________________________ | _George Samuel ARMBRUST __| | (1856 - 1926) m 1885 | | |________________________ | | |--Winfield Burnside "Bernie" AMBRUST | (1888 - 1912) | _Daniel Gordon LEAMMAN _+ | | (1828 - 1921) m 1849 |_Rachel Armeta S LEAMMON _| (1858 - 1910) m 1885 | |_Elizabeth MILLER ______+ (1830 - 1887) m 1849
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Ohio Marriages LDS
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Demetrius BERKSHIRE _+ | (1840 - 1921) m 1863 _Charles BERKSHIRE __| | (1863 - ....) m 1886| | |_Mercie Ellen HOLLIS _ | (1845 - 1884) m 1863 | |--Lenna (Snow) BERKSHIRE | (1887 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Effie JENKINS ______| m 1886 | |______________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
Ohio Marriages LDS
_John B CRANSTON ___________+ | (1798 - 1888) m 1823 _Lucious CRANSTON _____| | (1834 - 1906) m 1856 | | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" LATHROP _ | (1802 - 1876) m 1823 | |--Fred W CRANSTON | (1866 - ....) | _Z V ROBBINS _______________ | | (1808 - 1871) |_Lucy Jennett ROBBINS _| (1839 - 1900) m 1856 | |_Nancy LUTE ________________ (1818 - 1873)
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
________________________ | _James J DAVIS ______| | (1853 - 1933) m 1875| | |________________________ | | |--Hattie Zelma DAVIS | (1883 - 1967) | _Samuel Blakely BRIGGS _+ | | (1827 - 1896) m 1851 |_Jennie Mae BRIGGS __| (1855 - 1937) m 1875| |_Mary Ann WILLIAMS _____+ (1833 - 1918) m 1851
_Jacob DRAKE ________ | (1792 - ....) m 1839 _Ezra H DRAKE _______| | (1842 - 1909) m 1863| | |_Ruth A TITTUS ______ | (1815 - 1880) m 1839 | |--Catherine "Kittie" DRAKE | (1864 - 1923) | _William DEATON _____+ | | (1811 - 1855) m 1832 |_Elizabeth E DEATON _| (1842 - 1932) m 1863| |_Catherine LEFFEL ___ (1816 - 1904) m 1832
Ohio Marriages LDS
_____________________ | _James FORD _________| | (1754 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Joseph FORD | (1781 - 1851) | _Thomas WEST ________ | | (.... - 1814) |_Blanche WEST _______| (.... - 1840) | |_____________________
[26873] 2m<10,1m10-16,1m26-45; 2f10-16,1f26-45
�u�Section 20�/u� Urbana Township, Champaign Co., OH
Frances Thomas sells to Joseph Ford 122 acres s. side nw 1/4 section 20 (G-365)
�u�Section 20�/u� Urbana Township, Champaign Co., OH
122 acres s. side nw 1/4 section 20 (G 454)
Recorder's Office deed book G-471
Abstract by Anita Fiedler February 2000
Joseph Ford became indebted to James Campbell in amount of $141.50......Joseph Ford has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and delivered and by these presents do grant bargain sell...I deliver unto the said James .....21 head of cattle, one black mare, one black two year old filly, ? plough, ? plough, ? plough, ?????, fifty (?) head of hogs, ....to have and to hold the above goods and chattels, but with the express condition that if the said Joseph, his executors and administrators shall within one year......
This copy is nearly impossible for me to read. It seems to be saying that the above is the worth of Joseph Ford and that he will keep these chattels and within one year hope to pay the amount of the indebtedness to James Campbell. Best I can do with this thing.
The witness was Isaac SUTTON.
The thing to note is that we have the deed where Joseph Ford sold to James Ford on April 17, 1827 the 122 a. of land on s. side of nw 1/4 of sec. 20, t. 5 r 11. The same 122 a. that James sold to Joseph Ford March 8, 1834, and the same 122 a. that �u��b�Wm. H. Ford�/u��/b� sold to Jacob Pence March 22, 1855 to settle the estate of Joseph Ford.
I have always wondered why Joseph sold the land so soon, in 1827, to James Ford after he had just bought it in Sept. 1826. He must have had to sell it because of his indebtedness to James Campbell.
Joseph Ford, Esq- 0110101-0010101
�u�Section 20�/u� Urbana Township, Champaign Co., OH
James Ford to Joseph Ford, the same land (122 acres s. side nw 1/4 section 20 )(Vol. L pg. 129) Description: $500 for one hundred and twenty-two acres off the s side of the nw 1/4 of sec. 20, twp 5, range 11 bounded as follows: beginning at a stake......and corner to George Sparks.....to a stake corner to Samuel Clifton....." Signed in presence of Benjamin Doolittle and Mr. Magrery.
�u�(Champ.Co. deed book Vol N pg. 496)�/u�
For fifty five and one half dollars. Land study by Pat Stickley says 77 acres:
"parcel of land to wit: being part of sw 1/2 of �u�SEC. 20�/u� in t. five of range eleven...beginning at the nw corner of a 20 acre lot deeded by THOMAS FORD to Jacob Ambrose, thence west forty-two and one half poles, thence s to the nw corner of a nine (?) acre lot deeded by said THOMAS FORD to Josiah Richards, thence e to said 20 acre lot, thence n. to the place of beginning, SAVE AND EXCEPT TWO ACRES LYING IN A SQUARE OUT OF THE NE CORNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND HERETOFORE DEEDED BY THE SAID JOHN GODDARD AND WIFE MARY TO NANCY PORTER IN TRUST FOR HER ELDEST CHILD, supposed to contain nine and one fourth acres more or less.
