_Ozias BEDELL ___________ | (1831 - 1902) m 1856 _Cornelius Melvin BEDELL _| | (1864 - 1964) m 1889 | | |_Nancy JENKINS __________ | (1834 - 1900) m 1856 | |--Cecil L BEDELL | (1895 - 1966) | _Sherman S HUSTON _______+ | | (1840 - 1909) m 1865 |_Letitia Clara HUSTON ____| (1873 - 1964) m 1889 | |_Letitia Hannah ANDREWS _+ (1847 - 1925) m 1865
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Joseph W CUTLER __________+ | (1843 - 1915) m 1866 _Hernando Desoto CUTLER _| | (1880 - 1947) m 1902 | | |_Martha Elizabeth SHAFFER _+ | (1847 - 1918) m 1866 | |--Ethel May CUTLER | (1903 - 1972) | _William John TULLIS ______+ | | (1849 - 1897) m 1871 |_Effie Ora TULLIS _______| (1879 - 1929) m 1902 | |_Elizabeth BALDWIN ________+ (1851 - 1933) m 1871
_Epanetus EVERETT ___ | (1777 - 1838) _Epanetus N EVERETT ______| | (1800 - 1885) m 1851 | | |_Elizabeth WISNER ___ | (1767 - 1835) | |--Columbus EVERETT | (1852 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Susannah Jane PICKERING _| (1820 - 1896) m 1851 | |_____________________
_____________________ | _James FORD _________| | (1754 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Tolson FORD | (1785 - 1848) | _Thomas WEST ________ | | (.... - 1814) |_Blanche WEST _______| (.... - 1840) | |_____________________
On p. 323 - Fleming Co., KY records - "Ordered that
Robert Bartley, John Weir, James Miller and �u��b�Tolson FORD�/u��/b� be allowed
the sum of two shillings and one penny each for attending the court one
day as witnesses for the Commonwealth against Daniel Bayne who was
charged with felony." - next session of court to be held on "Monday the first day of July 1805"
Champaign County Ohio Chauncery Records of the Court of Common Pleas Promiscuous Record Book 7 pg 392, Filed 8 Aug 1815, In Chauncery
Tolson Ford, Blanche Ford, Susanna Conner, James and Mary Noble
Henry Snell, John Snell and Abraham Powell
Tolson Ford is the Administrator of Thomas West of Kentucky; Blanche Ford, Susanna Conner and Mary Noble are sisters and only heirs of Thomas West. In 1809 or 1810 Thomas West held the north-west quarter of Section 28 T wp 5 Range 11 (Urbana) by a certificate from the Cincinnati Land Office. Thomas West had paid 1/4 of the purchase price and pledged the same to a He nry Snell of Warren County as a security of about $20 for which Snell
had lent to West. West, being illiterate, did not know that he had "assigned" the land to Snell when he put his mark on the paper. The complainants charge that Snell intended to obtain the whole quarter of the land of $2 0. Henry Snell has since conveyed the land to his son, John Snell of Warren County. Henry Snell claims that he gave $80 to West and denies that t he land was ever as a security. The court ordered that the case be dismiss ed at the costs of the complainants.
Tolson Ford was Administrator of the Estate of Thomas West in Champaign Co., OH in 1816. Thomas West was father of Blanche West m. to James Ford.
Tolson Ford 300110-11110
Tolson Ford 0012001-0010201
Patentee: �tab�TOLSON FORD�tab��tab�
Survey State: �tab�OHIO
Acres: �tab�80
Metes/Bounds: �tab�No�tab�
Title Transfer Issue Date: �tab�7/1/1831
Land Office: �tab�Piqua
Cancelled: �tab�No
U.S. Reservations: �tab�No
Mineral Reservations: �tab�No
Authority: �tab�April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)�tab�
Document Numbers Document Nr.: �tab�531
Accession/Serial Nr.: �tab�OH0610__.022
BLM Serial Nr.: �tab�OH NO S/N
W�NW �tab�22/ �tab�4-S �tab�8-E �tab�No �tab�1st PM �tab�OH �tab�Allen
Tolson Ford 01000001-00000001001 (oldest age 90-100)
Published by the Logan County, Ohio Genealogical Society
"Logan County Common Pleas Book E, Page 241 - Thursday, 11 July 1844 -
State of Ohio, Logan County
It is hereby certified that by the affidavits of Jacob Moon and Tolson Ford,
on file in this court, the said court are satisfied that it has been
satisfactorily proved that James Sargent was a pensioner of the U. S. That
he died on the 28th day of August 1843 intestate leaving no widow but certain children and heirs to wit: John Sargent, William Sargent, Elizabeth Ford, Daniel Sargent, James Sargent, Nancy Sargent and Emily Blaylock, David Blaylock, and Elizabeth Blaylock, children and heirs of Margaret Blaylock, deceased, late Margaret Sargent, which are the only children and heirs of said James Sargent deceased."
