Robert Chute has been erroneously identified in numerous sources as "Sargeant at Law and baron of the Exchequer in time of Henry VI.". In fact, that post was held by Robert SHUTE, not Chute, and it is all the more surprising that no one caught the error - intentional or not - until this generation of Chute Family researchers. From the Dictionary of National Biography:
"Robert Shute (b. Abt. 1535, d. 1590) probably matriculated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, in 1542, although it is possible that he attended Christ's College instead. He studied at Grey's Inn beginning in 1550 and was called to the bar two years later. He would remain connected to both Peterhouse and Grey's Inn for many years. He was the Lent reader at Grey's Inn in 1568, Treasurer in 1577 and also double reader that year.
In 1558 he was elected recorder of Cambridge, but the Queen "expressed the wish" that George Freville, appointed a baron of the Exchequer, retain that post. Nonetheless the corporation of Cambridge asked her to confirm their choice and she did so. When Shute was elevated to the bench in 1579, however, Queen Elizabeth I commanded that he retain the post of recorder for life. When the Queen visited Cambridge in 1664, it was Shute who delivered the welcoming speech. One of his most important tasks as recorder was keeping the peace between the town and the university, no easy job.
He served in Parliament, representing Cambridge in the Parliaments of 1571 and 1572. The latter Parliament sat until 1581.
Shute was elevated to the bench as Second Baron of the Exchequer in 1579. His patent required that "he shall be reputed, and be of the same order, rank, estimation, dignity and pre-eminence, to all intents and purposes, as any puisne judge of either of the two other courts." In 1586 he was elevated again, this time to be a judge on the Queen's Bench. He also often served as an assize judge."
Of more immediate concern to the Chute family was whether or not there was "Robert CHUTE", whose occupation was misidentified as the one rightly belonging to Robert SHUTE, or if Robert SHUTE was mistakenly assigned to the CHUTE family and there was no Robert CHUTE in this generation. Any Robert Chute identified should be carefully compared against biographies of Robert SHUTE to avoid perpetuating the error. For example, the date of 1435 associated with Robert CHUTE does not immediately coincide with any dates recorded for either Robert SHUTE - as he was born long after this date - or with King Henry VI (6 December 1421 � 21 May 1471), so there may in fact have been a document or other date associated with a genuine Robert CHUTE. It may also be associated with the Robert Chute who was the son of Henry Chute. Further research is needed on this issue.
"Henry, ab. 1420; m Joane, da. of Edward Baskerville.
9. i. Robert, Esq., of Taunton, 1438, son of Henry, m. Alice, da. of Morrice Barkley, Esq.
ii. Anne, m. Sir John Scutley, Kt.
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 9.
"Henry8 had issue, Robert9 of Taunton, who m. Alice, dau. of Mark Bartley [Barkley], Esq.; and Anna9 who m. John Stanley [Scutley]."
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
"Robert Chute. This gentleman m. in 1438 Alice, daughter of Maurice Berkeley and was s. by his son Charles Chute."
Source: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Entry: "Wiggett-Chute of the Vine". Pages 632-634
"Henry, ab. 1420; m Joane, da. of Edward Baskerville.
9. i. Robert, Esq., of Taunton, 1438, son of Henry, m. Alice, da. of Morrice Barkley, Esq.
ii. Anne, m. Sir John Scutley, Kt.
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 9.
"Henry8 had issue, Robert9 of Taunton, who m. Alice, dau. of Mark Bartley [Barkley], Esq.; and Anna9 who m. John Stanley [Scutley]."
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
" ...Henry Chute who m. Joane, daughter of Edward Baskerville; and had a daughter Anne, the wife of Sir John Scutley, knt., and a son and heir, Robert Chute."
Source: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
"Chute, Choute, or Chowt, grandson of Edmond, married a daughter of John Crispe of the Isle of Thanet, and was father of PHILIP CHUTE or CHOUTE."
Source: "The Chutes of Bethersden, Appledore and Hinxhill", by the Reverend A.J. Pearman, M.A., Archaeologia Cantiana, Kent Archaeological Society, footnote, Volume XVIII, 1889, Printed for the Society by Mitchell & Hughes, Oxford Street, London. Page 56
"...Charles Chute, esq. who m. a daughter of John Crippes of the Isle of Thanet and had two sons ..."
