I74630: Rebecca (1834 - AFT 1880)



1834 - AFT 1880

Family 1 : Godfrey (Fred) APPLE




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2 Sep 1919 - 26 Oct 2004

Father: Franklin E BAILAR
Mother: Bonnie Beryl ESPY

Family 1 : Mary ENGELHAUPT
  1.  Gary BAILAR
  2.  Alan BAILAR
  3.  Kurt BAILAR

                       _Corey Edgar BAILAR ___+
                      | (1861 - 1934) m 1884  
 _Franklin E BAILAR __|
| (1886 - 1962) m 1909|
|                     |_Mary Virginia PUTNAM _+
|                       (1863 - 1902) m 1884  
|--Donald E BAILAR 
|  (1919 - 2004)
|                      _Charles Henry ESPY ___+
|                     | (1861 - 1940) m 1883  
|_Bonnie Beryl ESPY __|
  (1889 - 1960) m 1909|
                      |_Mary WILSON __________+
                        (1861 - 1944) m 1883  




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Frances "Fanny" BAKER

____ - ____

Family 1 : Henry BAKER



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23 Apr 1875 - 18 Feb 1968

Father: George Hays BALDWIN
Mother: Margaret MCCONKEY

Family 1 : Lucy Hayse BRECOUNT

 _George Hays BALDWIN _|
| (1844 - 1919)        |
|                      |__
|--George M BALDWIN 
|  (1875 - 1968)
|                       __
|                      |  
|_Margaret MCCONKEY ___|
  (1843 - 1885)        |



[38686] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[38687] [S76] Champaign Co - Evergreen Cemetery

[38688] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[38689] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[67247] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916


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Gary Roland BARTON

____ - ____

Father: Roland Squire BARTON
Mother: Lacy Mae HOLDEN

Family 1 : Mavis Jean INTERMILL

                         _Roe Squire BARTON __
                        | (1888 - 1968) m 1912
 _Roland Squire BARTON _|
| (1914 - 1998)         |
|                       |_Ama BUTLER _________+
|                         (1891 - 1990) m 1912
|--Gary Roland BARTON 
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Lacy Mae HOLDEN ______|
  (1915 - ....)         |



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Isabel BLUE


14 Feb 1800 - 23 Jun 1868

Father: Cornelius BLUE
Mother: Nancy JEANS

Family 1 : Elisha MITCHELL
  1.  Mahala MITCHELL
  2.  Mirabel MITCHELL
  3.  Samuel MITCHELL

                       _William BLUE _______+
                      | (1724 - ....)       
 _Cornelius BLUE _____|
| (1763 - 1840) m 1790|
|                     |_Margaret BLEW ______+
|                       (1733 - ....)       
|--Isabel BLUE 
|  (1800 - 1868)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Nancy JEANS ________|
   m 1790             |


[NI12997] [BI12997] [XI12997]

[10128] Pg456
Elisha Mitchell 00001-11110
Elisha's and Isabella's ages agree with 1850 census. One female
under 10 and one female between 10 and 16 are present. The same information is recorded for Elisha
Mitchell in Green Twp., Clark Co., OH. It appears that they were recorded twice. The two young females
may be from a previous marriage for Elisha, since he was 15 years older than Isabella. Because it appears that Isabella is the daughter of Cornelius Blue, it is also possible that the two younger females were younger sisters of Isabella. Cornelius married his second wife in 1818 and his third wife in 1819. In the disruption of the death of their mother and the introduction of two subsequent step-mothers, the two young daughters may have gone to live with their older sister and her husband (Isabella and Elisha).Tracey Hodgins posted a tree on RootsWeb's WorldConnect in which she shows Hannah Blue who married Jacob Evilsizer in Champaign Co. in 1827 as the daughter of Cornelius Blue. Hannah Blue was born about1807 and would be the right age to be the 10-16 year old girl living with the Mitchells (Live 6 farms from Cornelius and John Blue)

Brush Creek Twp., Muskingum Co., OH; Elisha and Isabella's household consisted of two males under 5
(one is Samuel), one male between 5 and 10, one male between 40 and 50 (Elisha), one female 5-10
(Meribah), one female 10-15 and one female 30-40 (Isabella)

[10130] Pg353
Brush Creek Twp., Muskingum Co., OH; Elisha and Isabella's household consisted of one male under 5,
one male 5-10, one male 10-15 (Samuel), one male 20-30, one male 40-50 (Elisha), one female under 5
(Elizabeth), one female 5-10 (Ann), one female 10-15 (Mahala), one female 15-20 (Meribah) and one female 40-50 (Isabel).

Zanesville, Muskingum Co., OH; Elisha Mitchell and Isabella Mitchell, wife of Elisha Mitchell, sold their property, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Seven in Township Ten of Range thirteen (40.54 acres more or less), to John Paine of Muskingum Co., OH for $245. The deed states that the land is free and clear of all encumbrances, so presumably the 16 February 1844 mortgage must have been paid. Both Elisha and Isabella made their marks, so they apparently could not write. On the 1915 plat map of Brush Creek Twp., the owner of the property was Hannah Payne, a descendant of John Paine who bought the property.

