__ | _Corneleus ARBOGAST _| | (1800 - ....) m 1821| | |__ | | |--L A ARBOGAST | (1841 - ....) | __ | | |_Sarah DAVIDSON _____| (1801 - 1881) m 1821| |__
_Joseph ARGABRIGHT __+ | (1819 - 1896) m 1843 _Arnold C ARGABRIGHT _____| | (1844 - 1914) m 1875 | | |_Rebecca STEPHENSON _+ | (1822 - 1909) m 1843 | |--Joseph H ARGABRIGHT | (1875 - 1957) | _____________________ | | |_Amanda Catherine MONROE _| (1842 - 1890) m 1875 | |_____________________
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol4 Bk10 1904-1910
groom 27 bride 23
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol4 Bk10 1904-1910
groom 36 bride 26
_Rudolph BAKER ____________________+ | (1772 - 1831) _Jonathan R BAKER ___| | (1807 - 1885) m 1832| | |_Eve KIBLINGER ____________________+ | (1772 - 1842) | |--James T BAKER | (1858 - 1937) | _William MILLER ___________________ | | (1777 - 1840) |_Sarah MILLER _______| (1814 - 1909) m 1832| |_Maria Magdaline (Kirchin) KURCHE _ (1777 - 1860)
_Roy E BISHOP _______+ | (1891 - 1964) m 1917 _Hobert C BISHOP ____| | (1920 - 1997) | | |_Elsie DIBERT _______+ | (1891 - 1992) m 1917 | |--Beverly (Brannon) BISHOP | | _____________________ | | |_Charlotte R ________| | |_____________________
_Isaac BULL _________ | (1819 - 1892) m 1858 _Charles L BULL _____| | (1863 - 1937) m 1890| | |_Jane PENCE _________+ | (1818 - 1899) m 1858 | |--Son BULL | (1891 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Lilly V MINNICH ____| (1866 - ....) m 1890| |_____________________
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
__ | _Nelson Hamer BURLEY _| | (1846 - 1924) | | |__ | | |--John A BURLEY | (1867 - ....) | __ | | |_Rebecca ELLIS _______| (1850 - 1931) | |__
__ | _Thomas CHENEY ______| | (1742 - 1811) | | |__ | | |--Benjamin CHENEY | (1782 - 1834) | __ | | |_Keturah OWEN _______| (1748 - ....) | |__
At an early election, held October 8, 1811, the poll-book makes the following exhibit John Gutridge, Sr., Joseph McLain, Jacob Minturn, Benjamin Cheney and John Owens, Clerks of this election, were severally sworn as the law directs, previous to their entering on the duties of their respective offices.
Patent to Benjamin Cheney. assignee of Theoderick 66 121 Spain, assignee of Thomas Rrowder Jr., assignee of Tuttle Hudson, assignee of William Hudson, Lieutenant for 3 years, for one part and for the oth er part, assignee of William Hudson and Thomas Hudson, administrators of the estate of Irby Hudson, devise. of William Hudson, 20 acres (Deed may be also located in Book 66, Page 252)
6881 Benjamin Chancy Patentee, Irby Hudson, administrator of the estate of.Warrant 5263, 80 acres, Goshen Township & Union Township--
Benjamin Cheney, assignee of Theoderick Spain. assignee of Thomas Browder Jr., assignee of Tuttle Hudson, assignee of William Hudson, devises of William Hudson, assignee of William Hudson & Thomas Hudson, administ rators of the estate of Irby Hudson, who was also the devises of Lieutenant William Hudson, deceased (served 3 years) , 21 acres of 200 acres, warr ant 5263, recorded 28 October 1886 Bk. Pg. 66 252
