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RootsWeb -- Our E-Zine: 
"The premier issue of RootsWeb Review was published on 17 June 1998.
 This weekly e-zine provides news about,
 its new databases, mailing lists, home pages, and websites. 
It also includes stories and research tips from its readers around the globe."

RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Weekly E-zine Vol. 6, No. 53, 31 December 2003, Circulation: 924,753+ (c) 1998-2003, Inc. Home Page Editor: Myra Vanderpool Gormley, Certified Genealogist snipped =============================================================== 1. NEWS AND NOTES. 1a. Sharing Your Family History Make a new year's resolution to share your family history information with other genealogists. The RootsWeb spirit is all about sharing -- contributing what we know or have compiled so that others with similar interests may benefit from our research, information, and expertise. Of course, we always hope to learn from others' contributions in return. So how can you contribute and share the genealogical data you have collected? Consider the nature and amount of information you have gathered, as well as the format in which you have recorded it. If you have limited information and are really more interested in asking a question (also known as a query), your best option is to post on the free mailing lists and/or message boards. To learn about, find, and join mailing lists go here: To locate message boards start at: If you have just a few records -- death notices, funeral cards, obituaries, baptismal records, marriage notices, etc., and/or the data you have collected is in free-flowing text in sentences and paragraphs, the best place to share it is on the appropriate message boards. These boards are not just for queries -- your bits and pieces of data might be just what someone has been seeking for years. On the other hand, if you have a larger collection (more than a few records) of single-type genealogical data (i.e. birth records, death records, cemetery records), and if your data is formatted in consistent, labeled columns or fields (or you are willing to make it so), you may wish to submit it to the User-Contributed Database section where your data will be made searchable within a master database of similar type records. For additional information see: Do you have your family history data in a genealogy application? If your program (and most will) can convert it to a GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMMunication) file format, the best place (and easiest way) to share it is at WorldConnect. Click on the START HERE link to submit your family tree. However, if your genealogical data doesn't fit into any of these categories or if you would like to display it in a unique format, consider creating your own free genealogy-related website at RootsWeb by requesting what's called a "Freepages Account." If a major goal for 2004 is to make contact with others who are researching the same surnames (last names) in the same localities as you, consider submitting your surnames to the RootsWeb Surname List (RSL) -- in addition to making use of the other resources. You can be part of the RootsWeb spirit of sharing and contributing information whether you decide to post a query or data on a RootsWeb mailing list or message board, submit data to the User-Contributed Databases, upload a GEDCOM to WorldConnect, submit your surnames to the RSL, or create your personal website on Freepages. And, you might want to cover all bases by utilizing all these options or try a combination of several of them to ring in the new year on the right note.                       *     *     * 1b. EDITOR'S DESK. 2004 Survival Tips for Online Genies 1. Back up your genealogy files. Save backup copies of your genealogy    files to an external hard drive, a Zip drive or a CD or DVD burner --    not just to your hard drive. Uploading a GEDCOM to WorldConnect    provides yet another way to prevent loss of your compiled genealogy. 2. Back up your personal files (letters, reports, e-mail correspondence    and addresses, photos, and financial records).Save to an external    hard drive, a Zip drive or a CD or DVD burner. 3. Print out all of your passwords and the names of all the mailing    lists and message boards of interest. Save this information where you    can find it in the event of a hard disk crash or other disaster. If    you are a county coordinator, be sure you have that website account    name and password saved somewhere other than on your hard drive.    RootsWeb users can obtain their forgotten passwords, user IDs and    information about the mailing lists to which they are subscribed by    going to Password Central and requesting same. Click on the PASSWORDS    tab at the top of a RootsWeb page, or go to: 4. Locate all of your software product keys. In the event of a hard disk    crash you will have to re-install all of your computer software and    you will need these product keys -- the numbers, letters or codes you    must enter when installing some software. Make a record of these    numbers. They are probably on your installation disk cases or    sleeves. Without them you will have to buy new copies of your    software -- and that can get expensive fast. 5. Find all of your software installation disks. Keep them in a safe    storage place. Here's to safe computing in 2004. May your hard drive never fail or any of your files become corrupted, and may you find all those "lost" ancestors, family Bibles and documents, and precious photographs.                       *     *     * 1c. TIPS FROM READERS. Soundexing to Success     Thanks to: Arlene in California   [email protected] This is a reminder of how helpful the Soundex can be. I recently paid for access to U.S. census information and found many relatives, an even an entire family at a time, by using Soundex to search for the name CUMBERLEDGE. Some results were CUMBERLIEGE. CAMBERLEDGE, CUMBRLEDGE, CUMBRAGE, CUMBRAG, CUMBRIDGE, CUMBERLEGE, and  CUMBERLED. [Editor's Note: Did you know that ... --Mc and Mac are not considered prefixes in the Soundex. --Double letters are treated as one letter. --Your surname may have different letters that are side-by-side but have the same number on the Soundex coding guide. For example, in the surname JACKSON, 2 is the number for C, K and S. In such cases, these letters are treated as one letter. That's why JACKSON is Soundexed as J250 and not J222. For more tips on getting the most from the Soundex, please see RootsWeb's Guide to Tracing Family Trees on the subject: big snip 8. Humor/Humour: Throwing Some Light on the Subject ----------------------------------------------------   Thanks to:   John Wolfe [email protected] Last summer when my grandson, Billy, and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use, Grandpa. The mosquitoes are coming after us -- with flashlights." snip SUBSCRIPTIONS: Do not send any subscription requests or e-mail address changes to the editor. Please use these special e-mail addresses:    [email protected]                -- this adds you to the RWR Mailing List.    [email protected]                -- this removes you from the RWR Mailing List.                        *     *     * Permission to reprint articles from RootsWeb Review is granted unless specifically stated otherwise, provided: (1) the reprint is used for non-commercial, educational purposes; and (2) the following notice appears at the end of the article: Previously published in RootsWeb Review: Vol. 6, No. 53, 31 December 2003.                      *     *     *     * RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Weekly E-zine Vol. 7, No. 1, 7 January 2004, much snipped =============================================================== For more information and an index to the more than 27,700 RootsWeb- hosted genealogy Mailing Lists and for easy subscribing (joining) options go to: RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists =============================================================== 1. NEWS AND NOTES. 1a. Empty Mailbox? If you subscribe to one or more RootsWeb mailing lists and have reason to suspect that you may not be receiving all of your RootsWeb list mail, how can you find out? Well, before doing anything else, check the HelpDesk notices in the yellow box for announcements about any technical problems with RootsWeb mail involving glitches with RootsWeb list servers or with your ISP. RootsWeb's HelpDesk Index If you don't find the answer to your problem on the HelpDesk page obtain a list of all your subscribed to mailing lists from Password Central by going to this URL: Password Central at RootsWeb or by clicking on the Passwords Tab found at the top on any RootsWeb page. If Password Central doesn't include all lists to which you should be subscribed, re-subscribe to any lists that are missing from your subscribed lists by sending a new e-mail to: [email protected]LISTNAME-L- [email protected] (replacing the word LISTNAME with the actual list name). Put only the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject and message body of your e-mail. Send your request to: [email protected] [email protected] if you prefer to subscribe in digest mode. If the list from Password Central indicates that you are subscribed to all of your lists and you are still concerned about non-receipt of mail, your next step is to: --Check the threaded mailing list archives for the list RootsWeb Mailing List Archives to be sure messages have been posted that you have not received. Type in the mailing list name (without any -L or -D) and click to view an outline of messages to look for those you might have missed. If the threaded archives indicates that messages have been posted to the list that you have not received: --Contact the list administrator at: [email protected] (replace the word LISTNAME with the actual name of the list -- using no -L or -D) to check whether the administrator has received any bounced mail notices for your address and, if so, to learn the reason for them. Whether or not the administrator has received bounces, consider the possibility that spam filtering either by your ISP or personal filters may be the cause of you not receiving list mail. In some instances, spam filters result in your ISP (or your installed application) simply discarding the messages with no notice to you. In other cases, the administrator will have received bounces indicating that the list mail is considered spam. If you determine that spam filters are the problem, check your setups -- if you've installed a spam filter. Or check with your ISP tech support representative, if your ISP has installed the filters. If the problem is with your ISP then its tech support should be able to assist you in resolving the conflict once you explain that you want to receive RootsWeb list mail, and that it is not spam. Not all spam filters function well with the delivery of mailing list messages. Filters that require the sender of a message to register at a website to allow mail to be delivered are generally not compatible with mailing lists. Some filters require mailing list addresses to be added to a Safe List or a special "approved" mailing list section. As for what NOT to do when you suspect non-receipt of mailing list mail: --Do not send repeated messages to the list asking if the list is working or if anyone has received your message. --Do not send "TESTING" messages to a list. For one thing, they often do not get through to the mailing list even when everything is working properly on the list and, if you personally are not receiving list mail for any of the above listed reasons, you will not see the message come through to the list anyway. Follow this list of DOs and DON'Ts and you should soon be back on track receiving all of your mailing list messages from your favorite RootsWeb mailing lists. And, if you find that your favorite list has been inactive of late, liven it up by starting a discussion on a relevant list topic to get things moving again. 3. New Mailing Lists at RootsWeb RootsWeb: Requesting a Mailing List or adopting an old - as ADMIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- For more information and an index to the more than 27,700 RootsWeb- hosted genealogy Mailing Lists and for easy subscribing (joining) options go to: RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists

<< TIP use a google site search too Google Search: "hugh watkins" substitute your query for "hugh watkins" >>
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updated January 9 2004 Hugh Watkins