genealogical terms



To read about the following topics, scroll down or click on them.

  1. Genealogical and legal terms:
    Paternal line
    Maternal line
    Other terms
  2. Ancestry and Civilization

I found all the useful (or useless?) GENEALOGICAL AND LEGAL TERMS below in Black's Law Dictionary, etc., except those in italics, which I invented.

PATERNAL LINE - line of descent or relationship between two persons which is traced through the father


  1. father - PATER
  2. grandfather - AVUS
  3. great grandfather - PROAVUS
  4. great great grandfather - ABAVUS
  5. great great great grandfather - ATAVUS
  6. great great great great grandfather - TRITAVUS

Were there Latin terms for

  1. great great great great great grandfather - ? (protritavus?)
  2. great great great great great great grandfather - ? (abtritavus?)
  3. great great great great great great great grandfather - ? (attritavus?)
  4. great great great great great great great great grandfather - ? (trittritavus?)


  1. son; a child - FILIUS
  2. grandson - NEPOS
  3. great grandson - PRONEPOS
  4. great great grandson - ABNEPOS
  5. great great great grandson - TRINEPOS


  1. uncle by the father's side - PATRUUS
  2. granduncle, grandfather's brother- PATRUUS MAGNUS
  3. great uncle - AVUNCULUS MAGNUS
  4. great great uncle - PROPATRUUS MAGNUS
  5. great grandfather's brother - PROPATRUUS; PATRUUS MAJOR
  6. great grandfather's or great grandmother's brother - PROAVUNCULUS
  7. great great grandfather's brother - PATRUUS MAXIMUS
  8. great great great grandfather's brother - ATPATRUUS
  9. great great great grandfather's or grandmother's brother - ATAVUNCULUS


  1. great paternal aunt - PROAMITA
  2. father's or mother's great aunt (patrus vel matris matertera magna); great grandmother's sister (proavus soror,) a greater aunt - MATERTERA MAJOR
  3. a father's or mother's greater aunt, (patris vel matris matertera major); great great grandmother's sister (abavioe soror:) a greatest aunt - MATERTERA MAXIMA
  4. great great grandfather's sister (abavi soror) - ABAVITA; ABAMITA; ABAMITA MAGNA; ABAMITA MAXIMA
  5. great grandfather's grandmother's sister (ataviae soror) - ATMATERTERA; atmatertera magna
  6. great great great grandfather's sister - ATAMITA

MATERNAL LINE - line of descent or relationship between two persons which is traced through the mother of the younger


  1. the mother or mistress of a family - MATER-FAMILIAS
  2. grandmother - ? (avia?)
  3. great grandmother - PROAVIA
  4. great great grandmother - ABAVIA
  5. great great great grandmother - ATAVIA
  6. great great great great grandmother - TRITAVIA


  1. daughter - ? (filia?)
  2. granddaughter; sometimes great granddaughter - NEPTIS
  3. great granddaughter - PRONEPTIS
  4. great great granddaughter - ABNEPTIS
  5. great great great granddaughter - TRINEPTIS


  1. mother's brother - AVUNCULUS
  2. great grandmother's brother - AVUNCULUS MAJOR
  3. great grandmother's or great grandfather's brother - PROAVUNCULUS
  4. great great grandmother's brother (avavioe frater) - ABAVUNCULUS, ABAVUNCULUS MAXIMA; AVUNCULUS MAXIMUS
  5. great great great grandfather's or grandmother's brother - ATAVUNCULUS


  1. mother's sister; a maternal aunt - MATERTERA
  2. grandmother's sister; great aunt (avioe soror) - MATERTERA MAGNA
  3. great grandmother's sister (proavus soror,) a greater aunt; father's or mother's great aunt (patrus vel matris matertera magna.) - MATERTERA MAJOR
  4. great great aunt - PROAMITA MAGNA
  5. great great grandmother's sister - ABMATERTERA
  6. great great grandmother's sister (abavioe soror:) a greatest aunt; a father's or mother's greater aunt, (patris vel matris matertera major) - MATERTERA MAXIMA

Other terms:

  1. AB OVO - the egg, from the beginning
  2. ABIGEOUS - horse thief
  3. ANECIUS - first born, senior
  4. FILIATION - relation of parent and child; in civil law, the descent of son or daughter, with regard to his or her father, mother, and their ancestors
  5. FILIOLUS (or FILIOUS) - godson
  6. MATIMA - godmother
  7. NEPOTISM - appointment due to blood or marital relationship
  8. PATRINUS - godfather
  9. PATRUELIS - cousin german by the father's side, the son or daughter of a father's brother
  10. PRONURUS - the wife of a grandson or great grandson
  11. TRIGAMIST - one who has been thrice married

Do the following Latin and Legal Terms for animals also apply to homo sapiens?

  1. MANSUETAE NATURAE are those gentle or tame by nature, such as sheep or cows. And races which have created earth's oldest, safest and most prosperous civilzations?
  2. FEROE NATURAE are those which still retain their wild nature. If genes are the reason savage races commit ten times more murder, rape and theft than average Americans, and have never manifested any civilization whatsoever, why confine them to prison cages instead of to their own homelands?
  3. DOMITAE are those which have been tamed by man; domestic.

How well can a savage race (eg. races with ten times higher rates of murder, rape, theft and other crimes) be tamed to obey the laws of civilization?


Is a racist a person who believes that genes and instincts are as responsible as environment for human behavior?

If a RACIST is a person whose behavior, feelings (not just hate), thoughts and actions, etc. are influenced by the ancestry of other people and other forms of life, have you ever known any of the following kinds of RACISTS?