I70206: Harriett AVERY (14 Mar 1842 - 17 Apr 1848)

Harriett AVERY

14 Mar 1842 - 17 Apr 1848

Father: Thomas AVERY
Mother: Abigail EVILSIZER

                       _Thomas AVERY _______
                      | (1770 - 1850)       
 _Thomas AVERY _______|
| (1811 - 1900) m 1837|
|                     |_Margaret BUCK ______
|                       (1773 - ....)       
|--Harriett AVERY 
|  (1842 - 1848)
|                      _George EVILSIZER ___+
|                     | (1784 - 1864) m 1811
|_Abigail EVILSIZER __|
  (1820 - 1868) m 1837|
                      |_Maria Eva WISE _____+
                        (1791 - 1841) m 1811



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Charles R BECK


19 Aug 1874 - 15 Jul 1936

Father: James BECK
Mother: Elizabeth SMITH

                       _Benoni BECK ________
                      | (1794 - 1863)       
 _James BECK _________|
| (1830 - 1913) m 1852|
|                     |_Rachel SMITH _______
|                       (1794 - 1863)       
|--Charles R BECK 
|  (1874 - 1936)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth SMITH ____|
  (1832 - 1907) m 1852|



[45274] [S71] Champaign Co - Probate Ct-FHL Film #0295232 (IGI)


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Hazel Estelle BLOSE

7 Mar 1885 - 4 May 1981

Father: Charles Vanlandingham BLOSE
Mother: Lida Alice DINGLEDINE

Family 1 : Charles Elmer HANNAH

                                _John Henry BLOSE _____+
                               | (1838 - 1919) m 1857  
 _Charles Vanlandingham BLOSE _|
| (1862 - 1959) m 1883         |
|                              |_Caroline STEINBERGER _+
|                                (1838 - 1910) m 1857  
|--Hazel Estelle BLOSE 
|  (1885 - 1981)
|                               _Samuel DINGLEDINE ____+
|                              | (1837 - 1906) m 1863  
|_Lida Alice DINGLEDINE _______|
  (1864 - 1933) m 1883         |
                               |_Catherine Ann MYERS __+
                                 (1845 - 1920) m 1863  


[DI16075] [NF16730]


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Apr 1890 - ____

Father: Asa Scott BRELSFORD
Mother: Elmina (Twin) BATDORF

                          _William P BRELSFORD _
                         | (.... - 1859) m 1835 
 _Asa Scott BRELSFORD ___|
| (1841 - 1914) m 1868   |
|                        |_Hannah B SCOTT ______+
|                          (1818 - 1904) m 1835 
|  (1890 - ....)
|                         _Samuel BATDORF ______+
|                        | (1811 - 1872) m 1835 
|_Elmina (Twin) BATDORF _|
  (1848 - 1897) m 1868   |
                         |_Susanna NEFF ________
                           (1811 - 1898) m 1835 


[35323] [S28] 1900 Census


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Elmira CLARK

1864 - 1904

Family 1 : Daniel Milton DORNON
  1.  Romana Ethel DORNON
  2.  Floyd Milton DORNON
  3.  Leona May (Brown) DORNON



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Julia Ann CLARK

____ - ____

Family 1 : George OTEWALT



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Dec 1877 - ____

Father: James M COLLINS
Mother: Rosanna FREY

                       _Jerome B COLLINS ___
                      | (1806 - 1873)       
 _James M COLLINS ____|
| (1838 - 1909) m 1870|
|                     |_Jane S BURRUSS _____+
|                       (1807 - 1895)       
|--Mary Jane COLLINS 
|  (1877 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Rosanna FREY _______|
  (1847 - 1923) m 1870|



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Hugh Quinby COWAN

1837 - ____

Father: Stephenson R COWAN
Mother: Elizabeth MILLER

 _Stephenson R COWAN _|
| (1810 - 1870) m 1836|
|                     |__
|--Hugh Quinby COWAN 
|  (1837 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Elizabeth MILLER ___|
  (1820 - ....) m 1836|



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1 Feb 1861 - 25 Sep 1909

Father: Joseph COWGILL
Mother: Martha

                       _Thomas COWGILL _____+
                      | (1777 - 1846) m 1800
 _Joseph COWGILL _____|
| (1814 - ....)       |
|                     |_Sarah ANTRIM _______
|                       (1780 - 1868) m 1800
|--Charles COWGILL 
|  (1861 - 1909)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Martha _____________|
  (1816 - ....)       |



