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�058272
Age at Death: �tab�88
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�No Autopsy performed
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Gender: �tab�Unknown
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�17 Feb 1877
Death Place: �tab�Johnson Tp, Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�0
Birth Date: �tab�1877
Birthplace: �tab�Champ Co
Occupation: �tab�
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John W Maggart
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah A Maggart
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07024-4
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�295234
Reference Number: �tab�p 84 #109
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Adams Co, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Millie Smith
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1875
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Scioto Co, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�25
Marriage Date: �tab�26 Aug 1900
Marriage Place: �tab�Pike County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Eaven R. Burba
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Jane Elizabeth Wolfe
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Aaron Smith
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Eva Shanks
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1908
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Clinton Co., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�18
Bride's Name: �tab�Frances Maud Robinson
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1908
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Dayton, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�18
Marriage Date: �tab�06 Dec 1926
Marriage Place: �tab�Greene County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�David Burba
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Bessie Shutz
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�W.N. Robinson
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Lena Thompson
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Death Date: �tab�22 Dec 1929
Death Place: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1855
Birthplace: �tab�Springshill, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�74 years 8 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�At Home
Residence: �tab�Salem, Champaign, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�24 Dec 1929
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Terre Haut Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Henry Lee
Father's Name: �tab�Andrew Wilson
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth J. Wright
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Film Number: �tab�1992021
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022362
Image Number: �tab�2338
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 75021
Rogue River Press Letters to the Editor Current law forces injured animals to suffer The purpose of this letter is to get some sort of change in a law and to t ell of an experience that has left us mad, disgusted and sick to our stoma chs. We live in the 55 and older Wimer Covered Bridge Park. No large dogs are a llowed so it has become a home for deer that live here. This year there we re four fawns, two bucks and three does. Last year we had two fawns, o ne of which was a buck that grew into a beautiful animal this year and sle pt on one of our neighbor's porches. Two days ago he showed up with a hi nd leg shattered and flopping, presumably from a gunshot. We've called pol ice, animal control, the Humane Society, firemen and every place we cou ld think of and they all said they could not put the deer down unless it w as already down with something like a broken back. I've spent my life in the woods and on ranches in this area and don't li ke a law that prevents you from putting an animal down in this conditio n. In the meantime we have an injured animal suffering. Can't we change this law? Dan Evensizer Rogue River
about Daniel Dewey Evensizer
Name: �tab�Daniel Dewey Evensizer
SSN: �tab�540-20-9959
Last Residence: �tab�97537 Rogue River, Jackson, Oregon
Born: �tab�11 Sep 1924
Died: �tab�16 Nov 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Oregon (Before 1951)
SSN: �tab�540-88-7846
Last Residence: �tab�97537 Rogue River, Jackson, Oregon,
Born: �tab�25 Dec 1938
Died: �tab�28 Oct 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Oregon (1975-1977)
Owner of Carriage Works Dies Johnnie Dean Evensizer, 67, passed away peacefully at home in Grants Pass on May 26, 2015, with his loving wife and daughters at his side. John was loved by many and had his family and special friends surrounding him in his final days. John had battled multiple sclerosis and cancer for years and is now with our Lord and Savior. John was born and raised in East Evans Creek, Ore. In his younger days, he became a logger. He volunteered for the United States Army where he served honorably in the Vietnam War. John married the love of his life, Barbara, in 1971. John and Barbara began their business, the Carriage Works, in 1974. John was an amazing craftsman where he constructed horse drawn carriages and wagons and his wife would run the sales side. He worked hard and could do anything with his hands. He learned traditional ways to bend wood into wheels and restored wagons. His ability to create with his hands was amazing. The Carriage Works grew into a very successful business where they created modern carts and kiosks that have found their way all around the world, including a sleigh at the White House, vending carts in Disney theme parks and kiosks throughout most airports and malls. John had an open heart and was willing to give everyone a chance. He was a great friend and employer to many who needed a strong figure like John to give them a hand in life. He shared his success with many and had a special place for Kleos Kids. John had a great love for everything family and was an avid outdoorsman. He enjoyed hunting with family and friends, spending time in the desert with family, teaching the grandkids to crab and vacationing in Hawaii. He was typically seen with a pile of grandkids sitting on him, sleeping with him or riding around with him. Rarely did he get a moment of peace around his grandkids, and he always had a smile on his face. He had a love for classic cars, and what better way to ignite those old memories with Barbara than cruising around in their 1955 Bel Air. John is survived by his wife, Barbara; parents, Sam and Marilyn; daughters, Judy Shimek and Rebecca Moran; grandchildren, Ethan and Regan Moran and Isabel and Carson Shimek; as well as numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. John is preceded in death by his brother, Tom.
Last Residence: �tab�
97525 Gold Hill, Jackson, Oregon, USA
BORN: �tab�8 Jan 1954
Last Benefit: �tab�97305, Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States of America
Died: �tab�4 Oct 2011
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Oregon (1969)
Birth Date: �tab�8 Jan 1954
Death Date: �tab�4 Oct 2011
Cemetery: �tab�Woodville Cemetery
Burial or Cremation Place: �tab�Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, USA
Has Bio?: �tab�N
Death Date: �tab�19 Oct 1953
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�04 Dec 1879
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Athens Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�73 years 10 months 15 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Job Waymer
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Martha Abbott
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2246618
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4109481
Birth Date: �tab� abt 1891
Age at Death: �tab� 66
Death Date: �tab� 17 Sep 1957
Death Place: �tab� Urbana, Ohio
Newspaper Information: �tab� Newspaper: Bellefontaine Examiner; Newspaper Date: 18 Sep 1957; Newspaper Page: 3 Column: 4; Repository: Logan County Libraries
Wife: �tab�Emma Vogt
Son: �tab�Wallace I Runkle
Other information in the record of Wallace I Runkle and Lu Falquet
from Ohio, County Marriages
Name: �tab�Wallace I Runkle
Titles and Terms: �tab�Mr
Event Type: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�03 Sep 1919
Event Place: �tab�Defiance, Ohio, United States
Age: �tab�33
Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1886
Father's Name: �tab�William I Runkle
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Vogt
Spouse's Name: �tab�Lu Falquet
Spouse's Titles and Terms: �tab�Miss
Spouse's Age: �tab�31
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): �tab�1888
Spouse's Father's Name: �tab�Charles E Falquet
Spouse's Mother's Name: �tab�Florence Pugh
GS Film Number: 001977643 , Digital Folder Number: 004731978 , Image Number: 00097
Citing this Record"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:2Q3L-4QL : accessed 17 April 2015), William I Runkle in entry for Wallace I Runkle and Lu Falquet, 03 Sep 1919; citing Defiance, Ohio, United States, reference ; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 1,977,643.
Event Type: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�12 Sep 1944
Event Place: �tab�Morton, Cochran, Texas, United States
Gender: �tab�Male age 69-2-11
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Birth Date: �tab�01 Jul 1875
Birthplace: �tab�Isarel Co, Arkansas
Father's Name: �tab�Geo F Smith
Mother's Name: �tab�Louisa Gibson
Certificate Number: �tab�41729
GS Film number: �tab�2137816
Digital Folder Number: �tab�005144838
Image Number: �tab�03334
Informant Truman Smith
Burial 9-14-1944 Morton, TX
Granddaughter of Berryman Arnn and Joanna Amanda Blair
Three Denver police officers have been cleared of criminal wrongdoing in t he August shooting death of a 35-year-old catering worker. Assistant Denv er District Attorney Chuck Lepley said Thursday that Steven Evilsizer "cle arly presented an imminent threat" to the lives of officers Karl Roller, J ames Lucero and Dean Walker. Officers fired 23 bullets at Evilsizer and ki lled him Aug. 27 after he refused to drop a knife. Evilsizer, who was lega lly drunk and had a high level of cocaine in his body, had become involv ed in a confrontation with officers in his burned-out apartment at 330 Aco ma St. Lepley said his decision is based on criminal law standards and do es not limit any civil action or administrative action by the Denver Poli ce Department. Evilsizer's father, Marshall, said the investigation was "p retty thorough." "I talked about it with my family and we have decided we're not goi ng to do anything," he said. "We're going to drop the situation and l et it die." At the time of the shooting, fire investigators were probing t he cause of the fire, which apparently started in Evilsizer's apartment. E vilsizer returned to the scene and picked up a knife with a 4 3/8-inch bla de from his next-door neighbor's apartment when investigators said they wa nted to speak with him about the fire. One of the fire investigators dr ew his service pistol when Evilsizer moved toward him, witnesses said. Th en Evilsizer climbed from the neighbor's balcony to his own and went in to his apartment. Police were called to help. They entered Evilsizer's dar kened apartment, which had fire debris and residual smoke, the investigati on showed. The officers and several witnesses said Evilsizer was crouch ed in the bedroom closet, holding what several people said was a blue Ther mos and the knife. When Evilsizer refused several orders from the office rs to drop the knife, Officer Darren Ulrich shot a blast of pepper spray i nto his face. Evilsizer then abruptly moved out of the closet, and the thr ee officers fired at him "almost simultaneously," the DA's report state d. The shots were fired in rapid succession, and the officers stopped shoo ting at almost the same time, the report said. "These facts are all consis tent with an instantaneous reaction to an immediate and significant thre at to life," the report stated.
THE DENVER POST DEADLY FORCE OUT OF HAND Tuesday, October 5, 1999 Section: DENVER AND THE WEST Page: B-01 DIANE CAR MAN Steven Evilsizer didn't have a chance. The 35-year-old catering worker w as drunk and high on cocaine the night of Aug. 27 when a fire apparently s tarted in his Acoma Street apartment. When fire investigators encounter ed him at the scene, they called for police backup. Three Denver police of ficers arrived, bringing the number of public safety personnel in the apar tment to five. All of them were armed with guns. Evilsizer was behaving er ratically, according to the police reports, and one of the officers attemp ted to subdue him with pepper spray. That only enraged him. He lunged at t hem. The police officers opened fire. The subsequent autopsy report show ed 14 bullet wounds, including shots to his head, chest and abdomen. Fi ve of the bullets entered his body from the back. Evilsizer was armed wi th a steak knife. Police policy stipulates that officers are authoriz ed to defend themselves when it appears they are in imminent danger. Appar ently, they determined that this was just such an extreme situation. In retrospect, that explanation is hard to swallow. If the five office rs on the scene, all presumably well trained, alert and working togethe r, had attempted to wrestle the drug-addled Evilsizer to the ground, chanc es are one of those officers would have received a nasty cut, a superfici al knife wound. And even though it probably would have been sufficient for ce if the officers had jumped him, most of us would believe they were just ified in the heat of the moment if one of them had discharged a service we apon and shot Evilsizer in the hand or the leg to disable him. It's just a wfully hard to understand why they riddled his body with gunfire, clear ly shooting to kill and continuing to fire after he was down, even if h is behavior with that steak knife was really, really scary. Denver poli ce and the district attorney are reviewing the case, and this time we shou ldn't settle for their all-too-familiar rationalizations for the use of de adly force. Police violence all across the country is growing. As America ns have embraced aggressive efforts to reduce crime, we've averted our ey es to it. Human Rights Watch has found that incidents of police brutalit y, including shoving, beating and manhandling suspects as well as unjustif ied shootings, have increased dramatically in 14 major cities over the pa st five years. While officers usually are vindicated after internal invest igations, several victims' families have successfully pursued wrongful-dea th complaints. Settlements of those claims have cost Denver taxpayers hund reds of thousands of dollars in the last year alone. In Denver, where a vi deotaped arrest last summer showed officers brutally kicking and beati ng a suspect; where police indiscriminately gassed a stadium full of colle ge football fans because they looked like they might riot; and where an in ebriated man brandishing a steak knife is blown away with 14 bullet wound s, it's time to take a closer look. The same old whitewash won't cut it an ymore.
Diane Carman's commentaries appear here Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. S he can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]
Sunday, November 28, 1999 Section: PERSPECTIVE Page: G-02 BY DEE EVILSIZER Caption: PHOTOS: Dee Evilsizer Steven Evilsizer I am the mother of Steven Evilsizer, who was shot and killed by poli ce on Aug. 27. The indescribable heartache of losing our son has prevent ed me from responding until now, but I feel I owe it to Steven, his wif e, his grandparents and his extended family to comment on these articles t hat have caused so much pain for our family. The media have devoted consid erable space to the negative side of our son and how he died. How much spa ce will they allow for his positive side?
Regarding the articles:
Immediately after this tragic event, members of the family were inundat ed with phone calls from the newspapers, radio stations, etc. - each one p ressing us for our reaction to the shooting in an obvious attempt to g et us to lash out verbally at the police for their actions. (We even recei ved calls and letters from lawyers offering their services for a lawsuit .) In the midst of our emotional anguish, we were trying so very hard to r efrain from judgment of the police or making comment until after the inves tigations were completed. The few comments we did make were taken out of c ontext, and it seemed to us that we were made to sound like cold, uncari ng parents - when in fact, the pain and agony of losing our son (especial ly under such tragic circumstances) interspersed with the inevitable quest ion, What could we have done differently?? were so debilitating.
In one article, my husband was made to sound as though he would have recom mended "five shots" (when he was trying to make the point that he did n ot understand why so many shots had to be fired.) At another point, it w as stated that I did not condemn the police for their actions, then add ed almost glibly was my comment, "The police had a job to do." Reporters a nd media callers admonished us for not being angry enough. (If I were to d irect my anger, it would be toward the dealers who reap huge profits fr om the lives they destroy with the drugs they peddle.)
While they were conducting their investigation, Chuck Lepley of the distri ct attorney's office was very responsive and sensitive to our requests f or information. We have now reviewed the investigative reports from the fi re investigators and the DA's office and watched the taped interviews of t he policemen and the fire investigators involved. As devastating as it i s, we cannot deny the fact that Steven's state of mind (altered by the par anoia resulting from high drug/alcohol levels) and his refusal to comply w ith the policemen's repeated warnings and demands prompted their reaction s.
Although we will never understand why the three policemen felt it necessa ry to fire a total of 23 shots to stop Steven, we are cognizant of the fa ct that our son's actions placed himself and others in harm's way. We real ize he had to be stopped from injuring others with the knife he held in h is hand. That's what I meant when I said I understood that the police h ad a job to do. Did all three policemen overreact? Many seem to think s o. The truth is we will never know because we weren't there faced with mak ing those split-second assessments and decisions. And, unlike in the movie s, they do not attempt to shoot weapons out of the person's hand or sho ot an armed person in the leg, etc.
We thank God that our son's actions did not result in death or injury to t he policemen, the firefighters, or the occupants of the apartment buildi ng that night.
Additionally, we were horror-struck by two things: First, the horrible "m ug shot" photograph that originally appeared on some TV stations and in t he newspapers. Is it asking too much for the media to request a decent pho tograph from the family? Young nieces and nephews were horrified by the ph otograph because they didn't recognize that person as their Uncle Steve. ( The Post and Channel 4 News later substituted another photograph when we p leaded with them to use one provided by the family.)
Second, was it really necessary to include a diagram representing our son 's bullet-ridden body in the Oct. 4 article that appeared after the autop sy report was made public?
That depiction was not of a cardboard target for shooting practice - th at was our son, for God's sake!! Do you have any idea of the emotional imp act that had on the family?
I would like to tell you about the other side of our son. The Steven we kn ew and loved was sensitive and kind, was deeply touched by the music and l yrics of his favorite songs (he recently expressed to an aunt how the wor ds of the song, "In the Arms of the Angels" by Sarah McLachlan, spoke to h im these days). He loved fly fishing, camping, the Colorado mountains, ski ing, Eric Clapton songs, airplanes, air shows, cars, Trivial Pursuit, read ing, cooking - and his family.
Steven was the first grandchild on both sides and was still called T-Bon e, a childhood nickname, by his grandfather.
There was a certain sense of melancholy as he watched his younger brothe rs go off to college, but he was extremely proud of them: Todd (a pilot) w ho would call Steve during the good times and ask if he wanted to go flyi ng with him; and Brad (a musician) whose heart ached over the plight of h is "big brother" and the call he feared he would receive someday. And did.
Steve's culinary skills (from years in the catering and banquet busines s) made family holidays very special. He even catered his own wedding! Gra ndparents, aunts/uncles and cousins knew they could count on Steve for alw ays remembering family birthdays and anniversaries and sending meaningf ul cards and notes to mark the occasion.
Steve derived such joy in doing special things for his friends and fami ly in an attempt make up for some of the anguish he knew he had caused the m. He was especially eager to work alongside his dad on various project
Recently, while house/pet sitting for a close friend who was out of tow n, Steve replanted the newly planted tomato plants that had surrender ed to a late frost. He cared. It was reported that Steve was recently a ba nquet captain at the Hyatt Regency when in fact he was assistant direct or of outlets, had been named Manager of the Month last December, and h ad recently been promoted to executive steward due to his many achievemen ts and awards at the Hyatt.
That error may seem trivial to you, but it's important to us in that it sa ys so much about Steve's progress and achievements in overcoming his addic tion. (Additionally, while at the Denver Athletic Club, he had been nam ed Employee of the Year.)
Steven received tremendous support from the hotel staff during the perio ds when he appeared to be winning his battle over his alcoholism; and he w as so proud of his accomplishments at the hotel. His memorial service w as attended by at least 50 employees from the Hyatt, many of whom came for ward to express personal thoughts and recollections of Steve. There were t hose who knew firsthand of the battle Steve fought every day.
And truly it was a daily battle. He used to say, "I fight it every sing le day. Some days I win; some days I lose."
And what prompted the lack of self-esteem that led to his addiction? As h is parents, we ask ourselves that question every day; I wish I had the ans wer. Why does a young boy with an extremely high IQ turn to drugs? (Ste ve attended Mission Viejo Elementary, Laredo Middle School, and Smoky Hi ll High School where he had been active in scouting, sports, etc.) I do kn ow that he still carried the scars caused by the seemingly harmless teasi ng and harassment by classmates in elementary and middle school (when "acc eptance" and "belonging" is everything). Even as a slender adult, he us ed to say that every time he looked in the mirror he saw that fat kid th at the other kids made fun of. If only kids could realize that words ev en more than actions can cut such deep wounds - wounds that sometimes nev er heal.
Whatever the cause(s), his addiction caused Steve to lose his feeling of s elf-worth, his job, his wife and ultimately his life. Seemingly at the t op of his game in December, he relapsed in January (for whatever reason) a nd started the downward spiral from which he could not seem to recover. T he cycle was always the same: relapse, followed by unbearable pain, gui lt and depression (not to mention the brushes with the law), soothed on ly by more alcohol or drugs.
The weariness from his insomnia was a constant. He struggled valiantly f or a long time and sought help through an extensive drug/alcohol rehab pro gram, AA, one-on-one counseling, etc. Steven knew he had a wife and fami ly that loved and supported him, but even that was not enough. (As parent s, we are thankful that he had a loving wife who filled a void in his li fe no parent can ever fill; but she could no longer endure the emotional a nd financial/legal consequences of his relapses and blackouts.) He eventua lly caved in to the debilitating weariness that overcame him. He used to s ay, "I'm so tired of starting over." While his wife and family struggl ed to draw the line between "support" and "enabling," he set forth on a pa th of self-destruction. And our repeated attempts to intercede were in vai n. He felt he had lost everything and had simply given up.
In my heart I feel that it was God who decided when Steve would leave th is world, not the policemen that night. The man they shot was not the Stev en we knew and loved; but he took our Steven with him.
We had "lost" the son we knew before the first shot was ever fired. Perha ps God felt Steven had struggled long enough with the emotional roller coa ster caused by the periods of positive recovery shattered by the recurre nt relapses.
Now there will only be one set of footprints in the sand. We take comfo rt in knowing that he is finally at peace - a peace that seems to have elu ded him in this life. No more pain, no more struggle.
Our lives have been forever changed; there will always be that void. Neith er tears nor unwarranted lawsuits will bring him back.
As we struggle to bring closure and to go on with our lives one day at a t ime, we are haunted by the events of Aug. 27; but we will not allow th em to overshadow the good memories of a beloved son. In our hearts, he wi ll live forever!
Publication Date: August 30, 1999 Denver Rocky Mountain News Obituary: * STEVEN CRAIG EVILSIZER, 35, of Denver died Aug. 27. Services w ill be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 31, at Faith Presbyterian Church,113 73 E. Alameda Ave. Mr. Evilsizer was born in the Philippines on June 1, 19 64. He married Candyce Evilsizer. He worked in banquet and catering servic es. Survivors include his wife; parents Marshall and Deloris of Denver; br others Todd of Denver, Brad of Texas; grandparents Emerald and Mary Everha rt of Indiana, Alpha Cabe of South Carolina, Mary Jane of Dacono.
Publication Date: September 05, 1999 Denver Rocky Mountain News STEVEN CRAIG EVILSIZER, 35, of Denver died Aug. 27. Services were Aug. 3 1. Mr. Evilsizer was born in the Philippines on June 1,1964. Survivors inc lude wife Candyce; parents Marshall and Deloris; brothers Todd of Denve r, Brad of Texas; grandparents Emerald and Mary Everhart of Indiana; grand father Alpha Cabe of South Carolina; grandmother Mary Jane of Dacono.
Headline: POLICE FILE REPORT ON KILLING OF MAN PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE WILL DE CIDE WHETHER SHOOTING VIOLATED THE LAW Publication Date: October 05, 1999 Denver Rocky Mountain NewsPage: 4A Evilsizer, 35, who worked in local restaurants, had led a troubled life. H is legal history, according to his father, included two arrests for drivi ng under the influence, and one for possession of drugs.Police said he al so had a history of mental problems.An autopsy report showed cocaine in Ev ilsizer's blood at the time of his death. He was also drunk.Evilsizer w as killed in his apartment at 330 Acoma St.Firefighters doused a fire, a nd suspected Evilsizer set it off by torching his bed. Arson investigato rs said they tried to question Evilsizer, but he brandished a knife and fl ed to his charred apartment.Police responded, and sprayed him with ma ce to subdue him. They said he then lunged at them with the knife, and th ey fired.
Denver Post, 2004 Denver Post: Cops' excuses have fatal shortcoming By Diane Carman, Denver Post Columnist The Denver police always have an excuse. It's been like that for years.Inv estigators said Jeffrey Truax moved his arm suspiciously just before off-d uty police officers unloaded their service weapons into his car, riddli ng him with bullets back in 1996.Ismael Mena grabbed a gun just befo re he was shot to death by police who stormed the wrong house during a no- knock drug raid in 1999.An obviously intoxicated Steven Evilsizer lung ed at officers with a steak knife just before they fired 14 bullets into h is body in 1999.These are the kind of incidents that helped Denver rank si xth in the nation in fatal police shootings per 100,000 population in 2000 .The city has run up some big bills for settlements in wrongful death laws uits, even though formal inquiries have found justifications for every fat ality.
Social Security #: �tab�502019959
Sex: �tab�MALE
Birth Date: �tab�2 Oct 1910
Birthplace: �tab�North Dakota
Death Date: �tab�20 Jul 1995
Death Place: �tab�Los Angeles
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Pittman
Bertha Jennie Sterling Charles Nellie
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�19 Dec 1916
event place: �tab�Lawrenceville, Clarke, Ohio
residence: �tab�
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�66y 10m 23d
marital status: �tab�Married
race: �tab�White
occupation: �tab�Farmer
birth date: �tab�26 Jan 1850
birthplace: �tab�Penn.
estimated birth year: �tab�1850
burial date: �tab�21 Dec 1916
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Ferncliff
father: �tab�John Foster
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�Penn.
mother: �tab�Eliza Sampy
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�Penn.
