_Madison BARGER ______+ | (1812 - 1873) m 1835 _John Madison BARGER _____| | (1854 - 1933) m 1876 | | |_Elizabeth NEER ______+ | (1815 - 1895) m 1835 | |--Glenna BARGER | (1881 - 1939) | _Harrison LOUDENBACK _+ | | (1823 - ....) m 1845 |_Mary Frances LOUDENBACK _| (1856 - 1896) m 1876 | |_Sarah MILLER ________+ (1824 - 1902) m 1845
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Andrew BURNHAM ______+ | (1825 - ....) m 1855 _Grant BURNHAM ______| | (1864 - ....) | | |_Virginia E CRAWFORD _+ | (1835 - 1865) m 1855 | |--Dorothy BURNHAM | (1904 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Maud _______________| (1867 - ....) | |______________________
_Henry CISCO ________ | (.... - 1845) _William CISCO _______| | (1831 - ....) m 1853 | | |_Abigail MEEKER _____ | (1795 - 1865) | |--Elizabeth A CISCO | | _____________________ | | |_Priscilla BOWERSOCK _| (1831 - ....) m 1853 | |_____________________
_Willis Allen COOK ___+ | (1902 - 1942) m 1924 _Robert Willis COOK _______| | | | |_Norma Lee EVILSIZER _+ | (1904 - 1948) m 1924 | |--Cathy Lee COOK | | ______________________ | | |_Beverly Jeanne ROBERTSON _| | |______________________
_Isaac A COVAULT ___________+ | (1824 - 1904) m 1846 _William Hamilton COVAULT _| | (1847 - 1926) m 1869 | | |_Elizabeth Anderson LINTON _+ | (1830 - 1910) m 1846 | |--Elmer Asbury COVAULT | (1869 - 1938) | ____________________________ | | |_Harriett Jane RALSTON ____| (1850 - 1919) m 1869 | |____________________________
__ | _Byron EICHELBERGER ____| | (1890 - 1961) m 1918 | | |__ | | |--James Walter EICHELBERGER | | __ | | |_Mabel Lucille HANSELL _| (1900 - 1993) m 1918 | |__
_Unknown Germany EVILSHEIMER _ | (1730 - ....) _Johannes " Ol' Jakob" EVELSHEIMER ______| | (1757 - 1830) m 1777 | | |______________________________ | | |--Anna Margaret EVILSIZER | (1786 - 1858) | ______________________________ | | |_Anna Elizabeth (MAIDEN NAME NOT KNOWN) _| m 1777 | |______________________________
Berks County Church Records of the 18th Century, Volume 1
St Pauls Church, Church Book of Samuel Sands bound 4/18/1754
Anna Margaret Evilsheiser son of Jacob and Elizabeth born 4/2/1786 baptized 11/15/1786, Sponcors: Parents. Christian Streit was the pastor from 1783 to 1788.
