Indiana Baptist History -- 1798-1908
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Indiana Baptist History

Page 254

that the Association is in full sympathy with the pro-
gressive forces for extending the kingdom of God, and
is opposed to intemperance and slavery. There was
particular interest felt in the mission to the Miami
Indians--a mission within the bounds of the Associa-
tion. A collection of $27.00 was taken for the Con-
vention, and paid to the Rev. P. H. Evans who was
present as the representative of that body. At the
second session ten churches were reported and 380
members; the Rev. T. C. Townsend was employed as
Association missionary, and was charged to do all pos-
sible for the Miami mission. At the fifth session
twelve churches were reported, and 889 members; the
names of ministers not hitherto mentioned were the
Revs. J. B. Allyn, J. Barratt, L Cool, and M. P. Mere-
dIth. Ladoga Seminary and Franklin College were
recommended by resolution. At the tenth session
(1863) the Rev. S. Tucker was moderator and the
Rev. J. B. Allyn, clerk; there were twenty-three
churches and 1,167 members; resolutions were adopted
recommending missions and Sunday schools; the Civil
war was deplored and a fervent appeal was made to
the God of nations to save us as a nation; and sym-
pathy expressed for those who mourn the loss of loved
ones in the war�two of the dead being mentioned�
Captain C. E. Tucker, son of the Rev. S. Tucker, and
Orrin Smith, of the Franklin church. The names of
new ministers were the Revs. S. B. Searle, W. Cool,
J. P. Edwards, E. W. Hanson, E. M. Magraw, J. B.
Brouillette and P. Bondy (the last two being Miami
Indians). Correspondence was established with the

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Rangoon Baptist Association, Burma. The fifteenth
session was held with the Weasaw Creek church; the
Rev. L. A. Alford was chosen moderator and the
Rev. P. Rowden, clerk; there were twenty-two
churches and 1,592 members; ministers hot mentioned
before were the Revs. J. Trenneman, J. Bishop, E.
J. Delp, S. Marsh, J. R. Morris, B. F. Clay and Adri-
an Foote. The largest church membership was at
Logansport, 276, and the next at Antioch, 128. The
minutes of this session contain the first table of benev-
olences; from it we learn that the objects to which
contributions were made were Domestic missions, Bap-
tist Publication Society, Home missions, Foreign mis-
sions, A M. Christian Union, Freedman's Aid So-
ciety, Ministerial education, Burmese education,
church building, destitute churches, Indianapolis Fe-
male Seminary and the Baptist Theological Seminary
--(where ?). The total of the gifts was $560.06, of
which Logansport church gave more than half. At
the seventeenth anniversary, held at Rochester, the
name of the Association was changed from Weasaw
Creek to Logansport. (The further history of the
body will be found under the latter name and in the
chronological order.) Among the foremost ministers
of the Association we would think first of the Rev. J.


This Association was organized in 1855 with Elder
John Vawter moderator and Elder J. W. B. Tisdale,
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