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Oak Grove Cemetery

Bridgeport, Michigan

??? (Mich civil war vet)
???, ?idletta J.
???, Anna Maria
???, Dorthea S.
???, Joachim G.
???, Orin L.
???, Silas D. & Willie
???, Sophie C.D.
???? (civil war vet)
????, Kate
??nei?nnef, Johann
Andrus, Burton
Andrus, Herbert
Andrus, Olive Pratt
Atherton, Alice
Atherton, Bernard S.
Atherton, Philip S. (WWII) WWII
Atherton, William H. & Lena L
Atherton, Wm. (Civil War) CW
Babrety, Lillia A.
Barie, William
Barie, William
Barnet, Homer A. & Hazel E.
Barrett, Phillh H.
Barten, Christina
Barten, Fred
Barten, Johann
Barten, John
Barten, Rosa
Barten, Sophia
Beach monument
Beach monument
Beach, Benjamin
Beach, Benjamin
Beach, Gardner W.
Beach, Hatton M.
Beach, Mary B.
Beach, Mary J.
Beach, Noah S.
Becker, ?L?lina
Becker, Catherine A. & Joseph H.
Beebe, Francis D. (WWII) WWII
Beebe, Vernon & Kathleen L.
Beebe/McKnight, Isabelle M.
Bell, Mary
Bennett, Margaret
Benton, Terry R.
Benton, Viola G.
Benton, William G.
Benton, Wm. C.
Bingham, Jeffery Scott
Black, Ira
Black, Ira
Bobo, Wm T. & Amy B.
Book, ????agnda???
Bopp, Anna Maria
Bow, ???
Bow, Arlca D.
Bow, Elizabeth
Bow, Eren
Boyd, George
Boyd, Olive E.
Bracknell, Virgil V.
Bradley, Elsie & Charles
Bradshaw, Mary Ann
Brandt, Meta
Brasch, ???
Brass, Christian C.
Brass, Lewis M.
Brass, Margaretta A.
Brau?llet, Ed?D
Brell, Linnia & William
Bruns, Baby
Bruns, Baby
Bruns, Helen
Bruns, John W.
Bruns, Mathilda
Bruns, Melvin G.H.
Brusehafer, Ida W.
Brusehafer, Walter C.
Bully, Ella E. & Cletus R.
Burgagns, Frankie H.
Burghdor, Ulima
Burghdorf, Surinda G.
Burns, Caroline S.
Burt & William
Burt plot ????
Burt, Ionia
Carnes, ???
Casius L. & Carrie L.
Center Section of Cemetery
Chennell, Cynthia
Chennell, George R.
Chennell, Richard
Christian, ???
Christine, M.D.
Clark, Mary A.
Cole, John
Cook, ????
Cook, ????
Cook, M.I.F. (Cook plot)
Cook, monument
Cook, monument
Cook, plot
Cotie, Edward J.
Cotie, Edward James
Couglein, ???
Crawford, Leslie Leo
Cremeans, Eva
Cremeans, Walter O.
Cremeans, Walter O. (WWI)
Creve, Maria
Crosby monument
Crosby plate on monument
Crosby, C.L.
Crosson, Ross D.
Cuiett, George L.
Curtis, Austin J. (WWII) WWII
Curtis, Luan Pat
Curtis, Pamela M.
Curtis, Robert C. (Korea) KOREA
Dagon, William C.
Daines, Josephine & Paul W.
Dankers, Claus
Dankers, Claus
Dankers, Henry & Christina
Dankers, Margerethe
Dankers, Nette
Davidson, Alice M.
Davidson, James M.
Davidson, Mary T.
Davidson, Rosalie & George
DeHart, Bert
DeHart, Cleantha
DeHart, Cornelius
DeHart, Elsey
DeHart, Elsey
DeHart, Gilbert
DeHart, William J. & Cora L.
DeHart/Mertz, Vera S.
DeLand, Julia A.
Deland, V. Marion
Dietrich, Christ Junior
Dietrich, Dale Eugene (US Army) ARMY
Dietrich, Dickie Henry
Dietrich, Elsie F. & Christ C.
Dietrich, Fritz
Dietrich, Gerald L.
Dietrich, Jeremy
Diffell, Lucille & Hector
Diffell, Lucille & Hector
Dolson, Dennis E.