[62416] Minister-Wm Hughes-signed by Jacob, "by publication"
Rockingham Co Marriages 1778-1850
_Sinclair EVILSIZER _+ | (1819 - 1891) m 1838 _John Harrison EVILSIZER _| | (1861 - 1921) m 1881 | | |_Perlina WALTERS ____+ | (1821 - 1901) m 1838 | |--Victor Hugo EVILSIZER | (1897 - 1952) | _Thomas CUMMINS _____+ | | (1834 - 1871) m 1860 |_Estella Ida CUMMINS _____| (1861 - 1944) m 1881 | |_Armilda CRAIG ______+ (1837 - 1916) m 1860
[2376] 4509 Wornall Rd
-pg221-Ward 8 HH1210 Campbell St
John H Evilsizer 1/1861 MO IN IN, proprietor livery barn, rent farm
Ida, wife, 8/1861 MO M19y 6/4 MO KY KY
Estel, dau, 5/1882 MO at school
Thomas S, son, 9/1884 MO at school
Roy H, son, 4/1888 KS at school
�b�Victor, �/b�son, 6/1897 MO
Name: �b�Victor Hugo Evilsizer �/b�
City: Not Stated County: Lincoln State: Colorado
Birthplace: Missouri;United States of America
Birth Date: 9 Jun 1897 Roll: 1561823 image linked to wrong name in wong county
Single, living at home, age 22, census error, name is John
HH32 Victor 57, MO KY VA, farmer, own home (this is John)
Ivy C, wife, 42, MO MO MO
John E 22, single (this is Victor) MO
William, H, son, 2y6m CO
(next farm HH33 is brother Roy)
[2375] md30/28, rent home $62.50- Bldg Manager
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
__ | _John GUTRIDGE ______| | (1776 - 1829) m 1798| | |__ | | |--Darius Judson GUTHRIDGE | (1811 - 1880) | __ | | |_Margaret PARKINSON _| (1782 - 1858) m 1798| |__
[21003] [email protected] Richard Cochran
MB 17-91 Darius Gutridge gdn of Martha Jane Owen 13 yr, Belinda Owen 11 yr, Manson Owen 9 yr, Anthony Owen, 7 yr, David Owen 4 yr, Lucinda owen 1 yr, Clavin Owen 20 yr, Luther Owen, 19 yr, Orville Owen 17 yr, minor heirs of Alfred Owen dec'd. Surities David Whitmore, Orris P Owen
Record Book 18, pg 56-Filed 27 July 1841 Darius J Gutrdige et al vs Asel owens et al William Owens died in 1821-1822 seized of 240 acres located in 80 acre plo ts of the north half of the NW 1/4 Sec 9, the south half of the Sw 1 /4 of Sec 10 and the north half of the SW 1/4 of Sec 10 and the north half of the NE 1/4 of Sec 15 Twp 4 Range 11 (Mad River). William Owens left the following heirs: Jane Owens, widow; Asel Owens and his wife Elizabeth of Illinois; John Owens; Orville Owens; Rebecca wife of Joseph B. Eaker; �u��b�Jane wife of Darius J. Gutridge;�/u��/b� William Owens; Alanson Owens; and Alfred Owens deceased left the following heirs: Elizabeth Owens, widow, Orr is P. Owens, Calvin Owens, Luther Owens, Orville Owens, Jane Owens, Balinda Owens, Mason Owens, Anthony W. Owens, Diana Owens and Lucinda Owens. Asel and his wife, Elizabeth Owens, sold a portion to Catharine Metz on 21 January 1828 and the transacton was authorized by David Markley, Justice of the Peace of Mad River Township. On 17 February 1833 Catharine Metz sold the land to David and Sally Smith, who sold on 22 October 18 36 to Darius Gutridge, who sold the land on 3 March 1837 to Alfred Owens.
7/9/1813 NW 1/4 N 1/3 Sec 9 Twp 4 Range 11 Mad River Twp
United States to William Owens of Greene County, north half of north-west quarter section 9, south half of southwest quarter section 10 , north half of northeast quarter section 15, Recorded 16 Dec 1907 Bk 90 Pg28
(Same parcel US to William Owens May 14, 1924 Book 107 Pg451)
PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, OHIO CHANCERY RECORDS OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Record book 18, Pge 492 Field 9 Oct 1841-Injunction Abraham Schockey vs Shadrack Northcutt et al The suit was between Abraham Schockey and Shadrack Northcutt, administrator of Alfred Owens, deceased, who died in March 1840. Alfred left a widow, Elizabeth Owens, who was a daughter of Shadrack Northcutt; Orris Owens, Luther Owens; Orville, Martha Jane, Belinda, Mason, Anthony, David a nd Lucinds Owens.�u� Darius Guthridge was the guardian of the children.�/u� Elizabeth had wanted to hold the property, pay the debts and divide the property when the children became of age. Abraham Schockey had signed as securi ty on a bond for Elizabeth to do so. However, the payments for the debts due to the estate of Alfred had not been paid by Elizabeth and Abraham Schockey wanted an injunction to prevent Northcutt from taking him to court.