Record Book 7, Page 207- Filed 1 December 1820- Partition Duncan McArthur & Benjamin Cheney vs Nancy Lee, James Cary, John Cary, Richard L. Simms, Jonathan Cheney, James Keys and the heirs of'Mrs. Simms whose names are not known Philip Richard Frances Lee was a captain in the Virginia Line in the Revolutionary War and died of a wound received during the conflict. Afterwards, in consideration his heirs were given a warrant for survey number 4867, 4000 acres. The warrant was delivered to John Sargent, agent for Lee 's representatives. On 9 October 1801 Sargent entered into contract with Richard C. Anderson to have the land located and surveyed, for which Anderson would receive one-third (1333 1/3 acres) as wages. Survey number 4867 w as divided into three tracts: Number 4211 (1200 acres); 4212 (2000 acre s) and 4213 (800 acres) and on 7 November 1806 the patents were issued to James Simms of Georgia. The only heir of Philip Richard Frances Lee was Richard Lee, and after he died the title to the land went to James Simms who inherited in trust for the heirs of Mrs. Keys, wife of James Simms and sister of Philip Richard Frances Lee. One Nancy Lee was also an heir of Richard Lee. On 12 July 1819 Richard C. Anderson sold his portion (13331/3 acres) of the surveys to Duncan McArthur. On 21 September 1819 Duncan McArthur assigned 1/3 of //4211 to Benjamin Cheney and 1/3 of / /4212 to Jonathan Cheney. The suit was advertised in the Farmer's Frie nd a newspaper of Champaign County for nine weeks and a new survey was made of. the land. With the new survey the number of acres were changed: Survey //4211 (Union & Goshen Tp.), 1266 acres (422 acres to Benjamin Cheney ); Survey //4213 (Union Tp.), 857 3/4 acres 28 poles (285 3/4 acres 36 pol es to Duncan McArthur); Survey //4212 (Goshen Tp.) was not surveyed forth is case.
Record Book 7, Page 216- Filed 15 April 1821- Partition Duncan McArth ur & Jonathan Gheney vs Nancy Lee, James Gary, John Gary, Richard L. Simms, Benjamin Gheney, Jam es Keys and the heirs of Mrs. Simms whose names are not known The particulars of the case are exactly the same as in the previous case. Survey number 4212 (Goshen Tp.) now contained 2400 acres, of which Jonathan Gheney received 800 acres.
9654 Date 07 May 1822 Benjamin Cheney. assignee of John Verel1, assignee of Ann Gholaon, widow of Thomas Gholson, and one of three hairs of William Yates, Lieutenant Colonel. 3 years, warrant 6242, 70 acres, recorded 14 January 1892 Benjamin Cheney Patentee. Warrant 6242, 70 acres, Union Township Bk. 72 Pg .563
(Recorded January 14, 1892)
Champaign County Ohio Chancery Records of the Court of Common Pleas Record Book 16 Pg 187 Filed April 1838 Petition to Partition James Cheney & Jonathan Cheney vs Samuel Cheney, John D and Benjamin F Cheney Benjamin Cheney died seized of 520 or 525 acres of land in Military Survey Number 4211 (Phillip Richard Francis Lee, Union Twp & Goshen Twp). Benj amin's heirs were James Cheney, Jonathan Cheney, Samuel Cheney, John D
Cheney, Benjamin F Cheney and William Cheney. The court appraisers , John Owen, Obed Horr and Jacob R Ware, gave their report on July 29 1838
Champaign County Guardianship records pg 256 April 13 1838
Jonathan Cheney, gdn of John Cheney 13yr; Benjamin F Cheney 8 yr, children and minor
heirs of Benjamin Cheney, dec'd. Surities James Cheney, William Williams
Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902
_John A COMER ____________+ | (1872 - ....) m 1910 _Gernia Burnell "Puch" COMER _| | (1917 - 1968) | | |_Hazel D (Hedrick) REAMS _ | (1889 - ....) m 1910 | |--John D COMER | (1941 - 2001) | _Charles COX _____________ | | (1895 - ....) m 1917 |_Charline E COX ______________| (1922 - 2001) | |_Josephine POPPS _________+ (1895 - 1974) m 1917
Harrison Co KY Wills
