1Horatio N. Otis, Richard Otis of Dover, N. H., and his Descendants, NEHGR Vol. 5, pp. 184-185 (Apr 1851).
" RICHARD OTIS,2 (2--I) was wounded by the Indians on Sunday, 26 July, 1696, as the people of Dover were returning from public worship. The Indians were in ambush, shot upon them, and killed his brother Nicholas, carrying captive, Nicholas Otis, Jr., to Penobscot.
He had a grant of land at Dover, 1694; was a blacksmith, as his father was before him. After the birth of his second child, and perhaps earlier, he became a "Friend." He was the only son of Richard Otis, the first who left male descendants in this country, or female either, if we except Mary, the daughter of Stephen. There can be no doubt of this, for an examination of the Records clearly shows that all the other sons had either died in the Indian wars, childless, or if they had children, they were either killed or carried captive, and remained among the French or Indians in Canada.
He was dead (intestate) in 1701, and letters of Administration were ghranted to Susannah, his widow, 5 jan. 1701. Thr inventory was returned in 1702, and the estate settled, 11 Dec. 1702. In 1706 Susannah, as Administratix, sold several tracts of land in Cocheco. After his death, his first and third sons removed from Dover, leaving the second son at that place, who resided in that part of Dover now known as Madbury, and there died.
What the family name was of his wife Susannah, we have been unable to ascertain. She married in 1703, John Varney, but left no other children. In 1704 she petitions to be appointed Guardian to her children by her first husband, and her petition was allowed. Children:
(11) I. ROSE3. (12) II. RICHARD,3 (42) m. Grace -------, and was in Charlestown, Mass., about 1720. (13) III. REBECCA, 3 B. 1695-5-11.".