__ | _William BRIDGEMAN ____| | (1799 - 1881) m 1823 | | |__ | | |--Rebecca Ellen BRIDGEMAN | (1828 - 1903) | __ | | |_Alcia Isabelle DARST _| (1806 - 1889) m 1823 | |__
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_John W COST ________ | (1832 - ....) m 1856 _John W COST _________| | (1862 - 1935) m 1885 | | |_Catherine RINKER ___ | (1838 - ....) m 1856 | |--Laura G (Walker) COST | (1889 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Minnie Luella DAVIS _| (1869 - 1910) m 1885 | |_____________________
_John DEMORY ________ | (1771 - 1853) _William DEMORY _____| | (1807 - 1838) m 1829| | |_____________________ | | |--John W DEMORY | (1831 - 1908) | _Amos NEER __________+ | | (1787 - 1843) m 1806 |_Elizabeth NEER _____| (1813 - 1898) m 1829| |_Sarah CONRAD _______+ (1794 - 1828) m 1806
_Joseph S DILTZ _____+ | (1861 - 1938) m 1894 _Lawrence Foster DILTZ _| | (1899 - 1981) m 1920 | | |_Emily F HURD _______ | (1869 - 1906) m 1894 | |--Charlotte DILTZ | | _Warren H TALBOTT ___+ | | (1872 - 1938) m 1895 |_Marjorie B TALBOTT ____| (1898 - 1988) m 1920 | |_Maud L GOUL ________ (1877 - 1900) m 1895
_Benjamin Franklin EVILSIZER _+ | (1856 - 1921) _Benjamin David EVILSIZER ____| | (1878 - 1934) m 1900 | | |_Rachel JONES ________________ | | |--Paul Andrew EVILSIZER | (1903 - ....) | _John W BUSH _________________ | | (1870 - 1930) m 1881 |_Pearl May Lloyd Slagle BUSH _| (1880 - 1934) m 1900 | |_Laura SLAGLE ________________ (1858 - ....) m 1881
John W Bush �tab�50 head IN PA PA fireman
Laura Bush �tab�60 wife
Paul Evilsizer �tab�16 grandson IN
Jacob Aker �tab�66 brother in law IN divorced
Named as in the Navy staioned on board USS Procyon in San Diego during the trial for accidental shooting
Shoots Woman In Attempt to Kill Wife
Mrs Elanore Baker is in the county hospital, seriously wounded and Paul Evilsizer, sailor on the USS Procyon, is held without bail as the result of what is said to have been an attack on his wife with a revolver last night. Mrs Baker, who is Evilsizer's sister-in-law, was shot in the abdomen while trying to wrest the gun from Evilsizer's grasp. The trouble is said to have resulted from the discovery of an alleged friendship between Evilsizer's wife and W Wolf, a marine. The Evilsizers have been living with the wifes parents, E J Shomp and wife, at Old Town. Yesterday afternoon, it is said, the sailor became desperate over the alleged attentions of the marine to his wife, and drew a cheap revolver of the type commonly known as a "suicide" gun. "You've got to kill me, or I'll kill you." he told her, according to her statement to the police. Shomp, his wife and Mrs Baker who had returned from a nearby store, rushed into the bedroom to keepEvilsizer from firing the weapon. They threw him to the floor and were successful in their attempt to keep him from shooting himself or his wife, but during the struggle the revolver was discharged and the bullet entered Mrs Baker's abdomen. As she fell to the floor Albee Shomp, her 13 year olf brother, wrenched the gun from Evilsizer's hand, and rushed into the yard, where he fired five shots into the ground. Then the police were notified, but as the person making the telephone call did not state clearly what had happened, the ambulance was not sent. Motorcylce patrolman Rochefort sped to the scene of the trouble, and immediately telephoned back for an ambulance, in which Mrs Baker was rushed to the county hospital. Reports from the hospital this morning indicate that she has a chance for recovery. Dr Stephenson is handling the case.
Note is FOund
On the floor of the bedroom where Mrs Baker lay, Rochefort is said to have found a note, which read as follows: "I take all the blame. It is all my fault. This is the easiest way out. "Paul Evilsizer".
