Mailing Lists & Message Boards





BG Dorset Forum A forum provided by British for those researching Dorset county.
British Surnames A mailing list for anyone researching British surnames
Christchurch-Mailing List A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of Christchurch, Originally in Hampshire but now positioned in Dorset.
Curious Fox Message Boards CuriousFox was created in August 2002. The aim was to provide a resource for finding and identifying the myriad of UK villages, and allow genealogists, family history and local history researchers to make contact and share knowledge at a village level.
Dorset-Life Mailing List A companion to the DORSET mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding life in the county of Dorset, England, in order to enhance our genealogy research efforts by placing the life and times of our ancestors in perspective. Topics cover everything non-genealogical related to Dorset life including food, work, humour, geography, history, culture and traditions.
Dorset Mailing List A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the county of Dorset.
Dorset Message Board A message board for anyone with a genealogical interest in the county of Dorset.
One Name Studies Mailing List Discussing and sharing of information regarding one name studies for surnames originating in England.
One Place Study A mailing list for anyone who is actively involved in studying a single parish or group of parishes in the United Kingdom as well as those who are about to embark on such a project.
UK Genealogy Newbies A mailing list for those who are unfamiliar with genealogical research in the United Kingdom.







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