Guermond de Picquigny + was born about 990 in Amiens,Picardie,France. He died about 1066. He married Adele +.
Adele + was born about 990 in Amiens,Picardie,France. She married Guermond de Picquigny +.
They had the following children:
M i Eustace de Picquigny +
William II de Saint Omer + [Parents] was born about 1090 in St. Omer.Pas-de-Calais,France. He died in 1143. He married Milisende de Picquigny +.
Milisende de Picquigny + [Parents] was born about 1090 in Amiens,Picardie,France. She married William II de Saint Omer +.
They had the following children:
F i Maud de Saint Omer M ii William III de Saint Omer + M iii Gautier de Saint Omer F iv Euphemie de Saint Omer
Arnould II de Gand was born about 1095 in Ghent,Flanders,Belgium. He died in 1169 in Guines,Artois,Pas-de-Calais,France . He married Maud de Saint Omer.
Maud de Saint Omer [Parents] was born in 1110 in St. Omer,Pas-de-Calais,France. She married Arnould II de Gand.
They had the following children:
F i Margaret de Guines M ii Baudouin II de Guines
Eustace II de Fiennes [Parents] was born about 1125 in Fiennes,Artois,Pas-de-Calais,France. He died after 1187. He married Margaret de Guines.
Margaret de Guines [Parents] was born about 1130 in Guines Castle,Artois,Pas-de-Calais,France. She died in 1187. She married Eustace II de Fiennes.
They had the following children:
M i Ingelram de Fiennes #+
David Lewis [Parents] was born on 5 May 1685 in ,Hanover,Va . He died in 1770 in ,Albemarle,Va . He married Anne Terrell about 1717 in ,Hanover,Va.
Anne Terrell [Parents] was born about 1695 in ,New Kent,Va . She died in 1734 in ,Hanover,Va . She married David Lewis about 1717 in ,Hanover,Va.
They had the following children:
F i Hannah Lewis M ii David Lewis Jr. M iii John Lewis
John Lewis [Parents] was born about 1728 in ,Hanover,Va . He died in 1784 in ,Albemarle,Va . He married Sarah Isabelle Taliaferro in 1750 in ,Hanover,Va.
Sarah Isabelle Taliaferro [Parents] was born on 7 Jun 1727 in ,Caroline,Va . She died in 1769 in ,Albemarle,Va. She married John Lewis in 1750 in ,Hanover,Va.
They had the following children:
M i Richard Lewis F ii Frances Rhodes Lewis
William Twitty was born on 13 Jul 1761 in ,,Sc . He died on 2 Feb 1816 in Twitty's Ford,,Nc. He married Frances Rhodes Lewis in 1784.
Frances Rhodes Lewis [Parents] was born in 1767 in ,Albemarle,Va . She died in 1838 in ,Rutherford,Nc. She married William Twitty in 1784.
They had the following children:
F i Sarah Twitty
John Moore was born in 1766 in Athea,Ireland. He died on 4 Apr 1841 in White Oak,Nc. He married Sarah Twitty in 1824.
Sarah Twitty [Parents] was born in 1794 in ,Rutherford,Nc . She died in 1852 in ,Rutherford,Nc . She married John Moore in 1824.
They had the following children:
F i Jane Moore
Jason Hazard Carson was born on 10 Nov 1814 in Green River Plantation,,Sc. He died on 12 Jun 1865 in Spartanburg,,Sc . He married Jane Moore on 21 Mar 1843.
Jane Moore [Parents] was born on 20 Apr 1825 in ,Rutherford,Nc. She died on 26 Dec 1896 in Spartanburg,,Sc . She married Jason Hazard Carson on 21 Mar 1843.
They had the following children:
M i Ralph Kennedy Carson
Ralph Kennedy Carson [Parents] was born on 1 Sep 1854 in Spartanburg,,Sc. He died on 21 Mar 1922 in Spartanburg,,Sc. He married Catherine Bonneau Johnson on 25 Nov 1885 in Charleston,,Sc.
Catherine Bonneau Johnson was born on 22 Jan 1862 in Pineville,,Sc. She died on 18 Feb 1934 in Spartanburg,,Sc. She married Ralph Kennedy Carson on 25 Nov 1885 in Charleston,,Sc.
They had the following children:
F i Rebecca Wilson Carson