Foothills Genealogical Society - Research - State-Wide Records - Denver District Court - Declaration of Intention Index - M
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Naturalization and Declaration of Intention Index : M

Filed in Denver District Federal Court, 17 April 1877 to 3 December 1929


Vol. # Page # Cert. # Surnames and Given Names Country of Birth Year of Birth Year of Arrival
13 91 5476 MACALUSO, Antonio Italy 1866 1890
6 479 2365 MACAULAY, William Ireland 1876 1909
10 134 4007 MACCORMAC, Hugh Henry Ireland 1879 1910
17 411 7804 MACDONALD, Alexander Scotland 1872 1910
22 159 10052 MACDONALD, Chrissie Ann Scotland 1884 1904
6 457 2343 MACDONALD, George Ireland 1884 1900
16 209 7094 MACDONALD, George Allan Scotland 1895 1913
19 491 8884 MacDONALD, Jean Louisa Scotland 1896 1910
20 473 9366 MACDONALD, John Scotland 1899 1910
8 464 3342 MacDONALD, Joseph Scotland 1882 1907
19 174 8567 MACDONALD, Leonard Hazen Canada 1890 1923
20 333 9226 MACDONALD, Mary Anna Canada 1846 1874
7 220 2604 MACDONALD, Robert Watson Geddes Scotland 1880 1913
10 229 4102 MACFARLAND, Helen Marian Canada 1891 1914
7 5 2391 MacFARLANE, William Scotland 1882 1908
11 311 4684 MACGREGOR, Alpin Ronald Jamaica 1889 1908
11 409 4782 MACHUGA, James (aka MACHUGAS, Demo) Hungary 1878 1903
3 452 846 MACHUGA, John Austria 1889 1904
11 409 4782 MACHUGAS, Demo (aka MACHUGA, James) Hungary 1878 1903
19 300 8693 MACIACI, Antonio Italy 1902 1920
5 152 1543 MACIAG, Jacob Austria 1891 1908
21 111 9504 MacINTOSH, Murdoch Canada 1865 1919
2 117 214 MACK, George Samuel Canada 1887 1888
17 447 7840 MACKAY, Neil Australia 1897 1921
22 277 10170 MACKENZIE, Ina Jessie Nova Scotia 1901 1922
18 417 8310 MACKENZIE, John Ireland 1875 1916
10 298 4171 MACKENZIE, William Simpson Scotland 1878 1905
13 225 5610 MACKER, John Austria 1863 1883
7 448 2832 MACKIE, Catherine Margaret Canada 1867 1910
7 447 2831 MACKIE, Ellison Canada 1862 1899
9 378 3751 MACKIE, James Scotland 1878 1909
19 181 8574 MACKIE, Jeanie Scotland 1897 1916
4 140 1034 MACKINTOSH, David Scotland 1885 1909
8 244 3123 MACKINTOSH, William Campbell Nova Scotia 1873 1890
24 141 11034 MacLELLAN, Peter Duncan Nova Scotia 1898 1926
14 155 6040 MACLENNAN, John Alex Canada 1877 1896
21 342 9735 MacLEOD, Allan Scotland 1887 1922
9 85 3463 MacMAHON, Philip John Scotland 1872 1885
15 126 6511 MacMILLAN, Richard Alan Canada 1898 1919
5 193 1584 MACORA, Anton Russia 1892 1908
22 44 9937 MACREYENIS, Asimakis (aka MAKRES, M.) Greece 1895 1914
17 361 7754 MADDALENA, Joe Italy 1891 1905
5 376 1767 MADDOCKS, William Charles England 1869 1892
13 308 5693 MADENBACH, Minna Germany 1868 1888
14 189 6074 MADIA, Francesco Italy 1875 1899
3 253 647 MADOERIN, Emil Switzerland 1869 1907
14 162 6047 MADONIA, John Italy 1885 1897
10 326 4199 MADONIA, John (spoiled) Italy 1885 1897
9 195 3570 MADONNA, Giuseppe Carmillo Italy 1883 1899
22 331 10224 MADONNA, Ralph Italy 1906 1908
23 292 10685 MADSEN, Arnold Herman Denmark 1902 1921
20 478 9371 MADSEN, Carl Victor Denmark 1905 1924
2 36 133 MADSEN, Mads Peder Denmark 1885 1902
10 190 4063 MADSEN, Niels Charles Denmark 1880 1912
18 174 8067 MADSEN, Willie Sweden 1902 1919
14 39 5924 MADUROS, William Greece 1888 1906
21 201 9594 MAES, Frederick Stephanis France 1877 1904
8 321 3200 MAGANJA, Frank Austria 1883 1900
11 454 4827 MAGGIORANO, Gaetono Italy 1891 1912
17 403 7796 MAGNUSON, Anna Sweden 1873 1906
19 228 8621 MAGNUSON, Magnus Walfrid Sweden 1889 1922
9 289 3663 MAGNUSON, William Sweden 1882 1907
23 298 10691 MAGNUSON, William Sweden 1882 1907
20 178 9071 MAGNUSSON, Carl Ivar (aka YOUNG) Sweden 1887 1906
2 38 135 MAGNUSSON, Sven Johan Sweden 1875 1902
8 174 3053 MAGUIRE, Patrick Ireland 1890 1916
12 292 5165 MAGUNSKY, Geho Koleff Bulgaria 1872 1913
12 287 5160 MAGUNSKY, Sam Bulgaria 1874 1913
21 179 9572 MAGYAR, Geza Czechosovakia 1871 1902
12 35 4908 MAHADY, Patrick Ireland 1893 1912
21 155 9548 MAHER, John Ireland 1869 1899
17 251 7644 MAHLER, Jacob Russia 1897 1913
11 76 4449 MAHON, Edward Ireland 1864 1884
14 488 6373 MAHON, James Ireland 1883 1912
3 354 748 MAHONY, Jeremiah Ireland 1885 1908
10 441 4314 MAHR, Christian Friedrich Germany 1868 1886
20 145 9038 MAIER, Gottlieb William Germany 1903 1923
14 471 6356 MAIER, Oscar Albert Germany 1882 1908
22 441 10334 MAIER, Oscar Albert Germany 1882 1908
21 372 9765 MAIONA, Anthony Italy 1891 1907
3 63 457 MAISINGER, Henry Russia 1886 1907
20 431 9324 MAISORADZE, Joseph Russia 1876 1906
18 411 8304 MAISS, Apolonia Germany 1872 1890
17 348 7741 MAKAROFF, Wadim Stephen Russia 1892 1920
8 293 3172 MAKER, Susie Austria-Hungary 1865 1882
3 464 858 MAKI, Gust Russia (Finland) 1885 1903
7 131 2515 MAKI, Mathias Russia 1888 1910
22 44 9937 MAKRES, Mike (aka MACREYENIS, A.) Greece 1895 1914
17 380 7773 MALACH, Lewis Steven Czechoslovakia 1901 1906
4 319 1212 MALACHIAS, Stamatios George Turkey 1885 1903
3 338 732 MALAMIS, Socrates Greece 1882 1903
7 240 2624 MALBERG, Solomon Russia 1887 1912
8 319 3198 MALBIN, David Russia 1874 1891
21 117 9510 MALBIN, David Russia 1874 1891
23 147 10540 MALBON, Robert Daniel England 1881 1919
3 100 494 MALCOLM, Robert Scotland 1885 1906
6 69 1958 MALETZKI, John Germany 1875 1913
8 326 3205 MALIC, Dak Austria 1888 1904
22 176 10069 MALICH, Mark Jugoslavia 1896 1912
16 334 7219 MALINE, Frank Sweden 1873 1897
11 489 4862 MALINOWSKI, John Russia 1886 1911
10 43 3916 MALINS, Edward Greville England 1860 1882
6 309 2197 MALINS, Margery Morrison (unmarried) England 1892 1894
14 80 5965 MALLIRES, Constantine Frank Greece 1895 1912
20 441 9334 MALLIS, Haralamos Andreas (aka Harry) Greece 1893 1909
23 279 10672 MALLIS, Panagiotis A. (aka Peter Andrea) Greece 1893 1909
8 460 3338 MALLQUIST, Augusta Sweden 1872 1894
8 24 - MALMBERG, Richard (cancelled) Sweden 1887 1913
15 434 6819 MALONEY, Rona Austria 1863 1890