Source: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
And once again, winning the "Did They Get Anything Right?" Award:
"Charles m. the dau. of John Crips of the Isle of Guernsey"
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
It is not known if these records are referring to Christopher Chute, son of Anthony Chute, or to another Christopher Chute altogether. Obviously the records share a smiliar time frame, and the grant of the church advowson coincides with the family record of Christopher's association with Dorsetshire, while the second appears to refer to, according to James H. Force, a "con man", or at least an arrest record which would hardly endear the second Christopher Chute to the crown, unless there are additional details to this incident not reported in the article. That he was arrested in Kent does not prove he lived there; and not enough to definitely conclude that they are not the same person. More research is needed.
"Advowson: The first recorded presentation, by Thomas de Astley of his brother Philip, is undated, but occurred before 1265, when Thomas was killed at the battle of Evesham. (fn. 65) In 1343 the church was appropriated to the college of Astley, (fn. 66) newly founded by the senior branch of the family, and a vicarage was ordained in 1346. (fn. 67) The advowson, like the other properties of this college, was in 1546 granted to Henry, Marquess of Dorset, and Frances his wife, (fn. 68) and was in possession of the latter at her death in 1559. (fn. 69) It then passed to the Marquess of Hertford, husband of her second daughter, who presented in 1565. (fn. 70) Probably owing to the validity of this marriage being questioned the patronage reverted to the Crown, and was granted in 1577�8 to Christopher Chute for 21 years, (fn. 71) and renewed to the same in 1589�90. (fn. 72)
Church being Referenced: The church of ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST stands on a slight eminence in the north-east of the parish, some distance from the two principal centres of population. It consists of a chancel, nave, north and south aisles, south porch, and west tower.
Source: From: 'Parishes: Hillmorton', A History of the County of Warwick: Volume 6: Knightlow hundred (1951), pp. 108-114.
Date accessed: 19 August 2010.
List of Footnotes [fn. 71- fn. 72)
71 Pat. 20 Eliz. pt. 2.
72 Ibid. 32 Eliz. pt. 2.
"Naturally, con men sought to take advantage of the confusing muster system just as they did in the case of the overlapping and unsupervised powers of arrest. An order of arrest was sent to Kent in 1573 concerning a certain Edward Chester and a certain Christopher Chute, both of whom were collecting money and taking advantage of free hospitality by pretending "to have the leading of soldiors"."
Source: 'Using and Abusing Delegated Power in Elizabethan England', Force, James H. Quidditas: Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Volume 24, 2003. ISSN: 195-8453. Editor Sharon A. Beehler, Department of English, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Pages 101-114.Anthony8 m. the dau. of Sir John Clifton, and had Christopher9 of Hertfordshire, who m. the dau. of Richard Wellgrave, Esq.
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
Christopher Chute does not appear in the A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I.
"Robert12 m. Jane Lucas, dau. of John L."
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
"Robert Chute who m. Jane, daughter of John Lucas and had a son ..."
Source: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
13. i. Oliver, m. da. of Redd, of Kent."
Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 9.
"Oliver13 m. the dau. of Relide." I cannot determine the source of "Relide" It appears in no other source thus far.
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
Oliver Chute does not appear in the A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
13. iii. Lyonell, m. da. of John Butler."
Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 9.
Lyonell Chute does not appear in either the The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families or in A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
13. iv. William, m. da. of John Badlesmere, of Tonbridge."
Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Page 9.
"William13 m. the dau. of John Braddelson of Turbridge."
Source: The Heraldic Register Recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families, page 142
William Chute does not appear in A Genealogical and Heraldic History of Great Britain and Ireland, Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank But Uninvested with Heritable Honors, John Burke, Esq., Volume I. Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley, New Burlington Street, London. 1833. Pages 632-634
"My family lived in first South Stoughton where my brother Walter Frederick and my sister Alice Eliza were born. I was born while my mother was on a visit to her grandmother in Nova Scotia. My brother's birthdate is Nov. 16, 1885, my sister's Dec. 19, 1888 and mine Sept. 14, 1892. From So. Stoughton, Mass. we moved to North Stoughton and then Stoughton, where we all went to school, and lived until grown. My father passed away Nov. 17, 1928, and my mother on Dec. 16, 1943. Neither my sister nor I have any descendents. She is married to George E. Cooley and lives in New Port, Richey, Florida. My brother has two daughters. The first one Margaret Louise born in Melrose, Mass. I'll have to get the exact date when I see him.
