I29231: Mary (9 Apr 1778 - 1 May 1861)


9 Apr 1778 - 1 May 1861

Family 1 : Andrew WILSON


[27063] [S192] Tombstone Inscription

[27064] [S192] Tombstone Inscription


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1823 - ____

Family 1 : Jacob DEVORE
  1.  Oliver Perry DEVORE
  2. +Rollin James DEVORE
  3.  James N DEVORE
  4.  Annette DEVORE
  5. +John M DEVORE
  6.  Mary DEVORE




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Elizabeth BAKER

12 Sep 1805 - ____

Father: Philip BAKER
Mother: Mary Elizabeth KESSLER

                           _Jacob BAKER ______________+
                          | (1753 - 1821) m 1775      
 _Philip BAKER ___________|
| (1776 - 1828) m 1803    |
|                         |_Magdelena "Molly" KIBLER _
|                           (1760 - 1830) m 1775      
|--Elizabeth BAKER 
|  (1805 - ....)
|                          ___________________________
|                         |                           
|_Mary Elizabeth KESSLER _|
  (1782 - 1869) m 1803    |



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Amelia Minerva BLOSE


6 Mar 1857 - 4 Oct 1933

Father: John A BLOSE
Mother: Delilah STRICKLEY

Family 1 : Joseph FORRY
  1. +Franklin Edward FORRY
  2. +Myrtle Emma FORRY

                       _John BLOSE _________+
                      | (1786 - 1846) m 1817
 _John A BLOSE _______|
| (1822 - 1898) m 1848|
|                     |_Ann Amelia PENCE ___+
|                       (1795 - 1877) m 1817
|--Amelia Minerva BLOSE 
|  (1857 - 1933)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Delilah STRICKLEY __|
  (1831 - 1903) m 1848|


[HI11182] [NF6048]

[9426] [S122] Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records

[9427] [S316] Ohio Marriages LDS

[64117] [S316] Ohio Marriages LDS


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Jeffrey Allen CARNES

30 Jan 1963 - 16 Sep 1983

Father: Byron "Barney" CARNES
Mother: Marilyn MYERS

                          _Henry R CARNES _____
                         | (1899 - 1958)       
 _Byron "Barney" CARNES _|
|                        |
|                        |_Annabelle PARISH ___+
|                          (1903 - 1988)       
|--Jeffrey Allen CARNES 
|  (1963 - 1983)
|                         _____________________
|                        |                     
|_Marilyn MYERS _________|



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Jace Michael CARNEY

____ - ____

Father: Dennis Keith CARNEY
Mother: Teresa Darlene EVILSIZOR

                             _Eugene H CARNEY _______________
                            | (1919 - 2003) m 1937           
 _Dennis Keith CARNEY ______|
|                           |
|                           |_Ann Elizabeth "Betty" COTRELL _+
|                             (1920 - 2003) m 1937           
|--Jace Michael CARNEY 
|                            _Robert EVILSIZOR ______________+
|                           | (1929 - 1980) m 1950           
|_Teresa Darlene EVILSIZOR _|
                            |_Juanita RIGGINS _______________+
                              (1935 - 2011) m 1950           



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Donald Herman COLBERT


25 Aug 1900 - 6 Jul 1979

Father: Gerald W COLBERT
Mother: Laura Olivia TAYLOR

                        _Isaiah H COLBERT ___+
                       | (1821 - 1907) m 1846
 _Gerald W COLBERT ____|
| (1866 - 1941) m 1889 |
|                      |_Amanda WIANT _______+
|                        (1827 - 1910) m 1846
|--Donald Herman COLBERT 
|  (1900 - 1979)
|                       _Simeon TAYLOR ______+
|                      | (1838 - 1914) m 1863
|_Laura Olivia TAYLOR _|
  (1868 - 1911) m 1889 |
                       |_Susan WARD _________+
                         (1841 - 1924) m 1863


[HI29981] [DI29981]


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George W COOK

Jun 1853 - 24 Mar 1942


[59554] [S22] 1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest

[59555] [S122] Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records


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Susan Catherine CRETSINGER


11 May 1879 - 21 Oct 1964

Family 1 : George William MCCARTY
  1. +James Vernon MCCARTY
  2. +Cecil Edward MCCARTY
  3. +Edgar Jackson MCCARTY
  4. +Thomas Oriel MCCARTY




