Chute Family Notes: Notes 30-496 through 40-502

Note    N496          Index
"Was a resolute, energetic workman, trader and merchant at Bear River. He was drowned in the Bay of Fundy, near St. John, Ontario, October 11, 1840. His death inspired the following poem, penned by a "C.E.W", most likely William E. Chute himself:

There was a man of good repute
Known far and wide as Nelson Chute;
His home was in Bear River town,
A place quite famous for renown.
For labor, honor, justice, truth,
He ever was a noted youth;
And as a merchant he did gain
Some wealth by trading on the main.

So, on the Bay of Fundy, he
Had started for St. John, N. B.
On board the Robert laden grand
And James T. Hinxman in command.
When near St. John a strong breeze blew
That called up all the vessel's crew;
When by the gybing of main boom,
Poor Nelson found a watery tomb.

His wife for him did sad lament,
Because her heart was sorely rent,
But he had gone to his reward
T'appear before his blessed Lord;
And there, where all things are arranged
(For God's decrees cannot be changed),
We hope to see him in that land
With all the blest at God's right hand.



Note    N497         Index
"Had a house burnt Mar 22, 1842, with Amelia Harris, daughter of George, Naomi Harris, daughter of Stephen and Statira Yarrigle, daughter of Charles, in it."


Note    N498         Index
"Killed by a limb of a tree falling on him."


Note    N499         Index

"A pious young man, and, at the time of his death, was W.P. of the Sons of Temperance."


Note    N30-500         Back to Index        Back to Deacon Andrew Chute and Olive Woodworth Chute.

Notes on Andrew Chute and Olive Woodworth Chute:

"Born in Granville, N. S., Sept. 15, 1789; taken 1801, to Bear River by his parents; married, by Rev. Edward Manning in Cornwallis, King Co., Olive, daughtr of Eleazer Woodworth, Feb. 17, 1814, and lived in Clements, a mile and a half from Bear River bridge; one of the most pious, honest, industrious and generous men of the century. His school teacher in youth was William Carr; his singing teacher was Captain Dean, a pupil of William Billings of Boston, studying the books, Worcester Collection, Village Harmony, Northern Harmony and Stephen Humbert's Union Harmony. Thus by persistent effort he became a good singer, leader and teacher, and also composed about forty church tunes. He claimed to "experience religion " under the preaching of Rev. John Saxton, and was baptized by Rev. Enoch Townes in 1810, joining the Baptist church in Clements.

He was appointed deacon about 1821, and soon after licensed to preach, which he continued to do off and on 'till he was seventy years of age. He often preached the gospel to the poor and needy in back settlements, and taught singing during winter evenings. He maintained a constant correspondence with friends and wrote (f)or the religious papers. For several years, between 1850 and 1860, he was involved in controversy with Rev. Israel Rise, on the Millerite doctrine*. His wife, too, was a great worker, a weaver and a good Christian woman. He sold his farm in Clements in the spring of 1841, to George Troop, and September 13, left Bear River for Boston on the schooner Wave, Captain Joel McDormand, thence by rail to Providence, R. L, and Stollington, Ct., thence to New York and Albany by steamboat, and through the Erie Canal to Buffalo, thence to Port Rowan, Upper Canada, on a schooner commanded by Captain John Redding. From there they moved twenty-five miles in wagons, northwest of Port Burwell into Malahide, and in January, 1842, bought one hundred acres of Captain John McIntyre in the township of Bayham, where he became a prosperous farmer, charitable to the poor. His house was the resort of Christian ministers and pilgrims of all denominations. In the summer of 1851, he went back to Nova Scotia and in the fall brought back with them Mrs. Chute's aged mother and youngest sister. Deacon Chute died at home, happy in the Lord Jesus, Feb. 17, 1862; his wife followed Jan. 18, 1864, in her sixty-eighth year."

Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894. Pages 58-61

* NOTE: The Millerite Doctrine was an apocalyptic movement named after a New York farmer, William Miller (1782-1849). After three fixed dates came and went without the return of Jesus many defected from the movement, but not before it had attracted a huge number of converts. Their passionate belief in the imminent apocalypse led many of them to denounce established Churches and their clergy and members as "harlots", and "agents of Babylon" - or worse. Deacon Andrew Chute, as a deacon in the Baptist Church at this time, would have been one of the victims of this denunciation. It is uncertain whether the name "Israel Rise" of his adversary was a birth or adopted name, given his beliefs. Despite their failed predictions, the Millerite movement did establish itself as a faith, and is seen today in both the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witnesses and, sadly, the Branch Davidians, which was involved in the disaster in Waco, Texas under David Koresh - (19 April 1993), the repercussions of which continue today, in the Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah building on April 19, 1995.

