1Miss Mary K. Talcott, Genealogy of the Woodbridge Family, NEHGR Vol. 32, p. 293 (Jul 1878).
"3. Rev. JOHN3 WOODBRIDGE (John,2 John1) grad. H. C. 1664; began preaching at Killingworth, Ct., in 1666; ordained minister there April 7, 1669; married, Oct. 26, 1671, Abigail, daughter of Gov. William Leete; resigned his pastorate at Killingworth in 1679; in the same year was installed over the church at Wethersfield Ct., where he remained until his death about 1691. Children:
8. i. JOHN, b. about 1678.
ii. DUDLEY, H. C. 1694; m. Dorothy, dau. of Joshua Lamb, of Roxbury; commenced preaching in Simsbury, Ct., in 1695; ord. there Nov. 10, 1697; d. Aug. 3, 1710.
9. iii. EPHRAIM, b. 1680.
IV. MERCY, m. Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, of Suffield, Ct.".