Banburyshire Family History

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Rhoda Woodward

Do you remember?
When few people owned a car,
And no-one had a credit card,
We all went to our village shops
Bryant's, Brays, Fletchers and the Co-op
Where goods were tied in a neat parcel,
No sign at all of a wire basket.
So folks could draw divi once ayear,
A tiny check from a book they'd tear
Miss Fletcher she sold everything,
Sweets and groceries,balls of string,
Second hand pots, pans or a tin bath,
Blacklead or brushes irons for the hearth.
Now Brays was always very high class,
Biscuits in tins topped with glass,
He weighed his special brand of teas;
The best of butter bacon or cheese.
Mrs Bray sold with pride,
Her drapery from the other side,
Long Johns bloomers and lisle stockings,
Ticking calico,bright ribbons or cottons
While those that lived in Adderbury West
Thought Bryants grocery store the best,
Two bakers we had Wallin and Hall'
They delivered bread right to our door.
Will Howse the carrier for a very small charge,
Did shopping and brought it home in his cart,
Keytes post office next to long wall,
Just a tiny hatch in a very small hall
But with savings.parcels,stamps and post,
Pensions and telegrams they were able to cope,
Nine pubs and two blacksmiths I also recall,
I remember the days when we had them all.

Written by Rhoda Woodward