_John BAKER ____________+ | (1806 - 1896) m 1830 _William M BAKER ____| | (1836 - 1917) m 1861| | |_Eva BRUNER ____________+ | (1809 - 1902) m 1830 | |--Dorinda E BAKER | (1865 - ....) | _Benoni Wilson ROBBINS _+ | | (1799 - 1877) m 1836 |_Abigail ROBBINS ____| (1839 - 1921) m 1861| |_Susanna THOMAS ________+ (1807 - 1901) m 1836
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Pike
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Pike
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Pike
_John K BROWN _________ | (1829 - 1900) m 1853 _William Franklin BROWN _| | (1859 - 1926) m 1880 | | |_Mary Susan BYERS _____ | (1834 - 1894) m 1853 | |--John M BROWN | (1884 - ....) | _John Morgan LAFFERTY _+ | | (1816 - 1895) m 1840 |_Eva Jane LAFFERTY ______| (1853 - 1886) m 1880 | |_Rebecca B LANSDALE ___+ (1821 - 1885) m 1840
1900 Champaign Co, Goshen, OH John K Brown, head, 2/1829, 71, widower, OH VA VA Wagon Maker Harriet E, dau, 5/1854, dau, single Susan R Brown, grdau, 4/1882 OH OH OH John M Brown, grson, 9/1884 Eva M Brown, grdau, 5/1886
_____________________ | _Henry R CARNES _____| | (1899 - 1958) | | |_____________________ | | |--Frederick P CARNES | | _Andrew PARISH ______ | | |_Annabelle PARISH ___| (1903 - 1988) | |_Anna TEMPLE ________
Marriage Records Ohio 1800-1958
Marriage Records Ohio 1800-1958
_Jesse Corwin DUCKWORTH _+ | m 1844 _George King DUCKWORTH _| | (1847 - 1894) m 1869 | | |_Elizabeth KING _________ | m 1844 | |--Willie Kebler DUCKWORTH | (1873 - ....) | _________________________ | | |_Lucy BISHOP ___________| (1840 - ....) m 1869 | |_________________________
_William Allen EVELSIZER _+ | (1875 - 1946) m 1897 _Gordon Howard EVELSIZER _| | | | |_Lillie SCHAFER __________ | (1878 - 1961) m 1897 | |--Andrea Faye EVELSIZER | | __________________________ | | |_Maxine INBODY ___________| (1920 - ....) | |__________________________
_John MCGEEVER ______ | (1811 - 1869) _Thomas MCGEEVER _________| | (1854 - ....) m 1880 | | |_Margaret ___________ | (1810 - 1889) | |--Ida EVILSIZER | (1878 - ....) | _Allen E EVILSIZER __+ | | (1814 - 1893) m 1851 |_Theresa Belle EVILSIZER _| (1857 - 1934) m 1880 | |_Abigail CAVENDER ___+ (1820 - 1885) m 1851
_Johannes " Ol' Jakob" EVELSHEIMER ______+ | (1757 - 1830) m 1777 _Henry EVILSIZER ________________| | (1780 - 1846) m 1798 | | |_Anna Elizabeth (MAIDEN NAME NOT KNOWN) _ | m 1777 | |--Jacob EVILSIZER | (1801 - 1859) | _________________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" (Eitel) IDLE _| (1784 - 1843) m 1798 | |_________________________________________
Jacob Evilsizer -10010-10100
3/12/1831--David Pence (Tabitha's brother) sold land to �b�Jacob Evelsizer�/b� Section 25 Twp 3 Range 12 Johnson Twp SW 1/4 40 acres
4/12/1836 Section 25 Twp 3 Range 12 Johnson Twp SW 1/4 40 acres Bk N pg 93
�b�Jacob Evilsizer�/b� To Joseph Sibert This indenture made the twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six between Jacob Evilsizer and Hannah Evilsizer his wife of the County of Champaign and State of Ohio of the first part, and Joseph Sibert of the County and State aforesaid of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said Jacob Evilsizer and Hannah his wife for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars lawful money of the United States to them in hand well and truly paid by the s aid Joseph Sibert the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold aliened, released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien release convey and confirm unto the said Joseph Sibert his heirs and assigns forever all the following describ ed tract or parcel of land situate .... being in the County of Champaign a nd State of Ohio .... in the South west? ....twenty five, township three and range twelve bet...................... .... undivided fourth part of said quarter containing forty acres lyi ng in the north east corner of said quarter. and all the estate .... title interest claim and demand? of them the said Jacob Evilsizer and Hann ah his wife