Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Ohio Marriages LDS
__ | _Samuel I BARE ______| | (1818 - 1892) m 1842| | |__ | | |--Charles B BARE | (1860 - 1931) | __ | | |_Eliza UNDERWOOD ____| (1816 - 1879) m 1842| |__
__ | _Samuel H BOLLINGER ____| | (1802 - 1866) | | |__ | | |--Joseph BOLLINGER | (1844 - 1918) | __ | | |_Mary Magdalena MILLER _| (1811 - 1885) | |__
Joseph Bolinger �tab�25
Catharine Bolinger �tab�23
Emma Bolinger �tab�4
Mary Bolinger �tab�2
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Ohio Marriages LDS
_____________________ | _Jacob P BOWERS _____| | (1806 - 1883) m 1830| | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth BOWERS | (1842 - 1906) | _George ZIRKLE ______+ | | (1774 - 1848) m 1794 |_Susannah ZERKLE ____| (1803 - 1854) m 1830| |_Catherine ROUSH ____+ (1777 - 1830) m 1794
Champaign Co - Beers History 1881
Champaign Co - Beers History 1881
Champaign Co - Beers History 1881
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
________________________ | _Clinton DEAR _____________| | (1880 - ....) m 1898 | | |________________________ | | |--Harold W DEAR | (1902 - ....) | _Ira B OWENS ___________+ | | (1837 - 1909) m 1862 |_Elizabeth "Lizzie" OWENS _| (1879 - ....) m 1898 | |_Martha Ann LOUDENBACK _+ (1844 - 1909) m 1862
_Joshua EVILSIZER ___+ | (1795 - 1846) m 1816 _Zachariah Hoy EVILSIZER _| | (1833 - 1913) m 1854 | | |_Frances HENNINGS ___ | (1791 - 1838) m 1816 | |--Edward EVILSIZER | (1866 - 1880) | _Richard BEASLEY ____+ | | m 1826 |_Mary Jane BEASLEY _______| (1836 - 1917) m 1854 | |_Mildred FREE _______ (1809 - 1854) m 1826
1907 Jay Co, IND City Directory
_Kermit Elwood EVILSIZOR _+ | (1917 - 2012) _Jerold Lee EVILSIZOR ____| | | | |_Ella Juanita PARR _______+ | | |--Douglas Edward EVILSIZOR | | __________________________ | | |_Patricia Louise SHROYER _| | |__________________________
_____________________ | _Jacob Koutz GARBER _| | (1833 - ....) m 1853| | |_____________________ | | |--Alta M GARBER | (1878 - ....) | _William HUSTON _____ | | (1812 - 1880) m 1834 |_Cynthia Ann HUSTON _| (1838 - 1909) m 1853| |_Letitia ROBINSON ___ (1814 - 1867) m 1834
_George GENTIS ______+ | (1809 - 1876) m 1833 _John GENTIS ________| | (1837 - 1916) m 1859| | |_Christina ZERKLE ___+ | (1812 - 1871) m 1833 | |--Cyrus Franklin GENTIS | (1869 - 1947) | _____________________ | | |_Louisa Jane BARE ___| (1840 - 1896) m 1859| |_____________________
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
_Clifford GENTIS _____+ | (1882 - 1969) m 1907 _Alton M GENTIS _____| | (1916 - 1999) | | |_Effie M FURROW ______+ | (1883 - 1935) m 1907 | |--Daniel GENTIS | | _Charles Arthur GARD _+ | | (1893 - 1963) m 1920 |_Ruth Ann GARD ______| | |_Mabel M KREGLOW _____+ (1897 - 1982) m 1920
Meeting held at the church for purpose of organizing Sabbath School
John Humphreys Librarian of Sabbath School
7/1883 Officers- John Humphrey
Careysville Catchups
A very pleasnat surprise party was given at the home of John Humphrey's on Sat in honor of his daughters, Stella and Minnie, it being their 18th birthday. Their brother, C C Humphreys who has been in Indiana the past year, came home to attend the party and was accompanied by his grandmother
CCGS Newsletter
CCGS Newsletter
_George JENNINGS ____ | (1780 - 1825) _Edward Pratt JENNINGS _| | (1811 - 1906) m 1839 | | |_Jane CHENOWETH _____ | (1791 - 1868) | |--Edward Pratt JENNINGS | (1845 - 1904) | _____________________ | | |_Anna Marie BENTLEY ____| (1822 - 1890) m 1839 | |_____________________
The Champaign Rangers was in impropmtu Company, raised here on the first call for men to defend the Queen City. They left Urbana on the 4th inst and returned on the 9th. The danger having passed, they were honorably discharged, and returned without the loss of a man, and with only two on the sick list. Capt Vance will hold his Company in readiness for any emergency, and wo-betide the enemy that may heppen to come within range of their trusty rifles.