Evilsizer offered no explanation for the note. He is said to have repeated over and over that "it was never intended for the person who got it," and to have stated that there had been interference between his wife and himself, by her parents. He drew the revolver, he said, to frighten them and declares that the shooting was accidental. Shomp, the father of the wounded woman, this morning declared that Evilsizer had been acting "queer" ever since the return of the fleet from the Puget Sound maneuvers. "Almost from the time he returned to San Diego with the fleet, Evilsizer has been acting queer.", said Schomp. "He has had several operations since he returned. Wolf, the marine is simply a friend of the family and Evilsizer was jealous of him but without reason. There has been absolutely no interference between Evilsizer and his wife by members of her family, but on the contrary, we would have done everything we could to make them both happy."
San Diego Union
Infant Born After Mother is Shot; Dies
Doctors and nurses at the county hospital last night engaged in a desperate battle to save two lives from being snuffed out as a result of the bullet fired from the revolver of Paul Evilsizer, sailor on the USS Propcyon Friday afternoon. IN one room was Mrs Eleanore Baker suffering from a bullet wound in the abdomen with a favorable chance of recovery is no complications arise. In a nearby room white and blue-clad nurses and doctors bent over a tiny mite of huamnity- a daugher born to Mrs Baker yesterday afternoon following and operation to repair the damage of the bullet- in a struggle to keep life in the little body thrust prematurely into the world. Late in the evening they had to give up. The baby died.
In the city jail Evilsizer is held to await the result of Mrs Baker's injury. He is said to have discharged the shot that wounded her in a struggle with her sister- in-law, Mrs Baker and her father and mother to prevent him either killing himself or his wife, following the discovery of an alleged friendship between her and a marine.
Will Try Evilsizer on Assault Charge
After arraignment in the criminal department of the superior court yesterday morning, Paul Eviliszer, charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Eleanor Baker, sister in law, pleaded not guilty and his case was set for trial March 2. It is alleged the defendant shot and wounded the woman during a quarrel with his wife.
22 Cases Crowd Court Calendar
Criminal court has a busy week ahead. Trial of Paul Evilsizer on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, was resumed this morning and is expected to go to the grand jury shortly after noon. Evilsizer is charged with shooting his sister-in-law in a family quarrel in which he threathened the life of his wife and relatives intervened. In the struggle, a pistol in defendant's hands was discharged and his sister-in-law slightly wounded. He claims that the discharge was accidental.
Probation For Sailor Convicted of Assault
Probation was granted yesterday to Paul Evilsizer, enlisted man in the navy convicted by a jury in criminal court of assault. A bullet from a pistol in his hands had struck his sister-in-law who was trying to prevent the irate sailor from shooting his wife in a fit of jealous rage. He claimed the shooting was accidental and, tried on a charge of assault with a dealy weapon, the jury reduced the crime to the lesser charge. This ship towhich Evilsizer is attached will sail tomorrow for the Orient and he would be dishonorably discharged if he failed to be on board when anchor is weighed. Under the terms of probation he must support his wife and pay the hospital bills of his wiafe and her sister.