Elisha Mitchell �tab�65 RI
Isabel Mitchell �tab�50 VA
Meriba Mitchell �tab�25 OH
Samuel Mitchell �tab�22 OH
Mahala Mitchell �tab�19 OH
Anne Mitchell �tab�16 OH
Elizabeth Mitchell �tab�10 OH
Next household
Elbert Blue 24,
John Middleton, 20
Mary A Blue age 19 (Mary married John MIddleton )

[10133] Padua P O
Isabel Mitchel �tab�60
Samuel Mitchel �tab�26
Ann Mitchel �tab�22
Seth Baker �tab�20



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Jun 1899 - ____

Father: Elmer Ellsworth BOWERS
Mother: Sarah Jane SNYDER

 _Elmer Ellsworth BOWERS _|
| (1860 - 1916) m 1880    |
|                         |_____________________
|--Jay BOWERS 
|  (1899 - ....)
|                          _Joseph SNYDER ______+
|                         | (1826 - 1900) m 1855
|_Sarah Jane SNYDER ______|
  (1859 - 1952) m 1880    |
                          |_Deborah HARBOUR ____+
                            (1838 - 1924) m 1855



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Charles Z COLE

26 Apr 1877 - 2 Jun 1926

Father: James H COLE
Mother: Mary Margaret RUSSELL

 _James H COLE __________|
| (1854 - ....) m 1874   |
|                        |___________________________
|--Charles Z COLE 
|  (1877 - 1926)
|                         _William Theodore RUSSELL _+
|                        | (1819 - 1897) m 1854      
|_Mary Margaret RUSSELL _|
  (1857 - 1938) m 1874   |
                         |_Emily Jane SCOTT _________
                           (1832 - 1907) m 1854      




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4 Sep 1901 - 19 Feb 1976

Family 1 : Luverna "Verna" BLANTON
  1.  Chalmer COLLINS
  2.  Alvin Herschel COLLINS


[53532] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber


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1911 - ____

Father: Lee Moses COVAULT
Mother: Evaline Pearl SCHNECKLOTH

                              _Isaac Newton COVAULT _____+
                             | (1853 - 1933) m 1881      
 _Lee Moses COVAULT _________|
| (1890 - 1950)              |
|                            |_Katherine Florence JONES _
|                              (1861 - 1907) m 1881      
|--Lucille COVAULT 
|  (1911 - ....)
|                             ___________________________
|                            |                           
|_Evaline Pearl SCHNECKLOTH _|
  (1892 - 1933)              |



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Dec 1893 - ____

Father: John A DEVER
Mother: Barbara Ann BEARD

 _John A DEVER _______|
| (1872 - 1944) m 1890|
|                     |__
|--Ethel B DEVER 
|  (1893 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Barbara Ann BEARD __|
  (1872 - 1914) m 1890|



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8 Dec 1869 - ____

Father: Joseph DOBBINS
Mother: Senora L HORD

                       _William Henry DOBBINS _
                      | (1800 - 1850) m 1828   
 _Joseph DOBBINS _____|
| (1846 - 1897) m 1869|
|                     |_Mary E GOLDSBERRY _____
|                       (1804 - 1889) m 1828   
|--Clara DOBBINS 
|  (1869 - ....)
|                      _Jared Morgan HORD _____
|                     | (1828 - 1902) m 1848   
|_Senora L HORD ______|
  (1850 - 1912) m 1869|
                      |_Mary E TRAVIS _________
                        (1830 - ....) m 1848   


[32741] [S22] 1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest

[32742] [S71] Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)


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1863 - ____

Father: Henry GRAY
Mother: Matilda Jane BRECOUNT

 _Henry GRAY ____________|
| (1834 - ....) m 1862   |
|                        |_________________________
|--Ella GRAY 
|  (1863 - ....)
|                         _Miles William BRECOUNT _+
|                        | (1814 - 1879) m 1838    
|_Matilda Jane BRECOUNT _|
  (1841 - ....) m 1862   |
                         |_Ann Folwell TOOLEY _____
                           (1817 - 1893) m 1838    



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3 Oct 1877 - 10 Aug 1901

Father: Daniel GRUBB
Mother: Isabella Frances PARLETT

 _Daniel GRUBB _____________|
| (1850 - ....) m 1877      |
|                           |_____________________
|--Effie L GRUBB 
|  (1877 - 1901)
|                            _Daniel PARLETT _____+
|                           | (1833 - 1916)       
|_Isabella Frances PARLETT _|
  (1858 - 1880) m 1877      |
                            |_Arabella H WIERMAN _+
                              (1836 - 1914)       


Eliza J Parlett �tab�65 head 9/1834 widow, 8/5 PA PA PA
Emma Hall�tab�30 dau 9/1869 widow, OH PA PA
Effie Grubb �tab�22 grdau 10/1877 single
Estella Parlett �tab�12 grdau 11/1887 single