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Oliver C DOVEL


Jan 1885 - 10 Feb 1958

Father: Joseph M DOVEL
Mother: Mary E LARGENT

                       _Charles C DOVEL _______
                      | (1806 - 1864) m 1827   
 _Joseph M DOVEL _____|
| (1840 - 1920)       |
|                     |_Elizabeth KOONTZ ______
|                       (1809 - 1877) m 1827   
|--Oliver C DOVEL 
|  (1885 - 1958)
|                      _William Henry LARGENT _+
|                     | (1827 - 1894) m 1845   
|_Mary E LARGENT _____|
  (1851 - 1931)       |
                      |_Elizabeth KITE ________+
                        (1818 - 1886) m 1845   




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2 May 1884 - 11 Aug 1973

Father: Willis H DRAKE
Mother: Catherine M LEFFEL

Family 1 : George H HELVIE
  1.  Willis D HELVIE
  2.  Infant Son HELVIE
  3.  Margaret E HELVIE
Family 2 : Charles Franklin RUST

                       _Jacob DRAKE ________
                      | (1792 - ....) m 1839
 _Willis H DRAKE _____|
| (1844 - 1912) m 1867|
|                     |_Ruth A TITTUS ______
|                       (1815 - 1880) m 1839
|--Grace M DRAKE 
|  (1884 - 1973)
|                      _William LEFFEL _____+
|                     | (1810 - 1869) m 1835
|_Catherine M LEFFEL _|
  (1849 - 1920) m 1867|
                      |_Susan ZIEGLER ______
                         m 1835             



Willis H Drake, head, 66, m42y OH NJ NJ
Catherine M wife 60, m1x m42y 9/8 OH OH OH
Myrtle, dau, 23 single OH
Elizabeth, dau 20, single
Grace Helvie, dau, 25 m1x M3y 1/1
Willis Helvie, grson, 2,


[65853] [S316] Ohio Marriages LDS


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Samuel Wilber EVILSIZOR


22 Mar 1870 - 11 Mar 1954

Father: Isaac "Preacher Ike" EVILSIZOR
Mother: Amanda M COOK

Family 1 : Clara Catherine BAKER
  1. +Lena Estella EVILSIZOR
  2. +Nellie Marie EVILSIZOR
  3. +Edra Catherine EVILSIZOR
  4. +Mary EVILSIZOR

                                   _William Irvin EVILSIZOR _+
                                  | (1808 - 1892) m 1829     
 _Isaac "Preacher Ike" EVILSIZOR _|
| (1848 - 1936) m 1865            |
|                                 |_Nancy JENKINS ___________+
|                                   (1812 - 1858) m 1829     
|--Samuel Wilber EVILSIZOR 
|  (1870 - 1954)
|                                  _Calvin COOK _____________+
|                                 | (1819 - 1905) m 1842     
|_Amanda M COOK __________________|
  (1845 - 1912) m 1865            |
                                  |_Elizabeth HUPP __________+
                                    (1819 - 1904) m 1842     


[HI2430] [BI2430]

Champaign Democrat July 8 1909 Day of Happy Reminisences Sabbath, the fourth, records the celebration of a happy day and place of many happy events. One occasion was the 38th birthday of Mrs W H Bumgardner of Urbana, the eldest daughter of Rev and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor, al so of Urbana. The company assembled by wending their way across the hi ls to the old homestead (the former home of Mr and Mrs Isaac Evilsizor), now occupied by the genial familiy of Mr and Mrs Charles Phillips, situated in Mad River township between Terre Haute and the valley pike. Mr and Mrs Evilsizor resided on this farm for a period of about thrity years, th is being the birth place of their large family of children, all being born there except one, their eldest son, Wiley. All assembled there on the Fourth except three sons who live in distant cities as follows; Wiley, Staunton, IL; Weldon, Lima, OH and �u��b�Samuel, St Marys, OH�/u��/b� Mrs Evilsizor and eight children and fourteen grandchildren were present as follows: Mrs Ida Bumgardner, husband and three daughters; Charles Evilsizor, wife and two sons; Welcie Ballentine, husband and one daughter; Clara Hoberty, husband and one son; Werley Evilsizor, wife and two daughters; Libby Matteson, husband one son and two daughters; Winnie Redman, husband and daughter; Lloyd Evilsizor (single) but had his best girl; Calvin Ward, grandson , son of a deceased daughter. Mr Phillips opened the doors of his house and home and bade them do as they pleased. Pencil, paper, sanf tongue can but feebly express the gladso me festivities of the occasion. First, a luxurious spread was laid on the orchard lawn and after the Lord's prayer was repeated a sumptous dinner was served. After every nook and corner of the old home had been viewed they then took possession of the hoem and organ, while strains of music filled the air. After the last song, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again", the happy company (or family) began to disperse, seemingly to leave the old home. It seemed to Mrs Evilsizor that she was living her life over again. The writ er wishes to thank Mr and Mrs Phillips for their kindness in turning their home over to this family for the day. May this day long be remembered as one among many other happy days which this large family of children may celebrate in the days to come.