She now lives at 101 Harvard St., Newton, Mass. and is still unmarried. Her mother was Ethel Wales, postmaster's daughter of Stoughton, Mass. Divorced and death about six years ago. Then he married Eloise Breed (Breed's of Bunker Hill) and they have one daughter Alice Jane born [Private]."
Source: Letter from Lois Gertrude Edwards Fullwiler, daughter of Eliza Annes Chute Edwards, to George M. Chute, Jr., dated Sept. 13, 1950
"My brother has two daughters. The first one Margaret Louise born in Melrose, Mass. I'll have to get the exact date when I see him. She now lives at 101 Harvard St., Newton, Mass. and is still unmarried. Her mother was Ethel Wales, postmaster's daughter of Stoughton, Mass. Divorced and death about six years ago. Then he married Eloise Breed (Breed's of Bunker Hill) and they have one daughter Alice Jane born [Private]."
Source: Letter from Lois Gertrude Edwards Fullwiler, daughter of Eliza Annes Chute Edwards, to George M. Chute, Jr., dated Sept. 13, 1950
"Chute, Cecilla M., 45, of Friendly, passed away on May 9, 1972 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Parkersburg following a long illness. She was born in New York City, June 22, 1926, daughter of Charles and Ella Mae Town Bonekoskey. She was a member of the United Pentecostal Church. Her husband, Albert Chute survives with four daughters, Mrs. Cynthia Talbott of Nashville, TN, Mrs. Barbara Nolan of Swanton, OH, Mrs. Ella Mae Gordon of Canton, OH, and Mrs. Virginia Hartley of Sistersville; three brothers, Carl of Ellenhart, Long Island, NY, Alfred of Woodhaven, Long Island, and Sidney of New York City; one half-brother, Theodore McLoughlin in New Jersey; and six grandchildren. One sister preceded her in death. Burial was behind the house in the field."
It appears that Wade Chute was actually the son of Charles Edward Chute and Thepzilah Reed Chute.
"Abraham Chute was Charles's dad. Charles [had] taken Hepzilah home to meet Abraham and Abraham kept her there and ran Charles off and then married Hapzilah because she was carrying Charles' baby. Abraham was 60 years old then. I dont know how old Hepzilah was when she married Abraham."
[Jackie's note: I responded that I had located a Thomas B. Reed family in the 1900 census, based in Union, Mason, West Virginia, with a daughter Thepzilah A Reed, aged 2, giving her an estimated birth year of 1898.] Dorothy replied,"You found the right family. Thepzilah was the one that married Abraham Chute. She was only 14 years old when she got [pregnant], and Abraham was 38 years older than she was, and she was born in 1898. Franklin David Smith was born [Private]. My name is Dorothy Ann (Boyer) Smith. We were married [Private]. We have two daughters: Elizabeth Sueann (Smith) Sheppard, born [Private]. She married Matthew C. Sheppard on [Private]. [They have] one son, Timothy C. Sheppard, born [Private]. Our other daughter is Jasmine Desirrea Smith, born [Private]. Franklin's Mom was Nettie Elizabeth Virginia Chute 2/6/1918. She married Charles Burl Smith 6/27/1907. They had another son Charles James, born 1951 and died 1951."
Source: E-Mail correspondence between Dorothy Ann (Boyer) Smith and Jacqueline Chute, May, 2008.
I am sorry we didn't answer sooner, but we have been very busy through the holidays. My wife clerks in a dress shop all day and my son is on the police force. I am home only on weekends.
I cannot give you very much information about the Chutes as I was raised with a minister's family1. I was about a year old when I was placed in this family. We would like to read the book if possible.
