__ | _James ABBOTT _______| | (1815 - 1876) m 1839| | |__ | | |--Jesse M ABBOTT | (1847 - 1905) | __ | | |_Matilda VEACH ______| (1822 - 1882) m 1839| |__
The Champaign Rangers was in impropmtu Company, raised here on the first call for men to defend the Queen City. They left Urbana on the 4th inst and returned on the 9th. The danger having passed, they were honorably discharged, and returned without the loss of a man, and with only two on the sick list. Capt Vance will hold his Company in readiness for any emergency, and wo-betide the enemy that may heppen to come within range of their trusty rifles.
Jesse Abbott
SE 1/4 Sec 2 Twp 3 Range 12
Jeremiah A Carmony to Jesse M Abbott, 20 acres except 2 acres Bk 51 Pg242
SE 1/4 Sec 2 Twp 3 Range 12
Jesse M Abbott to Sarah C Carmony, 20 acres in SE corner Bk 51 Pg398
Pensions Granted through Jeriemiah's Cain's agency since June 1889
Jesse M Abbott, Millerstown
CCGS Newsletter
CCGS Newsletter
_Thomas ALEXANDER ___ | (1797 - ....) m 1821 _Robert Bruce ALEXANDER _| | (1824 - 1890) m 1848 | | |_Esther MILLER ______ | (1801 - ....) m 1821 | |--Thomas Calvin ALEXANDER | (1853 - 1928) | _Enoch POLAND _______+ | | (1798 - 1872) m 1814 |_Mary Jane POLAND _______| (1827 - ....) m 1848 | |_Mary HARPER ________ (1791 - 1843) m 1814
_Johann Gotlieb BAMBACH _____+ | (1812 - 1890) m 1840 _Gotlieb George BAMBACH ______________| | (1840 - 1926) m 1863 | | |_Barbara BORTZMEYER _________+ | (1806 - 1876) m 1840 | |--Ida Bertha BAMBACH | (1869 - 1957) | _Phillip Frederich HANSTEIN _ | | (1800 - 1864) m 1833 |_Anna Margarethe "Gretchen" HANSTEIN _| (1839 - 1917) m 1863 | |_Margaret LUTZ ______________ (1807 - 1859) m 1833
_Ansel BATES ________ | (1772 - 1859) _Jesse S BATES ______| | (1797 - ....) m 1818| | |_Temperence COLEMAN _ | (1778 - 1850) | |--John V BATES | (1824 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Hannah OWEN ________| (1800 - ....) m 1818| |_____________________
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_Nelson Raper BLUE _____+ | (1829 - 1898) m 1853 _James Irvin BLUE ___| | (1860 - 1926) m 1887| | |_Mary Margaret SHAFFER _+ | (1837 - 1899) m 1853 | |--Hazel Mae BLUE | (1895 - 1986) | _William NITCHMAN ______+ | | (1836 - 1914) m 1860 |_Ida Ellen NITCHMAN _| (1863 - 1929) m 1887| |_Mary Catherine SNAPP __+ (1842 - 1867) m 1860
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
__ | _John DOMER _________| | (1798 - ....) m 1826| | |__ | | |--Elizabeth DOMER | (1829 - ....) | __ | | |_Sarah WHITE ________| (1799 - ....) m 1826| |__
_Marvin Harold EVILSIZER _+ | (1906 - 1979) m 1938 _Marvin Harold EVILSIZER _| | (1940 - 1981) | | |_Mildred CAHILL __________+ | (1916 - 2012) m 1938 | |--Stacey Lee EVILSIZER | | __________________________ | | |_Patricia Ann HOGAN ______| | |__________________________
TX Birth Records
_Kermit Elwood EVILSIZOR _+ | (1917 - 2012) _Thomas Eugene EVILSIZOR _| | | | |_Sadie SETSOR ____________+ | | |--Julie Lynn EVILSIZOR | | _Delbert YOHO ____________ | | |_Susan Della YOHO ________| | |_Louise STOCKSTILL _______
_Joseph FORD ________+ | (1781 - 1851) m 1803 _Maley FORD _________| | (1822 - 1850) m 1845| | |_Catherine SNELL ____ | (1781 - 1858) m 1803 | |--Harriett Ann FORD | (1845 - 1925) | _John SIBERT ________ | | (1787 - 1850) |_Mary Ann SIBERT ____| (1821 - 1884) m 1845| |_Catherine BOWERS ___ (1790 - 1850)
Harriet Evans, head, 8/1845, 54, md, m33y 3/2 OH OH VA
Walter, son, 11/1877, 22, single, OH OH OH, Clerk
Rebecca Romine, boarding, 12/1827, 72, widow PA PA PA
Record Book 24, Page 387- Filed I April 1852-
Petition to Sell Land Matthias Slygh and Joseph Ford, Administrators of Joseph Ford Sr. deceased vs Catharine Ford et al Joseph Ford Senior died seized of 122 acres of land in Section 20 Township 5, Range 11 (Salem Township). He left the following heirs: Catharine Ford, widow; James Ford of Allen County, Ohio; Mary or Nancy L. Ford, wife of ... Clifton of Allen County; Joseph Ford; Christiana Ford, wife of Matthias H. Slygh and the heirs of Maley Ford, deceased: Harriet Ann and Henry Ford.
Woodstock PO HH375
Milton Evans, farmer, 24 $575, OH
Hattie, 22, OH
Frank, 2, OH
Book D pg235 Will of Nathan Bishop Little probated 9 Aug 1876 Goshen Twp farmer and Minister of the Gospel.Wife Mary Ann Seibert Little the farm of 118 acres Goshen Twp; sons Henry A, George B, Luther L and John T Little; daus Mary E Chaney, and Martha A Little; grson Frederick Bishop Little-twin son of Luther; John Thomas Little the manuscripts. Mentions Henry S Ford and Harriett Ann Ford Evans. Relationship? Wife mary Ann executor-Witness John H Clarke, J E Hunter will signed 28 Jun 1875.