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�fn 72637
film number: �tab�1983840
digital folder number: �tab�4021402
image number: �tab�996
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8NX-HM1 : accessed 12 Nov 2012), Mcdonald Foster, 1916; citing reference fn 72637, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Death Date: �tab�02 Jul 1922
Death Place: �tab�German, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Aug 1849
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�73 years 10 months 4 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RD. 8
Occupation: �tab�House Wife
Residence: �tab�Urbana, O.
Burial Date: �tab�05 Jul 1922
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Dear Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�John Dear
Father's Name: �tab�John Sides
Father's Title & Terms:
Death Date �tab�03 Sep 1940
Death Place �tab�Jefferson Twp., Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date �tab�06 Sep 1891
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Death Age �tab�48 years 11 months 27 days
Gender �tab�Male
Marital Status �tab�Married
Race or Color �tab�Caucasian
Street Address �tab�
Occupation �tab�Landscape Architect
Residence �tab�Rosewood, Ohio
Burial Date �tab�05 Sep 1940
Burial Place �tab�Johnson Twp., Champaign
Cemetery Name �tab�Spring Grove
Spouse's Name �tab�Gladys Knight
Father's Name �tab�Henry Beekman
Father's Title & Terms �tab�
Father's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name �tab�Nannie Wills
Mother's Titles & Terms �tab�
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Ohio
Film Number �tab�2023881
Digital Folder Number �tab�4026215
Image Number �tab�196
Certificate Number �tab�fn 57461
Muskingum OH posted by Joyce Faught on Monday, August 24, 1998 The family I have started reserching is EVILSIZER/EVELSIZER. I do not kn ow very much and anything on this family would help. All that I know at th is point is that an Evelsizer married Mae BLACKSTONE and they had a daught er named Carol Lynn Evilsizer, who is the Great Grandmother of my childre n. Carol lived in New Concord with her husband Ernest WRIGHT and had two c hildren, Steven and Lynn. Please reply if you know of this family. Thank Y ou.
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 24 September 1947 New Concord Club announces New Committee Legislation....Mrs Mae Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 18 January 1950 New Concord Club Announces New Committee Noble Grand, mae Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 22 September 1952 New Concord WCTU Plans Meeting Corresponding Secty- Mrs J L Evilsizer
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 19 October 1952 New Concord Lodge Prepares for Inspection Mrs Mae Evilsizer is Nobel Grand
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 18 March 1966 Gran Petit Jurors Drawn Mae Evilsizer 54 S Liberty St
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 05 January 1968 Frinds In The Hospital Admitted To Bethesda Mrs Minnie Mae Evilsizer, New Concord.
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 21 January 1970 Friends in the Hospital Admitted- Minnie Mae Evilsizer New Concord
The Times Recorder Zanesville Ohio 02 February 1970 Dismiised From Bethesda Hospital Minnie Mae Evilsizer New Concord
Name: Minnie M Evilsizer Birth Date: Est. 1894 Gender: Female Race: White Residence County: Muskingum Residence State: Ohio Residence Country: United States Death Date: 3 Aug 1971 Hospital of Death: Public/Other City of Death: Columbus (Pt) County of Death: Franklin Certificate: 066418 Age at Death: 77 Certifier: Coroner Autopsy: No autopsy Marital Status: Widowed
Jim and Marca Lee McInnes Murray Visit our web site. [email protected] http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/m/u/r/Buford-J-Murray/index.html?Welc ome=1045454011
He was listed in the Cemetery inJacksonville Fl and also in Rose Hill in S ummit Co, Akron, OH
Florida Death Index, 1877-1998 Name: Emerson John Evelsizer Death Date: 16 Nov 1991 County of Death: Duval State of Death: Florida Age at Death: 79 Race: White Birth Date: 25 Aug 1912
Document Type: DEATH CERTIFICATE �tab�
Deceased: �tab��tab�BAUDERS , SARAH E
�tab�Date of Death: 11/26/1941
Local File No: 1328
(This cannot seem to be verified.)
Cedar Rapids gazette, Tuesday, Sept 6, 1994 George A Evilsizer, 78, of 136 Meadowlark Lane, died Sunday, Sept 4, 199 4, in Mercy Medical Center, following a lengthy illness. Services 10 a. m. Thursday, Murdoch-Linwood Funeral Home, where friends may call from 4 -8 p.m., Wednesday. The Rev William harnish will officiate. Burial, Linwo od Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Harriet E "Betty", a son, Gary Ev ilsizer and his wife Jeannine, of Cedar Rapids; and a brother Frank E Evil sizer and his wife Mary of Cedar Rapids. He was preceded in death by his p arents. Born Sept 28, 1915 to Frank and Albie Kubat Evilsizer, he marri ed Harriet E "Betty" Wadden on June 29, 1939 in Cedar Rapids. He owned a nd operated Auto Radiator Service from 1938 until early 1994. He was a mem ber of Christ Presbyterian Church, a past president of IGO, a charter memb er of Mizpah Masonic Lodge No 639 AF & AM, and a member of the Cedar Rapi ds Consistory, El Kahir Shrine, El kahir Shrine Color Guard, and Cedar Rap ids Boat Club. George was a loving husband, father and father-in-law. The re will be Masonic Services by Mizpah Masonic Lodge No 639.
Thomas Noble Norton (1853 - 1935)
Mary Arthur Norton (1854 - 1913)
Social Security Death Index about Lloyd Norton
Name: �tab�Lloyd Norton �tab�
SSN: �tab�492-42-8054
Last Residence: �tab�64759 Lamar, Barton, Missouri,
Born: �tab�16 Jan 1883
Died: �tab�Feb 1976
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Mis
Vachel Dean Mullen (1845 - 1920)
Eliza Catherine Crist Mullen (1848 - 1922)
Wendell Mullen Norton (1908 - 1991)*
Wanda Norean Norton Lawrence (1910 - 1992)*
Wayne Norton (1912 - 2000)*
Wyle Dale Norton (1914 - 1933)*
Ward L Norton (1916 - 1990)*
Worth Wilard Norton (1919 - 1982)*
Wallace G Norton (1922 - 2011)*
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�18 Dec 1926
Event Place: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Age: �tab�19
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1907
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Harry Demory
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Maud Miller
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Charlotte Goldsberry
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�20
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1906
Spouse's Father: �tab�Albert Goldsberry
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Elizabeth Danning
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�64
Film Number: �tab�545417
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016846
Image Number: �tab�394
Death Date: �tab�18 Nov 1929
Death Place: �tab�Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�02 Dec 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, , Ohio
Death Age: �tab�46 years 11 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Housewife
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�21 Nov 1929
Burial Place: �tab�West Liberty, ,
Cemetery Name: �tab�West Liberty Cemetery
Spouse's Name: �tab�Harry R. Demory
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob M. Miller
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Kenton, , Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Josephine Warnock
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ridgeway, , O.
Film Number: �tab�1992019
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022360
Image Number: �tab�2450
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 68692
Name: �tab�Harry R Demory
Birth Date: �tab�1886
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Logan
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�9 Mar 1964
Hospital of Death: �tab�Mary Rutan Hospital
City of Death: �tab�Bellefontaine
County of Death: �tab�Logan
Certificate: �tab�20588
Age at Death: �tab�78
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Autopsy: �tab�Yes, used for certification
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Category WW1 National Guard Date of Birth Date of Death Age Street City County Jay TWP State IN Submitted by: Source: Notes: Draft Reg 1917
Walter Bryan Buck (1900 - 1966)*
Infant Buck (1901 - 1901)*
Herman Albert Buck (1904 - 1904)*
Rupert Elwood Buck (1905 - 2000)*
Selena Hanna Buck Simmons (1907 - 1934)*
Edward Franklin Buck (1909 - 1990)*
Donald Cary Buck (1910 - 1977)*
Woodrow Wilson Buck (1912 - 1970)*
Ruth Maxine Buck Kleinmann (1915 - 1981)*
Jean Necia Buck (1920 - 1920)*
Date of Death Nov 29, 1923 Logan Cop, Bellefontaine, OH
Res 513 Church St, Urbana, OH
Male, white, married to Ida Buck
Born June 14, 1878 in Champaign Co, OH
Occ Veternary
Father Edward Buck born Champaign Co, OH
Mother Arena Evilsizer born Champaign Co, OH
COD Cerebral apoplexy, contributed by high blood pressure
Inf- Mrs Ida Buck, Urbana, OH
Burial 12/2/1923 Oak Dale Cemeery, Urbana, OH
Died in Bellefonatine OH at a football game age 45
John married Mary Ebelsheiser abt 1884 in Iowa. They had three sons:
John William Lanz 1885-1963
Charles Edward Lanz 1886-1960
Henry Lewis Lanz 1890-1927
Phillip Christian Lanz (1843 - 1903)*
William Jacob Lanz (1856 - 1911)
Mary Catherina Lanz Ebelsheiser (1860 - 1954)*
gender: �tab�Female
burial date: �tab�
burial place: �tab�
death date: �tab�20 Jan 1917
death place: �tab�St. Marys, Auglaize, Ohio
age: �tab�53
birth date: �tab�30 Sep 1863
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
occupation: �tab�
race: �tab�White
marital status: �tab�Married
spouse's name: �tab�
father's name: �tab�David Abbott
father's birthplace: �tab�
mother's name: �tab�Pricella Brown
mother's birthplace: �tab�
indexing project (batch) number: �tab�B07119-2
system origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
source film number: �tab�963055
reference number: �tab�v 5 p 119
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997," index,
FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F6NW-X58 :
accessed 22 Nov 2012), Elizabeth Kohlrieser, 20 Jan 1917.
Name: Argus Swisher SSN: 268-10-0483 Born: 28 Jul 1906 Died: Mar 1958 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951 )
Death date: 28 May 1935
Death place: Wayne, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 07 Apr 1903
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign County, Ohio
Age at death: 32 years 1 month 21 days
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Urbana
Burial date: 31 May 1935
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name: Margaret Swisher
Father's name: Perry Swisher
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Logan Co., Ohio
Mother's name: Eva Keef
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Champaign Co., Ohio
GSU film number: 2022517
Digital GS number: 4001926
Image number: 2192
Reference number: fn 28534
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Name: �tab�Harvey M Dillon
Birth Date: �tab�1914
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�Springfield
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�11 Mar 1988
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�015824
Age at Death: �tab�74
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Social Security Number: �tab�277-01-9721
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Tailors
Name: �tab�Helen Maxine Dillon
[Helen Maxine Knight]
Birth Date: �tab�11 Oct 1920
Birth City: �tab�Springfield
Birth County: �tab�Clark
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�19 Mar 1993
Death Time: �tab�06:30 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Long-Term Care Facilities
City of Death: �tab�Urbana
County of Death: �tab�Champaign
Certificate: �tab�014849
Age at Death: �tab�72
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Nursing Home
Social Security Number: �tab�287-14-4597
Father's Surname: �tab�Knight
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Circle
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�12
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Textile serving machine operators
Primary Registration District: �tab�1101
Name: �tab�Franklin O. Ferg
Last Residence: �tab�54981 Waupaca, Waupaca, Wisconsin
Born: �tab�1 Aug 1926
Died: �tab�22 Oct 2010
State (Year) SSN issued: �tab�Wisconsin (Before 1951)
Family info from CD Vol 17 Tree 922
Social Security #: �tab� 484058413
Gender: �tab� Male
Birth Date: �tab� 4 Apr 1893
Death Date: �tab� 14 Nov 1968
Death Place: �tab� San Mateo
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab� Schweitz
Social Security #: �tab� 484058413
Gender: �tab� Male
Birth Date: �tab� 4 Apr 1893
Death Date: �tab� 14 Nov 1968
Death Place: �tab� San Mateo
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab� Schweitz
[Lena Bertha Belsheiser]
Social Security #: �tab� 545608253
Gender: �tab� Female
Birth Date: �tab� 27 Dec 1897
Birth Place: �tab� Iowa
Death Date: �tab� 27 Feb 1991
Death Place: �tab� San Mateo
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab� Lanz
Father's Surname: �tab� Belsheiser
event: �tab�Marriage 12/19/1930
event place (standardized): �tab�Clark, Ohio, United States
event place (other): �tab�
age: �tab�19
estimated birth year: �tab�1911
birth date: �tab�22 Sep 1911
birthplace: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
father: �tab�Harry W Tonkinson
father's �tab�
mother: �tab�Cleah Drum
mother's �tab�
spouse: �tab�Opel C Schafer
spouse's �tab�
spouse's age: �tab�21
spouse's estimated birth year: �tab�2/10/1909
spouse's birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
spouse's father: �tab�Harley O Schafer
spouse's father's �tab�
spouse's mother: �tab�Viola Coleman
spouse's mother's �tab�
reference number: �tab�Clk, OH Vol34CN20274
film number: �tab�466638
digital folder number: �tab�004016778
image number: �tab�00625
Citing this Record"Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-1994," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XZLW-Y8X : accessed 30 Sep 2012), Charles W Tonkinson and Opel C Schafer, 1930; citing reference Clk, OH Vol34CN20274, FHL microfilm 466638.
I am researching the Deuser family and found your data [Ebelsheiser] on line. May I use some of the dates and names from your research? The format would of course be different, I am using family tree maker and word so will not use direct quotes or wordage.[is there such a word?] You would be credited in bibliography.
Thanks and regards.Sandy Castle [email protected]
Shelton, Sally Ann and an infant daughter Martha Leona are buried in Elmwo od cemetery.
Gender �tab�Female
Burial Date �tab�02 Feb 1941
Burial Place �tab�Springfield
Death Date �tab�31 Jan 1941
Death Place �tab�Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee
Age �tab�52
Birth Date �tab�09 Dec 1888
Birthplace �tab�Robertson, Tenn.
Occupation �tab�Housewife
Race �tab�White
Marital Status �tab�Widowed
Spouse's Name �tab�S.L. Evilciger
Father's Name �tab�A.J. Mantle
Father's Birthplace �tab�Robertson County, Tenn.
Mother's Name �tab�Tennie Volner
Mother's Birthplace �tab�Robertson County, Tenn.
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�B06471-4
System Origin �tab�Tennessee-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�1876895
Reference Number �tab�cn 510
2015 ([email protected])
[Susie I Evilcizer]
Birth Date: �tab� 18 Jun 1903
Birth Place: �tab� Tennessee, United States
Gender: �tab� Female
Race: �tab� White
Hispanic Origin: �tab� Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab� 3 Jan 1994
Death Time: �tab� 05:30 AM
Death Place: �tab� Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Certificate: �tab� 003257
Age at Death: �tab� 90
Hospital Status: �tab� Hospital/Inpatient
Social Security Number: �tab� 271-20-9634
Father's Surname: �tab� Evilcizer
Marital Status: �tab� Widowed
Education: �tab� 12
Industry of Decedent: �tab� Bakery products
Occupation of Decedent: �tab� Bakers
Primary Registration District: �tab� 3100
BUCK, Ida M. Death date: 3/3/1936, Franklin County Certificate #16961
Gender: Female Date of Death: 08 November 1993
Birth Date: 18 December 1903 Volume: 29581
Certificate: 082217 Autopsy: No
Social Security Number: 236208359
Father's Surname: Evilsizer Time of Death: 1:20 PM
Marital Status: Widowed Hispanic
Origin: Non Hispanic
Place of Death: Nursing Home Years of Schooling: 08 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No
Mother's Surname: Lowe
Race: White Birth Place: West Virginia
Residence: Ohio Age: 89
born 4/20/1905 Charleston WV father John Evilsizer and mother Laura Smith. This mildred mother is named Laura, and her maidne name is not confirmed. She was 27 when married to Samuel Evilsizer and noted as Mrs laura Lowe on marriage app. Levi Blankenship was giving information on Laura. This Mildred died of a hemmorhage in the brain due to syphlils, the informant E N Pugh. Perhaps because they were only married a short time Mr Pugh did not know her parents names as her dad was deceased before 1920. They are in the right location for this to be her. Because her parents are buried in Locust Hill Cemetery, and so is this Midlred, I suspect this is her.
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�06 Jun 1906
Birthplace �tab�Columbiana County, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Samuel Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Anna Laura Lown
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04082-5
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�931593
Reference Number �tab�v 6 p 65
Evilsizer, George
Age: 30 Year: 1920
Birthplace: West Virginia Roll: T625_1971
Race: White Page: 4A
State: West Virginia ED: 127
County: Roane Image: 474
Township: Spencer Florence, wife, 33
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: George Edgar Evilsizer Birth Date: 8 Nov 1890 Residence: Roane, West Virginia Birth: Roane, West Virginia Race: White Roll: WW2_2283494 Ser# U1357 George Edgar Evilsizer Rt # 1 Roane Co, Spencer, WV Telephone-Citizen, age 51, b 11/8/1890 Roane Co, WV Nearest person-Callie Evilsizer, Rt 1, Spencer, WV Employer-W V Gas Corp, Charleston, WV 5'7" 150 lbs Brn Eyes, Blk Hair Light complexion Signed G E Evilsizer 4/27/1942 Pendleton Co, WV
Name: George Evilsizer Age at Death: 79 Date of Death: 23 Jun 1969 City of Death: Massillon County of Death: Stark Volume: 19718 Certificate: 047946 Date of Birth: Est. 1890 Gender: Male Marital Status: Widowed Race: White County of Residence: Stark State of Residence: Ohio Country of Residence: United States Hospital of Death: Massillon Community Hospital Certifier: Physician Autopsy: No autopsy
Efiled 11/25/1889 Georg Edgar born Nov 8, 1889
U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: John Hermon Evilsizer Birth Date: 16 Sep 1895 Residence: Summit Co, Ohio 375 Allyn St Birth: Spencer, West Virginia Race: White Roll: WWII_2372905 Notify G G Evilsizer, same address Emp-Hertz Drive It Yourself 71 S High St Akron OH
Charleston Daily Mail, Charleston West Virginia Thursday Evening Feb 1 193 4 The jury hearing the case of Herman Evilsizer charged with issuing a worth less check was unable to agree and was discharged. The defendant was relea sed on $1,000 bond
Name : John Herman Evilsizer Death date : 27 Apr 1947 Death place : Akron, Summit, Ohio, United States Birth date : 16 Sep 1895 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Spencer, W. Va. Age at death : 51 years 7 months 11 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : 375 Allyn St Akron, OH SS# 293-14-9566 Occupation : Mechanic-Akron Rent-A-Car Burial date : 4/29/1947 Burial place : Spencer WV Cemetery name : Spouse name : Nora Father name : Samuel Evilsizer Father birth place : Marietta OH Mother name : Leona Wine Mother birth place : Spencer WV Informant Glen G Evilsizer COD- Accident- Struck by auto on highway- dead on arrival at hospital Fractured ribs, hemmhorage GSU film number : 2372928 Digital GS number : 4076107 Image number : 02925 Certificate number : 28036 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Midland Daily News Sept 13, 2004 Lily Rose Evilsizer, 75, of Sanford died Sat Sept 11, 2004 at the Mid Mich agan Medical Center. She was born on Jan 31, 1929, in Ludington, the daughter of the late Ve rn and Doris (Camp) Anderson. She married Robert Lawrence Evilsizer on Ju ne 29, 1946, in Midland; he predeceased her. She was a member of the Sanfo rd American Legion Aux. Lily was a mom to everyone she knew. She had a gre at sense of humor; teacher to everyone and her heart welcomed everyone in to her life. She loved camping, fishing, and spending time with her grandc hildren. Surviving are her children and their spouses, Doris Jean and Ga ry Rudolph of Midland, Robert E and Lynn Evilsizer of Twin Lake, Melodie a nd Floyd Yarger of Ft Pierce, Fl, Katherine and Simeneh Araya of Lansin g, Jim & Judy Evilsizer of Sanford and Ed and Darlene Bates of Weidma n; 20 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and 2 gr great grandchildre n; a sister Joyce Rynek of MIdland; and many nieces and nephews. Besides h er husband Robert, two sisters Elaine McKay and Barbara Anderson and a gra nd daughter Angela Ling predeaceased her. Private funeral services have ta ken place. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to coinsid er the American Cancer Society. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to War e-Smith-Woolever Funeral Directors of Midland
Mrs. Evilsizer formerly lived in Roane county and burial will take place in the Spencer cemetery following the services Thursday afternoon.
The Parkersburg News, Wednesday, 8 January 1941, pg. 2
Name �tab�Nora May Ebilsizer
Death Date �tab�06 Jan 1941
Death Place �tab�Wood, West Virginia
Gender �tab�female
Age �tab� 45y 7m 19d
Estimated Birth Year 5/18/1895 �tab�
Birth Place �tab�Roane Co, WV
Marital Status �tab�Married housewife,
Spouse's Name �tab�Herman Ebilsizer
Father's Name �tab�Henry Price
Father's Birthplace �tab�unk
Mother's Name �tab�Deliah Snyder
Mother's Birthplace �tab�unk
Occupation �tab�housewife
Street Address �tab�1221 Murdock Ave, Parkersburg
Residence �tab�
Cemetery �tab�Spencer Memorial Cemetery
Burial Place �tab�Spencer WV
Burial Date �tab�1/8/1941
Informant J H Evilsizer, same address
COD- ---- of lungs due to enlarged liver.
Film Number �tab�1983558
Digital Folder Number �tab�4259837
Image Number �tab�1464
Source �tab�County Records
Reference Number �tab�1435
11/15/1940 Times Recorder, Spencer, WV
List of Real Estate Deliquent Taxes for 1939, Spencer District
Florence Evilsizer -22 Sur, Colt Run $2.08
Death Date �tab�04 Dec 1936
Death Place �tab�Roane, West Virginia
Gender �tab�
Age �tab�
Estimated Birth Year �tab�
Birth Place �tab�
Marital Status �tab�
Spouse's Name �tab�
Father's Name �tab�J. O. Boggs
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Margaret Hoff
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Occupation �tab�
Street Address �tab�
Residence �tab�
Cemetery �tab�
Burial Place �tab�
Burial Date �tab�
Film Number �tab�1983274
Digital Folder Number �tab�4258594
Image Number �tab�1412
Source �tab�County Records
Reference Number �tab�19386
�tab�Event: �tab�Death
Event Date: �tab�29 Apr 1940
Event Place: �tab�East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio
Residence: �tab�New Cumberland, WV
Street Address: �tab�
Gender: �tab�Male
Death Age: �tab�28y 8m 3d
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race: �tab�W
Occupation: �tab�Packer
Birth Date: �tab�26 Sep 1911
Birthplace: �tab�Chester, WV
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1912
Burial Date: �tab�02 May 1940
Burial Place: �tab�OH
Cemetery: �tab�Locust Hill Cem.
Father: �tab�Samuell Evilsizer
Father's �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Jackson Co., WV
Mother: �tab�Laura Lowe
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Rowe Co., WV
Spouse: �tab�Lucile Clark
Spouse's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�fn 22658
Film Number: �tab�2023832
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4122022
Image Number: �tab�3199
Source Citation "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X87B-MB4 : accessed 20 May 2012), Fred Evilsizer, 1940.