�b�Census Place�/b� Salem, Champaign, Ohio �b�Family History Library Film�/b� 1254998 �b�NA Film Number�/b� T9-0998 �b�Page Number�/b� 367C
Anna COWGILL Self W Female W 75 NC Farming NC NC
Angeline COWGILL Dau S Female W 53 OH At Home OH NC
Electa COWGILL Dau S Female W 51 OH At Home OH NC
Thomas A. COWGILL Son S Male W 39 OH Farmer OH NC
Cynthia COWGILL Dau S Female W 33 OH At Home OH NC
Charles COWGILL Nephew S Male W 18 OH Works On Farm OH NC Hugh QUIN Other S Male W 30 IRE Works On Farm IRE IRE


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2 Mar 1806 - 13 Apr 1840

Family 1 : Thomas HUNTER
  1.  Griffith Emory HUNTER
  2.  Milton HUNTER



[48688] [S40] Bible Records

[48689] [S40] Bible Records

[69225] [S40] Bible Records


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John Harrison EVILSIZER

[NI559] [HI559]

11 Jan 1861 - 19 Mar 1921

Father: Sinclair EVILSIZER
Mother: Perlina WALTERS

Family 1 : Estella Ida CUMMINS
  1. +Estel Iris EVILSIZER
  2. +Thomas Sinclair EVILSIZER
  3.  Maud EVILSIZER
  4. +Roy Harrison EVILSIZER
  5.  Maude EVILSIZER
  7.  Victor Hugo EVILSIZER
Family 2 : Minnie Elaine FRANKLIN
Family 3 : Ivy Chloe PAGE
  1. +William Hoy EVILSIZER

                       _Joshua EVILSIZER _______+
                      | (1795 - 1846) m 1816    
 _Sinclair EVILSIZER _|
| (1819 - 1891) m 1838|
|                     |_Frances HENNINGS _______
|                       (1791 - 1838) m 1816    
|--John Harrison EVILSIZER 
|  (1861 - 1921)
|                      _Levi WALTERS ___________
|                     | (1796 - 1852) m 1817    
|_Perlina WALTERS ____|
  (1821 - 1901) m 1838|
                      |_Mariah Hennings MARTIN _+
                        (1799 - 1863) m 1817    


[NI559] [HI559]

�b�J H Evilsizer�/b�, 23, MO
I E (female) 23, MO
CE (female) 2 MO
TS (male) 6m MO
S Evilsizer (male) 66 IN�b�
�/b�P Evilsizer (female) 63 IN
OD Evilsizer 19 (female) MO
Family moved from Missouri to KS

[684] -pg221-Ward 8 HH1210 Campbell St
John H Evilsizer 1/1861 MO IN IN, proprietor livery barn, rent farm
Ida, wife, 8/1861 MO M19y 6/4 MO KY KY
Estel, dau, 5/1882 MO at school
Thomas S, son, 9/1884 MO at school
Roy H, son, 4/1888 KS at school
Victor, son, 6/1897 MO

[685] Pct 11 pg59a-
�b�John H E�/b�vilsizer, 42, wd, MO MO MO homesteading
Victor H, son, 12, single, MO

[686] ED179 sh2a
(Victor and John names reversed inadvertantly in this census
Victor Evilsizer 57, head, M, MO KY VA ( should be John head h/o Ivy)
Ivy C, wife, 42, M MO MO MO
John E, son, 22, MO MO MO (This is son Victor)
William H, son, 2y 6m

