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Mailing List - Frequently Asked Questions - Joining

II Getting on and off the list
II.A How do I join the list?
II.B How do I get off of the list?

II.A - How do I join the list?

You have to subscribe by sending a message to a unique address. To SUBSCRIBE to ENG-LINCSGEN, send a plain-text message to:

In the BODY of the message (and it's OK to have it in the subject line) type the word subscribe. THIS SHOULD BE THE ONLY WORD IN THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE! You will receive a confirmation message from the host system. However, if you use some commercial e-mail services like Hotmail, they always add their own advertisement at the end of your e-mail. You can't turn their ad off. So you may get one message back saying that you've subscribed and another telling you that there has been an error.

Spelling counts. If you are a lousy speller, copy SUBSCRIBE to the clipboard and paste it into your message. And you aren't sending a message to a human being (it's a computer program), so asking "please" or any other question is a waste of time. Also, make sure your message is plain-text, not Rich-text or HTML format. These confuse the maillist program.

If you have problems, contact the list administrator at:

Save your Welcome message. It has valuable information in it.

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II.B - How do I get off of the list?

You have to unsubscribe. To UNSUBSCRIBE from ENG-LINCSGEN, send a message to:

In the BODY of the message (and in the subject line) type the word unsubscribe, spelled correctly. THIS SHOULD BE THE ONLY WORD IN THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE! Your request will be processed in a matter of minutes, so there is a chance one or two list messages may come to you before it is processed. You will receive a confirmation message from the host system. If you don't spell Unsubscribe correctly, the computer isn't sure what you want and won't unsubscribe you.

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Last updated on 5-May-2003
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