Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_William Harrison BRECOUNT _+ | (1859 - 1946) m 1880 _Edward Vance BRECOUNT _____| | (1880 - 1951) m 1904 | | |_Elizabeth S MILLER ________+ | (1859 - 1888) m 1880 | |--Herman Lester BRECOUNT | (1910 - 1974) | _John C SIEGENTHALER _______+ | | (1866 - 1942) |_Carrie Belle SIEGENTHALER _| (1889 - 1955) m 1904 | |_Mary Ann BENTON ___________+ (1859 - 1935)
_Thomas J CARTMELL __+ | (1805 - 1882) _Chase CARTMELL _____| | (1857 - 1933) | | |_Amanda FISHER ______ | | |--Olive L CARTMELL | (1894 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Elinor JOHNSON _____| (1859 - 1933) | |_____________________
_Jonathan Davis CHENEY ____+ | (1816 - 1864) m 1836 _James Henry CHENEY _| | (1839 - 1911) m 1860| | |_Rachel WILLIAMS __________ | (1817 - 1883) m 1836 | |--William Henry CHENEY | (1875 - 1949) | _Ezra Carter TULLIS _______+ | | (1815 - 1869) m 1843 |_Beatrice S TULLIS __| (1844 - 1912) m 1860| |_Sarah Elizabeth EDMISTON _ (1827 - 1903) m 1843
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1867-1877
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Prct 140
Lee J Crider, 1624 W 49th St Dem
Prct 272
Lee J Crider, 1624 W 49th St Dem, grocery
Prct 272
Lee J Crider, 1624 W 49th St Dem, grocery
Index to the War of 1812 Pay Rolls & Muster Rolls: CATALOG CARD NAME
�b�Evilsizer, Joshua.�/b� Pay Rolls, p.187 NOTE Part of index to: Pay Rolls of Militia Entitled to Land Bounty Under the Act of Congress of Sept. 28, 1850 (Richmond, 1851) and: Muster Rol ls of the Virginia Militia in the War of 1812 (Richmond, 1852) which supplements Pay Rolls. This collection is also available on microfilm. SUBJECT United States -- History -- War of 1812 -- Registers. COLLECTION War of 1812 pay rolls and muster rolls.
Pay Roll of Captain William McMahon's Company, of the One Hundred and Sixteenth (116th) Regiment, Rockingham, Third Division, attached to the command of Major Woodford, at Camp Mitchell; to the command of Major Scott, at Hampton, and to General Cocke's Brigade, and in the Service of the United States, from the 30th August 1814 to the 28th February 1815. [pages 186 & 187] Joshua Evilsizer Private 6mos
Joshua Evalsizer, 1 cattle, tax .12
[59668] -pg196-300010-00100
Mr. Brady moved to amend the same by adding the following, as an additional section:
"Sec. And be it further enacted that the said Jeremiah
Maney and Joshua Evilsizer their heirs or assigns as the case may be previous to their constructing said mill dam, shall file in the office of the-Secrctaryof State, a Bond in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, payable to the State of Indiana, with at least two freehold securities, to be be approved of by the Circuit court of Morgan county, and a copy thereof, recorded in the Clerks office of said county, conditioned for the faithful construction of a good and sufficient lock and slope, at least twenty feet wide, so that boats and water crafts may pass with perfect safety/'
Before the question was put thereon,
Mr. Brady moved that the further consideration of said bill and proposed amendment be mdifinitely postponed.
And the ayes and noes being requested thereon by Messrs. Wooden and Hite,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baber, Bonner, Brady, Bryant, Casey, Cravens, Hite, Hoover, Jones, Lynd, Maxwell, Morris, Mover, Paddacks, Parks. Rcid, Slaughter, Smilty, Steele, Stevenson, Vawter, Wilson and Wooden� -23.
And those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Alley, Angle, Bell, Clark, Cox, Crume. Culley, Davis, Finch, Flake, Frame, Gardner, Grover, lianna, Hargrove, Harrod, Heaton, Henderson, Henley, Huntington, Lane, Mastin, Nelson, Peyton, Polke, Froffit, Reynold*, Robinson, Rose, Ruddick, Secresl� Stanford, Tcbhs, Wallace, Willet, Williams and Thornton, Speaker jro tem.� 38.
And so said motion was derided in the negative.
The question recurred on the amendment proposed by Mr. Brady.And being put,
It was decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Lane, The said bill was considered as engrossed and read the third time. And on the question, Shall the bill pass?