E P Jennings
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
CCGS Newsletter
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
_James MCCONNELL ____ | (1804 - 1880) _Henry Clay MCCONNELL _| | (1847 - 1913) | | |_Eleanor MURRAY _____ | (1810 - 1886) | |--Mary V MCCONNELL | (1875 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth C ROBINSON _| (1850 - ....) | |_____________________
_John NEFF _______________ | (1776 - 1828) _Samuel NEFF ________| | (1796 - 1865) m 1846| | |_Barbara KAUFFMAN ________ | (1774 - 1840) | |--Jonas NEFF | (1850 - ....) | _Abraham Murdock CRABILL _+ | | (1784 - 1853) |_Rachel CRABILL _____| (1810 - 1863) m 1846| |_Catherine KELLER ________ (1787 - ....)
[20457] Champaign Co, Guardianship Records pg472 Jan 11 1867 Adam Neff gdn of Aaron Neff 19yr 23 May 1866; Jonas Neff 16yr 19 Jan 1866; Susanna 17yr 19 Se pt 19 1866; heirs of Samuel Neff dec'd. Surities John H Blose and Isaac Ne ff
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Daniel POORMAN _____ | (1780 - ....) _Daniel POORMAN _____| | (1815 - 1881) m 1842| | |_Mary A GREENWALT ___ | | |--Mary POORMAN | (1847 - 1852) | _John BROWN _________ | | (1796 - 1873) |_Elizabeth BROWN ____| (1816 - 1909) m 1842| |_Nancy GOTTSHALL ____+ (1799 - ....)
Death Records - Lousia Co VA
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Levi PURKEYPILE _______+ | (1843 - 1897) m 1865 _John W Purkeypile PURK _| | (1883 - 1972) | | |_Emeline KLINGER _______ | (1845 - 1923) m 1865 | |--Charles Richard PURK | | _Samuel Walter COVAULT _+ | | (1857 - 1897) m 1876 |_Nora Ellen COVAULT _____| (1885 - 1957) | |_Susannah KIZER ________ (1856 - 1894) m 1876
_Leonard SCHNEPP ____________+ | (1753 - 1825) _Reinhart Greef SCHNEPP _| | (1782 - 1860) m 1808 | | |_Catherine STRAUB ___________ | (1760 - 1838) | |--Joseph SCHNEPP | (1817 - 1861) | _John Johannes Martin APPLE _ | | (1752 - 1823) |_Elizabeth APPLE ________| (1790 - 1851) m 1808 | |_Maria Catherine WEAVER _____ (1756 - 1859)
Ohio Marriages LDS
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_____________________ | _George Washington SLONAKER _| | (1823 - 1863) | | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth E SHLONAKER | (1856 - ....) | _Giles JOHNSON ______ | | (1800 - 1850) m 1814 |_Rebecca A JOHNSON __________| (1832 - 1919) | |_Mary PEARSON _______+ (1800 - 1888) m 1814
George W White �tab�45
Lucinda White �tab�42
William P White �tab�21
Samuel H. White �tab�19
Rhoda F. White �tab�16
Clara White �tab�13
Mary White �tab�12
Norah White �tab�10
Grant White �tab�8
Fletcher Village
George W White �tab�66 2/834 OH PA OH
Lucinda White �tab�62 wife, 7/1837 md43y 10/9
Minta White �tab�18 twin day 1/1882
Myrta White �tab�18 twin dau 1/1882
Velina Mathers �tab�5 gr dau 10/1894
Section 30 Township 3 Range 11( SE 1/4) George W White to Allen Huffman, undivided half of 4 acres Bk 29 Pg26
Section 30 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) Quitclaim from Jesse Line to George W White, 102 acres on east side Bk 30 Pg308
Section 30 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) George White to William McKinley endivided one forth of 102 acres Bk 30 Pg309
Section 30 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) M R McKinley to George W White, undivided 1/8 of 102 acres Bk 32 Pg308
Section 30 Township 3 Range 11( SW 1/4) Quitclaim from George W White to Samuel Rhynard, 100 acres on east side Bk 32 Pg586
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G