There is an Andrew Chute who lives here in Yakima, he's from Blue Earth, Minnesota - an old man - he seems to think he was related somewhere along the line; says he read one of the books.
Thank you very much for writing us - hope we have been of some help.
Sincerely,"I was trying to find some info on my cousin George Chute that died in 1981 at sea and came across Cathy Chute, Greenport, Long Island, NY. Cathy Chute is also deceased now for a few years. Her maiden name was Gentile. She was married to James Chute, George�s older brother. She was employee of Colonial Drugs, Greenport, NY."
Source: E-Mail from Christina Barksdale to Jacqueline Chute, "Missing Chutes and UFO'S", Wed 9/08/10 2:56 PM
"This family of Chutes are related to me that originated in New London, I know them pretty well. Great Uncle Walter (Chutey), passed away when I was about 11 yrs old, about 38 yrs ago. My mom told me that Uncle Chutey was in the Navy at one time. I am from Great Aunt Sophie's side of the family (my Grandma Helen's sister.) Sophie was a Twardowski before marrying Chutey. Can't remember exactly when she passed away. I want to say about 15 yrs ago. They had four sons, Walter Richard Chute,(married Sandy Midgley, divorced) James Chute,(married Cathy Gentile - deceased) George A. Chute (deceased - never married) and Joseph M. Chute,(married to Jeanne Annison). I lived with Aunt Sophie, George and Joe for a bit during my teen years in Greenport, Long Island, NY. George was not in the military. He was on a fishing trolley boat and something went bad one evening and we were told he jumped overboard. There was an investigation and we heard all kinds of diff. stories and the family gave up after a while trying to find out what happened. Really couldn't afford to investigate at the time. The boat was called the Elizabeth Ashley and owned by Charlie Rose. My cousin George left behind a daughter named Shannon, she was under a yr. old I'm pretty sure. George was supposed to get married to Michelle Ekheart when he returned home from the boat."
Source: E-Mail from Christina Barksdale to Jacqueline Chute, "Missing Chutes and UFO'S", Thu 9/09/10 2:12 PM
"Catherine Ann Chute, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer H. Chute Jr. of Garden City, L.I., was married yesterday to Hull Platt Fulweiler, a son of Mrs. Spencer B. Fulweiler of New York and the late Mr. Fulweiler. The Very Rev. Robert Wilshire, the Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, performed the ceremony there. Ms. Chute is keeping her name. She is the director of marketing and new business development for NYT Custom Publishing, a division of The New York Times Company in New York. She graduated from Princeton University and received a master's degree in public and private management from Yale University. Her father is a senior vice president at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Mr. Fulweiler is the designer for Xip Sailboats in Norwalk, Conn. He graduated from the University of Virginia. His mother, Patricia Fulweiler, is the president of the Youth Foundation in New York. His father retired as the director of control at Berkey Photo Service in New York. The bridegroom's maternal grandfather, the late Haviland Hull Platt, was a designer of the XR-1, the first experimental United States Army helicopter."
The New York Times, September 29, 1996
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"Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chute of R1 Brantford will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary April 1 at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chute, R7 Brantford. A family reunion is scheduled for the afternoon and open house will be held from seven to 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Chute were married April 4, 1917 in Dauphin Plains, Man., Rev. Robert E. Spence officiated. They lived in Regina, Saskatchewan until 1943 when they moved to Brantford and took up residence at 804 Colborne Street. They moved to their present home (R1, Brantford) on Mr. Chute's retirement in 1959 from Cockshutt Farm Equipment.
During his 31 years with the company, Mr. Chute traveled to the Middle East, Cuba, South America, Mexico, Australia and other countries as field representative introducing new farm machinery. He still enjoys working with farm machinery and gardens in his leisure time.
Mrs. Chute was born in North Dakota and at the age of three migrated with her family to Canada in covered wagons to settle in Dauphin, Man. She now enjoys crocheting, cooking and home decorating as pastimes.
Born in South Dakota, Mr. Chute was one year old when his family migrated to Canada, also by covered wagon, and settled at Sheho, Sask. The family homesteaded near Yorkton, Sask, and later, moving by covered sleigh, reached Dauphin Plains, Man. on Christmas Day, 1894.