The dates predicted during this time were March 21, 1843 (possibly covering a one-year period of March 21, 1843, to March 24, 1844.) Another fixed date was April 3, 1843 and a third, April 18, 1844. The fourth date set was October 22, 1844. Andrew's recorded dispute with the Reverend Israel Rise would have occurred after these dates. When he refers to "the enemy" in the letter below, he may in fact be referring to Israel Rise, but that is not definitive. Certainly, this explains his comment "the end is not yet" as he describes the growing unrest in Europe.


Port Burwell, April 11th 1859
Ontario, Canada
"Dear Alfred,

I wrote you a short time ago, I gave you an account of our affairs, and something of the state of religion among us, but since that time things appear to wear a more cheering aspect, our meetings have been followed up for about a fortnight almost every night, or afternoon, & much good has accrued, the church has awakened and arisen in a a great measure to take a stand on the Lord's side, We have had 3 baptisms, the first was Wm. Phillips' wife, the second was Wm. Haggan. Ellen Hankinson and Lovena McConnel and yesterday Ammonella Chute*, Mill Hill who lives at Mr. Phillips at the gulley, and a daughter of Wm. Lyons was baptized. Wm Chute has united with us, he was baptized a number of years ago in Nova Scotia, our meetings are quite interesting, more or less manifest a desire to be prayed for every evening meeting. I understand that 12 were to be prayed for last evening, hence you see the Lord is working salvation in our midst, and we are glad. I have seldom heard Deakon Haskinson speak, pray so, he is all alive, but the majority appear to be too fickle, being guided by their fumes and feelings. You see them once in their place and then you know not where to find them. It annoys the elder so, to see so little consistency, that the other night when he gave out the next meeting, the wished sinners to come but not many of the Christians, except they came to labour, hence you see it is quite a task to get Christians to act consistent. A week ago last Thursday afternoon at a meeting, after the elder had spoken, as quick as he had done, Charles McConnell rose and spoke quite alive, but poor Charles had a tired time of it afternoons. The enemy came in and told him he had killed the meeting: he went home and told it to John Haggans; he cried and said he'd dilled the meeting, but not so, as quick as Charles had done, another was up, and so it went, like fire.

*(There are several Armonella Chute's he could be referring to; this is the most likely suspect.)

This was the day that George has moved back from Acton to Vienna, to his old place, his son_________was baptized and came sometimes before___________. There has been quite a number of the youth baptized and joined the Bayham Church. Oliver Sibley, Thomas Hollymead, 2 of Deacon McDermand's sons, 4 of M. White's family, 3 of McDownwell's family, Joseph McDermand and his sister, Sarah Anon. Several of old Thomas McDermand's family, Henry Dakins, and a number of otheres I do not know. Also from Port Rouser up to Malahide, and out to Richmond where Ed Hall lives, a number has been added to the churches. Hence we see the Lord is gathering in his elect. Accounts from the East tell the same story.

I got a copy of the Register from Grand Aligne, giving very good accounts of the cause of truth in that quarter. Father Chiniguere's visit appears to have had a remarkable influence on the Catholics in that quarter; while we are helped with the gospel of salvation, other parts of the earth appear to be on the eve of a bloody and ruinous war. Europe appears to shew, or manifest a threatening aspect, and I think probably before 3 months hostilities will have commenced, as the emperor of Austria appears to be animated by a warlike spirit and ready to head his army himself in order to gain the laurals of fame.** But it will be in vain for him or any other tyrant, when the time comes for their downfall, the Lord will dash his enemies one against another till they shall be destroyed. The comet last fall***, which was a indication of war, as has been always allowed--but we shall see by and by. We read that we shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet. The vial poured out upon the seat of the beast will accomplish God's purposes and bring about His design, perhaps for opening up the way for the spread of the gospel. So it appears to be all over the world, the gosel of truth is spreading far and wide.

