_Thomas W [Castle] CASSELL _ | (1836 - 1907) m 1856 _Asa CASSEL __________| | (1868 - ....) m 1892 | | |_Sarah EVILSIZER ___________+ | (1837 - 1919) m 1856 | |--Female CASSELL | (1904 - ....) | ____________________________ | | |_Mary "Mollie" WIBLE _| m 1892 | |____________________________
Cemetery Records-County Web Cite
_Lewis COOK _________ | (1777 - 1853) m 1812 _Calvin COOK ________| | (1819 - 1905) m 1842| | |_Annie PECK _________ | (.... - 1823) m 1812 | |--Amanda M COOK | (1845 - 1912) | _Emanuel HUPP _______+ | | (1792 - 1836) m 1817 |_Elizabeth HUPP _____| (1819 - 1904) m 1842| |_Mary Ellen NEFF ____ (1795 - ....) m 1817
A Triple Accident
A Mother and Two Children Injured by a Falling Horse
Dr L E Russell was called out to the vicinity of Terre Haute, Champaing county, yesterday, to attend some persons who had sustained a painful accident. The mishap occured between Tremont City and Terre Haute. Mrs Evilsizer, the wife of Rev Simeon*(sic) Evilsizer, accompained by her 14 year old daughter and her infant child, was driving home from a neighbors in a spring wagon. In descending a steep hill the horse suddenly pitched forward and fell down, and all of the occupants of the wagon were thrown heavily forward and out of the vehicle. The babe was the most severly injured. It was knocked unconscious by the blow. Mrs Evilsizer, whi is a very fleshy lady, was hurt about the hands and sustained severe bruises. The girl's face was torn and skinned and her injuries were very painful. When Dr Russell arrived he devoted special attention to the babe, whose head had actually been knocked out of shape, so soft and plastic are the plate-bones of the skull at that early age. The doctor had to take the little one's head in his hands and press it into shape with a motion similar to that employed by a boy in making a snow-ball. The little one's collar-bone was also broken and its elbow dislocated; but with time and care it will probably recover. The horse was a very gentle one and lay perfectly quiet after falling. Had it got to kicking, the accident would have been initially worse.
Springfield News April 7, 1901 Mrs Isaac Evilsizor and daughter were at the home of Charles Evilsizor Thu rsday
Champaign Co, Oh Will Abstracts Book G-L 1889-1911 Pg 114
Probated 10/30/1 902, Mad River Twp
Will of CALVIN COOK, died 10/26/1902 Heirs- Elizabeth Cook, widow; Amanda Evilsizor, Dau, Urbana; William Coo k, son, Westville; Raper Cook, son, Lorian, KS; Lewis Cook, son, Urbana;
George Cook, son, Urbana; Mary Rhodes, Dau, Urbana; Samuel Cook, son, Auglaize Co; Wesley Cook, son, unknown residence. All estate to wife her lifetime; at her death all real estate and personal property sold and divided eq ually among my eight children; notes to Wesley Cook $480; Isaac and Amanda Evilsizor $2500 to be deducted from their share. Lewis Cook, Executor Witness: W H Huston Cyrus Miller
Will or Probate Record
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_Russell Thomas DOVEL _+ | (1849 - 1933) m 1872 _Carey Clyde "Betts" DOVEL _| | (1883 - 1958) m 1907 | | |_Elitha OFFENBACKER ___+ | (1852 - 1929) m 1872 | |--Leroy B DOVEL | (1912 - 2010) | _Perry W JENKINS ______+ | | (1856 - 1939) m 1881 |_Maude M JENKINS ___________| (1884 - 1987) m 1907 | |_Lydia C BAKER ________+ (1859 - 1885) m 1881
_Simon EARSOM _______+ | (1774 - 1857) _John EARSOM __________| | (1808 - 1891) m 1853 | | |_Margaret ___________ | (1767 - 1844) | |--John William EARSOM | (1864 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Amanda Mclean RUNYON _| (1825 - 1886) m 1853 | |_____________________
John H Elix �tab�34 head 5/1866
Lizzie Elix �tab�42 wife 10/1857 m9y 10/9 OH PA PA
Raymond Elix �tab�6 9/1893
Walter A Elix �tab�2 11/1897
Lizzie M Elix �tab�0 5/1900
Florence M Compton �tab�21 step dau 9/1878
William Compton �tab�19 stepson 2/1881
_Moses FRAZEE _______ | (1762 - 1840) m 1785 _David FRAZEE _______| | (1804 - 1859) m 1829| | |_Priscilla MORRIS ___ | (1766 - 1839) m 1785 | |--James FRAZEE | | _____________________ | | |_Mary PRICE _________| (1807 - ....) m 1829| |_____________________
_Francis GANSON _____ | (.... - 1834) _William Heslip GANSON _| | (1799 - 1884) m 1835 | | |_____________________ | | |--Anne Elizabeth GANSON | (1842 - 1933) | _____________________ | | |_Amulette TOXEY ________| (1817 - 1847) m 1835 | |_____________________
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
_Elias C GOVE _______ | (1804 - 1864) _Hiram B GOVE ________| | (1832 - 1900) m 1862 | | |_Betsey HOBBS _______ | (1809 - 1892) | |--Maud GOVE | (1871 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Josephine MCCORMICK _| (1843 - ....) m 1862 | |_____________________
