1James Boughton, A Genealogy of the Families of John Rockwell of Stamford, Conn., 1641, p. 133 (1903).
URL = http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/james-boughton/a-genealogy-of-the-families-of-john-rockwell-guo/page-25-a-genealogy-of-the-families-of-john-rockwell-guo.shtml.
"1376 3. ELI ROCKWELL, born Ridgebury April 20, 1805; married there Dec. 28, 1828 by Rev. N. Burton, to ADELIA ANN SMITH, daughter of Elias Smith, of the same place. She died there Nov. 10, 1839, aged 32 years. He married, second, Sept. 13, 1840, Widow SARAH ANN HANFORD McNEIL. He died at Ridgebury Aug. 25. 1857, and was buried in Ridgebury Cemetery. He is called on the church records Eli S. Rockwell. Sarah Ann, widow of Eli Rockwell, died at Wilton Aug. 22, 1868, aged 67 years and 2 months."