And Genforum's
Lawrence County
Query Forum
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Kentucky Native American Information
"Hello! and an old-fashioned
southern "Welcome!" to our Lawrence County, Kentucky genealogy and history
site. Come on in, sit a spell...take your shoes off and get comfortable.
Our aim is to make your visit here reminiscent of a cool lemonade in the
summer, to help you quench your thirst for more knowledge about your
Eastern Kentucky ancestors and in particular your Lawrence County Kentucky ancestors.
If you have ties
to Lawrence County Kentucky, we know it holds a special place in your heart as
it does in ours.
this site for materials to be added constantly. We have some very big plans for
many resources to help you in your search for your roots in Lawrence County.
And remember,
you're always welcome here.....we aim to make your time spent here the
next best thing to a real visit to Lawrence County.
On the hill to the top
left of this picture is a Shannon graveyard. This
farm belongs to
a member of Laura's family living near Louisa, Larwrence County, Kentucky.
Photo courtesy of Laura Brown McKenzie 1983.
This is the companion site to the list
[email protected]. To subscribe
to this list send the word SUBSCRIBE to
[email protected]
Doc Burgess's house on HW 23- in Lawrence County, Kentucky. Photo courtesy of Sharon Young Jebavy 2000.
About us:
For Sharon, Lawrence County is synonimous with one word - home.
She was born in Columbus, Ohio when her dad rivited the wings on Hell
Diver airplanes in WWII and was six weeks old when the war was over and
the family came back home to Lawrence County, to Georges Creek.
Laura's dad was born
and raised in Louisa, Lawrence County, Kentucky. Her mother lived
around the corner from his parents house and
met him at Dee's. Members of Laura's family still live in and near Louisa.
Both Sharon and Laura have been researching their families since 1976.
Sharon's Young Pages
Sharon's Lawrence County Youngs
Laura's Homepages
Sharon's YAHOO id is YoungLamont
Laura's ICQ # is 65383849
Laura's YAHOO id is
You can reach Sharon and Laura at [email protected]
The Johnson County Kentucky USGenWeb page has many resources pertaining to Lawrence
County families. Give them a visit at
Johnson County Kentucky Genealogy and History
We Plan to Attend
Reunion 2002 researching Eastern Ky and WV Family Trees XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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