Record Book 19 pg 122 Filed 3/22/1842
Elizabeth Owens, vs Darius J Guthridge
Gutridge had purchased Elizabeths dower portion of her late husbands (Alfred Owens) estate, but the full payment had not been made for the land. On 20 Sept 1842 the court ruled that the case was settled at the plaintiffs costs.
Record Book 20, Page 360- Filed 23 October 1845- Petition to Partition Abraham Hess vs Orville Owens & Others Alfred Owens died seized of the north half of the north-east quarter of Se ction 9, the south half of the south-west quarter of Section 10 and the north half of the north-west quarter of Section 15 Township 4 Range 11 (M ad River Tp.). The heirs of Alfred Owens were: Orris P. Owens; Calvin Owen s; Luther Owens; Orville Owens; Jane Owens; Balinda Owens; Mason Owens;
An thony W. Owens; Diana Owens and Lucinda Owens. Darius J. Gutridge, acting as administrator, sold 90 acres of the land to Abraham Hess. This case was filed in order that the land would be divided under separate deeds.
Darius J Gutridge �tab�39
Mary Gutridge �tab�28
Mary Gutridge �tab�10
Louisa Gutridge �tab�7
Elizabeth Gutridge �tab�3
Margaretta Gutridge �tab�1
D J Guthridge
3 males over age 14
5 females over age 16
D J Guthridge �tab�49 merchant OH
Mary Guthridge �tab�36
Moses Guthridge �tab�20 Sadler OH
Mary Guthridge �tab�16 OH
Louiza Guthridge �tab�14 OH
Elizabeth Guthridge 10 OH
Margaret Guthridge 8 OH
Lucargys Guthridge 6 OH
Flora Guthridge �tab�4 IA
Emma Guthridge �tab�1 IA
James McYoung �tab�27 Indiana surveyor
James B Dawson �tab�26 Indiana surveyor
Darius J Guthridge �tab�50
Mary Guthridge �tab�39
Elisabeth Guthridge �tab�13
Margarette Guthridge �tab�11
Lycurgus Guthridge �tab�9
Belle Guthridge �tab�7
Emma Guthridge �tab�5
Kate Guthridge �tab�3
Darius J Guthridge �tab�1
D J Guthridge �tab�59 OH
Mary Guthridge �tab�48 OH
Adolphus Guthridge 19 OH
F Bell Guthridge �tab�16 IA
Kate Guthridge �tab�13 IA
D J Guthridge �tab�11 IA
Champaign Co - Chancery Records Vol 1
________________________ | _Levi HARRIS ________| | m 1869 | | |________________________ | | |--May HARRIS | (1874 - ....) | _William Hamilton HUFF _+ | | (1824 - 1911) m 1845 |_Anna M HUFF ________| (1852 - 1935) m 1869| |_Sarah Ann GRAHAM ______ (1830 - 1910) m 1845
_Paul HUSTON ________ | (1785 - 1868) m 1819 _Robert HUSTON _______| | (1822 - ....) m 1843 | | |_Mary CAROTHERS _____ | (1801 - 1872) m 1819 | |--John A HUSTON | (1851 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Jane Ellen CAMPBELL _| (1821 - 1897) m 1843 | |_____________________
_____________________ | _Steven A KENNEDY ___| | (1867 - 1922) | | |_____________________ | | |--Iris L KENNEDY | (1892 - ....) | _Shepherd B GROVE ___+ | | (1832 - 1927) m 1865 |_Evarilla A GROVE ___| (1869 - ....) | |_Elizabeth PERRY ____ (1842 - 1924) m 1865
__ | _George KREGLOW _____| | (1783 - 1841) m 1814| | |__ | | |--John George KREGLOW | (1823 - 1859) | __ | | |_Margaret SEIBERT ___| (1796 - 1883) m 1814| |__
_Benjamin A LONG ____ | (1774 - 1858) _Thomas Ratew LONG __| | (1828 - 1900) m 1869| | |_Nancy RETEN\RETEW __ | (1776 - 1863) | |--Clement A LONG | (1872 - 1937) | _James MCCROSKY _____+ | | (1808 - 1852) m 1832 |_Lydia MCCROSKY _____| (1843 - 1918) m 1869| |_Nancy CLARK ________+ (1811 - 1885) m 1832