Killed By UP Train At Boyero Railroad Tragedy Snuffed Life of J H Evilsizer,
Prominent Lincoln County Rancher-Shock To The Community.
�b�John Harrison Evilsizer,�/b� a prominent stockman, who resided in the Rush Creek Community, was killed last Saturday morning at the Boyero Crossing by Union Pacific....... Mr Evilsizer was making a trip to Boyero in his car and while crossing the railroad was struck by the train and sustained fatal injuries. On account of the view of the approaching train being obstructed by box cars at the stockyards to the east of the crossing, Mr Evilsizer, not noticing the passenger, drove up on to the tracks.
Eyewitnesses to the terrible tragedy were Alfred Fryer and Jim Sweeney, The train was traveling at a rate of 45 miles an hour and it is presumed that Mr Evilsizer, seeing the approaching train and fearing that he would not make it across started to get out of the car when the crash came. The machine was smashed to winding and scattered along the road for several hundred feet. Mr Evilsizer was catapulted from the machine and hurled about fifteen feet in the air and thrown about 100 feet to the right of way close to the railroad station. The train was in charge of Engineer Clem Meyers and Fireman H Abernathy, who noticed the car on the track about 100 feet east of the crossing. Although running at a rate up to 45 miles an hour, engineer Meyers halted the train within its length, the last coach being on the crossing when it came to a standstill. The body of the unfortunate man was picked up and ugly gashes about the head...and thought there was little hope. He was placed aboard the train and accompanied by David Hammond and Harry Davis and was brought to Hugo. About four miles out of Boyero, Mr Evilsizer expired without regaining consciousness. On the arrival of the train at the Hugo station the body was removed and taken in charge by the May Mortuary. Coroner Dr Lloyd summoned a jury who examined the body and an inquest was held Monday morning at the courthouse. A half dozen witnesses testified at the inquest, including Engineer Meyers and Fireman Abernathy, eye witnesses and several others. The men in charge of the train testified that the car was standing still on the track when the accident occurred although eye witnesses who were close by, state the car w as moving at the time. The evidence brought out the fact that the crossi ng at this point is in very poor condition and it is not kept up. Going on to the main line from the south there are two tracks to cross over, the house track and the side track and both crossings are very rough. To the east a stock yard and the fact that there were several box cars standing on the siding, obstructs the view of a west-bound train. The
jury composed of County Clerk Fred C Kenoga (former county coroner) as foreman and Messrs T G Watson, I R Swennes, A H Reid, Hank Hanson and W K Fortune after hearing the testimony of the several witnesses returned the following verdict: That John Harrison Evilsizer, came to his death by being struck by the U P Train No 119 on the public crossing in the town of Boyer on Saturday, March 19, 1921. "We further find that from the evidence submitted in the testimony that had this crossing been properly maintained by the railroad company this accident might have been avoided.". John Harrison Evilsizer was born at Millville, MO on January 11, 186 1. He spent his boyhood with his parents and was married to Estelle Cummings in Ray County Mo in 1881, where he resided until 1885, then moving to Severy, Greenwood County Kansas. In 1889 he went to Oklahoma and attended the opening of the first land script. While there he was appointed a United States Marshall. In 1890 he moved with his family to Kansas City, Mo where he engaged in the moving and transfer business. IN 1902 he moved to Johnson City Kansas where he resided for eight years. In 1910 he came to Colorado and on February of that year filed on the north half of section 12, township 15, range 54 at the United States Land Office in Hugo. Several months later he established residence on the place and has lived there until his death. He acquired a couple of sections of land and carried on stock raising and hog raising business for a number of years along with his sons, Roy and Victor. The cattle and hogs shipped by the Evilsizers to the Denver and Kansas City markets have at times topped the markes of the day. In June 1914 Mr Evilsizer was married to Ivy Chloe Page, to which union one child was born, William Hoye. The other surviving children are Mrs Edgar Burke of Kansas City MO, Thomas Sinclair, engaged in the auto truck business at Kansas City; and Roy and Vic of Rush
Creek who are stock farmers. Besides the widow, two sisters also survive, Mrs Henry Turner and Mrs Richard Gibson. Mr Evilsizer took a great interest in horses and in his days owned some speedster. During his residence in Kansas he took pride in being the possessor of the Kansas Champion. After coming to Lincoln County he identified himself with the fair meetings and his robust figure, conspicuous at the annual meetings will be missed. Mr Evilsizer was superintendent of the racing program and always took keen interest in this matter. In politics he was a staunch Republican but never aspired to office although he served as Justice of the Peace in his district for a number of years. The board of county commissioners at a recent session named him as road overseer of his district and on the morning of the tragedy which snuffed out his life, he was on the road to Boyero to get a slip for road work. The sickening news of the death of Mr Evilsizer cast a gloom over the entire community. He was devot ed to his family,loyal and enthusiastic about every cause which he believed in and was a fluent and inspiring conversationalist. He will be greatly missed in the community life of this section where his presence was an inspiration to many and the sorrow of the sudden and unexpected calling away is universal among our people. Mr Evilsizer was a good honest and industrious man, friendly and accommodating to his neighbors and kind and considerate. The writer was acquainted with Mr Evilsizer for several years and he was always right in anything for the public good. He loved his home and was a model husband as affectionate and tender father to his children, and he leaves an honored name as a heritage to them.. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved widow, the four children, two sisters and the other relatives in their time of sorrow. "Death thou art infinite, tis life is little" The funeral services were conduct ed at the Methodist church yesterday afternoon at two o'clock and were in charge of Rev J H Sutton, of the Latter Day Saints, assisted by Rev M B Beattloe, pastor of the Methodist church. Rev Sutton who was intimately acquainted with Mr Evilsizer delivered the funeral sermon and paid a fitting tribute to the deceased. His discourse was taken from ten verses of the fifth chapter of Pauls second epistle to the Corinthians. A song was rendered by Mssrs Claud Wilson and Alva Bacher. Mrs A H Reid and Mi ss Olga Larson. Many beautiful wreaths and flowers adorned the casket. The active pallbearers were Clinton Zimmerman, Mike Monahan, W I Cooper, William F Hoppen, Sol Smith and Clayton Gross and the honorary members Ed Wo oldridge, Bert Cook, Harry Hayward, C M Miles, Charles Emerson and P O Hedlund. Burial followed in the Evergreen cemetery directed by the May Mortuary. Words fail to express the mourning of the community in the loss of Mr Evilsizer, one of Lincoln County's most prominent citizens and in the grief that has suddenly befallen the stricken family, we with the multitude convey to them our most heartfelt sympathies.