Mrs and Mrs Chute are members of Evangel Pentecostal Church."
[Source: Announcement of the Fiftieth wedding anniversary of Stanley and Muriel Chute. Date: Friday, March 17, 1967, Brantford news source not recorded. Possibly the Brantford Expositor or Brantford Daily?].
A Trip West, written by a member of the Milton Chute Family, dated sometime after 1965, probably 1967. Author unknown.
The Milton Chute family of Brantford Ontario traveled by car and camped with a tent trailer on a trip to western Canada in 1965.
The first place they visited was Milt�s birth place, Dauphin Manitoba where they stayed with Lawrence and Grace Chute on their large well cared for farm. From there they visited Aunt Stella and Uncle Isaac Johnston. Isaac was a past mayor of Dauphin and a prominent lawyer.
A family picnic was arranged for them at Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park where they met more of Fred and Louise Chute�s family. Lawrence�s brothers Elgin and wife Maxine and Clifford and wife Peggy and their families. They also visited Ted and Annie Chute.
Before they left Dauphin they went to see Stan Chute�s old farm house which had been moved about two miles from the original site which Elgin and Maxine Chute built a new house on. Stan and Muriel Chute�s three sons, Delbert, Milton, and Clinton were born in this house.
From Dauphin they went to Regina to see the three story house that Stan Chute family lived in from 1930-1943 when they moved to Brantford. Stan was transferred from Cockshutt Plow in Regina to the Brantford office. The house was so big there were over eighty windows in it, which Milt remembers the ordeal of cleaning. The family rented out suites to help with expenses during the depression days. Milt also tells of those terrible days of rioting and uprising of transients in Regina in protest of the government for no jobs and no food.
These men rode the rails across Canada looking vainly for jobs. They were from all walks of life, but were forced to live like bums. They were even professional men, doctors and lawyers, etc. Stan Chute was working for Cockshutt Plow at this time. Their next stop was Kelowna, B.C. in Okanogan Valley where they visited with Clarence and Evie Chute (Lee and Lottie Chute�s son). Their children were entertained by Clarence and his well trained horse. They also were delighted to ride some of the horses on the ranch. Clarence was a real Canadian Cowboy, and told of his spring and fall cattle roundup in the valley. He was an expert horseman. They then traveled to Vancouver where they visited with Lee and Lottie Chute in New Westminster, B.C., a suburb of Vancouver and several members of their family. Lee and Stan Chute married sisters, Lottie and Muriel Blair.
It was a memorable trip for their young family, David 3, Patty 8 and Delores 11, and they will never forget the western hospitality they received from all the Chute clan."
Letter from Alvinzie Brackett Chute to George M. Chute, Jr.
R. F. D. 4Received your letter this week and I am glad to send you any information I have on Chute genealogy. I began with my grandfather Edwin Chute, then my father, Josiah Chute. I do not have much data on my Chute aunts uncle and aunts and their families. If I have not made it clear, feel free to write again and ask about it.
If you write to Mrs. Elva Brock Hazelton of West Paris, Maine, she would be able to tell you more about her mother (Addie Chute Brock) and the other children of Edwin Chute.
Hope you have good luck in tracing down statistics.
Sincerely,Letter from Ray Douglas Chute to George M. Chute, Jr.
Oct. 15, 1959Am enclosing information you asked for. Am not positive about mother's dates as I was quite young when she died, but will check and forward it to you.
None of our boys are married yet. In case you have not our dates, I am enclosing this too:
Ray Douglas Chute, March 28, 1904
Claire Charpentier Chute, April 30, 1906
Married: July 31, 1932
Am very much interested in this family book and would like to purchase one, if possible.
Thank you for your trouble and interest. We are interested and would like to get to know you. We would like to have you visit us if you happen to be out this way sometime.
Claire and Ray D. Chute
Attachment: Chute Family Data Worksheet
[Note: The worksheet (August, 1961) and letter (October 15, 1959) have two different dates on them. The worksheet evidently was attached to another letter.]
Letters from Maxwell Chute to George M. Chute, Jr.