21 113 9506 MALYAR, Celia Russia 1888 1921
22 124 10017 MALZAHN, William Friederick Germany 1867 1891
23 39 10432 MANALAYSAY, Ceferino Phillipine Islands 1891 1915
3 225 619 MANASEK, Josef Austria 1863 1896
7 413 2797 MANASEK, Josef Austria 1892 1912
14 306 6191 MANASEK, Rudolph Leo Austria 1900 1909
9 254 3629 MANCE, Matt Austria 1897 1913
17 100 7493 MANCINI, Albert Italy 1899 1908
8 406 3284 MANCINI, Raffaele Italy 1888 1909
15 134 6519 MANDARICH, Martin Austria 1891 1907
21 156 9549 MANDEL, Annie England 1879 1922
23 465 10858 MANDEL, Jacob Hungary (Rumania) 1879 1904
6 320 2208 MANDEL, Simon Roumania 1862 1891
18 257 8150 MANDELARTZ, Boniface Germany 1886 1908
19 291 8684 MANDELBAUM, Gershon Russia 1894 1914
3 322 716 MANDELBAUM, Jacob Russia 1872 1892
18 459 8352 MANDELBOUM, Morris Poland 1868 1906
15 184 6569 MANDILOFF, Vasil Costadin Macedonia 1892 1912
2 30 127 MANDLES, Henry Russia 1878 1890
18 179 8072 MANDLES, Max Russia 1885 1892
24 37 10930 MANERBINO, Angelo Joseph Italy 1891 1903
14 498 6383 MANIATES, Nicholas Greece 1894 1911
18 152 8045 MANIATIS, George Peter Greece 1899 1916
23 207 10600 MANIATIS, Nicholas Greece 1894 1910/1
23 309 10702 MANIATIS, Thomas Panagiotis Greece 1890 1905
15 143 6528 MANIATOS, Christos Greece 1894 1908
5 299 1690 MANIRBINO, Joseph Italy 1891 1903
7 37 2423 MANKES, Cornelius Netherlands 1887 1911
20 167 9060 MANKOFSKY, Sam (aka HOFFMAN, S.) Russia 1886 1912
2 145 242 MANN, Emma Caroline Canada 1863 1867
4 477 1369 MANN, Isor Austria 1871 1910
7 365 2749 MANNA, Matteo Italy 1883 1906
21 410 9803 MANNER, Agnes Axy Esthonia 1904 1923
22 456 10349 MANNION, Catherine Ireland 1902 1922
22 455 10348 MANNION, Julia Ireland 1904 1924
8 441 3319 MANOSEK, Josef Austria 1864 1906
23 43 10436 MANTELLO, Ernest Italy 1901 1922
15 449 6834 MANTINGH, Edward Netherlands 1881 1913
24 139 11032 MANUEL, Gus Turkey 1879 1913
7 398 2782 MANZ, Pius Germany 1854 1879
7 198 2582 MAPELLI, Herman Italy 1892 1902
21 106 9499 MAPELLI, Herman Italy 1892 1902
21 162 9555 MAPELLI, Mario Leonardo Italy 1900 1922
20 316 9209 MAPELLI, Rudolph Italy 1894 1902
20 49 8942 MARAGOS, Andreas Greece 1887 1910
8 139 3019 MARASOVICH, Stephan Austria 1887 1910
20 51 8944 MARCANTONIO, Donato Italy 1899 1821
12 443 5318 MARCANTONIO, Salvatore Italy 1897 1913
20 50 8943 MARCANTONIO, Salvatore Italy 1897 1913
16 306 7191 MARCEJEANIS, Emmanual Marcos Greece 1886 1910
17 500 7893 MARCHANT, Thomas Canada 1874 1912
8 352 3231 MARCHBANK, John Canada 1861 1897
21 134 9527 MARCHESE, Antoinette Carnival Italy 1886 1907
22 364 10257 MARCHESE, Antonio Italy 1897 1921
17 126 7519 MARCHESE, Carmine Italy 1890 1920
11 356 4729 MARCHESE, Gerardo Italy 1872 1902
22 289 10182 MARCHESE, Michele Italy 1887 1910
11 434 4807 MARCHESE, Michele Alesandro Italy 1889 1914
12 209 5082 MARCHESE, Mickel Italy 1887 1910
11 158 4531 MARCHESE, Rocco Italy 1885 1906
5 448 1839 MARCHESE,Pilade Rodolfo Italy 1880 1903
22 434 10327 MARCHESI, Pasquale Italy 1906 1911
22 50 9943 MARCHESO, Roxy Italy 1902 1910
15 69 6454 MARCHESO, Tony Italy 1899 1910
20 397 9290 MARCHETTY, Antonio Martino Italy 1880 1900
15 16 6401 MARCHIO, Antonio Italy 1896 1913
5 154 1545 MARCHUN, Louis Austria 1885 1905
20 65 8958 MARCOS, James (aka ANTONIOU, D.) Greece 1900 1920
17 170 7563 MARCOS, Mike Greece 1893 1911
3 203 597 MARCOVITCH, Peter Roumania 1876 1907
3 425 819 MARCUS, Aron Russia 1869 1904
15 201 6586 MARCUS, Joshua Poland 1885 1905
2 147 244 MARCUS, Samuel Russia 1884 1905
21 140 9533 MAREAUX, Vetal Switzerland 1889 1910
14 120 6005 MAREK, John Poland 1891 1910
11 393 4766 MARENO, Ragelio Mexico 1880 1906
13 461 5846 MARETISH, Andro Austria 1864 1906
5 25 1416 MARGESSON, Reginald Elibank England 1863 1910
18 270 8163 MARGHEIM, John, Jr. Russia 1902 1907
15 331 6716 MARGOLIN, Sam Russia 1891 1907
5 5 1397 MARGULES, Esse Romania 1886 1906
22 280 10173 MARGULIS, Louis Russia 1876 1914
7 144 2528 MARIAMPOLSKY, Abram Russia 1894 1914
15 96 6481 MARIANI, Antonio Italy 1890 1904
16 363 7248 MARIANNA, Barbarino Italy 1881 1907
13 235 5620 MARIANO, Frank Anthony Italy 1854 1898
15 413 6798 MARIANX, Frederic Switzerland 1886 1910
19 414 8807 MARIDAKIS, Nickolaos Greece 1891 1921
7 201 2585 MARINARO, Pasquale Italy 1892 1900
20 113 9006 MARINO, Antonio Italy 1878 1902
12 286 5159 MARINO, Giovanni Italy 1862 1895
6 174 2063 MARINO, John Italy 1883 1901
14 65 5950 MARINOFF, Michael Bulgaria 1890 1913
13 9 5394 MARINOFF, Mike Bulgaria 1895 1911
13 35 5420 MARINOFF, Nick Bugaria 1883 1907
6 259 2148 MARINOS, John Nickolas Greece 1892 1912
5 243 1634 MARINOS, Louis George Greece 1884 1903
18 449 8342 MARINOS, Nick John Greece 1882 1914
14 111 5996 MARJANOVIC, Marko (aka MEYERS, Pete) Austria 1890 1908
4 108 1002 MARKAKIS, Antones Crete 1887 1909
9 458 3831 MARKEVITH, Louis Russia 1872 1912
18 339 8232 MARKI, Walter Switzerland 1902 1922
19 316 8709 MARKMAN, Abraham Russia 1891 1912
23 405 10798 MARKS, James Chalmers Scotland 1867 1896
6 428 2315 MARKS, Malcolm Chamney Ireland 1887 1904
11 295 4668 MARKS, Robert Bronislaw Russia 1884 1905
12 207 5080 MARKULES, Tony Adam Russia 1886 1911
3 375 769 MARKUS, Alexander Russia 1890 1907
17 106 7499 MARKUS, Gottlieb Russia 1865 1910
16 323 7208 MARKUS, Walter Russia 1902 1911
14 484 6369 MARMOLEJO, Marcelino Mexico 1876 1910
8 336 3215 MAROLT, Johan Austria 1883 1905
15 493 6878 MARONEY, John Ireland 1895 1920
15 492 6877 MARONEY, Patrick Ireland 1897 1920
12 506 5381 MARONICH, George Austria 1889 1907
21 377 9770 MAROSY, Stephen Hungary 1891 1908
20 450 9343 MARQUES, Jose Mexico 1899 1918
12 128 5001 MARR, August Germany 1858 1885
21 308 9701 MARR, John Shanko Scotland 1877 1915
13 356 5741 MARRA, Joseph Italy 1882 1897
20 423 9316 MARRANZINO, Albert Argentina 1901 1904
11 313 4686 MARRANZINO, Joseph Argentina 1891 1904
21 163 9556 MARRANZINO, Joseph Argentine 1891 1904
