_James ASHING _______+ | (1767 - 1857) m 1798 _Jacob ASHING ________| | (1809 - 1886) m 1850 | | |_Sarah Jane FORD ____+ | (1777 - 1845) m 1798 | |--Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie" ASHING | (1868 - 1951) | _____________________ | | |_Martha Jane BRADLEY _| (1831 - 1878) m 1850 | |_____________________
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Charles ATKINSON __________+ | (1843 - 1916) m 1879 _George Washington ATKINSON _| | (1892 - 1969) m 1913 | | |_Sarah Catherine EVILSIZER _+ | (1859 - 1933) m 1879 | |--Susie Mae ATKINSON | (1927 - 1981) | ____________________________ | | |_Vina "Viney" CARPENTER _____| (1896 - 1944) m 1913 | |____________________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Johann Davidt Klemm CLEM _+ | (1717 - 1789) _Michael CLEM __________| | (1757 - 1827) m 1782 | | |_Anna Maria COMER _________ | (1725 - ....) | |--Catherine CLEM | (1796 - 1862) | ___________________________ | | |_Margaret Rebecca RUDY _| (1766 - ....) m 1782 | |___________________________
Shenandoah County Marriages
_John "Jonathan CONSOLVER _+ | (1749 - 1808) _Jacob CONSOLVER ____| | (1785 - 1850) m 1811| | |_Nancy ALLEN ______________ | (.... - 1788) | |--Jacob Asbury CONSOLVER | (1834 - 1902) | _David ARCHER _____________ | | (1768 - ....) |_Rachel ARCHER ______| (1788 - ....) m 1811| |___________________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
_Benjamin F EVANS _____+ | (1825 - ....) m 1847 _Solomon M EVANS ____| | (1856 - 1930) m 1878| | |_Louisa COMER _________+ | (1829 - 1890) m 1847 | |--Alta Mae EVANS | (1882 - 1965) | _James WILSON _________+ | | (1827 - ....) m 1850 |_Mary WILSON ________| (1857 - 1915) m 1878| |_Elizabeth HUDDLESTON _ (1830 - ....) m 1850
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
mother Mary Wilson
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
_Willard Clarence "Pappy" EVILSIZOR _+ | (1903 - 1976) m 1925 _Clarence Russell EVILSIZOR _| | (1925 - 1983) | | |_Olive Lillian BIRT _________________+ | (1907 - 1987) m 1925 | |--James R EVILSIZOR | | _____________________________________ | | |_Joanne KNAPP _______________| | |_____________________________________
_____________________ | _John Everett HENDERSON _| | (1874 - ....) m 1899 | | |_____________________ | | |--Gladys HENDERSON | (1902 - ....) | _Joshua EVILSIZER ___+ | | (1839 - 1907) m 1862 |_Myrtle EVILSIZER _______| (1879 - 1969) m 1899 | |_Mary MCBRIDE _______+ (1841 - 1934) m 1862
__ | _Abraham HERR _______| | (1797 - 1863) | | |__ | | |--Benjamin HERR | (.... - 1881) | __ | | |_Fanny RUSH _________| (1800 - 1877) | |__
_John Thompson HULSIZER _ | (1804 - 1859) _Peter HULSIZER _____| | (1831 - 1915) m 1853| | |_Mary FISHBAUGH _________ | (1809 - 1886) | |--Sarah HULSIZER | (1871 - 1929) | _________________________ | | |_Susannah HATCHER ___| (1834 - 1908) m 1853| |_________________________
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
_Edward JOHNSTON ____ | _Alexander JOHNSTON _| | (.... - 1823) | | |_Mary _______________ | (.... - 1823) | |--Jane JOHNSON | (1806 - 1871) | _____________________ | | |_Mary _______________| | |_____________________
Record Book 10, Page 363- Filed 30 January 1828 John Osbourne & Others vs William Glenn, executor of estate of Levi Osbourne deceased Levi Osborne deceased of Champaign County, Ohio compiled his will on 14 No vember 1823 and it was proven on 20 December 1823. In his will, Levi left the south half of north-east quarter Section I Township 5 Range 11 a nd half of thirty acres of woods located in the south-east corner of the east half of the south-east quarter of Section 15 Township 5 Range 11 (Urbana Tp.) to Joseph Osbourne and he also bequeathed to the following perso ns who had not received an inheritance by the time of the filing: Heirs of James Osbourne: John Osbourne, John & Dabarah (Deborah ?) Morris, Ed ward Osbourne, David Osbourne, James Osbourne, Levi Osbourne, Noble Osbour ne, Abraham Osbourne and Nancy Osbourne. Heirs of Alexander Johnson: William Johnson, John & Mary (nee Johnson) Rhodes, ...Putnam and his wife, Lucy (nee Johnson), John Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Zephaniah Blue and his wife, Jane (nee Johnson), Lemuel Blue and his wife Suannah (nee Johnson ), Daniel Johnson, Morris Johnson and James Johnson. Heirs of Jesse Johnso n: Jesse Judy and his wife, Nancy (nee Johnson), Polly Johnson, Elizabe th Johnson, Delilah Johnson, Edward Johnson, Jane Johnson, Envira Johnso n, Jesse Johnson Jr., John Johnson, Polly Johnson & Eli Johnson (the last three may be grandchildren of Jesse Johnson). Unknown heirs of Samuel Kincade. Heirs of David Osbourne: William Osbourne and David Osbourne.