[2597] Brown Twp
Samuel W Evilsizor, head, 49 OH OH OH rent home
Clara C, wife, 44, OH
Nellie M, dau, 16, OH
Edrie C, dau 11 OH
Mary E, dau, 7 OH

[2598] Farm #1
Samuel Evilsizor, head, 60 OH OH OH md 26 rent farm
Clara, wife, 55 md 21 OH OH IN
Mary, dau, 18, single, OH
Ruth Long, grdau, 12, OH

S W Evilsizor �tab�70 head, md, 8g, OH, res 1935 rural Clark Co
Clara Evilsizor �tab�64 wife, md, OH 6g

Piqua Daily Call Feb 13, 1945
Grandson Honored
Mr and Mrs S W Evilsizor of Fletcher entertained Monday evening at their home for their grandson Howard Robert Zirkle of Troy who leaves this week for induction into the Armed Forces. Invited for the occasion were Mr and Mrs Herbert Houser and children Barbara and Johnnie of Piqua, Mr and Mrs Louis Zirkle and son Howard of Troy, Mr and Mrs Howard Houser and daughter Jo Ann of Tipp City ,Mrs John Brand of Davon, and Miss Jean Vincent and Freddie Vincent of Tipp City. It was regretted that John Brand of Davon and Mr and Mrs Robert Barger and children of North Hampton were unable to be present.


[2594] [S25] 1880 Census LDS

[2595] [S42] Birth Record-County Records


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20 Dec 1820 - 30 Jan 1892

Father: Reason GABRIEL
Mother: Elizabeth ALLEN

Family 1 : Catherine STAPLETON
  1.  George GABRIEL
  2.  James GABRIEL
  3. +Chance GABRIEL
  4.  Louisa GABRIEL
  5. +William GABRIEL
  6.  Caroline GABRIEL
  7.  Anthony GABRIEL
  8.  Georgianna GABRIEL
  9. +Manning GABRIEL
  10. +Alva GABRIEL
  11.  Leroy GABRIEL
  12. +Ella GABRIEL
  13.  Elizabeth GABRIEL
  14.  Della C GABRIEL

 _Reason GABRIEL _____|
| (1794 - 1873) m 1817|
|                     |__
|--Samuel GABRIEL 
|  (1820 - 1892)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Elizabeth ALLEN ____|
  (1796 - 1863) m 1817|



[14834] [S192] Tombstone Inscription

[14835] [S83] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900

[64541] [S47] CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH


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1884 - ____

Family 1 : Maude P REAM



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1765 - 1829

Father: William HUDDLESTON
Mother: Martha MYERS

Family 1 : Rachel HUDDLESTON

 _William HUDDLESTON _|
| (1734 - 1817) m 1758|
|                     |__
|  (1765 - 1829)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Martha MYERS _______|
  (1737 - ....) m 1758|



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9 Jan 1892 - ____

Father: John M LEONARD
Mother: Alberta FITZPATRICK

                        _Joseph Perry LEONARD ____+
                       | (1842 - 1923) m 1863     
 _John M LEONARD ______|
| (1864 - 1949) m 1890 |
|                      |_Marie Elizabeth KESSLER _+
|                        (1843 - 1876) m 1863     
|--Emory LEONARD 
|  (1892 - ....)
|                       __________________________
|                      |                          
|_Alberta FITZPATRICK _|
  (1870 - 1917) m 1890 |


[32735] [S310] Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894


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Elizabeth LOGAN

____ - ____

Father: Samuel LOGAN
Mother: Phoebe RICHARDS

Family 1 : Jacob CLAYPOLE

 _Samuel LOGAN _______|
| (.... - 1835)       |
|                     |_____________________
|--Elizabeth LOGAN 
|                      _Elijah RICHARDS ____
|                     |                     
|_Phoebe RICHARDS ____|
  (.... - 1833)       |