[682] [S25] 1880 Census LDS

[62481] [S141] Marriage Record- County Record Books

[62482] [S141] Marriage Record- County Record Books


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1847 - ____

Father: Jesse HARBOUR
Mother: Katherine DEMORY

                       _Elisha HARBOUR _______+
                      | (1782 - 1867) m 1804  
 _Jesse HARBOUR ______|
| (1817 - 1886) m 1844|
|                     |_Katherine ARROWSMITH _+
|                       (1785 - 1862) m 1804  
|--Mary Jane HARBOUR 
|  (1847 - ....)
|                      _______________________
|                     |                       
|_Katherine DEMORY ___|
  (1823 - ....) m 1844|



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11 Nov 1889 - ____

Father: Sterling L HATMAKER
Mother: Mary Jane SHARP

                        _Lacy HATMAKER ______+
                       | (1832 - ....) m 1860
 _Sterling L HATMAKER _|
| (1861 - 1942) m 1899 |
|                      |_Barbara COOPER _____
|                        (1832 - ....) m 1860
|--Adria HATMAKER 
|  (1889 - ....)
|                       _____________________
|                      |                     
|_Mary Jane SHARP _____|
  (1873 - 1938) m 1899 |



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Kevin Lee HEAD

____ - ____

Father: James HEAD
Mother: Phyllis Jean EVILSIZER

 _James HEAD _____________|
|                         |
|                         |__________________________
|--Kevin Lee HEAD 
|                          _George Murris EVILSIZER _+
|                         | (1915 - 1962)            
|_Phyllis Jean EVILSIZER _|
  (1939 - 2012)           |
                          |_Velma Mary KING _________+
                            (1918 - ....)            



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Austin Clyde JENKINS


28 Oct 1873 - 25 Sep 1939

Father: John JENKINS
Mother: Martha FURROW

Family 1 : Katherine MCILVEY

                       _Wiley M JENKINS ____+
                      | (1810 - 1893) m 1833
 _John JENKINS _______|
| (1837 - 1918) m 1861|
|                     |_Charlotte MICHAEL __
|                       (1815 - 1881) m 1833
|--Austin Clyde JENKINS 
|  (1873 - 1939)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Martha FURROW ______|
  (1840 - 1926) m 1861|



Archie Mckinney �tab�27 1/1873
Alice I Mckinney �tab�37 5/1863 m5y 4/4
Eva M Mckinney �tab�5 dau 6/1894
Austin C Jenkins �tab�27 boarder 10/1872



