I23094: Mary A ARROWSMITH (28 Mar 1828 - ____)


28 Mar 1828 - ____

Father: Samuel ARROWSMITH
Mother: Elizabeth RITTER

                       _Samuel ARROWSMITH __+
                      | (1742 - 1826)       
 _Samuel ARROWSMITH __|
| (1779 - 1843)       |
|                     |_Mary MILLIARD ______
|                       (.... - 1794)       
|  (1828 - ....)
|                      _John RITTER ________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth RITTER ___|



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Daphine Beth BARR

____ - ____

Father: Roy K BARR
Mother: Dolores Irene COBLE

                        _Lester Lee BARR ______+
                       | (1894 - 1967) m 1912  
 _Roy K BARR __________|
|                      |
|                      |_Purney Nannie KINMAN _+
|                        (1895 - 1987) m 1912  
|--Daphine Beth BARR 
|                       _______________________
|                      |                       
|_Dolores Irene COBLE _|



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James Alfred BOARD

28 Mar 1851 - 8 Sep 1915

Father: Benjamin Franklin BOARD
Mother: Sarah Ann BURDETTE

Family 1 : Margaret "Maggie" WADE
  1.  Joseph C BOARD

                            _Phillip Schuyler BOARD _
                           | (1760 - 1850) m 1804    
 _Benjamin Franklin BOARD _|
| (1811 - 1885) m 1838     |
|                          |_Mary "Polly" CASTLEMAN _
|                            (1779 - 1827) m 1804    
|--James Alfred BOARD 
|  (1851 - 1915)
|                           _________________________
|                          |                         
|_Sarah Ann BURDETTE ______|
  (1812 - 1892) m 1838     |



[4174] HH133
Mary Wade �tab�71 head, widow 12/1828 6/2 KY MD KY
George Wade �tab�52 son 11/1847widower, KY KY KY
Frank Wade �tab�21 grandson 9/1898 KY
Alfered Board �tab�51 son in law 3/1849 KY KY KY m23 KY KY KY
Ed Board �tab�16 grandson 8/1883 KY
Catherine J Mattingly, sister in law, 7/1849 single, KY KY KY

[4175] Household�tab�Role�tab�Gender�tab�Age�tab�Birthplace
Alfred J Board�tab�Head�tab�M�tab�59�tab�Kentucky
Margaret A Board�tab�Wife�tab�F�tab�53�tab�Kentucky
Ida Mae Board�tab�Daughter�tab�F�tab�31�tab�Kentucky
Joseph C Board�tab�Son�tab�M�tab�25�tab�Kentucky
Fredie Blunk�tab�Grandson�tab�M�tab�6�tab�Kentucky
Annie M Blunk�tab�Granddaughter�tab�F�tab�3�tab�Indiana
Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M2DX-R45 : accessed 29 Oct 2014), Alfred J Board, District 3, Marion, Kentucky, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 89, sheet 16B, family 414, NARA microfilm publication T624, FHL microfilm 1374494.



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1760 - 28 Nov 1852

Family 1 : Frances Lucinda
  1.  Elizabeth COLBERT
  2.  Toliver COLBERT
  3. +John COLBERT
  4.  Espa Alice COLBERT
  5.  Jesse COLBERT
  6. +Catherine COLBERT
  7. +Humphrey COLBERT
  8.  Susannah COLBERT
  9.  George COLBERT
  10. +Elsie " Delilah" COLBERT
  11. +Nancy COLBERT
  12. +Lucinda COLBERT



[17240] [S192] Tombstone Inscription


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Andrew EBERT


ABT 1728 - 22 May 1804

Father: Hans George EBERT

Family 1 : Mary Elizabeth
  1.  Phillip EBERT
  2.  Frederick EBERT
  3.  Elizabeth EBERT
  4.  Enoch EBERT
  5. +John EBERT

                       _Johan George EPPARD _
                      | (1674 - ....)        
 _Hans George EBERT __|
| (1701 - ....)       |
|                     |______________________
|--Andrew EBERT 
|  (1728 - 1804)
|                      ______________________
|                     |                      



