__ | _Henry Resan ARBOGAST _| | (1815 - ....) m 1839 | | |__ | | |--Joanna ARBOGAST | (1857 - 1945) | __ | | |_Susan CLYMER _________| (1815 - ....) m 1839 | |__
_Jacob ARNEY ________ | (1778 - 1848) m 1805 _John ARNEY _____________| | (1816 - 1881) m 1837 | | |_Nancy Martha SMITH _ | (1771 - 1819) m 1805 | |--Elizabeth Ellen ARNEY | (1844 - ....) | _Ambrose GRAFTON ____+ | | (1792 - 1866) m 1817 |_Margaret Brown GRAFTON _| (1818 - 1854) m 1837 | |_Elizabeth KELLY ____+ (1799 - 1881) m 1817
__ | _Ervin BAILES _______| | (1887 - ....) m 1905| | |__ | | |--Deward B BAILES | (1905 - 1957) | __ | | |_Minnie BISHOP ______| m 1905 | |__
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
__ | _Franklin C BERRY ___| | (1866 - 1930) m 1888| | |__ | | |--Forest G BERRY | (1899 - ....) | __ | | |_Mary Della TURNER __| (1869 - 1943) m 1888| |__
Frank Louden �tab�40
Maud Louden �tab�38
Verne Louden �tab�12 son
Maurice Louden �tab�9 son
Mildred Berry �tab�18 dau
Forrest Berry �tab�20 son in law
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
__ | _Andrew Gilbert BIRT _| | (1885 - 1964) m 1906 | | |__ | | |--Marion BIRT | (1911 - 1982) | __ | | |_Margaret E PATTON ___| (1880 - ....) m 1906 | |__
154 State Rd 53
Willard C Evilsizor, head, 26 md21 rent home own radio, farmer
Olive L, wife, 22 md17 OH OH OH
Clarence R, son, 4y7m OH
Virgie D, dau, 3y 3m
Violet D, dau 1y8m
Marion B Birt, bro in law, 18 single, OH
_Alexander BLACK ____ | (1765 - 1854) m 1793 _Samuel Crockett BLACK _| | (1809 - 1872) m 1837 | | |_Jane CROCKETT ______ | (1770 - 1849) m 1793 | |--Alexander H BLACK | (1840 - 1919) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Ann GRANT ________| (1818 - 1892) m 1837 | |_____________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Michael BLUE ________________ | (1704 - 1786) _William BLUE _______| | (1724 - ....) | | |_Helen (Elinor) VAN BARKELOO _ | (1708 - 1768) | |--Cornelius BLUE | (1763 - 1840) | _Frederick BLEW ______________ | | |_Margaret BLEW ______| (1733 - ....) | |______________________________
[37738] Mark Carey �u�[email protected]�/u� (Isabelle)
Cornelius Blue 011101-10100
n/d John Blue 000010-0010
close proximity
Henry Evilsizer (son Jacob married Hannah Blue d/o Cornelius)
Hannah is living with sister Isabelle in Mitchell HH.
Close proximity Elisha Mitchell (wife Isablle Blue, d/o Cornelius)
0 males under 10 �b�? This would make Harrison born after the census
�/b�1 male 10 under 16 �b�? born between 1804 and 1810 Could this possible be The Uriah born 1807 in 1850 census who possibly was the Uriah who died in Van Wert, Ohio?
�/b�1 male 16 under 18 �b�? Zachariah born 1800?
�/b�1 male 18 under 26 �b�- Lemuel born 1801?
�/b�1 male 45 or older �b�- Cornelius
1 female 10 or under �b�-Hannah Born 1807
�/b�1 female 16 under 26 �b�- wife Anna Blue
1 male under five �b�- (born between 1830 - 1825) Harvey
�/b�1 male five and under 10 �b�- (born 1825 and 1820) Harrison
�/b�0 male 10 and under 15 -
0 males 15 and under 20 -
1 male thirty and under forty - �b�(born 1800 and 1810) Uriah again? Still at home? But he is not mentioned in his father's will? So I do not feel he was (insane)
�/b�1 male sixty and under seventy �b�- Cornelius 67
there is a mark under the column for under five - but I am not sure if that was a number or someone trying to take it off?