�b�Mary Evilsizer �/b�married Othel H Meadows sometime after 1949. Othel was born 10/17/1924 in Hancock Co, New Cumberland WV. He was found with his parents in 1930 living in Nicholas Co, Kentucky WV. Othel died June 19, 1971 in Hancock Co, Weirton, WV. Parents Charles Meadows and Victoria Gibson who married 11/ 27/1902 in Nicholas Co, WV. Othel SS# was 233-32-6831 and he was a coal miner. His address was 422 Morton St in East Liverpool, OH (Columbiana Co). He died of carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of sleeping in his car in the driveway with the motor running. It was ruled an accident. He buried in Fields Cemetery, Summersville, WV. His death cert names his wife as MARY EVILSIZER. The informant was Mary Barker. The is a record of Carls marriage to Virginia Stowers in Nicholas Co, WV Dec 24, 1949 that name his parents, so we know �b�MARY EVILSIZER �/b�was second wife. She is not known yet.
Is this the same MARY following?
MARY EVILSIZER age 30, divorced, born Hancock Co, WV married Earl Hoffman, single, age 20 born Belmont Co, OH Aug 5, 1944 in Hancock Co, WV. Location suggests this Mary Evilsizer d/o Samuel and Laura Lowe Evilsizer who md1 James Heiney. But she died with the last name of Mrs Mary Hoffman. Earl died in 1969 and Mary could very well have married again to Othel (above). Since he died in 1971 only 2 years later, she perhaps referred back to her former name, which was the father of the informant, Mary Hoffman Barker. Location is the prime source�.and common to take name of long term husband.
about Mary M Hoffman
Name: �tab�Mary M Hoffman
Birth Date: �tab�1914
Birth State: �tab�West Virginia
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Residence City: �tab�East Liverpool
Residence County: �tab�Columbiana
Residence State: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�22 Jul 1985
Hospital of Death: �tab�East Liverpool City Hospital
City of Death: �tab�East Liverpool
County of Death: �tab�Columbiana
Certificate: �tab�049215
Age at Death: �tab�71
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Social Security Number: �tab�288-14-5798
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Eating and drinking places
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Waiters and waitresses
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�19 Sep 1874
Birthplace �tab�CHAMPAIGN,OHIO
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�
Father's Name �tab�Eddon Evilsizer
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Emily J. Lowe
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C51594-1
System Origin �tab�Ohio-ODM
Source Film Number �tab�295232
My Landess connection in Jay County is as follows: [email protected]
Felix Landess B: 10-12-1786 Wilkes Co., NC
D: 8-25-1852 Jay Co., IN buried Flesher C em.
M: 12-4- 1811 Bath Co., KY Sarah Ockerman B: 1786 NC
John B: 1812 KY
Elizabeth B: 1-10-1814 KY (my 4th Gr. Grandmother)
Daniel B: 1816 KY
Martha Ann B: 1816 KY
Catherine B: 1820
Susannah B: 4-5-1821 Highland Co., OH
Henry B: 1825 Highland Co., OH
Andrew Jackson B: 11-15-1827 Highland Co., OH
Elizabeth Landess m John Wood in Highland County, OH., on 3-10-1835 th ey had 14 children of whom I am researching in Jay County along with : Dav is ( Davison, Davidson), Nibarger ( Neighbarger- Neberger), Smith, Flor y, Yoder, Young, Jordan and so many others I have to look as I go.. If a nything sounds familiar I would be most grateful to talk with you.. Tha nk you Rosalee Harper
Research sent from Rosalee Harper 5/2007 John S. Landess is the son of John Landess B:1812 & Susanna Mill er B: abt. 1815 M: 3-4-1841 in Highland Co., OH. John Landess is t he son of Felix Landess B: 10-12-1786 Wilkes Co., NC. D: 8-25-1852 Jay Co ., IN. and Sarah Ockerman B: 1786 NC. buried in Flesher Cemetery, Jay Co ., IN.
As you can tell the name spelling can throw you off but I got a l ot if my information from a Landess researcher who has been at it for ma ny years and it is documented. I just have not worked much on it for a l ong time so haven't done the collateral lines. Hope this helps I am att aching a picture of John S. & Sarah's grave marker from Hillcrest... I to ok these about 4 years ago .. _____________________________Jacob C LANDESS b: ABT 1778 in Kentucky Andrew LANDESS b: ABT 1779 in Kentucky Perry C LANDESS b: ABT 1780 in Kentucky Nathan P LANDESS b: ABT 1781 in Kentucky Felix LANDESS b: 12 OCT 1785 in Wilkes,North Carolina Henry LANDESS b: 1789 in Kentucky John LANDESS b: 11 APR 1794 in Henderson Co.,Kentucky Susannah LANDESS b: 19 APR 1802 in Hillsboro,Highland Co. ,Ohio ______________________________________________________________________Nam e: Jacob LANDESS Sex: M Birth: ABT 1750 in Germany Note: The history of Ross and Highland Co., OH states Jacob Landess came to High land Co and bought the Stockwell Farm and settled on it in 1815. On the fa rm of Jacob Landess, north of Pricetown, there was a very ancient day eart hwork. Mr. Landess had a family of thirteen children, ten of whom marrie d. Mr. Landess was most excellent people and good citizens. They were Dut ch Quakers. Morris King married Susanna, the daughter of Jacob Landess and had fourte en children, thirteen of whom grew to maturity and married. Among them we re six boys who have never used tobacco of any form. Jacob Garver, a Dunka rd preacher, living to the west, on the Big Miami, often visited the Lande sses and held religious services in their house. Not having a regular prea ching time announced beforehand, on his arrival Mr. Landess would mou nt a house and made circuit of the neighborhood, for and near, and the nei ghbors would come together.
Children Elizabeth LANDESS Jacob C. LANDESS Andrew LANDESS Perry C. LANDESS Nathan P. LANDESS Felix LANDESS b: 1784 in NC Henry LANDESS b: 1789 in KY John LANDESS b: 11 APR 1794 in Henderson Co., KY Lydia LANDESS b: 13 MAR 1796 in Henderson Co., KY Mary LANDESS b: 13 NOV 1800 in Highland Co., OH (probably not!) Susanna LANDESS b: 19 APR 1802 in Hillsboro, Highland Co., OH Mahala LANDESS b: ABT 1804 Nancy LANDESS b: ABT 1806 Isaac LANDESS b: ABT 1808
Son Fred Luther Little 1895-1956
24 July 1861 Enlisted for three years at Camp Chase near Columbus, Ohio in to Company H, 26th Ohio Volunteer Infantry commanded by Captain S. D. Hend erson.
Fall 1861Contracted measles and escalating nasal cataract. Treated for t wo weeks at Gawky Bridge, West Virginia
Aug/Sep 1862 Gun shot wound in left foot at Mumfordsville, Kentuclq
28 Dec. 1862 Sent to convalescent camp at Nashville, Tennessee for illness
Feb. 1863 Released from convalescent camp and sent to duty
Sept. 1863 Hospitalized at Chattanooga, Tennessee for illness
19 Sept. 1863 Gunshot wound to left side during Battle of Chickamauga, Geo rgia. Taken to field hospital and treated by regimental surgeon
CCGS Newsletter Dec 2004 pg 117 Urbana Daily Citizen 3/20/1879 News From Concord, Woodstock, Terre Haute, Powhattan and Cable, OH Powhattan- Mr Little has sold out and is going to Kansas as soon as his wi fe's health will permit Mrs Little received a serious fall from a spring wagon by the horse fright ening, and it was thought at first that it was fatal, but she is slowly re covering.
20 Sept 1863 Field hospital at Crawfish, Georgia captured by Confederates
29 Sept. 1863 Confined to Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia
Feb. 1864 Contracted smallpox arid scurvy
25 Apr. 1864 Admitted to hospital at Danville
4 May 1864 Returned to Libby Prison
18 May 1864 Readmitted to hospital for scurvy
27 Aug. 1864 Escaped from Libby Prison
8 Sept 1864 Recaptured at Lynchburg, Virginia and returned to Libby Prison
24 Sept 1864 Paroled (exchanged) at Varina, Virginia
26 Sept. 1864 Reported to College Green Banks, Maryland.
27 Sept 1864 Reported to Camp Parole, Maryland
15 Oct. 1864 Honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio. Enlistment term expir ed.
1880 Moved to Miami County, Kansas
15 Apr 1901Receiving a veteran�s pension of $6.00 per month, 6 dec. 1903 p ension of $8.00. Virginia for diarrhea. at Danville, Virginia.
Physical description: Height: 6�O�; Complexion: light; Hair: light; Eye s: gray; Occupation: farmer. Both pages submitted by PhilIip A. Little, gr eat grandson of Lewis Luther �Lnre� Little
Record Book 11, Page 453 � Heard 22 April 1831 Rezin Wilson, Administrator of Justice Jones deceased On 6 April 1814 Jones bound himself in the penal sum of $500 to Thomas Ga dd and promised to made a deed to Gadd for 59 1/3 acres of land locat ed on the south side of the south�east quarter of Section 34 Township 6 Ra nge 11 (Union Tp.). On 23 June 1814 Thomas Gadd sold the land to Ezra Tull is. On 12 August 1817 Tullis sold the land to William Hendrix/Hendricks. T homas Gadd had originally paid the money to Jones so that Jones could p ay the entire amount of the land office for the whole quarter section a nd receive the patent. Justice Jones died about 24 May 1830 and left the f ollowing heirs: Jane, wife of Rezin Wilson; Mary, wife of Abram Clarke; St ephen Jones; Anna, wife ofThomas Robinson; Charlotte, wife of Lemuel Robin son; David W Jones and grandchildren, Rosetta Jones and Margaret Ann Callo way. The court decreed that the heirs grant William Hendricks a clear deed
Death Date: �tab�23 Jan 1932
Death Place: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Champaign, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�06 Apr 1846
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�85 years 9 months 17 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�26 Jan 1932
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Maple Grove
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�David L. Tullis
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Nancy Cartmel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992565
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001567
Image Number: �tab�609
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 510
Champaign Co, Court of Common Pleas Record book 10, Pg 245-Filed June 1828 Petition for Partition Lewis Pence, guardain of George Pence and Savilla Pence vs Peter Pence and Catherine George Pence and Saville pence are hei9rs of Jacob Pence who died in 18 24 owning the southeast quarter of section 31 township 4 range 12 (Conco rd Twp) except for 20 acres and 70 poles which were sold be Isaac Pen ce to John Norman. Jacob Pence purchased the land from Isaac and Susann ah Pence on 7 Feb 1823. Jacob's widow, Catherine Pence has since remarri ed Peter Pence. The appraisers were David Smith, John Arrowsmith and Dav id markley. Catherine Pence received 50 acres for a dower and Lewis Penc e, as guardian, got possession of the rest of the land to use for the chil dren.
1752 (as George Frederic Bens, son of Jacob and Barbara Bens) at the First
Reformed Church at Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; died in 1835 in
Mad River Twp, Champaign County, Ohio; married (1) Mary _____ probably about
1776 in Shenandoah County, Virginia, (2) Margaret (Peggy) (Wolfe) Venis 9 Sep
1819 in Champaign); Frederick is called "oldest son and heir" of Jacob in
Shenandoah County deeds; gunsmith and wagonmaker; moved before 1819 to
Champaign County; served County (she was born about 1764 in Washington
County, Maryland, the daughter of John Wolfe; her first marriage was to Johann
Heinrich Finis [Henry Venis], a former Hessian soldier; they were from Augusta-
Rockingham County, Virgnia in Captain Michael Reader's company in
Shenandoah County (then called Dunmore County) during the Revolutionary War.
Children (only two of the four living daughters mentioned, but unnamed, in his
will can be identified):�/b�
Above from From Richard Pence
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to David Pence N1/2 Jan 1 18 23 Bk f Pg 270 NW 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Jacob Pence S 1/2 Jan 1 18 23 Bk F Pg262 NE 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Isaac Pence S1/4 Jan 1 18 23 Bk F pg 302 NW 1/4 Fred Pence Sr and Margaret Pence to Daniel Freeze, N 1/2 Jan 1 18 23 BkF Pg 341
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 received 11/15/1834, Frederick Pence, status- died
Champaign Co, Ohio Guardianship & Endentures Vol 1 Pg108 11 April 1820 Fre derick Pence, gdn of Adam Venis heir of henry Venis. Surity Henry Venis
Frederick, with 6 in his family in 1783 and 7 in 1785, Shenandoah Co, VA tax List "oldest son and heir" of Jacob in Shenandoah Co deeds; gunsmith and wag on maker; moved before 1819 to Champaign Co; served in Captain Michael Reader's company in Shenandoah Co (then called Dunmore Co) during Revolutiona ry War.
Champaign County, Ohio Record of Wills Volume B page: 145-147 PROBATE of the LAST Will of FREDERICK PENCE DECD.
State of Ohio Champaign County ss
Be it remembered that at a Special Session of the Court of Com mon Pleas of the County aforesaid, held at the Courthouse in Urbana in sa id County on the first day of January in the year of our Lord eighteen hun dred and thirty six a writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testame nt of FREDERICK PENCE deceased was produced in open Court by WESTLEY ARROW SMITH executor therein named and was proven to be the last will and testam ent of said FREDERICK PENCE deceased by the oaths, reduced to writing a nd hereafter recorded, of DAVID BERRY and WILLIAM FUSON the two subscribi ng witnesses to the same \endash It was thereupon ordered by the court aforesa id that said Will and Testament and the proof is reduced to writing be rec orded and that ____ testamentary issue to said executor on his being quali fied and entering into bond with DAVID BERRY and SOLOMON PENCE his securit ies in the penal sum of three hundred dollars conditioned \endash Executor swo rn and further ordered that JOHN WIANT, LYNARD SNAP and DAVID PRINCE appr aise the goods and chattels belonging to said estate. Said Will is in t he words and of the terms following to wit:
I FREDERICK PENCE of the County of Champaign in the State of O hio do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and fo rm following that is to say.
First It is my will that my beloved wife have of my moveable e state one good bed and spinning wheel, and one third part of the house ho ld furniture or stuff belonging to said house. And also one cow and two sh eep, and the other two thirds of house hold property is to be divid ed by my beloved wife to my daughters now living also wife to keep all h er own clothing.
Secondly I give to my son MARTIN all my moveable estate so th at none of the other heirs is to have any right in said property.
And thirdly I have given to all my other sons and son in la ws all that I intended and that they never trouble each other for any thi ng more then this that JOHN WHITMAN is indebted to me for one horse to t he amount of thirty five dollars which I want him to pay to my four daught ers.
And fourthly I want all my notes and out standing collected a nd equally divided between my beloved wife and daughter.
And lastly I hereby constitute and appoint my son in law WESTL EY ARROWSMITH to my executor for this my last will and testament, revoki ng and annulling all former wills by me make and ratifying and confirmi ng this and no other to be my last will and testament \endash In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of March A.D. 1832.
FREDERICK PENCE Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named FREDERICK PEN CE as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his req uest have signed as witnesses to the same.
The oaths of DAVID BERRY and WILLIAM FUSON reduced to writi ng and above referred to are as follows, to wit: The State of Ohio, Champa ign County ss. Personally came into open Court DAVID BERRY and WILLIAM FUS ON and after being duly sworn depose and say that the writing now present ed to the Court purporting to be the last will and testament of FREDERI CK PENCE deceased was signed by him in his presence, and acknowledg ed to be his last will and testament that they attested said will in the p resence of the testator by signing their names as witnesses and they belie ve the testator at the time of executing said will was of full age, of sou nd mind and memory, and under no restraint. Sworn to and subscribed in open Court the first day of January A.D. 1836.
transcribed by [email protected]
His first deed record in Shenandoah was on 17 Aug 1790, when he purchas ed 200 acres on the Hawksbill Creek "standing at the foot of a mounta in in a line of the land which belonged to Jacob Pence deceased" from Jose ph Vincent. He apparently was living with his mother and siblings in 17 83 and 1885 in Shenandoah Co, listed as the head of the household in 178 3, but on the 1785 tax list his mother, Barbara, is listed as the family h ead. Daniel and his wife, Catherine "of Shenandoah County" sold the la nd he purchased from Vincent on 14 Sep 1805 and his name does not again ap pear in the deed books of Shenandoah. He next appears on 31 May 1811 wh en he bought land in Sec. 35 of Mad River Twp, Champaign Co OH at the Cinc innati land office. He probably was in Champaign before 1810 when a daught er married there. He is missing from the 1820 census, but in 18 30 he is in Mad River Twp as "Daniel Sen.," age 60-70. An 1813 deed record ed in Champaign Co which refers to him as being from Greene Co appea rs to be in error
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 16, Pg 312 Fied Oct 15, 1839-Petition to Partition Phillip Pence vs Daniel pence et al Daniel Pence died owning the west half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 23 Twp 4 Ran ge 11 (Mad River). Division was made to his heirs; (children) Susannah Mil lice, wife of George Millice; Elizabeth Jenkins, wife of Edwin Jenkins; Ph illip Pence; Daniel Pence; Joseph Pence deceased left children in Miami County, ohio; Levi Pence, Samuel pence, Mary Ann Pence and Delilah Ann Pence. d aniel Pence did not leave a widow. The court appointed appraisers were: Ar ichibald Magrew Jr, William Putnam and George Ward. David Loudenback was t he surveyor. The appraisement of $1250 was dated 28 April 1840 and Phill ip Pence purchased the property at value.
Chauncery records of Champaign Co, Ohio Record Book 19 Pg 522 Filed 26 Mar ch 1844- In Debt The State of Ohio for the use of David C Baker vs David Berry impleaded with Phillip Pence, et al David C Baker was the guardian of Samuel Pence, Delilah Pence, Levi Pen ce and Mary Pence, heirs of Joseph Pence and heirs-in-law of Daniel penc e, deceased. On 30 Sept 1839 David Berry entered an administration bond f or $1000 for the estate of Daniel pence. Thomas McGuiness and Philip Pen ce were the securities. David C Baker had not received any payment for t he heirs.
County Collustrator, Urbana, Ohio, Thursday Oct 17 1831 A List of the lands forfeited to the state of Ohio for the non-payme nt of taxes, lying within the County of Champaign. Compiled by Pat Stickl ey, CCGS Newsletter Vol 10 No 2 April 1994 pg 32 Concord Twp Jacob Pence heirs- Sec 31 SE Range 12 Twp 4 157 1/2 acres Notice is hereby given, that agreeably to an act of the Legislature of Ohi o, passed the 14th of March 1831, for the sale of lands and town lots forf eited to the State, for the non-payment of taxes which have accrued pri or to the first of January 1831, I will offer the foregoing lands and to wn lots for sale, at the Court House, in Urbana, on the second Monday in D ecember next, itbeing the 12th day of said month of December, if the ta x, interest, and penalties, charged on said list, be not paid into the Cou nty Treasury and the Treasurer�s receipt produced therefor, before the ti me specified in this notice for the sale of said lands and town lots. Mathew Magrew, Auditor of Champaign County
PENCE, JOSEPH [Champaign Democrat, Sep. 1855, Urbana, OH] DIED ... At h is residence in Urbana township, on the 6th inst., Mr. JOSEPH PENCE, in t he 79th year of his age. He was born in Shenandoah county, Va, in 1776, a nd emigrated to Champaign county in 1806, where he resided until the ti me of his death. During his long residence in this county, Mr. PENCE alwa ys sustained the character of an honest man and a good citizen. He leav es a family and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss
Champaign Co Guardianship records Vol 18 No 2 Pg 190 11 Oct 1862 Michael Wagner gdn of John H Newell 19y 21 Aug 1862; heir fo John Newel l. Surities Joseph Pence & W D Knight
Record Book 30, Pages 395-406- Filed 19 August 1863- Petition for Alimony Louisa Pence vs Alexander Pence Louisa Pence charges that Alexander Pence, in an attempt to defraud he r, sold, without her consent, his personal property to his brother, Jose ph Pence, and his sister, Eliza Newell. He further leased, for a peri od of three years, his life-estate in 40 acres off the east side acr es in the north-west quarter of Section 25, and other land in the north-ea st quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Range 11 (together about 200 acres (Ur bana Township� and 7 acres which he received from his father, Joseph Penc e, located in the north-west quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Ran ge 11 to William Sifers. Louisa and Alexander were married on 3 March 18 42 in Champaign County, and there were three children of the union: Thom as Thaddeus Pence, 15 years; George William Pence, 10 years; and Alexand er Weldon Pence, 8 years. Louisa charged that Alexander abandoned her in A ugust of 1862. The will of Joseph Pence was attached to the document a nd it mentioned the following heirs: Magdalene Pence, wife; Joseph Penc e; Maria Pence, wife of George Fleming of Logan County, Illinois; Rebec ca Newell, deceased and mother of Sarah Newell, Jane Newell and Isabel New ell; Alexander Pence; Eliza Newell; Matilda Bell and Jane Pence. Louisa Pe nce was granted $1500 for alimony.
JOSEPH PENCE, farmer; P. O. Urbana The Pence family are largely represente d, as the remote ancestry came to this county at an early date, and the ir descendants have been connected with its interests from its earliest hi story ; the primeval forests have been converted into well-tilled field s, and the log cabins have given way to the modern farmhouses, during t he last half century; this has all been accomplished during the time of t he second generation, and still some of the pioneers live to see the wondr ous works their hands have wrought. The father of Joseph Pence, Jr., was o ne of the first pioneers who came to the wild woods of Ohio; he settled he re in 1802; he entered a section of land, the homestead being that now own ed by Joseph; his first cabin was erected in the yard south of the substan tial brick residence now gracing the farm; he returned to his native Stat e, Virginia, for his wife, Miss Magdalena Coffman, to whom he was marri ed in 1803; their wedding trip was the journey from her father's hou se to the forest home, that was still the abode of wild animals and the In dian; his nearest neighbor was a man by the name of Sherry; their neare st trading-point was Upper Sandusky, where they went for their scant suppl ies of coffee, sugar, etc.; they toiled early and late, clearing up the la nd and living on meager fare until the breaking out of the Indian war of 1 812, when Joseph was drafted, and served under Gen. Harrison a short tim e; he hired a substitute, war not being congenial to his nature. Their li fe was full of hardships, and their children (nine in number) all learn ed to work, and were of great assistance in clearing up the land; fi ve of these children are now living-Maria Fleming, Eliza Newell, Matilda B ell, Jane Bull and our subject. The Pence family were an enterprising peop le, and to this day they enjoy a reputation equal to any in the countr y; he gave each of his children a good farm, and left behind an honorab le record as a gentleman and upright business man; his death occurred in J uly, 1855, and his wife's in January, 1874. Joseph, Jr., wedded Miss Ja ne Sifers in 1858 ; she was a native of Ohio; her parents also represent e arly settlers, but they are long since dead. Joseph and his wife have be en parents of five children, of whom Effie and Harry are living; the old h ome is still graced by their presence, and a happy family are within its w alls. Mr. Pence is a jolly host, and his wife is a fit companion for su ch a man; their name will live in the history of this county, as long as t ime shall last, as being not only pioneers, but reputable and worthy citiz ens as well.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 246
Obit courtesy of Richard Pence
The question arose from John and Elizabeth Pence transferring land in 1816 to a John Campbell. John Campbell married a Magdalene Prince in Shenandoah VA. Because the name Pence/Prince was often transcribed in error, the thought arose that this might be the wife of John Campbell.
All that is known about Magdalene Pence: She was born 31 Jan. 1771 probably in Frederick County (later Shenandoah County and now Page County, the 5th of the 17 children of Henry Pence and Mary Magdalene Blimly. She is listed as being among the children of Henry Pence who moved to Champaign County (Beers history, page 724). Neither she nor her heirs are mentioned in her father's will, so apparently she never married, as Henry seems to have listed all his living children plus the children of those who were deceased. (richard Pence 3/2009). His response concerning my thoughts about this being the Magdalene Printz that married John Campbell and worked at John Normans mill in Champaign Co, OH. Both families migrated from Shenandoah Co, VA and John Campbell was deeded land by both John Norman and the Pence family suggesting his wife perhaps was this Magdalene Pence and not Prince.