[14264] [S125] IGI-Mormon Library

[64919] [S163] Rockingham Co, VA Marriages 1778-1850 by John Vogt


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Phillip Elijah FAULKNER

19 Jul 1916 - 27 Sep 1916

Father: Herbert Walter FAULKNER
Mother: Adelaide Bonnie FROMME

                            _Fletcher Grant FAULKNER _+
                           | (1861 - 1932) m 1887     
 _Herbert Walter FAULKNER _|
| (1892 - 1974) m 1914     |
|                          |_Lola E "Lois" CLEM ______+
|                            (1865 - 1941) m 1887     
|--Phillip Elijah FAULKNER 
|  (1916 - 1916)
|                           _Albert Ferdinand FROMME _+
|                          | (1858 - 1926) m 1888     
|_Adelaide Bonnie FROMME __|
  (1893 - 1969) m 1914     |
                           |_Bonnie Lou KELLER _______+
                             (1867 - 1943) m 1888     


[15795] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916

[15796] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916

[15797] [S309] Champaign Co - Burial & Deaths

[15798] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber


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Sampson G GOODE


17 Jun 1845 - 23 Oct 1931

Father: Isaac GOODE
Mother: Elizabeth RINAKER

Family 1 : Mary Jane AMMON
  1.  Glendora GOODE
  2.  Albert GOODE

                       _Jonas GOOD _________+
                      | (.... - 1862)       
 _Isaac GOODE ________|
| (1808 - 1892) m 1834|
|                     |_Sarah TANNER _______
|--Sampson G GOODE 
|  (1845 - 1931)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth RINAKER __|
  (1817 - 1900) m 1834|



NW 1/4 Sec 4 Twp 3 Range 12
Daniel Pressler to Sampson Good, 20 acres Bk 67 Pg43

NW 1/4 Sec 4 Twp 3 Range 12
Sampson Good to W A Wibel, 20 acres Bk 75 Pg396

[43758] [S181] Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975

[43759] [S181] Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975

[43761] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp

[43763] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp

[70223] [S316] Ohio Marriages LDS


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Gerald Daniel GRIEST

20 Feb 1909 - 8 Nov 1969

Father: Clarence Daniel GRIEST
Mother: Pearl Gertrude BALLENTINE

Family 1 : Hazel Elizabeth SUVER
  1.  Betty G GRIEST
  2.  Robert E GRIEST
  3.  Lois GRIEST
  4.  Richard L GRIEST

                              _Nathan GRIEST _________+
                             | (1839 - 1924) m 1867   
 _Clarence Daniel GRIEST ____|
| (1882 - 1930) m 1904       |
|                            |_Emeline GETZ __________
|                              (1846 - 1923) m 1867   
|--Gerald Daniel GRIEST 
|  (1909 - 1969)
|                             _McClelland BALLENTINE _+
|                            | (1864 - 1918) m 1884   
|_Pearl Gertrude BALLENTINE _|
  (1885 - 1949) m 1904       |
                             |_Ida Ann MICHAEL _______+
                               (1865 - 1947) m 1884   



[26297] [S150] Ohio Death Index


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Janie Westfall HANDO
Family 2 : Janie Westfall HANDO



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Infant son HARBOUR

8 Dec 1882 - Infant

Father: William C HARBOUR
Mother: Mary Jane MCCROSKY

                       _John HARBOUR _______+
                      | (1824 - 1864) m 1846
 _William C HARBOUR __|
| (1849 - ....) m 1873|
|                     |_Effa DICKERSON _____+
|                       (1829 - 1906) m 1846
|--Infant son HARBOUR 
|  (1882 - ....)
|                      _Samuel MCCROSKY ____+
|                     | (1806 - 1882) m 1847
|_Mary Jane MCCROSKY _|
  (1854 - ....) m 1873|
                      |_Levina HALTERMAN ___+
                        (1821 - 1890) m 1847


