William Herndon [Parents] was born in 1706 in ,King & Queen,Va . He died in 1783 in ,Orange,Va. He married Ann Drysdale in 1730 in ,,Va.
Ann Drysdale was born in 1712 in ,King & Queen,Va. She died in 1777 in ,Orange,Va. She married William Herndon in 1730 in ,,Va.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Herndon
Joseph Herndon [Parents] was born about 1739 in ,Caroline,Va. He died in 1811 in ,Fluvanna,Va. He married Polly Elliott in 1764 in ,,Va.
Other marriages:Haislip, Susanna
Polly Elliott was born about 1740. She married Joseph Herndon in 1764 in ,,Va.
Joseph Herndon [Parents] was born about 1739 in ,Caroline,Va. He died in 1811 in ,Fluvanna,Va. He married Susanna Haislip on 7 Apr 1784 in ,Fluvanna,Va.
Other marriages:Elliott, Polly
Susanna Haislip was born about 1740. She married Joseph Herndon on 7 Apr 1784 in ,Fluvanna,Va.
They had the following children:
F i Susanna Herndon
George Davis was born about 1780. He died before 7 Aug 1850. He married Susanna Herndon on 30 Oct 1813 in Fluvanna,Va.
Susanna Herndon [Parents] was born about 1782/1783 in of,Fluvanna,Va. She married George Davis on 30 Oct 1813 in Fluvanna,Va.
They had the following children:
F i Martha L. Davis
Hiram A. Shipp was born in 1805/1806 in Fluvanna,Va. He died in Buckingham,Va. He married Martha L. Davis in Dec 1835 in Fluvanna,Va.
Martha L. Davis [Parents] was born in Jan 1811 in of,Fluvanna,Va. She died in Feb 1905 in Albemarle,Va. She married Hiram A. Shipp in Dec 1835 in Fluvanna,Va.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Ardelia Shipp
William James Shipp was born on 8 Sep 1840 in Fluvanna,Va. He died in Apr 1910 in ,,Va. He married Mary Ardelia Shipp on 7 Dec 1865 in Fluvanna,Va .
Mary Ardelia Shipp [Parents] was born on 7 Aug 1847 in Fluvanna,Va. She died in Sep 1919 in ,,Va. She married William James Shipp on 7 Dec 1865 in Fluvanna,Va .
They had the following children:
M i Robert Lee Shipp
Robert Lee Shipp [Parents] was born on 14 Feb 1873 in Orange,Va. He died on 20 Nov 1947 in Green-Springs,Louisa,Virginia. He married Ella Florence Clasby on 26 Aug 1896 in Orange,Va.
Ella Florence Clasby was born on 11 Nov 1868 in Louisa,Va. She died on 30 Jun 1966 in Baltimore,Baltimore,Md. She married Robert Lee Shipp on 26 Aug 1896 in Orange,Va.
They had the following children:
M i Arteamus Henry Shipp
Arteamus Henry Shipp [Parents] was born on 1 Sep 1889 in Louisa,Va. He died on 13 Aug 1971 in Farmville,Prince Edward,Va. He married Emma Henry Newcomb on 10 Sep 1931 in Farmville,Prince Edward,Va.
Emma Henry Newcomb was born on 25 Apr 1910 in Marble Hill,Prince Edward,Va. She died on 27 Feb 1991 in Marble Hill,Prince Edward,Va. She married Arteamus Henry Shipp on 10 Sep 1931 in Farmville,Prince Edward,Va.
They had the following children:
M i John Mark Shipp
John Mark Shipp [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Paul Matthew Shipp
Paul Matthew Shipp [Parents]
They had the following children:
M i Brennen Caleb Shipp F ii Maeve Elisabeth Shipp