of .... and to the said premises and every part thereof together with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in any wise appertaining and the ...., issues and profits thereof. To have and to hold the premises hereby bargained and sold or .. .. or interred? is to be with the appurtenances to the only proper use and behoof of the said Joseph Sibert his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Jacob Evilsizer and Hannah his wife for their heirs executors and administrators do promise, covenant and agree to and with the said Joseph Sibert his heirs executors administrators and assigns that they are the true and lawful owners of the premises hereby granted, and have a good right, full power and lawful authority to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid: And further that they the said Jacob Evilsizer and Hannah his wife their heirs and executors and administrators will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises with their appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof with the said Joseph Sibert his heirs and assigns against all persons claiming or to claim by from or under them or any of them or by from or under any other person or persons whomsoe ver. In witness whereof the said Jacob Evilsizer and Hannah wife of said Jacob Evilsizer who hereby relinquishes all her right and claim of dower in and to the premises have hereunto let their hands and seal, the d ay and year first above written. Signed in the presence ofJacob Evilsizer X his mark S.G. Brecount ..... Hbrel?Hannah Evilsizer X her mk
[394] Champaign Co, Johnson, OH
[396] -01010-21010-pg332
HH14�b� Jacob Evlsizer,�/b� 50, farmer $500, VA
Hannah, 27, OH
Lafayette, 6, OH
Warren, 5, OH
Donah, 2 IN
Jay Co Probate records Pg 456 May 28, 1859 No 70
Preston Shields appointed adm of estate of Jacob Evilsizer, deceased.
State of Indiana, County of Jay We William Schruck and J E Hartman swear that we will honestly appraise the personal estate of �b�Jacob Evilsizer�/b�, deceased, which may be exhibit ed to us, so help us God Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th Day of May, 1859. J H Wilson, JP An inventory of the personal estate of Jacob Evilsizer deceased, tak en by Preston Sheilds, Administrator, and appraised by Wm Shruck and J Hartman.
1 Gray Mare15.00Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 white cow18.00Geo M Clore, security Chas W Clore
1 pr...c..d cow 8.00Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 white back cow12.00" " "
1 2 year old stag 9.00John Thompson, security Chas W Clore
1 yearling steer 6.00Levi Harkman, security Geo Whitsel
6 other hogs12.00Hannah Evilsizer,Widow/ Wm Shields
(3) 1 old wagon 4.00Abram Dixon, security C D Dakin
1 farming mill 2.00Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
2 sets of harness 2.00" " "
1 Bareshear Plow .50" " "
2 shovel plows 1.00" " "
1 chea?sc..y 2 sun.g.l tree .25" " "
3 hose, 3 axes .50" " "
2 plows and 2 axes1.00James Wilson, security James Hartman
1 shaving nife .10Hannah Evilsizer-Widow
1 old coin .10" " "
1 lot of old dron.s,1 jea.rnems .25
1 iron wedge .20Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 brock and 4 irons .50
1 sythe and cradle .50Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 cross cut saw .50James Wilson
1 mowing sythe .50Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 " " .50D W Hunt, cash
1 pump stock .25Thomas Cassel, security Leonard Evilsizer
1 mare saddle .25Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
1 big spinning wheel .10" " "
5 head sheep2.50" " "
1 brown horse20.00" " "
2 IRON KETTLES 1.50" " "
1 cooking stove 3.00" " "
1 cooking skillet .25" " "
1 lot of pot metal? .75James Wilson, security James Hartman
1 rifle gun and pouch6.00 Albert Clore, security Chas W Clore
1 " " "2.00 Joseph Craig
2 pure bred studs2.00 Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
2 beds and bedding5.00" " "
1 plain bureau1.00" " "
1 cubbard and ware5.00" " "
1 common ding table1.50" " "