Dolson, Wellington L. (Bud) & Florence H. (Peg)
Dyer, Cecil W.
Earl, John
Eckalbar, Audrey Ione
Eckalbar, Phyla C.
Eckalbar, William H.
Edinger, Flora
Edinger, Henry A.
Edinger, Timothy C.
Edington, Charlotte E.
Eggert, Otto L. & Fredrick & Mary
Ehmcke, Leonard S.
Ehmcke, Louis
Ehmcke, Mary
Eickelberg, Christ
Eikelberg, Sophie
Eineder, Alice J.
Eineder, Alice J.
Elford, A. Edward & N. Blanche
Elford, Edward
Ellis Family
Ellis monument
Ellis plot, Matilda
Ellis, ???
Ellis, Abbie
Ellis, Abigail
Ellis, Alice & David E.
Ellis, Anna J.
Ellis, Baby
Ellis, Baby
Ellis, Clarence P.
Ellis, Daniel
Ellis, Elnora May
Ellis, Eugene A. & Gertrude E.
Ellis, Frances
Ellis, Jack E. & Lorraine M.
Ellis, Ronald Jay
Ellis, William George (WWII) WWII
Ellis, Wm. N.
Elsie & ????
Elwardt, Aurus H.
Elwardt, Carl
Elwardt, Carl
Elwardt, Frances
Elwardt, J.E.
Elwardt, John
Elwardt, John
Elwardt, Lila & William
Elwardt, M.E.
Elwardt, Mary
Erd, George A.
Falkenhagen, F. Mark & Sandra K.
Falkenhagen, Gretchen & Floyd
Falkenhagen/McClure, Gretchen
Father & mother
Feavyear, Cecil A. & Elizabeth B.
Fleming, Sarah
Flintoft, J.F.
Foote, Caroline L.
Foote, Charles E.
Foote, Hattie B.
Foster family plot
Foster monument
Foster monument
Foster monument, Mary & Eva & children
Foster plot Charlie & Baby
Foster, ????? (family plot)
Foster, Dra????, Emma L. (family plot)
Foster, Elenora (family plot)
Foster, Ella (family plot)
Foster, Emma Louisa & Ernest Smith & Ella Louisa
Foster, Franklin (family plot)
Foster, Nathaniel & Mary
Fry, Henry Barton
Garland, Catharine S.
Garland, Catherine B.
Garland, Chas. H.
Garland, Ella M.
Geiling, ???
Geiling, Edward
Geiling, Florence H.
Gibson, B. Abba & Amm
Gibson, Bridget & Nathan
Goodman, Clara M. & Joseph C.
Gornto/Wardell, Janet L.
Gotham, Merlin E. Jr.
Grant, ???
Grant, Julia
Grant, William T.
Green, Hiram B.
Greve, Emma
Greve, Ernest
Greve, Fred
Greve, Jessie
Greve, Minnie
Griffin, Albert E & Laura M.
Griffin, Leander
Griffin, Sarah
Griffin, W.A.
Guiett, Daniel
Guiett, James
Guiett, Margret
Guiett, Mary
Gunnell, Elmond
Gunnell, Mary L.
Gunnell, Mary L.
Hall, Audrey B.
Harrett, H.J.
Hartner, George & Minnie
Hartner, John R. & Maria Barbara
Hayes, Amelia E.
Hayes/Clark, Laura & Alfred
Hervert, Joseph & Mary
Hickson, James & Mary
Hickson, Lizzie
Hickson, Richard & Thomas
Hickson, Richard & Thomas & ????
Hidley, Mary
Hidley, Sarah
Hildebrandt, Barbara J.
Hill, Dewitt F.
Hill, Ellen M.
Hodgeman, Lorenzo
Hodgeman, Lorenzo & Litchodeman
Hodgeman, Mary
Hodgman, Anna B.
Hodgman, Elizabeth M.
Hodgman, Infant
Hodgman, Jas. H.
Hodgman, Mathew P.
Hoover, John B. & Goldie P.
Housner, Michael
Hubbard, Charles L.
Hubbard, Gracie
Hubbard, Margaret
Hubbell, Frank I. & Goldie L.
Hunsberger, Dr. Edith M.
Hunsberger, George E. & Anna M.
Hunsberger, Velma Etta
Hutton, Carlton C. & Jean E.
