Arkivdatabasen DAISY

Daisy – Dansk Arkivalie Informationssystem

Elektronisk tilgængeliggørelse og nye veje i arkivaliebeskrivelsen

DAISY Dansk Arkivalieinformationssystem

At last - this is the online index of the National Archive - Rigsarkivet - Provincial Archives

translations TO BE REWRITTEN: Daisy form : search the catalogue of Danish Archives
but the results will be in Danish, so read this help page for Daisy
Statens Arkiver - Om Statens Arkiver - Kort over arkiverne
Danish Archives FAQ

Daisy er Statens Arkivers bud på en elektronisk tilgængeliggørelse af informationer om Statens Arkivers mange arkivalier.
Statens Arkiver - Årsberetning 1999

The Danish method of digital archival description

European Expert Seminar on Methods of digital archival description and access
"In the midnineties The National Archives in Denmark decided to develop a new method for archival description. There were several reasons for that decision. To begin with it was obvious, that the existing database was technically and methodologically outdated.

Secondly the existing method, or rather existing methods of archival description were inconsistent and not sufficiently systematic to enable us to exploit to the full the many new possibilities of the present IT-technology.

The development of a new Danish method of archival description is on the whole finished, and the new IT-system (Daisy) which supports this new method is under construction. The basic parts of Daisy were taken into use in autumn 2000."

Anders Sode-Pedersen
Archivist at the Danish National Archives
Projectmanager of the development of Daisy (Danish Archival Information SYstem)

Google Search English pages : site:www.sa.dk daisy

Dansk Data Arkiv: "IT og arkivudviklingen"
NESSTAR HomePage: "Development of the Nesstar software is now carried out by Nesstar Limited. "
Nesstar Limited: "Nesstar software is an integrated suite of products aimed at facilitating the location and use of socio-economic, and similarly structured, data. It has been developed at the UK Data Archive in the University of Essex and the Norwegian Social Science Data Services in Bergen building upon the R&D of the EC funded NESSTAR and FASTER projects. "

Statens Arkiver - IT-afdelingen: "Elektroniske arkivsystemer"

"Arkivbeskrivelsens tre elementer":

Google Search: site:www.sa.dk katalog elektronisk
Google Search: site:www.sa.dk daisy
Google Search: "Danish Archival Information SYstem"
Google Search DANSK : site:www.sa.dk daisy

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Updated December 1 2004 Hugh Watkins.