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
_Daniel HALLAN ______+ | (1815 - ....) _John T HALLAN ______| | (1852 - 1914) m 1889| | |_Mary CARRIG ________ | (1827 - 1915) | |--John Burrie HALLAN | (1892 - 1925) | _____________________ | | |_Mary C MURPHY ______| (1861 - 1918) m 1889| |_____________________
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_____________________ | _George HARNER ______| | (1797 - ....) m 1818| | |_____________________ | | |--Daniel HARNER | (1827 - ....) | _Daniel GENTIS ______+ | | (1770 - 1844) m 1786 |_Julia Ann GENTIS ___| (1793 - 1883) m 1818| |_Eva FOGELSANG ______ (1771 - 1834) m 1786
_Zeno HAWES _________________+ | (1842 - 1931) m 1869 _Alfred A HAWES _________| | (1879 - 1966) m 1901 | | |_Delilah Elizabeth AMMON ____+ | (1849 - 1881) m 1869 | |--Ralph A HAWES | (1918 - 1984) | _George William MCALEXANDER _+ | | (1860 - 1927) m 1882 |_Lockey May MCALEXANDER _| (1884 - 1977) m 1901 | |_Rosa A PURKEYPILE __________+ (1862 - 1945) m 1882
_Samuel MCBETH ______+ | (1808 - ....) _Alexander Ramsey MCBETH _| | (1833 - 1919) m 1865 | | |_Susan ______________ | (1804 - 1900) | |--Arthur Grant MCBETH | (1868 - 1941) | _____________________ | | |_Anna S CRIST ____________| (1840 - 1924) m 1865 | |_____________________
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
_Charles Franklin MITCHELL _+ | (1871 - 1926) m 1892 _Homer F MITCHELL _____| | (1896 - 1931) m 1919 | | |_Addie Olive FEASTER _______+ | (1875 - 1919) m 1892 | |--Infant MITCHELL | (1922 - 1922) | ____________________________ | | |_Gladys Margie MILLER _| (1901 - 1926) m 1919 | |____________________________
_Henry Heinrich PENCE ___+ | (1739 - 1824) m 1765 _Jacob PENCE ____________| | (1767 - 1828) m 1802 | | |_Mary Magdeline BLIMLY __ | (1749 - 1829) m 1765 | |--Julia Ann PENCE | (1809 - 1816) | _Martin COFFMAN _________ | | (1757 - ....) |_Mary Magdalene COFFMAN _| (1778 - 1816) m 1802 | |_Mary Lionberger TAYLOR _ (1760 - ....)
_Adam PENCE __________+ | (1802 - 1882) m 1822 _Adam PENCE _________| | (1828 - 1917) m 1851| | |_Mary "Polly" PRINCE _+ | (1805 - 1881) m 1822 | |--Philander R PENCE | (1860 - 1876) | ______________________ | | |_Nancy E MCCARTY ____| (1828 - 1909) m 1851| |______________________
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
_Dexter SMITH ________+ | (1803 - 1873) m 1825 _Elias Howard SMITH _| | (1830 - 1890) m 1853| | |_Laura Diana BENNETT _ | (1806 - 1880) m 1825 | |--Howard Elias SMITH | (1868 - ....) | _Joab OVERFIELD ______+ | | (1803 - 1890) m 1830 |_Rebecca OVERFIELD __| (1833 - ....) m 1853| |_Bethsheba TUCKER ____ (1800 - 1875) m 1830
_Martin Luther STALEY _+ | (1834 - 1928) m 1857 _Thomas J STALEY ____| | (1870 - 1954) m 1889| | |_Mary M DEWEESE _______+ | (1836 - 1911) m 1857 | |--Nellie J STALEY | (1895 - ....) | _Isaiah SMITH _________+ | | (1846 - 1934) m 1867 |_Susan A SMITH ______| (1867 - 1923) m 1889| |_Sarah L LOUDENBACK ___+ (1847 - 1881) m 1867
Shelby County Birth Records Book III 1890-1904
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
_Harry E STEINBERGER _+ | (1872 - 1928) _Clarence Edgar STEINBERGER _| | (1898 - 1968) | | |_Dolly May DERR ______+ | (1880 - 1929) | |--Warren E STEINBERGER | (1918 - 1981) | ______________________ | | |_Zola Pearl WALLACE _________| (1899 - 1921) | |______________________
_Oliver F STEMBEL ___+ | (1824 - ....) m 1850 _Marcellus Lafayette STEMBEL _| | (1855 - 1934) m 1873 | | |_Margaret J SHARP ___ | (1829 - ....) m 1850 | |--Mary (Davis) STEMBEL | (1892 - ....) | _John H CLARK _______+ | | (1827 - 1899) m 1849 |_Ida Emma CLARK ______________| (1865 - 1913) m 1873 | |_Mary Ann TERRELL ___+ (1830 - 1915) m 1849
__ | _George W WARREN ____| | (1862 - 1904) m 1895| | |__ | | |--Roy Orley WARREN | (1896 - 1897) | __ | | |_Nettie May OXLEY ___| (1869 - 1942) m 1895| |__
Tombstone Inscription
Tombstone Inscription
_George WOODWARD ____ | _Ephraim WOODWARD ___| | (1815 - 1905) m 1840| | |_Alice BUFFINGTON ___ | | |--Ezra WOODWARD | (1850 - 1923) | _Nathan LAMBORN _____ | | (.... - 1845) |_Margaretta LAMBORN _| (1817 - 1868) m 1840| |_____________________
_Abraham YEAZELL ____ | (1774 - 1832) m 1794 _Adam YEAZELL _______| | (1807 - 1852) m 1829| | |_Mary Ball CURL _____+ | (1776 - 1828) m 1794 | |--Adam Wallace YEAZELL | (1851 - 1942) | _David CRABILL ______ | | (1780 - 1839) |_Maria CRABILL ______| (1807 - 1885) m 1829| |_Barbara A BEAR _____ (1786 - 1863)