_____________________ | _Columbus Washington BAKER _| | (1832 - 1911) m 1855 | | |_____________________ | | |--William Byron BAKER | (1859 - 1938) | _Martin WELLS _______+ | | (1816 - 1891) m 1837 |_Mary Ann WELLS ____________| (1837 - 1922) m 1855 | |_Permelia FLOWERS ___+ (1820 - 1900) m 1837
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
_Lorenzo Dow BOWERS _____ | (.... - 1862) m 1832 _John BOWERS ________| | (1847 - 1901) m 1866| | |_Druscilla (Mrs) BOWERS _ | (1815 - 1888) m 1832 | |--Ida Lilly Or Belle BOWERS | (1873 - 1963) | _Benjamin F EVANS _______+ | | (1825 - ....) m 1847 |_Mary Ann EVANS _____| (1949 - 1931) m 1866| |_Louisa COMER ___________+ (1829 - 1890) m 1847
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
_John BROWN ___________ | (1774 - 1843) m 1809 _Joseph BROWN ____________| | (1824 - 1886) m 1849 | | |_Margaret DAVIS _______+ | (1786 - 1867) m 1809 | |--Alicia Isabelle BROWN | (1850 - 1871) | _William BRIDGEMAN ____ | | (1799 - 1881) m 1823 |_Mary Isabelle BRIDGEMAN _| (1830 - 1904) m 1849 | |_Alcia Isabelle DARST _ (1806 - 1889) m 1823
_____________________ | _Michael COUCHMAN ___| | (1805 - 1864) m 1840| | |_____________________ | | |--George W COUCHMAN | (1848 - 1905) | _Amos NEER __________+ | | (1787 - 1843) m 1806 |_Elizabeth NEER _____| (1813 - 1898) m 1840| |_Sarah CONRAD _______+ (1794 - 1828) m 1806
Champaign Co - Guardianships 1805-1858
__ | _Benjamin M DEAL ____| | (1800 - 1878) | | |__ | | |--Jane DEAL | (1824 - ....) | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
Marriage Index-Ohio 1789-1850-CD400
Bride Jane Jenkins
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Daniel EVILSIZER ___+ | (1828 - 1912) m 1847 _James Harrison (Evilsizer) EVENSIZER _| | (1862 - 1921) m 1881 | | |_Barbara Ann DYE ____+ | (1826 - 1892) m 1847 | |--Elsie Rae EVENSIZER | (1884 - 1964) | _____________________ | | |_Mary Elizabeth RYNEARSON _____________| (1861 - 1938) m 1881 | |_____________________
John B Gray �tab�37 head, IA IN ENG, buyer grain elevators
Elsie R Gray �tab�26 m1x m9y 3/3 OH OH IN
Norris L Gray �tab�7 son, ND
Gladys J Gray �tab�5 dau ND
Edna L Gray �tab�2 dau ND
CD 225 Marriage Index 1850-1951
_John FITZPATRICK ___ | (1782 - 1852) _John M FITZPATRICK _| | (1810 - 1849) m 1842| | |_Phoebe LARGENT _____ | (1781 - 1866) | |--John Mclaughlin FITZPATRICK | (1843 - 1911) | _John ALLISON _______+ | | (1781 - 1864) |_Jane ALLISON _______| (1817 - 1889) m 1842| |_Sarah WOOD _________ (1790 - 1876)
Champaign Co, Guardianship Vol 1 pg 441 Sep 21 1852 John West gdn of J hn M Fitzpatrick; Sarah E Fitzpatrick, Nancy C Fitzpatrick minor heirs of John Fitzpatrick dec'd. Surities William McCrea, Charles Fitzpatrick
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
_James FORD _________ | (1754 - ....) _Thomas FORD ________| | (1784 - 1854) m 1820| | |_Blanche WEST _______+ | (.... - 1840) | |--Thomas Hines FORD | (1832 - 1913) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca MAGILL _____| (1801 - 1887) m 1820| |_____________________
-pg213 HH127
Thomas H Ford, 27, OH
Polly A 24 OH
John H 8m
NE 1/4 Section 35 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Thomas H Ford to Flemmon Hall etal, saw mill
Name: �tab�Thomas Ford
Enlistment Date: �tab�2 May 1864
Side Served: �tab�Union
State Served: �tab�Ohio
Service Record: �tab�Enlisted as a Private on 2 May 1864 at the age of 31.
Enlisted in Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 6 May 1864.
Mustered Out Company B, 134th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 31 Aug 1864 at Camp Chase, OH.