1 chest .25" " "
7 split bottom chairs .70" " "
B C Slack note3.00
J H Daly note7.00
H C Nigh? note8.70
Elizabeth Bishop note11.00
Notes- J .ct? Thenning? 581.90
1 d.ne. three quarters 2.00Hannah Evilsizer, Widow
2 lots of wheat 1.00" " "
TOTAL 771.16
1 Choice bee?s5.05Thomas Cassel-not inventoried
Received of Preston Shield Administrator of the estate of my late husband, Jacob Evilsizer, deceased, the articles to me in the foregoing inventory the 28th day of May, 1859. Hannah Evelsizer
State of Indiana, Jay County, I Preston Shields Administrator of the estate of Jacob Evilsizer Deceased, swear that the foregoing is a true and cor rect inventory of all the personal estate of said decedent which ca me to my knowledge and a l..w of the property taken by the ...iam.. on t he 28th day of May, 1859. Preston Shields, Subscribed and sworn to June 11, 1859, Ira Dewey.(recorded in Book No 1 page 221)
I Preston Shields Administrator of the estate of Jacob Evilsizer decease d, report to the court of Common pleas the following final settlement acc ount whole amount of personal property as per inventory file... 768.66
I Preston Shields Administrator of the estate of Jacob Evilsizer deceased, report to the court of Common pleas the following final settlement account whole amount of personal property as per inventory file... 768.66
I am chargeable per inventory of Personal Property 768.66
Property not inventoried 43.00
Interest on notes taken at sale 6.08
Interest on all other claims 23.90
Excep sale over appraisement 43.42
Worthless claims collected 1.25
I claim credits for the following disbursements Property taken and cash paid by
widow 300.00 "
L Robinson 8.00 "
B W Hawkins 15.84 "
H Z Inkins 8.62 "
Levi Hartman 1.00 "
Wm G Sutton .50 "
Wm Schrack, appraiser .50 "
J E Hartman .50 "
Joseph Hartman
1.00 Paid to C Smith,
Clerk .75 "
Wm McCormack 4.50 "
James Wilson .50 "
J A Henning 17.00 "
Mary Gallen 15.00 "
J A Henning 6.00 "
John King 2.30 "
B W Hawkins fees 14.50 "
J W Heading atty fees 5.00
Retained my fees as administrator 15.00
Paid B W Hawkins on James Wilson claim 5.00
Leaving a balance undisposed of which is herewith deposited with the clerk , all of which contains a full statement of all the estate of said decedent for which i am chargeable and the credits to which i am entitled. Preston Shields.BALANCE 464.80 Subscribed and sworn to me this 12 day of July AD 1861
Champaign Co- Cemetery Records by Denise Kay Moore
Winters Cemetery
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Vol D pg84
_John FANSLER _______+ | (1813 - ....) m 1833 _George FANSLER _____| | (1837 - 1877) | | |_Catherine OREBAUGH _ | (1811 - ....) m 1833 | |--Emma Catherine FANSLER | (1867 - 1953) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah NEESE ________| (1833 - 1875) | |_____________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
_____________________ | _Charles M FIELDS ___| | m 1887 | | |_____________________ | | |--Glenn M FIELDS | (1887 - ....) | _Martin WELLS _______+ | | (1816 - 1891) m 1837 |_Ada Irene WELLS ____| (1860 - 1926) m 1887| |_Permelia FLOWERS ___+ (1820 - 1900) m 1837
_William R GORDON ___ | m 1829 _Harrison GORDON ______| | (1838 - 1915) m 1864 | | |_Delilah MILLER _____ | m 1829 | |--Catherine (Shank) GORDON | | _John CALLISON ______+ | | (1813 - 1878) m 1836 |_Martha Jane CALLISON _| (1845 - 1922) m 1864 | |_Sarah RICHARDS _____ (1817 - 1848) m 1836
__ | _Jacob HOLL _________| | (1846 - 1924) | | |__ | | |--Alma Shelter HOLL | (1889 - ....) | __ | | |_Angeline Anna HEIL _| (1848 - 1918) | |__
________________________ | _Loren Guy HORD _____| | (1889 - 1968) m 1932| | |________________________ | | |--Donald M HORD | | _John Luther OVERFIELD _+ | | (1880 - 1972) m 1905 |_Bertha I OVERFIELD _| (1908 - 1991) m 1932| |_Minnie Belle JACK _____ (1887 - 1965) m 1905
_Johannes EITEL _____ | _Martin EITEL __________| | (1754 - 1835) m 1778 | | |_Elizabeth __________ | | |--Sarah? IDLE | (1800 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth BROOKS _| m 1778 | |_____________________