24 18 10911 MARRANZINO, Michael Anthony Argentine 1889 1904
13 142 5527 MARRANZINO, Rocco Argentina 1895 1904
10 491 4364 MARREN, Anne Ireland 1886 1910
20 153 9046 MARREN, Bridget Ireland 1880 1920
4 475 1367 MARROS, Samuel Turkey 1881 1903
15 219 6604 MARSELLA, George Hernandez Spain 1892 1909
6 197 2086 MARSHALL, George England 1859 1880
4 30 924 MARSHALL, Samuel Scotland 1873 1904
15 179 6564 MARSOOBIAN, Hagop Armenia 1890 1912
9 337 3711 MARSTON, Herbert Robert England 1881 1912
17 4 7397 MARSTON, Lucy Elizabeth England 1889 1919
16 450 7343 MARTAIN, John Saint Louxenburg 1898 1899
9 25 3403 MARTE, Frank Austria 1877 1913
22 398 10291 MARTE, Frank Austria 1877 1913
11 263 4636 MARTELLO, Carmine Italy 1892 1908
11 264 4637 MARTELLO, Feliciano Italy 1885 1899
11 451 4824 MARTELLO, Frank Italy 1895 1910
22 476 10369 MARTELLO, Frank Italy 1895 1909
21 151 9544 MARTELLO, Joseph Italy 1905 1914
13 84 5469 MARTELLO, Pietro Italy 1861 1906
7 452 2836 MARTENS, Jelta Netherlands 1885 1909
18 266 8159 MARTENS, William John Germany 1890 1912
6 213 2102 MARTIN, Annie Elizabeth (unmarried) Canada 1873 1876
13 415 5800 MARTIN, Florence Australia 1867 1919
18 283 8176 MARTIN, Henry Russia 1904 1910
19 175 8568 MARTIN, John Henry England 1892 1922
13 358 5743 MARTIN, Julia Germany 1872 1888
17 139 7532 MARTIN, Koneny (aka KAFFKA, Albert) Austria 1890 1913
5 280 1671 MARTIN, Nels Sweden 1863 1881
10 368 4241 MARTIN, Peter John Hungary 1894 1900
10 342 4215 MARTIN, Peter John (spoiled) Hungary 1894 1900
6 223 2112 MARTIN, Thomas Henry Canada 1887 1899
17 371 7764 MARTIN, William Small Ireland 1900 1919
22 249 10142 MARTINA, John Battist Italy 1890 1913
12 94 4967 MARTINESKY, Joseph Russia 1879 1910
23 2 10395 MARTINESKY, Joseph Russia 1879 1910
12 276 5149 MARTINEZ, Benigno Spain 1891 1908
11 452 4825 MARTINI, Samuel Italy 1885 1910
7 2 2388 MARTINO, Michael Puzo Italy 1893 1906
14 399 6284 MARTINSON, Nils Edward Sweden 1883 1902
20 482 9375 MARTIS, Theros Greece 1893 1915
9 456 3829 MARTTAL, Reno Canada 1875 1915
23 79 10472 MARTY, Anna Switzerland 1900 1906
15 88 6473 MARTY, Thomas D. Switzerland 1894 1906
8 169 3048 MARTYSH, John Russia 1882 1898
23 492 10885 MARX, Rudolf Germany 1905 1928
10 41 3914 MARZANO, Michele Italy 1887 1905
17 124 7517 MARZEN, Nickolaus Germany 1863 1884
13 50 5435 MASLANKA, Juzef Austria (Poland) 1890 1907
20 281 9174 MASLIN, Ben Russia 1896 1896
11 139 4512 MASLO, Joseph Austria 1889 1912
9 252 3627 MASON, Samuel Reuben Russia 1887 1901
17 240 7633 MASSLENIKOF, Alexander Russia 1888 1913
24 63 10956 MASSON, Antoninus (aka Albert) Germany 1895 1921
12 258 5131 MASTRIOANNI, Liberato Italy 1859 1887
19 287 8680 MASTRIPPOLITO, Antonio Italy 1903 1921
12 120 4993 MASTROIANNA, Giuseppi Italy 1880 1890
12 412 5287 MASTROPIETRO, Michele Italy 1855 1882
8 186 3065 MATE, Stephen Hungary 1888 1913
6 187 2076 MATEFF, Christ Bulgaria 1889 1907
19 79 8472 MATEFF, Hristo Hristoff Bulgaria 1890 1907
11 326 4699 MATEYKA, Joe Austria 1867 1892
5 9 1401 MATHER, Andrew England 1862 1912
17 294 7687 MATHESON, Joseph Jugoslavia 1895 1913
5 269 1660 MATHEWS, Frederick William England 1868 1898
5 332 1723 MATHEWS, Hugh Robert Ireland 1878 1904
23 351 10744 MATHIA, Sister Mary (aka KURER, Mary) Austria 1892 1911
6 96 1985 MATHIESEN, Gehart Christian Germany 1855 1872
10 135 4008 MATHISON, Hans Norway 1861 1893
13 256 5641 MATHISON, Harry George Scotland 1868 1885
21 145 9538 MATHISON, Harry George Scotland 1868 1885
15 149 6534 MATHUZWIZ, John Frank (aka MATTHEWS) Germany 1878 1891
24 100 10993 MATICKA, Frank Jugoslavia 1897 1921
18 456 8349 MATORAS, James Russia 1898 1914
4 209 1103 MATSON, Erik Russia 1875 1892
2 268 363 MATSON, Henry Russia 1877 1903
8 304 3183 MATTE, Frank Austria 1888 1913
12 257 5130 MATTHES, Henry Guido Germany 1885 1909
21 108 9501 MATTHESPULOS, Elias Al (aka MATTHEWS) Greece 1893 1911
15 347 6732 MATTHEWS, Arthur Richard Canada 1884 1916
4 242 1135 MATTHEWS, George Henry England 1885 1909
15 149 6534 MATTHEWS, John  F. (aka  MATHUZWIZ) Germany 1878 1891
6 66 1955 MATTHEWS, John Singleton Wales 1868 1901
6 32 1921 MATTHEWS, Joseph Ephraim Sweden 1892 1910
21 108 9501 MATTHEWS, Louis (aka MATTHESPULOS) Greece 1893 1011
23 498 10891 MATTHIESEN, Heinrich Johann Germany 1897 1924
19 123 8516 MATTHIESEN, Johan Heinrich Germany 1890 1921
18 231 8124 MATTIVE, August Italy 1894 1921
21 200 9593 MATTIVI, John Battista Austria 1892 1913
11 282 4655 MATURSZYN, Alexander (aka MATVE, Allat) Austria 1892 1912
11 282 4655 MATVE, Allat (aka MATURSZYN, A.) Austria 1892 1912
12 340 5215 MAUL, Henry Russia 1879 1900
10 212 4085 MAUL, Theodor Albin Germany 1854 1872
9 296 3670 MAULEY, Albert George Canada 1880 1901
17 41 7434 MAURIES, James Thomas Turkey (Greece) 1886 1907
14 96 5981 MAURO, Giuseppi (cancelled) Italy 1891 1906
11 81 4454 MAURO, Peter Italy 1892 1907
17 102 7495 MAUROULES, Nick John Greece 1881 1904
2 283 378 MAUSER, Carl Frederick Germany 1873 1886
2 152 249 MAUTHE, Robert Germany 1876 1893
17 335 7728 MAVRAKIS, Nicolaos Greece 1881 1911
17 218 7611 MAVROS, John Turkey (Greece) 1897 1915
5 339 1730 MAXWELL, William Ireland 1877 1896
15 80 6465 MAY, Mildred England 1889 1892
3 268 662 MAYDANIS, Nicholas Andrew Greece 1875 1897
5 317 1708 MAYER, John Leo Austria 1888 1905
15 50 6435 MAYER, Louie Germany 1886 1914
8 462 3340 MAYER, Louis Austria 1881 1910
23 244 10637 MAYER, Louis Germany 1886 1921
10 273 4146 MAYER, Morris Russia 1886 1906
6 232 2121 MAYER, Paul Austria 1893 1912
16 29 6914 MAYER, William Pollak Hungary 1880 1906
13 89 5474 MAYO, Albert Henry England 1892 1919
18 89 7982 MAYO, George William England 1890 1922
11 280 4653 MAYO, Henry John England 1864 1918
9 268 3642 MAYRAN, Joseph Thomas France 1885 1910
16 331 7216 MAYSHARK, Antoni Jozef Poland 1884 1904
4 271 1164 MAYSON, Herbert England 1881 1910
