1Frederick John Kingsbury, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury, of Ipswich and Haverhill, p. 90 (1905).
URL = http://books.google.com/books?id=AyBWAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA494&lpg=PA494&dq=:Joseph+Kingsbury%22+%22Patience+Came%22&source=bl&ots=S-OKvuldZo&sig=7Mg_b3oMt6w3X8cVpWdvm1WDpTc&hl=en#v=onepage&q=%22John%20Kingsbury%22&f=false.
"II. John2 Kingsbury (Henry1), of Haverhill, married Elizabeth, daughter of Matthias Button, of Ipswich and Haverhill. Eliza Button, ye wife of Matthias Button of Haverhill, conveys to her son-in-law, John Kingsbury, land in H., "being part of ye land given me by my husband, Matthias Button, Dec. 28, 1670." Essex Registry of deeds, xxxiii, 229. The Button Genealogy, a pamphliet printed in 1889, by A. Button, of Grand Rapids, Mich., states that Elizabeth, daughter of Matthias Button and Lettyce his wife, born in Ipswich, 1645, married in 1666, John Kingsbury, of Haverhill. He died Jan. 23, 1670/71. "Inventory of ye estate of John Kingsberry, who died ye 23d day of ye 11th m". 1670, in Haverhill. Elizabeth Kingsbery attested upon oath to ye truth of this inventorie, at a Court held at Salisbury ye 11 2d mo. 1671." Old Norfolk County Records, ii, 285. He was probably a weaver, as the inventory mentions "three Reeds with other things belonging to a weaving tread," also "A hous with an acker of land to it £24"--and "40 Ackers of Wilderness Land, £12." The widow married (2) Dec. 11, 1672, Peter Green, of Haverhill; she died Dec. 20, 1677.
9 JOHN, born at Rowley, July 28, 1667. -->
10 ELIZABETH, born in Haverhill, Aug. 14, 1669 Probably the Elizabeth Kingsbury who m. June 9, 1687, Ephraim Davis, of Newbury, son of John Davis, d. Sept. 29, 1655; d. 1718. His will was proved July 6, 1718, bequeathing to his wife, Elizabeth. Ch.: John Ephraim, b March 20, 1697, m. May 5, 1726, Lydia Emery; Nathaniel; Samuel; Enoch; Elizabeth, m. ----- Rogers; Mary, m. -----Rogers."