[29670] [S67] Champaign Co - Birth Records 1867-1877


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Marilla KENTON

1847 - 3 Jul 1876

Father: James KENTON
Mother: Bridget Jane TAYLOR

Family 1 : Walter SMALL

                        _William KENTON ______
                       | (.... - 1840)        
 _James KENTON ________|
| (1818 - 1894) m 1844 |
|                      |_Sarah COVINGTON _____
|                        (.... - 1824)        
|--Marilla KENTON 
|  (1847 - 1876)
|                       _John V TAYLOR _______
|                      | (1784 - 1858) m 1809 
|_Bridget Jane TAYLOR _|
  (1820 - 1893) m 1844 |
                       |_Jane "Jennie" VANCE _+
                         (1788 - 1869) m 1809 


[45932] [S81] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884


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Orange? LEMMON

1842 - ____

Father: William Donaldson LEMMON
Mother: Elizabeth

                             _William LEMMON _____
                            | (.... - 1848) m 1809
 _William Donaldson LEMMON _|
| (1814 - ....)             |
|                           |_Mary ROBINSON ______
|                             (.... - 1850) m 1809
|--Orange? LEMMON 
|  (1842 - ....)
|                            _____________________
|                           |                     
|_Elizabeth ________________|
  (1810 - ....)             |



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18 Nov 1922 - 14 Feb 2004

Father: Andrew MCCONNEHEA
Mother: Edna Lilly WHITE

                       _Emanuel MCCONNEHEA _____
                      | (1853 - 1911)           
 _Andrew MCCONNEHEA __|
| (1877 - 1928) m 1898|
|                     |_Amanda Alice PATTERSON _
|                       (1861 - 1899)           
|--Samuel Perry MCCONNEHEA 
|  (1922 - 2004)
|                      _________________________
|                     |                         
|_Edna Lilly WHITE ___|
  (1883 - 1923) m 1898|


[HI2442] [DI2442]


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Frank Charles MILLER


24 Dec 1869 - 4 Oct 1946

Family 1 : Katherine HAYNIE
  1.  Jeanette MILLER


[NI35691] [NF15473]

[31951] [S251] Death Certificate

[31952] [S251] Death Certificate

[31953] [S251] Death Certificate


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Joanna B MOCK


Mar 1855 - 3 Dec 1932

Family 1 : Samuel DARNALL
  1.  Mary DARNALL
  2.  Daughter DARNALL



[66640] [S83] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900


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Mary Jane MORRIS

1836 - ____

Father: William MORRIS
Mother: Louisa RIKER

 _William MORRIS _____|
| (1812 - ....) m 1834|
|                     |_____________________
|--Mary Jane MORRIS 
|  (1836 - ....)
|                      _William RIKER ______
|                     | (1787 - 1867)       
|_Louisa RIKER _______|
  (1814 - ....) m 1834|
                      |_Rachel FERRIS ______
                        (1794 - 1844)       



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Chris Lee MURPHY

____ - ____

Father: Elton "Bud" MURPHY
Mother: Normadean Ellen "Dean" EVILSIZOR

Family 1 : Linda STULL

 _Elton "Bud" MURPHY _______________|
|                                   |
|                                   |___________________________
|--Chris Lee MURPHY 
|                                    _William Harold EVILSIZOR _+
|                                   | (1895 - 1988) m 1917      
|_Normadean Ellen "Dean" EVILSIZOR _|
  (1929 - 2003)                     |
                                    |_Mary Lucinda GRUBE _______+
                                      (1894 - 1959) m 1917      



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Ernest Leroy NISWONGER

____ - ____

Father: Harold Gerard NISWONGER
Mother: Isophene Marie WARMAN

                            _William NISWONGER _____+
                           | (1858 - 1944) m 1880   
 _Harold Gerard NISWONGER _|
| (1904 - 1991) m 1924     |
|                          |_Eva L HAGEMAN _________
|                            (1861 - 1943) m 1880   
|--Ernest Leroy NISWONGER 
|                           _John Andrew WARMAN ____+
|                          | (1874 - 1963) m 1902   
|_Isophene Marie WARMAN ___|
  (1903 - 1987) m 1924     |
                           |_Florence Belle MILLER _+
                             (1879 - 1935) m 1902   



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Charles E OTSTOT

4 Jan 1899 - 11 Apr 1900

Father: Charles OTSTOT
Mother: Alice J GARLOUGH

 _Charles OTSTOT _____|
| (1865 - 1928) m 1890|
|                     |______________________
|--Charles E OTSTOT 
|  (1899 - 1900)
|                      _James Todd GARLOUGH _+
|                     | (1834 - 1905) m 1856 
|_Alice J GARLOUGH ___|
  (1867 - 1899) m 1890|
                      |_Sarah Jane HAUSE ____+
                        (1835 - 1919) m 1856 




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Russell Dewey YOUNG

31 May 1898 - 3 Dec 1981

Family 1 : Zelma O FRANK



[40734] [S188] Social Security Application


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