Berwick, N.S.Your interesting letter received and I have filled out the form, which I hope will be satisfactory. I might add, the children of Zephina are all married and some have children. The same with the two girls of Frank. However, they not now carryiing the name of Chute, I presume you do not require that information. If you should desire the same, I will be pleased to obtain it for you.
Regarding my own children, Robert, after being discharged from the Army, purchased his grandfather Owen's farm and is now farming. Donald is an electrician. Doris is a registered nurse.
Guilford Chute is still in excellent health for a man of his years and is still able to talk long and loud on socialism.
When you were in this Province, were you able to get in contact with Percy Richardson Chute? Percy was collecting data on the Chute family prior to enlisting in the Overseas Army. However, I don't think he has done anything further with the matter since his discharge. He is now married and living at Kingston, N.S. He could be of considerable help to you.
Hoping this is of some assistance to you, I am,
Yours truly,Replying to your letter of Feb 13
I have filled in the omissions in your enclosed list of Chute names as well as I am able. However, as far as Carol Chute is concerned I am very sketchy. She was married to a Jack LaVesque and had twins. I have no recollection or record of their names or birthdays. Later, Carol and her husband became divorced. Since, she married another whose name I cannot recall. I know that they have two children, single births. From what I can find out, they are now living in Arizona. If you wish further information, I would suggest that you wrote to her mother, Frank�s widow. Her address is: Mrs. F.F. Chute, 452 Athlone St., Ottawa, Canada. However, I am told that Minnie is living this winter with Carol, still the above address will reach her as Carl is living at home.
You may have the information of the death of Raymond Croft Chute in April 1958. Raymond�s son Harley is married and has several children. If you have no record of them I could obtain it for you. Also, Geo. E. Chute has an [illegible] son Edward who married in July, �64 and has at least one child. If you should wish I could find out about him. Perhaps you have been in touch with Percy R. Chute as he would have supplied you with such facts.
So you are retiring from teaching. I hope that you have a sufficient hobby to do, as it is one of the worst things to happen to a man, to quit work and have nothing to do. Your occupation is different from mine. A farmer retires if he is unable to work or dies.
Becoming 70 years old is a doubtful thing to be celebrating. However, it has some compensation. All persons here in Canada on reaching their 69th birthday last year automatically receive $75.00 Social Security per month regardless of their income. By 1970, the age limit will be 65.
We are well, though [illegible] at home, as we have my wife�s father living with us. He is in his 95th year. Though physically well his mind has about gone.
If there is anything further that I can do please let me know.
Yours,Letter from Paul Revere Chute to George M. Chute, Jr.
Nashua, N.H.Please accept my apology for not answering your letter before this.
As I have no records of the Chute clan, I have had to answer your questions mostly from memory. I have no records of my father's age or birthplace. I think he was born in Goffstown, N.S. If you care to contact my brother Ray Chute he may be able to help you. I think he had the old family bible from my father's things when he died. He possibly can give you the names of the children of William Chute, Fred Chute and Arthur Chute which I cannot recall at this time.
I am employed as a Jr. Chemist at Johns-Manville Manufacturing here at Nashua, N.H.
Hoping I have not caused you too much delay in being so slow in replying to your letter. If I can dig up any more information in the near future which may be of help to you I will pass it along.