1 female 5 under 10 - Edna
1 female 10 and under 15 ? (1815-1820)�b�
�/b�1 female 30 and under 40 - Anna Blue
Sec 33 Twp 4 Range 11 Mad River Twp
2 acres part of SE 1/4 Bk L Pg494
IGI-Mormon Library
__ | _William Kelsey CHATFIELD _| | (1792 - 1864) m 1817 | | |__ | | |--Ellen Vance CHATFIELD | (1836 - 1858) | __ | | |_Elizabeth HULL ___________| (1802 - 1842) m 1817 | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
__ | _Johann Conrad Klemm CLEM _| | (1678 - 1754) | | |__ | | |--Eva Magaretha CLEM | (1710 - 1748) | __ | | |_Maria Agnes ______________| | |__
__ | _Joseph DILTZ _______| | (1752 - 1824) | | |__ | | |--Wesley DILTZ | (1801 - 1882) | __ | | |_Mary Ann JARRARD ___| (1760 - ....) | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_Aquilla DORSEY _____ | (1729 - ....) _Charles DORSEY _____| | (1760 - 1811) | | |_____________________ | | |--Eunice DORSEY | (1797 - 1869) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth ANKORS ___| (1763 - 1832) | |_____________________
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Chancery Records Vol 2
_Thomas HAMILTON ____ | (1811 - 1870) m 1838 _Oliver Deaton HAMILTON _| | (1847 - 1887) m 1877 | | |_Mary J DEATON ______+ | (1819 - 1900) m 1838 | |--George O HAMILTON | (1884 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Josephine EYLER ________| (1850 - 1935) m 1877 | |_____________________
_John Wesley HITT ________+ | (1801 - 1877) m 1827 _James Benjamin HITT ___| | (1848 - 1933) m 1886 | | |_Elizabeth CLARK _________ | (1802 - 1875) m 1827 | |--Maurice HITT | (1888 - ....) | _Joseph Carter VALENTINE _ | | (1826 - 1904) m 1853 |_Elizabeth P VALENTINE _| (1859 - 1944) m 1886 | |_Ellen HARBERT ___________ (1829 - 1914) m 1853
_Christian HOAK _____+ | (1815 - ....) m 1839 _Joshua HOAK _________________| | (1839 - 1914) m 1866 | | |_Susannah PENCE _____+ | (1814 - ....) m 1839 | |--Nellie F HOAK | (1887 - ....) | _Josiah EVERETT _____ | | (1791 - 1871) m 1848 |_Martha Jane (Everett) JONES _| (1845 - 1914) m 1866 | |_Mary Ann JONES _____ (1810 - ....) m 1848
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
_Jacob IDLE _________+ | (1791 - 1876) m 1821 _William IDLE _________| | (1832 - 1907) m 1855 | | |_Jane WOOD __________ | (1795 - 1843) m 1821 | |--George Wesley IDLE | (1861 - 1924) | _Willoughby W HEATH _ | | (1805 - 1879) m 1826 |_Rachel Arminta HEATH _| (1839 - 1872) m 1855 | |_Prudence ROGERS ____ (1804 - 1873) m 1826
56/56 William Idle 5/1832, head, OH VA VA
Daimenta, wife, 7/1844 M27years 2/2
Ellen, dau,7/1881 Leona, dau, 10/1882
next hosehold 57/57
George W Idle 10/1861
Ellen, wife, 4/1867 M15y 6/5
William S, sin, 1/1888
George R, son, 1/1891
Grover Lee, son, 2/1893
Nettie O, dau, 10/1885
Herby H, son, 3/1898
43/43 Frank Idle 7/1855 45 md24y
Dellia, wife, 6/1859,40, 7/5
William, son, 8/1875
Teel?, son, 2/1882
Ray,, son, 9/1889
Vance, son, 12/1892
Liddie, grandmother 12/1831, widow,3/1 VA VA VA
Myrtle, dau, 6/1882
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