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Benjamin Harrison JOHNSON

Feb 1889 - ____

Father: Charles E JOHNSON
Mother: Elizabeth GROSS

Family 1 : Eva BAKER
  1.  Charles Edward JOHNSON

                       _Jesse L JOHNSON ______+
                      | (1826 - 1913) m 1860  
 _Charles E JOHNSON __|
| (1861 - 1930) m 1886|
|                     |_Hester (Judy) BENSON _
|                       (1835 - 1908) m 1860  
|--Benjamin Harrison JOHNSON 
|  (1889 - ....)
|                      _______________________
|                     |                       
|_Elizabeth GROSS ____|
  (1869 - ....) m 1886|


[42679] Ward 1 1143 Lagonda Ave
Benjamin Johnson �tab�30 head, OH OH OH Steam RR Brakeman
Eva Johnson �tab�31 wife, OH
Fern E Johnson �tab�7 dau
Mary P Johnson �tab�5 dau
Charles E Johnson �tab�3 son
John E Baker �tab�22 boarder
Lulu Baker �tab�21 boarder IN
Thelma R Baker �tab�2 boarder IN


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Feb 1867 - 28 Feb 1869

Father: Alfred JOHNSON
Mother: Elizabeth STONE

                       _Jacob JOHNSON ______+
                      | (1766 - 1845) m 1790
 _Alfred JOHNSON _____|
| (1817 - 1905) m 1854|
|                     |_Martha BOGGS _______
|                       (1774 - 1854) m 1790
|--Jennie JOHNSON 
|  (1867 - 1869)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth STONE ____|
  (1829 - 1917) m 1854|


[43557] [S85] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1855-1871

[43558] [S77] Champaign Co - CCGS -Gen Society Newsletter


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Pauline Matilda RUSSELL


11 Mar 1874 - 9 Feb 1890

Father: John M RUSSELL
Mother: Frances M CRAMER

                       _Aaron RUSSELL ______+
                      | (1799 - 1868) m 1829
 _John M RUSSELL _____|
| (1839 - ....) m 1867|
|                     |_Tazmon W UNDERWOOD _+
|                       (1806 - 1889) m 1829
|--Pauline Matilda RUSSELL 
|  (1874 - 1890)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Frances M CRAMER ___|
  (1847 - 1892) m 1867|
                      |_Matilda READ _______


[HI35740] [DI35740]

[32057] [S310] Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894


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Mar 1896 - 1923

Father: Talmon H SPEECE
Mother: Alice KELLISON

                       _Nicholas Van Buren SPEECE _+
                      | (1838 - 1918) m 1861       
 _Talmon H SPEECE ____|
| (1868 - 1948)       |
|                     |_Mary E STEVENS ____________+
|                       (1838 - 1918) m 1861       
|--Rex S SPEECE 
|  (1896 - 1923)
|                      ____________________________
|                     |                            
|_Alice KELLISON _____|
  (1869 - 1948)       |



[47947] [S192] Tombstone Inscription


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AFT 1880 - ____

Father: David STROCK
Mother: Elizabeth MCMORRAN

 _David STROCK _______|
| (1842 - 1908) m 1871|
|                     |_____________________
|--John STROCK 
|  (1880 - ....)
|                      _John MCMORRAN ______+
|                     | (1815 - 1889) m 1838
|_Elizabeth MCMORRAN _|
  (1846 - 1894) m 1871|
                      |_Sidney WIANT _______
                        (1819 - 1849) m 1838



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Douglas W TULLIS

26 Oct 1899 - 15 Jul 1930

Father: Harry TULLIS
Mother: Mary Charlotte MICHAEL

                           _Ezra Henry TULLIS ________+
                          | (1834 - 1919) m 1862      
 _Harry TULLIS ___________|
| (1868 - 1953) m 1895    |
|                         |_Ann Eliza CARTMELL _______+
|                           (1841 - 1914) m 1862      
|--Douglas W TULLIS 
|  (1899 - 1930)
|                          _William Franklin MICHAEL _+
|                         | (1837 - 1913) m 1862      
|_Mary Charlotte MICHAEL _|
  (1871 - 1947) m 1895    |
                          |_Emily D HARPER ___________+
                            (1838 - 1882) m 1862      



[47585] [S118] Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com


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Louis Fredrick VIEHLAND

____ - ____

Family 1 : Johanna Matilida Marie OETJEN
  1. +Vernon Carl VIEHLAND



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1 Mar 1877 - 26 Feb 1944

Father: Franklin WIRICK
Mother: Matilda BIDDLE

Family 1 : Elliott Benjamin MCINTIRE
  1.  Clarence Walter MCINTIRE
  2.  Glenna BIDDLES