(**Andrew's powers of prediction are impressive here - he predicts 3 months; the Austrian - French - Italian war which was considered the first success in the Italian struggle for independence began in a little over two. The Battle of Solferino, (June 24, 1859), the last engagement of the second War of Italian Independence was fought in Lombardy between an Austrian army and a Franco-Piedmontese army and resulted in the annexation of most of Lombardy by Sardinia-Piedmont, thus contributing to the unification of Italy. The former Republic of Venice would be annexed later, and this war marked the final days of the strength of the Papal States, sending the Pope into exile within the Vatican in 1870 under King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy. He would later be "freed" by Mussolini, although restricted to set boundaries within Rome. The loss of life in the Battle of Solferino was so great that this war inspired Henri Dunant to lead the movement to establish the International Red Cross.)

(***Andrew is referring to Donati's comet, the first comet to be photographed, and, from all descriptions, a remarkably brilliant and impressive comet, with no less than two tails, and visible to the naked eye in the fall of 1858. It was first discovered by astronomer Giovanni Donati in June of 1858, and is still widely considered to be one of the brightest comets in history.)

Your Mother is sometimes unwell from a heavy cold she took some time ago, but she keeps about, sometimes grunting and panting like sometimes out. Today she is engaged in moving with my help the bed and bedstead back to its former place in the old bedroom, where we used to sleep. Freeman and Elizabeth have moved into the old house and we are at home again, and have the house again at our command, and under our control. I have found out that one house is not big enough for two families even if they are too large for one, because it is hardly fit for two rulers to have rule in one house. And you know that some are of that turn that no way will serve but their own. I have often thought of Milton's Satan, who had rather rule in hell than serve in heaven; when I see you I will give you an explanation.

George Chute came back from Acton an excluded member. It appears that with one cause and another he got into difficulty with them, that is, the Acton church. When they found that he had implicated some of them, they as a family compact pounced on to him, but he being naturally of an active mind he brought accusation against them that the most honest among them acknowledged to be truth. But they being many and he one, they excommunicated him to get rid of him, but I think little to their honor, from the writings he brought back with him. But not having given in his letter to the Acton church which he had aided in getting up, gathering together, as the church had its visibility, there was no necessity for giving in his letter so he kept it and gave it back to the church which gave it to him. Under existing circumstances, received him, so he is now a member of the Bayham Union Church. George wishes to know what it was you told the Wardens concerning him, as they told him you said it was a pity they had made George a deacon as they would be likely to have trouble.

... Strong indication of prosperity appears among us, you will be likely to hear more e'er long according as circumstances may require. So farewell.

We made about 650 lbs of sugar and between 3 and 4 pails of molasses. We might have made a considerable more if we had gone and started the trees anew, as some people made a considerable of sugar and molasses. Though last week the sap ran very rapidly, but we had got to work plowing and sowing, and did not care to atttend to it. We have sowed about 8 1/2 bushels of wheat and have about 41 1/2 bushels left of dried wheat. Our winter wheat looks quite promising so far and should the weather become favorable vegetation will soon come forward, and the creatures will get grass. But we must take it as it comes.

Yesterday morning I got a letter from Ariel P. Chute from Massachusetts. He writes that he wants to come and see us and see Canada west. But his circumstances will not admit of it, without the strictest economy, but he seems to manifest a mind that sooner or later he will come and see us.

I go up to the meetings more than half the times, and I go to labour and bear a part with my brethren as the cause of God requires. Tonight I expect to go. Last night I went home and did not stay the evening as it so looked like rain and it did rain plentifully through the night. So I conclude, wishing you all grace, mercy, and peace, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

From your friend and father,
Andrew Chute

I have got a heavy cold too, both in my stomach and head, write again soon. Direct your letters to Port Burwell.

April 12th -- Yesterday a young man named James Martin , a nephew of our James Martin, come into liberty. He lives at James McConnell's the Elder was there at the time, so there is one new born, last night he got up and told it in the meeting. Moses Prunday's (?) widow was received last night for baptism. We hope that more will come before Sunday to go forward or in name. This young Martin married Elijah Saxton's daughter last winter, she eloped with him to be married."

Letter written by Deacon Andrew Chute to son Alfred Chute, 11 April 1859, in the possession of David Mace, transcription courtesy of David Mace and Frederick Stephen (Steve) Chute.

Note    N30-501         Back to Index        Back to Captain Andrew H. Harris and Sarah Ann Chute Harris.