14 345 6230 MAZAROV, Paul Russia 1876 1912
16 266 7151 MAZER, Morris Russia 1885 1905
22 47 9940 MAZUD, Allie Syria 1896 1922
5 405 1796 MAZUREK, Stefan Austria 1884 1906
17 193 7586 MAZZOCCO, Antonio Italy 1884 1906
12 322 5197 MAZZOLA, Rosario Italy 1874 1898
21 54 9447 MAZZOLENI, Frank Italy 1891 1912
17 189 7582 MAZZUCCO, Fione Italy 1898 1906
19 215 8608 MAZZUCHI, Martin Italy 1862 1882
13 257 5642 MAZZULLA, Carlo Italy 1889 1908
16 61 6946 MAZZULLA, Joseph Italy 1887 1905
10 195 4068 McALLISTER, John Francis Ireland 1860 1863
13 369 5754 McALLISTER, Patrick Ireland 1876 1914
23 353 10746 McANDREW, Robert Gavin Canada 1895 1912
23 467 10860 McATAMNEY, Thomas Ireland 1885 1900
2 146 243 McBEAN, William James Canada 1868 1900
18 419 8312 McBEAN, William James Canada 1868 1900
14 151 6036 McBRIEN, Louis Tolfree Canada 1884 1919
2 222 317 McCAFFERTY, Francis Scotland 1881 1907
13 402 5787 McCAFFREY, Catherine Ireland 1857 1876
2 263 358 McCALL, John Canada 1858 1859
17 116 7509 McCALLUM, Duncan Scotland 1893 1921
6 210 2099 McCALLUM, Finlay Scotland 1892 1913
12 392 5267 McCALLUM, William Scotland 1876 1906
20 184 9077 McCANCE, Alexander Scotland 1885 1921
18 215 8108 McCANDLESS, Thomas Ireland 1896 1920
13 444 5829 McCARTHY, Bridget Ireland 1887 1908
7 361 2745 McCARTHY, Charles Ireland 1895 1912
22 402 10295 McCARTHY, Charles Ireland 1894 1912
4 363 1255 McCARTHY, Charles James Ireland 1876 1910
8 114 2994 McCARTHY, Edward George Nova Scotia 1871 1890
22 407 10300 McCARTHY, Lorne Vining Canada 1900 1919
18 454 8347 McCARTHY, Margaret Canada 1886 1910
11 54 4426 McCARTHY, Nora Ireland 1867 1895
10 340 4213 McCARTHY, Nora (spoiled) Ireland 1867 1895
17 137 7530 McCASH, Annie Mary Ireland 1884 1911
6 52 1941 McCLELLAND, William Edward Canada 1874 1899
12 370 5245 McCLENAGHAN, Joseph Ireland 1866 1885
21 35 9428 McCOLL, Duncan Albert Canada 1898 1919
7 227 2611 McCONNELL, David James Scotland 1894 1913
4 139 1033 McCORMACK, John Scotland 1886 1908
5 184 1575 McCORMACK, John Ireland 1882 1905
5 304 1695 McCORMICK, James Ireland 1881 1903
3 370 764 McCOY, Archibald Shear PA (USA) 1880 1909
10 33 3906 McCRIMMON, Flora B. Canada 1864 1890
16 268 7153 McCROSSAN, Charles Ireland 1870 1910
19 248 8641 McCROSSAN, Jeanie Ireland 1872 1910
8 287 3166 McCULLOCH, Blain Campbell Scotland 1880 1913
23 414 10807 McCUMISKEY, James England 1907 1928
10 188 4061 McCUTCHEON, William Scotland 1894 1912
10 446 4317 McDERMOTT, James England 1872 1906
2 274 369 McDERMOTT, John England 1873 1907
10 189 4062 McDERMOTT, Peter Ireland 1885 1906
23 446 10839 McDIARMID, John Newton Wallace Scotland 1903 1920
13 350 5735 McDONALD, George Joseph Ireland 1887 1908
3 91 485 McDONALD, Matthew Ireland 1885 1907
19 249 8642 McDONNELL, James Ireland 1876 1910
18 328 8221 McDONOUGH, James Ireland 1878 1903
19 246 8639 McDOUGALL, Daniel John Canada 1884 1919
2 47 144 McDOUGALL, Joseph Walter Canada 1858 1907
3 256 650 McDOUGALL, William Wallace Canada 1877 1906
23 257 10650 McDOWALL, Robert Dunbar Scotland 1884 1905
23 327 10720 McEAHERN, Michael Prince Edward Isl. 1877 1898
23 156 10549 McEWAN, Alice Maude England 1897 1926
22 307 10200 McEWAN, Harold George Canada 1897 1926
23 256 10649 McGAVIN, Bert Hugh Scotland 1902 1923
20 156 9049 McGEEHAN, Michael Ireland 1893 1916
4 312 1205 McGILLIVRAY, John Angus Canada 1871 1896
23 464 10857 McGILVRAY, Hugh Scotland 1902 1923
16 451 7344 McGINN, John Ireland 1901 1921
18 431 8324 McGLASHON, John Scotland 1885 1913
6 332 2220 McGOVERN, Thomas Joseph Ireland 1880 1900
19 218 8611 McGOVERN, Thomas Joseph Ireland 1880 1900
9 457 3830 McGRATH, Joseph Michael Ireland 1890 1908
15 437 6822 McGUIRE, Patrick Gerald Ireland 1889 1920
7 58 2444 McHALA, Patrick Ireland 1890 1914
20 39 8932 McHALE, Norah Ireland 1898 1920
7 211 2595 McHEFFEY, Elsie Canada 1879 1900
16 382 7267 McHUGH, John Ireland 1898 1920
18 183 8076 McHUGH, Mary Ireland 1873 1922
18 494 8387 McHUGH, Michael Ireland 1896 1922
17 248 7641 McHUGH, Patrick Ireland 1890 1920
18 500 8393 McHUGH, Patrick Ireland 1894 1922
12 47 4920 McHUGH, Patrick Eustace Ireland 1897 1917
4 189 1083 McILVEEN, Robert, Jr. England 1884 1886
3 467 861 McINTOSH, Jean Beattie (unmarried) Canada 1882 1903
15 196 6581 McINTOSH, Peter Scotland 1864 1907
3 359 753 McINTYRE, Daniel Charles Canada 1877 1900
4 474 1366 McINTYRE, William Canada 1863 1911
22 440 10333 McKAY, Etta May Nova Scotia 1875 1902
14 341 6226 McKENNA, Anna Ireland 1886 1903
11 23 4396 McKENZIE, Daniel William Canada 1875 1906
15 278 6663 McKENZIE, James D. Canada 1865 1880
2 261 356 McKENZIE, Murdo Scotland 1881 1906
22 491 10384 McKEOWN, Patrick Ireland 1875 1922
16 261 7146 McKINLEY, Prudence Ireland 1867 1881
19 55 8448 McKITTERICK, William James Ireland 1896 1921
16 342 7227 McKNIGHT, James Scotland 1881 1920
18 397 8290 McLAREN, Malcolm Earl Canada 1891 1919
5 134 1525 McLAUGHLIN, Hugh Leslie Canada 1884 1905
6 123 2012 McLAUGHLIN, Joseph Ireland 1890 1909
22 481 10374 McLEAN, Alexander White Scotland 1898 1923
4 339 1232 McLELLAN, Norman Howie Scotland 1880 1906
12 223 5096 McLEOD, David Munro Scotland 1880 1919
16 145 7030 McLEOD, Earl William Canada 1902 1920
16 444 7337 McLEOD, John Kidd Scotland 1883 1903
12 230 5103 McLEOD, William Alexander Canada 1882 1916
5 408 1799 McLINDEN, Peter Ireland 1869 1907
14 255 6140 McLOUGHLIN, Patrick Ireland 1879 1904
19 85 8478 McMAHON, John Frances Ireland 1882 1913
4 415 1307 McMAHON, Vincent Patrick Ireland 1889 1909
19 129 8522 McMANEMIN, Annie Ireland 1878 1890
3 105 499 McMANUS, James Joseph England 1851 1865
15 55 6440 McMENEMY, John Scotland 1865 1888
5 215 1606 McMILLAN, John Reid Scotland 1879 1907
16 373 7258 McMORRINE, Samuel Scotland 1876 1906
12 206 5079 McMORROW, John Ireland 1868 1889
9 396 3769 McNALLY, Lena Ireland 1877 1901