FHL Film 1254998 National Archives Film T9-0998 Page 22 4C
Mary A. LITTLE Self F W W 57 VA Fa: VA Mo: VA
Hattie A. EVANS Dau F S W 34 OH Fa: OH Mo: VA
Frank S. EVANS GSon M S W 12 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH
Walter R. EVANS GSon M S W 3OH Fa: OH Mo: OH
Henry S. FORD Son M M W 31 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH
Ettie D. FORD DauL F M W 26 OH Occ:Keeping House Fa: OH Mo: OH
Sarah FORD GDau F S W 7 OH Fa: OHMo: OH
M. V. B. FORD GSon M S W 5 OH Fa: OH Mo: OH
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Death Certificate
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Ohio Marriages LDS
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_William Hamilton HUFF _+ | (1824 - 1911) m 1845 _James Elias HUFF ___| | (1845 - 1934) m 1867| | |_Sarah Ann GRAHAM ______ | (1830 - 1910) m 1845 | |--Cora Alice HUFF | (1890 - ....) | ________________________ | | |_Susan Ellen NELSON _| (1847 - 1936) m 1867| |________________________
_Andrew KIMBALL _____ | (1750 - 1824) _Ira Andrew KIMBALL _| | (1781 - 1822) m 1800| | |_Abigail RUSSELL ____ | (1744 - 1844) | |--George W KIMBALL | (1813 - 1880) | _____________________ | | |_ LUCY ______________| (1783 - 1841) m 1800| |_____________________
__ | _John LEFFEL _____________| | (1753 - 1801) m 1776 | | |__ | | |--Thomas LEFFEL | | __ | | |_Anna Margaret OBENCHAIN _| (1760 - 1829) m 1776 | |__
_David MICHAEL ______ | (1805 - 1855) m 1827 _Frederick MICHAEL __| | (1837 - 1910) m 1860| | |_Rebecca JOHNSTON ___ | (1806 - 1889) m 1827 | |--Carrie May MICHAEL | (1870 - ....) | _John XANDERS _______ | | |_Leah XANDERS _______| (1840 - 1877) m 1860| |_Margaret HARTMAN ___
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
Birth Record-County Records
_John NEFF _______________ | (1776 - 1828) _Samuel NEFF ________| | (1796 - 1865) m 1846| | |_Barbara KAUFFMAN ________ | (1774 - 1840) | |--Susanna NEFF | (1849 - ....) | _Abraham Murdock CRABILL _+ | | (1784 - 1853) |_Rachel CRABILL _____| (1810 - 1863) m 1846| |_Catherine KELLER ________ (1787 - ....)
[40195] Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg472 Jan 11 1867 Adam Neff gdn of Aaron Neff 19yr 23 May 1866; Jonas Neff 16yr 19 Jan 1866; Susanna 17yr 19 Se pt 19 1866; heirs of Samuel Neff dec'd. Surities John H Blose and Isaac Ne ff
_Stephen Douglas (Purkeypile) PURK _+ | (1860 - 1944) m 1883 _Jeremiah PURK ______| | (1887 - 1964) m 1906| | |_Rosetta JENKINS ___________________+ | (1865 - 1925) m 1883 | |--Odetta PURK | (1902 - ....) | _Solomon M EVANS ___________________+ | | (1856 - 1930) m 1878 |_Minnie E EVANS _____| (1887 - 1969) m 1906| |_Mary WILSON _______________________+ (1857 - 1915) m 1878
_John RICHESON ______+ | (1814 - 1880) m 1841 _Samuel D RICHESON _________| | (1848 - 1936) m 1869 | | |_Martha DEATON ______+ | (1822 - 1906) m 1841 | |--Della A (Sise) RICHESON | (1881 - 1963) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth STRAUSBERG _| (1849 - 1906) m 1869 | |_____________________
__ | _Reuben ROBERTS _____| | | | |__ | | |--Reuben ROBERTS | | __ | | |_Mary Millie ASHOR __| | |__
_Simon ROPP _________ | (1796 - 1864) _John Thomas ROPP ___| | (1819 - 1889) m 1840| | |_Barbara Ann DEMORY _+ | (1796 - 1861) | |--William D ROPP | (1844 - 1895) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth YOUNG ____| (1818 - 1899) m 1840| |_____________________
_David VANCE ________ | _David VANCE ________| | (1749 - 1816) | | |_Sarah COLVILLE _____ | | |--Jane VANCE | (1802 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Sarah QUIMBY _______| | |_____________________
_Aaron WEAVER _______+ | (1792 - 1868) m 1825 _John Wesley WEAVER _____| | (1827 - 1913) m 1848 | | |_Anna MCKINLEY ______ | (1797 - 1869) m 1825 | |--Laura Ellen WEAVER | (1853 - 1938) | _George LEONARD _____+ | | (1805 - 1887) m 1829 |_Elizabeth Jane LEONARD _| (1830 - ....) m 1848 | |_Catherine ZIRKLE ___+ (1804 - 1882) m 1829
_George ZIMMERMAN ___ | (1780 - 1840) _Isaac ZIMMERMAN ____| | (1819 - 1877) m 1845| | |_Barbara NORMAN _____+ | (1784 - 1880) | |--Sarah Catherine ZIMMERMAN | (1858 - 1906) | _John MILLER ________+ | | (1794 - 1857) m 1819 |_Eliza MILLER _______| (1820 - 1899) m 1845| |_Polly ROPP _________ (1800 - 1885) m 1819