Notes on Captain Andrew H. Harris and Sarah Ann Chute Harris:

"Lived at Bear River; a farmer, merchant and vessel owner. He built two vessels, schooner Susanna and brig Matilda, which were run many years across the Bay of Fundy to the West Indies and the states, Captain Harris was a justice, a freemason and a useful member of society. He died at home August 23, 1880, aged 65 years, 8 months. The widow soon after went to Swampscott, Mass., and lived with her eldest daughter, Susanna Webb, including two or three visits in Ontario and Nova Scotia, and in June, 1S92, she crossed the "Rockies" to Vancouver where she is stopping with her second daughter, Matilda Short."

Source: Chute, William Edward. A Genealogy and History of the Chute Family in America: With Some Account of the Family in Great Britain and Ireland, with an Account of Forty Allied Families Gathered from the Most Authentic Sources. Salem, Massachusetts, 1894

Obituary of Sarah Ann Chute Harris, transcribed and annotated by Beecher L. Haggan; sent to George M. Chute, Jr., Jan 1960

"Mrs. Sarah Ann Harris, widow of Andrew H. Harris, died at the residence of her daughter, 55 Pine Street, on Saturday night at 10:20.

She was stricken on last Monday with paralysis. In the year of 1893 she had a shock while returning from the World's Fair. Since that time she has (not) enjoyed good health. Mrs. Harris was born in Bear River, Annapolis county, N.S., May 18, 1818. Here she lived until the death of her husband, which occurred about 21 years ago. Then she came to Swampscott, where she has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Susannah H. Webb. She has been long a member of the Baptist denomination, and while here was an earnest member of the Bethany Baptist Church. She also leaves another daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Short, in Vancouver, B.C. The family genealogy, which has been compiled with great care by the deceased, her daughter, Mrs. Webb, and William E. Chute, is of much value and interest. On both sides of the house there is a long line which dates back to the Governor John Winthrop party from England to this country. On her father's side, Lionel Chute landed in one of the Governor's parties of pilgrims in Salem, and settled in Ipswich.

On her mother's side she was a descendant of Walter Woodworth, who also came to this country in one of these parties of pilgrims, landing here in the year 1630. The family have always had a reputation of great learning and Christian piety, and have been consulted on matters of genealogy by many persons of national reputation. The author of "The Old Oaken Bucket" was a Woodworth of this line.

Among the historical facts of the family it is recounted that the family in the time of the Revolution were royalists and removed to Nova Scotia during that period. William E. Chute, who is an uncle of Mrs. Webb, and who was an authority on genealogy, served during the Civil War and participated in Gen. Sherman's march to the sea, where he was injured for the rest of his life, having died last September at Chicago, where he went to attend the G.A.R. encampment of the State of Illinois. He has resided in Swampscott many years."

Comment by Beecher Leslie Haggan: "Copy of an old newspaper clipping found in a scrap-book which at one time belonged to Mrs. Roger McConnell of Nova Scotia Street, Malahide Township, County of Elgin, Prov. of Ontario, Canada. This obituary was obviously taken from the local paper in Swampscott Mass. the year following the death of Wm. E. Chute, probably about 1901.

We know nothing about the family of William E. Chute, or where he was buried, but came across this clipping a short time ago. He is probably buried in Swampscott, Mass. My wife, after a series of calculations which are beyond my feeble powers of comprehension, came up with the date 1901 as the probable year of his death.

Additional comment by Jacqueline Chute: I transcribed Beecher's comment as written, but am quite sure he meant to write, "...came up with the date 1901 as the probable year of HER (meaning Sarah Chute Harris's) death", as William Edward Chute's date of death in 1900 is well documented.


Note    N502         Index
Notes on Thomas Augustus Webb and Susannah Harris Webb: "Lived at Swampscott, Mass., over twenty years. For the benefit of his health and a change of climate they went to live in St. Thomas, Elgin Co., Ont., where he died Feb. 15, 1886, aged 54 years, 4 months. He was brought home and buried at Swampscott, where his widow still lives."

From a letter dated 9 JUN 1958, written by Nellie Grace McConnell Hoebeke to George Maynard Chute, Jr.:

"And have you [recorded] the niece [of "Uncle Bill" - that would be William Edward Chute] Mrs. Susannah Webb of Swamscott (sic) Mass - long dead? She came to visit us in Michigan in 1903 & snored so loud she could be heard a block ... so we christened her "Aunt Hosanna".

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