_____________________ | _Jacob ARNEY ________| | (1778 - 1848) m 1819| | |_____________________ | | |--Nancy Jane ARNEY | (1830 - 1851) | _William WEST _______ | | (1769 - 1839) m 1788 |_Azubah WEST ________| (1789 - 1859) m 1819| |_Hannah CONKLING ____ (1769 - 1839) m 1788
_Michael BLUE _______+ | (1759 - ....) _Michael M BLUE _____| | (1784 - 1875) | | |_Amelia MORGAN ______ | | |--Susannah (Wilkinson) BLUE | (1819 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Nancy Ann CHENEY ___| (1784 - 1873) | |_____________________
Champaign Co- Domestic Relation Records 1808-1939 Vol Including Divorce, Bastardy, Adultry, Breach of Contract, some Adoption, by Pat Stickley, CCGS
_Michael CLEM __________+ | (1757 - 1827) m 1782 _Henry Thomas CLEM __| | (1790 - 1850) | | |_Margaret Rebecca RUDY _ | (1766 - ....) m 1782 | |--Susan CLEM | (1811 - 1844) | ________________________ | | |_Elizabeth GROVE ____| (1795 - ....) | |________________________
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Jacob CONSOLVER ____+ | (1785 - 1850) m 1811 _Isaac S CONSOLVER __| | (1819 - 1898) m 1843| | |_Rachel ARCHER ______+ | (1788 - ....) m 1811 | |--Jacob A CONSOLVER | (1845 - 1911) | _____________________ | | |_Jane HALL __________| (1820 - ....) m 1843| |_____________________
_Jeremiah CURL ______+ | (1778 - 1825) _William CURL _______| | (1807 - 1887) m 1827| | |_Margaret SWISHER ___ | (1780 - 1859) | |--Mary A CURL | (1837 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Margaret ARBOGAST __| (1808 - 1889) m 1827| |_____________________
_Dionicius EDMISTON _ | (1803 - 1885) _George W EDMISTON ______| | (1843 - ....) m 1871 | | |_Elizabeth MUTER ____ | (1811 - 1894) | |--Minnie EDMISTON | (1878 - 1888) | _John RICHESON ______+ | | (1814 - 1880) m 1841 |_Sarah Minveva RICHESON _| (1852 - 1913) m 1871 | |_Martha DEATON ______+ (1822 - 1906) m 1841
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1867-1877
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
aged 9 yrs.
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
_Squire EVILSIZOR _______+ | (1812 - 1899) m 1835 _Lewis EVILSIZOR ____| | (1843 - 1921) m 1872| | |_Christina COMER ________+ | (1810 - 1891) m 1835 | |--Alpha Burton EVILSIZER | (1882 - 1954) | _Milton Paradise MORRIS _+ | | (1816 - 1875) m 1846 |_Sarah Ellen MORRIS _| (1850 - 1917) m 1872| |_Sarah SAGER ____________+ (1823 - 1913) m 1846
Springfield Daily News, Friday, February 10, 1911 Butcher Sustains Painful Injury Burt Evilsizor, butcher at Trout's Grocery, is today unable to slice the ham, chop the beef, grind out the sausage and attend to the many other duties that fall to the job of a butcher in a busy store. This is due to the f act that while in the act of amputating the leg of a beef yesterday, quite by mistake, he sawed into his own hand between the thumb and first finger, resulting in a painful, though not serious injury. Mr Evilsizor will be at his post of duty again in a few days.