__ | _William CRAIG ______| | (1800 - 1880) | | |__ | | |--William CRAIG | (1837 - 1905) | __ | | |_Elizabeth __________| (1819 - 1888) | |__
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Simeon DEAR ________ | (1781 - ....) _John Elijah DEAR ___| | (1807 - 1892) m 1831| | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth DEAR | (1846 - 1864) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca HENRY ______| (1796 - 1872) m 1831| |_____________________
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Moorefield
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Moorefield
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions-Moorefield
_Floyd William EVILSIZER _+ | (1896 - 1967) m 1915 _Howard William EVILSIZER _| | (1916 - 1989) m 1934 | | |_Goldie Mae OSBORNE ______ | (1894 - 1975) m 1915 | |--Sue (Carlson) EVILSIZER | | __________________________ | | |_Dorothy Louise MAHAFFEY __| (1918 - 2002) m 1934 | |__________________________
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
__ | _Elisha B HESS ______| | (.... - 1843) m 1835| | |__ | | |--Henry Harrison HESS | (1840 - ....) | __ | | |_Mary J MITCHELL ____| (1815 - ....) m 1835| |__
Pg 17-636
Mary Hess, gdn of John William Hess 15 yr; Henry Harrison Hess 3 yrs; Nancy Elizabeth Hess 1 yr. Sureties James Mitchell, Peter Igou
MB 19-753 pg 385
Mary Hess gdn of Henry Harrison Hess 7 yrs; Nancy Elizabeth Hess 5 yrs, minor heirs of Elisha B Hess, deceased. SUreties Peter Igou and James Mitchell
Elias Blue �tab�26
Mary Blue �tab�35
H Harrison Blue �tab�10
Nancy E Blue �tab�7
Isaiah Jenkins �tab�23
Nancy Jenkins �tab�16
Record 26, Page 142 Filed May 8 1855-Petition to Partition
James W Hunter vs Harrison Hess
Elisha B Hess died seized of land in Military Survey Number 6238. Elisha's heirs were: Mary Hess, widow, later married Elias Blue; John William Hess; Harrison Hess and Nancy Elizabeth Hess. The last 2 children mentioned were residents of Indiana.
Champaign Co - Guardianships 1805-1858
Champaign Co - Guardianships 1805-1858
_Joseph HOUGH _______ | (1798 - 1875) _Thomas J B HOUGH ___| | (1833 - 1906) m 1861| | |_Rachel S RUSSELL ___+ | (1800 - 1878) | |--James D HOUGH | (1871 - 1944) | _Samuel NEER ________+ | | (1787 - 1858) |_Jane NEER __________| (1836 - 1892) m 1861| |_Sarah RUSSELL ______+ (1792 - 1864)
Death Certificate
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Charles Martin MALONE _ | _Lawrence Allan MALONE _| | | | |_Mary Lou PATES ________+ | | |--Jason Charles MALONE | | ________________________ | | |_Pam MILLER ____________| | |________________________
__ | _Samuel MOYER _______| | | | |__ | | |--Ruth Sulvania MOYER | | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol1 1819-1870
Jacob Shaffner �tab�29
Ada Shaffner �tab�25
Vesta Shaffner �tab�6
Clifford Shaffner �tab�4
Otha Shaffner �tab�8/12
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Burial & Deaths
G Lear, age 69 ordered by Mrs Amanda Smith St Paris, buried Spring Grove
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
__ | _William ULLERY ________| | (1816 - 1892) | | |__ | | |--Izora ULLERY | (1862 - ....) | __ | | |_Elizabeth Jane JORDAN _| (1825 - 1907) | |__
_John XANDERS _______ | (1794 - 1852) m 1823 _John XANDERS _______| | (1827 - 1920) m 1849| | |_Magdaline BAKER ____+ | (1799 - 1830) m 1823 | |--George XANDERS | (1856 - 1873) | _____________________ | | |_Barbara RUST _______| (1829 - 1891) m 1849| |_____________________