The ayes and noes beiag requested thereon, by Messrs. Vawter and Flake,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messr Alley, Angle, Bell, (/.ark. Conner, Cox, Crume, Culley, Davis, Finch, Flake, Frame, Gardner, Griggs, Grover, Hanna, Hargrove, Harrod, Heaton, Henderson, Henley, Huntington, Lane, Mastii>, Nelson, Peyton, Polke, Proffit, Reynolds, Robinson, Rose, Ruddick, Secrest, Tebbs, Willet and Williams� 36.
And those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baber, Bonner, Brady, Bryant, Casey,Cravens,Hite, Hoover, Jones, Lynd, Maxwell, Morns, Mover, Paddacks, i>arks, Reid, Slaughter, Smiley, Steele, Stevenson, Vawter, Wallace, Wilson, Wooden and Thornton, Speaker pro tem.� 25.
And so said bill passed.
Ordered, That it be entitled an act and that the clerk tarry it to the Senate and ask their concurrence.
Name: �tab�Joshua Earlsiger
[Joshua Evilsizer]
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): �tab�Morgan, Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: �tab�2
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: �tab�2
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Under 20: �tab�7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: �tab�2
Total Free White Persons: �tab�9
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): �tab�9
While on a hunting trip in the Illinois Territory in 1832, Joshua was pressed into the Illinois Militia. They needed troops to push Chief Blackhawk back across the Mississippi River. Fifty million acres had been given by treaty to the Sauk and Fox Tribes in 1804, and now the settlers were in the process of taking the land back. Joshua was cited for bravery in the Battle of Bad Axe which was fought August 2, 1832, just South of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Approximately one thousand Indians participated in this battle and only one hundred fifty lived to be taken prisoner.
Joshua's sister, Anne Margaret married Elias Huff. Their daughter, Delilah married Alexander Hollingsworth, who also fought in the 1832 Blackhawk War
The BlackHawk War was an 1832 US Campaign against Chief Blackhawk's Algonquian Indians. A treaty signed in 1824 with the Sauk Indians, was thought by whites to have ceded all Indian lands east of the river and thus to have paved the way for white settlement of Western Illinois and Wisconsin. But in 1831, when Chief Blackhawk, leader of the Algonquian nation- which included both the Sauk and the Fox tribes- witnessed whites plowing the Algonquian ancestral burial grounds in Illinois, he and his warriors began raiding outlying white farms. Under the command of Gen Henry Atkinson a force of regulars and militia marched on Black Hawk, driving him across the Mississippi into Missouri. With his people threatened by famine and by their ancient enemy, the Sioux, Black Hawk led a small party of his most militant followers back into Illinois. When ordered by Atkinson to recross the River, Black Hawk stood his ground. Atkinson's force - which counted among its number a youthful militia Captain named Abraham Lincoln- once again marched on the Indians, driving Black Hawk and a small band of resisters deep into the forests of Wisconsin. In the summer of 1832 the famine-stricken band was hunted down and slaughtered, squaws and children as well as warriors. But Black hawk himself was spared and taken into custody to the east, where he was put on display in several cities and brought to the White House to meet President Andrew Jackson. As punishment for starting the war, the Indians were forced to sign a treaty ceding more land in Wisconsin and, for the first time, opening an area of Iowa to settlement...Source- Readers Digest Family Encyclopedia of Americ an History
Washington Co, IL The two sections found were section 9 and section 17, which his house and barn were located in section 17. The following records were found: 29 Jan 1840 Sold to Mathew Forest, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9 of 3 south and 4 west. Joshua declared that the land was in mortgage for the amount of $460.00 to be paid in two annual installments. Giving his note for $ 260.00 on the 1st day of January 1841. The other for $200.00 on the 1st day of January 1842. Joshua was able to sign the note.
Witnesses were James Steel Jr. and A.B. Rountree.