Name: Alpha Burton Evilsizer City: Not Stated County: Maricopa State: Arizona Birth Date: 22 Dec 1882 Race: White Roll: 1522449 WWI Draft Registration Sept 12 1918 Alpha Burton Evilsizer, 602 1/2 W Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ Age 35 Born Dec 22 1882 Butcher, working for B B Dunning Next of kin Rosa Evilsizer 602 1/2 Van Buren 6' stout build brn eyes brn hair
Alpha B Evilsizer �tab�37 OH US US meat cutter meat market
Rosa B Evilsizer �tab�48 OH OH PA wife sales lady grocery
Ruth Steinmetz �tab�27 Oh OH OH single, step dau office work , typist
Evilsizer, A B, Sixth Avenue North , North from Washington, 6 bloc ks W of Central Ave. Evilsizer , Alpha B, (Rosa), meat cutter, h 322 N 6th Ave
Alpha B Evilsizer (Rosa B) prop The Williams, res 322 N 6th St
[1184] Alpha B Evilsizer (Rosa B) meat ctr, res 322 N 6th Ave
[1185] Alpha B Evilsizer (Rosa) meat ctr, Grand Ave Meat Market res 322 N 6th Ave
327 N 6th Ave, own home 8K,
Alpha B Evilsizer �tab�48 md32 OH, Butcher, meat market
Rosa B Evilsizer �tab�57 wife, OH OH OH no occ
Truman S Steinmetz �tab�29 step son, md21, OH OH OH house carpenter
Tarencues Osborn �tab�41 lodger
Neil J Morrison �tab�29 lodger
[1187] Alpha B Evilsizer (Rosa) meat ctr, res 322 N 6th Ave
[1188] Alpha B Evilsizer (Rosa) meat ctr, Dunnings Market res 322 N 6th Ave
Evilsizer, Alpha B, meat cutter, Dunnings Market, h322 N 6th Ave
Birth Record-County Records
_William Henry JONES _ | (1808 - 1882) m 1832 _William H JONES ____| | (1845 - 1888) m 1871| | |_Rachel SILLS ________+ | (1812 - 1876) m 1832 | |--Garnard Griffith JONES | (1884 - 1966) | _John MCMORRAN _______+ | | (1815 - 1889) m 1852 |_Mary MCMORRAN ______| (1853 - 1939) m 1871| |_Amy RIKER ___________+ (1824 - 1905) m 1852
Champaign Co - Evergreen Cemetery
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
_Elijah LEEDOM ______ | (1765 - 1840) m 1793 _Samuel Kinsey LEEDOM _| | (1813 - 1855) | | |_Lucy YARDLEY _______ | (1765 - 1848) m 1793 | |--Joseph Wright LEEDOM | (1839 - 1896) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca D ____________| (1824 - 1906) | |_____________________
_Joseph MERRITT _____+ | (1815 - 1899) m 1836 _Henry MERRITT ______| | (1845 - 1895) | | |_Anna MONGER ________ | (1812 - 1890) m 1836 | |--Charles MERRITT | (1868 - 1890) | _____________________ | | |_ FLORA _____________| (1850 - ....) | |_____________________
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1877-1911
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1878-1900
_Jacob PENCE ________+ | (1788 - 1812) m 1810 _Aaron PENCE ________| | (1811 - 1868) m 1833| | |_Rebecca DAVIS ______+ | (1787 - 1855) m 1810 | |--William Irvin PENCE | (1836 - 1919) | _Peter RUNKLE _______+ | | (1772 - 1851) m 1799 |_Rebecca RUNKLE _____| (1808 - 1901) m 1833| |_Sally Ann GUNNER ___ (1781 - 1852) m 1799
1850 Champaign Co, OH Census-by Paul Nitchman
Champaign Co - Beers History 1881
Champaign Co- Funeral Home Records
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Cemetery Photos by Karen Heber
Champaign Co - Beers History 1881
Shelby County Marriage Records Vol2 1871-1899
__ | _Revel ROACH ________| | (1814 - ....) | | |__ | | |--James ROACH | (1846 - ....) | __ | | |_Annie BAKER ________| (1816 - ....) | |__
_Elmer ROPP _________+ | (1902 - 1970) m 1921 _George Leonard ROPP ___| | (1922 - 2002) m 1942 | | |_Ethel Mae ECKURD ___+ | (1902 - 1975) m 1921 | |--Leona Vay ROPP | | _Marion Neson BODEY _+ | | (1896 - 1952) m 1917 |_Laura Elizabeth BODEY _| (1925 - 2001) m 1942 | |_Mae Irene NEWELL ___+ (1898 - 1959) m 1917
______________________ | _Charles Roy SIDDERS _| | (1887 - 1964) m 1913 | | |______________________ | | |--Mary Elizabeth SIDDERS | (1917 - 1927) | _John Franklin CRAIG _+ | | (1867 - 1942) m 1891 |_Emma Mae CRAIG ______| (1894 - 1946) m 1913 | |_Annie E JOHNSON _____ (1873 - 1915) m 1891
_____________________ | _John H TUCKER ______| | (1856 - 1927) m 1881| | |_____________________ | | |--Emma TUCKER | (1889 - 1937) | _Edward D BUCK ______+ | | (1832 - 1911) m 1853 |_Phoebe Jane BUCK ___| (1859 - 1940) m 1881| |_Mary Susan WALLACE _ (1836 - ....) m 1853
Death Certificate
Death Certificate
_Amos WOOLEY _________ | (1814 - 1898) _George WOOLEY ______| | (1842 - 1928) m 1867| | |_Henrietta SHAFFER ___ | (1825 - 1900) | |--Infant son WOOLEY | (1877 - 1877) | _Valentine MCCORMICK _ | | (1818 - 1880) m 1841 |_Susannah MCCORMICK _| (1847 - 1877) m 1867| |_Anna CLAYTON ________ (1818 - 1880) m 1841
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975
Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975