There are two books of Shenandoah Marriage Bonds, 1772-1850. Unfotunately, they are virtually identical - both are simply copies of the bond index compiled years ago by one of the county clerks. I have copied all of the Pence marriage from the original list in the court house. Further, I have copies of several of the bonds and looked at many more - they used to be filed by name in little drawers in the old court house back in the 1970s.There will be no names of paretns unless the bride or the groom were under age. The Shenadoah clerks are most familiar with the difference between Prince and Pence as both names are quite common in the county. There are microfilms of minister's returns and I know a lady who has these and I will ask her if there is a return for John Campbell and Magdalene Prince. If so, this will tell us something for Henry;s children would have been married by Elder John Koontz or one of his associates (Martin Kauffman or Anderson Moffitt). If the marriage was performed by a Lutheran or Mennonite minister,then you can bet it was not one of Henry's kids.
Perhaps it was only that he worked at John Normans mill he was in the favor of the family for land deeds...
Did I miss something or did John Pence give/sell low to John Campbell - or was this just a deed between a normal buyer and seller?
I have a question for you. What is the source of the information that the John Campbell who bought the Johnson Twp land had Magdalene PRINCE for a wife.Reason I ask: If the source is strictly Champaign County, then there is an unrelated record in Shenandoah County saying her name is Prince.the way to approach this problem is to find out whatever we can about Magdalene, the wife of John Campbell.
We know this about Magdalene, daughter of Henry Pence: She was born in 1771 and died before her father's will was written in April 1820 (before the census was taken) and she likely had no children. (In 1820 John Campbell in Johnson Twp, Champaign County had a wife and 3 children, if my old eyes see it right.
So, she is called Prince in Ohio and she is called Prince in Virginia and John's wife is living in 1820 and he has children in 1820.That's four strikes and out in most genealogical thesis testing.I'll let you know if I find the Shenandoah minister's return.
Champaign County Guardianship Bonds pg180 Nov 20 1828 Samuel Brubaker g dn of William Comer 8yr; Elizabeth Comer 6yr; Margaret Comer 4yr; Joseph C omer 2 yr children and heirs of Joseph Comer dec'd. Surity David Lung
The Attica Independent, Attica, Kansas, Friday, 1 September 1905 Death of Joseph Comer - We copy the following from the Anthony Bulletin. J oseph Comer was born in Champaign County, Ohio, May 11, 1826, and di ed in Anthony, Kansas, August 23, 1905. Funeral and burial at 3 p.m. Augu st 24 under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Comer was married at t he age of 19 and his first wife died leaving the two daughters, Mr s. J. A. Moore of Attica and Mrs. Mary Ellen Short, of Ingersoll, Oklahom a. Later on April 16, 1868 he married Ada Jones, who was for a number of y ears an invalid, and was cared for by her husband as devotedly as cou ld be but in 1895 Mr. Comer was attacked by paralysis and it turned upon t he wife to be the nurse, a task which she had carried out as devotedly a nd faithfully as ever fell to the lot of woman.
Mr. Comer has been a Christian for fifty-eight years, a member of the Bapt ist church till about five years ago he and his wife joined the Christi an church. He has been a Mason fifty-eight years; was the oldest Mas on in Harper county; and probably the oldest in the state. He has been a s tock merchant, liveryman and farmer. Came to Harper county at the a ge of 59 years, and lived in Attica till about 1895 when he moved to Antho ny. He has had three hard strokes of paralysis and other slight ones. He l eaves a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Short and her two sons, Charlie a nd Comer, were with him at the time of his death. While Mr. Comer was n ot able to mingle a great deal in the society of his friends because of h is afflictions, yet he will be missed, and will be remembered as a good ma n, loved and respected by all good people who knew him.
1858 Johnson Twp Champaign Co, Ohio Landowners Twp 3 Range 12 - Joseph Com er Sec 9
Champaign Co - Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS, (Minute Book Records, Supreme Court Records, Urbana Newspaper, St Paris Newspaper). pg 39 15 June 1869 Minute book 30 pgs 170 and 277 El;iza Pence vs Joseph Comer for bastardy. On 13 Dec settled $500 levied a nd costs paid.
It is believed Elizabeth Nauman-Steinberger died in Virginia and John to ok a second wife, Elizabeth Friermond and moved with his 6 children to Cha mpaign county, Ohio in 1804. In 1819 the family moved to an area near Colu mbus, Indiana. John died there in 1823 and was buried on his farm. Later h is grandson Joseph Steenbarger took up John's remains and buried them in t he family cemetary N.E. of Taylorsville, Indiana.
BIOGRAPHY: Source: Donna Averill
She remarried to John Donavan 15 Apr 1816 in Champaign Co and they apparen tly soon left, leaving the children to be raised by other members of the P ence family); on 5 Aug 1816, Henry2 Pence brought suit against Joseph Pen ce (his son) and John and Elizabeth Donavan, seeking recovery of $1,0 00 he said he had loaned his son Samuel on 1 Sep 1811 at Urbana; at iss ue was whether the suit had been timely filed; in Dec 1817, a jury decid ed that Henry Pence Sr. had agreed with Samuel Pence within four yea rs of the start of the suit and that Henry should recover $380.75 for dama ges, plus $21.28 as his costs; the jury decided that the remainder of t he debt, $408.03, was to be forfeited by Henry Pence.
I read somewhere that Elizabeths two sons moved to Logan Co. IL and th en on to OR. later. Tabitha married a Morris. I wonder where Elizabeth a nd her John Donavan moved to - maybe to IL by her brother Thomas Andre w? I should be looking in IL records for John Donavan - think?? Thanks.. ...Mary/IL([email protected])
I was looking for a John Donovan, b08JUN1790...a son of Thomas Donovan/A nn Cole...who came to Washington Co, PA in 1812, from Harford Co, MD. Th en I came upon an Eliz C Cowhick who in 15APR1816 Champaign co, OH , marr ied a john Donovan [email protected]
Mother: Elizabeth HUFFMAN b: 5 Dec 1752 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Children Susannah Aleshire Margaret Aleshire Elizabeth Aleshire Joseph Aleshire Reuben Aleshire
Elizabeth almost too old to be having children, these could be grandchildr en Had second wife, but not till later
10 Children, 4 living in 1892
CCGS News Vol 22 No3 pg 88 Western Citizen July 5 1842 Remaining in the post office at Urbana, Ohio on the evening of June 30 18 42, which if not taken by the 1st day of October 1842, will be sent to t he General Post Office as dead letters William Runkle
Deed Book H Indentures published CCGS Newsletter Summer 1991 pg111 Aug 18 1827 Wm Darnell bound his ward Wm Salisberry c7y9m to Willi am Runkle, tanner age 21 1840
Champaign County, Ohio Probate Records Volume: 1 Page: 330 30 January 183 3
Know all men by these presents that we WILLIAM RUNKLE, DAV ID SMITH, and PETER SMITH are held and firmly bound unto the State of Ohi o, in the penal sum of fourteen hundred dollars, for the payment of whi ch we bind ourselves and heirs, executors and administrators firmly by the se presents. Witness our hands and seals this 20th day of January 1833.
The conditions of the above obligation is such that where as by the court of common pleas of the county of Champaign and State of Oh io WILLIAM RUNKLE has this day been appointed administrator of all and sin gular the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of LEWIS PEN CE decd. at the time of his death. Now therefore, if the said WILLIAM RUNK LE shall and does well and truly administer all and singular the goods a nd chattel rights and credits which were of this said LEWIS PENCE dec d. at the time of his death, according to law, there the above obligati on to be void, otherwise of force.
Champaign Co, Chancery Records, Court of Common Pleas Record Book 10, Page 234- Filed 13 October 1828 Lewis Pence vs William Runkle Charles Anthony Esquire was the attorney for Pence and s. Mason Esquire w as the attorney for Runkle. On 4 May 1819 Lewis Pence purchased from Jo hn Pence two tracts of land totaling 700 acres for $12,600. Lewis paid $20 00 down in cash and $40 towards the second payment. On 3 November 1819 Lew is paid $4159.93 and later made the full payment long before 15 July 182 0. On 19 October 1820 John Pence and wife issued a warrenty deed to Lewi s. On 15 July 1821 John Reynolds sued for the use of the Urbana Banking Co mpany and recovered a judgment in the Supreme Court against John W. Nanc e, John Holla/Holler and John Pence for $2161.80 and costs. On 7 January 1 828 a fieri facias et levari facias was issued from the Court of Common Pl eas and directed the sheriff on 18 February 1828 to levy land beginni ng at the north-east corner of Section 28 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River T p.) for a total of 703/4 acres which was the land purchased by Lewis fr om John. John Owens, the sheriff reported the appraisement at $10.20 an ac re and sold at public venue on 15 April 1828 the land to William Runkle f or $600. William Runkle now wants possession of the land from Lewis Penc e. In the November Term 1828 the court ordered that William Runkle must de liver a release for the acreage to Lewis Pence and that Pence hold the la nd free from all lien and incumberance on account of judgment, levy and sa le set forth in the complainant's bill. William Runkle was to pay the cou rt costs.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 275
Died at his residence in McDonough County Illinois, on the 31st day of July 1867, of dropsty of the chest, Judge William Runkle, in the 81st year of his age. He was born in Shenandoah County, VA in 1786 and emigrated to Champaign County Ohio near Westville, in 1806 where he resided until he moved to Illinois in 1854. Judge Runkle was a good citizen and at a ripe old age has been gathered to his fathers.
Birthplace: Kenton, OH Resided In: Urbana OH USA Visitation: July 05, 2001 Service: July 05, 2001 Cemetery: Oakdale Cemetery
TIMOTHY R. LITREAL, 40, of Urbana, died Sunday, July 1, 2001 at St. Rita �s Hospital in Lima. He was born on March 16, 1961 in Kenton, Ohio, the s on of Orval & Betty (Evilsizor) Litreal. Survivors include his mother, Be tty (Evilsizor) Litreal of Urbana, daughters Amber Ellen Grim of Naples, F L., Hayli Litreal of Urbana, and Torri Litreal of Urbana; two grandchildre n, Jackson Traylor of Urbana, and Maganeta Grim of Naples, Fl; several Aun ts, Uncles and cousins, as well as special friend Dawn Lantz of Urbana. T im enjoyed fishing and camping, and was an Army veteran. He was preced ed in death by his father in 1994. Funeral services will be held on Thurs day, July 5, at 11:00am at the El Shaddai Church of God, 2815 Clark Roa d, Urbana, with Pastor Calvin Rowland officiating. A gathering of fami ly and friends will be held in the church two hours prior to the servic e. Burial will be held at the Oakdale Cemetery, Urbana. The family is be ing served by LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME, Urbana.
Betty Jean Bagget Pence proved a name for Mary as Maria Alice Walkowicz. However according to Richard Pence:
Please keep me informed on this. I have not seen such a surname in the Shenandoah Valley, so am my usual skeptical self on this one. Many years ago I corresponded extensively with Royce Owen Pence Jr. (Betty's husband's uncle) and got good data from him
Champaign County Will abstracts, Book C, Pg 386 David Pence, probated 9/20/1863 Wife Mary Pence house and income from farm; son Lemuel land S31 Mad Riv er Twp; son Jonathan land S 31 Mad River Twp; son Solomon, Absalom and Sim on Pence $300; daus Mary Kenton, Susan Maggart and Rebecca Brubaker $10 0; ch of son David Pence dec'd $300 (Marion, Johanna Amanda, Angeline, Lev ina and Sarah jane Pence. Witness John Loudenback, David Loudenback. Wi ll signed 4/30/1853
Record Book 22, Page 549 (Case 113378) � Filed 18 March 1850 Solomon Pen ce of Indiana, heir of David Pence vs Heirs of David Pence David and Solomon Pence purchased 119 1/4 acres and 30 1/2 poles of land l ocated in south�west quarter of Section 36 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad Riv er Tp.) from Martin and Susannah Pence on 14 May 1832. David Pence is dece ased and left the following heirs: Ann Catharine Pence, widow; Mary Angeli ne Pence, circa 13 years; Lavina Pence, circa 11 years; Sarah Jane Penc e, circa 8 years; Francis Marion Pence, circa 4 years; and Joanna Amanda P ence, circa 4 years (months ?). The court decreed on 7 Nay 1850 that Solom on Pence receive 56 acres and David�s heirs receive 63 1/2 acres.
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�23 Dec 1920
Event Place: �tab�Miami County, Ohio
Age: �tab�18
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1902
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Ed Whitman
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Florence Covault
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Lucille Simmons
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�17
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Spouse's Father: �tab�W. H. Simmons
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Rena Wade
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�cn 30851
Film Number: �tab�550155
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016854
Image Number: �tab�359
Record Book 20, Pages 349�352 � Filed 25 April 1845 - Partition David Berry vs Milly Pence, widow of Frederick Pence, deceased, et al Frederick Pence died in 1836 owning 80 acres in the east halt of the south �east quarter of Section 15 Township 3 Range 12 (Johnson Tp.). In his wil l, Frederick left the land to Milly until the youngest child became of ag e. The youngest child was 15 years on 11 February last (1845) and would n ot be of age until 11 February 1851. John H. Young, Esquire was appoint ed guardian ad litem for the minors, Wesley Pence, Polly Pence and Willi am Pence. The will was executed in court, but was never recorded, and w as considered �lost� by the court date in 1845. David Berry purchased ha lf of the property by acquiring four shares from Isaac Ammon and wife, w ho acquired three of the shares by purchase from other heirs. Berry, w ho is trying to force the heirs to sell the rest of the land to him, furth er claims that Milly did not probate the will, but after taking the wi ll to a lawyer did not pay the bond to become the executrix and that is w hy there is no entry on the books. The will was witnesses by John Pence a nd John Yutzler. Based upon the testimony of John Pence and John Yutzler w ho testified to venting the will in open court in 1836, the court determin ed that the will had been probated. Even though the will was not record ed the testimony of the witnesses remained and the contents of the will wo uld be carried out. Milly was to hold all of the land, as long as she d id not remarry, and until the youngest child became of age. Then the la nd was to be sold and divided with a dower portion set aside for her. T he Court ordered that filly was entitled to the entire 80 acres and the Be rry would forfeit land and pay her court costs within thirty days. Noti ce of appeal by defendant.
Public Records of Champaign Co, OH Chancery Records of the Court of Common Pleas Record Book 12, Pg 499 Filed 5 Jan 1831-Petition to Partition Russell Jenkins vs Elijah Jenkins, et al Thomas Jenkins died this present year of 1831 owning 60 acres located on t he north side of southeast quarter section 28 Twp r range 11 (Mad River) h eld by deed dated 13 June 1816, from George and Nancy Steinberger and on f ile in book C pages 41-42. The heirs of Thomas Jenkins, Susannah Jenkin s, widow; Elijah and Phillip Jenkins both left the state several years a go and have not been heard of since, unknown heirs of Dicy Price, who di ed in Virginia, wife of Stephen Price; Phoebe, wife of Bryant Moody; Luc y, wife of John Moody; Joel Jenkins; Thomas Jenkins; Edwin Jenkins; Jes se Jenkins; children of Polly Maggert deceased, Milly Maggert, Jesse Magge rt, Solomon Maggert, Moses Maggert and Andrew Maggert; Russell Jenkins; El eanor, wife of Emanual Kite; and Milly, wife of Frederick Pence. Joel Jenk ins was appointed guardian ad litem for the heirs of Polly Maggert. Fir st money of distribution to heirs was made 6 June 1835.
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 8/28/1830 - status- died
died between 3 Aug (will written) and 10 Oct 1854 (will probated) in Champ aign Co OH.
he was a blacksmith and probably the Jacob, blacksmith, living beside h is father Frederick and another Jacob Pence, cooper, in the 1810 cens us of Shenandoah Co. A number of his children went to Madison Co IN earl y; the identified ones include Adam, Joseph, David and William. A Samuel P ence was also in Madison Co by the 1850 census and the following addition al Pences have been found in a Madison Co history as being in Richland Tw p, Madison Co between 1830 and 1850: Jesse, Abram and John, and these m ay be related to the Champaign Co Pences.
Champaign Wills Book C Pg 136 Jacob Pence probated Oct 2, 1854 Johnson Twp, Wife (no name) Sons Jacob, Andrew, Henry, Joseph, David, Will iam, Adam and George Pence. Dau Lydia (w/o James Russell); heirs of dau Sa rah (w/o Jacob Hullinger); grdau Eliza Hullinger. Son Jacob executor. Witn ess, John Ebert, John Offenbacker, Elmus Garrett. Signed 8-3-1854
1850 Champaign Co, Johnson Twp Pg 362 16 128 128 Pence Jacob 69 M Farmer 2 ,000 VA 17 128 128 Pence Sarah 42 F VA 18 128 128 Pence Jacob 22 M Farm er OH 19 128 128 Pence Andrew 20 M Farm er OH 20 128 128 Pence Henry 18 M Farm er OH 21 129 129 Pence Isaac 38 M Farm er 2,000 VA 22 129 129 Pence Emanuel 22 M OH 23 129 129 Brown Martha A 27 F OH
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 received 8/28/1830 died 1/11/1893
Champaign Co, Genealogical Society, Champaign Co OH Newspaper Abstracts, B ook II- 1878-1900, (September 6, 1878 to 1900), pg110. Jan 13 Died on Wednesday, Jan II, 1893, at the home one and one half miles east o fSt Paris, MRS SARAH, widow of JACOB PENCE SR" aged about 89yrs. MRS PEN CE was our oldest citizen, havmg lived on the fam1 she died on the past se venty years. She was a sister to the REV JOHN EPPART, who died a number ye ar ago. Her people were of the early settlers who come to possess this bea utiful land when in its primeval wildness, and occupied only by the red m an and his wild allies, the wild bear , the deer and the wild turkeys. M RS PENCE reared a family of five children, three of who are dead. Her rem ains were buried today at Myrtle Tree Cemetery, Rev Sherman officiating.
Pg114 Jan 20, 1893 Sarah EBERT was born in Rockingham Co, VA Oct 7, 1807 and departed this li fe jan 11, 1893 aged 85y3m4d. She emigrated to Ohio at the age of six yea rs and md Jacob PENCE when she was sixteen years old who preceded her in d eath Aug 23, 1855. She was the mother of five children, two sons and one d au have preceded her to the eternal home. She was a sister to Rev John Ebe rt who has gone to his eternal home above. She leaves one brother.
The news story telling how he shot himself describes him as "very wealthy ."
Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book C Pg 581 Isaac Pence, probated 2/21/1870 Wife Martha Pence 1/3 of the 160 acre farm in Johnson Twp; Sons Frankli n, J E, J W, Isaac Jr, Charles and W J Pence and dau S J Pence 1/7 ea ch of the farm. Joseph Buroker, administrator. Witness, J W Millett, Jose ph Buroker. Signed 11/9/1868
Record book 34 pg 154 Filed 26 Jan 1870 Petition to Sell Joseph Buroker, Exec of Isaac Pence, deceased vs Marth Pence & others Isaac Pence , deceased, was seized of several portions of land; 85 acres l ocated on the south side of the NE 1/4; NW 1/4; NE corner of SE 1/4; 31 ac res located in rge SE 1/4 and 27.75 acres in the NE 1/4 of Section 6 T wp 3 Range 11 and 10 acres on the south half of the SE 1/4 of section 1 t wp 3 range 12 (all Johnson twp). Isaac's heirs were his widow, Marth Penc e; and minor children: Franklin Pence; J Ezra Pence; J W Pence; Isaac Pen ce Jr; Charles Pence; W J Pence and Sarah J Pence. A Copy of Isaac's wi ll was attached to this suit.
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 Received 5/25/1844 Martha Brown Pence, died 3/20/1908
Will Book L PG 185MARTEA PENCEPROBATED 23 MAR 1908 JOHNSON TWP[DIED 19 MAR 1908] Heirs�B Frank Pence�son�St Paris; Isaac Pen ce�son�St Paris; James E Pence�son�Cleveland; John W Pence�son�Urbana; Sarah J Bedell-dau-C elifla; Charles N Pence-son-Redmond, Wa; Jason Pence�son�St Paris, Elde st son Frank has for years assumed and exercised full charge of my busine ss affairs; he has collected my pension checks and other claims due me a nd has never paid me the money nor shown me an account of the transactio ns in my behalf; I therefore desire that my executor secure a just account ing of my business affairs by son Frank and sell my real estate and colle ct all notes due me, pay expenses and divide residue among my seven ch n ot withstanding the pretended conveyance by Charley of his intere st in my estate to Sons B F and Isaac, said conveyance be treated as mortg age only. Stephen N Jenkins of Millerstown executor Witness:Valentine Bodey Ray Bodeywill signed [x] 18 Feb 1908
Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 received 8/28/1830 diss by letter 2/24/1838
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Grace Craun
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�
Bride's Age: �tab�
Marriage Date: �tab�15 Oct 1899
Marriage Place: �tab�Three Rivers, St Joseph, Michigan
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Geo. A. Haas
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Susan Ava Weaver
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�John C. Craun
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Martha J. Berger
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M01719-8
System Origin: �tab�Michigan-ODM
Source Film Number: �tab�2342513
Reference Number: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�27 May 1894
Event Place: �tab�Madison, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Nellie Sparks
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Death Date: �tab�09 Mar 1929
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�23 Nov 1872
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1876
Birthplace: �tab�Irwin, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�53 years 3 months 16 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�197 E. Tulane Rd
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�11 Mar 1929
Burial Place: �tab�South Charleston, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Albert G. Hunt
Father's Name: �tab�Isaac Sparks
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Brake
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�1991765
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022250
Image Number: �tab�1590
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 20588
Record Book 23, Page 114 � Filed 26 April 1848 � Petition for Alimony Elizabeth Buroker vs Adam Buroker Adam and Elizabeth Buroker were married in Virginia about 38 to 39 years p reviously. On 12 April 1848 he drove her out of the house and she we nt to the house of a married son. She was between 50 and 60 years of ag e. Elizabeth had received $640 from the estate of her parents and the mon ey was in the hands of Adam. Adam also owned 160 acres located in the sout h�west quarter of Section 28 Township 4 Range 11 (Mad River Tp.) and Eliza beth was seeking an injunction to prevent him from selling the land in ord er to avoid support for her. Joseph Buroker, JP, son of Elizabeth Buroke r, swore that her petition was true on 20 April 1848 and stated that he h ad been appointed as her trustee. The case was final on 13 June 1848 and A dam Buroker was ordered to pay the following alimony: $1000 over the peri od of five years; wool from two sheep over the period of five years; 1 /3 of the personal household property and one cow. The alimony was n ot to be in lien of dower, but of support only, and Elizabeth retained h er dower portion in the land.
Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 448 5 Feb 1852 George W Minnich g dn of Israel minnich; Sylvester Minnich; Noah Minnich; Amanda Jane Minnic h, minor heirs of Adam Buroker dec'd. Surities Daniel Blose, Abraham Hess
Record book 26 pg 71 Filed 10 Feb 1854 Petition to Partition Noah Buroker vs Israel minnich et al Adam Buroker died in 1851 seized of land in the SW 1/4 of Sec 28 tw p4 R 11 (Mad River). He left a widow, Elizabeth Buroker, and the followi ng children: Anna Buroker, wife of Israel minnich; Rebecca Buroker, wi fe of Andrew Hower; Joseph Buroker; Susan Buroker, deceased wife of Geor ge W Minnich and her children, Israel, Noah, Sylvester and Jane Minnic h; and Noah Buroker
Fairfax Danl Porucker's Deed for 206 acres in Dunmore County
Champaign County Guardian Bonds Book 1 pg220 July 29 1833 george Moyer g dn of Savilla Pence 10yr, dau and minor heir of Jacob Pence, dec'd MB14-3 32 Surity William Runkle
Champaign County Guardian bonds Book 1 pg258 Aug 18, 1838 Elizabeth Pen ce gdn of Barbara Pence 8yr, Sarah pence 6yr, Elijah Pence 5yr, Sanders Pe nce 3yr, Margaret pence 1 yr, minor heirs of henry Pence, dec'd Surity Wil liam Runkle
Public Records of Champaign Co, Ohio Chancery Records of the Court of Somm on Pleas Record book 20, pg 125 filed 22 May 1844 Petition to Partition Walter E Lockard vs Elijah Pence, et al Walter claimed to hold title to 2/5a of 176 acres located in Section 8 T wp 4 Range 11 (mad River). On 3 June 1839 Walter had purchased the intere st of Barbara Pence, heir of Henry pence and on 24 December 1840 he purcha sed the interest of Sarah pence, also an heir of henry pence. Elijah Penc e, Sanders Pence and Margaret Pence held interest in the other 3/5a
Champaign County Guardian bonds Book 1 pg258 Aug 18, 1828 Elizabeth Pen ce gdn of Barbara Pence 8yr, Sarah pence 6yr, Elijah Pence 5yr, Sanders Pe nce 3yr, Margaret pence 1 yr, minor heirs of henry Pence, dec'd Surity Wil liam Runkle
Record Book 22, Page 353 � Filed 4 November 1847 � Petition to Partition Lewis Blose vs Widow and Heirs of John Blose John Blose, who died in September 1847, was seized of 126 acres locat ed in the east part of the south half of Section 1 Township 4 Range 1 1, 24 acres located in the south-east quarter of Section 3 and 80 acres lo cated in Section 8 (all Mad River Tp.). John�s heirs were: Amelia Blose, w idow; Susan Lee, wife of William Lee; Daniel Blose; Lewis Blose; Julia A nn Hullinger, wife of Harvey Hullinger of Clark County; John Blose; Margaret Brandom, wife of Charles A. Brandom; Louisa Jane Blos e; Henry Blose, 19 years and William Irvin Blose, 17 years.
Beers 1881 Biography, History of Champaign Co, OH pg 696 D. W. TODD, Probate Judge, Urbana. Mr. Todd is a native of Pennsylvania, a nd was born in Dauphin County Dec. 31, 1835. His father, David Todd, ca me with his family, consisting of wife and ten children, to Ohio, in 184 6. Leaving his family with a brother, in Warren County. be prospected, a nd in the following year settled in Pretty Prairie, near Urbana, where h is decease occurred in 1868, and where his widow, who was Miss Sarah McCor mick, still resides, being in the 84th year of her age. The subject of th is sketch remained on the farm until about 19 years of age, receiving su ch rudimentary training as the district schools afforded; he then enter ed the Miami University, at Oxford, from which he graduated in 1860, aft er which he read law in the office of Shellabarger & Goode, of Springfie ld ; served about one year in the army, and was admitted to the bar in Jan uary, 1863, and in the following month opened an office in Urbana. In t he fall of the same year he was elected Prosecutor, and re-elected in 186 5. From 1873 to 1875, he was Superintendent of the Urbana Machine Wor ks a losing venture. In October, 1878, he was elected Probate Judge, whi ch office he now administers creditably and satisfactorily. His residen ce is situated on Scioto street. He married, in 1863, Virginia H. Hamilto n. He was again married, in 1870, to Ellen W., daughter of David H. Hove y. By his first wife he had two sons-Lee H. and Robert M. By his second wi fe he has three children-Nanny H., Frank W. and William McC.
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902). Bio pg 36
CCGS Newsletter Fall 1994 pg 85 Residents of Urbana; When and Where Born Col Davis W Todd, Probate Judge, Dauphin Co, PA 1835
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�31 Dec 1926
Event Place: �tab�Franklin, Ohio
Age: �tab�23
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1903
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�J.M. Woods
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Nora Mcclung
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Beatrice Friend
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�26
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�1900
Spouse's Father: �tab�Edgar Friend
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Marian Ford
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk 97 p 235
Film Number: �tab�1862032
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017601
Image Number: �tab�227
Death Date: �tab�07 Jun 1943
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�28 Jul 1873
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Tremont City, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�70 years 10 months 10 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Retired
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�10 Jun 1943
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Ferncliff
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�John Friermood
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Bell Nickel
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2024134
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4121854
Image Number: �tab�404
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 35690
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Wilmington, Will., Ills.
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Blanche Harwood Magrew
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1879
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Westville, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�08 Jan 1901
Marriage Place: �tab�Cleveland, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Frederick A. Luther
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Elizabeth Thomas
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Samuel Worden Magrew
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Alice Harwood
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M00002-6
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�0530189
Reference Number: �tab�2:3LL528V
Warsaw Daily Times, July 22, 1904 Dear Sir: When in attendance at the funeral of George B. Richart on Sunda y, July 10, (he being a son of the first immigrants to Warsaw from Champai gn County, Ohio), the thought came to my mind ofhow largely the city ofWar saw, Wayne Township and Kosciusko County are indebted for their growth a nd prosperity to the immigration and settlement therein, of families and p ersons from the township of Goshen, Champaign County, Ohio, wherein the li ttle village of Mechanicsburg is situated. Such thoughts occurred to me of ten for several days thereafter and finally I concluded that I would, fr om memory, pencil down a list of such families and persons who have died s ince their removal to this county, and herewith furnish you such a list f or publication, thinking that it may be of interest to many of your reade rs and especially to the host of survivors and descendants of those ear ly immigrants as follows: John Millice Rebecca Millice and Daughter Mary Millice Millice, Nelson and wife Millice, Emeline and son Millice David Millice, Henry Millice, James and Wife Millice , Sophia
The census records indicate george had only 4 daughters. There are 4 marr iages in Champaign County of 4 woman after eliminating the proven childr en of Christopher and the children of Henry Jr. Margaret, Mary, Nancy a nd Sarah. By guardian records, Mary is a child of George. Mary marri ed David Jones. Nancy must be a sister, as she married David Jones broth er Robert. Margaret must be his child since her husband George Hupp was ap pointed guardian over her sister Mary. George has 4 females in his househ old in 1830. although the dates dont match up 100% they are close enou gh to say these are his daughters.
Name : Minerva C. Pence
Death date : 13 Aug 1934
Death place : Jackson Township, Champaign, Ohio
Birth date : 09 Dec 1851
Estimated birth year :
Birth place : Johnson Tp., Champaignn O.
Age at death : 82 years 8 months 4 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Race or color : American
Street address :
Occupation : Housewife
Residence : St. Paris, O. R.D.
Burial date : 15 Aug 1934
Burial place :
Cemetery name : Spring Grove
Spouse name : Geo. W. Pence
Father name : Somson Long
Father titles :
Father birth place :
Mother name : Mary E. Heck
Mother titles :
Mother birth place : Maryland
GSU film number : 1993040
Digital GS number : 4001907
Image number : 55
Certificate number : fn 47443
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 16, Pg 312 Fied Oct 15, 1839-Petition to Partition Phillip Pence vs Daniel pence et al Daniel Pence died owning the west half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 23 Twp 4 Ran ge 11 (Mad River). Division was made to his heirs; (children) Susannah Mil lice, wife of George Millice; Elizabeth Jenkins, wife of Edwin Jenkins; Ph illip Pence; Daniel Pence; Joseph Pence deceased left children in Miami County, ohio; Levi Pence, Samuel pence, Mary Ann Pence and Delilah Ann Pence. d aniel Pence did not leave a widow. The court appointed appraisers were: Ar ichibald Magrew Jr, William Putnam and George Ward. David Loudenback was t he surveyor. The appraisement of $1250 was dated 28 April 1840 and Phill ip Pence purchased the property at value.
Chauncery records of Champaign Co, Ohio Record Book 19 Pg 522 Filed 26 Mar ch 1844- In Debt The State of Ohio for the use of David C Baker vs David Berry impleaded with Phillip Pence, et al David C Baker was the guardian of Samuel Pence, Delilah Pence, Levi Pen ce and Mary Pence, heirs of Joseph Pence and heirs-in-law of Daniel penc e, deceased. On 30 Sept 1839 David Berry entered an administration bond f or $1000 for the estate of Daniel pence. Thomas McGuiness and Philip Pen ce were the securities. David C Baker had not received any payment for t he heirs.
grandmother was born in Union City Ind. But that town is on the border line. Half of the town is in Ohio and the other half of the town is in Indiana. That explains the Ohio and Indiana part. I did find a Abraham and Rachael Gray in Warren Co. I found the tombstone of that but they are to old. They would have been around 60 when my grandma was born.
I always heard that Eliza Jane Grays mother died when she was young. I only know of my Grandmothers birth 1873-1944 and my grandfathers James B. Dorsey 1891-1960
I wonder if her parents are wrong on the death certificate. I have it and Abraham Gray and Rachel Michaels is what it says. Why would they get that mixed up. I just looked at the death certificate again of Eliza Jane and it says her parents were Abraham and Rachel both born in Indiana. Its odd they just disappeared. That's what makes me believe they were Indian and just didn't report to the census.
grandpa James Brandon Dorsey and my grandma Eliza Jane Gray. My problem is I just started getting into genealogy this yr. I have never done this before and it is so interesting that I really like it. The trouble is I am 76 yrs. old and everybody has passed away in my family. I had 1 sister and she is gone. My sisters children is the only ones living and I talked to them. They had information on the Dorsey side but not the Gray side.
She had to have it for a project for her son in school. My sister told her that my grandma's side was Indian. If that is true or not I don't know.
Death Date: �tab�03 Aug 1920
Death Place: �tab�Troy, Miami, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 Feb 1891
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�29 years 5 months 17 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Telephone Repain Man
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�06 Aug 1920
Burial Place: �tab�St. Paris, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�James D. Hough
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Bernice Lippewratt
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991306
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022207
Image Number: �tab�536
Certificate Number: �tab�cn 56442
Thankfully, Rosetta MILLER tied them all together
Family # 54 Bethel Twp., Clark County, Ohio 1870
THOMAS, Michael 51 M W Farmer Oh
Sarah 48 F W Keeping House 5000 1600 Oh
Sylvester 13 M W Works on Farm Indiana
Henry 08 M W Attends School Indiana
MILLER, Rosette 07 F W Attends School
Death date : 10 August 1913
Death place : Bethel Twp., Clarke, Ohio
Birth date : 31 March 1822
Birth place : Ohio
Age at death : 91 years 4 months 9 days
Gender : Female
Marital status : Widowed
Race or color : Caucasian
Burial date : 13 August 1913
Burial place : Ohio,
Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cemetery (not located under Miller or Thomas)
Father name : John BEATTY
Father birth place : Virginia
Mother name : Elizabeth BAKER
Mother birth place : Virginia
Cause of death: Infirmities of old age
Reference number : 44263
Informant: J. C. MARTIN
Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
They likely were the Jacob Miller with wife, both age 20-30, with a daught er under age 5 in Johnson Twp, Champaign Co, in 1830, but no record has be en found of them after that.
Record Book 16 Page 277 Filed 20 June 1837 Malinda Lung vs Heirs of George Lung deceased. George Lung died in August of 1836 and Christian Heaton was the administra tor of his estate. On 25 August 1836 George purchased from Jacob and Eliza beth Miller 30 acres, a part of the southeast quarter of Section 3 Twp 3 r ange 12 (Johnson Twp) The land was deeded by George Lung and wife to Jac ob Miller in 14 January 1835 (Champaign Co deed book L pg 527). There we re also notes payable to the estate from Valentine Snyder and John Looke r. George Lung was twice married and the heirs of the first marriage wer e: jacob Lung; Adam Lung; Abraham Lung; Eve, wife of Joseph Hardman; Dani el Lung and Henry Lung; The heirs of Geroges second marriage were; Malin da Lung, widow, later married Abram M Crabill; Lucy Ann/Sarah Ann Lung a ge 11; Hannah Lung age 10; Margaret Lung age 9; John Lung; Mary Lung a ge 6; Elizabeth Lung age 4 years 9 months; Melvina Lung age 3 years 6 mont hs; Drucilla Lung age 1 year 6 months; George Lung age 2 months. The ca se was dismissed on 21 July 1840.
BARNET PENCE was born m Rockingham Co. v A, Apr 26. 1816 and died at his h ome near Millerstown, Ch Co. Jan 20. 1902. aged 85yrs. 8mo and 24 day s. He was md to MISS JANE MORRIS May 12. 1835. To this union five childr en were born, four sons and one daughter. three sons and one daughter y et living. On Nov 22. 1851 the good mother died leaving a lonely widowe r. On Aug 24. 1852 he again was md to MISS MARGARET JOHNSON and to them we re born three daughters. two of them still living. On Nov 17. 1893 this lo vely wife and mother died, again leaving the widower lonely. On Sept 3. 18 96 he was again md to MRS E NICODEMUS who yet survive him. The funeral ser vice was preached at the Reformed Church m Millerstown, by Rev J w Y eisl ey .His body rests m the beautiful Springgrove Cemetery.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 246
Ambrose Blount Admr of Deed This Indenture made this fo ur A. Pence dec'd teenth day of August in the ye ar To Eighteen hundred and thirty three
Henry Branstetter be tween Ambrose Blount adininistrator o f
Abraham Pence deceased of the first part and Henry Branstetter of the County of Clark in the State of Oh io of the second part. Witnesseth that. Whereas heretofore to wit on the t hirtieth day of March in the year Eighteen hundred and thirty one the sa id Ambrose Blount as administrator as aforesaid filed in the office of t he Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Clark County aforesaid his petiti on in writing against Jemima Pence the widow and Andrew Blue and Nancy h is wife Henry Branstetter and Mary his wife Richard Hesselgesser and Eliza beth his wife Samuel Pence William Pence Susannah Pence Rhoda Pence Anne P ence and Jesse Pence the heirs at Law of Abraham Pence deceased defendan ts ...
It also seems unlikely she was the daughter of the first Lewis Pence, sin ce three of her children apparently married three of the children of Jo hn Pence (son of Lewis2) and his wife Elizabeth. Three marriages in one fa mily between first cousins would be unusual indeed.
possible daughter. A Margaret Pence, otherwise unidentified, is said by Ki blinger descendants to be the wife of Jacob Kiblinger and the daught er of Lewis2. This couple probably married in Shenandoah County, Va., a nd then went to Clark County, Oh., about 1805.17 However, if the Margar et Pence who married Jacob Kiblinger was the daughter of Lewis2, one is co nfronted with the unlikely prospect of there being three first-cousin marr iages between her Kiblinger children and the children of her brother, Jo hn Pence.18
Record Book 16, Page 460 - Filed 22 April 1840 - Bill of Interpleader Jo hn West, Administrator of Sampson Kelley Vs Jacob Baker et al SampsonKelly married Rebecca Pence, widow of Lieutenant Pence of the la te war. By an act of Congress, 1 June 1813, the widow became entitl ed to a portionof Jacob Pence's pay which was collected by one Henry Nort hup, one half pay for five years service. The judgement against Northu p, $713.43, was obtained by Kelley in his lifetime. An agreement (mark ed "A" with the suit), dated between the heirs of Sampson Kelly, dat ed 31 October 1831, stated that Rebecca would receive the widow's portio n, Sampson Kelly's heirs were to receive $10 each, except Sarah Jane & Reb ecca Ann Kelly who would receive two equal 1/9 parts each, and the balan ce was to be paid to Ruth Pence, heir of said widow. After the payments w ere made West settled the probate of Kelly, but since then a further s um of $422 has come to the estate. John West made a partial distributi on of the second amount according to the agreement, however, a problem h as arisen which he wants the court to settle. There is $388 of the $422 l eft for distribution. ' The portions that have been distributed were to-R ebecca Kelly, Ambrose & Nancy Grafton, children of Lewis Darnall ' Sarah J an; Kelly and Rebecca Ann Kelly. Sampson Kelly's legal heirs: Joseph Kell y;William Kelly; Robert Kelly; Ambrose Grafton & his wife, Elizabeth; Ezek iel Darnall & his wife, Mary; Abimelech Darnell & his wife, Nancy; Margar et Darnall, formerly Margaret Kelly who married Lewis Darnall, who died le aving the following children: Wesley Darnall, Joseph Darnall, Sampson Darn all, and William Darnall; Sarah Jane Kelly (minor) and Rebecca Ann Kelly ( minor). By the end of the case, Henry T. Kyle was appointed guardian ad l item for only Rebecca Ann Kelly. "The only child and heir of said widow P ence, by her first husband, Lieutenant Pence, is their child Ruth Pence me ntioned in said contract marked A and now the wife of Jacob Baker." Conten ts of an answer filed 12 October 1840 by Jacob and Ruth Baker: Jacob Penc e, father of Ruth was believed killed at the Battle of Brownstown in the s ervice of the United States in August 1813 and Rebecca married Kelly cir ca I September 1818. Ruth had received $244.25 for "half pay," but she w as not sure that she had received the total amount that she should. The o ther defendants neglected to plead or answer.
Rebecca Davis, daughter of Andrew Davis, was born circa 1780-1790 in Penns ylvania (an unchecked source gives her birth as 2 March 1787); died cir ca 6 August 1855; buried Hills Cemetery, Jackson Township, Champaign Count y, Ohio. On 17 July 1810 in Champaign County, Rebecca was married to Jac ob Pence. Jacob has been noted as serving a five year period in the military as a Li eutenant and dying in August of 1813 (Champaign County Chancery Book 16, P age 460). There are no estate records of Jacob in Champaign County indicat ing that he did not own any land. However, the guardianship of only one ch ild, Ruth Pence, was located in 1818 and again in 1828. The year of 1818 b eing the year of Rebecca's marriage to Sampson Kelly and 1828 the ye ar of his death. The date of both guardianships was 15 April and Ruth w as listed as 7 and 17 years, respectively, but the date of birth was not g iven. Even though we are not able to determine when Rebecca learned that s he would collect from Jacob's time of service, the law had been pass ed in 1813. A guardianship was necessary as Ruth would be an heir to any p ay received for the service time of her father, Jacob (Reference: Champai gn County Chancery Book 16, Page 460). While we do not know why, it is a fact that not all guardianships for chil dren are on file in Champaign County. It may have been the fault of an unc oncerned clerk or the records may have become lost over the years. Whatev er the case, there is not a guardianship record on file for Aaron Pence. H owever, for an official document denoting his ancestry, Aaron is list ed as a grandson of Andrew Davis in his will, 3 March 1824 (Will Book B, P ages 85-87). However, this relationship between Andrew Davis and his grand son does pose another problem. In 1818 Andrew Davis became the guardi an of Ruth Pence, his granddaughter, and knowing at the time that she �h ad been proven to the satisfaction of the court that Ruth Pence was the on ly heir of Jacob Pence.� The foregoing statement does not prove that Aar on Pence was not the son of Rebecca Davis Pence and Andrew's grandson. T he statement only proves the name of the father of Ruth Pence. I believe t hat Ruth Pence was the daughter of Jacob Pence and Rebecca Davis, also, th at Aaron Pence is the son of Rebecca Davis (whose married name at the ti me of his birth was Pence) and an unnamed father. Admittedly, clear records have not been found in the birth and death dat es of Aaron and Ruth Pence. However, all official records appear to pla ce the births between 1810 and 1811 (guardianships, 1850 census & yea rs of death on tombstones). Even though all transcriptions of Aaron's tomb stone vary, when the time of birth is computed from the time of death, a ll agree that he was born in April of 1811. On 28 June 1996 his tombsto ne could clearly be read: d. 6 April 1868, 56 years 11 months 20 days. The main trouble appears to be with the date of death and age of Ruth Pen ce Baker. Her tombstone was viewed on 28 June 1996 and a rubbing was tak en as the letters were unreadable. On that date the date of death appear ed as died 1 February 1851. The age was 40 years, 2 or 7 or 9 months. A nu mber of days was not listed on the stone. If she was 40 years and 2 month s, she was born 1 December 1810; if 40 years and 7 months, born 1 May 181 0; if 40 years and 9 months, born 1 March 1810. In any of the cases, she w as born before Jacob and Rebecca had perhaps even before the marriage.
As it was later proven that Rebecca Davis Pence Kelly was due the half p ay for five years of Jacob's service time and that he died in 1813, the o ne must figure that he was in the military from about 1808 through 181 3. It was probably while he was home on leave that he begat Ruth. Perhap s, on another leave they were married. And while he was serving another to ur of duty, Rebecca became pregnant with Aaron Pence by another man. After Jacob's death, on 1 September 1818 in Champaign County, Rebecca marr ied Sampson Kelly. Sampson Kelly died circa March 1828 (John West Administ rator; Administrative Bond 17 March 1828; Inventory, Appraisal & Sale Bi ll 17 June 1828; Account 18 June 1839 - Champaign County Estate Packet A-2 60). The guardianship records for Sampson's children are as follows: 18 A ug 1828, Case #176, William Darnall guardian of Sarah Jane Kelly, cir ca 7 years and Rebecca Ann Kelly, circa 2 years; 19 Aug 1828, Case #178, J oseph Hill guardian of Joseph Kelly, circa 20 years and Robert Kelly, cir ca 17 years; 17 November 1828, Case #180, John Wiant guardian of William K elly, circa 18 years. It has been stated that Rebecca was the mother of fo ur children by Sampson Kelly (History of Champaign County, 1881 Beers & Co ., sketch of William Kelley). Given the time period of their marriage 18 18 through 1828 this is possible, however, only two children appear in t he census records and lived to maturity. Sampson Kelly's children are again listed in Champaign County Chancery Bo ok 16, Page 460: Administrator of Sampson Kelly vs Jacob Baker et al. Th is appears to be a case where the wife's (Rebecca Davis Pence) holdings we re thought to be the property of her husband (Sampson Kelly) and his heir s, not necessarily her heirs. Apparently, one or more of Sampson's childr en were jealous because Ruth was receiving the largest portions, not withs tanding that the money originally belonged only to Rebecca and Ruth. The t otal, $1375.96, appears to be in excess of the pay of an army lieutenan t. Therefore, the amount collected from Northup probably was the sum of t he original pay of Jacob Pence that he received plus a penalty of intere st added by the court. The original suit against Northup has not been loca ted. Rebecca compiled her will on 12 February 1851, probably a few days after t he death of her daughter, Ruth Pence Baker. Rebecca had been listing wi th Jacob and Ruth Baker since the 1840 census. As she had been living wi th them for that many years Rebecca had probably disposed of all but perso nal possessions. The will was probated on 28 September 1855 (Champaign Cou nty Will Book C, Page 161). I.Ruth Pence b. ca. 1810; d. 1 February 1851, 40 years, 2/7/9 months; bu r. Hills Cem., CH Co. OH; m. 25 Feb 1836 CH Co., Jacob P. Baker (b. 181 0; d. 1896; bur. Hills Cem. ; m. #2, 2 Mar 1852 CH Co., Rachel Ann Allen ). Ruth was living with her mother, Rebecca, in the 1820 and 1830 census l ists. A.Ezra Baker b. ca. 1838; d. 28 Dec 1854; bur. Hills Cem. B. Miles C. Baker b. ca. 1840; Co. H, 26th O.V.I.; d. Nov 1861 WV; bur. H ills Cem.
