Pineapple Upsidedown Cake - by Ian Huckin
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Ian Huckin

  • Weigh Eggs in shells
  • Use same weight of Fat (Marge or Butter), Caster Sugar and Self Raising Flour and a teaspoon baking powder per egg

Cream the fat and sugar. Add a little egg and mix. Add a little flour and mix. Continue until all egg and flour is incorporated. Mix in Baking Powder and add a tablespoon of very hot water (just off the boil) just before using. Grease and flour a suitably sized tin.

Heat juice from pineapple and add arrowroot to thicken. Pour over the pineapple before adding the sponge mix. Add a maraschino cherry into the core of each pineapple slice.

Spoon the cake batter over the pineapple and gently bake until golden. If using fresh pineapple, bake it for 10 minutes beforehand and let it go cold until ready to add the sponge mix. If you don't, the pineapple will break down the sponge mix.

Contributed by Ian Huckin