Recorded 7 June 1837.
Joseph Ford 01120001-0000100101
pg169 pg 421 HH# 112
Joseph Ford Esq 69 MD
Catherine 69 MD
(HH113 son Joseph Jr)
Record Book 24, Page 387- Filed I April 1852-
Petition to Sell Land Matthias Slygh and Joseph Ford, Administrators of Joseph Ford Sr. deceased vs Catharine Ford et al Joseph Ford Senior died seized of 122 acres of land in Section 20 Township 5, Range 11 (Salem Township). He left the following heirs: Catharine Ford, widow; James Ford of Allen County, Ohio; Mary or Nancy L. Ford, wife of ... Clifton of Allen County; Joseph Ford; Christiana Ford, wife of Matthias H. Slygh and the heirs of Maley Ford, deceased: Harriet Ann and Henry Ford.
Ancestry.com-One World Tree
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co - Chancery Records Vol 1
_James KENTON _______+ | (1796 - 1862) m 1817 _Arthur Thomas KENTON _| | (1824 - 1892) | | |_Elizabeth THOMAS ___+ | (1797 - 1869) m 1817 | |--Richard B KENTON | (1864 - 1952) | _James IRWIN ________ | | |_Rebecca L IRWIN ______| (1826 - 1872) | |_Christiana _________
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_John LUNG __________ | (1785 - ....) _John R LUNG ________| | (1807 - 1885) m 1834| | |_Elizabeth __________ | (1785 - 1870) | |--Allen LUNG | (1838 - 1905) | _____________________ | | |_Mary DEALY _________| (1817 - 1874) m 1834| |_____________________
Lew Ellingham [email protected] file on Frederick Bodey 6/2003
Lew Ellingham [email protected] file on Frederick Bodey 6/2003
__ | _Jacob NICHOLAS _____| | (1837 - 1896) | | |__ | | |--Robert Layton NICHOLAS | (1874 - 1937) | __ | | |_Louisa MCCALLISTER _| (1837 - 1918) | |__
Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
_Joseph PARTINGTON _____+ | (1842 - 1923) m 1890 _Charles PARTINGTON _| | (1893 - 1955) m 1914| | |_Huldah MORRIS _________ | (.... - 1895) m 1890 | |--Betty (Vondehuevel) PARTINGTON | (1933 - 2014) | _Edward Anchors DORSEY _+ | | (1871 - 1927) m 1892 |_Maye S DORSEY ______| (1896 - 1973) m 1914| |_Mary Blanche LONG _____ (1873 - 1917) m 1892
_Thomas N PENCE __________________+ | (1824 - 1891) m 1854 _Leonidas William PENCE _| | (1862 - 1938) m 1881 | | |_Clementine J (Lukemeir) LOOKMAN _ | (1832 - 1887) m 1854 | |--Edna B PENCE | (1891 - ....) | __________________________________ | | |_Sarah E ELLIS __________| (1862 - 1893) m 1881 | |__________________________________
_____________________ | ___________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Arthur Newton RICHARDSON | (1823 - ....) | _Boyd RICHARDSON ____ | | (1773 - 1861) |_Rachel Martha RICHARDSON _| (1805 - ....) | |_Mary _______________ (1780 - 1853)
_____________________ | _Samuel RICHESON ____| | (1818 - 1872) m 1849| | |_____________________ | | |--Son RICHESON | | _David FIELD ________ | | (1788 - 1865) |_Mary Ann FIELD _____| (1819 - 1898) m 1849| |_Mary Ann ___________ (1790 - ....)
__ | _William RIKER ______| | (1787 - 1867) | | |__ | | |--Solomon RIKER | (1826 - ....) | __ | | |_Rachel FERRIS ______| (1794 - 1844) | |__
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1871-1884
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
_John Peterson SPAIN _ | (1730 - 1798) _Theodoric SPAIN ____| | (1773 - 1824) m 1797| | |______________________ | | |--James Henry SPAIN | (1801 - ....) | ______________________ | | |_Sarah THWEATT ______| (1772 - 1884) m 1797| |______________________
_William Henry TOOMIRE _+ | (1814 - 1885) m 1836 _Henry Lafayette TOOMIRE _| | (1839 - 1916) m 1864 | | |_Rebecca DECIOUS _______+ | (1817 - 1911) m 1836 | |--Olive N TOOMIRE | (1893 - ....) | _James DOWNEY __________+ | | (1814 - 1878) m 1839 |_Rachel Samantha DOWNEY __| (1847 - 1931) m 1864 | |_Jullia Ann WATT _______ (1821 - 1897) m 1839
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916
__ | _Joseph Asbury UNDERWOOD _| | (1816 - 1899) m 1844 | | |__ | | |--Oscar Lee UNDERWOOD | (1863 - 1925) | __ | | |_Harriett W SCOTT ________| (1824 - 1902) m 1844 | |__
Joseph Underwood �tab�64 VA
Harriet Underwood �tab�54 VA
Mortimer Underwood 3 0 VA
William Underwood �tab�24 VA
Asbury Underwood 22 VA
Oscar Underwood �tab�17 VA
Alice Underwood �tab�20 VA
Lillie Underwood �tab�18 VA
Ella Underwood �tab�16 VA
Wilmer Ashley �tab�7 VA
Lizzie haney vs Oscar Underwood for bastardy; he is married man with family living in Mad River TWp
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
Ohio Marriages LDS