The children of Rebecca Davis Pence Kelly Continued: II.Aaron Pence b. ca. 16/17 April 1811; d. 6 April 1868, 56 years 11 mont hs 20 days; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem., Mad River Tp., CH Co. OH; m. 10 Dec 18 33 CH Co., Rebecca Runkle (b. 20 July 1808 Shenandoah Co. VA; d. 2 Jan 190 1; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem.; dau. of Peter Runkle). Aaron's will was sign ed on 28 February 1868 and probated 7 April 1868 (CH Co. Will Book C, Pa ge 510). If the date of death is correct, 6 April, one wonders if Aaron w as in the ground before his will was probated! In the 1820 census Aaron w as living with his mother & step-father. In 1830 he is believed to be t he male of the correct age living with his uncle, John Davis. A.Benjamin Franklin Pence b. 1835; d. 16 Dec 1877; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem .; m. 28 Mar 1858, Maria Merica, dau. of Henry Merica & Diana Bodey B.William Irvin Pence b. 8 Sept 1836; d. 1919; bur. Spring Grove Cem., Jo hnson Tp., CH Co. OH; m. 22 Apr 1858 CH Co., Catherine Wolgamuth (b. 183 7; d. 1911) C.Elizabeth J. Pence b. 1838; m. 2 Oct 1856, William McKinley D.Lydia Melvina Pence b. 1842; d. 16 Apr 1859; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem. E.Maria(h) Pence b. Mar 1842; d. 1922; bur. Spring Grove Cem.; m. 1 Mar 1 860 CH Co., Simon Snapp (b. May 1838; d. 1912; bur. Spring Grove Cem.) F.Jason P. Pence b. 28 Aug 1844; d. 11 Aug 1916; bur. Spring Grove Cem .; m. 31 Dec 1871 Sarah Malissa Colbert (b. 1854; d. 1909; bur. Spring Gro ve Cem.) G.Mary Ellen Pence b. 1847; d. 1931; bur. Spring Grove Cem.; m. 3 Nov 18 69 CH Co., Sylvester B. Zimmerman (b. 1848; d. 1905; bur. Spring Grove Cem .) H.Elvira Pence b. 1848; d. 1906; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem.; m. 31 Oct 18 66 CH Co., Christian Norman I.Miles Pence b. 1852; d. 10 May 1864; bur. Myrtle Tree Cem. SECOND MARRIAGE: III.Sarah Jane Kelly b. ca. 1821 (by guardianship); (24 July 1829; d. 1 S ept 1889 - dates from Pat Stickley); m. #1, 27 Nov 1842 CH Co. OH, No ah A. Loudenback (b. 8 July 1821; d. 17 Apr 1854, 32y 9m 9d; bur. Prince C em., CH Co. OH; son of Joseph Loudenback & Eve Baker - dates from Pat Stic kley); m. #2, 12 Apr 1857 CH Co., Christian Funkhouser. Dates of the child ren are from Pat Stickley. A.Joseph Allen Loudenback b. 21 Sept 1843 (9y on 19 Nov 1853 (guardianshi p)); m. Louisa Jane �Jennie� Kiser (b. 24 Feb 1846; d. 1918; bur. Conco rd Cem.; m. #2, 21 Oct 1879, Wesley Idle (b. 20 Oct 1841; d. 1914; bur. Co ncord Cem.); dau. of Jacob Kiser & Catharine Harshman). B. Martha Ann Loudenback b. 24 June 1846 (twin); m. ? 28 Sept 1862 CH Co ., Ira B. Owens. C.Rebecca Ellen Loudenback b. 24 June 1846 (twin); d. 18 Mar 1911 CL Co .; bur. Pleasant Hill Cem., CL Co.; m. Peter Clark (b. 11 May 1839 Morg an Co. VA; d. 29 Oct 1824 CH Co. OH; bur. Jenkins Chapel Cem., CH Co.; s on of Isaac Clark & Mary Ambrose); m. #2, 12 Oct 1875, William Barlow.
The children of Rebecca Davis Pence Kelly Continued: III.Sarah Jane Kelly & Noah A. Loudenback Continued: D. Sarah Louisa Catharine Loudenback b. 18 Feb 1850; m. 8 July 1871 CH Co ., Thomas Reed. E. Mary Elizabeth Loudenback b. 25 Dec 1851 F. Susan/Eve Arabell Loudenback b. 26 Aug 1853 (b. 1852; d. 1935; bur. Ev ergreen Cem.); m. 4/14 June 1874 CH Co., George Kessler (b. ca. June 18 50 (1900 census) (b. 1850; d. 1924; bur. Evergreen Cem.); son of Jacob Kes sler & Ann Prince). G. Sampson Emery Loudenback H. Silas Loudenback IV. Rebecca Ann Kelly b. ca. 1826 (by guardianship) or ca. 1823 (1860 cen sus); m. 21 June 1849 CH Co., Orris P. Owens (b. ca. 1820 OH, son of Alfr ed Owens & Elizabeth Northcutt). They were listed in the 1860 census of M ad River Township, family 1253/1253. No further record. A. Miles Owens b. ca. 1850 - May be the Miles Owens who joined the Carysv ille Christian Church, Adams Tp., CH Co. on 28 Dec 1867 - no further recor d B. John Owens b. 8 July 1853 Westville, Mad River Tp., CH Co.; d. 1 Ju ly 1926 CH Co.; bur. Evergreen Cem., St. Paris, Johnson Tp., CH Co; m. pri or 1880, Nancy Jane Garver (b. May 1863; d. 1939; bur. Evergreen Cem.) C. Sylvester Owens b. ca. 1853; bur. Nettle Creek Cem., no dates on stone D. Thomas Owens b. ca. 1860 - Located in 1870 & 1880 Mad River Tp. cens us with Henry & Mary J. Runyon - No further record.
DAVID STEINBERGER, farmer; P. O. Urbana. Mr. Steinberger is one of our old est men, and is now in his 81st year; his grandparents came from Germany a nd settled in Shenandoah Co., Va. David's parents-John and Elizabeth Stein berger-were married in Virginia, and came to this county in 1804, and sett led on Nettle Creek, near where Millerstown is now. This was at that ti me an Indian village, and was occupied by the Miami tribe. Indians were pl enty at that day but were peaceable. The heavy timber was almost unbrok en at that time, and wild game was plenty ; raccoons destroyed much cor n; and they had to watch their fields at night to save it; squirrels we re almost as destructive during the day as the coons were at night. Everyb ody helped their neighbors raise their log houses, roll and burn their log s, and a general feeling of good-fellowship prevailed. John Steinberger w as a prominent man in his day, and was an enterprising one, having no mon ey when he came here. When he left the county for Indiana, in 1819 or 182 0, he owned 240 acres of land. His children were named George, John, Henr y, Frederick, David and Gideon. Elizabeth and Catharine were the daughter s. Only our subject and Gideon, who lives in Iowa, are living. David was b orn in Virginia Sept. 9, 1800, and was married, in 1821, to Elizabeth Penc e. Their name figures extensively in this history. David and his wife we re parents of seven children, only three-Louisa M., Mary A. and George S.- are living. Mrs. S. died in 1833, and in 1835 David married Lucy Gaine s, of Virginia, where she was born, Feb. 22, 1813. By her he had eight chi ldren, five of whom are living Caroline, Elizabeth, Amanda, John and Gideo n. David started in life with $50, which was spent in trying to regain h is health, which was very poor in his younger days. He went bravely to wor k, married a wife, and commenced life in earnest. This reminds us of a sto ry which Mr. Steinberger relates : "A man (name forgotten) with whom Dav id stayed all night, on Little Flat Rock, Indiana, married his wife when s he was only 15 years of age. They had been married fifteen years and had f ifteen children, whose mother was only 30 years of age. When they were mar ried, they had not a dollar, and after rearing this large family they h ad bought and paid for 400 acres of land, and were then engaged in buildi ng a mill." After sixty years of toil, commencing without any capital, exc ept a pair of willing hands, Mr. Steinberger is now the owner of 952 acr es of land, worth $75,000, not counting personal property, etc., and al so a residence in Urbana. All this was gained by honest toil and econom y. Both himself and wife are of the Baptist faith, and are now living at t heir ease on the farm, near the mills that bear his name. Politicall y, he is Democratic, one of the substantial kind, and is honored and respe cted by the best citizens of Champaign County
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record book 18, Pge 492 Field 9 Oct 1841-Injunction Abraham Schockey vs Shadrack Northcutt et al The suit was between Abraham Schockey and Shadrack Northcutt, administrat or of Alfred Owens, deceased, who died in March 1840. Alfred left a wido w, Elizabeth Owens, who was a daughter of Shadrack Northcutt; Orris Owen s, Luther Owens; Orville, Martha Jane, Belinda, Mason, Anthony, David a nd Lucinds Owens. Darius Guthridge was the guardian of the children. Eliza beth had wanted to hold the property, pay the debts and divide the proper ty when the children became fo age. Abraham Schockey had signed as securi ty on a bond for Elizabeth to do so. However, the payments for the debts d ue to the estate of Alfred had not been paid by Elizabeth and Abraham Scho ckey wanted an injunction to prevent Northcutt from taking him to court.
Champaign County Guardianship pg89 2/1/1860 Jacob Pence, gdn of Willa im H Northcutt, 14 yr 31 Aug 1859; heir of Lucinda Northcutt, dec'd. Surit ies Elias Stover and William Patrick
Enumeration taken by W W Helmick, of citizens aged 70 years or more who we re residing in Urbana City and Urbana Township. Found in the 21 May 1889 I ssue of the Urbana Daily Citizen page 3 Col 3&4 Pence, Jacob; VA; 76
"A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our hearts
That never can be filled
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
And though the body moulders here
The soul is safe in heaven"
Daughter of John & Mary Dugan.
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Michigan
Groom's Age: �tab�22
Bride's Name: �tab�Macie H. Baker
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1877
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�St. Paris, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�22
Marriage Date: �tab�07 Jun 1899
Marriage Place: �tab�Miami, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Adam Barmann
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Rosana Gardner
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Isaac Baker
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Emma Stapleton
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�1855
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Saltlick Twp., Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�55
Bride's Name: �tab�Carrie R. Stainbrook
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�1862
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Morgan County, O.
Bride's Age: �tab�48
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Mar 1910
Marriage Place: �tab�Perry, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Geo. C. Baker
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Thorp
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�Peter Burkhart
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Barbara Harsh
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Unknown
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�Stainbrook
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M02337-5
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�910676
Reference Number: �tab�Vol 13 P 192
1850 Champaign Co, Mad River, OH HH#146 Pg442 Barbary Snyder, 61, VA Evey , 67, VA (Daniels sister Eve) Joseph Talbott, 15, OH Elizabeth 13, OH Minerva, 11, OH Eliza 7 OH Philip Low? 26, OH
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Mad River, Champaign, Ohio; Rol l: M653_942; Page: 288; Image: 576. Barbara Snider 76 Joseph Talbot 25 Eliza Talbot 17 Eve Pence 82
List of youth between the ages of four and 21 years within School Di st No 5 in Urbana Twp 11-20-1833 Charles Rector - 5
[email protected] (William C Luth) Nancy Corder Halvorson [email protected] researching this family
History of Clark Co, CD 450 Prior to 1850 Charles Rector built a small distillery at the mouth of Stor m's Creek in the northern part of german Township on Mad River. Later he p ut up a grist and saw-mill at the same place. This mill was afterwards ope rated for a number of years by Gresham Gard. The mill has long since dissa ppeared. A race running north into Champaign County is the only eviden ce of the use of mill power at a former period at this place.
Record Book 7, Page 144 - Heard April Term 1818 - Writ of Injunction Charl es Rector Vs Samuel McMullin Charles Rector gave Samuel McMullin a note for $100 in 1814 for which McMu llin was to perform six months tour of duty in the Drafted Militia of t he State of Ohio under command of Captain Gabriel Cox in the place of Cona way Rector, sonof Charles. After McMullin served the tour he was to obta in an honorable discharge inthe name of Conaway Rector and Charles Rect or would then pay the $100 note. About three weeks after the contract was made and McMullin was attached in the service in the place of Conaway, the company of Captain C ox was not needed and the men were sent home. McMullin had to take Charl es Rector to court to obtain payment on the note. On 14 April 1817 McMull in said that he did receive a full ample and complete discharge for the to ur of duty which the said Conaway was bound to perform and he repeatedly o ffered the same to Charles. Rector is asking for a writ of injunction aga inst a court ruling of 22 October 1817 because he believes that his s on is liable for recall as the tour of six months was not fulfilled. A ju ry was impanelled: George Petty, Benjamin Doolittle, Jas. Paxton, John Mc Cord, Jno. Thomas, Robert G. Swan, Allen M. Poff, Tolson Ford, William Sc ott, John Meredith, Pheneas Thornton and Andrew Kirkpatrick. Testimony wh ich was heard by the jury included that of William Bacome who said he w as present in the home of Joseph Reynolds when the contract was made betwe en Charles Rector and Samuel McMullin. Jacob Margart/Maggart testified th at he served in the tour of duty with Samuel McMullin. Joseph Layton, swo rn on 16 December 1819, testified that he received orders from Major Gener al Whiteman to raise from his Brigade a company of men to perform a to ur of duty and he issued his orders to Colonel Daugherty and the company w as raised under Captain Gabriel Cox. On 10 March 1814 Cox was direct ed to march to Franklington, remained there for some time and was discharg ed. He does not know how long the men were in service, but they are entit led to the pay for active duty, and if the orders received by Cox were str ictly complied with then the company was legally discharged and the men we re entitled to a discharge for a full tour of duty. The deposition of Gab riel Cox was sworn to on 17 December 1819. Cox related that when he w as at Springfield he accepted McMullin as a replacement for Conaway Recto r. McMullin marched with him to Franklington and remained with the compa ny until discharged. The court proceedings end at this point and no judgm ent was recorded.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 258
John KIBLINGER, farmer; P.O. Eagle City; born on the farm where he now res ides, Sept.11, 1816; is a son of Jacob and Mary (Pence) Kiblinger, nativ es of Virginia. Jacob first visited this county in 1801, and between th is date and the year 1805, made four trips from Virginia to this county, a ssisting in moving several of the Kiblinger and Pence families to this the ir new home. On the last trip, which was in 1805, he brought his father, J acob and family, and all now became permanent residents of this county, be ing truly pioneers of the county. Jacob Kiblinger, Sr., built the first sa w-mill and hemp-mill in this township, located on Mad River, near the pla ce where the Eagle City Mills now stand. Jacob Kiblinger, Jr., on one of h is first trips to this county, between 1801 and 1805, entered 80 acr es of land, which is embraced in the farm of our subject. From the year 18 05, when they made their permanent settlement, they commenced to open o ut and clear up the land and make a home. After some years of labor and to il, the grandparents died, and the work was continued by the father. He li ved till Feb.18, 1860, when death released him from all earthly cares. H is wife died Dec. 30, 1871). They were parents of eleven children, four n ow survive - John, Eli, Jemima and Lemuel. Our subject lived with his fath er till his marriage, to Mary Jane, daughter of Henry and Eva (Snyder) Pen ce, natives of Virginia. Issue, four children, two now survive-Eva Ann a nd Mary Catharine. His wife died June 24, 1847. His second marriage was De c. 12, 1847, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Grube, nativ es of Pennsylvania. Issue, four children, three now survive - Lucinda, Syl vanus and Joanna. Mr. Kiblinger, after his first marriage, located in Cham paign Co., near Westville, and resided eight years; thence back to the o ld home place, where he bought out the heirs and took care of his paren ts till their death, and has always remained here till the present time; h as cleared up and brought into cultivation, right from the woods, 100 acr es since he purchased the farm. His farm now embraces 185 acres in good cu ltivation, with good improvements, and constitutes one of the best corn a nd stock farms in German Township. Mr. Kiblinger refuses all offices of t he township, but is an active member of the Agricultural Board of Clark Co .; was one of its organizers, and has been actively engaged in its work a nd welfare for several years. Mr. Kiblinger is one of the active and progr essive farmers of Clark Co.
Death date: 19 Jun 1909
Death place: Urbana, Champaign, Ohio
Birthdate: 04 Nov 1830
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign, Ohio
Age at death: 78 years
Gender: Male
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address:
Occupation: Farmer
Burial date: 22 Jun 1909
Burial place: Oakdale
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Abram Powell
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Kentucky
Mother's name: Mary Asher
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Champaign, Ohio
GSU film number: 1927090
Digital GS number: 4020982
Image number: 2312
Reference number: fn 28640
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Daniel Sivets (1836 - 1913)
Susan McGonigal Sivets (1840 - 1919)
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 236 John and six brothers came from northern England. Son of John and unknown bride age 13. Possibly the son of John Newell and Rachel who were md 1799 and petition for divorce filed in Champaign Co, OH 10/27/1808 for extreme cuuelty and adultery, absent 5 years. Children enamed with mother. Marri dissolved 8/25/1809 Vol 1
Enumeration taken by W W Helmick, of citizens aged 70 years or more who we re residing in Urbana City and Urbana Township. Found in the 21 May 1889 I ssue of the Urbana Daily Citizen page 3 Col 3&4 Newell, Mrs Eliza, widow of John Newell; Ohio; 74
Record Book 23, Page 111 � Filed 28 June 1847 � Petition for Alimony Eli za Newell vs John Newell John and Eliza Newell were married in 1831 and there was one child (unname d) of the union. In June 1847 he kicked her out of the house. She charg ed that John was violent and refused her shelter. John had considerable pr operty, 166 acres, located in the north�west quarter of Section 24 Townsh ip 5 Range 11 (urbana Tp.), which was conveyed to him from Eliza�s fathe r, Joseph Pence on 13 September 1837. John Taylor and John H. James were a ppointed by the court as arbitrators and they gave their decision on 18 Ap ril 1848. The court decision was final on 13 June 1848. John Newell was or dered, by the court, to pay support and alimony to Eliza of $200 a year be ginning on 28 June 1847. John was given custody of the child, however, Eli za retained visitation rights at Johns house and she was allowed to have t he child one week out of every month. If John would deed half of the la nd to Eliza he would not have to pay the alimony. There was no menti on of a divorce.
Death Date: �tab�31 Jan 1916
Death Place: �tab�New Carlisle, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�24 Jul 1854
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�61 years 6 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�03 Feb 1916
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�New Carlisle
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Ehrathan Deaton
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Va.
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Scoby
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1983553
Record Book 31, Page 131- Filed 13 August 1863- Petition of Attachment Eli za Newell vs Alexander Pence Alexander Pence was indebted to Eliza Newell for a total of $750 and she p laced an attachment against his real property and chattels. The sheriff le ft a copy of the summons at Alexander's usual place of residence. He was n ot there, so the summons was left with Mrs. Pence. Alexander did not appe ar in court but he signed an acknowledgement of the suit on 18 August 18 63 in Lincoln County, Illinois.
1850 Census 1850 Champaign Co, pg 418 - Sarah Evilsizer, d/o Jacob Evilsiz er and Hannah Blue, age 14 living with this family
St Paris, Jun 13, 1878 Alexander Pence, lifelong resident of this community, died quite sudenly l ast saturday morning, it is supposed of apoplexy. Mr Pence was born near h er and lived here all his life, Rev E B Smith preached funeral, Mr Pence w as in the 59th year at the time of his death.
Springfield Sun Jan 20, 1907 The funeral of Mrs Louisa PENCE who died at the home of her sister, Mrs Ja cob SEITZ at Springfield, Ohio, Wednesday, occurred yesterday at 1 p.m. fr om the residence of her son, T T PENCE, south of Urbana. After the funera l, the remains were taken to Nettle Creek for burial. Feb 1, 1901 Louisa PENCE, daughter of David and Elizabeth STEINBERGER, was born Apr il 3, 1825 on the farm where she has lived for many years, it being the ho mestead farm of her father and mother, near Urbana, Ohio. Now occupi ed by her son Thomas PENCE. She departed this life January 16, 1907 at 7 o 'clock, aged 81 years, 9 months, 13 days. She was married to Alexander PEN CE in 1841 when she was about 17 years of age, from which union there we re four children, all sons. The first died in infancy. The others are a ll living. Thomas, the aforesaid upon her home farm, George in Tulare coun ty, Calif and Weldon near Topeka, KS. She was remarkably active for o ne of her age and was always busy about the work wherever she was. She w as with her sister, Mrs Mary A SEITZ of Springfield, Ohio and assist ed in getting up their family Christmas dinner of 1906 which she enjoyed w ith them very much. Two of Mrs SEITZ's grandchildren, James and Lawrence H EDGES, living in Chattanooga, TN, failed to get to the regular Christmas d inner, but came a few days afterwards to the great delight of Mrs SEITZ a nd Aunt Louisa, and they feeling that those grandsons too, must have abo ut as good a dinner as the others had on Christmas day, fell to work arran ging it, Aunt Louisa, as always, about in the lead. It was during this eff ort she became so sick that she was compelled to take to her bed, which w as about two weeks before her death, to which she was confined until the l ast. She was a very patient sufferer, and all this attention paid to her d uring her last illness that it was possible for her sister to bestow up on her. It seemed extremely befitting that her last days should have be en cast with her sister, to whom she had often kindly administered, and n ow in return it seemed a pleasure for her sister to so kindly and agreeab ly administer to her every need. She had seemingly from the beginning of h er sickness, felt that her end upon earth was near and expressed herse lf in that way, and that she was ready and willing to make the change. S he joined the regular Baptist church at Nettle Creek under its administrat ion by Elder Samuel WILLIAMS, the father of its present pastor, 63 years a go, and was at the regular meeting of said church on the first Sunday of D ecember last, which she seemed to enjoy very much, as there it was spok en to her by the present pastor, Elder Thomas WILLIAMS, that she was celeb rating her 63rd year of membership of said church by her presence at th at time. During all those years she never failed to attend all of its meet ings if it was possible for her to be present. She was a great lover of h er relatives and friends and was always ready and willing to assist tho se in times of their sickness or distress. She was a very attentive attend er at church services and when the minister would be earnestly dwelling up on the great love, mercy and sacrifice Christ had exhibited and made for p oor and lost sinners in order to restore them from under the curse of t he law, she was one of the few of the old school order who could not restr ain herself from clapping hers hands and crying aloud with joy. This we re gard with all evidence that she felt personally of the effect of that gre at sacrifice and its benefits. Just before she breathed her last, she open ed her eyes widely and looked heavenward, seemingly with greatest joy in a nticipation of entering that great and peaceful rest prepared for her by h er loving Master. She will be greatly missed by all of her family, relativ es and friends as her absence causes a void that cannot be filled.
Cham. Co. Common Pleas Court Book 30, 411-413, filed 18 Aug. 1863, petiti on for divorce, Louisa Pence vs. Alexander Pence. Louisa stated th at on 3 Mar. 1842 in Urbana, she married Alexander Pence of Urbana Twp. Th ree children were born as a result of that union: Thomas Thaddeus Pence, a ge 15 years; George William Pence, age 10 years; and Alexander Weldon Penc e, age 8 years. Louisa states that Alexander Pence committed adultry wi th Eliza Ellen Buck and that since that time he has removed to Illnois a nd then to California. She further charges that in July 1863 he was guil ty of extreme cruelty to her through bodily harm and that while she was cr ippled and at the house of a relative he pretended a transfer of his possessions, without her knowledge, to his brother and s ister. On 27 Oct. 1863 Alexander Pence filed a denial to the charges and a skes for custody of the children. On 28 Oct. 1863 the court granted Loui sa custody of the children and ordered Alexander Pence to pay her $1,5 00 in support which could be made in four payments - 1/6 in 3 months; 1 /6 in 6 months; 1/3 in 12 months; 1/3 in 18 months and a lien would be he ld against his property until the payments were made. There was a later su it seeking payment of the alimony (Common Pleas Court Book 30, 395-406, f iled 19 Aug. 1863).