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: �tab�2 (Levi H) (James Carr, son of Malinda)
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: �tab�2 (Henry Carr, son of Malinda) Zachariah
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: �tab�2 Elliott R, Isaac
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: �tab�2 Reese B died 1848, ( unknown)
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: �tab�2 (son under 5 in 1820, under 10 1830)
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: �tab�1 Joshua
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: �tab�1 female Carr, sister of James, died young
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: �tab�1 Cinthia md Steele
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: �tab�1 Elizabeth
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: �tab�1 Malinda Carr Stepp
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: �tab�1
Free White Persons - Under 20: �tab�11
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: �tab�4
Total Free White Persons: �tab�15
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: �tab�15
In the constitution of the church (Baptist Church at Elkton), written in July 1842 you will find a listing of the membership. Among them are Polly B. Jones (Polly B. Rountree, dau of Linville) who had married Nieper Jones in March 1842, and Polly B. Rountree(daughter of Allen B.) who married John Boucher in March 1844. Also on the list are Joshua Evilsizer, Melinda Evilsizer and Elizabeth Evilsizer.
The Baptist Church of Elkton, ILL was organized 7/3/1842 with 31 members. Members included �b�Joshua Evilsizer�/b�, Malinda Evilsizer & Elizabeth Evilsizer Minutes of church meetings January 1844 states "Joshua Evilsizer Excluded for hearsay universalism and general immorality"
WFT- World Family Tree Archives
__ | _Nathan Bishop LITTLE _| | (1801 - 1876) m 1826 | | |__ | | |--Mary Elizabeth LITTLE | (1828 - 1898) | __ | | |_Mary Ann FOUKE _______| (1806 - 1856) m 1826 | |__
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
leaves three sons
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
Champaign Co- Marriages 1805-1864 Probate Court Vol A-G
__ | _Jacob MAGGERT ______| | (1760 - 1834) m 1787| | |__ | | |--Elizabeth MAGGERT | (1796 - 1860) | __ | | |_Mary _______________| (1770 - ....) m 1787| |__
PAGE NO: 366aREFERENCE: Enumerated by Co lin McDonald 7 Sept 1850 28 192 192
Flowers Elizabeth 54 F 2 ,500 VA Flowers
Joel 29 M Farm er OH 30
Flowers Andrew J 20 M Farm er OH
Flowers Jacob 17 M farm er OH
Flowers Adam 15 M Farm er OH
Flowers Jessee 12 M OH 34
Flowers Isaiah 7 M OH
193 193
Flowers Samuel 30 M Farm er
Flowers Elizabeth 20 F OH
Flowers Elijah 5 M OH
Flowers Simeon 3 M OH
Flowers Enoch 10/ 12 M OH
LDS Ancestral File
_Henry MAGGERT ______+ | (1792 - 1831) m 1818 _Reuben MAGGERT _____| | (.... - 1845) m 1844| | |_Catherine TAYLOR ___ | (.... - 1846) m 1818 | |--James M MAGGERT | (1847 - ....) | _Christian MILLER ___+ | | (1789 - 1850) |_Maria MILLER _______| (1824 - ....) m 1844| |_Elizabeth HEATH ____ (.... - 1859)
James M Maggart �tab�53 5/1847 OH OH OH
Nora A Maggart �tab�30 wife 2/1870 m9y 4/1 IN IN INB
Ermin S Maggart �tab�6 dau 8/1893 IN
Sanford G Maggart �tab�21 son 9/1878 OH
Loren W Maggart �tab�14 son 11/1885 IN
Elzie O Maggart �tab�12 son 11/1887 IN
Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920 about Alma Maggart
Name: �tab�Alma Maggart
Date: �tab�8 Jun 1898
Location: �tab�Patton
Age: �tab�7 Mon
Gender: �tab�Female
Race: �tab�White
Source Location: �tab�City Health Office, Ddelphi
Source Notes: �tab�The source of this record is the book H-12 on page 7 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