(Abstracted by Denise Kay Mahan Moore)
Tolson Ford and his wife (signed "Welthey C. Ford") sold their land in Allen Co. 24 Aug., 1847 to George Ford for $1000. Tolson and Welthy Gordon had m. in Logan Co., OH 23 May, 1846. The deed was received for record July 31, 1848 and recorded on the first day of August following. Elisha McCoy signed as JP along with John B. Wamsley as recorder. Witnesses to the sale on Aug. 24 were Elisha McCoy and F. (I THINK it is an F.) Rudy. Elisha McCoy m. my own Nancy Caroline Ashing as his second wife, and there are four Rudy marriages on our charts.
From roll 20, pgs. 65-66-67
From Original books in clerks office at Decatur, IN by DAR
Will of Tolson Ford signed by Tolson 13 day of July, 1848 and probated 3 day of Oct., 1848.
County of Adams, State of Indiana
Wife \endash Wealthy C. Ford
Grandson William Ford
Da. Nancy Jane and her heirs, wife of George Myers
Da Eliza and her heirs, wife of John Whitehouse (sic AF)
Grandson Abraham B. Ford
Grandson Newton J Ford
Son David Ford
Son George Ford
Witnessed by George Frank and Eli Rising
Executor was Joseph Gordon from Logon (sic) Co., OH
Tolson's son James had died before his father and grandsons Abraham and Newton were ch. of James.
Jos. Gordon was fa. of Tolson's second sp. Wealthy
In the will itself, Tolson had bequeathed money and personal items to his wife and grandchildren, then: "I give and bequeath to my two sons David Ford and George Ford the balance of my estate after the above legacies are paid, to be equally divided between them." Son David Ford was the Administrator.
The above shows a balance in the hands of said Administrator of two hundred and fifty and 72/100 dollars to be divided between said Admin. And George Ford according to the will of said deceased in equal portions��..Administrator at the request of said George Ford as such legatee now here deposits in Court in promissory notes against said George which he is to receive from the Clerk of said Court as monies and receipt to him as such�for so much money deposited into court by the said Admr. Signed David Ford, Administrator."
There are 13 pgs. shared by Pat George Clark which give every detail of Tolson's estate settlement.
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1820
Death Records-County Records
_William H JONES _________+ | (1845 - 1888) m 1871 _Garnard Griffith JONES _| | (1884 - 1966) m 1906 | | |_Mary MCMORRAN ___________+ | (1853 - 1939) m 1871 | |--Marjorie Catherine JONES | (1920 - 1920) | _Leonides W FAULKNER _____+ | | (1850 - 1907) m 1882 |_Mary Emma FAULKNER _____| (1884 - 1970) m 1906 | |_Arminta Victoria GROVES _ (1854 - 1928) m 1882
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Abraham KELLY ___________ | (1752 - 1842) m 1781 _David R KELLY _______| | (1783 - 1863) m 1803 | | |_Sarah Elizabeth BURGESS _ | (1761 - ....) m 1781 | |--Nancy Ann KELLY | (1820 - ....) | __________________________ | | |_Nancy Ann GILLILAND _| (1785 - 1840) m 1803 | |__________________________
_Zachariah LONGBRAKE _+ | (1812 - ....) m 1835 _George R LONGBRAKE _| | (1835 - 1918) m 1858| | |_Hester RUNYAN _______+ | (1810 - 1843) m 1835 | |--Charles LONGBRAKE | (1867 - ....) | _David L TULLIS ______+ | | (1808 - 1876) m 1831 |_Mary Ann TULLIS ____| (1839 - 1913) m 1858| |_Nancy CARTMELL ______+ (1812 - 1898) m 1831
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Henry RITTER _______ | (1788 - 1859) m 1812 _Jesse Franklin RITTER _| | (1817 - 1887) m 1842 | | |_Elizabeth HARBOUR __+ | (1796 - 1871) m 1812 | |--Mary Elizabeth RITTER | (1845 - ....) | _William MCCROSKY ___ | | (1773 - 1855) |_Nancy MCCROSKY ________| (.... - 1846) m 1842 | |_Mary _______________ (1780 - 1850)
_Nicholas SPEECE ____+ | (1779 - 1839) m 1805 _John SPEECE ________| | (1806 - 1870) m 1830| | |_Mary BAUERSAUCHS ___ | (1788 - 1870) m 1805 | |--John SPEECE | (1841 - 1863) | _____________________ | | |_Hannah MOORE _______| (1812 - 1894) m 1830| |_____________________
_Solomon YOCUM __________________ | (1771 - 1855) m 1791 _John Wesley YOCUM __| | (1805 - 1882) m 1827| | |_Mary Magdalene "Polly" HIGGINS _ | (1771 - 1838) m 1791 | |--Isabelle YOCUM | (1841 - 1858) | _________________________________ | | |_Susannah WATSON ____| (1808 - 1892) m 1827| |_________________________________