_Elijah JENKINS _____+ | (1833 - 1922) m 1855 _John Jessie JENKINS _| | (1857 - 1925) m 1892 | | |_Mary Jane JOHNSON __ | (1835 - 1907) m 1855 | |--Daughter (Miller) JENKINS | | _Leonard BARGER _____+ | | (1830 - 1907) m 1852 |_Sarah Della BARGER __| (1864 - 1930) m 1892 | |_Elizabeth WHITMORE _+ (1832 - 1913) m 1852
__ | _Samuel (Noll) KNULL _| | (1798 - 1854) m 1826 | | |__ | | |--Daniel KNULL | (1831 - 1895) | __ | | |_Catherine WALBORN ___| (1804 - 1870) m 1826 | |__
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_John LUTZ __________ | (1806 - 1890) m 1828 _Josiah LUTZ __________| | (1831 - 1916) m 1880 | | |_Hannah NEESE _______ | (1807 - 1885) m 1828 | |--Naomi Theo LUTZ | (1884 - 1976) | _William Wise LEE ___+ | | (1810 - 1885) m 1832 |_Margaret Loretta LEE _| (1854 - 1913) m 1880 | |_Susannah BLOSE _____+ (1815 - 1880) m 1832
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
_Reuben Harvey PICKERING _+ | (1824 - 1905) _Hiram S PICKERING ___| | (1848 - 1879) m 1869 | | |__________________________ | | |--Izola Lurenia PICKERING | (1870 - 1941) | _German HALL _____________+ | | (1809 - 1890) m 1828 |_Anne Elizabeth HALL _| (1846 - 1919) m 1869 | |_Ruth NEWCOMB ____________+ (1812 - 1869) m 1828
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_James RUSSELL ______ | (1791 - 1862) m 1817 _William Theodore RUSSELL _| | (1819 - 1897) m 1854 | | |_Mary KENTON ________+ | (1794 - 1851) m 1817 | |--Elizabeth Catherine RUSSELL | (1862 - 1933) | _____________________ | | |_Emily Jane SCOTT _________| (1832 - 1907) m 1854 | |_____________________
_Sampson TALBOTT ____ | (1767 - 1846) m 1798 _Demovil TALBOTT ____| | (1810 - 1889) m 1832| | |_Jane KENTON ________+ | (1773 - 1812) m 1798 | |--Joseph C TALBOTT | (1835 - 1930) | _Daniel SNYDER ______+ | | (1788 - 1849) m 1809 |_Sarah SNYDER _______| (1815 - 1848) m 1832| |_Barbara PENCE ______+ (1789 - 1866) m 1809
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
_____________________ | _James TAPPY ________| | (1797 - 1874) m 1817| | |_____________________ | | |--Charles TAPPY | (1824 - ....) | _John GRAVES ________ | | (.... - 1817) |_Sarah GRAVES _______| (1787 - ....) m 1817| |_____________________
_Jesse TARBUTTON ____ | (1817 - 1849) m 1837 _Jesse TARBUTTON ________| | (1844 - 1923) m 1870 | | |_Abigail MOWERY _____ | (1814 - 1901) m 1837 | |--Jessie Carrie TARBUTTON | (1871 - 1928) | _Henry RUNYAN _______+ | | (1809 - 1891) m 1832 |_Mahala Florence RUNYAN _| (1848 - 1918) m 1870 | |_Rachel JONES _______+ (1815 - 1853) m 1832
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_William R THOMAS ___+ | (1825 - 1905) m 1849 _Marion Watts THOMAS _| | (1865 - 1916) m 1885 | | |_Emily E WATTS ______ | (1828 - 1903) m 1849 | |--John Waldo THOMAS | (1890 - 1952) | _Joshua W BOHRER ____+ | | (1820 - 1873) m 1849 |_Ida L BOYER _________| (1865 - 1933) m 1885 | |_Margaret GARD ______+ (1827 - 1915) m 1849
Ohio Marriages LDS
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Joseph Colville VANCE _+ | (1786 - 1852) m 1807 _Alexander Franklin VANCE _| | (1811 - 1889) m 1835 | | |_Mary LEMMON ___________+ | (1791 - 1869) m 1807 | |--Mary Eliza VANCE | (1844 - 1888) | _William WARD __________+ | | (1785 - 1841) m 1817 |_Mary Rebecca WARD ________| (1818 - 1906) m 1835 | |_Elizabeth HUGHES ______+ (1797 - 1878) m 1817
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_William M VORPE _______ | _Elmer Chesney VORPE _| | (1876 - 1953) m 1915 | | |_Phylene Jane RUPPERT __ | | |--Kathleen VORPE | | _Carlton Vincent BODEY _+ | | (1873 - 1964) m 1893 |_Blanch B BODEY ______| (1894 - 1981) m 1915 | |_Minnie Mae AMMON ______+ (1874 - 1903) m 1893
_Emanuel XANDERS ____+ | (1852 - 1931) m 1875 _Wilbur C XANDERS ___| | (1879 - 1956) m 1905| | |_Elnora LORTON ______ | (1855 - 1886) m 1875 | |--Helen S XANDERS | (1908 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Veta M FENTON ______| (1880 - 1971) m 1905| |_____________________