Irish, Emily
Irish, George W. & Melvine
Irish, Isrom F.
Irish, Jessie
Irish, Lorenzo & Francis
Irish, Lyle Wayne
Irish, Maria
Irish, Mary J.
Irish, Melvin C.
Irish, Pearl V. & Fred G.
Irish, Robert J. & Martha M.
Irish, Wm.
Irwin, Chambers & Adeline
Joachem H. & Frederic C. & Louis D.
Johnson, Curtis W
Johnson, Curtis, W.
Jorrey, Christana
Kennedy, Charles E.
Kennedy, Edna L.
Kenney, William J & Nettie M.
King, Bruce J.
King, Burt & Wm. & 2 babies
King, Isabelle J.
King, Retta
King, Susan
King, Tracy Jo
King, William
King, William
King, William
Klarr, Effie G.
Koepplinger, Charles
Koepplinger, Henrietta
Kolhagen, Charles
Kolhagen, Edward & Mamie
Kolhagen, Edward J. & Edith A.
Kolhagen, Fred
Kolhagen, Henry
Kolhagen, Mary
Kolhagen, Sophia A. & Charles F.
Koste, Mildred B.
Kremer, Emme M.W.
Kremer, Joachim
Kremer, Rosa A.
Kwaiser, Ernest A.
Kyser, Adelbert
Labuda, Herman
Labuda, Mary
Lee, Burt
Lee, Chester E.
Lee, Chester M. (WWII) WWII
Lee, Donald W.
Lee, Elizabeth
Lee, Elmer (WWI) WWI
Lee, Frank
Lee, Lewis S.
Lee, Lloyd G. (WWII) WWII
Lee, Matthew J.
Lee/McKnight, Emma J.
Leek??nster, Jacob
Lesli, John B.
Letterman plot
Letterman, Agnes
Letterman, Elizabeth
Letterman, Mary
Letterman, Richard
Letterman, Robert
Liesberg, Benjamin & Joseph & Marie
Link, Friedrich
Link, Friedrich
Link, Johannes & Georg
Littlejohns, Aurilla
Littlejohns, William L.
Livermoure, Simeon
Lull monument
Lull, Charles A. & Roxy
Lull, Father (Lull family plot)
Lull, Grandma (Lull family plot)
Lull, Grandpa (Lull family plot)
Lull, Joab
Lull, Mother (Lull family plot)
Luscia, Louis & Harriett
Lynn, Raymond M.
Lytle, Mary Ann
MacDonald, Florence
Mannerow, Heinrich
Marrow, Antwine
Marrow, Effie & Emory
Marrow, Emma L.
Mary Ann
Mastros, Julia A.
Mayhew, Amanda M. & Ernest C.
McCormick, Robert
McCormick, Robert J.
McGlaughlin, James W.
McGregor, Terry Grant
Mcknight, Albert Joseph (WWII) WWII
McKnight, Dennis E. (Buck)
McKnight, Robert F.
Messner, Ussala
Miller, Cecil M. & Fred V.
Miller, Cecil M. & Fred V.
Miller, Elezer
Miller, Phebe
Miner, Bernie & ????
Miner, Clark F.
Miner, Harris & Percy
Miner, Monument
Miner, Tefally
Minor, ????
Minor, C.?.
Minor, Wm
Morey, Kate & Arthur F.
Morrison, Rose
Morrison, William J.
Morrow, Emory
Morrow, Rose
Munson, Preston
Myl??, ??uce Wm.
Near, Jerry E. & Sharon A.
Nippress, Gilbert I.
O’Dell, Addie M.
O’Dell, Cecil W.
O’Dell, David S.
O’Dell, Elizabeth H.
O’Dell, James
O’Dell, Oscar M.
Oakes, Sarah Jane & Henriettie A.
Oakes, Treadwell H.
Oliver, George
Oliver, George W.
Oliver, John R.
Oliver, Keziah
Oliver, Lucinda C.
Otta, Anna
Papst, Helen O.
Parkhurst, Tyler
Perry, Ellis
Perry, Etta
Perry, George R.
Perry, Louise K.
Pettibone, Adaline J.
Pettibone, Darwin
Pettibone/Fry, Marion C.
Pew, Edwin A.
Pew, Olivia S.