[57602] [S298] Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884


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4 Oct 1881 - 9 Dec 1888

Father: Levi HUNTER
Mother: Artemisia BUSHNELL

                       _John Wesley HUNTER _+
                      | (1807 - 1881) m 1833
 _Levi HUNTER ________|
| (1844 - 1901) m 1870|
|                     |_Mary Ann EAGLE _____+
|                       (1816 - 1888) m 1833
|--Homer D HUNTER 
|  (1881 - 1888)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Artemisia BUSHNELL _|
  (1859 - 1943) m 1870|


[54445] [S73] Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2

[54446] [S73] Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2

[54447] [S298] Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884

[54448] [S73] Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2


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Mary Jane IDLE

30 Mar 1833 - 3 Jan 1897

Father: William IDLE
Mother: Frances P MAGINNIS

Family 1 : Joseph William GIDEON
  1.  William A GIDEON

                       _John IDLE __________+
                      | (1780 - 1878) m 1804
 _William IDLE _______|
| (1811 - 1892) m 1832|
|                     |_Mary SIBERT ________
|                       (1784 - 1842) m 1804
|--Mary Jane IDLE 
|  (1833 - 1897)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Frances P MAGINNIS _|
  (1786 - 1853) m 1832|



[7534] [S15] 1850 Census

[63744] [S211] Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G


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Isabelle JOHNSON

1908 - ____

Father: Ivan T JOHNSON
Mother: Iona IGOU

                       _Hiram Mills JOHNSON _+
                      | (1808 - 1899) m 1851 
 _Ivan T JOHNSON _____|
| (1858 - 1937) m 1892|
|                     |_Margaret Wood BROWN _+
|                       (1817 - 1907) m 1851 
|--Isabelle JOHNSON 
|  (1908 - ....)
|                      ______________________
|                     |                      
|_Iona IGOU __________|
  (1869 - 1944) m 1892|



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[NI14135] [HI14135]

BET 1760 AND 1770 - Aug 1841

Family 1 : Elizabeth RUNKLE
  1. +Elizabeth KITE
  2. +Emanuel KITE
  3.  Michael KITE
  4.  Samuel KITE
  5. +Benjamin KITE
  6. +Mary "Polly" KITE
  7. +William KITE
  8.  Margaret M KITE
  9. +Sarah KITE
  10. +George W KITE
  11.  David KITE


[NI14135] [HI14135]

Record Book 2, Page 286
Adam Kite
Caleb Carter
On 26 April 1809 Kite filed a suit against Carter which was tried before Robert Renick Esquire. Carter lost the case and appealed before the Court of Common Pleas. Adam Kite was represented by Edward W. Pearce, attorney and Caleb Carter was represented by John Alexander, attorney. On the 3rd Tuesday in May 1810 the case was heard in the Court of Common Pleas and continued until the May Term of 1812. In 1812 the case was discontinued by the consent of both parties. On the 3rd Monday in September 1812 the court ruled that Carter recover from Kite for costs and charges which amounted to $26.70

[10968] Public Records of Champaign Co, OH Chancery Records of the Court of Common Pleas Record Book 8, pg 90, Filed 16 Mar 1823 Peter Offabaker vs Adam Kite On 16 mrch 1818 Adam Kite sold to Peter Offabaker 160 acres in the south east quarter of Section 6 Township 3 Range 11 (Johnson Twp). Peter gave Adam a note in the amount of $550 with $11.00 penal. The entire purcahse price has been paid and Peter is asking for a clear deed