4 236 1129 McNAUGHTON, John Angus Canada 1879 1899
18 101 7994 McNEICE, John Higginson Falkland Islands 1883 1922
14 452 6337 McNEILL, Arthur Franklin Canada 1877 1898
18 380 8273 McNICHOLAS, Joseph Ireland 1899 1922
20 224 9117 McNICHOLAS, Mary Agnes Ireland 1896 1914
5 212 1603 McNICHOLAS, Thomas Ireland 1887 1911
18 2 7895 McNICHOLS, James Ireland 1899 1921
6 328 2216 McNULTY, Martin Andrew Ireland 1891 1905
2 223 318 McNULTY, Sarah Katie Ireland 1884 1902
6 414 2301 McNULTY, Thomas Edward Ireland 1893 1905
5 169 1560 McPARLAND, John Thomas England 1877 1883
9 68 3446 McPHAIL, John L. Canada 1882 1908
13 55 5440 McSHERRY, Sarah Helen Ireland 1890 1906
8 110 2990 McSWEEN, Sweeney A. Nova Scotia 1888 1913
22 462 10355 McVAY, John Marshall USA 1866 1923
23 78 10471 McWILLIAMS, John Prince Edward Isl. 1882 1903
3 21 416 MEAD, Mary Alice Canada 1872 1872
8 227 3106 MEADOW, John England 1888 1916
23 383 10776 MEAGER, John Gordon Douglas England 1896 1924
23 382 10775 MEAGER, Queenie Gertrude England 1894 1924
16 229 7114 MEAGHER, William Francis Iowa - USA 1897 1920
5 462 1853 MEAMONE, Anton Italy 1877 1884
11 439 4812 MEARSHA, Arlok Austria 1893 1910
17 128 7521 MEDLEY, Albert Edward England 1903 1920
10 485 4358 MEDLYN, Edwin England 1860 1886
18 318 8211 MEDVESON, Lazarus Austria 1882 1911
16 479 7372 MEENAGHAR, William Ireland 1895 1921
4 198 1092 MEENTS, Richard Ommo Germany 1887 1898
8 145 3025 MEGAS, James Greece 1894 1910
21 5 9398 MEGAS, James Louis Greece 1894 1910
21 6 9399 MEGNA, Gaetano (aka Tom) Italy 1885 1901
17 109 7502 MEGNA, Salvatore Italy 1877 1900
6 226 2115 MEGO, William Charles South Africa 1886 1914
20 54 8947 MEHILIDAKIS, George Demetriou Greece 1882 1910
5 140 1531 MEHLIN, Johan Austria 1885 1905
14 335 6220 MEHRING, John (aka HANNOSI, John) Germany 1881 1912
21 456 9849 MEIER, Adolf Germany 1904 1925
22 268 10161 MEIER, Adolf Germany 1855 1906
13 231 5616 MEIER, August Germany 1854 1880
21 208 9601 MEIER, Martha Germany 1901 1924
5 39 1430 MEIER, Oskar Switzerland 1889 1910
3 476 870 MEIKLEHAM, Annie (unmarried) England 1891 1908
4 45 939 MEIKLEHAM, William England 1888 1906
12 472 5347 MEISNER, Albert Germany 1880 1881
8 418 3296 MEISTER, August Germany 1877 1912
3 208 602 MEISTER, Fredrich Switzerland 1859 1881
22 347 10240 MEJIA, Lino Mexico 1881 1909
12 363 5238 MELARAGNO, Domenico Italy 1885 1912
18 160 8053 MELARAGNO, Guiseppe Italy 1898 1922
12 310A 5185 MELARAGNO, Pasquale Italy 1897 1913
22 94 9987 MELARAGNO, Pasquale Italy 1897 1913
19 379 8772 MELARAGNO, Vincent Italy 1904 1920
8 16 2898 MELBOURNE, James England 1888 1910
9 143 3518 MELDRUM, James Scotland 1878 1907
20 7 8900 MELEISOVICH, Steve Jugoslavia 1879 1901
11 183 4556 MELENDEZ, Jose Mexico 1894 1916
21 86 9479 MELENSKY, David Poland 1885 1913
21 441 9834 MELILLO, Pasquale Italy 1898 1922
22 315 10208 MELINA, Antonio Italy 1895 1920
2 139 236 MELLAS, Peter Crete 1882 1904
16 460 7353 MELNICK, Arthur Harry Poland 1900 1921
3 403 797 MELNICK, Benjamin Russia 1883 1904
14 434 6319 MELNICK, Benjamin Russia 1883 1904
16 459 7352 MELNICK, Stanley Poland 1897 1921
13 296 5681 MELNYK, John Austria 1893 1918
13 244 5629 MELONAS, Sam Greece 1899 1916
22 173 10066 MELTZER, Henry Poland 1904 1908
15 444 6829 MELTZER, William Russia 1891 1906
12 269 5142 MENCEN, Anton Austria 1891 1909
24 158 11051 MENCHACA, Jose Mexico 1883 1916
23 202 10595 MENDELSBERG, Jacob Russia (Poland) 1909 1920
3 212 606 MENDELSON, Samuel Russia 1868 1877
14 272 6157 MENDLESBERG, Joe Poland 1881 1912
13 386 5771 MENDOZA, Francisco Mexico 1885 1916
12 50 4923 MENGERS, Henry Gustav Germany 1865 1885
14 13 5898 MENIEG, Benny Natale Italy 1901 1911
23 358 10751 MENNEKES, Reinhard Siegfrid Germany 1905 1928
3 438 832 MENZIES, Thomas Heaps Scotland 1886 1903
11 347 4720 MERCADO, Florentino Mexico 1895 1910
14 309 6194 MERCADO, Julian Mexico 1893 1911
9 344 3718 MERCOGLIRNR, John Italy 1892 1913
8 135 3015 MERGELL, Carl Ludwig Germany 1883 1911
3 82 476 MERGEN, Joseph Germany 1866 1880
19 100 8493 MERKEL, Anton Russia 1881 1908
22 106 9999 MERKLE, Emil Adolf Germany 1903 1926
22 172 10065 MERKLE, Hermann Germany 1898 1926
22 169 10062 MERKLE, Mathilde Louise South Africa 1898 1926
13 261 5646 MERKOURIS, George Anastasios Greece 1873 1904
10 75 3948 MERNER, Leslie Andrew Canada 1879 1900
21 263 9656 MEROZ, Paul Switzerland 1895 1920
8 368 3247 MERRILL, Albert Caleb Canada 1862 1868
8 200 3079 MERRY, Arthur William England 1889 1906
18 138 8031 MERZ, Albert Germany 1882 1904
12 71 4944 MESA, Daroteo Mexico 1878 1910
17 444 7837 MESHENGISSER, Schlaima Russia 1884 1911
23 443 10836 MESSARIS, J.A. (aka ANTONATES, John) Greece 1885 1909
23 443 10836 MESSARIS, Joanis Antonates Greece 1885 1909
19 159 8552 MESSEAS, James Holland 1880 1923
23 117 10510 MESSINA, Angelo Italy 1869 1897
14 487 6372 MESSINE, Eugene Italy 1894 1895
10 392 4265 MESSNER, Louis Hungary 1886 1895
10 480 4353 MESTER, Christian Ludwig Germany 1890 1911
18 433 8326 METAXAS, Nicholas Panagis Greece 1857 1914
12 483 5358 METEFF, Pete Bulgaria 1888 1911
13 495 5880 METZ, Herbert Germany 1900 1916
4 201 1095 METZGER, John Russia 1887 1892
6 131 2020 MEYER, Alexander Russia 1884 1900
3 106 500 MEYER, Carl Germany 1884 1907
8 429 3307 MEYER, Carl Germany 1883 1907
12 361 5236 MEYER, Conrad Russia 1889 1903
19 269 8662 MEYER, Edward Torkild Denmark 1905 1915
21 233 9626 MEYER, Erika Elvira Denmark 1904 1915
19 467 8860 MEYER, Fred Russia 1873 1908
19 468 8861 MEYER, Fred, Jr. Russia 1902 1908
21 384 9777 MEYER, Gunther Hans Walter Germany 1898 1916
7 181 2565 MEYER, Henry August Denmark 1881 1912
18 342 8235 MEYER, Henry August Denmark 1881 1912
13 482 5867 MEYER, Ingolf Vlademar Denmark 1897 1918
6 70 1959 MEYER, William Russia 1886 1907
21 266 9659 MEYEROVITZ, Louise Canada 1906 1907
6 60 1949 MEYERS, George Russia 1883 1899
