Constantine ap Judon + [Parents] was born about 750 in Cornouille,Bretagne,France.
He had the following children:
M i Argant de Cornouille +
Judon ap Concar + [Parents] was born about 710 in Cornouille,Bretagne,France.
He had the following children:
M i Constantine ap Judon +
Concar Cheronnog + [Parents] was born about 685 in Cornouille,Bretagne,France.
He had the following children:
M i Judon ap Concar +
Urbien de Cornouille + [Parents] was born about 645 in Cornouille,Bretagne,France.
He had the following children:
M i Concar Cheronnog +
Judicael ap Hoel + [Parents] was born about 602 in Domnonee,Bretagne,France. He died in 658. He married Morone +.
Morone + was born about 620 in Domnonee,Bretagne,France. She married Judicael ap Hoel +.
They had the following children:
M i Urbien de Cornouille +
Hoel III de Bretagne + [Parents] was born about 580. He died about 612.
He had the following children:
M i Judicael ap Hoel +
Alain I de Bretagne + [Parents] was born about 560. He married Azenor +.
Azenor + was born about 560. She married Alain I de Bretagne +.
They had the following children:
M i Hoel III de Bretagne +
Hoel II de Bretagne + [Parents] was born about 522. He married Rimo verch Maelgwyn +.
Rimo verch Maelgwyn + [Parents] was born about 528. She married Hoel II de Bretagne +.
They had the following children:
M i Alain I de Bretagne +
Hoel I de Bretagne + [Parents] was born about 491. He died about 545. He married Princess Alma Pompea of Dumnonia + before 520.
Princess Alma Pompea of Dumnonia + [Parents] was born about 485. She married Hoel I de Bretagne + before 520.
They had the following children:
M i Hoel II de Bretagne +
Budig II de Bretagne + [Parents] was born about 460. He died about 544. He married Elaine verch Gwyrlys +.
Elaine verch Gwyrlys + was born about 475. She married Budig II de Bretagne +.
They had the following children:
M i Hoel I de Bretagne +