Enlisted in 134th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company B.,Muster ed in 6 May 1864 at Camp Chase, OH by Captain Otis. Mustered Out at Ca mp Chase, OH on 31 August 1864 by J.M. Eyster, Captain, 18th Infantry, U.S .A. Rank: "do" Private, Age at Enlistment: 31. Period of Service was 1 00 Days.
Also see, Ohio 134 Infantry, Organized 6 May, 1864, Muster Date 31 Augu st 1864, Regement Type: Infantry, Officers Killed or Mortally Wounde d: 0, Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 0, Enlisted Killed or Mortal ly Wounded: 0, Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 30.
Battles Fought: Battle of Port Walthall, Virginia on 17 June, 1864. Battle of Bermuda Hundred, Virginia on 28 July, 1864.
-pg194 HH#21
Thomas Ford, 36 OH farmer
Polly, 34 OH
John 10 OH
Etna 5 OH (f)
Franklin 3 OH
Mirium 9m
SW1/4 Section 6 Twp 3 Range 12 (Adams Twp)
John Hall to Thomas H Ford, 5 acres east half
NE 1/4 Section 35 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Flemmon Hall to Thomas H Ford, NE1/4 except 3 acres, 2 acres, 17 acres, 1.25 acres and 3 acres - 134 acres
SE1/4 Section 6 Twp 3 Range 12 (Adams Twp)
Thomas N & Polly Ford to Flemmon Hall, 10 acres northeast of east half
NE1/4 Section 35 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Quitclaim from Thomas H Ford to John Hall, 78 acres, west side, for life
Thomas H. FORD Self M Male W 47 OH �tab� Farmer �tab� MD �tab� ---
Anna FORD Wife �tab� M Female W 44 OH �tab� Keeping House VA VA
John H. FORD Son S Male W 20 �tab� OH �tab� Farmer �tab� OH �tab� OH
Etna FORD Dau �tab� S Female W 15 OH �tab� OH �tab� OH
Frank FORD Son �tab� S Male �tab� W 13 �tab� OH �tab� OH �tab� OH
Miriam FORD Dau �tab� S Female W 10 OH �tab� OH �tab� OH
James FORD Son S Male �tab� W 8 �tab� OH �tab� OH �tab� OH
Nellie FORD Dau �tab� S Female W 5 �tab� OH �tab� OH �tab� OH
NE 1/4 Section 35 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Jacob L Heath to T H Ford, three-fourths of an acre
NW1/4 Section 17 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Joseph Harbour to T H Ford, 40 acres
NW 1/4 Section 23 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
Joseph Harbour to T H Ford, 80 acres west half
NW 1/4 Section 17 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
from T H Ford to James McBeth, 40 acres
NW1/4 Section 23 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
T H Ford to W J Abbott and W �u�S�/u� Wilson, west half
NW 1/4 Section 23 Twp 4 Range 12 (Concord Twp)
From Sarah Harbour to T H Ford, west half
SW1/4 Section 3 Twp 3 Range 13 (Adams Twp)
H D Cretcher to T �u�K�/u� Ford, west half of SW1/4 except 1.5 acres in southeast corner
SE1/4 Section 9 Twp 3 Range 13 (Adams Twp)
H D Cretcher to T H Ford, east half
Thomas H Ford
Emlisted 5/6/1864
Discharged 8/30/1864
SE1/4 Section 9 Twp 3 Range 13 (Adams Twp)
T H Ford by Assignee to H D Cretcher, 30 acres east side
SE1/4 Section 9 Twp 3 Range 13 (Adams Twp)
T H Ford by Assignee to Samuel Mowrey, 50 acres west side of east half
James J Ford, head, 5/1872, 28, m6y OH OH OH
Rosabell, wife, 11/1870,29, m6y, 2/2 OH OH OH
Arma E, dau, 6/1894,5, OH
Freda B, dau, 7/1897,2, OH
Thomas H, father, 10/1832,67, widower, OH MD OH
John H, nephew, 6/1886,13, OH
Ward 3 HH338
Thomas Ford, head, 83, wd, 7/4 OH PA OH
Alence?, dau, 45, single, OH OH OH (unknown person)
Evelyn, dau in law, 31, wd, 1/1 OH OH OH
Margaret, grdau, 6, single, OH OH OH
enumerated two times
1910 Miami Co, Brown, OH
James J Ford, head, 37, m1x, m15y, OH OH OH
Rosa, B, wife, 39, m1x, m15y, 3/3 OH OH OH
Anna A, dau, 14, OH
Freda B, dau, 12, OH
Kenneth H, son, 2, OH
Thomas H, father, 77, wd, OH MD OH
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Champaign Co - Burial & Deaths
