The Volturno Ship Disaster - October 1913 - Links

The Volturno Ship Disaster - 9 October 1913

© 1999-2001 by Jan Daamen


New Links since 20 February 2000: (most recent added link at top)

Marine Regulations - Fire
Shipslist Digest : SS Volturno Puzzle (3 Apr 1998)
Shipslist Digest - SS Volturno Puzzle (2 Apr 1998)
Czeching Out Our Ancestors
R.M.S. Carmania
Cape Race Lighthouse
The American Experience | Rescue at Sea | Timeline (1902 - 1915)
Cimorelli Online Ship Directory (Volturno Arrivals in the USA) Select "SS Volturno" and enter a starting date
The Burning Of The Volturno by Arthur Spurgeon. In Autumn 98 catalogue of "Poor Richard's Book Ltd.". Price 65 $ Canadian. There is a description of this book at this website. Use Ctrl-F to search for the word Volturno

Shipping Incidents mentions that the Volturno burned, because of cargo on fire #1 hatch and that 'Kroonland' assisted.
April 1913 SS Volturno sighted an iceberg
On SS Volturno in March 1912
"1912 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Navigation: Radio Extracts" - use Ctrl-F to find the entrance on Volturno in a detailed list by ports of vessels equipped subject to the act and inspected by the wireless inspectors

Carmania (The Great Ocean Liners)
Carmania - Immigrant Ship Information

Großer Kurfürst
Großer Kurfürst - Immigrant Ship Information

Seydlitz of North German Lloydd - Immigrant Ship Information

Ocean Liner Passenger List - Minneapolis
KinShips: The Passenger Vessels of Your Immigrant Ancestors

10 October in history
Cape Race southeast coast of Newfoundland
Deadliest Hurricanes - There was a deadly hurricane in the Central Atlantic on 9 October 1913. Go to note ap for a reference on the Volturno.
Important Events in Radiotelegraphy

Thanks to Sam Dowdle for helping me find more links!

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Volturno Manifest

Gold Medal   Ship Information

Fire at Sea: The Saga of the Volturno

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Created and maintained by Jan Daamen
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Created: 14 August 1999 ~ Revised: 1 December 2001