Czech GenWeb  
 "Vítáme Vás"
Welcome To Czech Republic Genealogy!
GenConnect Query Links to States or Provinces of Czechoslovakia

Czech Republic--General Postings

Bohemia--General Postings

Moravia--General Postings

Administrative divisions

Kraje (Regions) Capital
Jihocesky (Southern Bohemia) Ceske Budejovice
Jihomoravsky (Southern Moravia) Brno
Severocesky (Northern Bohemia) Usti nad Labem
Stredocesky(Central Bohemia) Prague
Severomoravsky (Northern Moravia) Ostrava
Praha (Prague) Prague
Vychodocesky (Eastern Bohemia) Hradec Kralove
Zapadocesky (Western Bohemia) Plzen

News and Announcements:

Highlights Include:

  • US GenWeb
  • Emigration Exhibit

Library and other Resources

 Town Locator - Courtesy of JewishGen -- Uses MapQuest to locate towns throughout Europe.
 Historical Map Room - The FEEFHS Map Room.

Internet Researchers and other Resources

Hello! The World GenWeb Project was established in 1996 after the successful launching of the U. S. GenWeb Project. The World GenWeb Project has many volunteers all over the world. Regional coordinators work together with individual country coordinators in an effort to provide free access to a variety of genealogical data. Volunteers are needed in all phases of the project, including creating and maintaining home pages, hosting mailing lists, organizing files submitted by volunteers, and transcribing public records for inclusion in the archives.  Archives Check the listings and postings prior to May, 1998.


Ken Sajdak

February 28, 2010

©2010 by Ken Sajdak