Sincerely,Obituary, Bessie Leland Chute
ELLSWORTH - Bessie Leland Chute, 100, died Dec. 28, 2009, in Ellsworth. She was born Oct. 22, 1909, in Trenton, the daughter of Woodbury and Sadie (Somes) Leland. Bessie attended Trenton schools and Bar Harbor High School. She married her first husband, Hollis Garland, in 1942. Later she married Paul Chute, and spent many happy years traveling, visiting friends and family until his death in 1996. She was a member of Union Congregational Church, Ellsworth Falls and their mother's club. She worked at Allen's Blueberry plant, as a seamstress for Eastman's Dress Shop, and worked briefly as a chambermaid and hairdresser. Her home was her life where she enjoyed needlework, cooking, tending her flower garden and placing fresh flowers on her table daily. Bessie is survived by a special nephew, Paul Chute and wife, Kathy, of Ashburnham, Mass.; several cousins including, Vernice Young, wife of the late Richard D. Young of Bar Harbor; and many close friends, Mary Bedard, Ada Woodman and Ann Black, all of Ellsworth. She was predeceased by her parents; brother, Edward; and loving husbands, Hollis, in 1969 and Paul, in 1996. Spring interment will be announced by the family. Contributions in Bessie's memory may be made to Union Congregational Church of Ellsworth Falls, UCC, P.O. Box 635, Ellsworth, ME 04605. Condolences may be expressed at
Published in BDN Maine on December 29, 2009
Data on Dorothy was submitted by Edna May (Young) Wilson in her Chute Family Data Worksheet. However, the data is questionable and confusing for several reasons: Edna wrote that Dorothy was born in 1917 and yet was adopted by "by T.A. & L. D. Young" (which would be Thomas Alexander Fulton Young and Luretta Dean Chute Young) in 1911, 6 years before her date of birth. Either Edna is confusing Dorothy with another child, or has the date wrong. The other issue of note is that Edna records this daughter with the name "Dorothy Arlene Young", and being born in 1917, three years prior to the wedding date of Charles Howard Wilson and Edna May Young. The most likely explanation for this is that Dorothy was born out of wedlock, and was not the daughter of Charles Howard Wilson. Before accepting this as correct, official records confirming this birth and adoption would be helpful.
"Born in Bridgetown, N.S., Sept. 1, 1855; married Emma, daughter of John and Sarah Ward, May 26, 1880, and lived in Lynn, Mass.; he died there Sept. 6, 1885, and the widow lives with her father in Truro, N.S."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.185
"Born Feb. 2, 1853; married Irene Chute, his father's cousin, by Rev. J.M. Parker, Oct. 4, 1874; and live in "Virginia", in Clements, Annapolis Co."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.185
"Born in Otisfield, near Bolster's Mills, Sept. 18, 1850; married Lunetta, daughter of Lewis G. Brackett, Jan. 1, 1879; live in Harrison; farmers."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.183
"Born near Naples, Nov. 30, 1854; married Melissa D. Lewis, Dec. 20, 1881 and live with his father and mother in Harrison."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.183
Biographical Sketch
Quincy was the son of Franklin Augustine Chute of Otisfield, Oxford County, Maine and Elizabeth Jones Hall Chute of Maine. Elizabeth and Franklin were married on 24 September 1853. Elizabeth and Franklin had two children. They were: Quincy Mayberry Chute was born on 30 November 1854 in Naples, Cumberland County, Maine; and Cora Bell Chute was born on 14 September 1863 in Maine.
Quincy married Melissa Dresser Lewis on 20 December 1881 in Harrison, Cumberland County, Maine. Melissa and Quincy had five children. They were: Blanche A. Chute was born in August 1882; Roland Hollis Chute was born on 17 April 1885; Walter Delmont Chute was born on 31 May 1891 in Harrison, Cumberland County, Maine; Philip A. Chute was born on 29 March 1893; and Helen Myra Chute was born on 29 April 1900.
Source: See Source for link.
"Born Oct. 7, 1851; married Inez Florence, daughter of Vernon Miles, Sept. 17. 1873, in Templeton, Mass; moved to Winchendon, 1881, and is station agent for the Boston and Albany railroad."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.183
"Born near Naples, Me., Nov. 13, 1843; married Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Esther (Mann) Staples Dec. 1866; Raymond, Cumberland Co., Me. Mr. Chute died Oct. 4, 1873; she married 2nd, Luther L., son of George W. Longley, of Waterford, Oxford Co., July 3, 1876; and live on the same place. Mr. Longly [sic] married 1st, Sophia L. Butler, Jan. 1, 1868, and had Leon M., Born Oct 27, 1869, 2nd Saida A., born Aug. 23, 1872. Mrs. Longley died Sept. 26, 1874, aged thirty-four."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.182
"Born Apr. 8, 1851; married Mary6, daughter of Solomon5 and Martha (Bayless) Foster, son of Capt. Solomon4 and Polly (Peak) Foster (Joseph3, John
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.181
"Born in Carthage, Me. April 19, 1845; married Martha Ann, daughter of Harvey Freeman, May 10, 1868; she died Oct. 8, 1879, aged thirty-two. He is a merchant at Waldoboro, Me."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.181.