Record Book 30, Pages 395-406- Filed 19 August 1863- Petition for Alimony Louisa Pence vs Alexander Pence Louisa Pence charges that Alexander Pence, in an attempt to defraud he r, sold, without her consent, his personal property to his brother, Jose ph Pence, and his sister, Eliza Newell. He further leased, for a peri od of three years, his life-estate in 40 acres off the east side acr es in the north-west quarter of Section 25, and other land in the north-ea st quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Range 11 (together about 200 acres (Ur bana Township� and 7 acres which he received from his father, Joseph Penc e, located in the north-west quarter of Section 25 Township 5 Ran ge 11 to William Sifers. Louisa and Alexander were married on 3 March 18 42 in Champaign County, and there were three children of the union: Thom as Thaddeus Pence, 15 years; George William Pence, 10 years; and Alexand er Weldon Pence, 8 years. Louisa charged that Alexander abandoned her in A ugust of 1862. The will of Joseph Pence was attached to the document a nd it mentioned the following heirs: Magdalene Pence, wife; Joseph Penc e; Maria Pence, wife of George Fleming of Logan County, Illinois; Rebec ca Newell, deceased and mother of Sarah Newell, Jane Newell and Isabel New ell; Alexander Pence; Eliza Newell; Matilda Bell and Jane Pence. Louisa Pe nce was granted $1500 for alimony.
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 247
Record Book 4, Pages 171-174 Filed lst Monday of August 1816 - Heard befo re August 1817 Session of Court Plea of Trespass Henry Pence Sr.
Vs Joseph Pence, Elizabeth Donavin & John Donavin, Executors of Samuel Pen ce Joseph Pence and Elizabeth Donavin, the executors of the last will a nd testament of Samuel Pence, deceased and John Donavin were summons to an swer Henry Pence Sr. in a plea of trespass. Samuel Pence, on I Septemb er 1811 at Urbana, became indebted to Henry Pence for a $1000 loan. The m oney had not been repaid. At the first hearing, Pence & Donavin asked f or an extension until the second Monday of December next. On the second M onday of December 1816, the charges were denied by Pence & Donavin. Th ey claimed that none of the defendants (Joseph Pence, Elizabeth Donav in & John Donavin) accrued the debt within four years next before the comm encement of this suit, not had they accrued the debt within six years nex t. Henry Pence answered that the debt was made by Samuel Pence within fo ur years next. The case impanelled a jury: James Rea, Nicholas Vanduze n, John Wood, Joseph Coffee, Thomas Rathburn, William Gwynne, John Merri t, John Dawson, Henry Weaver, Samuel Pogue, David Day and Anthony Patric k. The jury decided that Henry Pence Sr. had agreed with Samuel Pence wit hin four years of the start of this suit and that Henry should recover $38 0.75 for damages, plus $21.28 as his costs. The jury also decided that t he remainder of the debt, $408-03, was to be forfeited by Henry Pence.
Champaign Co Guardainships 8/8/1816 MB4092 John Pence and Elizabeth Donavan gdns of Tabitah Pence 6 yr; David Pen ce 5 yr; John Pence 2 ry; heirs of Samuel Pence, dec'd. Surities Curtis Th ompson and James Smith
1829--Transfer of land, Book K pg 543, Morris and Pence to Levi Bryan
1830--John Morris of Clark Co bought 66 acres from Gersham Gard, land bei ng in Champaign Co., Mad River Twp., land being on both sides of Mad Riv er at St. Rt. 55 southwest of Urbana. Land was adjucent to Levi Bryan's.
1831--David Pence (Tabitha's brother) sold land to Jacob Evelsizer
Pages from the Morris Family Bible (these were recovered after a house fir e) :
John Morris b. in Butler Co OH, 05 March 1812, d 29 Dec 1893 Elizabeth Morris b. 05 Sept 1810, d. 29 Dec 1897 Joseph Morris b 15 Jan 1836 Joseph, born in 1836, was the son of John and Tabitha Morris. She died d uring child birth or shortly there after. On Feb 02 1838 John married Eli zabeth Branstetter Wallace. She had previously been married to William Wa llace, who had died and left her with young children. The youngest of the se, Tommy, was born in 1837. In 1830, John Morris's father John, purcha sed land adjacent to land owned by Daniel Branstetter. Since,Daniel was E lizabeth's father, it seems probable that Elizabeth and John would have kn own each other. They both were young and had young children and this m ay have encouraged them to marry in 1838. 1850 Census has Thomas Wallce age 12
Children When Born Where Born First Marriage When Died JOSEPH 18-Aug-1792 VA MARY 1795 Ulrich KESSLER WILLIAM 10-Nov-1796 VA PollyKILGORE 10-Mar-1841 ELIJAH 1799 VA Elizabeth KING 27-Mar-1876 ELIZABETH 1804 Joseph WIDOWS SARAH 1806 OH Thomas JEFFRIES 1883 NANCY 1809 OH John MAGGART 1884 JANE 3-Jul-1810 OH Barney PENCE 22-Nov-1851 JOHN 5-Mar-1812 OH Tabitha PENCE 29-Dec-1893 THOMAS 1814 Clark County OH Polly JOSHUA 18 16 " " OH MARGARET 1819 " " OH Samual MAGGART BENJAMIN 1823 " " OH
Kesslers lived in IN
William m 2nd Margaret BRUNER
Nancy m 2nd Martin FRANK
John m 2nd Elizabeth BRANSTITTER WALLACE
My line is John who m Tabitha then he married Elizabeth Branstitter Walla ce John and Tabitha had a son Joseph then after Tabitha di ed he & Elizabeth had two daughters Mary Ann and Rebecca Elle n, Rebecca being my Grandmother
Roger [email protected] (Roger McCullough)
1831--David Pence (Tabitha's brother) sold land to Jacob Evelsizer
1860 Champaign Co, OH
David Snapp �tab�28
Nancy Snapp �tab�23
Mariah Snapp �tab�3
Melinda Snapp �tab�2
N A M Snapp �tab�11.12
William Scott �tab�10
Irene Scott �tab�18
Grant Co, Pleasant IN 1870
David Snapp �tab�38
Susan Snapp �tab�40
Malinda Snapp �tab�12
Nancy A Snapp �tab�10
David Snapp �tab�8
Nathan Snapp �tab�6
Looks like the person purchasing the stone believed John's birthdate was
2 Jan 1792.
Aged 79y, 11m, 25d
Note: "His toils are past, his work is done, And he is fully blest, He fought the fight, the glory won, And entered into rest"
576/576 Eman. ROBERTS 30 VA Mary 23 OH Emma 3 OH James 1m OH
1870 Champaign Co, Johnson, OH -pg286 59/59 John ROBERTS 49 OH Mary 44 VA George 23 OH Samuel 21 OH Amos 17 OH 58/58 ROBERTS, Ann 79 VA Edwin 33 OH Jane 29 OH David 6 OH
1880 U.S. Census, Wayne, Huntington County, Indiana Source: FHL Film 1254285 National Archives Film T9-0285 Page 635C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace John ROBERTS Self M M W 56 OH Occ: Farmer Fa: VA Mo: VA Mary ROBERTS Wife F M W 52 OH Occ: Keeping House Fa: OH Mo: VA Amos ROBERTS Son M D W 27 OH Occ: Works On Farm Fa: OH Mo: VA Mary ROBISON Sister F W W 58 OH
Fa: VA Mo: VA
John Pence died at the home of John and Mary Roberts in Huntington Coun ty on 6 Sep 1888.
COD mitral regurgitation
Volume #7847, Certificate #60676
Died prior 20 November 1828 (day of guardianship bond); married 25 Janua ry 1820 Champaign County, Mary "Polly" Frisinger (died 28 February 1880 Mo unt Pleasant Baptist Church Records; burial place is unknown; married seco ndly, 11 November 1830 Champaign County, John Merica; married third, 5 Feb ruary 1857 Champaign County, William McAlexander; daughter of Peter Frisin ger and Catharine Aker). There were a couple of cases in the Champaign Co unty, Ohio Court of Commmon Pleas which deal with the estate of Joseph Com er. Chancery Record Book 9, Page 223 lists his four children: William, El izabeth, Rebecca and Joseph. Chancery Record Book 16, Page 92 lists the c hildren as: William, Elizabeth, Margaret and Joseph.
Estate Records of Champaign County, Ohio 1805-1853
Joseph Comer deceased; Christian Bodey, Administrator; Administrator's Bo nd 20 February 1826; Inventory, Appraisal and Sale Bill 30 March/May 182 6; Account 16 April 1828 (Packet A-241) Barbara Comer, will of Jacob Hoak, Will 1846, Heir of (Packet A-571) Philip Comer deceased; will 20 February 1826; Inventory, Appraisal and Sal e
Pence Isaac 35 M Farmer 3,000 OH
Pence Mary 40 F VA
Jones Margaret 69 F VA
REMARKS: Deaf & Dumb
Berry Solomon 23 M Farm er OH
Berry Elisha 26 M Farm er OH
Berry Aire 17 M Farm er OH
Berry Peter 14 M OH
Pence William 13 M OH
Pence Rebecca 12 F OH
Pence Susan 9 F OH
Isaac was made the guardian of William Pence, Rebecca Pence and Dadama Flo wers, heirs of John Flowers on 12 Apr 1848.
Name: Marley C Pence Gender: Male Date of Death: 20 February 1970 Volume: 19984 Certificate: 013455 Autopsy: Unknown Marital Status: Married Place of Death: Piqua, Miami County Certifier: Physician Race: White Residence: , Champaign County Age: 83 Years
1/29/1904 AMOS PENCE died at his home east of St Paris, on Saturday, Jan 23,1904, a ge 81 yrs, 8mo and I day. His late illness was pneumonia and he suffered i ntensely. He was born May 22,1822. He md LORETTA THOMAS on Feb 25,1851, sister of REV W R THOMAS. To this union was born one daughter, MRS RONEY. His seco nd marriage was to CLARINDA BROWNING on June 28, 1854, they had six daughters and two sons. One son dying in infancy and one daught er died at the age of37 years. The deceased leaves a widow, seven childre n, eleven grandchildren, two great grandchildren and three sisters. The funeral services were held Tuesdav at Myrtle Tree Church.. conducted bv R ev Matthews.
Otto F Apple
Age: 33 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0006
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0058
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Susan D 27 Ohio Daughter Ruth E 08 Ohio Daughter Namoi 07 Ohio Daughter Clara M 04 Ohio Daughter Ethel I 02 Ohio
Keith Hanselman [email protected]
PROBATED 27 APR 1872 Husband Henry Fry the house and lot in Westville; first husband James Waldron; son Winfield Hullinger's heirs; niece Eunice Sowers. Witness:R R McLaughlin MD David Loudenbackwill signed [x] 17 Nov 1868 140
Gender: �tab�Male
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�16 Jul 1901
Death Place: �tab�Logan County, Ohio
Age: �tab�74
Birth Date: �tab�1827
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., O.
Occupation: �tab�Physician
Race: �tab�White
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�B07060-0
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: �tab�534834
Reference Number: �tab�v 2 p 338
Name : David Kite Death date : 24 Jul 1912 Death place : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Birth date : 21 Mar 1829 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Ohio Age at death : 83 years 4 months 3 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Retired Merchant Residence : Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio Burial date : 26 Jul 1912 Burial place : Cemetery name : Myrtle Tree Cemetery Spouse name : Father name : Benjamin Kite Father titles : Father birth place : Virginia Mother name : Sarah J. Loudenback Mother titles : Mother birth place : Virginia GSU film number : 1953422 Digital GS number : 4021198 Image number : 249 Certificate number : fn 36305 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris located in Sec 18) Lot#1 8/13/1912 Certificate, David Kite, deceased, to Sarah Jane Kite, pa rt of lot Bk93 Pg491
KITE SARAH J County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 9/19/1913 Volume Number: 1166 Certificate Number: 50553
Death Date: �tab�13 Jul 1936
Death Place: �tab�Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�05 Oct 1882
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�53 years 9 months 8 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�21 Springfield St., 2nd Ward
Occupation: �tab�Carpenter
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�15 Jul 1936
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Willow View
Spouse's Name: �tab�Rosie
Father's Name: �tab�Andrew Kite
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Rueanna
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NW 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 10 Dec 1836 Lewis Hume to Rhynard Schnepp, 10 acres in W 1/2 Bk N Pg393 29 Jun 1839 Rynard & Elizabeth Schnepp to Jacob Batdorf, 10 acres off W 1 /2 Bk Q Pg34
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 24 Township 3 Range 11 NE 1/4 Section 5/5/1832 Reinhart Schnepp to Solomon Schnepp BkKPg59
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There are several books f or lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions are represented by th is transcription) Lot # ? 29 June 1839 Rynard & Elizabeth Schnepp to Jacob Batdorf Bk Q Pg34 Lot # 8 29 Jun 1839 Rhynard & Elizabeth Schnepp to Jacob Batdorf Bk Q Pg35
Living in household in 1850 are Mary age 22 and William H age 3/12. Wife E lizabeth who died in 1851 not listed in this census
Snapp researchers: John Blackford [email protected], has a website of headstone pictures. Laura Carter [email protected], new in the group Jim & Eveleyn Snapp [email protected], made a video of the headstones th at pertain to our ancestors. Addt'l pictures too. David Strickland [email protected] Ken Strickland [email protected]
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SW 1/4 Jun 29 1839 Reinard Snapp to Daniel Schnepp, S 1/2 BkQ Pg7 SW 1/4 Oct 26 1859 Daniel Snapp to Ben Snapp, S 1/2 Bk31 Pg274
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 12 Twp 3 Range 11 ( SE 1/4) 14 Jul 1830 Abram Maggert to Daniel Snapp, 13 acres south of road, E 1/2 B kN Pg581 28 Feb 1852 Daniel Snapp to C P & I railroad Co, , strip 60 feet wide, E 1 /2 Bk X pg 644 27 Dec 1862 Daniel Snapp to Jonathan Schumm, part of E 1/4 SE 1/4 Bk 33 Pg 428 26 Aug 1867 Abram Maggert to Daniel Snapp et al, agreement for .25 acr es Bk 38 Pg 592
Champaign Co Wills Book G Pg 199 Jackson Twp, Probated 5/16/1890 Daniel SNAPP Heirs-Solomon Snapp-son-Millerstown; Daniel Snapp, Jr-son- Lena; Benjam in Snapp-son-St paris; Simon Snapp-son- st Paris; Franklin Snapp-son-St Pa ris; Catherine Schum (wife of Jonathan)-dau-St paris; Charles C Snapp-grso n-St paris; Elizabeth Florence garrett-grdau-Logansport, IN; William F Sna pp-grson-Attica KS; Clarence P Kite-grson- Millerstown (heirs of Jonath an Snapp); Leonard Snapp-son- not heard of since 1872; do not know wheth er heirs are living or dead. Dau Catherine Schum all that part of my ho me where I reside west of Carlysle and Bellefontaine Rd S11 Jackson T wp of 60 acres; son Franklin, all remainder of home farm E of Carlisle & B ellefontaine Rd, 92 acres; son Simon 12 acre and 37 acre tract. I have adv anced to Simon $2310; Franklin $1191; Benjamin $2905; Catherine Schum $200 4; William (dec'd) $1133 ( I leave nothing to his heirs); Solomon $1346; D aniel $1599. Wife and heirs of William F Snapp $300 in full of their shar e. Elizabeth garrett $300 full share; grson Charles C Snapp $1300 and und iv 1/4 of 77 acres S11 and he to pay Clarence P Kite $300. Son Solomon San pp executor. Witness, Dessie Stockton, Timothy Stradling, S H Stockton. Si gned 2/20/1886
DANIEL SNAPP, SR., retired farmer; P. O. St. Paris. To another of the ear ly settlers of Jackson Township we are pleased to allot a space in, the bi ographical. album of this work. He was born in Berks Co., Penn., Sep t. 7, 1804, and emigrated to Ohio with his parents at a very early age, pr obably not quite 3 years old ; they settled in Montgomery County, within a bout four miles of Dayton. Daniel was raised to farm life, and shortly aft er his marriage he entered 80 acres of land in Jackson Township, Champai gn County, on which they located in March of 1827. For some time they we re busy in battling with the monarchs of the forest, but succeeded in conv erting the wilds into a comfortable home, and have since added many acr es to their possessions. He now owns a quarter-section, having distribut ed the other among his children. His marriage with Rebecca Barnhart was so lemnized Jan. 1, 1825; she was also a native of Pennsylvania. The followi ng children were the issue of this marriage: Solomon, Rhinard (deceased ), Daniel, William and Leonard (both deceased), Benjamin, Simon, Catharin e, Philip (deceased), and Franklin; these all lived to marry and have fami lies, except Philip, who died at the age of 17 ; Rebecca Snapp departed th is life in June, 1859, having been a member of the German Reformed Chur ch from youth. Daniel has been a life-long member of the Evangelical Luthe ran Church. Several of the children are also identified with the same.
1767 Berks Co, PA TAx List Joseph Schnep, Greenwich Twp= no acreage, no cattle, tax $1
Alton E Harman �tab�23
Jessie B Harman �tab�20 md5y
Virgil Harman �tab�3
Olen Harman �tab�1
Cecil Harman �tab�1/12
son Harley death cert names his mom Jessie Ferguson
3 other children name mother Jesse Ferguson
Gender �tab�Female
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�19 Feb 1889
Birthplace �tab�Center, Noble, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Finley Jeralds
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Martha Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04046-7
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�930098
Reference Number �tab�v 3 p 108
Gender �tab�Male
Baptism/Christening Date �tab�
Baptism/Christening Place �tab�
Birth Date �tab�24 Apr 1872
Birthplace �tab�Henry, Wood, Ohio
Death Date �tab�
Name Note �tab�
Race �tab�White
Father's Name �tab�Joseph Borders
Father's Birthplace �tab�
Father's Age �tab�
Mother's Name �tab�Sarah Evilsizer
Mother's Birthplace �tab�
Mother's Age �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number �tab�C04013-2
System Origin �tab�Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number �tab�422269
Reference Number �tab�v 1 p 102
titles & terms: �tab�
event: �tab�Death
event date: �tab�21 Jun 1921
event place: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
residence: �tab�Jackson Twp., Champaign Co., Ohio
street address: �tab�
gender: �tab�Male
death age: �tab�82y 6m 24d
marital status: �tab�Widowed
race: �tab�W
occupation: �tab�Farmer
birth date: �tab�27 Nov 1838
birthplace: �tab�Ohio
estimated birth year: �tab�1839
burial date: �tab�23 Jun 1921
burial place: �tab�
cemetery: �tab�Newson Chapel
father: �tab�J. L. Edminson
father's titles & terms: �tab�
father's birthplace: �tab�N.Y.
mother: �tab�Mary Weight
mother's titles & terms: �tab�
mother's birthplace: �tab�N.Y.
spouse: �tab�
spouse's titles & terms: �tab�
reference number: �tab�cn 31538
film number: �tab�1991685
digital folder number: �tab�4024996
image number: �tab�2483
Citing this Record "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X8PQ-7YR : accessed 25 Nov 2012), James L Edminson, 1921; citing reference cn 31538, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.
Death Date: �tab�12 Mar 1929
Death Place: �tab�Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�17 May 1851
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�77 years
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�3211 Fairfield
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�13 Mar 1929
Burial Place: �tab�Mechanicsburg, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Oscar S. Cheney
Father's Name: �tab�Thomas P. Bond
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Virginia
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary J. Blue
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991765
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022250
Image Number: �tab�2358
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 21308
Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941
about Ella F. Sluyter
Name: �tab�Ella F. Sluyter
Spouse Name: �tab�George W. Swisher
Marriage Date: �tab�12 Apr 1877
Marriage County: �tab�Marshall
Source Title 1: �tab�Marshall County, Indiana
Source Title 2: �tab�Marriage Records 1836-1888 Books: A1 1836-1845 B1
Source Title 3: �tab�Compiled by Ruth M. Slevin Part I Grooms Part II B
Book: �tab�D
OS Page: �tab�362
(Does not appear in 1860 census as a child of jonathan and Sarah)
Clark co, Obit Index Garver Barbara A 23 2/27/1948 Garver Barbara A 8 2/26/1948
Name: �tab�Lelan S Middleton
Birth Date: �tab�14 Feb 1902
Birth County: �tab�Champaign
Birth State: �tab�Ohio
Birth Country: �tab�United States
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Hispanic Origin: �tab�Not Hispanic (Latino)
Death Date: �tab�15 Apr 1998
Death Time: �tab�07:30 AM
Hospital of Death: �tab�Home
City of Death: �tab�Bowling Green
County of Death: �tab�Wood
Certificate: �tab�035091
Age at Death: �tab�96
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Hospital Status: �tab�Other/Residence
Social Security Number: �tab�289-14-4663
Father's Surname: �tab�Middleton
Mother's Maiden Name: �tab�Best
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Education: �tab�5+ years college
Armed Forces Indicator: �tab�No
Industry of Decedent: �tab�Legal services
Occupation of Decedent: �tab�Lawyers
Primary Registration District: �tab�8701
Name: �tab�Frank B Ray
Birth Date: �tab�1888
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Residence County: �tab�Clark
Residence state: �tab�Ohio
Residence Country: �tab�United States
Death Date: �tab�8 Aug 1976
Hospital of Death: �tab�Rickly Memorial Hosp
City of Death: �tab�Clark County
County of Death: �tab�Clark
Certificate: �tab�062896
Age at Death: �tab�88
Certifier: �tab�Physician
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�29 Aug 1911
Event Place: �tab�SanduskyErie, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�Jesse T Ray
Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother: �tab�Emma K Schell
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Blanche B Hoppe
Spouse's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�Luether B Hoppe
Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�Eleanor Shade
Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�bk14 pg126 cn1440
Film Number: �tab�954133
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4017389
Image Number: �tab�107
Name: �tab�Blanche Alta Ray
Titles & Terms: �tab�
Death Date: �tab�19 Apr 1916
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�25 Oct 1915
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�5 months 24 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Single
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�21 Apr 1916
Burial Place: �tab�N. Hampton, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�Asberry Cem.
Spouse's Name: �tab�
Father's Name: �tab�Jessie E. Ray
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Blanche Hopping
Mother's Titles & Terms: �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1983648
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4021392
Image Number: �tab�288
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 23065
Death Date: �tab�10 Nov 1940
Death Place: �tab�Springfield, Clark, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�04 Nov 1889
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Death Age: �tab�51 years 6 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�RD#1 New Carlisle Rd.
Occupation: �tab�Machinist-Gas Engine Co.
Residence: �tab�Spfld.
Burial Date: �tab�10 Nov 1940
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�Glenn Haven
Spouse's Name: �tab�Hettie Ray
Father's Name: �tab�Jesse Ray
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Champaign Co., Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Emma C. Schell
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Cumberland Co., Pa.