Pincombe, Arabella
Pincombe, George W
Portos, Rose
Potter, Lela A. & Joseph
Prueter, William & Margaret
Reed, Agnes J. & Fred N.
Reid, Laura B. & Arthur J.
Reimer, C. May
Reimer, Helen & Harold
Reimer, Irene G.
Reimer, John
Reimer, Louis A.
Reimer, Reiga
Reimer, Wm.
Repp, Marion Deland
Richmond, James E.
Robinson, John J.
Robinson, Laura S.
Robinson, monument
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, Thomas J.
Samain, Elias A.
Sass, Joachem H.
Sawatzki, Antonia M.
Sawatzki, Baby
Sawatzki, Henry
Sawatzki, John
Schmoak, Blanche G. & Ralph K.
Schomaker, Back of headstone
Schomaker, Earl William
Schomaker, Edna B. & William A. Sr.
Schomaker, Evelyn J. & Raymond J.
Schomaker, Wm. Wallace & Loretta M. (Clark)
Schreiber, Christ
Schreiber, Deanna Kay
Schreiber, Fredrick C.
Schreiber, Grace F. & Fred C.
Schreiber, Helene
Schreiber, Lina
Schreiber, Rosina F.
Schuler, Andrew M.
Schuler, Clarence
Schuler, Edward R.
Schuler, Henrietta M. & Louis E.
Schuler, Kenneth C. & Edna M.
Schuler, Rose E.
Schultz, Doretha E.
Schulz, Bertha
Schulz, Christ???
Schulz, daughter
Schulz, Henry
Seams, ???
Seams, John & Mary
Seams, John & Mary
Seymour, Allen J.
Seymour, Effie
Shaw, William H. & Cora M.
Shreve, Anna E.
Shreve, Francis
Sidford, Cussie W.B.
Sidford, Cussie W.B.
Siems, ??agh?
Simons, Charles
Simons, Edna A.
Simons, Isam C.
Simons, Lola
Simons, Marion A.
Sims, Friedrich
Sims, Minnie
Sloan, Clarence
Sloan, Clarence S.
Smith, Carl J.
Smith, Delmer E.
Smith, Delmer Jr.
Smith, Dottie
Smith, Kate S.
Smith, Kate S.
Smith, Kenneth R.
Smith, Leonard
Smith, Sarah & Thos.
Sommar, Carl E.M.
Sommars, Louisa M.
Sommer, Rosa M.E.
Stahl, Grace E. & George W.
Stahl, Russell & Loretta
Stall, Frances M. & Wm. Minor
Stevenson, Phoebe
Stevenson, Rev.
Strudgeon, Asa E. & Grace E.
Tackebury, Ashley N.
Taylor, Ann Jane
Taylor, Charles & Ibra
Taylor, James A.
Taylor, John Edward
Taylor, Joseph W. Sr. & Maureen P.
Taylor, Lester E. (Fritz)
Taylor, Walter W. & Clara R.
Taylor, William
Teckentien, Lizzie
Theer, Albert
Theer, George & Anna
Theer, Marie
Theer, Ruth
Tomforde, Margret
Turner, ???
Turner, John
Turner, Rosina
Vallier, Vernon J.
Vallier, William A.
Vierke, Kelly R.
Wagner, ???
Warnemuende, Adell N.
Warnemuende, Augusta
Warnemuende, Baby Boy
Warnemuende, Caroline M.
Warnemuende, Clara
Warner, Augusta & May & Emil
Watkins, Henry
Watkins, Henry
Watkins, Henry
Weidt, John
Weidt, Sophia
Weitman, Heinrich
Welden, EmilLine
Welden, Wa??am
White, Caroline S.
White, Hiram
Whitney, Bessy & Anna Pell (Whitney)
Whitney, Fannie M.
Whitney, Mima
Whitney, Taner
William P.
Williams, Elsie P.
Wilson, Ethel & Harris, Shirley E.
Winistorf, Emily S.
Winistorf, William E.
Winters, Eleanor G. & Vincent T.
Wolcott, Civil War stone
Wolcott, Emerand??, Elizabeth
Wolcott, Henry & Sarah
Woodward, Elizabeth
Woodward, Silas
Wrege, Mary M.
Zang, Ruth & Roy
Zechmeister, Jos. (civil war vet) CW
Zeitler, Michael