1Gerald James Parsons, The Early Parsons Families of the Connecticut River Valley, NEHGR Vol. 148, pp. 216-221 (Jul 1994).
"CORNET JOSEPH1 PARSONS, one of the founders of Springfield and Northampton, Massachusetts, was baptized in St. Mary's Church at Beaminster, Dorset, England, 25 June 1620, son of William and Margaret (Hoskins) Parsons.[6] He came to New England about 1635, and died at Springfiled 9 October 1683.[7] He married at Hartford, Connecticut, 26 November 1646, MARY BLISS,[8] who was born in England about 16289 and died at Springfield 29 January 1711/12, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Hulins) Bliss of Gloucestershire, England, and later Hartford, Connecticut.[10]
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Children; surname Parsons:
i. JOSEPH2, b. perhaps in Conn., ca. 1647;[18] d. at Northampton, 21 or 29 Nov. 1729, ae 83 yrs[19]; m. there 17 March 1668/9, ELIZABETH STRONG,[20] b. at Windsor, 24 Feb. 1647[/8], d. at Northampton, 11 or 12 May 1736, ae. 89 yrs, dau of Elder john and Abigail (Ford) Strong.[21] They are both buried in Bridge St. Cemetery, Northampton. At a Particular Court held in hartford on 28 March 1650, Richard Sexton brought suit against Joseph Parsons "in an Action of the Case to the damage of 20£." The jury found for the plaintiff (Sexton) £5 in damages and costs of court. The cause of the suit is not explained, but the incident must have taken place in Connecticut, since the case was brought before a Connecticut court, and probably in Windsor where Richard Sexton (or Saxton) lived. He was know variously as Joseph Parsons, Jr., Capt. Joseph Parsons, and Joseph Parsons, Esq.
ii. BENJAMIN, d. at Springfiled, 22 June 1649.<sup[23]
iii. JOHN, b. at Springfield, 14 Aug. 1650; d. at Northampton, 19 April 1728, ae. 79 yrs;[24] m. there 23 Dec. 1675, SARAH CLARK,[25] b. at Dorchester, Mass., 19 March 1658/9, d. at Northampton, 15 April 1728, ae. 69 yrs, dau. of Lt. William and Sarah (____) Clark(e);[26] both bur. Bridge St. Cemetery, Northampton. He was known as Capt. John Parsons.
iv. SAMUEL, b. at Springfield, 23 Jan. 1652/3;[27] d. at Durham, Conn., 19 Nov. 1734, in 84th yr;[28] m. (1) ca. 1677, ELIZABETH COOKE, b. at Windsor, 7 Aug. 1653, d. at Northampton, 2 Sept. 1690, dau. of Major Aaron and Jane (Denslow) Cooke,[29] m. (2) ca. 1691, RHODA TAYLOR, b. at Northampton 26 Sept. 1669, d. at Durham, 21 jan. 1759, in 89th yr. dau. of John and Thankful (Woodward) Taylor.[30] Samuel and Rhoda are buried in the Old Cemetery, Durham. He was known as Lt. Samuel Parsons.
v. EBENEZER, b. at Northampton, 1 May 1655, the first white child born there; killed in battle with the Indians at Northfield, Mass., 2 Sept. 1675.[31]
vi. JONATHAN, b. at Northampton, 6 June 1657; d. there fall of 1694;[32] m. there 5 April 1682, MARY CLARK,[33] b. at Northampton, 3 March 166[3/]4, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Meekins) Clark.[34] She was living at Hatfield, Mass., in 1712 as widow of Benjamin Hastings.[35] Jonathan is buried in Bridge St. Cemetery, Northampton, but has no stone.
vii. DAVID, b. at Northampton, 30 April 1659;[36] d.y.
viii. MARY, b. at Northampton, 27 June 1661; d. at Springfield, 23 Aug 1711;[37] m. there 18 May 1698; JOSEPH ASHLEY,[38} b. at Springfield 6 July 1652, d. there 18 May 1698, son of Robert and Mary Ashley[30]; m. there (2) 2 March 1698[8/]9, JOSEPH WILLISTON,[40] who d. at Springfield 10 Nov. 1747.[41]
ix. HANNAH, b. at Northampton, 1 Aug. 1663; d. at Springfield, 1 April 1739;[42] m. there 7 Jan. 1686/7, PELATIAH GLOVER, JR.,[43] b. at Springfield 27 Jan. 1665[5/]6, d. there 22 Aug. 1737, son of Rev. Pelatiah and Hannah (Cullick) Glover.[44]
x. ABIGAIL, b. at Northampton, 3 Sept. 1666; d. at Springfield, 27 June 1689,[45] m. there 19 Feb. 1684[/5], JOHN COLTON,[46] b. at Springfield 18 April 1659, d. there 3 feb. 1726/7, son of George and Deborah (Gardner) Colton.[47]
xi. ESTHER (recorded as Hester), b. at Northampton, 24 Dec. 1672; d. at Middletown Upper Houses (now Cromwell), Conn., 30 May 1760;[48] m. at Springfield, 15 Sept. 1698, REV. JOSEPH SMITH,[49] b. at Hadley, Mass., ca. 1674, d. at Middletown Upper Houses 8 Sept. 1736, ae. 62 yrs., son of Lt. Philip and Rebecca (Foote) Smith, graduate of Harvard College 1695[50] Rev. and Mrs. Smith are buried in Old Cromwell Cemetery, Cromwell, Conn.[51].".