Foothills Genealogical Society - Research - Jefferson County - School Census 1921-1925
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Jefferson County - School Census 1921-1925

District One - Golden - Volume III

1921-1925 | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This index was extracted from copies of the original school census books provided by the Jefferson County Records Management and Archives. These census records list District One which encompasses the city of Golden, Colorado.

Names and age of the students are indexed with the years that the student attended a Golden District One school. The names and spellings that were given on the census have been used for the transcriptions in the index. Variations of spelling as well as various day, month and year for birth dates are retained.

1.  This census blank is for use in districts having a school population of 400 to 1,500 persons.
2.  Sections 97 and 115 of the School Laws Annotated, 1912, should be carefully consulted for directions. The age on last birthday prior to February 10th •••should be given.
3.  Place names of boys on left-hand page and those of girls on right-hand page in alphabetical order.
4.  The names of all persons between the ages of six (6) and twenty-one (21) years should be given. In districts below first class, under residence, enter •••name of parent or guardian and postoffice address. Enter on separate list in back of the book each deaf mute or blind child between the ages of four (4) •••and twenty-two (22) years, with name and post office address of each parent or guardian.
5.  In calculating the numbers between 6 and 21, 8 and 14, the first number only in each case is to be included.
6. Students in a private or public institution, whose parents are not residences of the district in which such institution is located, should not be included in the •••census of that district.
7.  The person taking the school census is directed to require each parent or guardian to subscribe or to take oath that such record is correct.

Foothills Genealogical Society appreciates all the help received from the Jefferson County Records Management and Archives personnel. Without their assistance this compilation would have been difficult to accomplish. The original school census records are located at Jefferson County Records Management and Archives, 3500 Illinois St., Suite 2350, Golden, CO 80401.


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