_____________________ | _Augustus C MAUCK _________| | (1865 - 1908) m 1891 | | |_____________________ | | |--Mary L MAUCK | (1895 - ....) | _Nicholas SHAFFER ___ | | (1819 - 1900) m 1851 |_Martha Catherine SHAFFER _| (1861 - 1908) m 1891 | |_Louisa COOK ________+ (1826 - 1887) m 1851
__ | _______________________| | | | |__ | | |--Eliza MILLER | (.... - 1850) | __ | | |_Elizabeth Mrs MILLER _| (1800 - 1860) | |__
_William MOUSER _______ | (1777 - 1864) _John H MOUSER ______| | (1800 - 1850) m 1826| | |_Elizabeth ____________ | (1785 - 1863) | |--Thomas Kenton MOUSER | (1827 - 1863) | _Thomas KENTON ________+ | | (1770 - 1851) m 1793 |_Elizabeth KENTON ___| (1804 - 1888) m 1826| |_Keziah D CRUTCHFIELD _ (1774 - 1857) m 1793
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871
_Joseph NEER ___________+ | (1804 - 1869) m 1835 _Nathan A NEER ______| | (1845 - 1932) m 1886| | |_Margaret Susan MONROE _+ | (1819 - 1880) m 1835 | |--Annie N (McDade) NEER | (1891 - 1989) | ________________________ | | |_Christie E EDWARDS _| (1855 - 1936) m 1886| |________________________
_Enos NEER __________+ | (1796 - 1849) _Joseph Frey NEER ______| | (1819 - 1898) m 1843 | | |_Catherine __________ | (1798 - 1838) | |--Eli Grant NEER | (1864 - 1942) | _Othe ARBOGAST ______ | | (1803 - 1875) m 1823 |_Margaret Ann ARBOGAST _| (1825 - 1910) m 1843 | |_Dorothy CURL _______ (1802 - 1881) m 1823
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Alfred OWEN _________+ | (1795 - 1840) m 1818 _Orris P OWENS ______| | (1819 - 1892) m 1849| | |_Elizabeth NORTHCUTT _+ | (1799 - 1880) m 1818 | |--Miles OWENS | (1850 - ....) | _Sampson KELLY _______ | | (1773 - 1828) m 1818 |_Rebecca Ann KELLY __| (1826 - ....) m 1849| |_Rebecca DAVIS _______+ (1787 - 1855) m 1818
_Jacob PENCE ________+ | (1819 - 1899) m 1843 _Isaiah (Isaac) Martin PENCE __| | (1844 - 1913) m 1866 | | |_Julia Ann BOSWELL __ | (1819 - 1893) m 1843 | |--Ida PENCE | (1868 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Bridget "Biddie" A SHANNAHAN _| (1846 - 1911) m 1866 | |_____________________
_______________________ | _Codoris J REBERT ___| | (1869 - ....) | | |_______________________ | | |--Dorotha REBERT | (1898 - 1898) | _David PADEN __________ | | (1840 - 1916) m 1868 |_Emma E PADEN _______| (1870 - 1948) | |_Louisa Maria DOLBEER _ (1848 - 1916) m 1868
_Martin SPAHR ________ | (1834 - 1901) m 1861 _John P SPAHR _______| | (1862 - 1938) m 1892| | |_Barbara CRAVER ______ | (1841 - ....) m 1861 | |--Hazel Eleanor SPAHR | (1904 - 1984) | _James HECKMAN _______ | | (1850 - ....) |_Rosa A HECKMAN _____| (1874 - 1935) m 1892| |_Gabrilla LIPPENCOTT _+ (1851 - ....)
Birth Record-County Records
_Zachariah STEPHENSON _ | (1818 - 1880) _Absalom C STEPHENSON _| | (1851 - ....) | | |_Mariah _______________ | (1819 - 1870) | |--Margaret "Maggie" (Flack) STEPHENSON | (1879 - ....) | _Joseph TAYLOR ________ | | (1826 - ....) |_Mary E TAYLOR ________| (1850 - ....) | |_Mary _________________ (1824 - ....)
_Abijah WARD ________+ | (.... - 1841) m 1827 _Isaac E WARD _______| | (1827 - 1861) | | |_Margaret EVANS _____ | (1806 - ....) m 1827 | |--Isaac J WARD | (1861 - 1862) | _____________________ | | |_Mary E WILSON ______| (1836 - 1861) | |_____________________
_Frances Marion WERT _______+ | (1840 - 1912) m 1867 _Elmer Ellsworth WERT _| | (1863 - 1939) m 1892 | | |_Catherine "Katie" NEEDLES _ | (1840 - 1924) m 1867 | |--Benjamin "Bennie" L WERT | (1888 - ....) | _Charles Harrison HALL _____+ | | (1841 - 1916) m 1860 |_Eva HALL _____________| (1870 - ....) m 1892 | |_Mary Ellen DAVIS __________+ (1840 - 1907) m 1860
______________________ | _Roy M ZEIGLER ______| | (1891 - ....) m 1913| | |______________________ | | |--Mary Louise ZEIGLER | (1921 - 1986) | _Samuel Ellis MCNEAL _+ | | (1863 - 1927) |_Lillie M MCNEAL ____| (1893 - ....) m 1913| |_Alice WADE __________ (.... - 1910)