10 123 3996 MEYERS, Herman Ernest Germany 1878 1885
14 111 5996 MEYERS, Pete (aka MARJANOVIC, Marko) Austria 1890 1908
23 497 10890 MEYERVITZ, Samuel Russia (Poland) 1899 1901
16 255 7140 MICHAELSON, Charles Russia 1879 1903
21 488 9881 MICHAILOFF, Stoion (aka MIKE, Steve) Bulgaria 1877 1910
14 232 6117 MICHALARIOS, Christ Greece 1896 1909
5 173 1564 MICHALOWSKI, John Germany 1882 1905
4 237 1130 MICHELL, George Stano Bulgaria 1890 1906
17 49 7442 MICHELSON, Arthur Norway 1900 1919
10 116 3989 MICHIE, Donald Scotland 1894 1910
9 156 3531 MICHIGAN, Charles Turkey 1885 1901
7 205 2589 MICKELSON, Carl Denmark 1895 1913
14 322 6207 MIDDLEMASS, Thomas Scotland 1883 1909
3 33 428 MIDDLETON, Gordon L. Harwood Canada 1885 1909
9 129 3505 MIDDLETON, Gordon Lorne Harwood Canada 1885 1914
19 29 8422 MIDDLETON, Thomas Henry England 1877 1919
21 123 9516 MIGAS, Anastasios Elia Greece 1896 1913
22 145 10038 MIGNY, Aline Gabrielle France 1899 1919
22 144 10037 MIGNY, George Camille Holland 1891 1916
18 409 8302 MIHALOPOULOS, George Greece 1893 1910
4 499 1391 MIHOFF, Evan Bulgaria 1885 1912
5 453 1844 MIKADO, Hellen Hungary 1861 1899
14 75 5960 MIKALOUSKOS, Gurgis Russia 1867 1888
13 371 5756 MIKE, George Turkey 1875 1914
20 319 9212 MIKE, George (aka MISKA, George) Hungary 1895 1913
21 488 9881 MIKE, Steve (aka MICHAILOFF, Stoion) Bulgaria 1877 1910
16 3 6888 MIKKALSON, Carl Norway 1888 1907
8 172 3051 MIKKELSEN, Miller Mikkael Denmark 1872 1903
9 245 3620 MIKOILOFF, Todor Bulgaria 1888 1914
5 133 1524 MIKOPOULOS, John Petro Greece 1892 1909
9 40 3418 MIKULICH, Carl John Hungary 1894 1910
5 170 1561 MILANO, Domenick Italy 1879 1892
12 439 5314 MILANO, Guiseppe Italy 1883 1911
19 16 8409 MILANOVIC, Rade Austria 1876 1913
20 409 9302 MILANOVIC, Simo (aka MILANOVICH, S.) Austria (Serbia) 1892 1912
20 409 9302 MILANOVICH, Sam (aka MILANOVIC, S.) Austria (Serbia) 1892 1912
23 262 10655 MILANOVICH, Sam Eli Jugoslavia 1892 1912
14 254 6139 MILANUK, Daniel Russia 1898 1904
14 229 6114 MILDENBERGER, Frank Russia 1871 1911
24 156 11049 MILDRED, Sister Mary (aka MULLEN, Sarah) Ireland 1878 1898
22 309 10202 MILEFSKY, Louis (aka MOLOFF, Louis) Russia 1906 1910
9 255 3630 MILES, Joseph Austria 1889 1911
17 153 7546 MILHEN, Oscer Turkey (France) 1897 1919
23 376 10769 MILIOTES, George Basil Greece 1898 1914
21 22 9415 MILITZER, Harry Louis (aka MILZER) Poland 1902 1910
22 43 9936 MILITZER, Rachel (aka MILLER, Ruth) Russia (Poland) 1901 1910
21 243 9636 MILL, Carl Russia 1881 1907
15 455 6840 MILLAN, Francisco Mexico 1900 1916
13 354 5739 MILLER, Adam Russia 1874 1893
17 225 7618 MILLER, Alexander Russia 1884 1913
10 473 4346 MILLER, Andrew Russia 1869 1904
17 395 7788 MILLER, August Emil Denmark 1873 1899
10 236 4109 MILLER, Bernhardt Germany 1858 1882
11 73 4446 MILLER, Charles Robert Austria 1899 1902
11 148 4521 MILLER, David Russia 1896 1913
11 348 4721 MILLER, David Russia 1891 1914
18 250 8143 MILLER, David Russia 1899 1922
16 345 7230 MILLER, Emil Switzerland 1901 1903
11 103 4476 MILLER, Ernest Germany 1888 1902
13 163 5548 MILLER, Frank (aka POTOCKI, Frank) Poland 1883 1904
13 345 5730 MILLER, Frederick Switzerland 1881 1902
8 492 3370 MILLER, Frederick John Austria 1893 1902
9 76 3454 MILLER, George Austria 1882 1906
3 387 781 MILLER, George Bernard Switzerland 1882 1907
5 315 1706 MILLER, Gustav Switzerland 1885 1903
9 401 3774 MILLER, Harry Switzerland 1882 1907
16 438 7331 MILLER, Herman Switzerland 1896 1911
8 34 2915 MILLER, Jacob Russia 1891 1910
18 108 8001 MILLER, Jacob Russia 1877 1905
8 401 3279 MILLER, James Scotland 1884 1917
14 364 6249 MILLER, James Scotland 1891 1913
18 396 8289 MILLER, Jessie Eileen Nova Scotia 1904 1908
19 359 8752 MILLER, Jim (aka NIKOLOFF, Angel) Bulgaria 1889 1914
6 401 2288 MILLER, Johann Georg Russia 1875 1907
17 483 7876 MILLER, John Russia 1893 1913
17 492 7885 MILLER, John Randall Canada 1866 1886
15 400 6785 MILLER, Joseph Russia 1874 1909
14 496 6381 MILLER, Karl Conrad Germany 1868 1894
12 245 5118 MILLER, Ludwig Russia (Poland) 1892 1913
24 123 11016 MILLER, Oscar Walfrid (aka GUSTAVSSON) Sweden 1905 1923
23 426 10819 MILLER, Pete Denmark 1900 1923
9 455 3828 MILLER, Peter Netherlands 1884 1910
13 151 5536 MILLER, Peter Russia 1895 1912
13 391 5776 MILLER, Peter H. Russia 1893 1912
7 465 2849 MILLER, Philip Russia 1886 1906
3 342 736 MILLER, Robert Charles Canada 1878 1906
12 285 5158 MILLER, Rudolph Switzerland 1897 1902
22 43 9936 MILLER, Ruth (aka MILITZER, Rachel) Russia (Poland) 1901 1910
8 426 3304 MILLER, Samuel Russia 1887 1904
10 129 4002 MILLER, Samuel Austria 1882 1900
16 108 6993 MILLER, Samuel Poland 1891 1912
16 16 6901 MILLER, Walter Hungary 1902 1911
7 401 2785 MILLER, William Ireland 1886 1905
13 340 5725 MILLET, Joseph Italy 1875 1919
3 204 598 MILLOY, Richard Ireland 1856 1899
9 346 3720 MILLS, Henry Edward England 1891 1914
5 341 1732 MILLUCK, Michael Felix Russia 1884 1905
8 243 3122 MILNE, Alexander Scotland 1886 1912
4 460 1352 MILNE, Charles Scotland 1877 1903
10 146 4019 MILNE, William Scotland 1875 1901
23 356 10749 MILNER, Aubrey Canada 1880 1904
17 61 7454 MILOBARA, Nikola Austria 1890 1906
18 77 7970 MILONAS, Constantine Demetrios Greece 1897 1914
20 13 8906 MILONAS, Sam Greece 1898 1916
22 16 9909 MILSTEIN, Eli (aka STONE, Eli) England 1906 1908
22 15 9908 MILSTEIN, Jacob (aka STONE, Isaac) Russia 1881 1907
7 409 2793 MILSTEIN, Samuel Russia 1879 1905
17 480 7873 MILUK, Carlo Austria 1896 1913
21 22 9415 MILZER, Harry Louis (aka MILITZER) Poland 1902 1910
21 161 9554 MILZER, Jake Poland 1894 1913
10 483 4356 MILZER, Louis Russia 1895 1910
21 362 9755 MILZER, Max Poland 1892 1911
12 311 5186 MINCHEFF, George Bulgaria 1884 1914
12 482 5357 MINCHEFF, Tony Bulgaria 1892 1911
12 394 5269 MINEFF, Peter Bulgaria 1889 1912
22 497 10390 MINEFF, Peter Bulgaria 1889 1912
