Duncans, list of 1870 censuses


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised November 28, 2011


Duncans in the 1870 US Censuses


1870 Index to Duncans by First Initial or Name
       What's in the Indexes and Suggestions for Using Them
       (blank) and A except AnnAnnBCDE except Eliza and ElizabethEliza and ElizabethFGHIJ.-JameJamesJamison-JohileJohn and JonathanJohnson-JusK-LM except MaryMaryNOP-QRSTU-VW except WilliamWilliamX-Y-Z

1870 Census Transcription of Duncan Households, by State
      What's in the Transcriptions
      Alabama (entire state in large file)  or Alabama counties A to I or J to M or N to Z
      Arkansas (entire state in large file)  or Arkansas counties A to L or M to Z
      California (entire state in large file)  or California counties A to Q or R to Z
      District of Columbia
      Georgia (entire state in large file)  or Georgia counties A to C or D to F or G to L or M to R or S to Z
      Illinois (entire state in large file)  or Illinois counties A to B or C or D to H or I to L or Ma to Mc or Me to Mo or N to S or T to Z
      Indiana (entire state in large file)  or Indiana counties A to E or F to G or H to L or M to O or P to Z
      Iowa (entire state in large file)  or Iowa counties A to H or I to M or N to Z
      Kansas (entire state in large file)  or Kansas counties A to I or J to Z
      Kentucky (entire state in VERY large file)  or Kentucky counties A to Bo or Br to C or D to G or H to I or J or K to L or M or N or O to S or T to Z
      Louisiana (entire state in large file)  or Louisiana parishes A to L or M to N or Orleans or Ou to Z
      Maryland (entire state in large file)
      Massachusetts (entire state in large file)  or Massachusetts counties A to L or M to Z
      Michigan (entire state in large file)  or Michigan counties A to N or O to Z
      Mississippi (entire state in large file)  or Mississippi counties A to H or I to O or P to Z
      Missouri (entire state in large file)  or Missouri counties A to B or C or D to I or J to L or M to O or P to R or S to Z
      New Jersey (entire state in large file)  or New Jersey counties A to L or M to Z
      New Hampshire
      New Mexico
      New York (entire state in large file)  or New York counties A to D or E to K or L to Q except New York City & County or City & County of New York, larger file or City & County of New York, Wards 1 to 16 or City & County of New York, Wards 17 to 22 or counties R to Z
      North Carolina (entire state in large file)  or North Carolina counties A to D or E to O or P to Z
      Ohio (entire state in large file)  or Ohio counties A to D or E to I or J to O or P to Z
      Pennsylvania (entire state in very large file)  or Pennsylvania counties A or B to C or D to K or L to O or P to R or S to Z
      Rhode Island
      South Carolina (entire state in large file)  or South Carolina counties A to B or C to F or G to M or N to Z
      Tennessee (entire state in large file)  or Tennessee counties A to C or D to G or H to J or K to Meigs or Monroe to R or S or T to Z
      Texas (entire state in large file)  or Texas counties A to G or H to M or N to Z
      Virginia (entire state in large file)  or Virginia counties A to Clarke or Craig to F or G to N or O to Z
      West Virginia
      Wisconsin (entire state in large file)  or Wisconsin counties A to O or P to Z
       NOTE: There were no Duncans indexed in 1870 in North and South Dakota.

Enjoy your research.

Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson, the Genealogy Bug

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