                       _John WIRICK ________+
                      | (1808 - 1869) m 1849
 _Franklin WIRICK ____|
| (1854 - 1926) m 1873|
|                     |_Margaret BOWMAN ____
|                       (1828 - 1895) m 1849
|--Dicey E WIRICK 
|  (1877 - 1944)
|                      _Henry BIDDLE _______
|                     | (1809 - 1880) m 1830
|_Matilda BIDDLE _____|
  (1849 - 1927) m 1873|
                      |_Sarah SIBERT _______
                        (1808 - 1894) m 1830


[NI25569] [DI25569] [NF12142]

[66754] [S316] Ohio Marriages LDS

[66755] [S91] Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916


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Nov 1844 - 28 Aug 1921

Father: George WIRICK
Mother: Amanda TAYLOR

Family 1 : Sarah Ellen COOK
  1.  Grant Lewis WIRICK
  2.  Harry Franklin WIRICK
  3.  Mary Grace WIRICK

                       _Unknown WIRICK _____
 _George WIRICK ______|
| (1821 - 1876) m 1849|
|                     |_____________________
|--Samuel S WIRICK 
|  (1844 - 1921)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Amanda TAYLOR ______|
  (1831 - 1899) m 1849|


[HI45752] [NF17922]

[37951] [S10] 1850 Champaign Co, OH Census-by Paul Nitchman

[37952] [S28] 1900 Census

[37953] [S181] Shelby County Memorial Records 1819-1975


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Emil Lowell ZIRKLE

4 Aug 1925 - 15 Feb 2008

Father: Earl B ZIRKLE
Mother: Florence "Lulu" WEAVER

Family 1 : Charlotte June FRIEND
  1. +Daniel L ZIRKLE

                           _William Edward ZERKLE __+
                          | (1867 - 1950) m 1894    
 _Earl B ZIRKLE __________|
| (1895 - 1961) m 1924    |
|                         |_Anna Fern SAGER ________+
|                           (1878 - 1948) m 1894    
|--Emil Lowell ZIRKLE 
|  (1925 - 2008)
|                          _Charles Lincoln WEAVER _+
|                         | (1860 - 1947) m 1901    
|_Florence "Lulu" WEAVER _|
  (1904 - 1997) m 1924    |
                          |_Martha Luretta TOWLER __+
                            (1872 - 1944) m 1901    


Springfield News-Sun (OH) - February 17, 2008
Deceased Name: Emil ZIRKLE
ZIRKLE, Emil Lowell 82, of Springfield died Friday, February 15, 2008 in his residence surrounded by his family. He was born in Champaign County, Ohio on August 4, 1925, the son of Earl and Lulu Florence (Weaver) Zirkle. Emil retired as an offset pressman with Miller Printing with over 30 years of service. He proudly served his country in the U S Army during World War II with the 723rd Railway Operating Battalion in France, Germany, and Belgium. Emil was a member of Harmony Lodge # 8 F & AM of Urbana. He was preceded in death by his parents; son Daniel L. Zirkle; brother Bernard C. Zirkle; three sisters-in- law Marlene and Dorothy Zirkle, and Jane Friend; one brother in law Stanley Friend; His survivors include his wife Charlotte June (Friend) Zirkle, whom he married June 19, 1948; one daughter Cynthia E. Zirkle and one daughter in law Nancy L. Zirkle both of Springfield; two brothers Edward Zirkle of Kingston, Illinois and Raymond Zirkle of Putnam Valley, New York; two grandsons Jeffrey L. (Lori Beasley) Zirkle and Scott W. Zirkle; two sisters in law Gloria Friend and Joyce Zirkle; many nieces and nephews ; very special neighbors and their families. Where Emil went children followed. Friends and family may call Monday from 5-8 PM in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME with Masonic services at 7:45 PM. Funeral services will be Tuesday at 10:00 AM in the memorial home with Rev. Frank Kampel of Terre Haute United Methodist Church officiating. Burial to follow in Terre Haute Cemetery. Memorial contributions are requested to the donor's favorite charity. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to www.richardsraffanddunbar.com



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