- 2101000010-00100010

Record Book 11, Page 440 - Filed 9 November 1830 Adam Kite Vs John Norman et al In 1814 Adam Kite purchased from John Norman, now of Indiana, three acres located in the south-west corner of north-west quarter of Section 30 To wnship 4 Range 11 (Mad River Tp.). Kite received a clear deed, however, the deed was not recorded and was lost within six months. Kite requested another deed from Norman but did not receive one. Adam occupied the land until 1828 and made improvements. Two years after Kite lost the deed Norm an sold the land to Henry and Christiana Bodey of Champaign County, who in turn, sold the land to George Zimmerman, who in his time forced Kite off of the land. Kite proved that he had paid the taxes on the land ev ery year since 1814. On 13 March 1831 William Bodey answered that in 1821 his brother, Lewis Bodey, and his sister, Christiana Bodey, now wife of Martin Comer of Indiana, purchased about 124 acres from Norman which was intended to consist of 121 acres in north-west quarter Section 30 and 2 acres 70 poles in Section 31 Township 4 Range 12. William was not much over 16 years at the time but he understood that i@te held 3 acres in the north-west quarter. Later, while William Bodey was still under 21 yea rs he sold his interest in the land to Zimmerman, however, as William was not able to read did not know that the deed included Kite's land. One Henry Bodey also swears to the statement on 7 February 1831. John Norman states that he received a grant by patent in 1813 for the north
end of the west half of Section 30 Township 4 Range 11; 124.36 acres. Norm an purchased about 20 acres in an adjoining tract for water power for $240 .00 and agreed to sell Kite 3 acres of the north end of the west half of S ection 30 and gave him a deed but never received the $36.00 for the land. Norman stated that Kite never informed him that he lost the deed until after Norman sold the land to Bodey. About 1820 Norman bargained with Lewis Bodey, guardian of Henry and Christiana Bodey, for 121 acres a nd 2 acres 70 poles, but there had to be separate deeds for each tract. He believes it was totally unknown to all that the deed to Bodey contained Kite's land until Zimmerman purchased it. However, Zimmerman did know of Kite's claims but refused to settle for the land except for $100 f or the three acres. On 8 April 1831 the court decreed that Zimmerman pay $ 15 in full for the three acres to Kite and that he also pay $5 to Kite for the cost of the suit.

Champaign Co Will Abstracts Book B Pg 248 Adam Kite, probated 8-6-1841 Sons, George W, Emanuel, Samuel, William, Benjamin, and David Kite; daughters Polly Jenkins, Elizabeth Custer, Margaret Thomas and Sarah Kite. Benja min Kite, executor. Witness Moses B Corwine, Henry Weaver. Signed Nov 30, 1833

Myrtle Tree Church Records (Organized 4/24/1830) Covers period 4/24/1830- 2/23/1850 CCGS Newsletter Spring 1998 pg24 2/20/1836 Received Adam Kite, excl 1/26/1839

pg 347 2m10-15, 1m70-80; 1f5-10, 1f50-60

PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record Book 18, Page 1 - Filed 27 August 1844 - Petition for Dower Geor ge W. Kite Vs Heirs of Adam Kite deceased Adam Kite, late of ' Champaign County, on 24th day of June 1837, sold a nd executed to George W. Kite, under a title bond, his farm on which he lived, containing about 174 acres, except 35 acres thereof, for which Geor ge W. Kite executed to Adam Kite several notes, amounting to $650, a ll of which he paid to Adam Kite, during his life time. On 30 November 18 33, Adam Kite devised his will (in case that Adam died before George could pay for the land) which included the legacy of the land to George W. Kite if he paid legacies to the other heirs. However, as George W. Kite pa id for the land prior to the death of Adam Kite, the legal obligation of the will became null and void. George W. Kite requested a clear deed from the heirs. The heirs of Adam Kite: Benjamin Kite; Emanuel Kite; William Kite; Elizabeth Custar, wife of Arnold Custar; Sarah Fitzpatrick, wife of Daniel Fitzpatrick; Evan Jenkins; Benjamin Jenkins; Simon Jenkins; R ussel Jenkins; Dica Comer, wife of Phillip Comer; Levina Kite; Lucinda Kite (not of Ohio); Samuel Kite; Margaret Thomas, wife of John M. Thomas (not of Ohio); and George W. Kite.