10 139 4012 MINGO, Arthur Jefferson Canada 1883 1909
6 10 1899 MINKA, Konrad Germany 1890 1911
23 187 10580 MINNA, John Battista Italy 1905 1912
18 323 8216 MINOPETROS, Nicholas Apostolos Greece 1888 1911
18 10 7903 MIODEK, Joseph Isaac Poland 1903 1921
12 385 5260 MIRCI, Paul Italy 1885 1907
19 283 8676 MIRKIN, William Russia 1887 1907
17 349 7742 MIRON, Katie Russia 1866 1907
20 319 9212 MISKA, George (aka MIKE, George) Hungary 1895 1913
19 479 8872 MISKOL, Mike Poland 1886 1906
19 293 8686 MISSELWITZ, Paul Karl Germany 1894 1914
3 125 519 MITCHEL, John Austria 1884 1906
9 163 3538 MITCHELL, Andrew Canada 1881 1906
11 233 4606 MITCHELL, Andrew Bulgaria 1884 1913
5 279 1670 MITCHELL, George Henry England 1850 1879
12 91 4964 MITCHELL, John Kerr Ireland 1882 1911
10 84 3957 MITCHELL, Mary Eva Canada 1880 1897
16 249 7134 MITCHELL, Mike Greece 1888 1910
8 78 2958 MITCHELL, Minnie England 1881 1904
22 262 10155 MITCHELL, William Bowey Scotland 1897 1912
15 216 6601 MITCHELL, William McPherson Scotland 1893 1920
12 381 5256 MITCOFF, Tony Bulgaria 1889 1911
18 427 8320 MITILINIOS, George Evagelou Turkey 1883 1910
18 441 8334 MITROTHANOSIS, George Stauro Greece 1893 1921
17 469 7862 MITSOPULOS, Nick Greece 1900 1916
18 214 8107 MITTELMANN, Louis Hungary 1899 1921
7 373 2757 MITTER, Monoranjan India 1879 1907
4 417 1309 MIYATOVITCH, Alexander Lazarus Turkey 1889 1911
3 478 872 MLINARICS, Vincze Hungary 1870 1903
9 223 3598 MLINARITS, Stephen Hungary 1884 1914
13 45 5430 MLODNOFF, Sam Bulgaria 1872 1914
15 366 6751 MOAL, Joseph Canada 1902 1919
18 92 7985 MODEREGGER, August Otto Robert Germany 1888 1909
6 353 2241 MODIC, Johan Austria 1888 1905
24 119 11012 MODIC, Johan Yugoslavia 1888 1905
11 206 4579 MOERLIN, Julius Germany 1854 1887
7 435 2819 MOERLIN, Willie George Julius Germany 1886 1887
6 440 2327 MOGILNER, Henry Russia 1884 1904
19 370 8763 MOGILNER, Henry Russia 1884 1904
7 90 2474 MOHR, Abraham Jacob Austria 1891 1914
11 211 4584 MOHR, Alexander Russia 1880 1906
14 320 6205 MOHR, Henry Russia 1895 1913
20 428 9321 MOHR, Henry Phillip Russia 1896 1900
11 464 4837 MOHR, John Russia 1899 1912
14 152 6037 MOHR, Joseph Austria 1877 1906
24 41 10934 MOHR, Joseph Czechoslovakia 1877 1906
14 378 6263 MOHR, Peter Russia 1900 1910
19 451 8844 MOLGARD, Thyra Marie Denmark 1903 1921
3 92 486 MOLHOLM, Ane Marie Denmark 1831 1903
13 467 5852 MOLITOR, Albert Germany 1866 1907
5 78 1469 MOLKENTHIN, William Erick Germany 1881 1906
23 201 10594 MOLLARD, Valerie France 1866 1919
23 65 10458 MOLLENDOR, Adam Joseph Russia 1905 1913
22 490 10383 MOLLER, Fermine Denmark 1870 1912
13 271 5656 MOLLICONE, Angelo Italy 1864 1888
20 171 9064 MOLLOT, Cecilia Bertha Canada 1901 1914
15 426 6811 MOLLOTT, Octave Victor Marius France 1864 1915
22 309 10202 MOLOFF, Louis (aka MILEFSKY, Louis) Russia 1906 1910
15 329 6714 MOLOY, Jeronimo Spain 1900 1917
9 28 3406 MONASEK, Frank Austria 1896 1909
12 169 5042 MONCUSO, Louis Italy 1875 1903
13 159 5544 MONDICH, Anton Austria 1883 1908
17 471 7864 MONEAU, Arthur Sweden 1901 1911
7 142 2526 MONICO, Giuseppe Italy 1873 1901
7 83 2467 MONICO, Vincent Italy 1871 1900
6 245 2134 MONNET, Louis, Jr. Italy 1894 1910
21 321 9714 MONNICH, Johann Germany 1895 1923
12 378 5253 MONOFF, Steve Bulgaria 1880 1907
17 439 7832 MONOS, Gust Denny Greece 1898 1920
15 140 6525 MONOYIOS, Steve Greece 1881 1906
23 493 10886 MONSEN, Leon Norway 1898 1928
9 142 3517 MONSON, Hjalman Josef Sweden 1892 1913
7 25 2411 MONSON, John Sweden 1886 1910
11 83 4456 MONSON, Swan Magni Sweden 1879 1899
14 379 6264 MONTANES, Felipe Mexico 1901 1915
15 151 6536 MONTANEZ, Gueneabelo Mexico 1884 1910
9 437 3810 MONTES, Antonio Garcia Spain 1887 1912
20 223 9116 MOODY, Thomas James Ireland 1872 1893
9 41 3419 MOOL, August Germany 1884 1912
16 434 7327 MOORE, Andrew Leslie Ireland 1896 1921
10 198 4071 MORAHAN, Michael Joseph Morgan Ireland 1881 1910
22 153 10046 MORALES, Carman Mexico 1900 1912
11 482 4855 MORALES, Juan Mexico 1872 1899
17 415 7808 MORALES, Margarito Mexico 1892 1910
14 170 6055 MORAN, Kieran Ireland 1869 1888
24 45 10938 MORAN, Peter Joseph Ireland 1907 1929
12 188 5061 MORATECH, Stephen Austria 1898 1908
17 442 7835 MORATES, Pete Greece 1879 1911
7 112 2496 MORAWEK, Henry Joseph Austria 1895 1912
2 137 234 MORAWITZ, Louis Raymond Hungary 1868 1894
18 86 7979 MOREAUX, Salome Fink Alsace Loraine 1874 1897
10 66 3939 MORELL, Adolph Anderson Sweden 1870 1892
17 180 7573 MORELLI, Emmanuele Italy 1894 1919
21 138 9531 MORENA, Tony Mexico 1900 1912
13 15 5400 MORENO, Henry Mexico 1882 1898
24 7 10900 MORENO, Manuel Cuba 1899 1920
21 272 9665 MORESI, Pierre Angelo Switzerland 1899 1920
23 483 10876 MOREY, John Ireland 1908 1928
21 115 9508 MORGAN, Annie Russia 1880 1900
6 288 2176 MORGAN, William England 1874 1883
8 205 3084 MORGANTI, Umberto Italy 1880 1907
16 12 6897 MORGEN, Henry Roumania 1879 1900
11 487 4860 MORGHEIM, Fred Russia 1883 1912
7 432 2816 MORGULSKE, Joseph Russia 1890 1909
19 5 8398 MORK, Andrew Howard Norway 1884 1906
10 467 4340 MORK, Arne Norway 1875 1905
21 385 9778 MORK, Arne Norway 1875 1905
24 58 10951 MORO, Nicolois (aka HERNANDES, N. M.) Spain 1893 1920
16 465 7358 MOROZ, Alexander Russia 1894 1913
3 127 521 MORRELL, Jane Jeffery Scotland 1870 1900
10 407 4280 MORRESON, Peter Denmark 1871 1887
15 454 6839 MORRIS, Andrew Joseph Ireland 1881 1909
9 444 3817 MORRIS, Charles Joseph Russia 1892 1910
6 23 1912 MORRIS, Edward Alfred England 1878 1907
16 30 6915 MORRIS, Griffith Wales 1879 1909
20 182 9075 MORRIS, James Frederick England 1870 1888
19 372 8765 MORRIS, Joseph Hyman Scotland 1896 1899
15 226 6611 MORRIS, Simon Russia 1893 1904
5 434 1825 MORRISON, Francis Oscar Sweden 1887 1907
20 76 8969 MORRISON, John Scotland 1867 1923
5 326 1717 MORRISON, John Martin Sweden 1885 1909
3 26 421 MORRISSEY, John Ireland 1874 1908