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____ - ____

Father: Roger Jason MAHAN
Mother: Marcella R MASSIE

                       _Harley Jason MAHAN ____+
                      | (1894 - 1970) m 1916   
 _Roger Jason MAHAN __|
| (1922 - 1988) m 1943|
|                     |_Ola Faye BODEY ________+
|                       (1898 - 1954) m 1916   
|--David MAHAN 
|                      _Walter Stanley MASSIE _
|                     | (1891 - 1958)          
|_Marcella R MASSIE __|
  (1922 - 2013) m 1943|
                      |_Elva Julia SLAGLE _____
                        (1896 - 1987)          



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14 May 1867 - 5 Apr 1952

Father: Christian MCMORRAN
Mother: Sarah LOUDENBACK

Family 1 : William Henry HEATER
  1.  Elsor HEATER

                       _Samuel MCMORRAN ____
                      | (1785 - 1863)       
 _Christian MCMORRAN _|
| (1823 - 1884) m 1859|
|                     |_Barbara HEASTON ____
|                       (1790 - 1864)       
|--Mary Jane MCMORRAN 
|  (1867 - 1952)
|                      _Reuben LOUDENBACK __+
|                     | (1795 - 1838) m 1818
|_Sarah LOUDENBACK ___|
  (1830 - 1908) m 1859|
                      |_Mary Ann WYANT _____
                        (1795 - 1850) m 1818



[13682] [S122] Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records

[13683] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[13684] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[64806] [S83] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900


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James Mahlon MITCHELL


30 Oct 1857 - 6 Jul 1916

Father: Mahlon MITCHELL
Mother: Rebecca FLEMING

Family 1 : Sarah Ellen DORSEY
  1.  Earl Garfield MITCHELL
  2. +Carl Daniel MITCHELL
  3. +Harry Ernest MITCHELL
  4.  Charles Ray MITCHELL
  5. +Glenna Isabella MITCHELL
  6.  Mary R MITCHELL
  7.  Ralph MITCHELL

 _Mahlon MITCHELL ____|
| (1820 - 1873) m 1854|
|                     |__
|--James Mahlon MITCHELL 
|  (1857 - 1916)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Rebecca FLEMING ____|
  (1825 - 1902) m 1854|



[28392] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916

[28393] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[28394] [S309] Champaign Co - Burial & Deaths

[28395] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[62767] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916


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Sarah E "Sadie" MORRIS

10 Jun 1851 - 29 Sep 1879

Family 1 : Caleb JONES
  1.  Mary E JONES
  2.  Xerxes JONES
  3.  Charles Foster JONES
  4.  Infant daughter JONES



[41455] [S82] Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911

[41456] [S82] Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911

[41457] [S286] Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber

[68842] [S72] Champaign Co- A Centennial Biographical History of Champaign Co, Ohio - 1902


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____ - ____

Father: Thomas OGLETHORPE

 _Thomas OGLETHORPE __|
| (.... - 1687)       |
|                     |__
|--Margaret OGLETHORPE 
|                      __
|                     |  



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1875 - ____

Father: William H RUSSELL
Mother: Frances MCINTIRE

                       _James RUSSELL ______+
                      |  m 1844             
 _William H RUSSELL __|
| (1846 - ....) m 1869|
|                     |_Amanda JENKINS _____
|                        m 1844             
|--Leora D RUSSELL 
|  (1875 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Frances MCINTIRE ___|
  (1849 - 1923) m 1869|



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Harriett SCEVA

3 Dec 1869 - ____

Father: John C SCEVA
Mother: Ellen J WILLIAMS

Family 1 : Edward A ROBERTS

                       _Nathaniel SCEVA ____+
                      | (1808 - 1870) m 1835
 _John C SCEVA _______|
| (1838 - 1924) m 1865|
|                     |_Roseline WOODARD ___
|                       (1815 - 1896) m 1835
|--Harriett SCEVA 
|  (1869 - ....)
|                      _Richard D WILLIAMS _+
|                     | (1815 - 1894) m 1836
|_Ellen J WILLIAMS ___|
  (1845 - 1896) m 1865|
                      |_Jane CLAGGETT ______
                        (1814 - ....) m 1836


[42129] [S22] 1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest

[42130] [S71] Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)