Film Number: �tab�2023883
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4020874
Image Number: �tab�3210
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 65828
Death Date: �tab�08 Mar 1929
Death Place: �tab�Yellow Springs, Greene, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�12 Nov 1849
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�79 years 4 months
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�11 Mar 1929
Burial Place: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�James G. Glenn
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Pence
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Urbana, Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Dugan
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1991765
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4022250
Image Number: �tab�2031
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 20993
John R Walker (1850 - 1903)*
Death Date: �tab�30 Dec 1946
Death Place: �tab�Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
Birth Date: �tab�27 May 1859
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Champaign County, Ohio
Death Age: �tab�87 years 7 months 3 days
Gender: �tab�Female
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�
Residence: �tab�
Burial Date: �tab�
Burial Place: �tab�
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�William John Carson
Father's Name: �tab�Jacob Pence
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�
Mother's Name: �tab�Sarah Dugan
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�
Film Number: �tab�2372965
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4076297
Image Number: �tab�01693
Certificate Number: �tab�73405
Obit/death notice Urbana Daily Citizen 7-Mar-1935 pg 5
death in Olathe, Johnson Co KS the 5th of March 1935 burial is in Olathe Kansas no cemetery mentioned.
Clark County History 1881: Mr. Yeazel in now 71 years of age; has been a r esident of this county and upon the same farm seventy years; has in connec tion with farming, dealt considerably with stock; has been a man of indust ry and integrity of character, and taken a live interest in schools and t he public interests of his township and community. Hasw held the offi ce of School Director twelve years, and Township Trustee four years.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson T wp by Pat Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Sec 6 Twp 3 Range 11 SE 1/4 Mar 23 1892 Frank Snapp to C C Snapp, east half of 49.16 acres exce pt 5.16 acres, Bk 74 Pg 78 SE 1/4 Feb 8 1893 Charles C Snapp to Solomon Snapp, E 1/2 of 49.16 acres e xcept 5.16 acres, Bk 74 Pg 270
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( NE 1/4) (St Paris located in Sec 18) 11 Jan 1894 Charles C Snapp to W F Bollinger, 50 feet x 12 poles Bk75 Pg5 18
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11( SE 1/4) 24 Jan 1889 Frank Snapp to C C Snapp, undivided half of 12 poles x 50 ft B k69 Pg327
Moved to GA in 2/1894
North Carolina Death Certificates, 1909-1975
about Charles Canoll Snepp
Name: �tab�Charles Canoll Snepp
Gender: �tab�Male
Race: �tab�White
Age: �tab�86
Birth Date: �tab�24 May 1856
Birth Place: �tab�St Pauis, Ohio, United States
Death Date: �tab�19 Mar 1943
Death Location: �tab�Blanch, Caswell
Spouse's name: �tab�Mrs. Lonore P Snapp
Father's Name: �tab�Rinhart Snapp
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary Prince
Residence: �tab�Blanche, Caswell, North Carolina
Champaign County Ohio History 1991 by CCGS Biography Pg 246
Elliott Pence, for many years our worthy Township Clerk, has sold his farm to Charles Huntoon, of Johnson Township, and removed to Millerstown. This left a vacancy in the office he had filled so successfully, and the Trustees have appointed in his stead John Taylor, a former clerk.
PENCE ELLIOTT County Name: MIAMI Date of Death: 9/5/1932 Volume Number: 7012 Certificate Number: 54731
Pension applied for 8/31/1867 minor, John D Forge, gdn 3/6/1867 widow applied.
Found in 1850 Mercer Co, OH Census Black Creek Twp pg 292 89/89John Blue 38 OH Eva 35 VA Louisa 10 OH Ezra 8 OH Gabriel 7 OH William 2 OH
1870 Champaign Co, Adams OH pg198A Ezra Blue 26 Sarah 23 Francis 1
WILLIAM E. BLUE Event(s): Birth: 11 JAN 1873 , Champaign, Ohio Parents:
Father: EZRA BLUE Family
Death Date: �tab�13 Jul 1932
Death Place: �tab�Degraff, Logan, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�20 Aug 1843
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�88 years 10 months 7 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Widowed
Race or Color: �tab�American
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�DeGraff, Logan, Ohio
Burial Date: �tab�15 Jul 1932
Burial Place: �tab�...Una
Cemetery Name: �tab�Fair View
Spouse's Name: �tab�Sarah E. Blue (named first wife instead of 2nd)
Father's Name: �tab�John Blue
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Mary J. Cypres
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Film Number: �tab�1992664
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4001628
Image Number: �tab�2351
Certificate Number: �tab�fn 43277
524 - HISTORY OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY OTHER TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Of the Trustees who served the township in its early organization and prev ious to 1840, we find the names of Thomas Cowgill, Sr., Henry Fairchild, S ilas Hale, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Irwin, James Williams, Erastus Burn ba m, Jeremiah Baldwin, James Devore, Sylvanus Smith, James Mitchell, Thom as Lary, Jesse Johnson, Thomas Goode, Sr., St. Leger Beck, Paul Igou, Jo hn Stowe, Aaron Gutridge, Simon Miller, Matthew Mason, John Middleton, Wil liam Organ, John J. Harlan and James Gray. During the same period, the office of Township Treasurer was filled by Tho mas Irwin, Isaac Gray, William Organ, John Miller and Otho Johnson.
Pleasant Run Baptist Church. -This society was organized at Middletown Nov ember 5, 1836, Revs. Thomas J. Price, Daniel Beaver and William Fuson bei ng present. Jesse C. Phillips was made temporary Clerk. Otho Johnson was m ade permanent Clerk on the 3d day of December the same year; and Holdrid ge Chidister and Isaac Wilson were made Deacons the same time. December, 1 838, Otho Johnson was made Superintendent of the work of building a hou se on a lot procured by the committee at a cost of $10.
Otho Johnson built the brick house now occupied by James Hunt, and, with h is brother Barnett, owned the lands comprising the Atkinson farm, extendi ng east to the survey line- Main street, Mingo. In 1833, Otho purchas ed a stock of goods of 0. M. Herron, his nephew, who, a few months befor e, had established a country store on his uncle's premises, and had also e stablished a post office-probably the first in the township-which was call ed Johnson's Store. This enterprise proving unsuccessful, the business a nd post office were abandoned in 1835, and in 1838 Mr. Johnson sold his fa rm to Cephas Atkinson for $25 per acre, and the next year moved to Hanco ck County, Ill., where he died about the year 187 0. Beers pg 538
No Samuel Canull, or variant found in any census, no further record
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) 21 Jun 1854 Samuel and Susanna Batdorf to Jacob Pence, 3.75 acres, S 1 /2 - BkZ Pg 166 11 Feb 1856 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 2 acres, S 1/2 - Bk B2 Pg 67 15 Aug 1860 Jacob Pence to Andrew Pence, 5.5 acres S 1/2 - Bk 32 Pg 159 05 Aug 1869 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 5.5 acres Bk42 Pg 4
1870 Champaign Co, Johnson , OH pg283 jacob 43, Mahala 37, Parry, 16, Levi 13, Marion 12, Amanda 9, Isabelle 7 a nd Jasper 3
Poll Book for Election held in Saint Paris Precint 10-9-1877 for or again st new jail. CCGS Newsletter April 1994 Vol 10 # 2 pg 29 Jacob Pence
CCGS Newsletter Spring 1992 Poll Book St Paris Precinct Johnson Twp 11/2/1 880 Jacob Pence
Census Place:St. Paris, Champaign, Ohio 1880 Source:FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 28 2B Jacob PENCESelfMMW50 OHOcc: FarmerFa: VAMo: VA Mahala PENCEWifeFMW45OHFa: VAMo: OH Perry PENCESonMW25OHFa: OHMo: OH Levi PENCESonMW23OHFa: OHMo: OH Marion PENCESonMW21OHFa: OHMo: OH Manda E. PENCEDauFW19OHFa: OHMo: OH I. J. PENCEDauFW16OHFa: OHMo: OH Jasper PENCESonMSW13OHFa: OHMo: OH Sarah PENCEMotherFW73VAFa: VAMo: VA
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 12 Township 3 Range 11 ( NE 1/4) 21 Jun 1854 Samuel and Susannan Batdorf to Andrew Pence, 2 acres, S 1 /2 Bk Z Pg 165 11 Feb 1856 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 2 acres, S 1/2 - Bk B2 Pg 67 15 Aug 1860 Jacob Pence to Andrew Pence, 5.5 acres S 1/2 - Bk 32 Pg 159 05 Aug 1869 Andrew Pence to Jacob Pence, 5.5 acres Bk42 Pg 4 02 Sep 1893 Quitclaim from Andrew Pence etal to George W verdier, 42.5 acr es, S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec 6 - Bk 75 Pg 228 (Incl 5 acres NE 1/4 sec 12)
Urbana Daily Citizen 3/12/1885 Andrew Pence of Johnson Twp filed for legal separation from wife Eliza Pen ce, gross neglect and extreme cruelty
ANDREW PENCE (Born 22 March 1830; died 11 November 1916) Undated obit fr om an unnamed newspaper Andrew Pence died Saturday at the home of his son, Samuel Pence, nor th of Millerstown. He was past eighty-six years of age, having been born M arch 22, 1830. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. R. Mohler from t he Millerstown Baptist church at 10 o'clock a.m., Monday. Interment was ma de in the Spring Grove Cemetery. He was married to Eliza Ann Gerringer, A pril 22, 1851. To this union were born four sons and four daughters, one d aughter dying in infancy. The wife died about 25 years ago. Besides his ch ildren, he leaves to mourn his loss, eight grandchildren and three great g randchildren. Mrs. John Norman of this place is a daughter. In his acti ve days, he was a liberal supporter of the churches and it can be sa id of him in those days no person who applied to him for favors or assista nce was ever disappointed
Clark 0012 George S Steinberger Husband W 79 Ohio 03350394 0281 Wife Bacta E 76, PENN Son Owin D 53, Ohio Son John B 48, Ohio Granddaughter Lillie May 20, Ohio Grandson James E 12, Ohio 2 non-relatives
Name : George Smith Steinbarger Titles : Death date : 19 Oct 1916 Death place : Marefield Tps., Clark Co.,Ohio Birth date : 10 Aug 1830 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Champaign Co., Oh Age at death : 86 years 2 months 9 days Gender : Male Marital status : Married Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Urbana Pike Occupation : Farmer Residence : Moorfield, Clark, OH Burial date : 23 Oct 1916 Burial place : Springfield, Oh Cemetery name : Ferncliff Cem. Spouse name : Father name : David Steinbarger Father titles : Father birth place : Va Mother name : Elizabeth Pence Mother titles : Mother birth place : GSU film number : 1983756 Digital GS number : 4021397 Image number : 2843 Certificate number : fn 60173 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Springfield Sun April 18, 1910 Caroline BLOSE, daughter of David and Lucy STEINBERGER was born near Urba na March 4, 1838. She departed this life April 9, 1910 aged 72 years one m onth and 5 days. She was married Oct 6, 1857 to John Henry BLOSE of near W estville, Ohio. From this union there were born to them eight children-fo ur sons and four daughters s follows; Rose, Alpha WILLIAMS, Charlie VANLAN DINGHAM, Ollie Estella, wife of Charles K COLLINS, Frank Pendleton, Cly de Edward, Mary Elizabeth, wife of Grant KARG, and Lettie May; also 21 gra ndchildren all of whom excepting Rosa and three of the grandchildren survi ve her to mourn her loss. She with her husband in the year 1858, Augu st 1, were baptized in the faith of and joined the regular Baptist chur ch at Nettle Creek near Westville, Ohio. She has remained a true, humble a nd consistant member thereof ever since, and when her health and circumsta nces permitted she was a regular attendant at all the church services. S he was a true kind and devoted wife and helpmate, and as a mother her lo ve for her children would not be excelled. In her younger and more healthf ul days, it was her great pleasure to attend the church's yearly meetin gs called associations, and also to entertain the members and friends atte nded during such associations when held at her church. She was a quiet a nd kind neighbor and had many warm friends. Her hope of her eternal salvat ion was in her belief in the shed blood of Jesus Christ upon the cro ss of Calvary for cleansing her from all her sins and transgressions. Ther efore are we enabled to believe that our loss is her great gain, and th at she is not dead but has gone forth to meet her Lord and Master in th at realm of eternal bliss and happiness it is hoped her relations and fri ends may meet her. For many years she has been a great sufferer but more e specially for the last few weeks under all of which she has patiently bor ne her burdens. In the later days of her illness her meditations of her co ndition, she said to her husband that a message came to her in a silent la nguage that Jesus still lives.
Age: 67 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0011
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0056
County: Champaign
Relation: Head of Household
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Wife Elizbeth M 65 Ohio Son Biron D 41 Ohio Daughter Carrie 33 Ohio Son Charley G 30 Ohio
Death date: 10 Dec 1915
Death place: Defiance, Defiance, Ohio
Birthdate: 26 Jul 1834
Estimated birth year:
Birthplace: Champaign Co., Ohio
Age at death: 81 years 1 month 14 days
Gender: Female
Marital status: Widowed
Race or color: Caucasian
Street address: 1016 Harrison St., 2 Ward
Occupation: House Maid
Burial date:
Burial place:
Cemetery name:
Spouse's name:
Father's name: Jacob Pence
Father's titles:
Father's birthplace: Germany
Mother's name: Sarah Dugan
Mother's titles:
Mother's birthplace: Scotland
GSU film number: 1983550
Digital GS number: 4025084
Image number: 2734
Reference number: fn 65669
Collection: Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
October 16, 1862
Remains of John Pence, son of Jacob of this vicinity, a member of Capt Rhoads, Co 45th Reg, arrived at depot from KY. He died of complications at Covington 7th inst, aged 24 years
"Died at Covington, KY of typhoid fever in the US Service"
her father in Urbana Twp, Champaign County (he was born 30 Dec 1832, died 28 Dec 1909 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, buried Soldiers Cemetery, Dayton).�/b�
1900 Household lives Mary E Loudenback, granddaughter, b2/1898, OH OH OH
Enumeration of youth between the ages of six and 21 in joint sub-distric ts number 7 & 8 Johnson and Jackson Twps, Champaign Co, Ohio Sept 12, 188 2. Name of Guardian, number of males and females Jason P Kite 4 males no females
KTE JASON P County Name: CHAMPAIGN Date of Death: 3/3/1927 Volume Number: 5293 Certificate Number: 13655
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902, (New York and Chicago The Lewis Publishing Co, 1902), pg243
L. C. LOUDENBACK, farmer; P. O. Urbana; born Sept. 15, 1843; is a son of A llen and Elizabeth (Kiblinger) Loudenback, and a grandson of Daniel and Ma ry (Pence) Loudenback, both natives of Virginia, who were very early settl ers in this county, and did much toward its improvement. He died in 187 5, at the age of 90. His wife is still living, and resides with her son Al len. Nov. 25, 1791, is the date of her birth. Allen and Elizabeth Loudenba ck are the parents of nine children-Daniel, deceased; Martha, wife of A. C offman, resides south of Urbana ; Lewis C. Abraham, living in Mad River To wnship; Jonas, deceased; Sarah, now Mrs J. Brubaker, of Logan Co.; Mary, n ow Mrs. William Snyder, of Logan Co.; William and Elizabeth. She is now Mr s. E. Waid, also of Logan Co. L. C. is an enterprising farmer of Con co rd Township, where he owns 160 acres of land. His farm is in a high sta te of cultivation and is well improved. He is engaged somewhat in raisi ng hogs, and also keeps a good amount of other stock about him. Feb. 22, 1 866, he married Sarah Nighsander. She was born in Mad River Township No v. 4, 1843. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and she of the M. E. Chu rch.
July 13, 1900
Lewis Loudenback, 56 years of age, died at the supper table at his home near Urbana last Monday.
Champaign Co - Patent Deeds Located in Land Deed Indices Johnson Twp by P at Stickley & Denise Kay Moore Oct 2005. Section 18 Township 3 Range 11 To wn of St Paris (St Paris Platted by David Huffman 21 Sep 1831) (There a re several books for lot numbers in St Paris and not all transactions a re represented by this transcription) Lot ? 10/5/1858 Peter Grove to B F Golden, 2.5 acres Bk 30 Pg 535 Lot ? 4/12/1859 David Scott to B F Golden, 7.5 acres Bk 30 Pg577 Lot ? 9/28/1859 B F Golden to Henry Apple, 1.25 acres Bk 31 Pg244 Lot ? 2/3/1860 Henry Apple to B F Golden, 1 acre & 45 poles Bk 31 Pg602 Lot ? 2/3/1860 B F Golden to Henry Apple, 1.25 acres Bk 31 Pg448 Lot 77 4/6/1861 D E Golden to B F Golden, entire lot Bk 32 Pg354 Lot 77 4/23/1861 B F Golden to D E Golden, entire lot Bk 33 Pg213 Lot ? 10/29/1863 Quitclaim from John Huffman et al to B F Golden Bk 34 Pg5 71 Lot ? 11/19/1863 B F Golden to Barbara Brubaker 7.5 acres Bk 34 Pg380 Lot ? 12/28/1863 John Walker to B F Golden, 15 acres Bk 34 Pg574 Lot ? 3/5/1864 John Huffman to B F Golden, undivided half of 70 pol es Bk 36 Pg298 Lot ? 3/12/1864 B F Golden to E C Field, 1.45 acres Bk 34 Pg 540 Lot ? 5/3/1864 Jacob Kemo to B F Golden, 1 acre Bk 35 Pg53 Lot ? 1/8/1866 Quitclaim from Jacob McMorran to B F Golden, 70 pol es Bk 36 Pg557 Lot ? 1/8/1866 B F Golden to John McMorran, .25 acres Bk 37 Pg339 Lot ? 5/2/1866 Quitclaim from George W Huffman etal to B F Golden, strip 1 x8 poles Bk 38 Pg23 Lot ? 11/23/1867 B F Golden to Thomas Y Leedom Bk 40 Pg34 Lot ? 4/3/1868 B F Golden to Thomas Baird, 2 acres Bk 39 Pg562 Lot ? 4/8/1868 B F Golden to Isaiah P Kizer, lot on corner of Walnut and H igh Street Bk 40 Pg525 Lot ? 5/15/1868 Daniel Lemon to B F Golden, strip Bk 42 Pg589 Lot ? 3/17/1869 B F Golden to John J Mission, 98.49 poles Bk 41 Pg88 Lot ? 9/28/1870 B F Golden to Margaret McMarty, 2 acres and 4 pol es Bk 42 Pg600 Lot ? 9/29/1870 A J Davis to B F Golden, .147 acres Bk 42 Pg601 Lot ? 2/21/1879 Quitclaim from B F Golden etal to James K Russell, 84 squa re poles Bk53Pg503 Lot ? 10/3/1879 B F Golden to E H Furrow, strip adjoining lots #20 & # 21 Bk 53 Pg565 Lot ? 12/7/1881 Quitclaim from B F Golden to Ann E Davis, 3.91 acres Jeffe rson Street Bk 57 Pg515 Lot ? 1/21/1882 B F Golden to D W White, 5 x 152 feet strip adjoining Gold en addition Bk58 Pg50
1860 Champaign Co, St Paris
1870 Shawnee Co, Topeka KS
1880 Shawnee Co, Topeka KS
Mary died prior to 1900
Ben was in 1915 census, a widower.
John and Rebecca owned a large tract of land north of Springfie ld in Clark County, Ohio, bordering on the Champaign County Line, throu gh Bowlusville west to Mad River. This Land he divided and gave ea ch of his children a home and acreage where they all resided most of the ir lives. Most of both families are buried in a small cemetery on the pro perty.
According to a 1974 description copied by Martha Meeks and Anne Sn odgrass, Dear's Cemetery is a "small well-cared-for township cemetery enc losed by a chain link fence and located at the SE corner of the intersecti on of County Line Road and River Road. This is the extreme NW corner of M oorefield Twp and is in fact bordered by Champaign County on the north a nd German Twp. on the west."
Name: �tab�Fountain Dear, Jr.
Event: �tab�Marriage
Event Date: �tab�21 Sep 1853
Event Place: �tab�Clark, Ohio
Age: �tab�
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Marriage Date Note: �tab�
Marriage Place Note: �tab�
Father: �tab�John Dear
Father's �tab�
Mother: �tab�
Mother's �tab�
Spouse: �tab�Elizabeth J. Lemen
Spouse's �tab�
Spouse's Age: �tab�
Spouse's Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Spouse's Father: �tab�
Spouse's Father's �tab�
Spouse's Mother: �tab�
Spouse's Mother's �tab�
Reference Number: �tab�p467
Film Number: �tab�466399
Digital Folder Number: �tab�4016780
Image Number: �tab�819
Name : Warder Dear Death date : 23 Feb 1949 Death place : Bethel Twp, Clark, Ohio, United States Birth date : 25 Sep 1871 Estimated birth year : Birth place : Sumersett, Indiana Age at death : 77 years 4 months 28 days Gender : Male Marital status : Race or color : Caucasian Street address : Occupation : Residence : Burial date : Burial place : Cemetery name : Spouse name : Father name : Father titles : unknown Father birth place : Mother name : Mother titles : unknown Mother birth place : GSU film number : 2246584 Digital GS number : 4109127 Image number : 01166 Certificate number : 7077 Collection : Ohio Deaths 1908-1953
Boosinger, Henry Lived in: 3 Ward Springfield, Clark County, Ohio 1900 Series: T623 Microfilm: 1246 Book: 2 Page: 46 widowed living with dau Bessie, listed as father in law
Henry Boosinger
Age: 77 State: OH 1910
Color: W Enumeration District: 0017
Birth Place: Ohio Visit: 0155
County: Champaign
Relation: INMA
Other Residents: Relation Name Color Age Birth Place Head of Household George W Standish W
Groom's Birth Date: �tab�03 Jan 1903
Groom's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Groom's Age: �tab�
Bride's Name: �tab�Emma J Bothwell
Bride's Birth Date: �tab�03 Oct 1909
Bride's Birthplace: �tab�Springfield, Ohio
Bride's Age: �tab�20
Marriage Date: �tab�19 Feb 1930
Marriage Place: �tab�Clark County, Ohio
Groom's Father's Name: �tab�Henry L Carney
Groom's Mother's Name: �tab�Elizabeth Foltz
Bride's Father's Name: �tab�George Bothwell
Bride's Mother's Name: �tab�Genevieve Champane
Groom's Race: �tab�
Groom's Marital Status: �tab�Divorced
Groom's Previous Wife's Name: �tab�
Bride's Race: �tab�
Bride's Marital Status: �tab�Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name: �tab�
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: �tab�M86852-3
System Origin: �tab�Ohio-VR
Source Film Number: �tab�466638
Reference Number: �tab�2:3K615ZV
Death Date: �tab�06 Jul 1935
Death Place: �tab�Jackson Center, Shelby, Ohio
Birth Date: �tab�11 Jun 1859
Estimated Birth Year: �tab�
Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Death Age: �tab�76 years 25 days
Gender: �tab�Male
Marital Status: �tab�Married
Race or Color: �tab�Caucasian
Street Address: �tab�
Occupation: �tab�Farmer
Residence: �tab�Jackson Center, O
Burial Date: �tab�09 Jul 1935
Burial Place: �tab�Plesiss
Cemetery Name: �tab�
Spouse's Name: �tab�Margaret Taylor
Father's Name: �tab�Malachi Taylor
Father's Title & Terms: �tab�
Father's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
Mother's Name: �tab�Malinda Robinson
Mother's �tab�
Mother's Birthplace: �tab�Ohio
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