1John Kermott Allen, Thomas Bancroft of Dedham and Reading, Mass. and Some of His Descendants, NEHGR Vol. 94, pp. 215, 218 (Jul 1940).
"1. THOMAS BANCROFT, of Dedham and Reading, Mass., a native of England,* born about 1625,† died at Lynn, Mass., 19 Aug. 1691.‡ He married first at Dedham, 31: 1 mo. 1647, ALICE BACON, who died 29: 1 mo. 1648, daughter of Michael Bacon; § and secondly, at Dedham, 15: 7 mo. 1648, ELIZABETH METCALF, baptized at St. Benedict's, Norwich, England, 20 Sept. 1626, died at Reading 11 May 1711, aged 85 years, daughter of Michael and Sarah (Ellwyn) Metcalf. (see REGISTER, vol. 6, pp. 171-173; vol. 78, p. 64.)
. . .
Child by first wife:
i. THOMAS,2 b. at Dedham 11 Jan. 1648; d. there 24 Jan. 1648.
Children by second wife:
2. ii. THOMAS, b. at Dedham 14: 7 mo. 1649 and bapt. 28 Oct. 1651.
iii. JOHN (twin), b. at Dedham 3 Nov. 1650; d. 25th, 11 mo. 1650.
iv. ELIZABETH (twin), b. at Dedham 4 Nov. 1650; d. 25th, 11 mo. 1650.
v. ELIZABETH, b. at Reading 7 Dec. 1653; m. 26 May 1674 JOSEPH BROWNE, b. 10 Dec. 1647, d. 16 Oct. 1723, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Browne.
Children (surname Browne):
1. Elizabeth, b. 15. Jan. 1676.
2. Nicholas, b. 22 Sept. 1677; d. at Reading 2 Sept. 1713; m. 22 May 1700 Rebecca Nicols.
3. Joseph, b. 16 Nov. 1679; d. in 1723.
4. Thomas, b. 14 Apr. 1682.
5. Ebenezer, b. 12 Jan. 1684/5; d. young.
6. Ebenezer, b. 16 Jan. 1688; d. 4 July 1688.
7. Hephzabeth, b. 23 Feb. 1692/3.
8. A son, b. and d. 20 Feb. 1694/5.
3. vi. JOHN, b. at Reading 3 Mar. 1656.
vii. SARAH, b. at Reading 14 Mar. 1658; d. there 19 July 1661.
viii. RALPH, b. at Reading 20 Aug. 1660; d. there 13 July 1661.
ix. RAHAM, who joined the First Parish Church at Reading 14-6-1681, b. at Reading 27 June 1662; d. there 19 May 1683.
x. SARAH, who joined the First Parish Church 9-1-1677, b. at Reading 1 Apr. 1665; d. 23 Feb. 1697; m. 7 July 1686, as his second wife, JOHN WOODWARD, b. in 1649, son of George and Mary Woodward.
Children (surname Woodward):
1. James, b. 27 July 1687; d. 1 Mar. 1687/8.
2. Sarah, b. 23 June 1689; d. 30 May 1706.
3. Mary, b. 30 Jan. 1693/4; m. in 1717 John Teal of Charlestown.
4. John, b. 16 Sept. 1696.
4. xi. EBENEZER, b. 26 Apr. 1667.".2George E. McCracken, Bancrofts in the Connecticut Valley, The American Genealogist Vol. 37, pp. 154-160 (1961).
This source points out two problems:
"3. Thomas, d. Enfield 14 Dec. 1684; m. (1) 8 Dec. 1653, probably in Springfield, Margaret Wright, mother of Lydia, Margaret, Anna, Thomas, Anna and Samuel; (2) ca. 1668 Hannah, said to have been a Gardner, mother of Samuel, Ruth, Rebecca and Nathaniel.
. . .
The history of Thomas is at least strange. He married at Dedham in 1647 and again in 1648 and had children recorded at Dedham in 1648-1650 and at Reading in 1653-1670, the twelfth and youngest child being Mary, born 16 May, 1670, who is, incidentally, omitted by Mr. Allen though he notes her as unmarried and living in 1691 in connection with the probate of her father."
