John Valentine Doty [Parents] was born on 23 Nov 1851 in ,Darke,Oh. He died in 1915. He married Lillie Maria Griffin on 12 Aug 1891.
Lillie Maria Griffin [Parents] was born on 5 Sep 1868 in ,Harrison,Ar. She married John Valentine Doty on 12 Aug 1891.
They had the following children:
M i Daniel Francis Doty
Daniel Francis Doty [Parents] was born on 29 Jan 1906. He died on 9 Oct 1989 in Portland,Multnomah,Or. He married Mary Isabell Giese.
They had the following children:
M i Daniel Francis Doty Jr.
Daniel Francis Doty Jr. [Parents] was born on 6 Sep 1930. He died on 1 Apr 1998 in Vancouver,Clark,Wa. He married Evelyn Haroldine Deborde.
Evelyn Haroldine Deborde [Parents] was born on 25 May 1930 in Union,Union,Or. She died on 28 Aug 1993 in Portland,Multnomah,Or. She married Daniel Francis Doty Jr..
They had the following children:
F i Danna Beth Doty
Danna Beth Doty [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Joshua Daniel Patterson ^
Joshua Daniel Patterson ^ [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i <Private> Patterson
Noah Butterworth [Parents] was born in 1689 in Bristol,Bristol,Ma. He died in 1736 in Rehoboth,Bristol,Ma. He married Judith Bosworth.
Judith Bosworth was born in 1688 in Bristol,Bristol,Ma. She died in 1733 in Bristol,Bristol,Ma. She married Noah Butterworth.
They had the following children:
F i Sybil Butterworth
John Crary III [Parents] was born on 9 Mar 1753 in Plainfield,Windham,Ct. He died on 26 Feb 1843 in Jennings,,In. He married Phebe Cary.
Phebe Cary was born on 25 Aug 1767 in Scotland,Windham,Ct. She died in 1822 in Cincinnati,Hamilton,Oh. She married John Crary III.
They had the following children:
M i Lyman Crary
Lyman Crary [Parents] was born on 11 Nov 1786 in Norwich,Windsor,Vt. He died on 17 Feb 1875 in Cincinnati,Hamilton,Oh. He married Hannah Peter Mills.
Hannah Peter Mills was born on 18 Jul 1794 in Norwich,Windsor,Vt. She died on 27 Feb 1858 in Cincinnati,Hamilton,Oh. She married Lyman Crary.
They had the following children:
M i Arthur Burtus Crary
Arthur Burtus Crary [Parents] was born on 21 Aug 1819 in College Hill,Hamilton,Oh. He died in 1902 in Leavenworth,,Ks. He married Mary Jane Sargent.
Mary Jane Sargent was born in 1819 in College Hill,Hamilton,Oh. She died on 21 Dec 1880 in Cincinnati,Hamilton,Oh. She married Arthur Burtus Crary.
They had the following children:
F i Martha Crary
William Carlayne Coons was born on 10 Apr 1843 in St. Louis,,Mo. He died on 22 Aug 1904 in Cove,Union,Or. He married Martha Crary.
Martha Crary [Parents] was born on 14 Feb 1860 in Cincinnati,Hamilton,Oh. She died on 11 Aug 1945 in Eureka,Humboldt,Ca. She married William Carlayne Coons.
They had the following children:
F i Sempronia Violet Coons