Jay Co, INd. Living w/ John Bush grandfather
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_Elliot Rains EVILSIZER _+ | (1883 - 1945) m 1904 _Quintin "Bud" Elliot EVILSIZER _| | (1910 - 2006) m 1928 | | |_Sadie Rosella STAMM ____+ | (1887 - 1939) m 1904 | |--Shirley A (Vandyken) EVILSIZER | | _________________________ | | |_Hazel RICHARDS _________________| (1911 - ....) m 1928 | |_________________________
_John FORRY _________ | _John M FORRY _______________| | (1821 - 1910) m 1848 | | |_Nancy MYERS ________ | | |--David M FORRY | (1863 - 1947) | _George HOSTETLER ___ | | |_Mariah Catherine HOSTETLER _| (1828 - 1909) m 1848 | |_Sarah KEPLINGER ____
_Andrew FRANK _______+ | (1830 - 1910) m 1852 _T J Price FRANK ____| | (1859 - 1931) m 1888| | |_Elizabeth KITE _____+ | (1832 - 1894) m 1852 | |--Andrew Elden FRANK | (1903 - 1930) | _John W KIZER _______+ | | (1831 - 1890) m 1864 |_Laura Bell KIZER ___| (1865 - 1943) m 1888| |_Delilah FUSON ______+ (1844 - 1916) m 1864
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
Champaign Co- Death Certificate Index
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Levi Milton GLICK __+ | (1851 - 1929) m 1877 _George Franklin GLICK _| | (1883 - 1972) m 1905 | | |_Rosa Anna RIKE _____ | (1853 - 1888) m 1877 | |--Clarence H GLICK | (1908 - 1984) | _____________________ | | |_Elsie BAKER ___________| (1879 - 1959) m 1905 | |_____________________
330 Hamilton
Clarence H Glick �tab�22 rent $55 OH OH OH Auto Factory Parts Inspector
Artie A Deeter �tab�20 roomer
Carl G Hill �tab�22 roomer
Shelby County Birth Records Book IV 1904-1908
_James D HALLAN _____+ | (1831 - 1913) _James F HALLAN _____| | (1866 - 1918) m 1897| | |_Catherine LIDDY ____ | (1832 - 1938) | |--Margaret C (Spears) HALLAN | (1898 - 1983) | _____________________ | | |_Ellen DONNELLY _____| (1872 - 1964) m 1897| |_____________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_William LINVILLE ___ | (1763 - 1833) m 1786 _Solomon LINVILLE ___| | (1802 - 1878) m 1846| | |_Elizabeth HOAR _____ | (1768 - 1843) m 1786 | |--Augustus P LINVILLE | (1831 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Emily DOUGLAS ______| (1818 - ....) m 1846| |_____________________
_Ulrich Henry LIPPENCOTT _+ | (1858 - 1928) m 1885 _Roy William LIPPENCOTT _| | (1886 - 1960) m 1907 | | |_Effie EVILSIZOR _________+ | (1864 - 1906) m 1885 | |--Pearl K LIPPENCOTT | (1912 - ....) | __________________________ | | |_Hester K PATZELL _______| (1889 - 1972) m 1907 | |__________________________
_Edward Lloyd MORGAN _+ | (1794 - 1875) m 1828 _John M MORGAN ______| | (1834 - 1865) m 1860| | |_Susan EARSOM ________+ | (1804 - 1850) m 1828 | |--George Elvin MORGAN | (1861 - 1863) | _Jonathan PARK _______ | | (1802 - 1886) |_Clara Ann PARK _____| (1839 - 1869) m 1860| |_Phoebe CHALFANT _____ (1805 - 1849)
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
_William ROACH ________ | (1841 - 1911) m 1866 _Albert ROACH _______| | (1874 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth OVERHOLSER _+ | (1849 - 1937) m 1866 | |--Lester R ROACH | (1897 - ....) | _______________________ | | |_Mary Ann REXWORTH __| (1877 - ....) | |_______________________
_Joseph RUNYAN ______+ | (1786 - 1854) m 1806 _Thomas RUNYAN ______| | (1816 - 1890) m 1840| | |_Elizabeth CURL _____+ | (1783 - 1872) m 1806 | |--Mary E RUNYAN | (1847 - 1860) | _Amos NEER __________+ | | (1787 - 1843) m 1806 |_Susannah NEER ______| (1817 - 1895) m 1840| |_Sarah CONRAD _______+ (1794 - 1828) m 1806
Clark Co Cemetery Inscriptions
_____________________ | _Matthew A WRIGHT ___| | (1809 - 1876) m 1859| | |_____________________ | | |--Samuel B WRIGHT | (1864 - ....) | _Adam MOFFITT _______+ | | (1811 - 1875) m 1835 |_Flavilla MOFFITT ___| (1841 - ....) m 1859| |_Martha Ann BARKER __ (1799 - 1886) m 1835
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Obituary Notice