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Mar 1894 - ____

Father: Samuel P LANTZ
Mother: Vashti FULWIDER

                       _John Plank LANTZ ___+
                      | (1835 - 1924) m 1860
 _Samuel P LANTZ _____|
| (1868 - 1932) m 1891|
|                     |_Sarah PLANK ________
|                       (1836 - 1909) m 1860
|--Evea V LANTZ 
|  (1894 - ....)
|                      _David A FULWIDER ___+
|                     | (1841 - 1911) m 1865
|_Vashti FULWIDER ____|
  (1868 - 1904) m 1891|
                      |_Elizabeth A DEAR ___+
                        (1847 - 1924) m 1865



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20 Oct 1771 - 1856

Family 1 : William WOOLEY
  1. +John Clark WOOLEY
  2.  Phoebe WOOLEY
  3. +William WOOLEY
  4.  Sophia WOOLEY
  5.  Judith WOOLEY
  6. +Stephen WOOLEY
  7.  Margaret WOOLEY
  8.  Hannah WOOLEY
  9.  Mary Ann WOOLEY




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1843 - ____

Father: William Harrison MCFARLAND
Mother: Jane F TALBOTT

                               _Robert MCFARLAND ___+
                              | (1783 - 1863) m 1804
 _William Harrison MCFARLAND _|
| (1813 - 1900) m 1836        |
|                             |_Deborah GRAY _______
|                               (.... - 1814) m 1804
|--Robert A MCFARLAND 
|  (1843 - ....)
|                              _Sampson TALBOTT ____
|                             | (1767 - 1846) m 1816
|_Jane F TALBOTT _____________|
  (1817 - 1888) m 1836        |
                              |_Anne OLIVER ________+
                                (1778 - 1829) m 1816



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Frederick MOHR


24 Feb 1828 - 29 Oct 1901

Father: Frederick George MOHR
Mother: Maria Catherine REXER

Family 1 : Barbara DETIRCK
  1.  Laura A MOHR
  2.  Emma MOHR
  3. +Sarah Alice MOHR
  4.  Mary Matilda (Huber-Kaylor) MOHR
  5.  Lucy Ellen (Huber) MOHR
  6. +Charles F MOHR
  7.  Clara S MOHR
  8.  Emma Jane MOHR

 _Frederick George MOHR _|
| (1792 - 1868) m 1817   |
|                        |__
|--Frederick MOHR 
|  (1828 - 1901)
|                         __
|                        |  
|_Maria Catherine REXER _|
  (.... - 1832) m 1817   |


[HI53824] [DI53824]


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George Robert NICHOLAS

2 Dec 1918 - 2 Dec 1918

Father: Otis Carol NICHOLAS
Mother: Ruth Olive SHEPARD

                        _Robert Layton NICHOLAS ____+
                       | (1874 - 1937) m 1897       
 _Otis Carol NICHOLAS _|
| (1897 - 1944)        |
|                      |_Viola Mae LEMMON __________+
|                        (1877 - 1947) m 1897       
|--George Robert NICHOLAS 
|  (1918 - 1918)
|                       _George Washington SHEPARD _
|                      | (1856 - 1928) m 1883       
|_Ruth Olive SHEPARD __|
  (1896 - 1918)        |
                       |_Emma Frances LEFFEL _______+
                         (1857 - 1920) m 1883       



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13 Apr 1824 - 12 Nov 1901

Father: Ezra NILES
Mother: Louisa

Family 1 : Amanda Jane MILLER

 _Ezra NILES _________|
| (1798 - 1871)       |
|                     |__
|--John M NILES 
|  (1824 - 1901)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Louisa _____________|
  (1801 - 1889)       |



SW 1/4 Sec 2 Twp 3 Range 12
John Smith to John M Niles, 118 poles, 71 64/100 poles Bk 37 Pg445

(John Weller to Zadock Randle 11/20/1857
Zaddock Randle to John Smith 4/2/1858
Trustees of Reformed Church to John Smith 7/7/1860

SW 1/4 Sec 2 Twp 3 Range 12
John M Niles to Henry Kite, 118 poles and 72 poles Bk 38 Pg517