_George Bailor LICKLIDER __+ | (1867 - 1914) m 1906 _Nelson Maurice LICKLIDER _| | (1907 - 1945) m 1928 | | |_Emma Ameda MAURICE _______+ | (1883 - 1959) m 1906 | |--Jeannie LICKLIDER | | _William Franklin PENCE ___+ | | (1869 - 1957) m 1895 |_Leanna Merle PENCE _______| (1905 - 1966) m 1928 | |_Flora Elizabeth HAMILTON _+ (1874 - 1969) m 1895
_Timothy LINEBAUGH __+ | (1832 - 1903) m 1853 _Elijah LINEBAUGH ___| | (1855 - 1926) m 1880| | |_Catharine VARNER ___ | (1830 - 1884) m 1853 | |--Anna V LINEBAUGH | (1886 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Anna V SEMLER ______| (1862 - 1931) m 1880| |_____________________
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
_____________________________ | _John MCRAE _________| | | | |_____________________________ | | |--Shane MCRAE | | _Thomas KOSCAK ______________+ | | |_Sharon Kay KOSCAK __| | |_Margaret Elizabeth IRELAND _+ (1924 - 2006)
Jacob Plants 75 cabinet maker PA VA VA
Rine, 39
George Plants �tab�36 OH PA PA
Mary Plants �tab�37 OH OH OH
Luie Plants �tab�14 dau OH
Orvill Plants �tab�12 son OH
George Plants �tab�10 son OH
Ollie Plants �tab�8 dau Oh
Auther Plants �tab�6 son OH
Plants �tab�7m, male born Nov 1879
George W Plantz �tab�54 5/1846 widower
George W Plantz jr�tab�30 son 6/1869
Walter Plantz �tab�20 son 11/1879
Ted Plantz �tab�15 son 5/1885
next house
Ryan Plantz, head, living alone 9/1840 single, PA
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Reinhart Greef SCHNEPP _+ | (1782 - 1860) m 1800 _Daniel SNAPP ______________| | (1804 - 1890) m 1826 | | |_Catherine APPLE ________+ | (1780 - 1807) m 1800 | |--Catherine SNAPP | (1840 - 1918) | _________________________ | | |_Margaret Rebecca BARNHART _| (1801 - 1859) m 1826 | |_________________________
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Burial & Deaths
Catherine age 78 ordered by Jonathan Schumm of St Paris
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_Harley Milton TERRELL _+ | (1884 - 1946) m 1904 _Damon E TERRELL ______| | (1910 - 1983) m 1934 | | |_Bertha Pearl LOFFNER __ | (1887 - 1974) m 1904 | |--Barbara (Oelker) TERRELL | | _Franklin E BAILAR _____+ | | (1886 - 1962) m 1909 |_Mary Virginia BAILAR _| (1914 - 1995) m 1934 | |_Bonnie Beryl ESPY _____+ (1889 - 1960) m 1909
_William THACKERY ___+ | (1852 - 1945) m 1876 _Elwood D THACKERY __| | (1897 - 1978) m 1917| | |_Lucretia K SHAFFER _+ | (1854 - 1942) m 1876 | |--Elwood Wayne THACKERY | (1933 - 1980) | _William F BOWSER ___ | | (1874 - 1950) m 1897 |_Elva M BOWSER ______| (1899 - 1986) m 1917| |_Hattie Dell REAM ___ (1882 - 1970) m 1897
Ohio Marriages LDS
_William ZUBER ______ | (1853 - 1930) m 1877 _Alonzo E ZUBER _____| | (1881 - ....) | | |_Laura J EVELSIZER __+ | (1856 - 1883) m 1877 | |--Goldie Irene ZUBER | (1906 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Mary R _____________| (1885 - ....) | |_____________________