NE 1/4 Sec 3 Twp 3 Range 12
(US Patenet 7/1/1832 to Dan Nicholas 157.76 acres Bk Y Pg 503 recorded Mar 11 1854)
Thomas R Long to Clement A Long, 2 acres Bk 79 Pg431
NE 1/4 Sec 3 Twp 3 Range 12
(US Patenet 7/1/1832 to Dan Nicholas 157.76 acres Bk Y Pg 503 recorded Mar 11 1854)
Emma A Youant etux to C A Long etux, 22 acres 138 rods Bk 109 Pg448
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co - Land Deed Indices-Johnson Twp
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_Charles Fletcher MCINTURF _+ | (1878 - 1933) m 1900 _Rodney H MCINTURF __| | (1909 - 2000) m 1930| | |_Jennie Amelia KESSLER _____+ | (1881 - 1961) m 1900 | |--Rita J MCINTURF | (1932 - 2000) | _Ernest Steen WILKINSON ____+ | | (1881 - 1951) m 1903 |_Lorriane WILKINSON _| (1906 - ....) m 1930| |_Florence Faye SPEECE ______+ (1886 - 1946) m 1903
_Henry MILLICE __________________+ | (1775 - 1838) _Nelson MILLICE _____| | (1817 - ....) m 1839| | |_Rosannah (Fitzmirer) RHINEHART _ | (1773 - 1855) | |--George R MILLICE | (1847 - ....) | _________________________________ | | |_Emeline SPAIN ______| (1817 - ....) m 1839| |_________________________________
_William PENCE ____________+ | (1807 - 1880) m 1829 _Abraham I PENCE ______| | (1835 - 1907) m 1862 | | |_Elsie " Delilah" COLBERT _+ | (1806 - 1854) m 1829 | |--Effa May PENCE | (1872 - 1901) | _Jonas LOUDENBACK _________+ | | (1816 - 1903) m 1841 |_Mary Jane LOUDENBACK _| (1844 - 1921) m 1862 | |_Susan SNYDER _____________ (1823 - 1905) m 1841
Shelby County Birth Records Book I 1867-1880
__ | _George O SHROUF ____| | (1770 - 1825) | | |__ | | |--Louisa Jane SHROUF | (1822 - ....) | __ | | |_Sarah SHROUF _______| (1789 - ....) | |__
_____________________ | _Raymond W SHULTZ ___| | (1897 - ....) m 1918| | |_____________________ | | |--Howard Vaughn SHULTZ | | _Thomas VAUGHN ______ | | (1860 - 1940) |_Katherine F VAUGHN _| (1898 - 1989) m 1918| |_Emily Jane HUSTON __+ (1863 - 1931)
__________________________ | _Ronald TERRY ____________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Ron TERRY | | _George Lucian EVILSIZER _+ | | (1906 - 1965) m 1925 |_Gladys Olivia EVILSIZER _| (1937 - 2008) | |_Goldie Mae SHOVER _______+ (1904 - 1944) m 1925
__ | _Daniel VINCENT _____| | (1812 - 1860) | | |__ | | |--Rebecca VINCENT | (1846 - ....) | __ | | |_Mary _______________| (1816 - ....) | |__
Rebecca Vincent dbl 1/16/1869
_Benjamin Franklin WELTY _ | (1865 - 1931) _Miller WELTY _______| | (1898 - 1978) m 1923| | |_Fianna MILLER ___________ | (1864 - ....) | |--Miller M "Spike" WELTY | (1923 - 1993) | __________________________ | | |_Mary Jane BARNHART _| (1893 - 1949) m 1923| |__________________________
Social Security Application
Social Security Application
__ | _Jesse WISE _________| | (1807 - ....) m 1837| | |__ | | |--Alice WISE | (1856 - ....) | __ | | |_Marial HON _________| (1811 - ....) m 1837| |__