"Born below Hampton, N.S., September 1855; married Jessie A., daughter of John Eber Chute (186) Nov. 24, 1888, and live on the Bay Shore, near Phinney Cove, farmers."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.179.
"Born below Hampton, N.S., Dec. 24, 1851; m. Sophia Oikle, December 1979; is a farmer and fisherman; two miles below Hampton Bay of Fundy shore."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.179.
"Born May 24, 1858; married Idella Randolph, 1879."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.178.
"Born on Campobello Island, N.B., July 2, 1856; married Paphena Thurber, 1880."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.178.
"Born near Hampton, N.S., Nov 12, 1863; married Georgiana Hauszer, Sept. 1882, and live at Mattapan, near Milton, a part of Boston; carpenter."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.178.
"Born at Hampton, N.S., Feb. 5, 1862; married Armina Cook, November 1888 and live on the Bay Shore, near Hampton."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.178.
"Born Nov. 3, 1857; married Ella, daughter of Robert Beveridge, of Brookville, Digby Co., Dec. 24, 1883; and live at Beaver River, Yarmouth Co., N.S."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.177.
"Born at Barrington, Shelburne Co., N.S., Nov. 3, 1850, married Sarah, daughter of John Cook, Feb. 20, 1872; she died Oct. 13, 1874; aged twenty-six; he married, 2nd, Martha, daughter of Jacob Hagan, June 6, 1878; she died Feb. 29, 1884; aged thirty. Live at Lockport, Shelburne Co."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.177.
"Born in Bayham, Ont., Sept. 9, 1853; married Marietta Bishop, Aug. 1, 1882, and live at Bear River, N.S.; he is a great raiser and mover of buildings, vessels, etc."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.176.
"Born at Swampscott, Mass. Aug. 26, 1854; is a singer and a musician, and since 1890 a piano tuner in Boston; married Clara S., daughter of J.F. Keating, in Boston, June 2, 1886."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.176.
"Born in Bayham, Ont., Nov. 29, 1858; married Jo Stella, daughter of William Taylor, M.D. of Des Moines, Ia., Dec 23, 1884, and is a machinist near Chicago."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.174.
"Born in Bayham, Ont., July 30, 1859; after learning to be a baker and confectioner under William J. Bond in St. Thomas, he married Bertha Kate, daughter of Elisha and Cynthia McConnell, in Malahide, Oct. 13, 1886, and live in Aberdeen, Brown Co., S.D."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.174.
"Born in Bayham, Ont., Feb. 10. 1847; married Hannah, daughter of John Murray and Hannah (Showers) Markle, Apr. 24, 1867, in Malahide, Ont., lived in Bayham several years; but since 1880, he bought and occupied the Reuben Brundage farm, 2nd concession of Malahide, near Bayham, and is there an industrious, prosperous farmer."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.172-173.
"Born in Carradoc, Middlesex Co., Ont. April 29, 1851; lived with his parents in Minnesota and Arkansas, twelve years; married Ella, daughter of William Straight, De. 25, 1876, and lived eight or ten years at or near Hillsborough, Vernon Co., Wis., then went to Green Co., Ill. A farmer."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.172.
"Born in Malahide, Sept. 24, 1853; married Elizabeth D. King, Dec. 10, 1873 and live in Aylmer."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.169.
i. Emery, b. Oct. 22, 1875.
ii. Ezra, b. April 9, 1877.
iii. William, b. Mar. 23, 1S7S.
iv. James Eber, b. Sept. 29, 1879.
v. Rosa May, b. May 4, 1881.
vi. John, b. Oct. 14, 1883.
vii. Lurinda M., b. Feb. 20, 1886.
viii. Lillie Jane, b. Dec. 30, 1887.
ix. Gilbert, b. Oct. 15, 1890.
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.169.
"Born in Bayham, Ont., May 19, 1852; married Eliza Ann, daughter of Jarvis Frazer of Springfield, Ont., Sept. 4, 1876, and lives on a one hundred acre farm in Malahide, that his father bought in 1843."
Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. p.168.