came to Ohio with parents when aged 10. wife and 7 children living
William Kimbro, 20 TX
Sarah J 19, MO
Ancesteral File Number 19ql-915-Idata V Auble
Birth Record-County Records
_William LEASE ______+ | (1796 - 1875) _Jacob LEASE ________| | (1824 - 1897) m 1850| | |_Susan HUDSON _______+ | (1805 - 1876) | |--Matthew LEASE | (1859 - ....) | _Matthew WILSON _____ | | (1795 - 1864) m 1826 |_Sarah WILSON _______| (1831 - 1889) m 1850| |_Hester DEVORE ______+ (1806 - 1867) m 1826
_Philander LEE _____________+ | (1836 - 1900) m 1859 _Amos Riley LEE ___________| | (1867 - 1953) m 1890 | | |_Maria "Marriah" EVILSIZOR _+ | (1839 - 1917) m 1859 | |--Roger William LEE | (1896 - ....) | _Milton VAN HORN ___________ | | |_Enola Elizabeth VAN HORN _| (1866 - 1953) m 1890 | |_Hannah EMERSON ____________
_Joseph LONGFELLOW __ | (1766 - 1865) m 1826 _Charles LONGFELLOW _| | (1840 - ....) | | |_Martha HULL ________ | (1796 - 1864) m 1826 | |--William LONGFELLOW | (1856 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Edra _______________| (1840 - ....) | |_____________________
__ | _George MILAKOVIC ___| | (1865 - 1920) | | |__ | | |--Anna MILAKOVIC | (1904 - 1975) | __ | | |_Katherine __________| (1868 - 1956) | |__
1409 Wadsworth Ave
George Molockwich 44 head, Austria, m1x m4y mmig 1890, fireman in sugar refinery
Katy Molockwich �tab�40 wife 4 ch 4 living, Austria immig 1901
Annie Molockwich �tab�5 dau IL
Ella Molockwich �tab�4 dau IL
Daniel Molockwich �tab�7 son IL
Ongelia Molockwich �tab�2 dau IL
Martha Herget �tab�18 dau m1x m2y 1/1 Austria
Martha Hervet �tab�[5/12] granddau b IL
306 S Avenue
George Milakowich �tab�55 immig 1891 PA, Austria, laborer
Kath* Milakowich �tab�53 wife, IL
Daniel Milakowich �tab�17 son IL packing tannery
Annie Milakowich �tab�15 dau IL
Helen Milakowich �tab�14 dau IL
Molina Milakowich �tab�12 dau IL
Frances Milakowich �tab�8 dau IL
Andrew Duskan �tab�33
Social Security Application
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
_Gottlieb PRINTZ ____ | (1752 - 1807) _Philip PRINCE ______| | (1778 - 1860) m 1804| | |_Magdalene CRUMM ____ | (.... - 1811) | |--Martin PRINCE | (1806 - 1884) | _Martin COMER _______+ | | (.... - 1817) |_Catherine COMER ____| (1784 - 1850) m 1804| |_Mary MAGDALENE _____
Champaign Co- Cemetery Records by Denise Kay Moore
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_Samuel Jason SNAPP _______________+ | (1848 - 1941) m 1881 _Charles Cleveland SNAPP _| | (1884 - 1960) m 1906 | | |_Ann Jacinthia (or Cynthia) SMITH _+ | (1856 - 1915) m 1881 | |--Esther Marie SNAPP | (1915 - 2000) | _Albert Thackery LEONARD __________+ | | (1864 - 1940) m 1884 |_Cora Alice LEONARD ______| (1887 - 1974) m 1906 | |_Emma SHAFFER _____________________ (1865 - 1955) m 1884
__ | _John TROYER ________| | (1805 - 1889) | | |__ | | |--Joseph TROYER | (1849 - ....) | __ | | |_Elizabeth YODER ____| (1811 - ....) | |__
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G