NE 1/4 Sec 3 Twp 3 Range 12
(US Patenet 7/1/1832 to Dan Nicholas 157.76 acres Bk Y Pg 503 recorded Mar 11 1854)
A H Bodey to John M Niles, 4 acres Bk 61 Pg359

NE 1/4 Sec 3 Twp 3 Range 12
(US Patenet 7/1/1832 to Dan Nicholas 157.76 acres Bk Y Pg 503 recorded Mar 11 1854)
John M Niles to Jacob D Feaster, 4 acres Bk 76 Pg112

[49922] [S73] Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2

[49923] [S73] Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2

[49924] [S118] Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com

[49926] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp

[49928] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp

[49930] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp

[49932] [S278] Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp


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Phyllis Marie PENCE

17 Sep 1910 - 29 Sep 1910

Father: John D PENCE
Mother: Nellie CONRAD

                       _William P PENCE ______+
                      | (1839 - 1919) m 1878  
 _John D PENCE _______|
| (1886 - 1952) m 1908|
|                     |_Mary Ann MILLER ______
|                       (1853 - 1915) m 1878  
|--Phyllis Marie PENCE 
|  (1910 - 1910)
|                      _Ferman Oliver CONRAD _+
|                     | (1863 - 1946) m 1885  
|_Nellie CONRAD ______|
  (1887 - 1975) m 1908|
                      |_Alberta COLLINS ______+
                        (1867 - 1955) m 1885  


[6454] [S82] Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911


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Mary A (Glover) SIDDERS


1858 - ____

Father: Joseph SIDDERS
Mother: Martha Ann PENCE

 _Joseph SIDDERS _____|
| (1827 - 1899) m 1857|
|                     |_____________________
|--Mary A (Glover) SIDDERS 
|  (1858 - ....)
|                      _John PENCE _________
|                     | (1799 - 1883) m 1827
|_Martha Ann PENCE ___|
  (1834 - 1917) m 1857|
                      |_Margaret JONES _____+
                        (1807 - 1896) m 1827




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Kasie Lyn STALEY

____ - ____

Father: Jerry Allen STALEY
Mother: Pamela Kaye EVILSIZER

Family 1 : Timothy Stephen DOERING
Family 2 : Timothy Stephen DOERING

                          _James Andrew STALEY ________
                         | (1908 - 1989)               
 _Jerry Allen STALEY ____|
|                        |
|                        |_Alma BAILEY ________________
|                          (1920 - 1996)               
|--Kasie Lyn STALEY 
|                         _Charles Bartling EVILSIZER _+
|                        | (1921 - 1992) m 1941        
|_Pamela Kaye EVILSIZER _|
                         |_Esther Ruth BOHLEN _________
                           (1920 - 2003) m 1941        



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ABT 1914 - ____

Father: Arthur Guy WHITFIELD
Mother: Lena M MCCARTY

 _Arthur Guy WHITFIELD _|
| (1894 - ....) m 1914  |
|                       |__________________________________
|  (1914 - ....)
|                        _Charlie Cole MCCARTY ____________+
|                       | (1877 - 1944) m 1896             
|_Lena M MCCARTY _______|
  (1897 - 1971) m 1914  |
                        |_Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" CLINTON _+
                          (1880 - 1957) m 1896             



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Amy Elizabeth WILTHEISS

____ - ____

Father: Gaylord Eugene WILTHEISS
Mother: Patricia HESS

                             _Jack Eldon WILTHEISS _+
                            | (1928 - 2012)         
 _Gaylord Eugene WILTHEISS _|
|                           |
|                           |_Glenna Louise REED ___+
|--Amy Elizabeth WILTHEISS 
|                            _______________________
|                           |                       
|_Patricia HESS ____________|



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Elizabeth ZEVOLT

1816 - 23 Jun 1880

Family 1 : George BRIGNER
  1.  George BRIGNER
  2.  Peter BRIGNER
  3. +Andrew BRIGNER
  4. +William BRIGNER
  5. +John BRIGNER
  6. +Henry BRIGNER



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