The Thomas Bancroft here is often mistakenly merged on the internet into the Thomas of footnote 1.
John Kermott Allen omitted the 12th child Mary Bancroft from the list of Thomas's children.
1Ethan Allen Doty, Doty-Doten Family in America: Descendants of Edward Doty, an Emigrant by the Mayflower, 1620, pp. 283-284 (1897).
"3259. SAMUEL DOTY,son Samuel Doty and Jane harman, b. Piscataway, N, J., Aug 27, 1679, m. there Sept. 19, 1700, Elizabeth Hull, b. there Nov. 14, 1679, dau. Samuel Hull and Mary Manning. Samuel Hull was a son of Hopewell Hull, one of the early settlers of Piscataway. Mary Manning was dau. Joeffrey and Hepsaba Manning.
He was the oldest son of his parents, and his cattle mark was entered in the town records of Piscataway, N. J., April 26, 1701, his name being written Samuel Dottey, Jr. He was undoubtedly at this time given a farm at Piscataway by his father, and the tradition of of the family is that he led a quiet, blameless life there, an intelligent, thrifty and conscientious neighbor and friend. He was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of the town. In 1739 his name appears as witness to deeds to his son and nephews in Somerset County, N. J.
His father conveyed in a deed dated Nov. 1, 1690, certain lands at Piscataway to Isaac Smalley. This deed had not been acknowledged before a magistrate, but the signature of the grantor was acknowledged in 1746 by nis eldest son, Samuel Doty, who at that time was living in Morris County, N. J., "near the forks of the Delaware." It is not easy to locate this exact spot, but it was probably within the limits of the present Warren County, N. J., and not far from Phillipsburg, in that county. At this date, 1746, Morris County included within its limits not only its present domain, but the whole of the present Sussex and Warren Counties, Morris having been laid out from Morris County in 1753. Warren County was not formed till 1824, having been taken from Sussex. On the old maps of Morris County, as it existed about 1746, the only towns or villages laid down in this vicinity are Phillipsburg, Oxford and Walpack, and it is probable from the very expression used in the acknowledgement quoted above, that Samuel Doty did not live in either town, but in the country near there. Nor is it probable that he lived there long. He was now sixty-seven years of age, while the old manuscript heretofore referred to, and from which is obtained much of the information that we possess of this family, speaks only of Piscataway as his residence.
His son Daniel may have located here about this time or soon after, as he is reported to have lived in New Jersey, near Easton, Pa. We infer, therefore, that most of Samuel Doty's active life was spent at Piscataway, but that sometime about 1740-5 he, with his children, removed from there, some of them settling in Somerset County, and others in Morris or Sussex County, and that Samuel Doty died not long after this, probably about 1750.
Children, b. Piscataway, N. J.:
3272. i. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 12, 1700.
3273. ii. MOSES, b. Aug. 31, 1702.
3274. iii. JOANNA, b. Nov. 16, 1704.
3275. iv. DANIEL, b. April 5, 1707.
3276. v. JOHN, b. June 4, 1709.
3277. vi. THOMAS, b. Feb. 22, 1714. The record of Miss Susan Doughty distinctly states that "Thomas, son of Samuel" had no chil.
3278. vii. JOHANNAH (2d), b. Jan. 22, 1717.
3279. viii. JOHANNAH (3d), b. March 7, 1718.
3280. ix. EBENEZER, b. July 16, 1720.
3281. x. MARY, b. Feb. 15, 1723; m. prob. 1739, New Brunswick, N. J., Isaac Brooks. They removed to Sussex Co., N. J. From records in the office of the Secretary of Stae at Trenton, N. J.: "Mary Dotie of New Brunswick and Isaac Brooks of the same, were licensed to marry, Feb. 27, 1739."
Unless there is some duplication on the record, it would seem that two daughters named Johannah died early. The third, Johannah, b. March 7, 1718, m. Jespr (Joseph) Hunt of Millstone, N. J.".