Indiana Baptist History -- 1798-1908
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Indiana Baptist History

Page 244

The Rev. N. C. Smith came into the Association in
1883 as pastor of the Kokomo church; he had the
advantage of full courses in both college and theolog-
ical seminary, and was a minister as fully consecrated
to the work as was to be found in the State. He in-
sisted upon the spirituality of the church, and so there
was no feverish haste to solicit members; it came to be
understood in Kokomo that the members of the Bap-
tist church must give evidence of having been born
from above, and must live in accordance with the
Bible standard of christian life. He has since the
close of the Kokomo pastorate had charge of other
churches, but the same ideals are maintained; he is
now pastor in Union Association.

The Rev. N. Carr was one of the earliest pastors
at Kokomo, 1878, and did heroic service in getting the
church organized for its task. It was soon manifest
that he had special ability to solicit money for chris-
tian purposes; this was seen in his ability to interest
people in the creation of a church building. In those
days Franklin College was in need of a Financial Sec-
retary, and the reputation already made inclined the
college board to select him for that office. He ac-
cepted the service persuaded that the Master wanted
him to undertake it; and for twenty years he labored
with success, as the bulk of the present assets of the
college will attest (A fuller notice of the work will
be made under the title Education.)

Other ministers who as truly deserve notice are the
Revs. Allen Hill, H. R. Todd, S. S. Clark, 1). Simpson
and Clem Ricketts.

Page 245


This Association was organized in 1850; the oldest
church in the body was Baker's Creek, 1818; Evans-
ville First was organized in 1847 and was doubtless
greatly developed by the Rev. N. V. Steadman, who
was missionary under the American Baptist Home
Mission Society from 1847 to 1850. While Evansville
church was represented in the Convention in 1847, the
Association did not send a delegate till 1852, when the
Rev. J. A. Dixon was chosen. In the table of collec-
tions for 1854 may be found the following credits:
Evansville church, $30.55; Booneville, $18.50; Baker's
Creek, $25.25; Little Pigeon, $33.95; Pleasant Val-
ley, $24.25; Rockport, $15.15, and Barren Fork,
$11.00 ; and these amounts will compare favorably
with the benevolence of other Associations at that

Work among the Germans in Evansville was begun
in 1856. The Rev. I. G. Werthner labored one year,
the Rev. G. F. Mayer three months, and the Rev.
C. Tecklenburg eleven years ; these were all in the
employ of the Baptist Home Mission Society. The
Associational statistics for 1866 are sixteen churches,
752 members--Baker's Creek having 136 members and
Evansville 112. The list of pastors for that year is
as follows: the Revs. T. E. Veatch, A. Ajee, 3. D.
Huff, W. McConnell, G. F. Pentecost, A. B. Smith,
W. 0. Camp, D. H. Murry and D. L. Cain. In 1885
the number of churches was thirteen with a member-
ship of 945 ; Evansville First church had 318 mem-
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