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Deaneries Lincolnshire Deaneries

Lafford Deanery

The Lafford Deanery was between the Loveden Deanery to the west and the Holland West Deanery to the east. The name "Lafford" dervies from the ancient manor of "Eslaforde", which also gave its name to Sleaford. In the 19th century, the Lafford Deanery in southern Lincolnshire consisted of the following parishes:

The Lincolnshire Family History Society has published these indexes for this Deanery:

The Marriage Indexes above are available on a single disk, if desired.

To purchase these indexes, go to the Family History Bookstore. Indexes may be purchased by Credit Card.

For a current church and parish listing, see the Anglican Church, Lincolnshire, and click on Parishes.

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Last updated on 18-October-2012
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