3 227 621 MORTENSEN, Christian Lorento Denmark 1883 1902
9 66 3444 MORTENSEN, Martin Nielsen Denmark 1869 1885
19 335 8728 MORTENSON, Bernhard Sweden 1904 1923
22 194 10087 MORTENSON, Hjalmar Sweden 1904 1925
2 251 346 MORTON, Frank Harcourt England 1886 1907
14 30 5915 MORU, Joseph Italy 1880 1890
21 438 9831 MOSCHETTI, Louis Italy 1884 1905
13 390 5775 MOSEL, August Germany 1872 1913
15 405 6790 MOSER, Peter Joseph Austria 1895 1907
12 55 4928 MOSEY, Latoff Syria 1882 1913
24 16 10909 MOSKEDAL, Ommund Agust Norway 1903 1928
15 387 6772 MOSKO, Jacob Poland 1867 1907
15 388 6773 MOSKO, Louis Poland 1900 1907
23 409 10802 MOSKO, Louis (aka MOSKOWITZ, Louis) Poland 1900 1907
22 269 10162 MOSKO, Max (aka MOSKOWITZ, Max) Russia (Poland) 1905 1908
15 382 6767 MOSKO, Reuben Poland 1896 1907
23 409 10802 MOSKOWITZ, Louis (aka MOSKO, Louis) Poland 1900 1907
22 269 10162 MOSKOWITZ, Max (aka MOSKO, Max) Russia (Poland) 1905 1908
12 95 4968 MOSMAN, Lorenc Russia 1886 1910
18 412 8305 MOSOLIOTIS, Jame Greece 1877 1903
12 444 5319 MOSSONI, Apolonia Italy 1875 1907
3 408 802 MOSTINSKY, Abraham Russia 1866 1888
20 303 9196 MOTEL, Lew Eli (aka Levine, Alex) Poland 1892 1920
7 473 2856 MOTH-BORGLUND, Alex Emanuel Denmark 1886 1906
13 327 5712 MOTIS, Michele Greece 1889 1909
10 382 4255 MOTTOLO, Antonio Italy 1885 1888
8 258 3137 MOUMOURIS, Paul James Turkey 1892 1914
3 261 655 MOUNTJOY, Frederick Earnest Canada 1870 1889
6 432 2319 MOUNTNEY, Frederick England 1862 1890
21 31 9424 MOURIZ, Jose Romeo Spain 1874 1915
7 262 - MOUTSOS, Manuel Volacis (Cancelled) Greece 1890  
9 119 3496 MOVRICH, George Austria 1884 1905
13 364 5749 MOYES, Cecil John Canada 1883 1903
7 100 2484 MOYLAN, Edward Ireland 1891 1913
11 386 4759 MOYNIHAN, Paul Joseph Ireland 1888 1917
19 195 8588 MOZER, Aron Russia 1869 1923
22 41 9934 MOZER, Borah Russia 1905 1921
21 409 9802 MOZER, Charles Russia 1866 1904
18 20 7913 MOZER, Herman Russia 1880 1921
17 485 7878 MOZER, Max Louis Russia 1899 1921
3 226 620 MOZER, Nathan Russia 1889 1906
20 94 8987 MOZER, Samuel Aron Russia 1906 1923
22 368 10261 MRAK, Andrew Austria (Yugo.) 1858 1908
15 105 6490 MRDORLL, Milo Austria 1883 1903
17 122 7515 MRVOSH, Benny Austria 1896 1913
9 247 3622 MSTO, George Turkey 1893 1914
22 420 10313 MUCILLI, Ernino (aka Ernest) Italy 1903 1921
4 158 1052 MUEHLBAUER, Paul Germany 1880 1910
15 112 6497 MUEHLBAUER, Paul Germany 1887 1910
13 459 5844 MUELLER, Charles Switzerland 1890 1907
4 368 1260 MUENCH, August Otto Switzerland 1877 1911
16 353 7238 MUGGLESTONE, Margaret England 1879 1914
17 383 7776 MUHLE, Mary Josephine Germany 1868 1901
19 193 8586 MUIA, Francesco Italy 1890 1923
22 40 9933 MUIR, Duncan McFarlane Scotland 1886 1923
9 358 3731 MUIR, William Scotland 1885 1912
23 222 10615 MULARKY, Roger Ireland 1872 1906
16 58 6943 MULCAHY, John Ireland 1880 1910
11 135 4508 MULCAHY, Patrick Ireland 1872 1900
15 344 6729 MULCRONE, Sarah Ireland 1878 1897
16 333 7218 MULDER, John Holland 1890 1913
4 401 1293 MULFAUL, John Francis Ireland 1881 1906
5 72 1463 MULLANEY, Denis Ireland 1890 1907
11 415 4788 MULLEN, Martha Canada 1875 1908
24 156 11049 MULLEN, Sarah (aka Sister Mildred Mary) Ireland 1878 1898
21 199 9592 MULLER, August Frederick Germany 1898 1924
4 284 1177 MULLER, Francis Germany 1886 1891
4 200 1094 MULLER, Henry Austria 1883 1910
15 137 6522 MULLER, Joseph Bela Austria 1875 1909
8 453 3331 MULLER, Modestus Germany 1885 1908
8 271 3150 MULLER, William Germany 1871 1893
11 207 4580 MULLIGAN, Michael Ireland 1875 1907
15 252 6637 MULLIGAN, Owen Ireland 1857 1878
3 23 418 MULLING, Leon Germany 1872 1888
10 165 4038 MULLING, Leon Germany 1872 1888
5 209 1600 MULLIS, John England 1885 1905
15 260 6645 MULLIS, John England 1885 1905
11 164 4537 MUNDKOWSKI, Hans Prussia 1893 1909
4 345 1238 MUNKEL, Ernst August Germany 1880 1908
22 119 10012 MUNOZ, Manuel Garcia Spain 1879 1913
2 56 153 MUNROE, Edward Finley Canada 1879 1899
15 133 6518 MUNSON, Ernest Sweden 1890 1910
4 259 1152 MUNSON, Swan Magnus Sweden 1888 1907
14 317 6202 MUNSON, Swan Magnus Sweden 1888 1907
20 58 8951 MUNTEAN, Ilie Rumania 1896 1914
3 449 843 MUNTIAN, Nickolau Hungary 1888 1905
19 327 8720 MUNZ, Gottfried Germany 1864 1914
7 246 2630 MURI, Frederick Switzerland 1881 1901
21 275 9668 MURI, Fredrich Switzerland 1881 1901
23 445 10838 MURKE, Marie Charlotte Germany 1870 1921
21 120 9513 MURNANE, John Joseph Ireland 1887 1924
13 287 5672 MURPHY, Charles Scotland 1871 1885
9 159 3534 MURPHY, Daniel Joseph England 1889 1911
12 27 4900 MURPHY, Elizabeth Ireland 1865 1884
20 388 9281 MURPHY, Hannah May Ireland 1872 1886
23 208 10601 MURPHY, James Ireland 1909 1927
2 148 245 MURPHY, Katherine Mary Ireland 1874 1888
20 455 9348 MURPHY, Margaret Jane Ireland 1884 1909
7 30 2416 MURPHY, Michael Anthony England 1890 1892
17 117 7510 MURPHY, Patrick Scotland 1889 1920
21 297 9690 MURPHY, Patrick Edward Ireland 1887 1908
18 325 8218 MURPHY, Thomas Ireland 1850 1873
8 402 3280 MURPHY, Timothy Patrick Ireland 1873 1913
5 163 1554 MURPHY, William LaCouse Ireland 1879 1910
23 28 10421 MURRAY, James Edward Canada 1872 1889
2 258 353 MURRAY, John Ireland 1876 1907
10 183 4056 MURRAY, John Thomas England 1898 1906
23 76 10469 MURRAY, Mary Ireland 1904 1926
10 174 4047 MURRAY, Thomas Joseph England 1876 1906
15 277 6662 MURZA, Earl Roumania 1900 1914
22 313 10206 MUSELMAN, Henry Edward Germany 1871 1884
11 210 4583 MUSTARI, Joseph Italy 1890 1908
4 260 1153 MUSZKA, Paul Hungary 1875 1907
21 418 9811 MUSZKA, Paul Hungary(Rumania) 1875 1907
5 233 1624 MUTASCIO, Carmine Italy 1891 1901
3 65 459 MUZIKA, Bohumil Austria 1883 1903
19 30 8423 MUZNIK, Minni Lithuania 1891 1913
8 168 3047 MYATT, William Lawrence England 1884 1891
2 265 360 MYERS, James England 1878 1890
12 28 4901 MYHRE, Thomas (Tollef) Norway 1888 1917


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