Index of photographed cemeteries
Rutledge Cemetery Photographs

This decorated tombstone marks the burial site of a Rutledge buried in the early 1700s

The cemetery is St. Cuthbert's Chapel Cemetery, ca 1700, near Bewcastle Scotland. Four other Rutledge stones are here and Cousin Sean kindly provided photographs of them.

Note the Rutledge Coat of Arms on this stone.

St. Cutnbert's is near Routledge Bern, the ancestral valley of the Rutledge Family. Cousin Sean Ruttledge was born in Mayo, but now lives near London.

A link to THOMAS RUTLEDGE records in Tennessee and Arkansas.


ARKANSAS: Kelly-Owen-Rutledge

Arkansas_cemetery.htm Most Owen, Rutledge and Kelly buried in these cemeteries were probably related.



Heath County Cemetery Index with three Rutledge interments



Sullivan County Tennessee

Photographs from Bethany Cemetery near Cordova in Shelby County, Tennessee.

Location latitude N350649 - longitude W0894139.

Thirty photographs thanks to Cousin Margaret Rutledge

