Finding Our Past -
Welcome to a long and interesting project!
This project has been in process for years - and will be ongoing for many, many more! Is it all correct, oh heavens no!!!! I work on the premise of entering all the data I can find, from all sources, and then try to filter through it to find the "right" information.
There are connections here that are "interesting", historical, mythical, and probably just plain wrong! If you see inaccurate data, I would love to hear about it! I have so many entries that I work on that I may not have gotten there yet, or the data I used was wrong, or my fat fingers typed it wrong - who knows? But, I'd really like to fix it when I can!
I use all sources I can find - most of them internet based. And, unlike my granddaughter Shelby, I do not believe that everything on the internet is correct - but I do consider it a posssible lead, so I enter it. Someday, I'll have time to track down all those leads!
Like most people that get addicted to this hobby, I didn't do a good job of documentation when I first started. I do much better now, but - it is what it is.
I put information out so that people can use it - please feel free! Any pictures, references, sources or data - it's there for you to evaluate, use or laugh at.
A very special mention goes to Daniel T. Rogers - he and I appear to share a lot of common relatives, and he certainly has done some tremendous research! Thanks for the information and help along the way.
The symbols next to the names are + for a direct line relative of Phyllis and * for a direct line relative of Rick's. As you can see, the lines cross many, many times in many different locations and time frames - some things are just meant to be!
I still work for a living, but I do check my e-mail daily - feel free to send me any comments: [email protected]. I'd love to hear from you!