age 80, ordered by James Ford of Fletcher; buried Fletcher
Death Certificate
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Incides-Concord Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Adams Twp
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Rev Thurber
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
Will Book C pg 496 Edward P Fyffe, p[robated 9/30/1867 Having been appointed Col of OVI hereby make will. Wife Sarah Ann Fyffe real and personal property; ch Joseph P, Maximilla P, Mary Jane Thornton a nd Sarah Ann Fyffe. Witness: J Fisher, W H Colwell Signed 6/15/1861
Champaign Co - CCGS -Gen Society Newsletter
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_____________________ | _Solomon R GRUBB ____| | (1852 - 1917) m 1884| | |_____________________ | | |--William Guy GRUBB | (1886 - 1977) | _John L KITE ________+ | | (1832 - 1901) m 1854 |_Lillie E KITE ______| (1858 - 1932) m 1884| |_Mary L DARNALL _____+ (1830 - 1890) m 1854
Birth Record-Actual Certificate
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_____________________ | _Oliver P HEDGES _____| | (1849 - 1887) m 1883 | | |_____________________ | | |--Joseph HEDGES | (1884 - ....) | _John Henry EATON ___+ | | (1829 - 1897) m 1854 |_Mary Dolphena EATON _| (1860 - 1929) m 1883 | |_Catherine HOUSEMAN _+ (1835 - 1901) m 1854
_Simon HESS ______________________________+ | (1850 - 1914) m 1871 _Ora HESS ___________| | (1888 - 1965) m 1911| | |_Sarah Elizabeth Virginia "Jennie" MYERS _ | (1855 - 1931) m 1871 | |--Gene Russell HESS | (1929 - 2001) | _Eathel HEATON ___________________________ | | (1864 - 1920) m 1886 |_Lura Luella HEATON _| (1890 - 1994) m 1911| |_Rhoda Ellen STORY _______________________ (1867 - 1947) m 1886
_William LOUDENBACK _+ | (1827 - 1905) m 1849 _Miles G LOUDENBACK ____| | (1862 - 1938) m 1893 | | |_Catherine BAKER ____ | (1828 - 1904) m 1849 | |--Harvey Monroe LOUDENBACK | (1893 - 1965) | _Erastus MERICA _____+ | | (1845 - 1929) m 1869 |_Lydia Glendora MERICA _| (1874 - 1942) m 1893 | |_Delilah Ann PENCE __+ (1852 - 1918) m 1869
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_William M MCCARTY ________+ | (1836 - 1917) m 1866 _Thomas Albert MCCARTY _| | (1879 - 1938) m 1898 | | |_Elizabeth "Lizzie" RATER _ | (1850 - ....) m 1866 | |--Richmond Lee MCCARTY | | _John WATERS ______________ | | |_Emma Ethel WATERS _____| (1883 - 1962) m 1898 | |_Sue COOK _________________
_Thomas Jefferson REED _______+ | (1837 - 1909) m 1871 _Noah D REED ________| | (1872 - 1942) m 1894| | |_Louisa Catherine LOUDENBACK _+ | (1850 - 1908) m 1871 | |--Harry A REED | (1911 - ....) | _Hezekiah KESSLER ____________+ | | (1838 - 1907) m 1866 |_Sarah Jane KESSLER _| (1874 - ....) m 1894| |_Emaline E TOOMIRE ___________+ (1841 - 1891) m 1866
__ | _John RIGDELL _______| | | | |__ | | |--John Cottingham RIGDELL | (1786 - ....) | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
_John SHAFFER _______ | (1815 - 1901) m 1847 _Lewis SHAFFER ______| | (1846 - 1900) m 1871| | |_Katherine HOWARD ___ | (1825 - 1908) m 1847 | |--Homer Lee SHAFFER | (1894 - 1978) | _John RUSK __________+ | | (1826 - 1899) m 1845 |_Elizabeth Ann RUSK _| (1854 - 1900) m 1871| |_Eva PURKEYPILE _____+ (1812 - 1885) m 1845
_George W WHITE _____ | (1834 - ....) m 1856 _Samuel H WHITE ______| | (1860 - ....) m 1880 | | |_Lucinda MCKINLEY ___+ | (1836 - ....) m 1856 | |--Carrie I WHITE | (1893 - 1977) | _Jacob AMMON ________+ | | (1821 - 1908) m 1847 |_Cora Florence AMMON _| (1860 - 1923) m 1880 | |_Eliza STRICKLER ____+ (1827 - 1899) m 1847
__ | _William WILHELM ____| | | | |__ | | |--Ada Belle WILHELM | (1906 - 1990) | __ | | |_Viola YOUNGS _______| | |__