[68903] [S310] Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894


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Randall H SHEETS

____ - ____

Father: Theodore Alfred SHEETS
Mother: Lucille BRADLEY

                           _Theodore Alfred SHEETS _+
                          | (1902 - 1997) m 1919    
 _Theodore Alfred SHEETS _|
| (1920 - 1985) m 1942    |
|                         |_Alice M WHITE __________+
|                           (1903 - 1991) m 1919    
|--Randall H SHEETS 
|                          _________________________
|                         |                         
|_Lucille BRADLEY ________|
  (1920 - 1991) m 1942    |



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Marion Ernest SNAPP


Dec 1915 - 8 Jun 1931

Father: Marion SNAPP
Mother: Bessie Elizabeth MOORE

                           _Peter SNAPP ________+
                          | (1843 - 1925) m 1863
 _Marion SNAPP ___________|
| (1875 - 1927) m 1900    |
|                         |_Minerva Jane NOE ___
|                           (1846 - 1880) m 1863
|--Marion Ernest SNAPP 
|  (1915 - 1931)
|                          _William MOORE ______
|                         | (1854 - ....)       
|_Bessie Elizabeth MOORE _|
  (1881 - ....) m 1900    |
                          |_Ida M BAKER ________
                            (1859 - ....)       



[33656] [S122] Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records

[33657] [S32] 1930 Census

[33658] [S181] Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975

[33659] [S122] Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records


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____ - ____

Father: Huber W "Doc" STALEY
Mother: Claire Cecelia ALTENBACH

                             _Ralph E STALEY _____+
                            | (1895 - 1966)       
 _Huber W "Doc" STALEY _____|
| (1917 - 1999)             |
|                           |_Nellie P DAVIS _____
|                             (1894 - 1970)       
|--Cindy STALEY 
|                            _____________________
|                           |                     
|_Claire Cecelia ALTENBACH _|
  (1916 - 1999)             |



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John William STRAYER


15 Nov 1860 - ____

Father: Daniel Nicholas STRAYER
Mother: Sarah F LAUFFER

Family 1 : Mary E
  1. +Vernon I STRAYER
  2.  Vada STRAYER
  3.  Verl STRAYER
  4.  Vera STRAYER

                            _John P STRAYER _____+
                           | (1796 - 1877)       
 _Daniel Nicholas STRAYER _|
| (1831 - 1902) m 1854     |
|                          |_Rachel STEWART _____
|                            (1797 - 1863)       
|--John William STRAYER 
|  (1860 - ....)
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Sarah F LAUFFER _________|
  (1837 - 1911) m 1854     |




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21 Jan 1902 - Jul 1974

Family 1 : Eva B MORELAND
  1.  William STROYECK
  2.  Charlotte STROYECK



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Nicole Michelle TADDIE

____ - ____

Father: Michael Dean TADDIE
Mother: Jayne Anne MCDONALD

                        _Donald J TADDIE _____
                       | (1913 - 1988) m 1938 
 _Michael Dean TADDIE _|
|                      |
|                      |_Erma June EVILSIZER _+
|                        (1919 - 1991) m 1938 
|--Nicole Michelle TADDIE 
|                       ______________________
|                      |                      
|_Jayne Anne MCDONALD _|
  (1946 - 1994)        |



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Emma Catherine TAYLOR

1 Aug 1874 - 25 Jan 1952

Father: Phillip TAYLOR
Mother: Mahala E SMITH

Family 1 : Ernest L SMITH

                       _Jacob M TAYLOR _____
                      | (1805 - ....) m 1834
 _Phillip TAYLOR _____|
| (1844 - ....) m 1873|
|                     |_Anna Maria KAIN ____
|                       (1810 - ....) m 1834
|--Emma Catherine TAYLOR 
|  (1874 - 1952)
|                      _Solomon SMITH ______+
|                     | (1829 - 1904) m 1844
|_Mahala E SMITH _____|
  (1855 - 1931) m 1873|
                      |_Phoebe DEALY _______
                        (1827 - 1904) m 1844



[47233] [S71] Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)

[47234] [S251] Death Certificate

[47235] [S251] Death Certificate

[67623] [S310] Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894


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Margaret A WARD

1846 - ____

Father: James W WARD
Mother: Louisa HAUSE

                       _William WARD _______+
                      | (1752 - 1822) m 1813
 _James W WARD _______|
| (1815 - ....) m 1840|
|                     |_Margaret BARR ______
|                       (1788 - 1867) m 1813
|--Margaret A WARD 
|  (1846 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Louisa HAUSE _______|
  (1823 - 1850) m 1840|



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